DBWG :: Volume #21

#2090: Bites soul Monarch

That is two already the fellow who always results in does not make sense. 那是两位已经老得不像话的家伙。 Ye Liuming because of not being able to find Long Chen worried, the arrival time of these two old men have brought to him excitedly, because this was being a rear survival of Darkness God City most older generation the character, is the present dark City Lord t- generation, was bigger than the dark City Lord age. 夜柳瞑正因为找不到龙辰而发愁呢,这两位老者的到來顿时间给他带來了兴奋,因为这是黑暗神城最老一辈的硕果仅存的的人物,乃是现在黑暗城主的叔辈,比黑暗城主的年纪都要大。 These two are also very big in the Darkness God City fame, is almost the same as Ye Liuming, is next to dark City Lord. 这两位在黑暗神城的名气也十分大,和夜柳瞑相差无几,仅次于黑暗城主 Their reputations, once resounded through north Dragon God Domain, but too many years passed by, they basically do not act, therefore forgot gradually. 他们的名头,也曾经响彻龙神域北方,只是太多年过去了,他们基本上都不怎么出面,所以逐渐被遗忘。 They become dark double Monarch, is Devouring Soul, another for broken bone Mr. 他们被成为黑暗双君,其中为噬魂君,另外一个为碎骨君。 Two dry old men, a man and a woman, one fat one thin, Feng Zhu remaining years, but is also very rogue. 两个枯老老者,一男一女,一胖一瘦,风烛残年,但也十分凶恶。 These two estimated that long before started to delay the arrival of Reincarnation Calamity, can mix today to be possible not to be really easy, does not know that can live again several hundred years.” “这两人估计很早以前就开始拖延轮回劫的到來,能混到今天可真是不容易,就不知道能不能再活个几百年。” Long Chen does not care but actually. 龙辰倒不怎么在意。 Even if were Six Dao Reincarnation Late Stage Cultivator came, how. 就算是六道轮回后期者都來了,那又如何。 That two old men, in fact cannot see Long Chen, but they have to imprison the Long Chen means that at this time their both hands jabbed into the middle of the darkness, twists dark in their hands, becomes probably is the curtain, starts the fold, in the flash, two big Expert crossed Long Chen, they will pull dark, converges in together, short periphery all spaces will have surrounded instantaneously. 那两位老者,实际上也看不到龙辰,不过他们有囚禁龙辰的办法,此时他们双手都刺进了黑暗当中,黑暗在他们手中扭曲,变得好像是帷幕,开始褶皱,就在一瞬间,两大强者越过了龙辰,他们将黑暗拉扯过來,汇合在一起,短暂瞬间就将周围所有的空间都包围了起來。 Long Chen suddenly cannot run away. 龙辰一时间也沒能逃出去。 This is dark Deva. 这就是黑暗天界。 The incisive fearful strength punctures from the surroundings, has taken to the Long Chen tremendous pressure, almost must hurry up the time in the middle of him the perpetual flow. 尖锐的可怕力量从周围刺來,带给了龙辰巨大压力,几乎要将他急出时间的长河当中。 This darkness double Monarch's arrival, makes seven few City Lord very excited immediately, Ye Liuming said hastily: Two grand-uncles, where may be able to see him.” 这黑暗双君的到來,顿时让七位少城主都无比兴奋,其中夜柳瞑连忙道:“两位叔祖,可看得见他在哪里。” Although that darkness double Monarch the cloth has gotten down dark Deva, but in the heart has doubts similarly. 那黑暗双君虽然布下了黑暗天界,但心中同样疑惑。 Devouring Soul said: What can determine, he also in this, but where could not find, who this is, why has the so strange method, you make anything in this.” 