DBWG :: Volume #21

#2093: Emperor honored City Lord

Long Chen!” 龙辰!” The emperor honored City Lord final two characters, reverberate near the people ear unceasingly. 帝钧城主最后两个字,在众人耳边不断回荡。 Some people started to reveal the hatred the look, in the eye also show the murderous intention, in fact they to here, came for the slaughter demon today! 一些人开始流露出仇恨的眼神,眼中也展现出了杀机,实际上他们今天到了这里,就是为了屠魔而来的! In their eyes, Long Chen is also the devil who is unable to control! 在他们眼中,龙辰也是一位无法掌控的魔鬼! He sooner or later will bring disaster to Human Clan. 他迟早会给人族带来大难。 Emperor honored City Lord said right, Long Chen this child obstinate, unruly, is cruel, slaughters the crazy demon, in addition the natural talent is aloof, is the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, in the future will inevitably be my Human Clan trusted friend big trouble, if today not, except that and others will inevitably bring a catastrophe to me in the future!” “帝钧城主说得没错,龙辰此子刚愎自用,桀骜不驯,性格残暴,乃杀戮狂魔,再加上天资超然,又是永恒龙帝之子,将来必然是我人族心腹大患,今日若是不除去,将来势必会给我等带来一场浩劫!” Said right, to avoid the world common people suffers hardships, we brave the danger, today cannot make him escape, otherwise, making him again new Eternal Dragon Emperor, our common people dangers!” “说得对,为了避免天下苍生受苦,我们就是冒着危险,今日也不能让他逃脱,否则的话,让他再成为新的永恒龙帝,我们苍生危难!” Suddenly, following the emperor honored City Lord words, all people almost warm echoes, the enthusiasm surges upward, during they said a word, although although has not made anything, but also turned into the ferocious devil! 一时间,顺着帝钧城主的话语,所有人几乎都热烈的附和起来,热情高涨,在他们言语当中,虽然虽然没做过什么,但也已经变成了穷凶极恶的魔鬼! Looks at this scene of hatred, emperor honored City Lord smiles irritably. 看着这火爆而仇恨的场面,帝钧城主笑了。 In his heart is very clear that youth the fearfulness, if not strangle him today, in the future everyone must act servilely to him, no matter what about him. Wish is Di Yu revenges, did not have the opportunity. Regarding Emperor Honored God City, Di Yu hopes simply that is the darlings of all people, he has pinned all Emperor Honored God City Cultivator beliefs and hopes, but Long Chen cruelly has actually destroyed him, after hearing this news, even if emperor honored City Lord, at that time also spat blood three liters! 他心中很清楚那个少年的可怕,如果今天不扼杀他,将来谁都得对他卑躬屈膝,任他左右。想要为帝雨报仇,就更加没有机会了。对于帝钧神城来说,帝雨简直就是希望,是所有人的心肝宝贝,他寄托了所有帝钧神城者的信仰和希望,但龙辰却残忍的毁灭了他,当听到这个消息后,就算是帝钧城主,当时也吐血三升! Just wait, so long as within a double-hour, Five Great Dragon City has not responded, I directly cut to kill! Anything does not attend.” “等着吧,只要一个时辰之内,五大龙城还是没有回应的话,我就直接斩杀!什么也不顾了。” A double-hour, Five Great Dragon City did not respond, that was almost default. 一个时辰,五大龙城还是不回应,那几乎就是默认。 So long as they do not resist intensely, he has the opportunity... 只要他们不强烈抵抗,他就有机会… In slaughter demon valley, sea of people. 屠魔谷内,人山人海。 When the imprecations are most violent, a person's shadow appears in the ring-like mountain peak central sky. 就在咒骂声最猛烈的时候,一个人影出现在环形山峰中央的上空。 That is a skinny old man, in the hand has snow white Spirit Pagoda to revolve, that is an emperor Yuan tower! 