DBWG :: Volume #21

#2095: Time storm

In fact everybody clear, Long Chen itself does not have many greatly wrong, wrong on wrong in his status, wrong must kill him in the Emperor Honored God City person, therefore more was makes Long Chen say that perhaps most people will be instigated by him, when the time comes time of double-hour has not come, most people vacillated the beforehand decision. 实际上大家心里都清楚,龙辰本身是沒有多大错误的,错就错在他的身份,错在帝钧神城的人要杀他,所以越是让龙辰说下去,恐怕大多数人都会被他煽动,到时候一个时辰的时间还沒來,大多数人都动摇了之前的决定。 Therefore, emperor honored City Lord is very intelligent, he got the handle in Long Chen words, making the people teach his first, can make him little speak words, two can leave foul odor, frightens Long Chen. 所以,帝钧城主十分聪明,他抓住了龙辰话中的把柄,让众人先教训他一顿,一则可以让他少说点话,二则可以出一口恶气,吓唬一下龙辰 It may be said that is, kills two birds with one stone. 可谓是,一举两得。 To finally, altogether 20-30 people encircles side Long Chen, eyes covetously. 到最后,一共二三十人围在龙辰身边,虎视眈眈。 Boy, you said that practices in 8000 below, nobody is your match, you seriously are this meaning.” “小子,你说修行8000年以下,无人是你对手,你当真是这个意思么。” Really was too rampant, the young bull did not fear the tiger, I remember that you have defeated Hidden Dragon List first Jiang Ming, by the talent, you were truly invincible, but in 8000 below, exceeds Jiang Ming Cultivator tens of thousands, you also had what qualifications to put down the fainting word, was known as one under 8000 invincible.” “真是太嚣张了,初生牛犊不怕虎啊,我记得你是打败了潜龙榜第一的姜明,论天才,你确实无敌,但8000年以下,超越姜明者成千上万,你又有何资格放下厥词,号称自己8000年之下无敌。” They was saying, while approaches, numerous Expert display the strength of four shape, the Five Elements source strength, links, forms the huge pressure, suppresses toward Long Chen. 他们一边说着,一边靠近,众多强者施展四象之力,五行本源力量,连接在一起,形成巨大威压,朝着龙辰压制而來。 They know that emperor honored City Lord wish was made anything by oneself, this matter relates significantly, must run over at present this boy, this fellow does not die today, in the future will inevitably spark the giant catastrophe. 他们知道帝钧城主想要让自己做什么,此事关系重大,一定要压死眼前这小子,这家伙今天不死,将來势必造成巨大浩劫。 In their eyes, Long Chen no doubt is peerless monstruous talent, but also is only a junior. 在他们眼中,龙辰固然是绝世妖孽,但也只是个小辈。 You actually like this said that we may not be impolite, now Five Great Dragon City do not recall your meaning, we while this time, making you understand, the nonsense are taught, practices in 8000, Ha Ha, how you do not say the 20,000 year.” “你竟然这样说,那我们可就不客气了,现在五大龙城还沒有要挽回你的意思,我们就趁着这个时间,让你明白一下,胡言乱语是会得到教训的,修行8000年,哈哈,你怎么不说两万年。” Practices basically over 4000 middle-aged Cultivator, encircles side Long Chen. 一个个修行基本上都超过4000年的中年者,围在龙辰身边。 In 8000. 8000年。 This digit was really too big, entire Immortal God Domain backbone Cultivator, basically was at about this, for example few City Lord of major god cities, Su Ming, Su Sheng and Ye Liuming these. 这个数字实在是太大了,整个永生神域的中坚者,基本上都在这左右,比如说各大神城的少城主,苏冥苏圣夜柳瞑这些。 Long Chen can dominate below 4000 years old, but must arrive in 8000 this boundary, nothing but is dream of a fool, most people do not believe that therefore dares to act to suppress Long Chen. 龙辰能够在4000岁以下称雄,但要到达8000年这个境界,无非是痴人说梦,大多数人都是不相信的,所以才敢出面压制龙辰 I come first.” “我先來。” And Cultivator of Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm earlier period, gets rid to try the Long Chen strength. 其中一个五行轮回劫境前期的者,出手來试龙辰的实力。 To be honest, if not passed on too mysteriously, Long Chen also has one Yuan Reincarnation Calamity Realm boundary now, even if any Supreme Divine Dragon, the strength that it is estimated that can erupt truly is limited. 说实话,如果不是已经传得太玄乎的话,龙辰如今也就只有一元轮回劫境的境界,就算是什么无上神龙,估计真正能爆发的实力都是有限的。 