DBWG :: Volume #21

#2100: Black Yan Huang

Heaven Blood Hell.” 天血地狱。” Long Chen just arrived at Slaughtering Dragon City, definitely does not know here concrete place, therefore he asked: Three, where this Heaven Blood Hell is.” 龙辰刚刚來到杀戮龙城,肯定是不认识这里具体地方的,所以他问道:“三位,这天血地狱是什么地方。” Third Dragon Emperor sees his vigilance, one of them he he smiles, said: You do not use anxiously, is not the special place, our Slaughtering Dragon City will detain some prisoners, among the disciple, if some people make mistakes, will be closed the confinement, little several months, are over a thousand years, this kind of person basically was detained in Heaven Blood Hell, Heaven Blood Hell in my Slaughtering Dragon City, but your duty, but joins Dragon Tomb Army, guards Heaven Blood Hell with other Dragon Tomb Army.” 三位龙帝见他警觉,其中一人呵呵一笑,道:“你也不用紧张,不是什么特别的地方,我们杀戮龙城会关押一些囚犯,弟子当中,如果有人犯错,也会被关禁闭,少则几个月,长达上千年,这一类人基本上都被关押在天血地狱,天血地狱在我杀戮龙城之内,而你的任务,只是加入‘龙墓军’,和其他龙墓军一起驻守天血地狱。” Long Chen was unable the complete good faith they, his access road: To put it bluntly, is the prison guard is right.” 龙辰还不能完全诚信他们,他便道:“说白了,就是狱卒对吗。” Third Dragon Emperor has smiled, looks at their meanings, should. 三位龙帝笑了起來,看他们的意思,应该是了。 These three people definitely are the old fox, Long Chen do not dare to comply casually. 这三人肯定是老狐狸,龙辰不敢随便答应。 At this time, an opposite party humanity: You do not need anxiously, in fact guards Heaven Blood Hell, nothing, usually you greatly can use massive time Cultivate, sometimes needs to go on patrol according to the arrangement, in fact in the middle of my Slaughtering Dragon City, joined Dragon Tomb Army basically is the idlest duty.” 这时候,对方一人道:“你无需紧张,实际上驻守天血地狱,也沒什么事情,平时你大可以用大量的时间修炼,有时候需要按照安排巡逻一下,实际上在我杀戮龙城当中,加入龙墓军基本上是最清闲的任务了。” Another Dragon Emperor said: You, since has joined Slaughtering Dragon City, is my Slaughtering Dragon City member, then can only arrange according to the ordinary disciple, cannot because of your status, but makes you have a high and respected position in Slaughtering Dragon City, we are hope that you can few integrations to Slaughtering Dragon City, becomes integrated with other people, but was not isolated, if so, we bring Slaughtering Dragon City you, did not have the slight significance.” 另外一位龙帝道:“你既然加入了杀戮龙城,是我杀戮龙城的一份子,那么就只能按照普通弟子來安排,不能因为你的身份,而让你在杀戮龙城当中养尊处优,我们是希望你能够很少的融入到杀戮龙城当中,和其他人打成一片,而不是被孤立,如果是那样的话,我们将你带來杀戮龙城,就沒有丝毫的意义了。” According to according to this logic, this so-called Heaven Blood Hell, is not the special place. 照这样说來,这所谓的天血地狱,也不是什么特别的地方。 They said are not groundless, if Long Chen does not integrate Slaughtering Dragon City, becomes a here member, then he arrives at here not slight function, that with putting under house arrest similarly. 他们说得也不无道理,如果龙辰不融入到杀戮龙城,成为这里的一份子的话,那么他到來这里沒有丝毫的作用,那就更跟软禁差不多了。 