DBWG :: Volume #21

#2098: The hand of universe deconstruction

Black hole disintegration. 黑洞崩碎。 Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon appears, shows disdain for the vault of heaven. 太古血灵龙出现,傲视天穹。 Sees the body of this Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon once more, moreover this time approaches, Xue Chi suddenly actually stared blankly. 再次看见这太古血灵龙之躯,而且这次更加靠近,血炽一时间竟然发怔了。 Always some mysterious feelings, let in his heart some awes. 总有种神秘的感觉,让他心中有些敬畏。 As if seems to have met before...... 似乎似曾相识…… When he stares blankly, counted 100,000 god city Cultivator already to hurry to retrocede, as soon as they drew back draw back again, until has been far away from the ring-like mountain peak finally, but the ring-like mountain peak had been covered by Long Chen, the body of his huge Divine Dragon circled in the Di Sheng surroundings, pair of scarlet Dragon Eye was staring at Di Sheng, the expression was indifferent. 在他发怔的时候,数十万的神城者早就慌忙后退了,他们一退再退,直到最终远离了环形山峰,而环形山峰已经被龙辰遮盖,他那巨大的神龙之躯盘旋在帝笙的周围,一双血色的龙眼盯着帝笙,表情冷漠。 Di Sheng has one type by the feeling that superior biology looks , the opposite party is similar to is own natural enemy, making his both legs tremble. 帝笙有一种被上等生物看着的感觉,对方就如同是自己的天敌,让他双腿发颤。 Innermost feelings fear, but killed the enmity of child still the flaming combustion in his chest, at this time let alone was Long Chen, was Expert of Xue Chi this rank, he can also not attend to rushing of life. 内心恐惧,但杀子之仇仍然在他胸中熊熊燃烧,这时候别说是龙辰,就是血炽这种级别的强者,他也会不顾性命的冲上去。 After black hole storm, he is almost the spent force. 黑洞风暴之后,他几乎已经是强弩之末了。 But at this moment, he still stimulated the whole body the potential, is similar to the insanity, he launches the both arms, punctured unexpectedly in the space, suddenly the trim space mixed, sent out trembling of terror with thundering, was similar to a lake is mixed was the same, but at this time, the space rebellion, condensed a pair of big hand unexpectedly, is several hundred meters, grasped toward Long Chen. 但此时此刻,他仍然激发出浑身的潜能,如同疯魔,他展开双臂,竟然刺在了空间当中,一时间整片空间搅动了起來,发出恐怖的震颤和轰鸣,就如同一片湖泊被搅动了一样,而在这时候,空间暴动,竟然凝聚出一双大手,长达数百米,朝着龙辰抓來。 That is the arm that space force congeals into, everywhere one visit, the space tears, exudes is similar to the cloth is torn the time the sound, that pair of arm under the Di Sheng control, everywhere one visit, the mountain peak cracks, changes into the powder powder. 那是空间力量凝结成为的手臂,所到之处,空间纷纷撕裂,发出一声声如同布帛被撕裂时候的声音,那一双手臂在帝笙控制之下,所到之处,山峰崩裂,化为齑粉。 „The hand of Universe destruction.” 乾坤毁灭之手。” Di Sheng roared, stimulates the strongest strength, tried to tear in half Long Chen. 帝笙咆哮,激发出最强力量,试图将龙辰撕成两半。 Facing this Di Sheng that earthshaking attack, Long Chen was still calm calmly, at this time, his body has had the huge change, Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon originally is transforming into the illusory fog unexpectedly in an instant, in the middle of illusory fog, fuzzy illusory Divine Dragon circles. 面对这帝笙那惊天动地的攻击,龙辰却仍然淡定从容,就在这时候,他的身体产生了巨大的变化,原本的太古血灵龙竟然在刹那之间转化成为虚幻的云雾,虚幻云雾当中,一头模糊的虚幻神龙在其中盘旋。 A pair as if can understand thoroughly all eyes, is staring at the hand of that pair of terrifying space, from beginning to end has not changed. 一双仿佛能洞彻一切的眼睛,盯着那一双恐怖的空间之手,至始至终都沒有丝毫变化。 This is anything.” “这是什么。” Including many Expert, is hard to understand that this issue, Xue Chi slaughters Divine Dragon familiar, but cannot think that he can actually show the time the strength. 连诸多强者,也难以明白这个问題,血炽熟悉杀戮神龙,但怎么也想不到,他竟然能够展现出时间的力量。 