DBWG :: Volume #21

#2102: Bearing patiently

The only explanation, was still formidable. 唯一的解释,仍然是强大。 The Long Chen recent strength is at the condition of hurricane, one year ago he just met Gong Qing, Xing Yue time, but also by far is not their matches, that is Thunder Shrine Dragon and 3000 Astral Soul Dragon, they are initial period Six Dao Reincarnation super Divine Dragon, now turns head to look that Long Chen has defeated Emperor Honored God City Di Sheng, the battle efficiency they were unexpectedly similar to Gong Qing. 龙辰最近的实力一直处在狂飙的状态,一年前他刚遇上龚擎、星越的时候,还远远不是他们的对手,那是神宫雷霆龙三千星魂龙,他们都是六道轮回初期的超级神龙,如今回头一看,龙辰打败了帝钧神城帝笙,战斗力竟然已经跟龚擎他们差不多了。 This simply is the miracle. 这简直就是奇迹。 Although is the miracle, but he knows that he no doubt is the topest talent, by talent unmatched in the world, again also nobody and quite, but he lacks can with the true high-level resistance battle efficiency. 虽然是奇迹,但他知道,自己固然是最顶尖的天才,论天才界天下无敌,再也沒有人和自己相当,但他还是缺少能和真正的高层对抗的战斗力。 This, can only bear patiently anxiously. 这急不來,只能隐忍。 He looks at this Long Qingyue in any case, is not feeling well. 反正他看这龙青月,是十分不爽的。 Long Qingyue looked that he is not feeling well, sees Long Chen, although did not speak, but in the eye was still full is the strong manner, Long Qingyue scolded saying: Hears my words not to have, starting today, gives me well-mannered dull here, do not give me Eternal Dragon City to lose face again, otherwise I could not forgive you absolutely.” 龙青月看他更加不爽,见龙辰虽然不说话,但眼中仍然满是强硬的态度,龙青月呵斥道:“听到我的话沒有,从今天开始,给我规规矩矩呆在这里,别再给我永恒龙城丢人,否则我绝对饶不了你。” She is bossy, the manner is strong, an eye power and influence is full, the words are acrid, making Long Chen loathe. 她颐指气使,态度强硬,一双眼睛威势十足,话语尖酸,让龙辰十分厌恶。 Was good, every month, frightened him to be OK.” “行了,月月,吓唬一下他就可以了。” That Black Gate Emperor holds on the shoulder of Long Qingyue gently, the sound is similar to psychedelic, Long Chen noted this fellow, in the heart has had the frightened feeling unexpectedly, particularly the black mist in opposite party both eyes as if hid the infinite secret, Long Chen is certainly knowing that this was one is definitely more fearful than Long Qingyue much fellows. 黑阎皇轻轻拉住龙青月的肩膀,声音如同迷幻,龙辰注意到了这个家伙,心中竟然产生恐惧感觉,尤其是对方双眼中的黑色雾气仿佛藏着无穷的秘密,龙辰当然知道,这肯定是一个比龙青月可怕得多的家伙。 Today, Long Qingyue has taken to him innermost feelings huge intertwining with helpless. 今日,龙青月带给了他内心巨大的纠结和无奈。 He is very indignant, but now is also not and they speak the last words, he then closes the mouth, no longer said. 他很是气愤,但现在还不是和他们叫板的时候,他便闭上嘴巴,不再多说。 Long Qingyue was still actually mad, she has shoved open Black Gate Emperor gently, compels toward Long Chen, both eyes look angrily at Long Chen, said: What's wrong, the little thing, you have not been convinced.” 龙青月却仍然气得不行,她轻轻推开了黑阎皇,朝着龙辰逼來,双眼怒视龙辰,道:“怎么,小东西,你还不服气是吗。” Saying, her was revolving single-handed, time huge Qi Strength came toward the Long Chen bombardment, that passes the strength of god, passed the strength of god to congeal into a giant beast, roared to kill, Long Chen in this urgent time, instantaneous resistance, but was still shaken to fly, although Highest Beginning God Force with passing the strength of nature god was the same, but difference opposite party of Long Chen in the strength were too many. 