DBWG :: Volume #21

#2104: Slaughters the dragon grave

Entire Slaughtering Dragon City, the population are most, naturally is one Yuan tribulation Dragon Warrior. 整个杀戮龙城,人数最多的,当然是一元劫龙武者 Is upward, the population are less. 越是往上,人数就越少。 And, Dragon Warrior of one Yuan tribulations and two meter tribulations, occupied entire Slaughtering Dragon City most, all Five Great Dragon City also basically are so. 其中,一元劫和两仪劫的龙武者,占据了整个杀戮龙城大半,所有的五大龙城也基本上都是如此。 This is the Five Great Dragon City strength for new life. 这是五大龙城的新生力量。 In the middle of Slaughtering Dragon City, Cultivator of one Yuan tribulations and two meter tribulations, lives in young dragon palace middle. Similar to the newborn is treated equally, Cultivator of this strength, basically will acknowledge as teacher to practice in the middle of the young dragon palace, until has shouldered the twofold disaster finally, arrives at three boundary of tribulation, can leave the young dragon palace. 杀戮龙城当中,一元劫和两仪劫的者,居住在‘幼龙宫’当中。如同新生儿一样被对待,这种实力的者,基本上会在幼龙宫当中拜师修行,直到最终扛过两重劫难,到达三才劫之境,才能离开幼龙宫。 After leaving the young dragon palace, can use the independent status, Cultivate, the wanderer, carries out the Slaughtering Dragon City task. 离开幼龙宫后,就可以用独立的身份,修炼,闯荡,执行杀戮龙城的任务。 Three Reincarnation Calamity Realm Dragon Warrior is quite free, but the authority is not big, Cultivator of more this level will choose to go out to carry out the task, obtains the merit and reward. 三才轮回劫境龙武者比较自由,但权力不大,更多这个层次的者会选择出外执行任务,获得功绩和报酬。 But Slaughtering Dragon City, the most legitimate army, in fact must to crossing four likely tribulations, is qualified for participating. 杀戮龙城当中,最正统的军队,实际上要到渡过四象劫之后,才有资格参加。 For example protects Slaughtering Dragon City blood Dragon Jun. 比如说守护杀戮龙城的血龙军。 For example guards Heaven Blood Hell Dragon Tomb Army. 比如说驻守天血地狱龙墓军 In other words, the Dragon Tomb Army standard, the lowest rank is four looks like Reincarnation Calamity Realm, is equal to 72 god old city majority of few City Lord strengths, no matter blood Dragon Jun or Dragon Tomb Army, other regiments, are the Slaughtering Dragon City elite corps. 也就是说,龙墓军的标准,最低级别都是四象轮回劫境,相当于72神裔古城大部分少城主的实力,不管是血龙军还是龙墓军,还有其他军团,都是杀戮龙城的精英战队。 Swallow Dragon City black Yan Jun, is the homogeneous type. 吞噬龙城的黑阎军,也是同种类型。 Joins to the Dragon City regiment, can obtain a better safeguard and welfare, resistance stronger match, can obtain more advantage, these young dragon Cultivate, is in order to joins the Dragon City regiment very much diligently, the duty that for example my Dragon Tomb Army, must carry out is few, is quite idle, but can actually be surpassed the Cultivate resources of many people, is the object who young Dragon Men envies!” “加入到龙城的军团当中,可以得到更好的保障和福利,对抗更强的对手,也能得到更多的好处,那些‘幼龙’们很努力修炼,都是为了能够加入龙城的军团,比如说我龙墓军,所要执行的任务很少,相当清闲,但却能得到超过许多人的修炼资源,也是幼龙们羡慕的对象啊!” All the way Meng Qingqiu talked endlessly introduced the Slaughtering Dragon City mechanism to Long Chen. 孟清秋一路上喋喋不休的向龙辰介绍杀戮龙城的机制。 