This boy what's the matter, his Inherited Blood Essence is not Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon one of the eight big associated dragons, how to have the strength of time, and Long Qinglan is Eternal Dragon Emperor has the relations......” “这小子到底是怎么回事,他的传承精血不是太古血灵龙的八大伴生龙之一吗,怎么会有时间的力量,难道和龙青澜永恒龙帝有关系么……” Xue Chi is puzzling. 血炽百思不得其解。 At this time, Long Chen has displayed the Time Storm strength. 就在这时候,龙辰施展了岁月风暴的力量。 This strength, he had displayed before, but displays by the body of Divine Dragon, on might big many, under the Long Chen control, the strength function of time storm in the hand of space with the body of Di Sheng on, fearful time wave raid, the naked eye does not see clearly, but the people can actually notice that the hand of space was broken unexpectedly completely, changes into the glass same fragment to scatter the ground, but that Di Sheng is the whole body cruentation, under devastation of time storm, encounters the severe wound, he stuffy snort|hum, was similar to kite same falling of line slowly to the ground. 这种力量,他之前已经施展过了,但以神龙之躯施展,威力大上许多,在龙辰控制之下,时间风暴的力量作用在空间之手和帝笙的身体上,一股可怕的时间波浪袭來,肉眼根本看不清楚,但众人却能看到空间之手竟然被完全震碎,化为玻璃一样的碎片散落到地上,而那帝笙更是浑身染血,在时间风暴的摧残之下,遭遇重伤,他闷哼一声,如同断了线的风筝一样慢慢的落到地上。 The Long Chen body then turned into the Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon appearance. 龙辰身体这才重新变成了太古血灵龙的模样。 The strength of time storm, differs with the blood spirit thorn are not many, is only the range of time storm attack is broader. 时间风暴的力量,和血灵刺相差并不多,只是时间风暴攻击的范围更加广而已。 When Di Sheng falls on the ground, people the complete silence, Long Chen have used their formidable proof, he can really crush Six Dao Reincarnation Expert. 帝笙落在地上,众人已经鸦雀无声,龙辰用自己的强大证明,他真的能够碾压六道轮回强者 Those words that he spoke before, practices under 8000, does not have his match, although is haughty, but also well-founded. 他之前说的那句话,修行8000年之下,都沒有他的对手,虽然狂傲,但也是有根据的。 By his strength, some abilities spoke these words. 以他的实力,有能耐说这句话。 Then less than hundred -year-old youth, really has such invincible might, really has transcended the history, even surmounts the miracle that Long Qinglan has created. 这才不到百岁的少年,竟然有如此神威,实在超越了历史,甚至超越了龙青澜所创造的奇迹。 But the Long Chen true Cultivate time, in fact is also less than 20 years. 龙辰真正修炼的时间,实际上还不到20年。 He by 20 years, has completed others over ten thousand years of Cultivate. 他以20年,完成了别人上万年的修炼 How possible......” “怎么可能啊……” The people have been shocked. 众人心里已经惊呆了。 Or was numb, in their hearts, the Long Chen status had change quietly, before everybody thinks that must cut to kill Long Chen to be very easy, now looks like, in fact is very difficult to be very difficult. 或者说已经麻木了吧,在他们心中,龙辰的地位发生了悄然的变化,之前大家都以为要斩杀龙辰很容易,现在看來,实际上很难很难。 „.” “啊。” Di Sheng crawled difficultly, in his powerful vitality, the whole body injury starts to restore, the strength that but loses is very difficult to recover in the short time, to the present, he is defeats, continued very much difficultly again. 帝笙艰难的爬了起來,在他强悍的生命力上,浑身的伤势开始恢复,但丧失的力量很难在短时间恢复,到了现在,他已经算是战败,很难再继续下去了。 Long Chen that keeps aloof, making him desperate, lets his innermost feelings rout. 那高高在上的龙辰,让他绝望,让他内心溃败。 My son, my son, revenged for you were hopeless, I defeated by him unexpectedly.” “我儿,我儿,难道为你报仇已经无望了吗,我竟然被他打败。” His two sons, died in various god battlefields. 他的两个儿子,都死在了诸神战场。 The opportunity of today only revenging, emperor honored City Lord has striven to be too many for him, but finally defeated in the Di Sheng strength. 今天是唯一报仇的机会,帝钧城主已经为他争取了太多,而最终败在了帝笙的实力上。 In fact is emperor honored City Lord, at this moment is also very hard to withstand such result, if not the Xue Chi field, he estimated that he must go crazy, he is not the Xue Chi match. 