说着,她单手旋转,顿时间一股巨大气劲朝着龙辰轰击而來,那是通神之力,通神之力凝结成为一头巨兽,咆哮杀來,龙辰在这紧急时刻,瞬间抵抗,但仍然被震飞了出去,太始神力虽然和通神之力性质相同,但龙辰在力量上差对方太多了。 Bang. 轰。 He feels dizzy, binaural thunders. 他感觉到头昏眼花,双耳轰鸣。 Seven Star Reincarnation, was equal to initially the strength of Holy Ghost, was really very formidable, were too intrepidly many compared with Six Dao Reincarnation Cultivator.” 七星轮回,相当于当初圣灵的力量,果然很强大,比起六道轮回者强悍太多了。” Behind Reincarnation Calamity Realm, more is arrives is the terror. 轮回劫境,越是到后面就越是恐怖。 Differs one, will have the huge disparity, forms gap that is unable to overstep, particularly starts from Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm, the disparity gets bigger and bigger, wants to stiffen is getting more and more difficult, to has gossipped Reincarnation, even if a disparity, is hard-to-pass. 相差一丝,都会出现巨大差距,形成无法逾越的鸿沟,尤其是从七星轮回劫境开始,差距越拉越大,想要变强就越來越困难,到了八卦轮回,就算是一丝的差距,更是难以逾越。 Generally speaking, basically gossips the Reincarnation person, is using the law of detention, resists Reincarnation Calamity, longest can achieve to retard to 10,000 years, will be gossipping Reincarnation Calamity Realm to stop over in 1000 and 5000 person, the battle efficiency also will be the different levels. 一般來说,基本上八卦轮回的人,都在使用延迟之法,抵抗轮回劫,最长可以做到延迟到10000年,在八卦轮回劫境逗留1000年和5000年的人,战斗力也是不同的层次。 This probably gossipped Reincarnation to start to be expanded was the same. 这就好像八卦轮回开始就被扩张了一样。 Naturally, these are away from Long Chen now is very remote, by his present ability, will not need to retard in the future, even can before the millennium time limits arrive crashes in the next rank, initial Long Qinglan was so. 当然,这些距离龙辰现在还很遥远,以他现在的能耐,将來根本就不用延迟,甚至可以在千年时限到來之前冲进下一个级别,当初的龙青澜就是如此。 A Long Qingyue move, making him feel the great strength of Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Expert. 龙青月一招,让他感受到七星轮回劫境强者的强大。 Also makes him be injured. 也让他受伤。 Is lets in his heart anger. 更是让他心中愤怒。 Damn fellow.” “该死的家伙。” Long Qingyue cannot receive itself completely, but must kill toward Long Chen, why does not know, sees Long Chen, he remembered initially that is not the blood brother, but the ray sparkle, became their all Younger Brother sisters the gloomy non- light fellow, he has gone against heaven's will, causing Long Qingyue they not to be regarded since childhood as important. 龙青月完全受不住自己,还要朝着龙辰杀來,不知道为什么,一看到龙辰,他就想起当初那个不是自己亲哥哥,但光芒闪耀,将他们所有兄弟姐妹都变得暗淡无光的家伙,他太逆天了,导致龙青月他们从小都不被看重。 This is the indignant reason. 这才是气愤的來由。 But today's Long Chen, is extremely similar to him. 而今日的龙辰,和他太过相似。 Long Qingyue must kill, at this time, that Black Gate Emperor has drawn her, said: Every month, have not been deliberately creating trouble, here is Slaughtering Dragon City.” 龙青月还要杀來,就在这时候,那黑阎皇将她拉了回去,道:“月月,别在胡闹了,这里是杀戮龙城。” But at this time, Xue Chi also keeps off in Long Chen at present. 