In the final analysis, three of us are Five Great Dragon City, did not only have three of too big evil intention to you, will therefore make you join to Slaughtering Dragon City comes, we were the hope can make you turn back the correct path, became our member, let the matter that you forgot your father while convenient, but currently speaking, you could not achieve obviously, reason that did not make you leave Slaughtering Dragon City, that was because outside wanted to kill your person too to be really many, you should be able to understand us.” “说到底,我们三人是五大龙城当中,唯一对你沒有太大恶意的三位了,所以才会让你加入到杀戮龙城來,我们是希望能够让你走回正道,成为我们的一份子,顺便让你忘记你父亲的事情,但目前來说,你显然做不到,之所以不让你离开杀戮龙城,那是因为外面想要杀你的人实在太多了,你应该能理解我们。” Long Chen nods. 龙辰点点头。 They truly said right, Long Chen now is not suitable to leave Slaughtering Dragon City, but he will not trust this Third Dragon Emperor completely, after all he is not familiar with them. 他们确实说得沒错,龙辰现在也不适合离开杀戮龙城,但是他也不会完全信任这三位龙帝,毕竟他不熟悉他们。 He said: „The Heaven Blood Hell matter, I should, other detailed requests.” 他道:“天血地狱的事情,我应该可以,还有其他具体的要求吗。” Third Dragon Emperor had deliberately considered, said: Too had not requested, so long as you observed to command were good, by your strength, guarded Heaven Blood Hell, that has more than enough to spare, Dragon Tomb Army had the concrete rule, some days I will have let Dragon Tomb Army commanded to look for you, how he will tell you to handle affairs.” 三位龙帝寻思了一下,道:“沒有太多要求了,你只要遵守统领就行了,以你的实力,驻守天血地狱,那是绰绰有余的,龙墓军有具体的规则,过些天我就会让龙墓军的统领去找你,他会告诉你如何行事。” That thanked Third Dragon Emperor.” “那就谢谢三位龙帝了。” Long Chen salutes respectfully. 龙辰恭敬行礼。 Was good, you can walk, in the future you relieved training in the middle of Slaughtering Dragon City, nothing, within at least ten years, we will not summon you again.” “行了,你可以走了,往后你就在杀戮龙城当中安心修养吧,沒什么事情,至少十年之内,我们不会再召见你了。” Long Chen then asks to be excused. 龙辰这才告退。 Leaves here, he and Li Xuanji discussed. 离开这里,他和李璇玑商量。 You said this Slaughtering Dragon City, has anything to attempt to me.” “你说这杀戮龙城,对我有什么企图。” Long Chen seeks Sidao. 龙辰寻思道。 Li Xuanji thinks that said: You only and they have connection, should be Inherited Blood Essence, but they when only you are Supreme Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, although is precious, but is not necessarily able when their heart movement, they should still dread your father, moreover is flattering you, at least they must achieve compared with other Dragon City are good to you, your potential are giant, so long as does not die, in the future will also be very likely to become next Long Qinglan.” 李璇玑想了想,道:“你唯一和他们有关联的,应该就是传承精血了,但他们只当你是无上神龙传承精血而已,虽然珍贵,但未必会当他们心动,他们应该是仍然忌惮你父亲吧,另外就是也在讨好你,至少他们要做到比其他龙城对你好,毕竟你潜力巨大,只要不死,将來也很可能成为下一个龙青澜。” In other words, this Heaven Blood Hell duty, makes me integrate Slaughtering Dragon City, made an ordinary Dragon Warrior method.” “也就是说,这天血地狱的任务,也只是让我融入杀戮龙城,做一个普通龙武者的手段而已了。” Long Chen deep breath one time. 龙辰深呼吸了一次。 That feels at ease Cultivate. 那就安心修炼吧。 He is quite a little strange, guards Heaven Blood Hell Dragon Warrior, why must be called Dragon Tomb Army, as if each Dragon City dragon grave, is the restricted area of highest rank, initially Long Qinglan Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, was he in the middle of slaughtering the dragon grave obtains. 