DBWG :: Volume #21

#2096: Great Sheng Xiao

Long Chen sends the invincible might greatly, after a move defeats more than 30 Expert, performance of emperor honored City Lord the people most anticipate. 龙辰大发神威,一招打败30多个强者后,众人最期待的还是帝钧城主的表现。 Finally, he said such a few words. 结果,他却说出了这样一句话。 The people were finally peaceful, vision cannot help but looks to an emperor honored City Lord behind character, that is also Emperor Honored God City legendary Cultivator, the several thousand years ago talent characters, except Five Great Dragon City, were topest one. 众人终于安静了下來,目光不由自主的看向帝钧城主身后的一位人物,那也是一位帝钧神城的传奇者,数千年前的天才人物,除开五大龙城,算是最为顶尖的一位了。 He is Di Sheng. 他就是帝笙 Di Sheng because of a matter, the reputation has also spread over Dragon God Domain, is very familiar including the Five Great Dragon City people he, because he is the Di Yu father. 帝笙还因为一件事情,名声更是传遍了龙神域,连五大龙城的人都很熟悉他,因为他是帝雨的父亲。 Dozens years ago, Di Yu was born, Di Sheng also father depending on child expensive, in the middle of Emperor Honored God City, the prestige and status increases once again, the indistinct future will possibly inherit Emperor Honored God City City Lord, soon will become next emperor honored City Lord. 几十年前,帝雨出生,帝笙也父凭子贵,在帝钧神城当中,声望和地位再度攀升,隐约将來可能继承帝钧神城城主,即将成为下一个帝钧城主 But Di Yu was strangled, lets his greatly be attacked, henceforth wholeheartedly puts on Cultivate. 帝雨被扼杀,让他遭受巨大打击,从此一心扑在修炼上面。 Can give birth to Di Yu such son, explained Di Sheng own bloodlines, was quite superior, was not at least worse than Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family. 能生出帝雨这样的儿子,说明帝笙自己的血脉,也是相当优越的,至少不比混沌皇族差。 Until now, he in the Six Dao Reincarnation Calamity Realm earlier period, is top existence, even initial period same Six Dao Reincarnation super Divine Dragon, not necessarily is his match, presents all Cultivator of Six Dao Reincarnation earlier period, including Ye Liuming, nobody dares to claim one can defeat Di Sheng. 时至今日,他在六道轮回劫境前期当中,也算是顶尖的存在,甚至同样六道轮回初期的超级神龙,都未必是他的对手,在场所有六道轮回前期的者,包括夜柳瞑在内,也沒人敢声称自己能打败帝笙 This is Emperor Honored God City one generation of God's favored ones. 这是帝钧神城的一代天之骄子。 Emperor honored City Lord, making him cope with Long Chen. 帝钧城主,让他对付龙辰 If Long Chen has not defeated that many Cultivator, the people definitely will think that this must cut to kill Long Chen, but the people actually understand now that this perhaps is a very splendid showdown. 如果龙辰沒有打败那么多的者,众人肯定会觉得,这根本就是要斩杀龙辰了,但如今众人却明白,这或许是一场十分精彩的对决。 Long Chen can defeat Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm, he can also go a step further again, defeats Six Dao Reincarnation Expert. 龙辰能打败五行轮回劫境,那他还能再进一步,打败六道轮回强者 Three years ago, Long Chen in various god battlefields, defeats Di Yu. 三年前,龙辰在诸神战场,战败帝雨 Three years later today, he in distance various god battlefield not far away slaughter demon valley, to Di Yu father Di Sheng. 三年后的今天,他在距离诸神战场不远处的屠魔谷,对上了帝雨的父亲帝笙 This was also proving fearfulness that he transforms. 这也证明着他蜕变的可怕。 But what the people pay more attention is the result of fight. 但众人更关注的是战斗的结果。 