而这时候,血炽也挡在龙辰眼前。 Long Qingyue, Long Chen now is my Slaughtering Dragon City person, no matter you are anything relate, you do not have the authority to begin to him here.” 龙青月,龙辰现在是我杀戮龙城的人,不管你们是什么关系,你沒有权力在这里对他动手。” Xue Chi not too polite saying. 血炽不太客气的说道。 He knows certainly that Long Qingyue this woman, is the young lady temperament of becoming famous, for over ten thousand years have not reformed, after marrying Black Gate Emperor, indulge, are supercilious. 他当然知道,龙青月这女人,是出了名的大小姐脾气,上万年來从來沒有改过,嫁给黑阎皇之后,更是娇纵,目中无人。 Two big Expert act, but Long Qingyue calls a halt, but she had still not given up, saw Long Chen is still indifferent complexion, she could not bear ridicule: You are not the talent, is not very formidable, has to plant and me gets one to try, you know that what is one should always strive for better, outside the person has the person, coward, you , if courageous, comes Swallow Dragon City to challenge me, I will meet head-on absolutely.” 两大强者出面,龙青月才无奈停手,但她仍然沒有善罢甘休,一看到龙辰仍然是一副无所谓的脸色,她就忍不住嘲笑道:“你不是天才吗,不是很强大么,有种和我打上一场试试,你知道什么叫天外有天,人外有人吗,懦夫,你要是有胆量,就來吞噬龙城挑战我,我绝对会迎战。” Mental illness.” “神经病。” Long Chen scolded one at heart secretly. 龙辰心里暗自骂了一句。 Anything is not good to haggle over, although is not feeling well at heart very much, but he understands, when others coped with her, when the time comes definitely is 沒什么好计较的,虽然心里很不爽,但他明白,等自己等对付她,到时候肯定是 Will be impolite, today the opposite party so shames itself, by his disposition, how also to give up. 不会客气的,今日对方如此羞辱自己,以他的性格,又岂会善罢甘休。 The loathful woman, Long Chen will never be polite. 让人讨厌的女人,龙辰从來不会客气。 Does not deliver.” “不送。” Was filled with joy, somewhat anticipated to this so-called family member that now seemed like the original work was completely sentimental, the Long Chen complexion said callously two characters, then turned around to leave here directly, did not return. 原本满心欢喜,对这所谓的亲人还有些期待,现在看來完全是自己自作多情了,龙辰脸色冷酷说了两个字,便转身径直离开这里,头也不回。 Sees his so rampant appearance, Long Qingyue is not feeling well, but there is Black Gate Emperor and Xue Chi is blocking, she does not have the means that can only curse: I and others you challenge me, looked that you have not to have courage.” 看到他如此嚣张模样,龙青月更是不爽,只是有黑阎皇血炽拦着,她也沒办法,只能咒骂:“我等你來挑战我,看你有沒有这个胆子。” Black Gate Emperor is helpless, said to that Xue Chi: Xue Chi Younger Brother, has affronted today, another day again apologized, today I lead the wife to go back first.” 黑阎皇无奈,对那血炽道:“血炽兄弟,今日冒犯了,改日再來谢罪,今日我先带内人回去了。” Xue Chi holds up single-handed, said: Two invited.” 血炽举起单手,道:“两位请。” He delivers Black Gate Emperor and Xue Chi personally leaves. 他亲自送黑阎皇血炽离开。 In halfway, Long Qingyue from indignant, when Zhongping calmed down, she inquired: Xue Chi Elder Brother, you said that Slaughtering Dragon City this Third Dragon Emperor, makes Slaughtering Dragon City Long Chen, for anything, why directly did not kill.” 