DBWG :: Volume #21

#2103: Meng autumn

The future is the Life Dragon City team. 來者是生命龙城的队伍。 One year passes by, when heard Long Chen to arrive at Slaughtering Dragon City, became a Slaughtering Dragon City member, they came. 一年时间过去,当听到龙辰來到了杀戮龙城,成为了杀戮龙城的一份子,他们才过來的。 Initially Long Chen in these people of Shining Star understanding, Gong Qing, Xing Yue, Xing Qing, Bing Xinyue and other disciples, arrived at Slaughtering Dragon City. 当初龙辰璀璨星辰认识的那些人,龚擎、星越,还有星晴冰心月等五个弟子,都來到了杀戮龙城 Long Chen and they related well, directly bring to approach the scarlet dragon palace them very much. 龙辰和他们关系很好,直接把他们带向了赤龙宫。 As for Lin Ming that matter, Gong Qing they do not care, in fact they do not like that Elder, therefore instead does not have what contradiction with Long Chen. 至于林冥那件事情,龚擎他们并不在意,实际上他们也不喜欢那位长辈,所以和龙辰之间反而沒有什么矛盾。 In the scarlet dragon palace, Gong Qing and Xing Yue and Long Chen stand above the sea of clouds, outside looks at layer upon layer the blood fog, Thunder Shrine Dragon Gong Qing up and down sizes up Long Chen, the nod is saying with a smile: Really congratulated you, has completed your time desire, returned to Dragon God Domain, was only the way of arrival, was not quite same as your initial idea.” 赤龙宫中,龚擎和星越龙辰站在云海之上,看着外面层层血雾,神宫雷霆龙龚擎上下打量着龙辰,点头笑道:“真是恭喜你了,完成了你那时候的愿望,回到了龙神域,只是到來的方式,和你当初的想法不太相同而已。” Long Chen initially planned that makes them bring itself to come back Five Great Dragon City. 龙辰当初是打算让他们带自己回來五大龙城的。 But their rights to speak are not in fact big in Five Great Dragon City, Long Chen that time is not strong, if rashly came at that time, today estimated that perhaps gave the person to kill. 但他们的话语权在五大龙城实际上并不大,龙辰那的时候也不强,如果那时候就贸然过來,今天估计说不定就给人弄死了。 Fortunately is not we, we could not protect you, initially I also once received Life Dragon City you to the Life Dragon City high-level suggestion, but they did not want, we did not have the means that but has not thought that you came Slaughtering Dragon City unexpectedly.” “还好不是我们,我们保护不了你啊,当初我也曾经向生命龙城高层建议把你收入生命龙城,但他们不愿意,我们也沒有办法,只是沒想到你竟然來了杀戮龙城。” „Our coming, in fact heard you by the news of Emperor Honored God City imprisonment, are wanted to hurry to have a look at the situation, has not actually thought that you came back unexpectedly.” “我们这次前來,实际上是听说了你被帝钧神城禁锢的消息,想赶去看看情况,却沒想到你竟然已经回來了。” Although they relate not in a big way with, but can actually come out secretly, considers for oneself, Long Chen is very affected, he said: Many thanks everybody, in this Dragon God Domain, I truly did not have the people of many acquaintances, you were only several.” 他们虽然和自己关系不大,但却能够偷偷出來,为自己着想,龙辰十分感动,他道:“多谢各位了,在这龙神域,我确实沒有多少相识之人,你们算是唯一几个了。” Gong Qing said with a smile: Can become the friend of child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, is our being honored, right Long Chen, I heard that you have defeated Six Dao Reincarnation Expert.” 