Dragon Tomb Army is very formidable, is also similar compared with blood Dragon Jun. Our commands named Tianmu Emperor. Also is the fearful master who gossips the Reincarnation level, although is inferior to Blood Dragon Emperor Xue Chi, but also differs is not far. Under the command, many Seven Star Reincarnation dragon grave generals, each dragon grave general commands three Commander, I am Commander. A dragon grave general, controls Heaven Blood Hell, I with another two Commander, assist our dragon grave general together, controls that Heaven Blood Hell.” 龙墓军很强大,比起血龙军也差不多。我们的统帅名为‘天幕皇’。也是八卦轮回层次的可怕高手,虽然不如血龙皇血炽,但也相差不远了。统帅之下,还有诸多七星轮回的龙墓将军,每一名龙墓将军统领三个都尉,我就是其中一名都尉。一个龙墓将军,掌控一座天血地狱,我和另外两位都尉,共同协助我们的龙墓将军,掌控那一座天血地狱。” Listened to his such saying, Heaven Blood Hell probably to have several. 听他这么一说,天血地狱好像应该有十几座。 Quick, they arrived at outside bloodshed, Meng Qingqiu hey said with a smile: Look, that Heaven Blood Hell, in the most deep place of this bloodshed, my this leads you to go.” 很快,他们已经到了外面的血海,孟清秋嘿嘿笑道:“看吧,那天血地狱,就在这血海的最深处,我这就带你进去。” He took the lead in breaking the blood wave, Long Chen follows him also to attack, immediately that boundless blood revolved to come, as if had the innumerable hates to neigh, Long Chen separated these blood hastily, looks up, Meng Qingqiu bathed in the middle of the bloodshed, like a fish in water, ten shares received, whatever the bloody water passed over gently and swiftly his body. 他带头破开血浪,龙辰跟随着他也冲击了起来,顿时那无边的血液围绕而来,其中仿佛有无数的怨恨在嘶叫,龙辰连忙将那些血液隔开,抬头一看,孟清秋沐浴在血海当中,如鱼得水,十分享受,任凭血水掠过他的身体。 Ha Ha, was really too crisp!” “哈哈,真是太爽了!” Meng Qingqiu laughs to say. 孟清秋大笑道。 Really is the anomaly.” “真是变态。” Long Chen whispered at heart. 龙辰心里嘀咕道。 At this time, Meng Qingqiu continued saying: Heaven Blood Hell, in fact is Slaughtering Dragon City imprisons the place of prisoner, distinguishes the confinement area and prisoner area, the confinement area is this city disciple confinement place, guards not many, what I control with another two Commander is Heaven Blood Hell of prisoner area. Inside may detain many Expert, Heaven Blood Hell will take to their endless suffering. Let them compare to be painful. When you see Heaven Blood Hell, you knew.” 这时候,孟清秋继续道:“天血地狱呢,实际上就是杀戮龙城囚禁囚犯的地方,分别禁闭区和囚犯区,禁闭区是本城弟子禁闭的地方,守卫不多,我和另外两位都尉掌控的是囚犯区的天血地狱。里面可关押了不少的强者啊,天血地狱会带给他们无尽的折磨。让他们比死还要痛苦。等你看到天血地狱,你就知道了。” Long Chen asked: Our can Dragon Tomb Army, what make?” 龙辰问道:“那我们龙墓军,要做什么?” What makes?” “做什么?” Meng Qingqiu quack smiles, said: Heaven Blood Hell is impossible to be torn to pieces, some people will not dare to crash in Heaven Blood Hell to rescue the prisoner, therefore we are all right to do radically, basically Dragon Tomb Army is an idle difference, if you diligently, Heaven Blood Hell side has the Cultivate room to be able Cultivate, if you want to play, some innumerable Dragon Tomb Army accompany you to play, you did not leave Heaven Blood Hell in any case on the line.” 