半路上,龙青月才从气愤当中平静下來,她询问道:“血炽大哥,你说杀戮龙城三位龙帝,将龙辰弄进杀戮龙城,到底是为了什么,为什么不直接杀了呢。” Xue Chi said: I do not know that possibly was worried the Long Qinglan rebirth, you most are familiar with him, naturally knows his fearfulness.” 血炽道:“我也不知道,可能是担心龙青澜重生吧,你最熟悉他,当然知道他的可怕。” He is disinclined to respond this woman, therefore said one carelessly. 他懒得搭理这女人,所以胡乱说了一通。 Rebirth, he can also rebirth.” “重生,他还能重生。” Long Qingyue hit to startle. 龙青月打了个激灵。 If he also will appear, that was fearful, she thinks before this is only a joke. 如果他真的还会出现,那就可怕了,她之前以为这只是一个笑话而已。 Delivers to the entrance time, Xue Chi also said: Madame Chen, you made Long Chen challenge you before, perhaps his really meeting, this fellow progresses extremely fearfully, hears three years ago he, cannot hit including 7-layer Nirvana Calamity Realm, couple days ago had defeated Six Dao Reincarnation Expert, its speed has surpassed Long Qinglan, is very fearful, perhaps one year later, he had to resist your strength.” 送到门口的时候,血炽又说道:“陈夫人,你之前让龙辰挑战你,说不定他真的会,这家伙进展太过可怕,听说三年前的他,连七重涅槃劫境都打不过,前几天就已经战败了六道轮回强者,其速度超过了龙青澜,十分可怕,说不定一年之后,他就有对抗你的力量了。” Anything.” “什么。” The Long Qingyue complexion stiffens. 龙青月的脸色僵住。 She about the Long Chen matter in fact knew that are not many. 她对龙辰的事情实际上了解并不多。 These words have also brought to the attention of Black Gate Emperor, he ponders saying: Really so terrifying.” 这句话也引起了黑阎皇的注意,他沉思道:“真的如此恐怖么。” Xue Chi laughs, said: I also casually said that Reincarnation Calamity Realm is upward is more difficult, if so is really easy, I and Chen Ting Younger Brother card in this boundary for a long time, does not dare to make that final Nine Palaces tribulation arrive.” 血炽哈哈一笑,道:“我也就随便说说,轮回劫境越是往上就越难,如果真那么容易的话,我和陈庭兄弟也不会卡在这个境界那么长时间,迟迟不敢让那最终的九宫劫到來了。” Hears this saying, Long Qingyue relaxed, she said: Makes him rampant, by disposition that this is supercilious, dares to challenge me, I give him a lesson maliciously.” 听到这话,龙青月才松了一口气,她道:“让他嚣张吧,以他这目中无人的性格,真敢挑战我,我就给他一个狠狠的教训。” Xue Chi had not said that delivered their couples to leave. 血炽沒有多说,送了他们夫妇离开。 After they walk, he strangely said with a smile: Really is interesting, one of us quickly hit, my Slaughtering Dragon City must pick up a bargain.” 等他们走后,他才诡异笑道:“真是有意思,自家人都快打起來了,我杀戮龙城是要捡便宜了么。” ........................ …………………… Returns to the scarlet dragon palace. 回到赤龙宫。 Long Chen secure sits in meditation in the middle of the Cultivate room. 龙辰安静坐在修炼室当中。 „To open, they are not the people who you should care about, you should care, is your father, is Lingxi, is Xiao Lang and cat, the partners on Heaven Dragon Star.” Li Xuanji cares to say. “想开一点吧,他们不是你应该在乎的人,你应该在乎的,是你父亲、是灵曦、是小狼和小猫,还有天龙星上的伙伴们。”李璇玑关心说道。 Long Chen said with a smile lightly: You felt relieved that I pass through these many, this is not the ridge of not being able to pass, I will make them understand.” 龙辰轻笑道:“你放心吧,我走过这么多,这也不是什么过不去的坎,我会让他们明白的。” Sees Long Chen not to care about Long Qingyue to his suppression, Li Xuanji relaxed. 龙辰沒怎么在意龙青月对他的压制,李璇玑才松了一口气。 I and Xiao Xi spoke.” Long Chen said. “我得和小曦说说话。”龙辰道。 Li Xuanji has been startled, said hastily: Let alone I side you.” 