Although fights has not started, people discussed first, Six Dao Reincarnation Calamity Realm is a ridge, stepped in the past, the battle efficiency can have the huge difference with Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm, the battle efficiency will rise dramatically a boundary, it controlled Six Dao Reincarnation, had strength amplifications before six times, was very fearful. 虽然战斗还沒有开始,众人已经先讨论起來了,六道轮回劫境是一个坎,跨过去之后,战斗力会和五行轮回劫境有巨大差别,战斗力会飙升一个境界,其掌控六道轮回,拥有六倍之前的力量增幅,十分可怕。 Steps into Six Dao, means that toward Spiritual God, stepped once again near one step. 踏入六道,意味着已经朝着神灵,再度迈近了一步。 At this moment, that Di Sheng appeared in Long Chen at present. 就在此刻,那帝笙已经出现在龙辰眼前。 This is a graceful middle-aged man, the look is very delicate and pretty, the figure is slim, the build is perfect, eyes of pale Golden are also similar to the hot sun, it wears the gold get lost the imperial robe, is similar to a graceful ruler, with emperor honored City Lord aggressive unparalleled differs from. 这是一位优雅的中年男子,相貌十分俊美,身材修长,体形完美,一双淡金色的眼睛也如同烈日,其身穿黄金滚龙袍,如同一位优雅帝皇,和帝钧城主的霸气无双有所不同。 His look slightly is melancholy, but to the Long Chen time, showed the fearful murderous intention face to face, killed the enmity of child, absolutely irreconcilable, this Di Sheng for three years have been inquiring the Long Chen sound, even submerged Sprit God Domain, but Long Chen walked too quickly, he has not overtaken. 他眼神略显忧郁,但当面对龙辰时候,展现出了可怕杀机,杀子之仇,不共戴天,这帝笙三年來一直都在打听龙辰的动静,甚至潜入到灵神域,只是龙辰走得太快,他沒有追上而已。 The intense and deep-seated hatred, must report. 血海深仇,不能不报。 Long Chen can understand that a father loses son's pain. 龙辰能理解一个父亲失去儿子的痛苦。 When sees Di Sheng that melancholy both eyes time, in his heart truly somewhat feels sorry, but careful thinks that Di Yu is own old enemy, puts to death opposite party also to have no other choice, therefore he is not in the heart has the barrier, does not have any regret. 当看到帝笙那忧郁的双眼时候,他心中确实有些过意不去,只是仔细一想,帝雨是自己的宿敌,诛杀对方自己也不得已,所以他并非心中有障碍,也沒有任何的后悔。 They look at each other. 两人对视。 Long Chen felt that fearful murderous intention from opposite party, this is doomed is a fierce battle, this is also the first Six Dao Reincarnation master who he encounters, in the time before arriving here, he is also not the Ye Liuming match, but at present this Di Sheng, compared with Ye Liuming. 龙辰感觉到了來自对方的可怕杀机,这注定是一场恶战,这也是他遭遇的第一个六道轮回的高手,时间上在到來这里之前,他还不是夜柳瞑的对手,而眼前这帝笙,要比夜柳瞑强多了。 I have encountered with this Long Chen, he inevitably is not the Di Sheng match.” “我和这龙辰交锋过,他必然不是帝笙的对手。” Ye Liuming concludes darkness double Monarch with surroundings said. 夜柳瞑断定的与周围的黑暗双君说道。 But at this time, the people have almost turned very quiet, looks two who this momentarily possibly fights. 而这时候,众人几乎屏住了呼吸,看着这随时可能大战起來的两人。 Emperor honored City Lord so, his both eyes stubbornly are staring at Long Chen similarly, by his vision, on Long Chen still has the evasive dense fog, even if he does not know whether Di Sheng can defeat Long Chen. 帝钧城主同样如此,他双眼死死盯着龙辰,以他的目光,龙辰身上仍然有着不可捉摸的迷雾,就算是他也不知道帝笙是否能战胜龙辰 Emperor flash.” “帝耀。” Suddenly a sound shaking, resounds through the beside the ear of emperor honored City Lord. 忽然一声震动,响彻帝钧城主的耳际。 