有一点他比较奇怪,驻守天血地狱龙武者,为什么要叫做龙墓军呢,似乎每一个龙城的龙墓,都是最高级别的禁地吧,当初龙青澜太古血灵龙传承精血,就是他在杀戮龙墓当中得到了。 Quick he went out of the palace. 很快他就走出了宫殿。 But what Long Chen does not know, when he just came back, enters to three big Dragon Emperor in the palace, two mysterious guests, arrive at Slaughtering Dragon City. 龙辰不知道的是,当他刚回來,进入到三大龙帝所在宫殿的时候,有两个神秘的來客,降临杀戮龙城 At that time, Long Chen and Xue Chi just went. 那时候,龙辰血炽刚刚进去呢。 Beside Slaughtering Dragon City, several thousand scarlet Divine Dragon dance in the air above the bloodshed, some crashed in the middle of the bloodshed to tumble directly, raises the massive spray, irritating the nose bloody Aura has reverberated in the world. 杀戮龙城之外,数千头血色神龙在血海之上飞舞,有的直接冲进血海当中翻滚,掀起了大量的浪花,刺鼻的血腥气息在天地之间回荡。 Whistling...... 呼呼…… These guard blood Dragon Jun outside Slaughtering Dragon City, Xue Chi is their presidents leads. 这些都是驻守杀戮龙城之外的血龙军,血炽就是他们的总统领。 Xue Chi also has a nickname, is called Blood Dragon Emperor. 血炽还有个外号,叫做‘血龙皇’。 Generally speaking, can directly be called the emperor, at least is gossips Reincarnation peerless Expert, Seven Star Reincarnation, although has strength of the god, close Spiritual God, but was unable to become the emperor. 一般來说,能够直接被称为皇的,至少都是八卦轮回的绝世强者,七星轮回虽然拥有通神之力,接近神灵,但还不能被成为皇。 While blood Dragon Jun dances in the air up and down, Slaughtering Dragon City actually came two guests, they from the beginning are only the asterism, then appears before blood Dragon Jun instantaneously. 正当血龙军上下飞舞的时候,杀戮龙城却來了两位來客,他们一开始只是星点,然后瞬间出现在血龙军面前。 Who dares to rush to my Slaughtering Dragon City.” “何人胆敢闯我杀戮龙城。” Among blood Dragon Jun, has Expert to roar immediately, over ten thousand blood Dragon Jun ascend from the bloodshed, eyes covetously to look at this unexpected visitor. 血龙军当中,顿时有强者咆哮,上万血龙军从血海当中升腾起來,虎视眈眈看着这不速之客。 Some future two, separately is a man and a woman, the middle-aged couple's appearance, practices for at least over ten thousand years, this character obviously is one generation of Expert. 來者有两人,分别是一男一女,中年夫妇的模样,修行至少上万年,这种人物显然是一代强者 Among them, wears the aquamarine long skirt, is a limpid charming beautiful woman, elegantly simple fresh, lets the person, if washes the spring breeze, a pair of pupil will just like will speak, although will not have the young girl to be shy, but the tender body will be charming, has the mature graceful bearing, the carriage will be plentiful, will capture the attention. 两人当中,其中一位身穿碧绿色长裙,是个清澈迷人的美妇,淡雅清新,让人如沐春风,一双眸子恍如会说话,虽然沒有少女般青涩,但娇躯迷人,有着成熟风韵,体态丰腴,十分吸引目光。 But this woman is actually not most appealing. 但这女人却不是最吸引人的。 By her, the man is embracing her willow waist, stands by her, this male stature tall Shou, a black hair must be longer than that female, drags the heel, his face is handsome, but is very scary, because he does not have the eyeball, both eyes has filled two groups of black dense fog, forms the vortex, is similar to the endless abyss, letting the person is unable to extricate oneself. 