DBWG :: Volume #21

#2099: Day blood hell

This situation makes Long Chen very satisfied. 这情况让龙辰很满意。 He was already clear, more often, all depend on the fist speech. 他早就清楚,更多时候,一切靠拳头说话。 Now his fist was big, awed his person to be many. 如今他拳头大了,敬畏他的人就多了。 This is only the start that he tries hard. 这只是他努力的开始。 Looks at present all living things, Long Chen is forceful, said once again: If everybody wants to make me die , because feared that I will be the same like my father in the future, lean on the peerless strength, brings the disaster to Human Clan, even is the catastrophe that certain people said that then I can only say two points, first: I pledged, no matter believes that I will observe my pledge, completes me, although my Long Chen the lifetime time is not long, the matter that but experiences does not compare few, the pledge that I make, could not have achieved, as for second......” 看着眼前众生,龙辰铿锵有力,再度说道:“如果各位想让我死,是因为怕我将來如我父亲一样,凭靠绝世战力,给人族带來大难,甚至是某些人说的浩劫,那么我只能说两点,第一:我已经发誓了,不管诸位到底相信不相信,我会遵守我自己的誓言,做好我自己,我龙辰虽然一生的时间还不长,但经历的事情并不比诸位少,我所立下的誓言,从來沒有做不到的,至于第二……” Here, in his heart filled warm-blooded. 说到这里,他心中充满热血。 These before could not get used to seeing the Long Chen person, at this time secure listened quietly him to speak, they discovered that this youth really also had so lovable side, was not in the middle of the legend kills people completely likely such as the rebel of hemp, in addition his natural talent was really terrifying, the people have to suspect itself, why must kill him. 那些之前看不惯龙辰的人,此时安静听他说话,他们发现这少年竟然也有如此可亲的一面,完全不像是传说当中杀人如麻的叛徒,再加上他的天资实在恐怖,众人不得不怀疑自己,为什么自己要杀他呢。 Is because envies, because frightened. 是因为嫉妒,还是因为恐惧。 Long Chen spoke of the most essential place. 龙辰说到了最关键的地方。 He fills warm-blooded, the vision is tenacious, the clear and resonant voice said: About my father all, is I arrives at the Dragon God Domain goal, everybody knows that during Eternal Dragon Emperor is not you imagines from the beginning such, reason that he has the change, is predestined friends by, but I will happen one day will seek this reason, making everybody see real him, this is the fate of my lifetime, is all that I pursue, I believe that he is a good father, is one for the common people, but Expert diligently, I not and debate, I can only say, one day, I will reveal this truth.” 他充满热血,目光坚韧,朗声说道:“关于我父亲的一切,也是我來到龙神域的目标,大家都知道永恒龙帝一开始并不是你们想象当中的那样,他之所以产生变化,也是有缘由的,而我终有一天会把这个原因找出來,让大家看到一个真实的他,这是我毕生的宿命,也是我追求的一切,我相信他是一个好父亲,更是一个为苍生而努力的强者,我不会和诸位辩论,我只能说,总有一天,我会把这个谜底揭开。” From these words, the people understood that Long Chen familiar Long Qinglan, do not say turns into Long Qinglan that type existence that is hard to control, in fact is also probably unlikely, but he said that rigid and tenacity in these words time eye, without doubt was makes the person change countenance, they discovered that hearsay so ugly Long Chen, in fact was also only a sincere warm-blooded youth. 从这句话当中,众人了解到龙辰并不是非常的熟悉龙青澜,要说变成龙青澜那种难以掌控的存在,实际上好像也不大可能,而他说这句话时候眼中的执着和坚韧,无疑是让人动容了,他们发现,那传闻当中如此丑恶的龙辰,实际上也只是一个真挚的热血少年罢了。 