DBWG :: Volume #21

#2091: Emperor Yuan tower

This time he truly has made contribution. 这一次他确实已经尽力了。 Comes back from Darkness God City, he knows person who will have Emperor Honored God City pursues, detours Emperor Honored God City, the part time in the Time Travel Dragon condition, is very difficult to expect under condition that is trying like this, the opposite party can still pursue! Moreover takes to itself so huge pressure. 黑暗神城回来,他知道会有帝钧神城的人追上来,就绕路回帝钧神城,部分时间都在时间游龙的状态,很难预料在这样尽全力的状态下,对方仍然能追逐上来!而且还带给自己如此巨大的压力。 In that instantaneous, Long Chen has thought. 在那瞬间,龙辰想了许多。 He has that self-confidence, the opposite party how not to! 他有那个自信,对方奈何自己不得! It is not gambling, if dares to kill itself really directly, he estimated that already began. 并不是赌博,如果真的敢直接袭杀自己,他估计早就动手了。 Therefore, he understands that own status to the deterrent that others bring! 所以,他明白自己身份给别人带来的威慑! He stands firm Li Xuanji first, then stands firm on a mountain, in his present space, the space same ripples like the wave, within the short time, a solemn white hair old man, appears. 他先稳住李璇玑,然后在一座高山上站定,在他眼前的空间当中,空间如水波一样荡漾,短短时间之内,一个冷峻的白发老者,从中出现。 This person of entire white, must surpass Darkness God City darkness double Monarch by the dry old degree, it is estimated that with them is the character of same time, what most awfully was he almost did not have the flesh and blood from top to bottom, only then the handbag skeleton, the eye socket got sucked, as if will momentarily disperse the frame. 此人一身全白,论枯老程度还要超过黑暗神城的黑暗双君,估计和他们是同一个时代的人物,最要命的是他浑身上下几乎已经没有了血肉,只有皮包骨骼,眼窝深陷,仿佛随时都会散架。 But his eye, is indifferent, destructive! 但他的眼睛,是冷漠,充满杀机的! This old man should be the character of Seven Star Reincarnation earlier period, is equal to Xiao Dingyuan and Holy Ghost, has strength of the god! Nearly existence of Spiritual God. 这位老者应该是七星轮回前期的人物,相当于萧鼎元和圣灵,拥有通神之力!近乎神灵的存在。 He is not dark double Monarch, by his Yuan god that type the powerful degree of passing the god, before Long Chen, in the Time Travel Dragon condition, still made him hold. 他可不是黑暗双君,以他元神那种通神的强悍程度,龙辰之前就是在时间游龙的状态,却仍然让他抓住了。 You really run away may be quick, I can find you, skillful luck.” “你逃得可真快,我能找到你,纯熟运气。” Old man indifferent eyes are taking a look at him, is similar to looks at a deceased person. 那老者一双冷漠的眼睛打量着他,如同看着一个死人。 Long Chen also thought that he detoured, the opposite party can also look, can only explain own luck was too bad. 龙辰也觉得,他已经绕路了,对方还能找上来,只能说明自己运气太差了。 Long Chen notes, on the old man left hand palm, the snow white buttress tower, the buttress tower is revolving, is sending out the snow white ray, the imposing manner is broad, fluctuation trembling world that occasionally spreads, above Dao Mark is dense and numerous, really altogether has over 500 Dao Mark. 龙辰注意到,那老者左手手掌上,有一个雪白色的小塔,小塔旋转着,散发着雪白的光芒,气势恢宏,偶尔传出的波动震颤天地,其上道纹密密麻麻,竟然一共有500条以上的道纹 This snow white buttress tower, made Long Chen remember actually initially in Thunder Spirit Pagoda that Thunder Spirit Domain saw. Altogether 90,000, are the places that the Spirit Pagoda soldier lives , is also 500 Dao Mark [say / way]! 这雪白色的小塔,倒是让龙辰想起了当初在雷灵域看到的雷灵塔。一共90000层,是灵塔战士居住的地方,也是500条道纹的道器! This is ‚an emperor Yuan tower, my named emperor is dry! An emperor Yuan tower is captivity your [say / way], I kill your person!” “此乃‘帝元塔’,我名为帝枯!