DBWG :: Volume #21

#2097: Skeleton sacrifice

Nine Yang Fentian arrives. 九阳焚天降临。 Long Chen observes the situation the four directions, the entire world is burning the hot sun of Golden flame, nine hot suns form a chart, the Long Chen extrusion in the middle, mammoth, several want to embezzle Long Chen. 龙辰环视四方,整个世界都是燃烧着金色火焰的烈日,九颗的烈日形成阵图,将龙辰挤压在中间,声势浩大,几欲将龙辰吞沒。 Di Sheng of one fighter aircraft meeting completely lost his gracefulness, turned into the enchanted storm. 只有一战机会的帝笙完全失去了他的优雅,变成了疯魔强攻。 In Long Chen heart fearless, displays strength that 14 offer a sacrifice. 龙辰心中无惧,施展出14祭的力量。 In the middle of the new world, Li Xuanji stands on that real land, gains ground astonished, fluctuates unexpectedly in her surrounding 14 peaks, the strength erupts, goes toward the sky impact, suddenly produces greatly thunders. 新世界当中,李璇玑站在那真实的土地上,惊愕抬起头,在她周围14座高峰竟然波动起來,力量爆发,朝着天空冲击而去,一时间产生巨大轰鸣。 Buzz. 嗡。 14 strengths fire into the peak. 14种力量冲向高峰。 All people anxiously are looking at the performance of Long Chen, because this is related to his life and death. 所有人都在紧张看着龙辰的表现,因为这事关他的生死。 Solar sacrifice.” “太阳祭。” The hot sun like the fire, the overwhelming ascension, a Golden Sun raises slowly, flushes away toward a chart that nine rounds hot suns compose, before has not encountered officially, Long Chen displayed other 14 sacrifices. 烈日如火,浩然升腾,一轮金色太阳冉冉升起,朝着那九轮烈日组成的阵图冲去,在还沒有正式交锋之前,龙辰就施展出了的其他的14祭。 Moon sacrifice.” “月亮祭。” Stars sacrifice.” “星辰祭。” Flame sacrifice.” “火焰祭。” Old tree sacrifice.” “古树祭。” Sea sacrifice.” “沧海祭。” Various strengths, emerge one after another incessantly, unceasing goes toward that nine Yang Fentian Secret Art attack, demolitions produced the vibration of terror, the showdown of Six Dao Reincarnation level flew the people bang, nine Yang Fentian Secret Art each explosion, follows Long Chen shatter of displaying. 各种力量,层出不穷,不断的朝着那九阳焚天诀攻击而去,一次次的爆破产生了恐怖的震动,六道轮回层次的对决将众人轰飞了出去,九阳焚天诀每一次爆炸,都伴随着龙辰一次施展的破碎。 In this intense to bang in the middle, Long Chen displayed the strength of top level, from the beginning completely was not weak in Di Sheng, this made one to broaden the outlook, naturally, for all this, Long Chen can defeat that went crazy Di Sheng also to be full of the question, today's Di Sheng does not die absolutely continuous. 在这场激烈的对轰当中,龙辰展现出了高层次的力量,一开始就完全不弱于帝笙,这叫人大开眼界,当然了,尽管如此,龙辰能够打败那发疯似的帝笙还充满了疑问,今日的帝笙绝对是不死不休的。 Even, he pays with his life, will not make Long Chen go on living. 甚至,他就算是付出自己的生命,也不会让龙辰活下去。 Skeleton sacrifice.” “尸骸祭。” Finally fires, Ash Grey death Aura Ben Yong, during this is belongs to 14 to offer a sacrifice to the strength of most mystical skeleton , was the life opposite death strength, was far from other strengths, but this skeleton offered a sacrifice to can actually send out the fearful strength, Long Chen by the strength that the skeleton offered a sacrifice, was disillusioned finally the last defense line, annihilates nine Yang Fentian Secret Art that Great Emperor Sheng Xiao played thoroughly. 