孟清秋嘎嘎笑起来,道:“天血地狱不可能会被撕破,也不会有人胆敢冲进天血地狱去解救囚犯,所以我们根本就没事可做,基本上龙墓军就是个闲差,你若是努力,天血地狱旁边有修炼室可以修炼,你若是想要玩耍,就有无数龙墓军陪你玩耍,反正你不离开天血地狱就行了。” This point and Third Dragon Emperor said almost, is makes Long Chen integrate them, moreover does not need to handle the matter. 这一点和三位龙帝说得差不多,就是让龙辰融入他们,而且根本不用做事情。 They are getting deeper and deeper. 两人越来越深。 Long Chen asked: Why can be called Dragon Tomb Army?” 龙辰问:“为何要叫做龙墓军?” Meng Qingqiu is startled, said: „Did you guess correctly? Ha Ha, in fact this is not the secret, if Dragon Tomb Army protects Heaven Blood Hell, will be impossible to endure compared with the blood Dragon Jun's status, what in fact our genuine guard will be slaughters dragon grave. Heaven Blood Hell while convenient guards. Naturally, slaughters the dragon grave basically not to have anything to occur, therefore we are very idle.” 孟清秋一怔,道:“你猜到了?哈哈,实际上这也不是秘密,如果龙墓军只是守护天血地狱的话,根本不可能会有堪比血龙军的地位,实际上我们真正守卫的是‘杀戮龙墓’。天血地狱只是顺便驻守罢了。当然,杀戮龙墓也基本上没有任何事情发生,所以我们是十分清闲的。” Long Chen nods. 龙辰点头。 Really almost guessed with him. 果然和他猜测得差不多。 Slaughters the dragon grave to have relations with that. 和那杀戮龙墓有关系。 But slaughters the dragon grave, was Long Qinglan once obtained the Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon Inherited Blood Essence place. 而杀戮龙墓,就是龙青澜曾经得到太古血灵龙传承精血的地方。 That slaughters the dragon grave, by Heaven Blood Hell?” “那杀戮龙墓,就在天血地狱旁边?” The Long Chen curious inquiry said. 龙辰好奇询问道。 This you do not need to know, knew uselessly. In fact I do not know, Ha Ha! Only then most top Expert, at least Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm, after the death, can be buried in slaughtering the dragon grave, each dragon curtain is the Five Great Dragon City most mystical place, only then after the death, can go to that place, where do I know? Heard actually your father rushed, Ha Ha, your father is Ox Cha, in the world was unable to block his place , is really enviable!” “这你就不需要知道了,知道了也没用。实际上我也不知道,哈哈!只有最顶级的强者,至少七星轮回劫境,死亡之后,才能被葬在杀戮龙墓,每个龙幕都是五大龙城最神秘的地方,只有死亡之后才能到那个地方,我哪里知道?倒是听说你父亲曾经闯进去过,哈哈,你老爹就是牛叉啊,天底下还真就没有能拦得住他的地方,真是让人羡慕啊!” Meng Qingqiu hey said with a smile, on face ugly and ferocious-looking spasm. 孟清秋嘿嘿笑道,脸上横肉抽动。 In the middle of this endless bloodshed, moved under water half double-hour probably, Long Chen finally arrived at the base, the base of this bloodshed did not have the accident, was by all kinds of skeleton stacks. 大概在这无尽的血海当中,潜行了半个时辰,龙辰才终于到达了底部,这血海的底部不出意外,是由各种各样的尸骸堆积而来。 Takes a broad view to look, the pleasant institute, unexpectedly is the skeleton. 放眼望去,入眼所及,竟然全是尸骸。 This grade of scene, quite shocks without doubt. 这等场面,无疑是相当震撼的。 Endless Corpse Qi fills the air, takes to a Long Chen fearful feeling. 无尽尸气弥漫,带给龙辰一种可怕感觉。 The majority of skeletons did not see clearly the original appearance, has the giant beast, there are other Human Clan and strange races, had the skeletons of innumerable not well-known biology, the skeleton has composed the sea, above had the innumerable blurry far Ancient Beast souls to run above. 