实际上就算是帝钧城主自己,此刻也十分难以承受这样的结果,如果不是血炽场的话,他估计自己都要发疯了,他可不是血炽的对手。 You lost, the fight ended.” “你输了,战斗结束了。” The Long Chen reminder said. 龙辰提醒道。 No, I have not died.” “不,我还沒死。” Di Sheng has laughed suddenly, in his eyes reveals the cruel ray, said with a smile crazily: My son, accompanies you for the father now, today I must make him be buried along with the dead to us.” 帝笙忽然大笑了起來,他眼中流露出残忍的光芒,狂笑道:“我儿,为父现在就來陪你们,今天我要让他给我们陪葬。” Di Sheng sends out to roar, all people could not prevent the determination of homicide Long Chen, at this moment he attacked once again, surpassed own limit, with the Great Emperor Sheng Xiao, wanted to cut to kill Long Chen. 帝笙发出怒吼,所有人都阻止不了他杀龙辰的决心,此刻他再度冲击起來,超越自己的极限,以大帝笙箫,想要斩杀龙辰 The Long Chen vision is gentle, this father reminded him of his father, therefore his innermost feelings were very affected, but destiny thing is unable to ponder over. 龙辰目光柔和,这个父亲让他想起了自己的父亲,所以他内心是十分感动的,只是命运这东西本來就无法琢磨。 Stars sacrifice.” “星辰祭。” Suddenly, the body of Long Chen that huge Divine Dragon, changes into the boundless stars, the ray of sparkle sweeps across, in an instant, the star light has fired into Di Sheng, layer on layer surrounded him, is stranded in the middle of stars, the strength suppression that the stars offered a sacrifice, letting Di Sheng is unable to move, is unable to shout that he at this moment is the spent force, is unable to break through the fetter of Long Chen again. 骤然之间,龙辰那巨大的神龙之躯,化为磅礴星辰,闪耀的光芒席卷,转眼之间,星光已经冲向了帝笙,将他重重包围,困在了一颗星辰当中,星辰祭的力量镇压,让帝笙无法动弹,无法叫嚷,此刻的他已经是强弩之末,再也无法突破龙辰的束缚。 Long Chen changes into Dragon Shape. 龙辰化为龙形 Side him, surrounds the Di Sheng stars. 在他身边,就是困住帝笙的星辰。 Long Chen grips that stars, has world all Cultivator to say to Emperor Honored God City: „, So long as I press gently, his body along with this stars blasting open, who at this moment will win who loses, was very clear.” 龙辰握住那星辰,对帝钧神城还有天下所有的者道:“诸位,只要我轻轻一按,他的身体就会随着这星辰炸裂,此刻谁胜谁负,诸位已经很明白了吧。” In the people heart shocks, looks at each other in blank diamay. 众人心中震惊,面面相觑。 From this moment, Di Sheng is thorough has defeated, if Long Chen wants, he was defeats the result of death. 从这一刻來看,帝笙是彻底的战败了,并且如果龙辰愿意的话,他就是战败死亡的结局。 He carried over emperor honored City Lord the vision, although faces so Expert, he was still neither arrogant nor servile, said: „, How thinks.” 他将目光移向了帝钧城主,尽管面对如此强者,他仍然不卑不亢,道:“诸位,觉得如何。” Saying, him was rotating the stars in hand gently, Di Sheng was very as if painful in. 说着,他将手中的星辰轻轻转动,帝笙在里面似乎十分痛苦。 Little rascal, is about to have put him.” “小鬼,快放了他。” The Emperor Honored God City person shouted. 帝钧神城的人叫嚷了起來。 Long Chen has not certainly thought must imprison him, he said with a smile: I naturally must put him, I want to ask Emperor Honored God City, these fought I am the victory, must otherwise, I put him, what to do he got rid to me, between I and him had the big enmity, if I the indefinite victory and loss, he decided however can not give a thought to the life to kill me.” 龙辰当然也沒想过要囚禁他,他笑道:“我当然是要放了他了,我只是想问帝钧神城的诸位,这一场战斗我算是胜利了吧,要不然的话,我一放了他,他又对我出手怎么办,我和他之间有大仇,我若是不确定输赢的话,他定然会不顾性命要杀我。” Hears this saying, the people also think reasonable, they look to emperor honored City Lord. 听到这话,众人也觉得有道理,他们不禁看向帝钧城主 In fact to this time, everyone understands that a truth, that is today wants to kill Long Chen, is impossible, emperor honored City Lord should a clearer this truth. 实际上到了这时候,谁都明白一个道理,那就是今天想杀死龙辰,根本不可能,帝钧城主应该更加明白这个道理。 We lost, has put him.” “我们输了,放了他吧。” Emperor honored City Lord was still very indifferent, but Long Chen is clear, this old fogy definitely almost his was mad has fainted, moreover he definitely will not give up in the future, after is only this time, he wants how again, was basically impossible. 