在她旁边,有一位男子正揽着她的柳腰,站在她旁边,这男子身材高瘦,一头黑色的头发比那女子还要长,拖到脚跟,他脸庞英俊,但十分吓人,因为他沒有眼球,双眼当中充满了两团黑色的迷雾,形成漩涡,如同无尽深渊,让人无法自拔。 Saw that numerous blood Dragon Jun intercepts himself, the man shows a faint smile, is extraordinary, his graceful [say / way]: Blood Dragon Jun, I am Swallow Dragon City Chen Ting, comes to visit Slaughtering Dragon City.” 看到众多血龙军拦截自己,那男子微微一笑,气质出众,他优雅道:“诸位血龙军,我乃吞噬龙城陈庭’,前來拜访杀戮龙城。” Chen Ting.” 陈庭。” Blood Dragon Jun suddenly somewhat confuse, this name somewhat seems to be strange. 血龙军们一时间有些迷惑,这个名字似乎有些陌生。 Saw that they had still not responded, the side female cold smiles suddenly, said: Does not know, you may really be friendless and unlearned, Black Gate Emperor did not know.” 看到他们仍然沒有反应,旁边女子忽地冷然一笑,道:“不认识是吗,你们可真是孤陋寡闻,连‘黑阎皇’都不认识。” Black Gate Emperor. 黑阎皇 Hears this name, the blood Dragon Jun in abundance complexion big change, the look that in fact they look at this man, guessed similarly. 听到这个名字,血龙军们纷纷脸色大变,实际上他们看这男子的相貌,已经猜测得差不多了。 Among blood Dragon Jun, has on commanding of Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm to come immediately, leads blood Dragon Jun, said: Originally is Black Gate Emperor your excellency, we are really perforated do not know Mount Tai, has not recognized including Black Gate Emperor, is really damn, this thinks that is the Black Gate Emperor wife, is really such as the fresh and beautiful, colorful certainly world.” 血龙军当中,立马就有七星轮回劫境的统领上前來,带领血龙军,道:“原來是黑阎皇阁下,我们真是有眼不识泰山,连黑阎皇都沒认出來,真是该死,这位想必就是黑阎皇的夫人吧,真是如出水芙蓉,艳绝天下啊。” Blood Dragon Jun and the others could not bear rush to be first to visit them, must know this Black Gate Emperor, but Swallow Dragon City celebrity, is similar in the Slaughtering Dragon City status with Xue Chi Blood Dragon Emperor, is fearful Expert of Xue Chi same rank, the legend are innumerable, practices above the 20,000 year character, is the character of Long Chen father Long Qinglan same rank. 血龙军等人忍不住争先恐后看着他们,要知道这黑阎皇可是吞噬龙城的名人,和血炽血龙皇杀戮龙城的地位差不多,是和血炽同一个级别的可怕强者,传说无数,是足足修行两万年以上的人物,也是龙辰父亲龙青澜同一个辈分的人物。 Facing praise that blood Dragon Jun commands, the female the smiling face chases to start immediately, that Black Gate Emperor said with a smile: Where, where, was right, we visit Slaughtering Dragon City today, is mainly some private affairs.” 面对那血龙军统领的夸奖,女子马上笑颜逐开,那黑阎皇笑道:“哪里,哪里,对了,我们今天來拜访杀戮龙城,主要是有些私事。” That blood Dragon Jun commands saying: Two do not worry first, please enter a city along with me, I told our generals the news that you arrive, he immediately came.” 那血龙军统领道:“两位先别着急,请随我进城,我已经把你们到來的消息告诉我们大帅,他马上就过來了。” Xue Chi, my old friend, many years do not meet.” 血炽吗,我的老朋友,也有多年不见面了。” Black Gate Emperor he he smiles, is very amiable, but his dense fog eye, no matter is amiable, was been fearful and apprehensive. 黑阎皇呵呵笑着,十分随和,但其一双迷雾般的眼睛不管再随和,都叫人心惊胆战。 Under welcome of blood Dragon Jun High levels, they entered Slaughtering Dragon City. 