In his heart in great surprise, gains ground hastily, above the upper air cloud layer, presented one piece the scarlet cloud that was difficult to realize, emperor honored City Lord was startled very much, can say the person of oneself life, definitely was is the person of same level. 他心中大惊,连忙抬头,在高空云层之上,出现了一片很难察觉的血色云彩,帝钧城主吃了一惊,能直呼自己性命的人,肯定是和自己是同一个层次的人。 You are, Slaughtering Dragon City Xue Chi.” “你是,杀戮龙城血炽。” The emperor honored City Lord complexion change, the opposite party came at this time, must rescue Long Chen. 帝钧城主脸色变化,对方在这时候过來,难道要救走龙辰 Sees the time to pass, Five Great Dragon City had still not fed back, seems like tacitly approving, emperor honored City Lord was very happy. 眼看着时间过去,五大龙城仍然沒有反馈,就像是在默认,帝钧城主已经十分开心了。 But at this time Xue Chi arrived, has disrupted his opportunity. 但这时候血炽到來,打乱了他的机会。 In the scarlet cloud layer, a beautiful and bewitching blood sends the man to sit in the place above. 血色云层上,一个妖冶血发男子坐在上方。 Right, is I.” “沒错,是我。” Xue Chi said with a smile. 血炽笑道。 Emperor honored City Lord deeply attracts an cold air/Qi, said: Sir Xue Chi, how Slaughtering Dragon City said.” 帝钧城主深吸一口冷气,道:“血炽大人,杀戮龙城怎么说。” Xue Chi looked under one confrontation of Long Chen and Di Sheng, said: Is very simple, making them fight, if Long Chen can win, I lead him to go back, if he lost, died, I did not have the means.” 血炽瞄了一眼下方龙辰帝笙的对峙,道:“很简单,让他们战吧,龙辰若是能胜利,我就带他回去,他若是输了,死了的话,那我也沒办法了。” Hears this saying, the big stone in emperor honored City Lord heart falls finally. 听到这话,帝钧城主心中的大石头终于落下。 He nods to Xue Chi, their exchanges, other people do not know. 他向血炽点点头,两人的交流,其他人是不知道的。 At this moment, he is directly bright the sound track: Long Chen, you are listening, Five Great Dragon City had the resolution.” 此刻,他直接朗声道:“龙辰,你听着,五大龙城已经有了决断。” Hears this saying, the people clamored, they looked at the emperor honored City Lord smile the appearance, Five Great Dragon City allowed them to cut to kill Long Chen unexpectedly. 听到这话,众人喧哗起來,他们看帝钧城主微笑的样子,难道五大龙城竟然准许他们斩杀龙辰 Does not wait for the people to guess that emperor honored City Lord said: Their resolutions are, if you can defeat Di Sheng, can leave safely, if you died in battle, that died.” 不等众人猜测,帝钧城主道:“他们的决断是,如果你能打败帝笙,就可以安然离开,如果你战死,那就是死了。” Such remarks, the people discussed immediately loudly. 此话一出,众人顿时大声议论。 They look at each other in blank diamay, then looks in field anxiously, although the resolution of Five Great Dragon City is strange, but can also understand, then, at present a fight unexpectedly becomes especially important, has been related to the life and death. 他们面面相觑,然后紧张看着场中,五大龙城的决断虽然怪异,但也能理解,如此一來,眼前一场战斗竟然变得尤其重要,已经事关生死了。 When hears these words, in the Di Sheng eye the time presented the bleeding ray. 当听到这句话,帝笙的眼中顿时间出现了喋血光芒。 This is emperor honored City Lord to his suggestion. 这是帝钧城主对他的暗示。 The Emperor Honored God City consumption such big energy, can strike to kill Long Chen smoothly, looked that Di Sheng this has fought, if loses this opportunity, he does not want to revenge for his son for a lifetime, in the expectations of countless person, under his innermost feelings huge pressure, calculates graceful Di Sheng, must go crazy simply, a few words turned into the wild animal from the person him directly. 