The [say / way] of that Cultivator Cultivate rock, dashes about wildly to come, to excel at the close combat, the whole body like the rock, fights with the fists, immediately everything may become vulnerable, air tearing, the Five Elements source strength condenses on his fist, this is the strength of maximum level, transfers the world source, particularly is earth that part, is beyond example strong. 修炼岩石之道,狂奔而來,擅长近战,浑身如岩石,一拳打出,顿时地动山摇,空气撕裂,五行本源力量凝聚在他的拳头上,这是最高层次的力量,调动世界本源,尤其是属于‘土’的那一部分,更是空前壮大。 Long Chen looks helplessly this great fist raids, does not have the least bit sound. 龙辰眼睁睁看着这巨拳袭來,却无半点动静。 Was scared.” “被吓坏了么。” Surrounded the 100,000 person to laugh. 围观十万人大笑了起來。 Bang. 轰。 A fist approaches Long Chen, at least sends out over ten thousand continual airings, forms the turbulent flow, takes away as many things as possible toward the surroundings. 一拳靠近龙辰,至少发出上万声连续的气爆,形成乱流,朝着周围席卷而去。 Makes me teach you well.” “让我好好教训你。” That Cultivator laughs to say. 者大笑道。 In the next quarter, Long Chen reveals to sneer strangely, he seems like slow extends a hand, actually before that Cultivator rock fist arrival, that shouted, incomparably has gripped with ease the fist of opposite party, the rapid collapse of [say / way] and that Five Elements source strength rock in the Long Chen hand, changed into invisible, but in this instantaneous, Long Chen turned the hand, that Expert arm break, directly participated in one, kneels down in Long Chen at present. 就在下一刻,龙辰流露出诡异冷笑,他看似缓慢的伸出一只手,却在那者岩石般的拳头到來之前,呼的一声,无比轻松就握住了对方的拳头,岩石之道和那五行本源力量在龙辰手中迅速的崩溃,化为无形,而就在这瞬间,龙辰将手一扭,那强者手臂断裂,直接参加一声,跪倒在龙辰眼前。 The blood trickles. 鲜血滴下。 From beginning to end, the Long Chen complexion has not had the slight change, the body has not retroceded one step, he by the powerful mortal body strength, the superficialness melted the attack of match, simultaneously the opposite party severe wound. 从始至终,龙辰的脸色沒有发生丝毫的变化,身体也沒有后退一步,他以强悍的肉身力量,轻描淡写就化解了对手的攻击,同时将对方重伤。 Countless people stare the big eye, holds breath a cold air/Qi, dull looks that Cultivator kneels down in Long Chen at present, he just wants to roar standing up, made a Long Chen foot kicking. 无数人瞪大眼睛,倒吸一口冷气,呆呆的看着那者跪倒在龙辰的眼前,他正想咆哮着站起身來,却让龙辰一脚给踢飞了出去。 The person's shadow, vanished in horizon together. 一道人影,消失在了天际。 Without any skill, the pure strength, explains the attack of Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Expert. 沒有任何技巧,纯粹力量,破解五行轮回劫境强者的攻击。 Formidable, barbaric. 强大,野蛮。 This is the Long Chen fight time, takes to the impressions of all people. 这是龙辰战斗时候,带给所有人的印象。 His body seems like thin, in fact is similar to the giant beast, is similar to Divine Dragon, looks disdainfully proud, formidable aggressive. 他身体看似精瘦,实际上如同巨兽,如同神龙,骄傲睥睨,强大霸气。 At this time, the leg that his flew gently fell the ground, an eye looking disdainfully world, was taking a fast look around the surrounding people, the sinking sound track: Must challenge me, on together.” 这时候,他那飞起的腿才轻轻落到地上,一双眼睛睥睨天下,扫视着周围众人,沉声道:“要挑战我,一起上吧。” These words said that lets the people complete silence. 这句话说出來,更是让众人鸦雀无声。 They were ridiculing a moment ago still Long Chen, now actually instead maliciously applies makeup by Long Chen, can achieve Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator so easily is defeated, Long Chen this battle efficiency has gone against heaven's will, at least approached Six Dao Reincarnation. 他们刚才还在嘲笑龙辰呢,如今却反被龙辰狠狠打脸,能做到将一位五行轮回劫境者如此轻松打败,龙辰这战斗力已经逆天,至少接近六道轮回了。 That gathers round his 30 Cultivator, suddenly looks at each other in blank diamay. 那围着他的30位者,一时间面面相觑。 