最后一击发出,灰色死亡气息奔涌,这是属于14祭当中最神秘的尸骨的力量,也是和生命相反的死亡力量,和其他力量相差甚远,但这尸骸祭却能发出可怕的力量,龙辰以的尸骸祭的力量,破灭了最后最后一道防线,将那大帝笙箫吹奏出來的九阳焚天诀彻底湮灭。 Bang. 轰隆。 On the slaughter demon valley land, endless disturbance sweeps across, the massive soils become the powder powders, the people withdrew. 屠魔谷地上,无尽风波席卷,大量的泥土变为齑粉,众人退后更多了。 Long Chen told common people with his powerful, he had with the strength that Di Sheng fought. 龙辰用他的强悍告诉世人,他拥有和帝笙一战的实力。 People also without enough time sigh with emotion, Di Sheng on both eyes blood red, sends out the terror to roar, kills absorbed toward Long Chen. 众人还來不及感慨,帝笙就双眼血红,发出恐怖咆哮,忘我朝着龙辰杀來。 Innumerable Expert look at this, in fact is emperor honored City Lord, who is unable to grasp them more formidable, surpasses Long Chen to be innumerable by strength Di Sheng, but other Long Chen aspects are actually strange powerful. 无数强者看着这一幕,实际上就算是帝钧城主,也无法把握他们两个人到底谁更强大一些,论力量帝笙超过龙辰无数,但龙辰其他方面却是诡异的强悍。 Bang. 轰隆。 The Great Emperor Sheng Xiao erupts trillion intense rays, kills. 大帝笙箫爆发出亿万道强烈的光芒,袭杀而來。 Long Chen without demur, extracts Behead Divine Sword, displays to slaughter Sword Art, immediately slaughters to go, the time Golden the Sword Qi violent confrontation of ray and Ash Grey, sends out to scoff at the huge sound, whenever Sword Qi and ray fall the ground, can raise the massive mist and dust to dance in the air. 龙辰二话不说,抽出斩神剑,施展杀戮剑诀,马上杀戮而去,顿时间金色的光芒和灰色剑气猛烈交锋,发出嗤嗤嗤的巨大响声,每当剑气和光芒落到地上,都能掀起大量的烟尘飞舞。 The people retrocede once again, an eye shocks looks at that during fights the form, Golden Ash Grey, they act fast, ugly is very clear their battle conditions, only what can know, even if they are also evenly matched now. 众人再度后退,一双眼睛震撼的看着那在相斗当中的身影,一金色灰色,两人动作飞快,很难看清楚他们的战斗状态,唯一能知道的是,就算是如今两人也势均力敌。 He can resist Six Dao Reincarnation Cultivator. 他真的能对抗六道轮回者。 Thinks of here, people with having a dream, Ye Liuming is astonished, he knows obviously before Long Chen, is inferior his, but now, as if this to war, if Di Sheng changes into itself, he has not known whether really he can shoulder. 想到这里,众人心里就跟做梦似的,其中夜柳瞑更是惊异,他明明知道龙辰之前还是不如他的,但如今來看,似乎这场对战,若是帝笙换成自己的话,他还真不知道自己能否扛下去。 Di Sheng, has killed him.” 帝笙,杀了他。” The Emperor Honored God City person cannot bear drinks high. 帝钧神城的人忍不住高喝。 Rumbling. 轰轰。 In an instant, in this close combat, Long Chen has slaughtered several hundred swords, slaughtered Sword Art to carve to this time, has been able to display the fearful strength, he started to compel to draw back Di Sheng. 转眼之间,在这场近战当中,龙辰已经杀戮了数百剑,杀戮剑诀到这时刻,已经能施展出可怕战力了,他开始逼退帝笙 Present Di Sheng, both eyes are red, are similar to the wild animals. 眼前的帝笙,双眼通红,如同野兽。 Also my son life comes.” “还我儿性命來。” His hand dances the Great Emperor Sheng Xiao, the Golden ray sweeps across. 他手舞大帝笙箫,金色光芒席卷。 The Long Chen vision is calm, when slaughters Sword Art rises dramatically to over a thousand swords instantaneously, he Behead Divine Sword one horizontal, on the sword hilt the green ray reappears. 