大部分的尸骸已经看不清楚本来的面目,有巨兽,也有人族和其他古怪种族,更是有无数不知名生物的尸骸,尸骸组成了海洋,其上有无数迷糊的远古兽魂在其上奔走着。 Do not ask me, I do not know where these skeletons come.” Meng Qingqiu hey said. “别问我,我也不知道这些尸骸是哪里来的。”孟清秋嘿嘿说道。 Long Chen is only the feeling shocks very much, he does not look at these skeletons first, instead looks to, has started out a cavity in his skeleton sea, that is a gulf, is similar to the bottomless pit, the sea water of bloodshed cannot enter, inside blood fog fills the air, cannot see the deep place, a little likely is the blood red intestines, seems still wriggling, making people feel very disgustingly. 龙辰只是感觉很震撼,他先不去看那些尸骸,反而看向下方,在他脚下尸骸海洋当中开出了一个空洞,那是一个深坑,如同无底洞,血海的海水进不到里面去,里面血雾弥漫,看不到深处,有点像是血红的肠子,似乎还在蠕动,让人感觉十分恶心。 Heaven Blood Hell, under this.” 天血地狱,就在这下面了。” Meng Qingqiu said that then jumps to go toward that scarlet bottomless pit, Long Chen follows hastily, goes through from the bloodshed, entered in the middle of that bottomless scarlet cavern, gets down looked that discovered this bottomless pit is very in fact spacious, even if he changes into the body of Divine Dragon, enough went through in inside. 孟清秋说了一句,便纵身朝着那血色无底洞而去,龙辰连忙跟上,从血海当中穿行出来,进入了那无底的血色洞穴当中,下来一看才发现这无底洞实际上十分宽大,就算是他化为神龙之身,也足够在里面穿行了。 Toward inside, place is bigger. 越是往里面去,地方就越大。 In an instant, inside as if has a huge world, Long Chen felt what is this bloodshed deep place is hiding the complex vein unexpectedly, is similar to the human body the complex meridians and blood vessel, interlocks connected, extends in all directions. 转眼之间,里面仿佛有着一个巨大的世界,龙辰感觉到的是这血海的深处竟然藏着复杂的脉络,如同人体内复杂的经脉和血管,交错相连,四通八达。 Here is Heaven Blood Hell. 这里就是天血地狱 Everywhere one visit, is the blood fog fills the air, does not see clearly the too far thing. 所到之处,都是血雾弥漫,看不清楚太远的东西。 Long Chen goes through in that scarlet huge vein, this vein is big, saw indistinctly really has Divine Dragon to go through, even is the fight does not have the issue. 龙辰在那血色的巨大脉络当中穿行,这脉络非常大,隐约真的看到有神龙在这其中穿行,甚至是战斗都没有问题。 „Is here very likely in within the body of some living thing? Initially my first time, is this idea, if these channels are the blood vessel, then Heaven Blood Hell is their organs? Here altogether several Heaven Blood Hell, I lead you to go to the prisoner area, I go with Heaven Blood Hell of another two Commander controls, you will treat in the future there.” “这里很像是某种生物的体内吧?当初我第一次来,也是这个想法,如果说这些通道是血管的话,那么天血地狱就是他们的器官?这里一共有十几个天血地狱,我带你去囚犯区,我和另外两位都尉掌控的天血地狱去,你将来就是待在那里。” Um.” “嗯。” Long Chen looks at the surroundings curiously. 龙辰好奇看着周围。 Here was too strange, even is somewhat appalling. 这里实在太古怪了,甚至有些让人毛骨悚然。 Meng Qingqiu guides, otherwise here intriguing, Long Chen cannot circle Heaven Blood Hell that wants to go. 还有有孟清秋带路,不然这里错综复杂,龙辰根本绕不到想去的天血地狱 Went through some time probably, met many Dragon Tomb Army Dragon Warrior, Long Chen arrived at Heaven Blood Hell that was at finally. 