李璇玑怔了下,连忙道:“别说我在你身边啊。” Long Chen asked astonished: Why.” 龙辰惊愕问道:“为什么。” Li Xuanji is somewhat embarrassed, said: I fear her to let one's thoughts wander, after all she is fusing Star Core diligently, fears her to divert attention, I pass some times, waits for dark City Lord to go out, I leave, will not delay you too for a long time.” 李璇玑有些不好意思,道:“我怕她乱想,毕竟她一个人在努力融合星核,怕她分心,我过些时候,等黑暗城主出关,我就离开,不会耽搁你太长时间的。” In her heart still had the obstruction, does not want to destroy relations between Long Chen and Lingxi. 她心中仍然有芥蒂,不想破坏龙辰灵曦之间的关系。 Long Chen has not thought these many actually, making her follow itself, more considered for her security. 龙辰倒是沒想这么多,让她跟随自己,更多是为了她的安全而考虑。 He complied with Li Xuanji, then and on remote Heaven Dragon Star, that thinks of own person dialog. 他答应了李璇玑,然后和遥远的天龙星上,那想念自己的人儿对话。 Is away from many days, Lingxi also guessed correctly that him definitely has to need the busy matter, therefore has not worried to disturb Long Chen, she knows, if truly greatly troublesome, Long Chen will tell Yang You through her. 隔着许多天,灵曦也猜到他这边肯定有需要忙碌的事情,所以沒有着急打扰龙辰,她知道如果真正有大麻烦,龙辰会通过她告诉杨幽的。 In Heaven Dragon Star, Lingxi float above star light lake, because fused most Star Core, on her flesh were many a clear ray, is very beautiful. 远在天龙星,灵曦悬浮在星光湖泊之上,因为融合了大半的星核,她的肌肤上多了一种晶莹光芒,十分美丽。 Brother Chen, my recent strength also had greatly is very progressive.” 辰哥哥,我最近实力又有很大进步了。” Because of the fusion of Star Core, in addition her own powerful bloodlines, the growth is very rapid, and Long Chen does not need to be worried that she crossed the Reincarnation Calamity issue, at least under Six Dao Reincarnation, Lingxi does not have any issue. 因为星核的融合,再加上她自身强悍血脉,成长十分迅速,并且龙辰根本不用担心她渡过轮回劫的问題,至少六道轮回之下,灵曦是沒有任何问題的。 Under chatted, was the half-day time. 一聊之下,又是半天时间。 Li Xuanji in the new world, dives to cultivate with single-hearted devotion, she will occasionally open the eye, looks at present all, this is the rare warmth, making her enjoy very much, even wallows, but she knows that needs to restrain itself, she should not belong to here, therefore she cannot wallow. 李璇玑在新世界当中,专心潜修,她偶尔会睁开眼睛,看着眼前一切,这是难得的温暖,让她很享受,甚至沉迷,但她知道需要克制自己,她是不应该属于这里的,所以她不能沉迷下去。 Considers last time to accompany him.” “就当是最后一次陪伴他吧。” Her corners of the mouth revealed the smiling face. 她嘴角流露出了笑容。 The life is very sometimes helpless, but can enjoy happily these instantaneous, was very good. 人生有时候很无奈,但能享受这些美好瞬间,已经十分不错了。 Long Chen has inquired the Heaven Blood Hell matter, does not have any difficult problem. 龙辰打探了一下天血地狱的事情,并不存在什么难題。 Before going in Heaven Blood Hell, one group of people had found Long Chen. 在进去天血地狱之前,还有一群人來找到了龙辰 Good friend book «of Swallows the Vault of heaven» 6.5 million character time limits is free, 2 days of time, very attractive profound imaginary, can hurry to read, moreover pushes his new book «Various Day of Myriad Worlds». 好友的书《吞噬苍穹》6500000字限时免费,还有2天时间,很好看的玄幻,可以赶紧阅读,另外推一下他的新书《诸天万界》。 [
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