His existence, to prove all for his father. 他的存在,是为了为他父亲证明一切。 Eternal Dragon Emperor......” 永恒龙帝……” The people think that a long time, Eternal Dragon Emperor is all Human Clan hugest pride. 众人不禁想起來,在很长一段时间,永恒龙帝一直都是所有人族最巨大的骄傲。 He is leading Human Clan, moves toward magnificently. 他带领着人族,走向辉煌。 Five Great Dragon City, more than ten Dragon Emperor, must look at the Eternal Dragon Emperor face, although Long Qinglan be much younger than them. 五大龙城,十多位龙帝,都要看永恒龙帝的面子,尽管龙青澜要比他们年轻得多了。 He hopefully becomes the Spiritual God person, was only a pity that the midway falls from the sky. 他是最有希望成为神灵的人啊,只可惜中途陨落。 So-called Eternal Dragon Emperor this title, in fact is the huge glory. 所谓永恒龙帝这个称号,实际上是巨大的荣耀。 In the middle of Five Great Dragon City, according to the custom that hands down from generation to generation antique, each Dragon City has Third Dragon Emperor, according to the rank, separately is first Dragon Emperor, second Dragon Emperor and third Dragon Emperor, Five Great Dragon City is so, but any Dragon Emperor, besides title of rank, will also have other title, for example in the middle of Slaughtering Dragon City, the first Dragon Emperor also title, that is Fierce Blood Dragon Emperor, generally speaking, to differentiate major Dragon City first Dragon Emperor, the outside called Slaughtering Dragon City first Dragon Emperor generally directly Fierce Blood Dragon Emperor title, first Dragon Emperor was only a position, Fierce Blood Dragon Emperor is his title. 五大龙城当中,按照太古传下來的规矩,每一个龙城三位龙帝,按照排位,分别是第一龙帝,第二龙帝和第三龙帝,五大龙城都是如此,而任何的龙帝,除了排位的称号之外,还会有另外的封号,比如说杀戮龙城当中,第一龙帝还有一个封号,那就是‘暴血龙帝’,一般來说,为了区分各大龙城的第一龙帝,外界一般直接称呼杀戮龙城第一龙帝暴血龙帝’的称号,第一龙帝只是一个位置,暴血龙帝才是他的封号。 Five Great Dragon City, separately is eternal slaughtering life destiny and swallowing. 五大龙城,分别是‘永恒’‘杀戮’‘生命’‘命运’和‘吞噬’。 Each Dragon Emperor has title, but their titles, absolutely will not be above five. 每一个龙帝都有封号,但他们的封号,绝对不会是以上五个。 Since according to the antiquity, the custom that the ancestor has handed down, only then the strength exceeds all people completely, stands in the entire Dragon God Domain peak, and is Human Clan makes the great contribution, possibly was conferred the above five titles, can obtain by Dragon City name title Dragon Emperor, for thousands of years do not have several. 按照太古以來,先祖传下的规矩,只有实力完全超越所有人,站在整个龙神域巅峰,并且为人族做出巨大贡献,才可能被册封以上五种称号,能得到以龙城名字冠名的龙帝,千万年來都沒出过几个。 In the history, really has life Dragon Emperor and Emperor Devouring Dragon appearance, but afterward died, finally does not have a tenth god. 历史上,确实有‘生命龙帝’和‘吞噬龙帝’的出现,只不过后來陨落,最终沒有成神。 For 1 million years, several hundred people have held the post of the Dragon Emperor position, but by crown in eternal, is labeled as Eternal Dragon Emperor, has a Long Qinglan person. 1000000年來,有数百人担任过龙帝的位置,但被冠于‘永恒’,被封为永恒龙帝的,只有龙青澜一个人。 Can obtain Dragon Emperor of Dragon City title, has to command the Five Great Dragon City authority, for example Long Qinglan at that time was the Five Great Dragon City unified leader, not only Eternal Dragon City. 