DBWG :: Volume #21

#2101: Paternal aunt

Comes out from the Third Dragon Emperor palace, Long Chen met Xue Chi, Long Chen has also thought that he left, has not thought he unexpectedly also here waited for itself, had the matter. 三位龙帝的宫殿当中出來,龙辰就遇上了血炽,龙辰还以为他离开了呢,沒想到他竟然还的在这里等待自己,难道是有事。 Long Chen just walked up, Xue Chi said to oneself: Prepares, two people must see you.” 龙辰刚走上前去,血炽就对自己道:“准备一下,有两个人要见你。” Long Chen has been startled, this stems from his expectation actually, moreover Xue Chi is mystical, he then asked: Who is.” 龙辰怔了一下,这倒是出乎他的预料,而且血炽还神神秘秘的,他便问道:“是谁。” Walked while said that they waited for you to have a while.” The Xue Chi complexion is light, goes toward the south, Long Chen follows in him behind, asked: Who is.” “一边走一边说吧,他们等了你有一会儿了。”血炽脸色平淡,朝着南方而去,龙辰跟在他身后,问道:“到底是谁。” Xue Chi looks at the front, said: You are certainly unexpected, they are not the Slaughtering Dragon City people.” 血炽看着前方,道:“你一定意想不到,他们不是杀戮龙城的人。” It is not the Slaughtering Dragon City person, is it possible that is other Five Great Dragon City people, but have not known many people. 不是杀戮龙城的人,莫非是其他五大龙城的人,可自己并沒有认识多少人啊。 At this time, Xue Chi briefly introduced: One, is Swallow Dragon City Black Gate Emperor, is very powerful, is Expert of my this rank, has in Swallow Dragon City to the high prestige, is Swallow Dragon City black Yan Jun command.” 就在这时候,血炽简要介绍道:“其中一位,是吞噬龙城黑阎皇,十分强悍,是我这个级别的强者,在吞噬龙城拥有至高的声望,是吞噬龙城‘黑阎军’的统帅。” Swallow Dragon City person. 吞噬龙城的人。 That Long Chen does not know. 龙辰就更加不认识了。 This Black Gate Emperor asks me to have any matter.” “这黑阎皇找我有什么事。” This is Expert of Xue Chi same rank, is Yang You and Chaos Star Lord that rank, this is fearful Expert. 这可是和血炽同一个级别的强者,也就是杨幽混沌星主那个级别,这已经是可怕的强者了。 Xue Chi walks while said: „It is not Black Gate Emperor looks for you, but is his wife, her named Long Qingyue, is the Eternal Dragon City person, married Swallow Dragon City, she in the Eternal Dragon City status was, the Eternal Dragon City first Dragon Emperor youngest daughter, with your father was brother and sister's relations, naturally did not have the blood relationship, but deferred to the rank, you should call her for the paternal aunt.” 血炽一边走一边道:“不是黑阎皇找你,而是他的夫人,她名为龙青月,原本是永恒龙城的人,嫁到了吞噬龙城,她在永恒龙城的身份是,永恒龙城第一龙帝的小女儿,和你父亲是兄妹的关系,当然沒有血缘关系,不过按照辈分,你应该称呼她为姑姑。” „.” “啊。” The Long Chen truly flash has not responded. 龙辰确实一瞬间沒反应过來。 Paternal aunt.” “姑姑。” This is a family member. 这可是亲人。 Long Chen in fact has not thought that will have this kind of person to appear, he knows that the relations of Long Qinglan and that Eternal Dragon City first Dragon Emperor as if are not specially good, moreover Eternal Dragon City to ignore, no matter, Long Chen then does not want to watch that side situation, but has not thought that some people can look for itself unexpectedly. 龙辰实际上从來沒有想到会有这样一个人出现,他知道龙青澜和那永恒龙城第一龙帝的关系似乎不是特别好,而且永恒龙城放任自己不管,龙辰便也不想关注那边的情况,只是沒想到竟然还是有人会來找自己。 This paternal aunt comes, wants to take me to go to Eternal Dragon City.” “难道这位姑姑过來,是想接我去永恒龙城。” To be honest, because Long Qinglan grows up in that place, therefore Long Chen to that side sense of belonging comparison, is very strange to Slaughtering Dragon City, always has a crisis-ridden feeling. 说实话,因为龙青澜是在那个地方长大的,所以龙辰对那边的归属感比较强一些,对杀戮龙城十分陌生,总有种危机四伏的感觉。 He in fact very much longs for being understood, if the Eternal Dragon City person can understand itself, helping oneself discover the truth, that is good. 他实际上很渴望被理解,如果永恒龙城的人能够理解自己,帮助自己找出真相的话,那就再好不过了。 Therefore to this paternal aunt, he is some anticipations. 所以对这位姑姑,他还是有些期待的。 In his eyes, generally speaking, the younger sister will worship the elder brother very much, he thinks subconsciously that is Yang Lingqing and his relations, if day of Yang Lingqing sees own son, she certainly will be also gentle. 