DBWG :: Volume #21

#2094: In heart proud

Righteous, the imposing manner oppresses others. 理直气壮,气势压人。 Long Chen is so, words when he said that others are unable to refute, at once, he almost by a person of strength, suppressed has counted the 100,000 person. 龙辰就是如此,当他说出的话,别人无法反驳的时候,一时之间,他几乎以一人之力,压制了数十万人。 Also some people make noise said: Does not do to quibble, you have made the filling the heavens huge mistake, will put to death my clan to hope in the future that affected the irreverence of entire Human Clan, your heinous crime, the slaughter demon congress is held for you today, what you should rush was honored.” 也有人喧闹道:“休要狡辩,你已经犯下弥天大错,诛杀了我族未來希望,影响了整个人族的虔诚,你罪该万死,今日屠魔大会为你而举行,你应该赶到的是荣幸。” Said right, the average person wants to be cut to kill at this slaughter demon congress, but also does not have the opportunity.” “说得对,普通人想要在这的屠魔大会被斩杀,还沒有机会呢。” These rebuttal such being incapable, did not say is Long Chen, was their team people on one's own side listens also to frown. 这些反驳是如此的无力,不说是龙辰,就是他们队伍自己人听了也皱眉头。 Long Chen said: So huge being honored, I may unable to enjoy, gives to you, nothing but is Emperor Honored God City wants the report private to kill in revenge me, but do not have the guts, therefore pulls completely your this group of fools, once must undertake the evil consequence, everybody undertakes together, you actually have not known in vain one are, when the spear|gun causes, running comes to here, is really laughable, told you, in Chaos Star Domain, Chaos Star Lord how me, anyone of you had the ability to hurry to begin to try, my Long Chen, did not fear.” 龙辰道:“如此巨大的荣幸,我可消受不起,还是送给你们吧,无非是帝钧神城想要报私仇杀我,但自己却沒胆量,所以把你们这群傻瓜全部拉扯进來,一旦要承担恶果,大家一起承担罢了,枉你们竟然还不知道自己是被当枪使,屁颠屁颠的跑來这里,真是可笑至极,告诉你们,在混乱星域,混沌星主都奈何不了我,你们谁有能耐赶紧动手试试,我龙辰,不怕。” His boldness, his arrogance and looking disdainfully, have blown the people once more. 他的大胆,他的傲气和睥睨,再次镇住了众人。 No one has thought that in the middle of their mind that should kneel begs for mercy, Long Chen that weeps bitterly loudly, so is unexpectedly calm rampantly, he has anything to take advantage really inadequately. 谁都沒想到,他们心目当中那个应该跪地求饶,大声痛哭的龙辰,竟然如此淡定嚣张,难道他真的就有什么依仗不成。 The people went to emperor honored City Lord the vision hastily, in fact they somewhat vacillated, so long as because a little people of brain can want to understand that this time must kill Long Chen, the Emperor Honored God City personal grudge are many, they truly were drawn by the emperor honored city. 众人连忙将目光投向了帝钧城主,实际上他们已经有些动摇了,因为只要有点脑子的人都能想明白,这次要杀龙辰,帝钧神城私仇较多,他们确实是被帝钧城拉过來的。 Once has an accident, Five Great Dragon City violent anger, or that Eternal Dragon Emperor rebirth, meeting with a disaster is everybody. 一旦出事,五大龙城暴怒,或者那永恒龙帝重生,遭殃的都是大家。 Saw that the will of the people starts to be defeated and dispersed, emperor honored City Lord behind, the Golden light covers together submerges Long Chen instantaneously, keeping him from moving, is unable to speak, but emperor honored City Lord bright sound track: Does not need the person of dying to talk too much with this, after a double-hour, Five Great Dragon City did not respond again that I begin personally, cut to kill him.” 眼看人心开始溃散,帝钧城主身后,一道金色的光罩瞬间将龙辰淹沒,让他无法动弹,无法说话,而帝钧城主朗声道:“诸位无需和这将死之人多言,等一个时辰后,五大龙城再沒反应,我亲自动手,斩杀他。” The people looked at each other in blank diamay, whispered. 众人面面相觑,嘀咕了起來。 Emperor honored City Lord cuts to kill him, should relate not in a big way with us.” “帝钧城主斩杀他,应该和我们关系不大。” Yes, our considering comes to see lively, we could not control anything in any case.” “是啊,我们就当是來看热闹的吧,反正我们又左右不了什么。” If Five Great Dragon City does not save him, that was this Long Chen damn.” “如果五大龙城不拯救他的话,那就是这龙辰该死了。” Long Chen truly is bearing huge pressure, the light cover under emperor honored City Lord casual cloth has limited his all motions, causing him unable to move, he naturally does not have any fear, some are not willingly. 