那是一个枯瘦的老者,手中有一座雪白色的灵塔在旋转,那是帝元塔! Without a doubt, this old person is emperor is dry. 毫无疑问,这个老人乃是帝枯。 Long Chen, is in the middle of an emperor dry emperor Yuan tower. 龙辰,正在帝枯的帝元塔当中。 His arrival, before suddenly lets, still loudly was clamoring the person complete silence of discussion, all people shut the air/Qi, in the eye gradually cold severe, was hiding the thick murderous intention, they started to fill with the anticipation, because Long Chen came! 他的到来,一时间让之前还在大声喧哗讨论的人鸦雀无声,所有人都闭住了气,眼中逐渐冷厉了下来,其中藏着浓浓的杀机,他们开始充满了期待,因为龙辰来了! Slaughter demon, slaughter is he! 屠魔,屠杀的就是他! City Lord!” 城主!” The emperor dry is similar to that emperor honored City Lord of ruler salutes first. 帝枯先是冲着那如同帝皇的帝钧城主行礼。 Emperor honored City Lord happily smiles, said: This time you perform the big merit, goes back layer on layer to enjoy. Moreover, puts that rebel's son, I must have a look but actually, he has what honor, facing world Expert!” 帝钧城主欣慰一笑,道:“这一次你立下大功劳,回去重重有赏。另外,将那叛徒之子放出来吧,我倒要看看,他有何脸面,面对天下强者!” Puts him to come out!” “放他出来吧!” Puts Long Chen, making us tidy up him well!” “把龙辰放出来,让我们好好收拾他!” Cultivator who surrounds clamored rampantly, many matters that in fact Long Chen handles, in Dragon God Domain after exaggeration layer upon layer, in the people eyes, he are an unpardonably wicked disciple! 围观的者嚣张叫嚣了起来,实际上龙辰做的许多事情,都在龙神域经过层层的渲染,在众人眼中,他已经是个十恶不赦之徒了! The emperor sees that dry, is very satisfied, he sneers to say to an emperor Yuan tower: Kid, your time of death.” 帝枯见状,十分满意,他冲着帝元塔冷笑道:“小家伙,你的死期到了。” These more than ten days of time, the matter of Long Chen to outside were concerned with that wholly-absorbed Cultivate, this strength in meditation makes that emperor change countenance dry, moreover he realizes keenly that after more than ten days of Cultivate, Long Chen as if progressed is big, even surmounted a level! 这十多天时间,龙辰对外界的事情不闻不问,专心修炼,这一份定力让那帝枯动容,而且他敏锐察觉到,经过了十多天的修炼,龙辰似乎进展非常大,甚至已经跨越了一个层次! Right! 没错! Long Chen while these days, to one Yuan tribulation Late Stage. 龙辰就是趁着这一段时间,到了一元劫后期 Increase of Reincarnation strength, is leading increase of integral force, this makes his battle efficiency have a transformation again, arrived at a deeper level! 轮回力量的增加,带动着整体力量的增加,这让他的战斗力再次发生一次蜕变,到达了更加深厚的层次! What happened as for outside, he knows fairly well. 至于外面发生什么事情,他心中有数。 The strength after the breakthrough, after just stabilized, he heard the emperor dry voice. 实力经过突破,刚刚稳定下来后,他就听到了帝枯的声音了。 From breaking through one Yuan tribulation to today, in fact altogether also one month, he can in such a short time, complete the task that others several hundred years can complete, this natural talent truly unmatched in the world, is next to his talent including Lingxi this type, is well below him. 从突破一元劫到今天,实际上总共也就一个月的时间,他能在如此短的时间内,完成别人数百年才能完成的任务,这一份天资确实天下无敌,连灵曦这种仅次于他的天才,都远远不如他。 That slaughter demon congress started.” “那屠魔大会开始了。” Li Xuanji sits on the trees branch of new world, reminded in a soft voice. 李璇玑坐在新世界的树木树枝上,轻声提醒道。 Outside Expert are definitely innumerable, 72 god old city almost all Expert gather here. 