On, hears not to have together, the waste, you get down is not gives me a lesson, how your dog gallbladders where went, told you, listened to me clearly, words that I spoke a moment ago, will be practices in 8000 below, did not have one is my match, if who met the condition, questioned that my this saying, can get lost greatly immediately to me.” “一起上,听到沒有,废物们,你们下來不就是给我一个教训的吗,怎么你们刚才的狗胆哪里去了,告诉你们,给我听清楚了,我刚才说的话,就是修行8000年以下,沒有一个是我对手,谁要是符合条件,又质疑我这话,大可以马上给我滚下來。” In the Long Chen heart the bold air-drying clouds that this fellows are owe to punch, he seems like impulsive, is careful is actually very calm. 龙辰心中豪气干云,这帮家伙就是欠揍,他看似冲动,实际上心中冷静得很。 These words said that the outstanding heroes were angry. 这一段话说出來,群雄愤怒。 Was too rampant.” “太嚣张了。” This boy is supercilious, is too hateful.” “这小子目中无人,实在太可恶。” The people cursed, but that is also surrounding the Long Chen about 30 people, at this time was almost wild with rage, they are Elder, where can make Long Chen so shame. 众人咒骂了起來,而那还包围着龙辰的30人左右,这时候几乎被气疯了,他们都是长辈,哪里能让龙辰如此羞辱。 On.” “上。” The people drink one together, unexpectedly really also begins, their this, even if has won, in the face cannot pass, but if lost, Long Chen estimated that must overawe the world once more, even if Six Dao Reincarnation Cultivator, cannot achieve a person to resist more than 30 is almost the Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm masters. 众人齐喝一声,竟然真的同时动手,他们这样,就算是赢了,面子上也过不去,但若是输了,龙辰估计就要再次威震天下了,就算是六道轮回者,也做不到一个人对抗30多位几乎都是五行轮回劫境的高手吧。 In the middle of look that in counting the 100,000 person pays attention, Expert get rid. 在数十万人关注的眼神当中,强者们纷纷出手。 Various Heavenly Dao, various types of [say / way], several hundred Dao Mark [say / way] appear one after another, said the spirit to neigh, suddenly under their formidable pressure, this entire slaughter demon valley was shivering, as if the end will soon approach. 各种天道,各种道器,数百条道纹的道器纷纷出现,道灵嘶叫,一时间在他们的强大威压之下,这整个屠魔谷都在颤动,仿佛末日即将來临。 Expert gets rid together, the scene is really vast, Long Chen in the short flash, was submerged by the people, felt that on the whole person was torn into the fragment, the vast windblown dust has tunnelled instantaneously most people's vision. 强者一起出手,场面着实浩大,龙辰在短短一瞬间,都被众人淹沒,感觉上整个人都被撕扯成为碎片了,浩大的尘烟瞬间挡住了的大多数人的视线。 Killed him.” “杀死他了吗。” These many Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, display the source strength, the reassignment world source, this fellow had the big ability to die.” “这么多五行轮回劫境者,施展本源力量,调动天地本源,这家伙有再大的能耐都得沒命了。” Rumbling. 轰轰轰。 Vast attack time carries on. 浩大的攻击时刻进行。 When the people think Long Chen has been taught, in fact their Long Chen wool has not traced. 就在众人以为龙辰已经得到教训的时候,实际上他们连龙辰的毛都沒有摸到。 One group of idiots.” “一群蠢货。” Long Chen carved to rush to the sky at this time, showed again in the middle of the people field of vision, he has not run away, but was the riot falls, under Highest Beginning God Force surged, all matches were suppressed by him unexpectedly. 龙辰在这时刻冲上天空,展现再众人视野当中,他并沒有逃走,而是暴乱落下,太始神力激荡之下,所有的对手竟然都被他压制了。 Time Storm.” 岁月风暴。” Long Chen puts out a hand a ball. 龙辰伸手一弹。 The time, below stretch of domain, the time has the rebellion, the storm attack, all people in the middle of this storm, unavoidable, under that time counter chaotic strength, their all bitter experiences tremendous blow. 顿时间,下方一片领域之内,时间发生暴动,风暴來袭,所有人都在这场风暴当中,无法避免,在那时间逆乱的力量之下,他们的一切遭遇了巨大冲击。 Rumbling. 轰轰。 On everyone starts to demolish, produces the massive blood fog. 每个人身上开始爆破,产生大量血雾。 Puff puff. 噗噗噗。 The people send out pitiful yells, falls down completely, is no exception, the Time Storm counter chaotic strength is too strong, their meridians were torn, skeleton was destroyed, the strength was flushed within the chaotic, short time suffers the severe wound, can stand to be good. 众人发出一声声的惨叫,全部倒在地上,无一幸免,岁月风暴的逆乱力量太强,他们经脉被撕裂,骨骼的被打碎,力量被冲乱,短时间之内遭受重伤,能站起來就不错了。 