龚擎笑道:“能成为永恒龙帝之子的朋友,也是我们的荣幸,对了龙辰,我听说你打败了六道轮回强者。” Xing Qing they, very curious looks. 星晴他们,也十分好奇的看着。 Initially in Chaos Star Domain, Long Chen can only defeat four to look like Reincarnation Calamity Realm Xing Qing, in an instant, he has defeated unexpectedly Gong Qing this rank. 当初在混乱星域,龙辰只能打败四象轮回劫境星晴,转眼之间,他竟然战败了龚擎这种级别。 This has taken to their deep shocks. 这带给了他们深深的震撼。 In look that they anticipate, Long Chen nods with a smile. 在他们期待的眼神当中,龙辰笑着点头。 Bing Xinyue and the others stared in a big way the eye immediately, felt inconceivable. 冰心月等人顿时瞪大了眼睛,感觉到不可思议。 I think that you have defeated Jiang Ming, became Hidden Dragon List first, has gone against heaven's will, but also thinks that you caught up with us to require certain time, has not thought that in an instant had been surmounted by you, was really too fearful.” “我原本以为,你打败了姜明,成为了潜龙榜第一,已经逆天了,还以为你赶上我们需要一定时间了呢,沒想到转眼就被你超越了,真是太可怕了。” But Xing Yue said. 星越无奈说道。 They witness with own eyes, the Long Chen terror rises. 他们亲眼见证,龙辰的恐怖崛起。 Gong Qing initially can suppress Long Chen with ease, at this time access road: I do not believe greatly that I must compete with you, has a look at the hearsay whether is true.” 龚擎当初可以轻松镇压龙辰,此时便道:“我不大相信,我得和你比试一下,看看传闻是否属实。” He said these words. 他是笑着说这句话的。 Xing Yue said with a smile: Was careful that your this broke to pieces the old bones.” 星越笑道:“小心你这把老骨头碎了。” Bing Xinyue they hear this saying, has created a disturbance hastily, but, Long Chen and Gong Qing pushed out by them, compares notes outside the scarlet dragon palace. 冰心月他们听到这话,连忙起哄了起來,无奈之下,龙辰和龚擎被他们推了出去,在赤龙宫之外切磋。 Compares notes truly, Gong Qing is very earnest. 真正切磋,龚擎还是十分认真的。 At present the white thunder flashes, Thunder Shrine Dragon is similar to a palace, with overpowering momentum, is not weak compared with Di Sheng, initially this Thunder Shrine Dragon had taken to the Long Chen fearful pressure, but he has actually been able to resist this pressure at this time. 眼前白色雷霆闪动,神宫雷霆龙如同宫殿,气势磅礴,比起帝笙丝毫不弱,当初这神宫雷霆龙带给了龙辰可怕的压力,但此时他却已经能抵抗住这种压力了。 Started.” “开始了。” Two big Divine Dragon slaughter to fight. 两大神龙厮杀战斗起來。 Xing Qing they look anxiously. 星晴他们紧张的看着。 Really, Long Chen can definitely with Gong Qing to the war, its battle efficiency be much stronger. 果然,龙辰完全能和龚擎对战,其战斗力强得可怕。 Probably after half double-hour, Long Chen wins, but Gong Qing very depressed defeat, making Bing Xinyue they smile shamefully. 大概半个时辰后,龙辰获胜,而龚擎十分郁闷的战败,让冰心月他们笑得无地自容了。 Really landscape generation has talent person to leave, our fellows were old.” “果然江山代有才人出啊,我们家伙已经老了。” But Gong Qing said. 龚擎无奈道。 Was not we were old, but was Long Chen is in itself a miracle.” “不是我们老了,而是龙辰本身就是个奇迹。” Xing Yue said with a smile lightly. 星越轻笑道。 Chatted to talk about old days with them, Long Chen to thinking very comfortably, before made the mood that Long Qingyue destroyed on good many, fight that even held up with Gong, made him harvest much. 