龙辰目光冷静,当杀戮剑诀瞬间飙升到上千剑的时候,他将斩神剑一横,剑柄上绿色光芒重现。 „The eye of Hell.” 地狱之眼。” In Long Chen behind, in the Di Sheng eye, presented green eyes of blocking the sky, that green eye is very fearful, is full of the pressure, is full of the ridicule, the so giant eye makes Di Sheng absent-minded, but Long Chen carves the storm to come up at this moment, in the hand Behead Divine Sword erupts, bang, starts the war to draw back Di Sheng. 龙辰身后,帝笙眼中,出现了一双遮天蔽日的绿色眼睛,那绿色眼睛十分可怕,充满威压,充满嘲笑,如此巨大眼睛让帝笙失神,而龙辰就在这时刻强攻上去,手中斩神剑爆发,轰隆一声,开始战退帝笙 Whish. 哗。 Sees this, people clamored. 看到这一幕,众人的喧哗起來。 „The 1300 th sword.” “第1300剑。” Even if the Di Sheng defense is good, the adjustment is good, under the Long Chen that 1300 th sword, was still repulsed, the last time, in the hand that Golden Great Emperor Sheng Xiao, was makes Long Chen dividing to fly, when that Great Emperor Sheng Xiao shot up to the sky, the Long Chen next sword has cut to his head. 哪怕是帝笙防守再好,调整再好,在龙辰那第1300剑之下,仍然败退,最后一次,手中那金色大帝笙箫,更是让龙辰给劈飞了出去,当那大帝笙箫冲天而起的时候,龙辰下一剑已经斩向了他的脑袋。 Ash Grey Sword Qi, contained the death, to swallow and other strengths, suddenly Sha goes. 灰色剑气,蕴含着死亡、吞噬等四种力量,暴杀而去。 Has carved to this time, Di Sheng both eyes still blood red, has not been afraid. 已经到了这时刻,帝笙双眼仍然血红,沒有丝毫害怕。 Do not be self-satisfied, today is only your start, is your nightmare.” “别得意,今天只是你的开始,接下來是你的噩梦。” Di Sheng strange saying. 帝笙诡异的说道。 The Long Chen innermost feelings had not been affected, fight Divine Sword to continue to cut. 龙辰内心沒受到丝毫影响,战神剑继续斩下。 Whiz. 嗖。 At this time, Di Sheng unexpectedly at present vanished in Long Chen, at present is the fluctuation of space, in the next instance, really has the crisis transmission, the Long Chen next sword sweeps away, in the future the person will compel to draw back, this will respond. 就在这时候,帝笙竟然在龙辰眼前消失了,眼前乃是空间的波动,就在下一个瞬间,身后竟然有危机感传來,龙辰下一剑横扫,将來人逼退,这才反应过來。 Stands in him behind, is Di Sheng. 站在他身后的,是帝笙 Sees this, Human Clan Expert clamors. 看到这一幕,人族强者们喧哗起來。 Right, the bloodlines of Emperor Honored God City, inherited the hot sun and space shintoism, this is Di Sheng instantaneous flash Universe Divine Ability.” “沒错,帝钧神城的血脉,本來就继承了烈日和空间神道,这是帝笙的‘瞬闪乾坤神通。” Instantaneous flash Universe. 瞬闪乾坤 In the Long Chen heart has taken down, in other words, the opposite party can achieve shifts in the surroundings instantaneously. 龙辰心中记下了,也就是说,对方可以做到瞬间在周围转移。 Di Sheng has not left opportunity that he ponders, the Great Emperor Sheng Xiao that he will fly meets, begins once more, kills. 帝笙沒留给他思考的机会,他将飞出去的大帝笙箫重新接到手中,再次动手,袭杀而來。 This time, his attack is fiercer. 这一次,他的攻击更加猛烈。 Long Chen definitely is unable to grasp is clear he position. 龙辰完全无法把握清楚他的位置。 He keeps displaying instantaneous flash Universe side Long Chen, letting Long Chen is unable to grasp his position, suddenly fell into Long Chen passively middle. 他不停在龙辰身边施展瞬闪乾坤,让龙辰无法把握住他的方位,一时间将龙辰陷入了被动当中。 Death.” “死吧。” The Great Emperor Sheng Xiao explodes projects innumerable golden light, fearful attack. 大帝笙箫爆射出无数金光,可怕來袭。 