噬魂君道:“可以确定的是,他还在这里面,但是在哪里就找不到了,这是谁,为何有如此诡异手段,你们在这做什么。” These two are Grandpa Ye Liuming a generation of character, Ye Liuming has to respect, he said: Two grand-uncles, hurry to find the way to seize this youth first, the relations are major, do not let him run, please after seizing next, I again with two detailed explanations.” 这两位乃是夜柳瞑爷爷一辈的人物,夜柳瞑不得不尊敬,他道:“两位叔祖,先赶紧想办法擒下这少年,关系重大,别让他跑了,请擒下之后,我再和两位详细解释。” Devouring Soul and broken bone Monarch nod, in the middle of their impression, Ye Liuming will not act sloppily. 噬魂君和碎骨君点头,他们印象当中,夜柳瞑是不会胡來的。 Dark Deva, is the world that they control. 黑暗天界,是他们掌控的天下。 Is the strength of time.” “是时间的力量。” Broken bone Monarch narrows the eye to look at the surroundings, on the face of dry old shrinkage revealed dangerous Aura. 碎骨君眯着眼睛看着周围,枯老皱缩的脸上流露出了危险的气息 But could not find him, who this youth is, really has the so terroristic means.” “但还是找不到他,这少年到底是谁,竟然有如此恐怖手段。” When Devouring Soul and broken bone Monarch seek, the Ye Liuming sinking sound loudly shouted to clear the way: Long Chen, hurries, in this dark Deva, only if you have the Six Dao Reincarnation Late Stage strength, otherwise you forever are unable to leave, I told Emperor Honored God City Seven Star Reincarnation Cultivator your existence, when you arrive, you may be finished.” 噬魂君和碎骨君寻找的时候,夜柳瞑沉声大喝道:“龙辰,赶紧出來吧,在这黑暗天界,除非你有六道轮回后期的力量,否则你永远都无法离开,我已经将你的存在告诉了一位帝钧神城七星轮回者,等你到來,你可就完蛋了。” Emperor Honored God City. 帝钧神城 In the Long Chen heart knows, if meets itself, most dares to get rid should be the Emperor Honored God City person. 龙辰心中知道,若是遇见自己,最敢出手的应该就是帝钧神城的人。 The surroundings are dark Deva, this way, at least will be found by that darkness double Monarch, Long Chen naturally is not that two match. 周围乃是黑暗天界,再这样下去,至少会被那黑暗双君找到,龙辰自然不是那两位的对手。 This Darkness God City, truly temporarily cannot stay, these two estimates no matter how, will support Ye Liuming.” The Li Xuanji regret said. “这黑暗神城,确实暂时不能呆下去了,这两位估计不管如何,都会支持夜柳瞑的。”李璇玑遗憾说道。 That was better, looks my.” “那就更好了,看我的吧。” Long Chen smiles with ease, from beginning to end, he faces indifferently, does not have, even if startled, even if Six Dao Reincarnation Late Stage Cultivator, to him at this moment, that is anything, even if the opposite party has the strength of bang broken stars, but also takes his Long Chen not to have idea. 龙辰轻松一笑,从始至终,他都淡然面对,沒有哪怕是一丝的惊慌,哪怕是六道轮回后期者,对此刻的他來说,那又算是什么,哪怕对方有轰碎星辰的力量,但也拿他龙辰沒辙。 Did not need to look.” “不用找了。” Long Chen appears in the middle of dark Deva, a face sneers to look at Ye Liuming. 龙辰在黑暗天界当中出现,一脸冷笑看着夜柳瞑 He speak unhurriedly and clearly said: „The Emperor Honored God City person does not daunt me, I do not want to bring Xuan Ji to leave here, but actually such words, that has another chance to meet now.” 他一字一顿道:“帝钧神城的人也吓不住我,本來我沒想带璇玑离开这里的,但如今竟然这样的话,那就后会有期了。” In front of Expert of this older generation, can achieve so boldly, looks disdainfully, among world, only then Long Chen, even if that anything Jiang Ming, must recognize facing this Ye Liuming instigated. 