外面肯定强者无数,72神裔古城几乎所有的强者都汇聚在这里。 Relax, one group of clumsy mischief-doers.” “放心吧,一群跳梁小丑而已。” Long Chen stands up, the smile said. 龙辰站起身来,微笑说道。 At this time, a suction has pulled out him, he was flung from an emperor Yuan tower, pounds toward below slaughter demon valley land, this strength is big, wants to make Long Chen make a boner obviously, but Long Chen is unhurriedly, from the sky turns around, then fell on the ground safely. 就在这时候,一股吸力将他抽了出去,他被从帝元塔当中甩出来,朝着下方的屠魔谷地砸去,这力道非常大,明显是想让龙辰出丑,不过龙辰不慌不忙,在空中转身,然后稳稳当当落在了地上。 Buzz! 嗡! Counts the 100,000 vision, fell his body. 十万的目光,落到了他的身上。 This is similar to the innumerable mountain extrusions is the same on his body, takes to him the terrifying rank the pressure, moreover these pressures are basically destructive, venomous, perhaps in the world besides Long Chen, does not have any person, can resist so numerous Expert pressures! 这如同无数大山挤压在他的身上一样,带给他恐怖级别的压力,而且这些压力基本上都充满杀机,充满恶意的,天底下除了龙辰之外,恐怕没有任何一个人,能抵抗住如此众多强者的压力吧! But he has nipped the tooth lightly, stands on the ground, gains ground to inspect the surroundings, that sharp and desolate vision greets the people directly, although surrounding Expert are innumerable, but did not have vision together, can frighten Long Chen retrocedes! 但他轻咬了一下牙齿,就在地上站直,抬起头巡视着周围,那锐利而冷淡的目光直接迎接众人,尽管周围强者无数,但还没有一道目光,能够将龙辰吓得后退的! In the people eyes, that by the youth who flings from an emperor Yuan tower, the body is full of the arrogance, although faces so the scene, he had not been daunted unexpectedly. 在众人眼中,那个被从帝元塔当中甩出的少年,身上充满傲气,尽管面对如此场面,他竟然没有被吓住。 By one person, faces directly to count the 100,000 person, one step has not drawn back timidly! 以一人,直面数十万人,没有一步退怯! The monowheel courage and wisdom, among the world can have many people, can with the Long Chen comparison! 单轮胆识,天下间又能有多少人,能和龙辰比拟! The both sides look confrontation, by logarithmic 100,000, has continued that short flash. 双方眼神交锋,以一对数十万,持续了那么短短一瞬间。 Long Chen were innumerable has imagined this scene, he knows that this scene sooner or later will occur, during today's scene imagines him also wants to be bigger. 龙辰曾经无数次想象过这种场面,他知道这种场面迟早都是会发生的,今天的场面比他想象当中还要大一些。 Actually do some these many people want to kill me? Did I stimulate to you? I have done any wrong thing, lets these many people, wishes one could to kill me immediately!” “竟然有这么多人想要杀我么?我到底怎么刺激到你们了呢?我又是做了什么错事,让这么多人,恨不得马上杀死我啊!” In the Long Chen heart has smiled! 龙辰心中笑了起来! He fears by no means that but thinks the people in laughable, entire Dragon God Domain 72 god cities, to kill oneself, has no fear of great distances to come here unexpectedly, holds this anything slaughter demon congress, makes the so huge scene. But oneself trivial is a later generation, 100 years old, were called them to be afraid become this appearance. 他并非恐惧,而是觉得可笑,整个龙神域72神城的人,为了杀自己,竟然不远万里来到这里,举行这什么屠魔大会,闹出如此巨大的场面。而自己不过区区是个后辈,连100岁都不到,就叫他们害怕成这个样子了。 Laughable, pitiful! 可笑,可悲! He observes the situation for one week, sees that to count the 100,000 look, has the ominous offense, to have the hatred, to dodge and have threatening, among them majority has been full of the thick hostility to oneself, even is in some Expert eyes, revealed the fear of faint trace, obviously had been daunted by Long Chen. 