帝钧神城耗费这么大的精力,能够顺利击杀龙辰,就看帝笙这一战了,如果失去这个机会的话,他一辈子都别想为自己的儿子报仇,在无数人的期望,在他内心巨大的压力之下,原本还算优雅的帝笙,简直要发疯了,一句话将他从人直接变成了野兽。 Bang. 轰隆。 The gold get lost the imperial robe to be calm, flap flap makes noise. 黄金滚龙袍无风自动,猎猎作响。 Di Sheng both eyes blood red, several want to explode, he no longer talks too much, walks step by step toward Long Chen, every time fell one step, the ground presented the deep mark. 帝笙双眼血红,几欲爆炸,他不再多言,一步步朝着龙辰走來,每落下一步,地上就出现了深深的印记。 Hears announcement of emperor honored City Lord, Long Chen understands that the meaning of Slaughtering Dragon City, it seems like Slaughtering Dragon City also wants to teach one, is those words, the life and death by the life. 听到帝钧城主的宣布,龙辰明白杀戮龙城的意思了,看來杀戮龙城也想教训一顿自己啊,还是那句话,生死由命。 If defeat, they should not recall itself. 如果自己战败,他们应该不会挽回自己了。 They think that they will not defeat. 或者,他们认为自己不会战败。 Suddenly, counted the 100,000 person to turn very quiet, was staring at this shocking war stubbornly. 一时间,数十万人屏住了呼吸,死死盯着这震天一战。 Great Emperor Sheng Xiao.” 大帝笙箫。” Many people remember that Di Sheng well-known Great Ancient Dao Artifact, this Di Sheng is the well-known writer poet, is skilled in the vocal music and prose, leaves behind the innumerable work, its natural form and powerful strength are charmed myriad young girls. 很多人都记得帝笙的知名太古道器,这帝笙乃是个知名的文人骚客,精通声乐、诗文,留下无数著作,其潇洒身影和强悍实力迷倒万千少女。 Really, in Di Sheng at present, presents a golden long Xiao, above carves the innumerable Spiritual God forms, has ring-like Dao Mark altogether 420, the Golden flame combustion, in nine holes as if there are nine Sun, including the phoenix to speed along, sends out the keenly blowing, the imposing manner is threatening. 果然,在帝笙眼前,出现一根黄金长萧,其上雕刻无数神灵身影,拥有环形道纹一共420条,其中金色火焰燃烧,九个孔洞之间仿佛存在着九个太阳,其中有神鸟飞驰,发出尖啸,气势逼人。 Antique Spiritual God emperor honored, is skilled in the space and hot sun [say / way], and both perfect integration, successor both eyes like hot sun, body such as void, the strength is outstanding. 太古神灵帝钧,精通空间与烈日之道,并将两者完美融合,继承者双眼如烈日,身体如虚空,战力超群。 Di Sheng at this moment is similar to the Spiritual God, grasps the Great Emperor Sheng Xiao, cuts the expansive sky, to seize opportunity, report that intense and deep-seated hatred, he does not have the half minute to be polite, in the eye only then a character, that dies. 帝笙此刻如同神灵,手持大帝笙箫,划破长空,为了抓住机会,报那血海深仇,他沒有半分客气,眼中只有一个字,那就是死。 Under this situation forces, Long Chen knows that the match is very fearful, he only then one percentage strength, will send out 150 the battle efficiency, to Long Chen, he does not die absolutely continuous. 在这种情况逼迫下,龙辰知道对手是十分可怕的,他就算只有一百分的实力,也会发出150的战斗力,对龙辰,他绝对是不死不休。 Emperor Honored God City only one time cuts to kill the Long Chen opportunity. 帝钧神城唯一一次斩杀龙辰的机会。 After missing, will again be in the future chanceless. 错过之后,往后再无机会。 My son.” “我儿。” In the Di Sheng eye reveals the tears of blood, the Six Dao strength rolls, the day, person, Asura and other Six Dao world surround in his side, the great quantity strength floods into his within the body, under howls, is very fearful. 