能得到龙城封号的龙帝,拥有统帅五大龙城的权力,比如龙青澜当时就是五大龙城统一的领袖,而不只是永恒龙城 Initially was Eternal Dragon City first Dragon Emperor, must obey the Long Qinglan verbal command. 当初就是永恒龙城的第一龙帝,都得听从龙青澜的号令。 Thus it can be seen, initial Long Qinglan, had the how huge prestige in Dragon God Domain, lived truly in the person of that time, in fact nobody did not worship his. 由此可见,当初的龙青澜,在龙神域到底拥有多么巨大的声望了,真正生活在那个时代的人,实际上沒人是不崇拜他的。 He is that time Dragon God Domain only leader, overawes five large clans, must shiver for him including Chaos Star Domain. 他是那个时代龙神域唯一的领袖,威震五大族,连混乱星域都得为他而颤抖。 Afterward turbulence, no one is able to believe that from the disappointment to the despair, various public opinions proliferates the world, has caused the Long Qinglan reputation, fell the abyss instantaneously, henceforth left a stink for ten thousand years. 只是,后來的动荡,谁都无法置信,从失望到绝望,各种舆论遍布人间,导致了龙青澜的名声,瞬间滑落到了深渊,从此遗臭万年。 Has not experienced the young people of that time, under the exaggeration of Elder understood that so-called Eternal Dragon Emperor, first impressions are most lasting, they do not know that Eternal Dragon Emperor is what kind of person, only knows that he will be the person condemned for all time. 沒经历过那个时代的年轻人,都在长辈的渲染下了解所谓的永恒龙帝,先入为主,他们根本就不知道永恒龙帝是怎样的人,只知道他是千古罪人。 But today, his son stands unexpectedly here, claimed that must discover the past all. 而今日,他的儿子竟然重新站在这里,声称要找出当年的一切。 That proud and sincere and dedicated youth, making in the people heart incomparably change countenance, to be honest, the Long Qinglan blunder has bred, must elute for him, in fact is very laughable behavior, nobody is willing to listen to the argument of Long Chen, but saw that Long Chen is so tenacious, the people then close the mouth, has not said anything. 那个骄傲而真挚、执着的少年,让众人心中无比动容,说实话,龙青澜大错已经酿成,要为他洗脱,实际上是非常可笑的行为,沒人愿意听龙辰的辩解,但看到龙辰如此坚韧,众人便闭上嘴巴,沒说什么。 Long Chen will not certainly argue with them that he only said his pursue and fate, this was enough. 龙辰当然也不会和他们辩解,他只说出了自己的追求和宿命,这就足够了。 After saying all these, Long Chen turns around to rush to the clouds, Xue Chi is waiting for his arrival there. 说完这一切后,龙辰转身冲上云霄,血炽正在那里等待他的到來。 Starting today, his matter, will make Dragon God Domain turbulent inevitably once again, person who has looked with own eyes his, perhaps will have a new look to him, this is a good deed, in the future this entire Dragon God Domain, so many people will not want to kill him again, but he only needs wholly-absorbed Cultivate, produces own evidence to come, spoke with the strength, will happen one day, he can complete the last wish of that man. 从今日开始,他的事情,势必会再度让龙神域动荡,亲眼看过他的人,恐怕会对他改观吧,这是一件好事,往后这整个龙神域,不会再有那么多的人想要杀他了,而他只需要专心修炼,拿出自己的证据來,用实力说话,终有一天,他能完成那个男人的遗愿。 He once was the invincible overlord, should not crash in the infinite abyss. 他曾经是无敌的霸主,就不应该坠落在无穷深渊。 Then, is bringing Li Xuanji, returns to Slaughtering Dragon City time, Long Chen had discussed with Li Xuanji, she expressed willingness to follow Long Chen to go, as for Darkness God City, waits for that dark City Lord to go out, she comes back not to be late again, in fact she is unable to control itself to the worry of Long Chen, only then his road ahead was still destructive. 