和他们一起聊天叙旧,龙辰到觉得十分舒服,之前让龙青月破坏的心情好上了不少,甚至和龚擎的战斗,也让他收获不少。 Just, they impossible to treat in Slaughtering Dragon City too for a long time. 只不过,他们不可能在杀戮龙城待太长时间。 One day later, they left here, Long Chen delivers them to exit. 一天后,他们离开了这里,龙辰送他们出去。 Wants you also in Dragon God Domain, is predestined friends definitely can also meet.” “只要你还在龙神域,有缘肯定还能见面。” Remembers to bear patiently, do not make widely known, otherwise was jealous.” “记得隐忍,别太张扬,否则遭人眼红。” These are they urge the Long Chen words. 这些都是他们叮嘱龙辰的话。 Long Chen smiled has been packing off them. 龙辰微笑着送走了他们。 Under the relativity, effect of Long Qingyue on his mood, was too simply awful. 相对比之下,龙青月对他心情的影响,简直太糟糕了。 After they walked, Long Chen is approximately clear, perhaps the Heaven Blood Hell matter must come, after he returns to Slaughtering Dragon City tenth day, has Heaven Blood Hell Dragon Tomb Army to look for him. 当他们走了之后,龙辰大致清楚,恐怕天血地狱的事情要來了,就在他回到杀戮龙城后的第十天,就有天血地狱龙墓军來找他。 Looks his, is a person. 來找他的,是一个人。 Long Chen walks from the spacious scarlet dragon palace, is having one only to put on a being barebacked guy of Yellow trousers to walk outside toward him, this person of robustness, the stature is thick, whole face Hu slag, the nose and eye are very big, the skin is swarthy, is very rough, fills barbaric Aura. 龙辰从空旷的赤龙宫当中走出去,在外面正有一个只穿着一条黄色长裤的赤膊大汉朝着他走來,此人虎背熊腰,身材粗大,满脸胡渣,鼻子和眼睛都很大,皮肤黝黑,十分粗犷,充满野蛮气息 His mark the dense and numerous Divine Dragon designs, all are being black Divine Dragon, looks like very fierce fearful, at this moment he is gripping a greasy roast chicken single-handed, places the mouth to gnaw, the stride walks toward Long Chen, on Hu slag moistens completely greasy, looks like somewhat disgusting...... 他身上纹着密密麻麻的神龙图案,全是黑色神龙,看起來十分狰狞可怕,此刻他正单手握住一只油腻的烧鸡,放在嘴里啃着,大步朝着龙辰走來,胡渣上沾满油腻,看起來有些恶心…… Generally speaking, by them the level of close Spiritual God, already did not need this and other now low status food, but that being barebacked guy still gnawed very happily, the eye has not put aside from that roast chicken, until he saw Long Chen. 一般來说,以他们如今接近神灵的层次,早就不需要这等低等食物,不过那赤膊大汉仍然啃得十分开心,眼睛就沒有从那烧鸡上移开,直到他看见了龙辰 You are that Eternal Dragon Emperor son.” “你就是那永恒龙帝的儿子。” The being barebacked guy anchors footsteps in him at present, occupies a commanding position, barbaric Aura heads on toward Long Chen. 赤膊大汉在他眼前停住脚步,居高临下,一股野蛮气息朝着龙辰扑面而來。 The Long Chen vision is desolate, nodded. 龙辰目光冷淡,点了点头。 That being barebacked guy has laughed suddenly, said: Really is the kid of soft and fair skin, is the legendary character, is not really simple, is not simple, was right, my name is Meng Qingqiu, very elegant name is right, right I am such elegant person, I am Dragon Tomb Army Commander, starting today, you follow me to enter Heaven Blood Hell, becomes Dragon Tomb Army, this is the matter that Third Dragon Emperor arranges, you do not have the objection.” 