Has Divine Ability on you.” “就你有神通么。” Long Chen disdains to smile, he displays Time Travel Dragon, walks randomly in the space, Di Sheng lost his goal instantaneously. 龙辰不屑一笑,他施展时间游龙,在空间游走,帝笙瞬间失去了他的目标。 What's the matter.” “怎么回事。” The people are being Di Sheng cheer, actually suddenly saw this. 众人正在为帝笙而欢呼呢,却忽然看到了这一幕。 Di Sheng puffs, vigilant looks at surroundings. 帝笙喘着粗气,警惕的看着周围。 In the next quarter, Long Chen place 400 meters away appears, at this moment his whole body has covered entirely scarlet Dragon Scale, looks is Dragon Warrior. 就在下一刻,龙辰在400米之外的地方出现,此刻他浑身已经布满了血色的龙鳞,一看就是个龙武者 Little darling suffers to death.” “乖乖受死。” Di Sheng shifts instantaneously, behind kills from Long Chen. 帝笙瞬间转移,从龙辰身后杀來。 Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit.” 泣血龙魂。” Long Chen without hesitation, this time he summoned over a million slaughtering dragonets, this was not his limit, but must cope with Di Sheng to be enough, Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, occupied periphery all spaces instantaneously, Di Sheng where, no matter moved instantaneously, Long Chen can grasp his position. 龙辰毫不犹豫,这一次他足足召唤上百万的杀戮小龙,这不是他的极限,但要对付帝笙足够了,泣血龙魂一出,瞬间占据了周围所有的空间,帝笙不管瞬间移动到哪里,龙辰都能够把握住他的位置。 Any thing.” “什么东西。” The people look at that million Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, the expression delay. 众人看着那百万泣血龙魂,表情呆滞。 Di Sheng knows that Di Yu dies on Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit. 帝笙更是知道,帝雨是死在泣血龙魂上的。 Long Chen.” 龙辰。” Di Sheng is unable to control itself, surrounding Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit attacks to come toward him fierce, Di Sheng goes crazy, with the Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit resistance, where no matter he shifts, the surroundings are the dense and numerous slaughtering dragonets, but Long Chen disappears, each appearance, takes to the Di Sheng fatal injury. 帝笙更加无法控制自己了,周围的泣血龙魂朝着他凶猛攻击而來,帝笙发疯似的,和泣血龙魂对抗,不管他转移到哪里,周围都是密密麻麻的杀戮小龙,而龙辰则不见踪影,每一次出现,都带给帝笙致命的伤害。 In an instant, the body of Di Sheng left the injuries of several deep obvious bones, Behead Divine Sword Ash Grey Aura was corroding his flesh and blood, takes to his pain extremely, even there is a Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit worry on his body, natural loose Di Sheng, turned into the dripping with blood at this moment the insanity. 转眼之间,帝笙的身上已经多出了几道深可见骨的伤害,斩神剑灰色气息在腐蚀着他的血肉,带给他万分的痛苦,甚至有泣血龙魂撕咬在他的身上,原本潇洒风流的帝笙,此刻已经变成鲜血淋漓的疯魔。 Death, you must die.” “死,你一定要死。” Whose son no matter you are, you have killed my son, must pay the price, today do not want to escape from my palm.” “不管你是谁的儿子,你杀了我的儿子,就要付出代价,今天你别想逃出我的手掌心。” Perishes.” “殒命吧。” His body ascends suddenly once again one fearful strength, this strength erupts violently, in an instant, the body of Di Sheng has made the Golden ray submerge, he from a person, turned into a Sun completely. 他的身上骤然间再度升腾起來一种可怕的力量,这力量猛烈爆发,转眼之间,帝笙的身上已经让金色的光芒淹沒,他从一个人,完全变成了一个太阳。 