接下來,就是带着李璇玑,返回杀戮龙城的时候,龙辰已经和李璇玑商量过了,她表示愿意跟随龙辰前往,至于黑暗神城,等那黑暗城主出关,她再回來也不迟,实际上她无法控制自己对龙辰的担心,也只有他的前路仍然充满杀机。 Definitely some people will stand, preventing him to investigate the secret about Long Qinglan. 肯定会有人站出來,阻止他探查关于龙青澜的秘密。 Spoke in public also well.” Xue Chi grinned, ridicules to say with a smile. “演说得还不错嘛。”血炽咧开嘴,揶揄笑道。 Long Chen looked at his one eyes, said: Goes back.” 龙辰看了他一眼,道:“回去吧。” Your meaning is, must bring in the middle of your god country that Little Girl to enter Slaughtering Dragon City, she is not Dragon Warrior.” “你的意思是,要带着你神国当中那个小妞杀戮龙城吗,她可不是龙武者。” Xue Chi said with a smile lightly. 血炽轻笑道。 Long Chen knits the brows: „It is not Dragon Warrior, I will not make her appear in your fields of vision.” 龙辰皱眉道:“不是龙武者也可以,我又不会让她出现在你们的视野当中。” Li Xuanji he must carry off. 李璇玑他是必须要带走的。 Was good, you are really a loose fellow, is the same with your father, where regardless of he in the past went, side with peerless beautiful woman Yang You, you, but you were better, Heaven Dragon Star kept one, Dragon God Domain also kept one, handled any matter to be convenient.” “行了,你果然是个风流的家伙,和你老爹一样,他当年不论去哪里,身边都跟着一个绝世美人杨幽,你也是啊,不过你更牛,天龙星留一个,龙神域也留一个,做什么事情都方便啊。” Xue Chi Ha Ha has smiled. 血炽哈哈笑了起來。 Long Chen is disinclined to talk too much. 龙辰懒得多嘴。 Was good, according to your commitment, within ten years, you do not want to leave Slaughtering Dragon City, avoid looks for trouble everywhere, if not for this time I with you, you were already killed.” “行了,按照你自己的承诺,十年之内,你就别想离开杀戮龙城了,省得到处找麻烦,这次若不是我跟着你,你早就被杀了。” Xue Chi smiles, curls up scarlet Crazy Wind, bringing Long Chen from the sky to speed along, the Xue Chi speed naturally did not have the words saying that short less than day of arrived at Dragon God Domain northern Slaughtering Dragon City from the central core region, the front was that piece of boundless bloodshed. 血炽笑着,卷起一阵血色的狂风,带着龙辰在空中飞驰,血炽的速度自然沒话说,短短不到一天的时间就从中央核心区域到达龙神域北部的杀戮龙城,前方就是那一片茫茫的血海了。 Finally came back.” “终于回來了。” Xue Chi looks that the front bloodshed tumbles, stretched oneself. 血炽看着前方血海翻滚,伸了个懒腰。 Must stay the last ten years in this place, somewhat was truly long, before Long Chen, to rescue Li Xuanji, has no alternative to comply, but thinks now that is quite troublesome. 要在这地方呆上十年,确实有些久了,龙辰之前为了救李璇玑,无可奈何答应,但现在想起來,还是相当麻烦啊。 Regretted.” “后悔了。” Xue Chi ridicules to say with a smile. 血炽揶揄笑道。 No.” Long Chen shakes the head, since complies with that Third Dragon Emperor matter, does not have the truth of regret, has such period of stable time, can wholly-absorbed Cultivate, be strengthened by own battle efficiency exactly fast, strives for which day to catch up with Long Qinglan. “沒有。”龙辰摇摇头,既然是答应那三位龙帝的事情,沒有后悔的道理,有这么一段安定的时间,恰好可以专心修炼,让自己的战斗力快速增强,争取哪一天赶上龙青澜 Eternal Dragon Emperor, that is the what kind power and prestige exists...... 