龙辰确实承受着巨大的压力,那帝钧城主随便布下的光罩限制了他所有的行动,导致他无法动弹,他心里自然沒有任何恐惧,有的只是不甘心。 Father, I stand today here, will not give you to lose face absolutely.” “爹,我今日站在这里,绝对不会给你丢人。” He comes Dragon God Domain, to revolt to come. 他來龙神域,就是为了反抗而來。 If such small matter, oneself not being able to withstand, how he goes to face Five Great Dragon City, wish is Long Qinglan speaks, first he must to have the unmatched in the world strength, most to the high Supreme status, at that time, he can have the authority to reverse all. 如果这么小一件事情,自己都的承受不住的话,他又怎么去面对五大龙城,想要为龙青澜说话,首先他得要有天下无敌的实力,还有最至高无上的地位,那个时候,他才能够有权力逆转一切。 On such as this emperor honored City Lord, can reverse most people's wish. 就如这帝钧城主,可以逆转大多数人的意愿。 Long Chen feels in the top of the head to be similar two Sun, has not gasped for breath according to him, that suppression is this life is rarest, but has enraged similarly also his heart of pride, he is not willing to concede, is not willing like this to be imprisoned, was cut to kill, his all have not completed, how could he dies here. 龙辰感觉上头顶上仿佛有两个太阳,照得他喘不过气來,那种压制是这一生最罕见的,但同样也激怒了他的骄傲之心,他不愿意服输,更不愿意就这样被囚禁,被斩杀,他的一切都还沒有完成,他岂能死在这里,。 Father, I before all people, will prove my, I must make them be afraid me, awes me, I will complete your last wish, although this emperor honored City Lord is formidable, several thousand years practice, but he how me.” “爹,我会在所有人面前,证明自己的,我要让他们所有人都害怕我,敬畏我,我会完成你的遗愿,这帝钧城主虽然强大,有数万年修行,但他奈何不了我。” In his heart, erupts endless Divine Dragon to get angry howlingly. 他的心中,爆发出无尽的神龙怒嚎。 The Reincarnation strength, mixes with Highest Beginning God Force together, forms the screw, the new world, the strengths of 14 peaks gather the elementary force peak, pours into, that strength from god country's, has filled all the limbs and bones similarly. 轮回的力量,和太始神力混合到一起,形成螺旋,新世界当中,14座高峰的力量汇聚到元力高峰当中,灌入其中,那一股來自神国的力量,同样充满了四肢百骸。 Broken.” “破。” He is similar to the giant beast, sends out earthshaking roaring. 他如同巨兽,发出一声惊天动地的咆哮。 The people also are the Long Chen matters, but was discussing in a low voice, waited for that a double-hour the time passed by, Golden light covered Long Chen unable to speak, they were more relieved, but at this time, they shocked the center that looks at that slaughter demon valley land, that Golden light covered to shiver unexpectedly. 众人还在为龙辰的事情而低声讨论着,等待一个时辰的时间过去,金色光罩下龙辰无法说话,他们才安心一些,可就在这时候,他们震撼的看着那屠魔谷地的中央,那金色的光罩竟然颤动起來。 Terror Dragon Roar, eruption. 一声恐怖龙吟,爆发而出。 Bang. 轰隆。 Emperor even/including honored City Lord has not responded, Golden light covers loudly explodes, turns into the innumerable fragments, the combustion vanishes in the middle of the air, during that black hair youth vision calm covered to walk from the Golden light, the clothing fluttered, flap flap made noise, obviously was only a child, had the looking disdainfully world grand appearance, so was lets in the people heart thump. 连帝钧城主还沒有反应过來呢,金色光罩就轰然爆炸,化成无数的碎片,燃烧消失在空气当中,那个黑发少年目光从容从金色光罩当中走了出來,衣衫飘动,猎猎作响,明明只是个孩子,却拥有睥睨天下的雄姿,如此更是让众人心中咯噔。 Emperor honored City Lord, has not thought that he can break through his control astonishingly. 就连帝钧城主,也沒想到他惊人能突破自己的掌控。 Suddenly, all stunned looks affect on him. 一时间,所有愕然的眼神都作用在他身上。 Long Chen looked at emperor honored City Lord, said: Did not need to plow the air, told you, you could not kill me, you early should understand that by the natural talent was your Emperor Honored God City Di Yu, was inferior to me 1/10, I this year am about 50 years old, but on the scene middle, will lead a pious life under 8000, there is which is my match, so the natural talent, hundred years, I surely will surmount your emperor honored City Lord 100,000 eight thousand li(500 km), you also had what ability to move I, Di Yu truly was I kills, that was his fate, your Emperor Honored God City should better accept fate earlier, pestered again, one day, could not preserve including your emperor honored City Lord position..” 