Under the time storm, does not have to be able again with Long Chen for the match of enemy. 时间风暴之下,沒有再能与龙辰为敌的对手。 He shocks the look in ten thousand audiences, falls gently light the ground, falls among his matches, but at this time, his matches even nobody can stand up, gives him, even if an attack. 他在万众震撼眼神当中,轻飘飘落到地上,落在他的对手中间,而这时候,他的对手们甚至沒人能够站起身來,给他哪怕是一次攻击。 Long Chen sweeps casually, Crazy Wind sweeps across these defeat, these talented people responded that caught own partner. 龙辰随便一扫,一股狂风将那些战败者席卷出去,那些人才反应过來,去接住了自己的伙伴。 But that youth, is similar to bystander same stands in the middle of the slaughter demon valley land, an eye looks disdainfully to look at the people, the half minute draws back timidly does not have. 而那少年,就如同沒事人一样站在屠魔谷地当中,一双眼睛睥睨看着众人,半分退怯都沒有。 Long Chen has proud, pride in his heart is urging him, how cannot have the backlash of half minute. 龙辰是有骄傲的,他心中的骄傲驱使着他,无论怎样都不能有半分的后退。 The scene of his innumerable dream, is he can stand in their front proud, making them be at a loss to oneself. 他无数次梦想的场面,都是他能够骄傲的站在他们的面前,让他们对自己束手无策。 He is not a criminal, is not the rebel, has not made the mistake anything, he is the peerless talent, who can how him. 他不是罪犯,也不是叛徒,更沒有做错什么,他是绝世天才,谁能奈何他。 After this time, all people have a parched mouth looks at Long Chen, a few words cannot say, before they also ridiculed Long Chen, now on face hot ache, by the Long Chen ability, will be very so possible, practices under 8000, will also not have really his match...... 这一次之后,所有人都口干舌燥的看着龙辰,一句话都说不出來,之前他们还嘲笑龙辰呢,现在脸上火辣的疼痛,以龙辰如此能耐,很可能,修行8000年之下,还真的就沒有他的对手…… So the monstruous talent natural talent, feared that is Long Qinglan and Di Yu has no way to compare. 如此妖孽天资,怕是龙青澜帝雨都沒法比。 In the people heart has held breath a cold air/Qi. 众人心中已经倒吸一口冷气了。 They are really understand why this youth can be from beginning to end so proud and bold, because his innermost feelings are formidable, this counts the 100,000 person, not only cannot frighten him, instead played with by him in the stock palms, any Emperor even/including honored City Lord made him suspend one. 他们算是真正明白,为什么从始至终这个少年会是如此骄傲和大胆,因为他的内心是强大的,这数十万人非但沒能吓倒他,反而被他玩弄在股掌之间,什么连帝钧城主都让他摆了一道。 Long Chen said at this time loudly: „The matter that to be honest, you are worried about is completely impossible to occur, my Long Chen is not an evil person, I work to have my principle, the so-called future will bring the catastrophe and so on words, but certain people envy my natural talent, I can pledge here that I will not make to the Human Clan disadvantageous matter, I am unable to pledge anything, looks at my future performance and that's the end, so this must kill my words, I can only say that you are really too vulnerable, too ignorant and conceited.” 龙辰这时候大声道:“诸位,说实话吧,你们所担心的事情完全不可能发生,我龙辰不是恶人,我做事有自己的原则,所谓将來会带來浩劫之类的话,只是某些人嫉妒我的天资罢了,我可以在这里发誓,我不会做出对人族不利的事情,我无法承诺什么,诸位看着我将來的表现就是了,如此这样还是要杀我的话,那我只能说,你们实在是太脆弱,太愚妄了。” He uses the strength, with the pledge, the most people's innermost feelings of attacking and capturing. 他用实力,用誓言,攻克的大多数人的内心。 This is Long Chen must achieve, he comes Dragon God Domain, to conquer these people, but today is a very good start. 这就是龙辰所要做到的,他來龙神域,就是为了征服这些人,而今天是一个非常好的开始。 Emperor honored City Lord from beginning to end, complexion is callous. 帝钧城主从始至终,都脸色冷酷。 Reason that the people have not echoed Long Chen, in fact is also fearing this emperor honored City Lord. 众人之所以沒附和龙辰,实际上也是在惧怕这帝钧城主 At this time, emperor honored City Lord wore the gold get lost Cultivator of imperial robe to say to behind one: Di Sheng, you go to be able he, revenges for your son while convenient.” 就在这时候,帝钧城主对身后一个身穿黄金滚龙袍的者道:“帝笙,你去会会他,顺便为你儿子报仇。” [
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