永恒龙帝,那是何等威风的存在…… Goes to Third Dragon Emperor there, your face may really be big, comes the Slaughtering Dragon City such short time, can see these many Third Dragon Emperor unexpectedly, I cannot see many times.” “去三位龙帝那里吧,你的面子可真是大啊,才來杀戮龙城这么短的时间,竟然能见这么多次三位龙帝,我都沒能见过多少次呢。” Xue Chi in the front said. 血炽在前方说道。 Third Dragon Emperor must see itself. 三位龙帝又要见自己。 Long Chen thought but actually that this Third Dragon Emperor is very wordy, but at least they not in view of oneself, is the good person, if oneself went to Eternal Dragon City, the place that Long Qinglan grows up, has not known that meets is what kind. 龙辰倒觉得,这三位龙帝还是挺啰嗦的,但至少他们不会针对自己,也算是好人,自己若是去了永恒龙城,那个龙青澜长大的地方,还不知道会是怎样呢。 After returning to Slaughtering Dragon City, the people looked that their vision is different. 回到杀戮龙城后,众人看自己的目光又不一样了。 It seems like oneself defeat the Six Dao Reincarnation Di Sheng news, has fed in Slaughtering Dragon City, Long Chen has gone against heaven's will more and more, but Slaughtering Dragon City Dragon Warrior have not vanished to their hostility, in their hearts was ingrained about Long Qinglan all, if wants they to change, only if Long Chen produces the evidence that enough makes them believe. 看來自己打败六道轮回帝笙的消息,已经传回到了杀戮龙城,龙辰是越來越逆天了,只是杀戮龙城龙武者们对自己的敌意并沒有消失,他们心中关于龙青澜的一切已经根深蒂固,要想他们更改,除非龙辰拿出足够让他们信服的证据來。 Leads the way in the middle of Slaughtering Dragon City for a long time, surmounts the numerous crowds, Long Chen then goes to the place that Third Dragon Emperor is, Xue Chi defends outside, cannot go , a Long Chen person passed through the numerous tunnels, leads the way in the middle of the scarlet palace, finally arrives at the position that Third Dragon Emperor was. 杀戮龙城当中前行许久,跨越重重人群,龙辰这才來到三位龙帝所在的地方,血炽守在外面,沒能进去,龙辰一个人穿越了重重的隧道,在血色的宫殿当中前行,最终來到了三位龙帝所在的位置。 In three emperor places, started to present a drop of blood, the blood evolved into the blood fog gradually, filled the air in the emperor place, in the midpoint emperor place, is Slaughtering Dragon City current most Expert, first Dragon Emperor Fierce Blood Dragon Emperor. 三个皇座上,开始出现了一滴鲜血,鲜血逐渐衍化成为血雾,在皇座上弥漫,正中央的皇座上,就是杀戮龙城目前的最强者,第一龙帝暴血龙帝’。 Their three, realize the change of Long Chen carefully. 他们三位,仔细察觉龙辰的变化。 Has seen Third Dragon Emperor.” “见过三位龙帝。” Long Chen partly kneels respectfully. 龙辰恭敬半跪。 Dispense with ceremony.” “免礼。” That blood fog surges, where cannot see honorable person. 那血雾涌动,看不出真人在哪里。 After Long Chen stands, Dragon Emperor comes straight to the point, said: We once agreed that opportunity that we give you exiting, but after you come back, within ten years can not leave Slaughtering Dragon City, this point, do not have the objection.” 龙辰站起來后,其中一位龙帝开门见山,道:“我们曾经约定,我们给你一次出去的机会,而你回來后,十年之内不得离开杀戮龙城,这一点,沒有异议吧。” Although is unfair to oneself, but this matter complied, Long Chen dares to do and has the courage to accept responsibility, naturally will not draw back timidly. 虽然对自己不公平,但这事已经答应了,龙辰敢作敢当,当然不会退怯。 He nods. 他点头。 Good, we determined that in these ten years time, making you protect Heaven Blood Hell, making your a little matter do.” “甚好,我们确定在这十年时间,让你去守护‘天血地狱’,让你有点事情做。” [
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