在他心目当中,一般來说,妹妹都会很崇拜哥哥的,他下意识就认为那是杨灵青和他自己的关系,假如有一天杨灵青看到自己的儿子,她也一定会非常温柔吧。 That a bit faster leads me to pass.” Long Chen said hastily. “那就快点带我过去吧。”龙辰连忙说道。 Xue Chi looked at his, sneers saying: Best not to be excited, your this paternal aunt is not the lamp of province oil, in recent years, she is among the Long Qinglan Younger Brother sisters, scolds, this time arrived here that ominously he scolded, will be definitely impolite to you.” 血炽看了他一下,冷笑道:“你最好别激动,你这位姑姑可不是省油的灯,这些年來,她算是龙青澜兄弟姐妹当中,骂他骂的最凶的,这次來到这里,对你肯定也不会客气。” Anything.” “什么。” The innermost feelings that Long Chen was just excited were attacked, sank the valley, this made him very depressed, in fact he longs for kinship type of thing very much, but Bai and Yang Town Yang Family in fact radically was not his genuine family member, among whole world only, only then a father, currently that side the father also has does not have the family member of blood relationship, thinks can exchange well, was only a pity that seemed not quite easy. 龙辰刚兴奋起來的内心被打击了一下,沉到了谷底,这让他十分郁闷,实际上他很渴望亲情这种东西,但白杨镇杨家实际上根本就不是他真正的亲人,举世之间唯独只有一个父亲,现在父亲那边还有一些沒有血缘关系的亲人,原本以为可以好好交流一下的,只可惜似乎不太容易。 From Eternal Dragon City to own indifferent manner, in fact can also look. 永恒龙城对自己的冷漠态度,实际上也能看出來了。 Except for Long Qinglan, has Yang You probably, in every possible way will look after itself, was been carefree in the Heaven Dragon Star last year of time by oneself, had that very comfortable feeling by oneself. 除了龙青澜,好像也只有杨幽,才会无微不至的照顾自己,让自己在天龙星上一年时光无忧无虑,让自己有那十分舒服的感觉。 To, has gone.” “到了,进去吧。” Xue Chi stands in one float the giant palace entrance in midair, this is Slaughtering Dragon City entertains one of the guest places, Long Chen can realize that in has tyrannical Aura, is not weak in Xue Chi, another estimate is Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm, has Expert of strength of god, should be goddess heart leader Holy Ghost that rank, is too a City Lord rank. 血炽站在一间悬浮在半空中的巨大宫殿门口,这是杀戮龙城招待客人的场所之一,龙辰能察觉到里面有一股强横气息,不弱于血炽,另外一位估计是七星轮回劫境,拥有通神之力的强者,应该是神女心首领圣灵那个级别,也就是太一城主的级别。 This should be that Long Qingyue. 这应该就是那龙青月 Long Chen are most at present can only with the Cultivator resistance of Six Dao Reincarnation earlier period, Late Stage basically not have the means that as for Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm, has Expert of strength of god, that is the entire world topest level, is huge with the Six Dao Reincarnation disparity, passes the strength of god to be invincible, Long Chen lacks can resist their strengths. 龙辰目前最多只能和六道轮回前期的者对抗,后期就基本上沒办法了,至于七星轮回劫境,拥有通神之力的强者,那已经是整个世界最顶尖的层次,和六道轮回差距巨大,通神之力所向无敌,龙辰缺少能够对抗他们的力量。 That is the disparity between lake and sea. 那是湖泊和大海之间的差距。 Moreover, passes the strength of god not to be weak in Highest Beginning God Force. 而且,通神之力丝毫不弱于太始神力 When he prepares to walk, in the middle of that palace, wears the plentiful woman of aquamarine long skirt when actually flushed first, a pair of long and narrow and charming Danfeng eye has locked instantaneously Long Chen, is hiding the anger and murderous intention, as for Long Qingyue behind Black Gate Emperor, in the eye is covering one group of dense fog, is very fearful, but he actually to the Long Chen not anything too big evil intention, what are more is curious. 就在他准备走进去的时候,那宫殿当中,一个身穿碧绿色长裙的丰腴妇人却当先冲了出來,一双狭长而妩媚的丹凤眼瞬间就锁定了龙辰,其中藏着愤怒和杀机,至于龙青月身后的黑阎皇,眼睛中笼罩着一团迷雾,十分可怕,但他倒是对龙辰沒什么太大的恶意,更多的是好奇。 Long Qingyue stopped in the Long Chen body first ten meters places, with Long Chen looking at each other. 龙青月龙辰身前十米的地方停了下來,和龙辰对视。 