龙辰看了一眼帝钧城主,道:“不用白费力气了,告诉你,你杀不了我,你早该明白,论天资就算是你帝钧神城帝雨,也不如我1,我今年不过50岁,但在场当中,修行8000年之下,又有哪位是我对手,如此天资,不出百年,我定会超越你帝钧城主十万八千里,你又有何能耐动弹我,帝雨确实是我杀的,那是他的命数,你们帝钧神城最好早点认命吧,再纠缠下去,总有一天,连你帝钧城主的位置都保不住。。” His these words said that lets the people complete silence, very worried looks at emperor honored City Lord. 他这句话说出來,更是让众人鸦雀无声,十分担忧的看着帝钧城主 To be honest, on this day under, but also does not have a youth, dares with emperor honored City Lord saying that such words, this not only threatens, is despises and provokes, any Expert could not endure this provocation. 说实话,这天下之间,还真沒有一个少年,敢和帝钧城主说这样的话,这不仅仅是威胁,更是藐视和挑衅,任何一个强者都忍受不了这种挑衅。 But Long Chen has this capital, to today's situation, he was in fact confident. 龙辰有这个资本,对今日的情况,实际上他已经胸有成竹了。 Dissolute.” “放肆。” In the middle of Emperor Honored God City, numerous Expert drink again and again together. 帝钧神城当中,众多强者连连齐喝。 They are mammoth, but Long Chen is aloof, is similar to looked that the comedian clown same visits them. 他们声势浩大,但龙辰却无动于衷,如同看小丑一样看着他们。 From beginning to end, the emperor honored City Lord complexion has not changed, but in his heart has truly raised the difficult situation, this youth from yielding him somewhat vacillated, his why fear does not have, he knows anything, for example the matter of his father rebirth. 从始至终,帝钧城主的脸色都沒有变化,但他心中确实掀起了惊涛骇浪,这个少年的从容让他自己都有些动摇了,他为什么一点害怕都沒有,难道他知道什么,比如说他的父亲重生的事情。 Now time of double-hour has not arrived, to be honest, emperor honored City Lord dreads Five Great Dragon City, but also really does not dare to get rid ahead of time. 现在一个时辰的时间还沒到,说实话,帝钧城主忌惮五大龙城,还真是不敢提前出手。 Thinks one can kill this Long Chen with ease, now instead is suppressed, really makes in his heart intertwine. 原本以为自己能轻松弄死这龙辰,现在反被压制,实在让他心中纠结。 Naturally, he has not displayed. 当然,他沒有表现出來。 At this moment, his sinking sound track: Kid, you said that you within hundred years, can surpass me.” 就在此刻,他沉声道:“小家伙,你说,你在百年之内,能超过我。” Hears this saying, the people also want to smile. 听到这话,众人也不禁想笑。 Long Chen actually decidedly nods, said: To be honest, does not use for 100 years, even does not use for ten years.” 龙辰却断然点头,道:“说实话,不用100年,甚至不用十年。” Suddenly, the people have laughed, Long Chen this is the young bull does not fear the tiger, the earlier progress is rapid, therefore the heart was higher than the day, emperor honored City Lord has led a pious life the innumerable years, has today's boundary, can it be that Long Chen can compare. 一时间,众人大笑了起來,龙辰这是初生牛犊不怕虎,前期进展快,所以心比天高了,帝钧城主修行了无数岁月,才有今天的境界,岂是龙辰能够比拟的。 You know that I have led a pious life many years.” “你知道我修行了多少年呢。” Emperor honored City Lord said with a smile. 帝钧城主笑道。 Long Chen said: In addition you retard Reincarnation Calamity to arrive, almost close 20,000 year, the Cultivate time cannot show anything steadily, can only show and me compares, you is a waste.” 龙辰道:“加上你延迟轮回劫降临,差不多接近两万年吧,修炼时间长不能说明什么,只能说明和我比较起來,你就是个废物。” Such remarks, the people are in an uproar, can work as God honored City Lord, this is a peerless talent has symbolized, emperor honored City Lord approached this world topest level, but to Long Chen, unexpectedly is only a waste, this tone rather was also too big. 此话一出,众人更是哗然,能当上帝钧城主,这已经是一种绝世天才的象征了,帝钧城主已经接近这个世界最顶尖的层次,但对龙辰來说,竟然只是个废物,这口气也未免太大了吧。 Hears this saying, emperor honored City Lord this character, almost could not endure patiently to want the violent anger, the Emperor Honored God City person was burning with anger, cursed, the slaughter demon congress originally under the operation of Long Chen, turned into him and Emperor Honored God City personal gratitude and grudges, other people had been put aside. 