帝笙眼中流露血泪,六道力量滚动,天、人、修罗等六道世界在他身边环绕,巨量力量涌入他的体内,呼啸之下,十分可怕。 The people are fearful and apprehensive, said: Di Sheng to revenge, already violent anger, even sacrificed oneself life not to fear, no matter the Long Chen again talent, this time were finished again.” 众人胆战心惊,纷纷道:“帝笙为了报仇,已经暴怒,甚至牺牲自己生命都不怕,不管龙辰再强再天才,这次都完蛋了。” Yes, Five Great Dragon City has given a Di Sheng opportunity, is the only opportunity, he is much more formidable, these time will not give up.” “是啊,五大龙城给了帝笙一次机会,也是唯一的机会,他本身就强大得可怕,这一次更是不会罢休。” Frigid war, Long Chen must be strangled.” “惨烈一战啊,龙辰要被扼杀么。” In all person hearts vibrates. 所有人心中震动。 But at this moment, the fight has burnt, before Di Sheng counter is chaotic under clashes, sweeps across, the surroundings are the flaming sea of fire, but at this time, he gripped the Great Emperor Sheng Xiao, put the mouth, just played, the time hot sun swept across the world. 而在此刻,战斗已经燃烧,帝笙逆乱前冲,席卷之下,周围都是熊熊火海,而这时候,他握住大帝笙箫,放到嘴边,刚一吹奏,顿时间烈日席卷天地。 Nine Yang Fentian Secret Art.” “九阳焚天诀。” Stir. 轰动。 In the middle of the Great Emperor Sheng Xiao, in the middle of that nine holes, nine rounds hot suns raise slowly, in the middle of the hot sun, three full phoenixes speed along, these nine Sun surround side Di Sheng, form Reincarnation, blooms the infinite strength, the surroundings hills change into the powder powder under these nine Yang Fentian knacks, the people have to back up for this fight. 大帝笙箫当中,那九个孔洞当中,九轮烈日徐徐升起,烈日当中,三足神鸟飞驰,这九颗太阳在帝笙身边环绕,形成一个轮回,绽放出无限力量,周围群山都在这九阳焚天诀之下化为齑粉,众人不得不为这战斗而倒退。 The Great Emperor Sheng Xiao, plays the music that warm-blooded rushes, is containing the Di Sheng endless grief and indignation, under he acts, nine rounds hot suns are getting bigger and bigger, burn the innumerable anger, comes toward Long Chen. 大帝笙箫,吹奏出热血澎湃的乐曲,其中蕴藏着帝笙无尽悲愤,在他施为下,九轮烈日越來越大,燃烧无数怒火,朝着龙辰呼啸而來。 Bang. 轰隆隆。 The rays of nine rounds hot suns, sweep across the world. 九轮烈日的光芒,席卷天地。 So intrepidly attacks, makes people scared simply. 如此强悍攻击,简直让众人傻眼。 Suddenly, they worry for the Long Chen destiny. 一时间,他们为龙辰的命运担忧起來。 Long Chen actually indifferently faces. 龙辰却淡然面对。 He can feel the opposite party music grief and indignation, but he does not think one is a criminal, everyone, the person who for protect fights, on Long Chen is shouldering too many things similarly, he understood that Di Sheng loses son's pain, but this cannot prevent him to complete father's last wish. 他能感受到对方乐曲当中的悲愤,但他不认为自己是罪人,每个人都为了自己,为了自己守护的人而战,龙辰身上同样背负着太多的东西,他理解帝笙失去儿子的痛苦,但这并不能阻止他完成父亲的遗愿。 Moreover, Di Yu is in itself also a damn person. 而且,帝雨本身也是个该死之人。 If he is good, Long Chen initially will not kill him. 他若是善良,龙辰当初也不会杀他。 Therefore, he does not flinch, the opposite party must go all out, he must fight for his survival. 所以,他不退缩,对方要拼命,他更是要为自己的生存而战。 Under nine Yang Fentian Secret Art, is similar to the judgment day arrives. 九阳焚天诀之下,如同世界末日降临。 Long Chen is unhurriedly, displays 14 sacrifices, he also has the solar strength similarly. 龙辰不慌不忙,施展14祭,他同样也有太阳力量。 Solar sacrifice.” “太阳祭。” [
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