First sees this youth, in her heart in fact had been shocked, in a moment ago the flash, she thinks that one has misread, because of Long Chen any aspect, and Long Qinglan so similar, pride in that bone is nobody can surmount, what is most fearful is Long Chen compared with Long Qinglan, obviously a more ominous offense and indifference, that is the thing that Long Qinglan most lacks. 第一眼看到这个少年,她心中实际上已经被震撼到了,就在刚才一瞬间,她以为自己看错了,因为龙辰无论是任何一个方面,都和龙青澜是如此的相似,那骨子里的骄傲是无人能够超越的,最可怕的是龙辰比起龙青澜來说,显然更加凶戾和冷漠,那是龙青澜最缺少的东西。 Long Chen is also looking at this Long Qingyue. 龙辰也在看着这龙青月 Just as expected, on the body of this woman, Long Chen could not feel really the feeling of that family member, some are only her indifference with the loathing, even keeps aloof, such as superior same carefully examines itself. 果然不出所料,在这女人的身上,龙辰真的感觉不到那种亲人的感觉,有的只是她的冷漠和厌恶,甚至是高高在上,如上位者一样审视自己。 You called Long Chen.” “你就叫龙辰。” Suddenly, the Long Qingyue sinking sound asked. 骤然间,龙青月沉声问道。 Long Chen is neither arrogant nor servile, said: I am.” 龙辰不卑不亢,道:“我就是。” The Long Qingyue complexion changes, said: Really is the same with the hearsay, item does not have the law of the land, does not have the polite training, nothing but does evil, stops at nothing.” 龙青月脸色一变,道:“果然和传闻一样,目无王法,沒有礼貌修养,无非作歹,无所不为。” The Long Chen brow wrinkled, it seems like that this woman looks for trouble today, Long Chen access road: This madame, how my Long Chen manner, should not relate with you, it is said some of our truly relations, but you, if did not acknowledge, I do not want to acknowledge, since has not related, my Long Chen liked being how what kind, you worried about anything blindly.” 龙辰眉头皱了起來,看來这女人今天还是來找麻烦的啊,龙辰便道:“这位夫人,我龙辰为人如何,应该和你沒关系吧,据说我们确实有些关系,但你若是不承认的话,我也沒想承认,既然沒关系,我龙辰爱怎样就怎样,你瞎操心什么。” What he said is the innermost thoughts. 他说的是心里话。 He does not want to care about Eternal Dragon City that side matter, if they do not work as themselves to exist, then also greatly can not work as the opposite party to exist, does not need to use the face actually to paste others' cold buttocks, but he has not thought that will really have Long Qingyue such person, this is visits to interrogate. 他从來沒怎么想去关心永恒龙城那边的事情,如果他们不当自己存在,那么自己也大可以不当对方存在,沒必要去用脸却贴别人的冷屁股,但他沒想到竟然会有龙青月这样的人,她这是上门來质问吗。 Long Qingyue cheek climate must turn green, the chest fluctuates, angry, she angrily rebukes saying: Nonsense, Long Chen, I come here today, to tell you, you should better provide lodging oneself, do not give me Eternal Dragon City to lose face again, to be honest I did not acknowledge that you and our has the relations, do not want to hold our thighs, your father will be the person condemned for all time, you similarly also will be, but you and our anything will relate does not have, in the future, you only will need from now on to manage well you, if will make me hear you to make the counter chaotic behavior again, lost the face of my family, no matter you where, I can want your life, will remember not have.” 龙青月脸蛋顿时气得发青,胸口起伏,愤怒不已,她怒斥道:“胡说八道,龙辰,我今天來到这里,就是为了告诉你,你最好管住自己,别再给我永恒龙城丢人,说实话我根本不承认你和我们一家有关系,你也别想抱我们大腿,你父亲是千古罪人,你同样也是,但你们和我们一家什么关系都沒有,从今往后,你只需要管好你自己,若再让我听到你做出逆乱的行为,丢了我家族的脸,不管你在哪里,我都会要了你的性命,记住沒有。” Long Chen has smiled, he said: Your brain has the issue, you spoke have the logic, on the one hand stressed that I and your family have not related, since has not related, then I made anything, was my matter, had the relations of fart with your family, having a need for you worrying.” 龙辰笑了,他道:“你的脑子有问題,你说话还有逻辑吗,一方面强调我和你们家沒关系,既然沒关系了,那么我做出任何事情,都是我自己的事,和你们家族有屁的关系,用得着你來操心吗。” He has not thought that so-called paternal aunt, unexpectedly is this kind of person, therefore at heart is very sad. 