他环视一周,看到那数十万的眼神,有凶戾、有仇恨、有闪躲、有逼人,他们当中大部分都对自己充满了浓浓的敌意,甚至就算是一些强者的眼中,也流露出了丝丝的恐惧,显然已经被龙辰吓住。 Fears me, fears my father?” “到底是怕我,还是怕我爹呢?” Long Chen final, the vision stays on emperor honored City Lord that in that ruler rules, this Eight Diagrams Reincarnation, is equal to Brilliant Long Huang Darkness Dragon Emperor Expert, the strength is inferior to Yang You and Xue Chi. 龙辰最终,目光停留在那帝皇君临的帝钧城主身上,这位八卦轮回,相当于光耀龙皇暗黑龙皇强者,实力不如杨幽血炽 Emperor honored City Lord specifically aims at Long Chen, that fearful pressure, Long Chen is absolutely irresistibly! That pair is similar to the eye of Sun, takes a fast look around on Long Chen. 帝钧城主专门针对龙辰,那可怕的威压,龙辰是万万无法抵抗的!那一双如同太阳的眼睛,在龙辰身上扫视。 Long Chen!” 龙辰!” Drinks lightly, is similar to mighty bell, shakes the Long Chen vitality to tumble. 一声轻喝,如同洪钟,震得龙辰气血翻滚。 Long Chen suppressed that ebullition vitality quickly, he knows that emperor honored City Lord is all these engineers. 龙辰很快就将那沸腾气血压制了下去,他知道帝钧城主就是这一切的策划者。 You can wait for death, today I and others held the slaughter demon congress, to cut to kill your this ferocious disciple, for my Human Clan except the trusted friend big trouble, avoids a catastrophe, you are without a fight obediently, you have made the huge mistake, do not count on that Five Great Dragon City will release you, today's matter, I asked for instructions to Five Great Dragon City, time of double-hour, so long as Five Great Dragon City had still not responded, that is the default cuts to kill you, you well enjoy this last double-hour the time!” “你可以等死了,今天我等举行屠魔大会,就是为了斩杀你这穷凶极恶之徒,为我人族除去心腹大患,免除一场浩劫,你乖乖束手就擒,你已经犯下大错,别指望五大龙城会释放你,今日的事情,我已经向五大龙城请示,还有一个时辰的时间,只要五大龙城仍然没有回应,那就是默认斩杀你,你就好好享受这最后一个时辰的时间吧!” „A double-hour?” “一个时辰?” Long Chen is certainly clear, if within a double-hour, Five Great Dragon City did not have the news, this fellow definitely will not be forgiving. 龙辰当然明白,如果一个时辰之内,五大龙城还没有消息的话,这家伙肯定是不会留情的。 But Long Chen knows in heart, he narrows the eye to look at that emperor honored City Lord, while all people think he will be afraid the frightened time, he asked back: This should be emperor honored City Lord? What huge mistake may I ask me to make? Because I have killed your family Di Yu? This was also too laughable, this boy was known as that is the eternity first rare talent, how many my age is not older than him, the talent fights, must have one dead, Slaughtering Dragon City Jiang Ming mounts Hidden Dragon List first, the Cultivate profession had killed the 100,000 talent, if I kill Di Yu this waste am also cast the blunder, that Jiang Ming mistake my 100,000 time?” 龙辰心里有数,他眯着眼睛看着那帝钧城主,正当所有人以为他会害怕会恐惧的时候,他反问道:“这位应该是帝钧城主吧?敢问我犯下了什么大错?就因为我杀死了你们家帝雨么?