在血龙军高层们的迎接下,两人走进了杀戮龙城 Black Gate Emperor nearby female glances right and left, said directly: Several, our directly explanation purpose in coming, we for serveral days heard many that Long Qinglan son's news, today comes Slaughtering Dragon City specially, for this fellow, you should know my status.” 黑阎皇旁边的女子左顾右盼,直接道:“几位,我们还是直接说明來意吧,我们这些天听了不少那龙青澜儿子的消息,今日专门前來杀戮龙城,就是为了这个家伙,你们应该知道我的身份吧。” Several blood Dragon Jun look at each other in blank diamay, old Dragon Warrior said hastily: Knows that naturally knows, Long Qingyue wife is the Eternal Dragon City first Dragon Emperor biological daughter, is the first Dragon Emperor youngest daughter, has married Swallow Dragon City Black Gate Emperor, how I and others can not know.” 几位血龙军面面相觑,其中一个年老的龙武者连忙道:“知道,当然知道,龙青月夫人乃是永恒龙城第一龙帝的亲生女儿,也是第一龙帝最小的女儿,嫁给了吞噬龙城黑阎皇,我等又怎么会不认识呢。” The black clothing female is quite favorite, said: You know that was good, although I married Swallow Dragon City, but the Eternal Dragon City matter I have no alternative but to manage, I was still a Eternal Dragon City member, cannot some bewildered to ruin my Eternal Dragon City reputation, you should know that called the Long Chen fellow, it is said was Long Qinglan keeps the evil in society...... Son.” 青衣女子比较得意,道:“你们知道就好了,我虽然嫁到了吞噬龙城,但永恒龙城的事情我不能不管,我仍然是永恒龙城的一份子,不能让一些莫名其妙的人败坏了我永恒龙城的名声,你们应该知道,那叫龙辰的家伙,据说是龙青澜留在世间的孽……儿子。” Here time, that Black Gate Emperor has affected gently her arm, therefore she changed to the son the bad child. 说到这里的时候,那黑阎皇轻轻牵动了一下她的胳膊,所以她才把孽种改为儿子。 The people are somewhat stunned. 众人有些愕然。 They had deliberately considered, Eternal Dragon Emperor is the Eternal Dragon City first Dragon Emperor adopted son, is at present the righteousness brother of this female, if according to the rank, Long Chen should shout her a paternal aunt, but Long Qingyue is threatening today, it is estimated that to Long Chen, is not the good deed. 他们寻思了一下,永恒龙帝乃是永恒龙城第一龙帝的义子,也就是眼前这位女子的义兄,若是按照辈分的话,龙辰应该喊她一声姑姑,但今天龙青月來势汹汹,估计对龙辰來说,不是什么好事。 Every month, waits to see that he said again.” Black Gate Emperor reminded. “月月,等见到他再说吧。”黑阎皇提醒了一下。 Good, but others listened to these many matters for these days, is mad at heart, how I have not thought that he walked these many years, thinks that all have vanished into thin air, but left such an evil now...... The son, really does not dislike to add to the chaos, moreover this Long Chen is not a law-abiding person, if makes him deliberately create trouble again, the face of our Eternal Dragon City must lose completely, my father they do not want to respond, but I cannot leave alone, after all I once was the Eternal Dragon City person, the body upper reaches the blood of Eternal Dragon City.” “好嘛,只是人家这几天听了这么多的事,心里就來气,我怎么都沒想到,他都走了这么多年了,以为一切都烟消云散了,但现在又出了这么一个孽……儿子,真是不嫌添乱,而且这龙辰还是个不安分的人,要是再让他胡闹下去,我们永恒龙城的脸都要给丢尽了,我爹他们不想搭理,但我可不能放任不管,毕竟我曾经是永恒龙城的人,身上流着永恒龙城的血。” Good every month, saw him immediately.” Black Gate Emperor said. “行了月月,马上就见到他了。”黑阎皇道。
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