他沒想到所谓的姑姑,竟然是这样一个人,所以心里还是挺伤心的。 But think that Long Qinglan died that many years, Eternal Dragon City always nobody stands to speak for him, only this point showed that their whole families are impossible to have the favorable impression to oneself, what is laughable is also having a ray of hope. 但自己一想,龙青澜已经死去那么多年了,永恒龙城从來沒人站出來为他说话,单是这一点就说明他们那一家人对自己也根本不可能有好感,可笑的是自己还抱着一线希望。 But now actually Long Chen also gets over an emotion. 而如今其实龙辰也释怀了。 Because, between both did not have the blood relationship, initially that first Dragon Emperor nothing but has regarded as important the Long Qinglan natural talent, wants to scheme from him, recognizes him to be the adopted son, this type is not the one's own relations, to Long Chen this generation, must have family member relations again, was impossible. 因为,两者之间本來就沒有血缘关系,当初那第一龙帝无非只是看重了龙青澜的天资,想要从他身上有所图谋,才认他做义子的,这种并非亲生关系,到了龙辰这一代,要再扯上亲人这种关系,已经不可能了。 If the Eternal Dragon City that side will acknowledge, that felt strange. 永恒龙城那边要是会承认的话,那才奇怪了。 Such one was contradicted by Long Chen, Long Qingyue is mad goes crazy. 龙辰那么一顶撞,龙青月气得发疯。 She has gripped the fist, belongs to the Aura bombardment of Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Expert to come, shakes Long Chen directly draws back, shakes the vitality to tumble, a demolition sweeps across, attracted many people looked like toward here. 她握住了拳头,一股属于七星轮回劫境强者气息轰击而來,直接将龙辰震退,震得气血翻滚,一声爆破席卷出去,吸引了不少人朝着这边看來。 Long Qingyue is biting the red tender lip, virulent cold sound said: Little animal, you are listening to me, I said two points to you, first, your this lives do not want to climb up the relations with our family again, we already did not acknowledge that Long Qinglan this criminal is our Younger Brother, second, although you and we have not related, however looks like in the outside, you have the connection with us eventually, therefore I forbid you to run amuck again, otherwise you only then dies a road, do not think that I do not dare to kill you.” 龙青月咬着红嫩嘴唇,却恶毒冷声说道:“小畜生,你给我听着,我就跟你说两点,首先,你此生别想再和我们家族攀上关系,我们早就不承认龙青澜这罪人是我们的兄弟,第二点,虽然你和我们沒关系,但是在外界看來,你终究还是和我们有关联,所以我禁止你再胡作非为,否则你只有死一条路,别以为我不敢杀你。” She has almost roared, person who the surroundings surround, basically heard her words. 她几乎是吼了出來,周围围观的人,也基本上听到了她的话。 Long Chen suppresses vitality of that tumbling, in the heart secret passage Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Expert is really formidable, this woman also had the Holy Ghost to be so formidable, remembers that in various god battlefields, Holy Ghost that rank, simply and Spiritual God to Long Chen was different, but now was very close. 龙辰将身上那翻滚的气血镇压下去,心中暗道七星轮回劫境强者果然强大,这女人也有圣灵那么强大了,记得在诸神战场,圣灵那种级别,对龙辰來说简直和神灵沒什么两样,但现在已经很接近了。 Oneself have carried on the so huge transformation. 恍惚间,自己已经进行了如此巨大的蜕变。 The Long Qingyue words make Long Chen think very laughable, this woman should have a high and respected position to be used to it, remarries to a formidable husband, therefore is supercilious, aware good, does not place in others the eye, to Long Chen, she is depends the Cultivate time to be long, must otherwise, in the Long Chen eye, without any threat. 龙青月的话语让龙辰觉得很可笑,这女人应该养尊处优习惯了,再嫁给一个强大的丈夫,所以目中无人,自觉良好,不把别人放在眼中,对龙辰來说,她就是仗着修炼时间长,要不然的话,在龙辰眼中,沒有任何的威胁。 How saying that is also and Long Qinglan some people of relations, the paternal aunt in legend, so treats herself unexpectedly, not oneself, when the person looks, thinks, some do not feel better. 只是怎么说也是个和龙青澜有些关系的人啊,传说中的姑姑啊,竟然如此对待自己,不把自己当人看,想起來,还是有些不好受。 That, how I should do, can they, closes the mouth.” “那么,我应该怎么做,才能让他们一家的人,闭上嘴巴呢。” The Long Chen innermost feelings long. 龙辰内心渴望起來。
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