这也太可笑了,这小子号称是千古第一奇才,我的年纪也不比他大多少,天才相斗,必有一死,杀戮龙城姜明登上潜龙榜第一,修炼生涯曾经杀过十万天才,如果我杀死帝雨这废物也算是铸成大错的话,那姜明的错岂不是我的十万倍?” Here, his voice revolution, neither arrogant nor servile, said with a smile in a soft voice: I think that I understood, heard that the slaughter demon congress cuts is the Human Clan ferocious disciple who since the ancient times kills, in the hand has the evil people of several thousand innocent lives, I look actually so, the so-called slaughter demon congress, is Emperor Honored God City is used to solve the personal grudge, who has defeated the Emperor Honored God City so-called talent, must be sent under custody to come to here, executes by beheading before the world person? It seems like the Emperor Honored God City self-respect somewhat seems to be frail.” 说到这里,他话音一转,不卑不亢,轻声笑道:“我想我是明白了,听说屠魔大会自古以来斩杀的都是人族穷凶极恶之徒,手上有数万无辜性命的恶徒,我看倒不是如此,所谓屠魔大会,就是帝钧神城用来解决私仇,谁打败了帝钧神城所谓的天才,都得被押送来这里,在天下人面前问斩?看来帝钧神城的自尊心似乎有些脆弱啊。” These two words said that implication satirized, but also said in the principle, suddenly made the Emperor Honored God City people be dumbfounded, surrounds to count the 100,000 person suddenly not to know how to refute to be good, to be honest everyone knows that emperor honored City Lord must cope with Long Chen really somewhat to make a fuss over a trifling matter with the slaughter demon congress, but before them, paid attention was not this. 这两段话说出来,暗含讽刺,但却又说得在理,一时间让帝钧神城众人哑口无言,围观数十万人一时间都不知道怎么反驳才好,说实话谁都知道帝钧城主要用屠魔大会对付龙辰实在有些小题大做,只是他们之前关注的不是这而已。 Emperor honored City Lord vision micro cold. 帝钧城主目光微冷。 Long Chen visits him steadily, he not only has not retroceded, instead goes forward one step, bright sound track: Another point was more laughable, when have I made a catastrophe? In the future? What laughable reason is this? This so-called emperor honored City Lord, I concluded that you are Human Clan will spark a catastrophe in the future, should I be able to hold the slaughter demon congress to cut to kill you? The really slippery world checks greatly, the action, so the act, simply was too so laughable, you do not dislike disgraced, I also dislike disgraced.” 龙辰目不转睛的看着他,他不但没有后退,反而前进一步,朗声道:“另外一点就更加可笑了,我什么时候制造了一场浩劫?未来?这是什么可笑的理由?这位所谓的帝钧城主,我断定你未来会为人族造成一场浩劫,那我是不是应该就能够举行屠魔大会斩杀你?真是滑天下大稽,如此举动,如此行径,简直太可笑了,你们不嫌丢人,我还嫌丢人呢。” After saying, Long Chen looks up all people, in his eyes fearless, he also but actually must have a look, who has the reason to kill him? I must achieve, is although the Emperor Honored God City person begins to him, they are unable to occupy rational side, Long Chen is righteous, what also there is good to fear? 说完之后,龙辰就抬起头看着所有人,他眼中无所畏惧,他也倒要看看,谁有理由杀他呢?我所要做到的,就是尽管帝钧神城的人对他动手,他们也无法占据有理的一边,龙辰理直气壮,又有什么好怕的? Today two, lunatic the condition was very not better for these days, the thing that writes also endlessly satisfies, forces to write actually very painfully. Moreover in the next two days will start is very busy, possibly also today's one, this considered to the lunatic eats, after me, fat has spat again him, the gentlemen do not urge, the state of mind was not quite recently good, sees to urge the person more insane... 今天就两更了,疯子这几天状态很不好,写的东西也不尽满意,硬是逼迫写得十分痛苦。另外明后天开始也会十分忙碌,可能还不了今天的一更,这一更就当是给疯子吃了吧,等我以后肥了再把他吐出来,诸君千万别催,最近精神状态不大好,看见催更人会疯…
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