帝钧城主仍然十分淡然,但龙辰清楚,这老家伙肯定差不多被自己气晕了,而且他将來也肯定不会善罢甘休,只是这一次之后,他再想奈何自己,已经基本不可能了。 Long Chen in gradual savings own authority, what he must achieve is own status and strength nobody can compare, at that time he will have the right to speak. 龙辰在逐渐的积蓄自己的权威,他要做到的是自己的地位和实力都无人能比,那时候他才会有话语权。 He offers a sacrifice to the contact the stars in hand, Di Sheng hits toward emperor honored City Lord that side. 他将手中的星辰祭接触,帝笙朝着帝钧城主那边撞去。 Long Chen.” 龙辰。” Di Sheng desperate both eyes full are tears. 帝笙绝望的双眼满是泪水。 That is the tears of blood. 那是血泪。 He still to began to Long Chen, but the person in Emperor Honored God City aspect has blocked him, today they were defeated. 他仍然向对龙辰动手,但帝钧神城方面的人拦住了他,今天他们已经失败了。 Looks at this man, in the Long Chen heart is somewhat sigh with emotion, he was bowing to that direction, this action makes people think very strangely. 看着这个男人,龙辰心中有些感慨,他对着那个方向鞠了一躬,这举动让人觉得十分奇怪。 I match to admire your this father very much, because my similarly is also loving child's father, but I have killed your son, this is the unmodifiable matter, Di Yu is also the damn person, although I admire you, the matter that but does not make for oneself has the slight regret.” “我很配佩服你这位父亲,因为我也有一位同样爱着自己孩子的父亲,但我杀了你儿子,这是不可改变的事情,帝雨也本是该死之人,我虽然敬佩你,但也不为自己做出的事情有丝毫后悔。” Under the big crowd of people, Long Chen said all in oneself heart confidently. 大庭广众之下,龙辰坦然说出自己心中的一切。 He looks up, Xue Chi as if above. 他抬头一看,血炽似乎在上面。 In fact Long Chen already guessed correctly that he arrived. 实际上龙辰早就猜到他到了。 This is also he from beginning to end can the so calm reason, Slaughtering Dragon City, if meets the to ignore he to be killed, far away will not make Xue Chi receive here to come from Heaven Dragon Star him. 这也是他从始至终能如此从容的原因,杀戮龙城若是会放任他被杀死的话,就不会大老远让血炽把他从天龙星接到这里來了。 72 god old city gatherings in this. 72神裔古城汇聚于此。 The Emperor Honored God City person, under the leadership of emperor honored City Lord, the expression is dreary, departure that does not return. 帝钧神城的人,在帝钧城主的带领下,表情阴郁,头也不回的离开了。 Long Chen facing this boundless common people, from their looks, Long Chen looked that he has conquered in this most people. 龙辰面对这茫茫苍生,从他们的眼神当中,龙辰已经看出來,他已经征服了这里面绝大多数的人。 Ye Liuming, dark double Monarch wait / etc., even does not dare to look at each other with him, in the heart also secretly regretted. 夜柳瞑,黑暗双君等等,甚至不敢和他对视,心中也暗暗后悔。 Martial God City Lord these, lie prostrate in worship, must know that is Martial God City Lord, has the Six Dao Reincarnation Late Stage strength, at the Long Chen speed, several years later must toward him, they not dare with the Long Chen resistance. 武神城主这些,更是顶礼膜拜,要知道就算是武神城主,也就只有六道轮回后期的实力,以龙辰的速度,几年后就要朝过他了,他们更是不敢和龙辰对抗。 „......” “诸位……” Long Chen thought one needed to say anything. 龙辰觉得自己有必要说点什么。 He turns very quiet, then said: I had pledged before, my this lives will not make to Human Clan has slightly the disadvantageous matter, although I do not like this place, what is undeniable is on me is flowing here blood, here is I am father's hometown.” 他屏住呼吸,然后再道:“我之前已经发誓过,我此生不会做出对人族有丝毫不利的事情,虽然我不喜欢这个地方,但不可否认的是我身上流淌着这里的鲜血,这里是我是父亲的故乡。” I do not know why will want me dead, if kills Di Yu, then can feel relieved that my natural talent surmounts Di Yu ten times, matter that he can achieve, I can achieve.” “我不知道诸位为什么会想要我死,如果是杀死帝雨的话,那么诸位可以放心,我的天资超越帝雨十倍,他所能做到的事情,我都能做到。” If two years ago, Long Chen said this, that can be a joke. 如果是两年前,龙辰说出这样的话,那会是一场笑话。 But now, all people in earnest is listening. 而如今,所有人都在认真的听着。 [
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