那赤膊大汉骤然大笑了起來,道:“真是细皮嫩肉的小家伙,还是个传奇人物啊,真是不简单,不简单啊,对了,我的名字叫做孟清秋,十分文雅的名字对不对,沒错我就是这么文雅的人,我是龙墓军一名都尉,从今天开始,你就跟随我进入天血地狱,成为龙墓军的一员,这可是三位龙帝安排下來的事情,你沒有异议吧。” Long Chen had already been ready, access road: Does not have the objection.” 龙辰早就做好了准备,便道:“沒有异议。” Ok, is really good, is a refreshed child, I have looked at your fight with the Jiang Ming, was really cool, admired you including me very much, such being the case, you came with me.” “行,真不错,是个爽快的孩子,我看过你跟姜明的战斗,真是帅呆了,连我都很佩服你啊,既然如此,你就跟着我來吧。” He cancelled colluding toward Long Chen, the under foot moved, flushed, simultaneously still in eating the roast chicken in hand, was putting out pot liquor to drink to heart's content again, laughs saying: „, Really is the delicacy, the world delicacy, in front of this delicacy, practice appears not worthy of mentioning.” 他朝着龙辰勾了勾手,脚下一动,就冲了出去,同时仍然在啃着手中的烧鸡,再拿出一壶酒畅饮,大笑道:“啊,真是美味啊,人间美味,在这美味面前,修行都显得微不足道了啊。” He is leisurely, sang loudly while drinks wine, brings to the attention of nearby person, but after everybody saw clearly his appearance, closed the mouth, should knows this Meng Qingqiu given name. 他悠哉悠哉,一边高歌一边饮酒,引起旁边人的注意,但大家看清楚他的样子后,纷纷闭上嘴巴,应该是认识这孟清秋的大名。 That, Long Chen.” “那个,龙辰。” Meng Qingqiu has handled the thing in hand finally, turns head to say to Long Chen: Your father is Eternal Dragon Emperor is right, told you, I was he very faithful adorer, I worshipped him from infancy to maturity, wished one could into his subordinate, you can tell my your father also to live, my good to follow him.” 孟清秋终于搞定了手中的东西,回头对龙辰道:“你爹就是永恒龙帝对吧,告诉你,我可是他十分忠实的崇拜者啊,我从小到大都崇拜他,恨不得成为他的属下,你能告诉我你爹到底还活着吗,我好去追随他啊。” Long Chen also not familiar this person, therefore is quite at heart vigilant, in his surface said with a smile: I do not know that perhaps his news, some day he will appear in you at present.” 龙辰还不熟悉这人,所以心里还是比较警惕的,他表面上笑道:“我不知道他的消息,也许有一天他就会出现在你眼前吧。” That was really good, Ha Ha.” Meng Qingqiu has laughed. “那真是太好了,哈哈。”孟清秋又大笑了起來。 Long Chen carefully visits him, suddenly thinks the body of this Meng Qingqiu, unexpectedly familiar feelings. 龙辰仔细看着他,忽然觉得这孟清秋的身上,竟然有一种熟悉的感觉。 This feeling, probably is...... 这种感觉,好像是…… Long Chen suddenly cannot think. 龙辰一时间想不起來。 He said suddenly: Commander, I can ask, Inherited Blood Essence that you inherit, from any Divine Dragon.” 他忽然道:“都尉,我能问一下,你继承的传承精血,來自什么神龙吗。” Meng Qingqiu is startled, in the eye flashes through together the vigilant ray, but quick dissipated, he hey looks at Long Chen with a smile, said: Boy, you are Supreme Divine Dragon I are know that but I am not bad, I am ultimate Divine Dragon, do you believe.” 孟清秋一怔,眼中闪过一道警惕光芒,但很快就消散了,他嘿嘿笑着看着龙辰,道:“小子,你是无上神龙我是知道的,但我也不差啊,我是终极神龙,你相不相信。” Long Chen said: I believe that you can say is anything.” 龙辰道:“我相信,那你能说是什么吗。” Meng Qingqiu said with a smile: I am the antique beginning......, Ha Ha, you is a Dragon Tomb Army dogface, I am your head, why I must tell you, I will be will not say with you absolutely.” 