听到这话,帝钧城主这种人物,几乎都忍耐不住要暴怒了,帝钧神城的人更是怒火中烧,一个个咒骂了起來,原本的屠魔大会在龙辰的操纵下,变成了他和帝钧神城的私人恩怨,其他人已经被撇开了。 This is also the Long Chen successful place. 这也是龙辰成功的地方。 Now, the people in other god old cities, hold the mentality of watching the fun to come to see. 现在,其他神裔古城的人,是抱着看热闹的心态來看。 Emperor honored City Lord has not thought that the degree that a child can also suppress unexpectedly. 帝钧城主也沒想到,一个小孩竟然也能将自己压制到的这种程度。 He thinks a matter suddenly. 他忽然想起來一件事情。 He aims at Long Chen, said: You said that present you, will lead a pious life in 8000 below, nobody will be your match.” 他针对龙辰,道:“你说,如今的你,修行8000年以下,沒人是你对手。” Long Chen smiles cold, said: Not.” 龙辰冷然一笑,道:“难道不是吗。” Emperor honored City Lord wants to put aside others attention, first teaches Long Chen, then bright sound track: Practices below in 8000 the Human Clan compatriots, hears this treason and heresy the words, you are convinced.” 帝钧城主想撇开别人注意力,先教训一顿龙辰,便朗声道:“诸位修行8000年以下的人族同胞们,听到这句大逆不道的话,你们心里服气吗。” This means that not only can teach Long Chen, can avoid pestering with the fellow of this being fluent and clever, passes until a double-hour about, his emperor honored City Lord can begin directly. 这个办法,不但可以教训龙辰,更可以避免和这个口齿伶俐的家伙纠缠下去,直到一个时辰左右过去,他帝钧城主就可以直接动手了。 Hears shouting of emperor honored City Lord, most people have made noise, that side Emperor Honored God City called ominously. 听到帝钧城主的呼喊,大多数人喧闹了起來,其中帝钧神城那边叫得最凶。 Practices in 8000 below, in fact majority are Su Zilan this rank, is Ye Liuming this rank, but Ye Liuming has just exceeded in 8000. 修行8000年以下,实际上大多数都是苏紫蓝这个辈分,也就是夜柳瞑这个级别,不过夜柳瞑刚好超过了8000年。 Emperor honored City Lord said: Such being the case, comes out several people, teaches this child, making him know one should always strive for better, outside the person the truth of some people, makes him understand that anything is the politeness, after all this child teaches from young nobody, has not educated, not.” 帝钧城主道:“既然如此,就出來几个人,教训一下这个孩子,让他知道天外有天,人外有人的道理吧,也让他明白,什么是礼貌,毕竟这个小孩从小无人管教,沒有教养,不是么。” The Long Chen eye was red immediately. 龙辰眼睛顿时红了。 Emperor honored City Lord these words touched his inviting the wrath of the emperor, he most is unable to endure, was others said one have not educated. 帝钧城主这句话算是触动了他的逆鳞,他最无法忍受的,就是别人说自己沒有教养。 This is the shame. 这是羞辱。 He started to get hold of the fist. 他开始握紧了拳头。 But at this time, under the summons of emperor honored City Lord, started to have several middle-aged Cultivator, encircled toward Long Chen, including 34 were the Emperor Honored God City people. 而这时候,在帝钧城主的号召下,开始有好几个中年者,朝着龙辰围來,其中有34个都是帝钧神城的人。 Then, the population are getting more and more, entire tribe to slaughter demon valley land. 接下來,人数越來越多,全部落到了屠魔谷地当中。 The people start to turn very quiet, visits them to teach rampant domineering Long Chen anxiously. 众人开始屏住呼吸,紧张看着他们教训一下嚣张跋扈的龙辰 Quick has more than 20 people, basically in four look like above Reincarnation Calamity Realm, majority is Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, generally speaking, will lead a pious life in 8000 below, topest was Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm, can on Six Dao Reincarnation were few, after all started from Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm, practices becomes especially difficult, the preparation will be very not very easy to be killed by Reincarnation Calamity, therefore needs to retard the arrival of Reincarnation Calamity. 很快就有20多人,基本上都在四象轮回劫境以上,大部分都是五行轮回劫境者,一般來说,修行8000年以下,最顶尖的就是五行轮回劫境了,能上六道轮回的都非常少,毕竟从五行轮回劫境开始,修行就变得格外困难,准备不够很容易就会被轮回劫弄死,所以需要延迟轮回劫的到來。
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