在这老一辈的强者面前,能做到如此大胆,睥睨,天下之间,也只有龙辰一个,就算是那什么姜明,面对这夜柳瞑也得认怂。 „To walk, does not have is so easy.” “想走,沒那么容易。” Dark double Monarch makes a long-range raid to come from about. 黑暗双君从左右奔袭而來。 Long Chen smiles cold, escapes into to the time perpetual flow once again, making that darkness double Monarch throw spatial, was so angry, in this moment, Long Chen shifted the distance very long, arrived at Ye Liuming behind the distant place, the front was the edge of dark Deva. 龙辰冷然一笑,再度遁入到时间长河当中,让那黑暗双君扑了一个空,气得半死,在这关头,龙辰已经转移了很长了距离,來到夜柳瞑身后远处,前方就是黑暗天界的边缘了。 Long Chen without demur, causes the blood spirit thorn by the human form. 龙辰二话不说,以人形使用血灵刺。 Thing that the blood spirit thorn, could not have broken through. 血灵刺,是沒有攻不破的东西的。 Although Long Chen the strength is not strong now, but resists this dark Deva, there is this ability, his body revolves, in short instantaneous, turned into a blood thorn, when this blood thorn revolves, among its point world does not have any thing to resist. 尽管龙辰如今力量并不强,但是对抗这黑暗天界,还是有这个能耐,他身体旋转,在短短瞬间,化成了一根血刺,当这血刺旋转起來的时候,其锋芒天下间沒有任何的事物能抵抗。 That sharp ray, lets the person eyes fresh pain. 那股锋利光芒,让人眼睛生痛。 Throws. 扑哧。 Blood spirit thorn on dark Deva, a dark Deva turbulence, demolishes in the people finally at present, Long Chen laughs to escape into to the time perpetual flow, vanishes in the people instantaneously at present. 血灵刺刺在了黑暗天界上,黑暗天界一阵动荡,最终在众人眼前爆破,龙辰大笑着遁入到时间长河当中,瞬间消失在众人眼前。 Long Chen.” Ye Liuming kills wild, under a fist, the trim woods change into the powder powder, the complete annihilation, on at present a kilometer place of becomes spacious, but so, cannot injure to the Long Chen slightest. 龙辰。”夜柳瞑狂暴杀上來,一拳之下,整片树林化为齑粉,完全湮灭,眼前上千米的地方变得一片空旷,但就算如此,也沒能伤到龙辰分毫。 Damn.” “该死。” Including that darkness double Monarch, how also unable to think that the trivial youth, can ruin their dark Deva unexpectedly, this is at all not the possible matter. 连那黑暗双君,也怎么都想不到,区区一个少年,竟然也能毁掉他们的黑暗天界,这可是根本不可能出现的事情。 Ye Liuming, who this youth is.” 夜柳瞑,这少年是谁。” „The child of Eternal Dragon Emperor.” 永恒龙帝之子。” Dark double Monarch Dawu: So that's how it is.” 黑暗双君大悟:“原來如此。” They personally experience the person who Long Qinglan rises, at this time the turbulence of innermost feelings is not inferior the beforehand that time, their complexion disastrous incident, wants to pursue Long Chen, but after hearing the Long Chen name, they were incapable of giving up in consternation, they had already heard the Long Chen matter, personally saw at this moment, thought that was fearful, completely and initial Eternal Dragon Emperor was exactly the same. 他们是亲身经历龙青澜崛起的人,此时内心的动荡不亚于之前那一次,两人脸色惨变,原本还想追逐龙辰呢,但当听到龙辰的名字后,他们在愕然之间无力放弃了,他们早就听说过龙辰的事情,此刻亲眼看见,觉得更是可怕,完全和当初的永恒龙帝一模一样。 Although such Eternal Dragon Emperor was reviled by the world person, that is because he died, if he is also living, by his unmatched in the world, nearly the Spiritual God strength, who dares to scold him. 