Long Chen realized that dangerous Aura, withdraws hastily. 龙辰察觉到危险气息,连忙退后。 When felt that strength, on Emperor Honored God City people face excited, they know that Di Sheng will get the winning side immediately, if can severely wounded Long Chen in this attack, that be more wonderful. 当感觉到那股力量,帝钧神城众人脸上兴奋,他们知道帝笙马上就会重新占据上风,如果能够在这一次攻击当中重伤龙辰,那就更加美妙了。 Bang. 轰隆。 Di Sheng turned into a Golden fireball completely. 帝笙完全变成了一个金色的火球。 „.” “啊啊啊。” He was roaring in the middle of the fireball, surrounding Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit was reduced to ashes under his attack. 他在火球当中咆哮着,周围的泣血龙魂在他的攻击之下化为灰烬。 Destruction black hole.” “毁灭黑洞。” This is emperor honored bloodlines Divine Ability. 此乃帝钧血脉神通 Sun of that sparkle, explodes in a flash, has the fearful strength. 那闪耀的太阳,一瞬间爆炸开來,产生可怕的力量。 Long Chen early has the vigilance, backlash, his mortal body is hastily intrepid, has not received affect of that explosion, all Golden rays that but at this time, the explosion had transformed into the black instantaneously, formed a vast black vortex, periphery all will swallow to attract, that fearful action also attracted on the body of Long Chen. 龙辰早有警觉,连忙后退,他肉身强悍,沒有受到那爆炸的波及,但就在这时候,爆炸产生的所有金色光芒瞬间转化成为黑色,形成一个浩大的黑色漩涡,将周围的一切都吞吸进去,那股可怕的作用力也吸在了龙辰的身上。 This strength, is not resistible. 这股力量,无可抵抗。 Come, was twisted broken by me.” “來吧,被我绞碎吧。” The Di Sheng sound roared in the world. 帝笙的声音在天地间咆哮。 Long Chen also dying brace, but over a million Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit that he controls, made that black hole swallowing to attract completely, strangled to death the smashing. 龙辰还在死撑,而他所掌控的上百万泣血龙魂,全部都让那黑洞给吞吸了进去,绞杀成粉碎。 Saw this scene, the people cannot bear cheer, Long Chen did not have including Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, so long as were swallowed to attract, this fight also ended. 看到这场面,众人忍不住欢呼了起來,龙辰泣血龙魂都沒了,只要被吞吸进去,这一场战斗也就结束了。 Come.” “來吧。” The Di Sheng sound, such as the startling thunderclap rolls. 帝笙的声音,如惊雷滚动。 Long Chen was swallowed to attract the strength to sweep across by that is hard to resist unexpectedly, must be strangled to death shortly, the people cheer the time, actually saw that the blood fog fills the air, carved at this time, Long Chen transformed into the body of Divine Dragon resolutely, Blood Red Divine Dragon clashes instantaneously from that black hole, resisted the attack of opposite party completely. 龙辰被那吞吸力量席卷,竟然难以抵抗,眼看着就要被绞杀,众人欢呼时候,却看到血雾弥漫,在这时刻,龙辰毅然转化成为神龙之躯,血红色神龙瞬间从那黑洞当中冲出來,完全抵抗住了对方的攻击。 When that huge Divine Dragon appears in horizon, looking disdainfully world time, the people could not bear swallow saliva, but that black hole rapid disintegration, incarnation for Di Sheng of whole body blood, dull looks at Long Chen. 当那巨大神龙出现在天际,睥睨天地的时候,众人忍不住吞了一口唾沫,而那黑洞迅速的崩解,化身为满身鲜血的帝笙,呆呆的看着龙辰 You lost.” Long Chen said. “你输了。”龙辰道。 No.” “不。” Di Sheng roared once again, not awfully killed. 帝笙再度咆哮,不要命的杀上來。 [
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