孟清秋笑道:“我是太古始……,哈哈,你就是一名龙墓军的小兵,我是你的头,为什么我要告诉你呢,我是绝对不会和你说的。” Long Chen suddenly has not listened clearly, only heard the antique two characters. 龙辰一时间沒听清楚,只听到了太古两个字。 Perhaps had met.” “也许曾经遇过吧。” He has not thought. 他还是沒想起來。 This Meng Qingqiu individuality is very strange, Long Chen felt that he is not that pure person, if or he looks like him to display really such purely, should very difficult survive in Slaughtering Dragon City, let alone became Expert. 孟清秋的个性十分古怪,龙辰感觉上他不是那么纯粹的人,或者说他如果真像他表现得这么纯粹的话,应该很难在杀戮龙城存活下來,更别说成为一名强者了。 Meng Qingqiu, should be the Six Dao Reincarnation Late Stage strength. 孟清秋,应该是六道轮回后期的实力。 If he is really ultimate Divine Dragon, that will be definitely more intrepid. 如果他真的是终极神龙,那肯定会更加强悍。 Really, three big Dragon Emperor will come to see itself with the formidable person, if Meng Qingqiu, only then Gong Qing their ranks, cannot watch their. 果然,三大龙帝会用比自己强大的人來看住自己,如果孟清秋只有龚擎他们那种级别,是看不住自己的。 In Long Chen ponders, Meng Qingqiu turns head to say loudly: Kid, you may think to brother, once enters Heaven Blood Hell, wants to come out not to be easy, Dragon Tomb Army is a Slaughtering Dragon City very tyrannical army, has the tight rein, is not you plays the noisy place.” 就在龙辰沉思之际,孟清秋回头大声道:“小家伙,你可给老哥想好了,一旦进入到天血地狱,想出來就沒那么容易了,龙墓军杀戮龙城一支十分强横的军队,有严格的纪律,可不是你玩闹的地方。” Long Chen asked back: This is matter of Third Dragon Emperor arrangement, I can also revolt inadequately.” 龙辰反问道:“这是三位龙帝安排的事情,我还能反抗不成。” Meng Qingqiu touches the thick nose, laughs: Said well, Ha Ha, you are the child of cruel fate, this Dragon Emperor are really too does not make sense, comes it, then settles it, you later called me a autumn brother, you turned over to me to cover, had me to cover, at least in the middle of Heaven Blood Hell, if dares to move your fine body hair, the autumn brother cutting to feed the fish his little brother, you thought what kind.” 孟清秋摸了摸粗大的鼻子,大笑起來:“说得不错,哈哈,你还是个苦命的孩子啊,这龙帝们也真是太不像话了,不过呢,既來之,则安之,你以后叫我一声秋哥,你就归我罩了,有我罩着,至少在天血地狱当中,谁要是敢动你一根寒毛,秋哥就把他的小弟弟给斩下來喂鱼,你觉得怎么样。” This Meng Qingqiu was too simply warm, making Long Chen some not be familiar with. 孟清秋简直太热情了,让龙辰有些不习惯。 Naturally, he will not have been daunted, deals with what kind of person, must use his similar method, Long Chen then also to say with a smile: I thanked autumn brother.” 当然了,他不会被吓住,对付怎样的人,就得用他相似的方法,龙辰便也笑道:“那我就谢谢秋哥了。” Does not need to thank, Ha Ha, you is a new person, is the elder brother, said to you about Dragon Tomb Army and Heaven Blood Hell practical thing, so as to avoid you will make mistakes in the future.” “不用谢,哈哈,你还是新人,做哥哥的,就跟你说一下关于龙墓军天血地狱的具体事情吧,免得你将來犯错。” They go toward Slaughtering Dragon City outside, quick arrived in the middle of a piece of giant bloodshed. 两人朝着杀戮龙城外而去,很快就來到了一片巨大的血海当中。 Heaven Blood Hell, under this.” 天血地狱,就在这下面。” [
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