大概穿行了一段时间,遇上了不少龙墓军龙武者,龙辰终于到达了所在的天血地狱 This Heaven Blood Hell, the serial number is nine. 这个天血地狱,编号是九。 We called here are No. 9 Heaven Blood Hell.” “我们称呼这里为九号天血地狱。” Long Chen looks up, on front channel presented a scarlet front door, in the gate as if the huge spaces, Long Chen fast in the past, when he stands near that sees inside to have an incomparably huge broad world, this is a scarlet world, at least several thousand Divine Dragon walks randomly, the patrol, kids around. 龙辰抬头看去,前方通道上出现了一座血色的大门,门内似乎有一个巨大的空间,龙辰快速过去,当他站在那门边的时候,看到里面拥有一个无比巨大的广阔世界,这是一个血色的世界,其中至少有数千头的神龙在其中游走,巡逻,嬉闹。 They by the body of Divine Dragon, walk randomly in this world, but the space was still very big. 他们都以神龙之躯,在这个世界当中游走,但空间仍然很大。 He cannot think that under Slaughtering Dragon City also has such big place. 他怎么也想不到杀戮龙城下面还有这么大的地方。 But most captures his attention, is not the hugeness of this space, but is this space central giant blood cell. 但最吸引他的目光的,并不是这空间的巨大,而是这空间中央的一个巨大血球。 That is blood cell, but is more like a scarlet heart, above has covered entirely the blue vein blood muscle, looks like very fierce. What is main, this blood cell is beating unexpectedly violently, above the bloodshed tumbles, what is most terrorist, above over a thousand over ten thousand eyes are winking unexpectedly, is very scary. 那是一个血球,但更像是一个血色心脏,其上布满了青筋血筋,看起来十分狰狞。最主要的是,这血球竟然在猛烈的跳动着,其上血海翻滚,最恐怖的是,其上竟然有上千上万只眼睛在眨动,十分吓人。 That is not the eye, that blood cell is Heaven Blood Hell, above each eye, in fact is a prison, was stranded in inside criminal is bearing the fearful pain, the deadline arrival time, can make them come out. On this blood cell has 10,000 prison, inside has 5000 prisoners probably.” “那不是眼睛,那血球就是天血地狱,其上每一个眼睛,实际上是一个囚牢,被困在里面的罪犯正在承受着可怕的痛苦,期限到来时候,才能让他们出来。这血球上有10000个囚牢,里面大概有5000个囚犯吧。” That seems like the thing of that blood cell eye, unexpectedly is the prison. 那看起来像是那血球眼睛的东西,竟然是囚牢。 Although Meng Qingqiu explained clearly, but when Long Chen as if realized that Heaven Blood Hell over ten thousand giant eyes, were staring at their time, he had an absolutely terrified feeling. 虽然孟清秋解释清楚了,但当龙辰似乎察觉到那天血地狱上万的巨大眼睛,都盯着自己的时候,他还是有种毛骨悚然的感觉。 ...... 汩汩…… On the blood cell, the bloodshed rolls, change that the position of eye also keeping. 血球上,血海滚动,眼睛的位置也在不停的变化。 Several thousand Divine Dragon, walk randomly by that blood cell. 数千头神龙,在那血球旁边游走。 When Meng Qingqiu walked first, launches the throat, loudly exclaimed: „No. 9 Heaven Blood Hell brats, give the father get lost to come, have to trust!” 孟清秋当先走了进去,展开嗓子,大吼道:“九号天血地狱的兔崽子们,都给老子滚上前来,有信任来啦!” The voice just fell, several thousand Divine Dragon stopped in the hand to act, looked. 话音刚刚落下,数千头神龙停下手中动作,看了过来。 Today also 1, before 22 : 00 pm renews, is a little busy, excuses me. 今天还有1更,晚上22点之前更新,有点忙碌,见谅。 Moreover, newly-opened thousand crowds. Heaven Dragon Star: 318243157. 2-3 days of Manchu, must add as soon as possible. 另外,新开了一个千人群。天龙星:318243157。两三天就会满人,要加尽快。
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