如此的永恒龙帝虽然被天下人唾骂,那是因为他已经死了,如果他还活着的话,以他天下无敌,近乎神灵的实力,谁敢骂他。 If Long Chen immediately becomes next Eternal Dragon Emperor, dark double Monarch in the heart the pressure is also big. 而如果龙辰马上就会成为下一个永恒龙帝,黑暗双君心中压力也非常大啊。 At present in an instant does not have the sound. 眼前转眼就毫无声息了。 Ran away.” “逃走了。” Ye Liuming dull sitting falls down, so is weak by his status, obviously he suffered has attacked greatly. 夜柳瞑呆呆的坐倒在地上,以他的身份还如此无力,可见他遭受了多么大的打击了。 Ye Liuming, you talk clearly actually, exactly what happened.” 夜柳瞑,你倒是说清楚,到底发生了什么事情。” That darkness double Monarch deeply inspires, asked prudently. 那黑暗双君深吸一口气,慎重问道。 Ye Liuming just likes absent-minded, crossed long time, finally said the matter of ancient god corpse, this thing he could not obtain in any case. 夜柳瞑恍若失神,过了良久,才终于把古神尸首的事情说出來,反正这东西他已经得不到了。 Two grand-uncles, I made the mistake.” Ye Liuming is startled to say. “两位叔祖,我做错了吗。”夜柳瞑怔道。 That darkness double Monarch has looked at each other one, Devouring Soul said: Wrong yes right, if we you, same will do, but we will dread this Long Chen, because he is the Eternal Dragon Emperor son, that means the infinite possibility.” 那黑暗双君对视了一眼,噬魂君道:“错是沒错,我们若是你,也会一样做,只是我们会更加忌惮这龙辰,因为他是永恒龙帝的儿子啊,那就意味着有无限的可能。” Broken bone Monarch nods, said: This youth, if nobody is blocking, will be quite definitely fearful, in the future will make surely also the chaos, but you, since told the emperor to be dry his existence, thought the emperor dry when he will return to Slaughtering Dragon City intercepted him, perhaps at the scene will cut to kill him.” 碎骨君点点头,道:“这少年如果沒人拦着,肯定会相当可怕,将來必定也闹出大乱,不过你既然把他的存在告诉了帝枯,想必帝枯会在他返回杀戮龙城的时候拦截他,说不定会把他当场斩杀。” Five Great Dragon City does not manage.” 五大龙城不管吗。” Broken bone Monarch said: „It is not clear, the Five Great Dragon City manner is very difficult to ponder over, Eternal Dragon City any response, the variable is quite not big, but Eternal Dragon City first Dragon Emperor is so disappointed to Eternal Dragon Emperor, should not respond Long Chen again, other four big Dragon City will possibly get rid except for Slaughtering Dragon City, other three big Dragon City manner, we are not clear...... The Emperor Honored God City person, in the heart hates is too exuberant, will make any matter, we could not estimate.” 碎骨君道:“不清楚,五大龙城的态度很难琢磨,永恒龙城沒有任何反应,变数比较大,但永恒龙城第一龙帝永恒龙帝那么失望,应该不会再搭理龙辰了,其他四大龙城除了杀戮龙城可能会出手,其他三大龙城的态度,我们也不清楚啊……帝钧神城的人,心中仇恨太旺盛,会做出什么事情,我们也预计不了。” Then said that this Long Chen will possibly die.” “那么说,这龙辰很可能会死咯。” Ye Liuming has smiled suddenly. 夜柳瞑忽然笑了起來。 It is not begins in any case, life and death has not related with him, if Long Chen died, he is more delighted, as for Li Xuanji, he must pursue to have a look, if she can live, the emperor dry has not been serious her, that was better. 反正不是自己动手,生死也和他沒关系,如果龙辰死了,他心里更加欢喜,至于李璇玑,他得追去看看,若是她能活下來,帝枯沒把她当回事,那就更好了。 ........................ …………………… After Long Chen left Darkness God City, pressure does not have. 龙辰出了黑暗神城后,压力全无。 Was welcoming the mountain breeze, he made Li Xuanji come out from the god country. 迎着山风,他让李璇玑从神国中出來。 Some time did not have.” Looks at outside grand mountains and rivers, Li Xuanji some saying of being enchanted by, she narrows the appearance of eye speech to be very attractive. “有些时间沒出來了。”看着外面壮阔山河,李璇玑有些迷醉的说道,她眯着眼睛说话的样子十分好看。 Long Chen said: You decided that goes Slaughtering Dragon City with me.” 龙辰道:“你决定跟我去杀戮龙城吗。” Li Xuanji said: Has decided that stays in your god country, there good, is different from the real world, as for the Darkness God City thing, after can only and other dark City Lord come back, I again come back.” 李璇玑道:“决定了,就呆在你神国里面吧,那里挺好的,和真实的世界沒什么两样,至于黑暗神城的东西,只能等黑暗城主回來后,我再回來了。” Ok, that follows me.” “行,那就跟我走吧。” Long Chen did not dare the delaying time, Ye Liuming said that he told the Emperor Honored God City person his existence, where although did not know that Emperor Honored God City person, but must prevent to be overtaken, for this reason Long Chen has to deviate the straight line, went in the Slaughtering Dragon City direction around the road. 龙辰不敢耽搁时间,夜柳瞑已经说了,他把自己的存在告诉了帝钧神城的人,虽然不知道那帝钧神城的人在哪里,但是还是要防止被追上,为此龙辰不得不偏离直线,绕着路朝着杀戮龙城的方向而去。 Unknowingly, you already quickly to the Immortal God Domain top level, 2-3 years ago you just arrived here, but also is only the fellow who Nirvana Calamity Realm 6-layer could not deal with.” The Li Xuanji feeling said. “不知不觉,你已经快到永生神域顶尖层次了,两三年前你刚來到这里,还只是一个涅槃劫境六重都对付不了的家伙吧。”李璇玑感慨说道。 Long Chen recalls, truly so, he clashes too quickly. 龙辰回想一下,确实如此,他冲得太快。 You, no matter where, is a legend and myth.” The Li Xuanji smile said. “你不管到了哪里,都是一个传奇和神话。”李璇玑微笑说道。 Do not praise me.” Long Chen knows why this is. “别夸我了。”龙辰知道这是为什么。 The person who in order to protect to like, for person of father's generation's glory, he has to therefore go forward. 为了保护喜欢的人,为了父辈的荣耀,他不得不因此而前进。 They surmounted mountains and rivers layer upon layer, detours goes toward Slaughtering Dragon City. 两人跨越了层层的山河,绕路朝着杀戮龙城而去。 At the Long Chen speed, half time, can arrive at Slaughtering Dragon City in one day. 龙辰的速度,再过一天半的时间,就能到杀戮龙城了。 Arrives here, Long Chen stopped suddenly, he has to acknowledge that he as if stared. 來到这里,龙辰忽然停了下來,他不得不承认,他似乎被盯上了。 Although does not know that the opposite party stares at itself with any method, but cannot escape, this is a fact, he broke in the time perpetual flow fast, but that type was staring at the feeling, as if still did not have the news. 虽然不知道对方是用什么手段盯上自己,但自己逃脱不了,这是个事实,他快速冲入了时间长河,但那种被盯着的感觉,似乎仍然沒有消息。 Expert.” 强者。” Long Chen deep breath one breath. 龙辰深呼吸一口气。 1 chapter, 21 points about renew, 51 were too busy, everybody is playing, excuses me, the lunatic in the symbol, the whole year did not have the vacation ~ 还有1章,21点左右更新,51太忙碌了,大家都在玩吧,见谅一下,疯子还在码字,全年无假期呢~
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