帝元塔是的囚禁你的道器,我是杀你的人!” Emperor dry drinks lightly, the air wave is turbulent, Long Chen was shaken the vitality to tumble by the sound of opposite party, is similar to is hit by a giant beast! 那帝枯一声轻喝,气浪汹涌,龙辰被对方的声音震得气血翻滚,如同被一头巨兽撞中! But he was still unhurriedly, sinking sound track: Emperor dry senior, should come from Emperor Honored God City. Does not know that blocks my this Slaughtering Dragon City disciple, what behavior?” 但他仍然不慌不忙,沉声道:“帝枯前辈,应该来自帝钧神城吧。不知道拦住我这杀戮龙城的弟子,所为何事呢?” The emperor is narrowing the eye dry, in the middle of both eyes for the first time appears the fearful ray, he was sizing up Long Chen silent some little time, the cold sound track: Heard that you have defeated Hundun Kunwu and Jiang Ming, surpasses them?” 帝枯眯着眼睛,双眼当中乍现出可怕光芒,他打量着龙辰沉默了好一会,才冷声道:“听说你打败了混沌昆吾姜明,远超他们?” Long Chen admonishes, while nods. 龙辰一边警戒,一边点头。 Heard that your father appears in Chaos Star Domain, teaches you personally Divine Ability!” “听说你父亲出现在混乱星域,亲自教你神通!” Long Chen said: „Does emperor dry senior, what want to make?” 龙辰道:“帝枯前辈,到底想要做什么?” The emperor clenches teeth to say dry: I must kill you!” 帝枯咬牙道:“我要杀你!” The Long Chen vision circle stares, laughs to say suddenly: Kills me? You did not fear that your entire Emperor Honored God City was extinguished, counts the 100,000 person dead!” 龙辰目光圆瞪,骤然大笑道:“杀我?你就不怕你整个帝钧神城被灭,数十万人丧生么!” He laughs suddenly, the facial expression is rogue, the emperor will daunt really dry. The emperor inquired dry the matter about Long Qinglan, Long Chen knew in his heart still to intertwine on this. If fights, oneself do not have the stratagem which ensures success, met with the great misfortune , can only look that can daunts him by Long Qinglan and Slaughtering Dragon City. 他骤然大笑,神情凶恶,着实将帝枯吓住了。帝枯询问了关于龙青澜的事情,龙辰就这知道他心中仍然在纠结。如果战斗,自己没有胜算,遭逢大劫,也只能看能不能靠龙青澜杀戮龙城吓住他了。 Here leaves Slaughtering Dragon City, is obtains Third Dragon Emperor to permit, the condition will be I needs in the future ten years, will not leave Slaughtering Dragon City, if you will return to the time in me, because private will kill in revenge me, I must ask you but actually, how you must and Dragon Emperor confession of three Slaughtering Dragon City!” “我这里离开杀戮龙城,是得到三位龙帝允许的,条件就是我需要在将来十年内,不离开杀戮龙城,你若是在我回归时候,因为私仇杀我,那我倒要问你,你要如何与三位杀戮龙城龙帝交代!” That is the entire in society most fearful character! 那可是整个世间最可怕的人物! Hears this saying, the emperor dry vision twinkle, powerful such as he, in fact this coming, is a brains hot result. 听到这话,帝枯目光闪烁,强悍如他,实际上这次前来,也是头脑一热的结果。 He naturally was worried, but he is clearer, wants to take revenge, this is the only opportunity! Misses this time, waits for Long Chen to be similar to another Eternal Dragon Emperor rises, Emperor Honored God City does not have the opportunity again! 他自然有所担心,但他更明白,想要复仇,这是唯一的机会!错过这次,等龙辰如同另外一个永恒龙帝般崛起,帝钧神城再也没有机会! Thinks of here, emperor dry firm, shouted to clear the way: Long Chen, you are very intelligent, understood that threatens me, but I did not fear! Today I must bring back to the central core region you, the Five Great Dragon City aspect, I will convince them to kill your this eternity big trouble, rebel's son! But in our aspects, I will convene 72 god old cities, in the Dragon God Domain slaughter demon valley, holds the slaughter demon congress, the world Human Clan participation, slaughters your this peerless monstruous talent!” 想到这里,帝枯坚定信念,喝道:“龙辰,你很聪明,懂得来恐吓我,但我不怕!今日我要将你带回中央核心区域,五大龙城方面,我会说服他们杀了你这千古大患,叛徒之子!而在我们这方面,我会召集72神裔古城,在龙神域屠魔谷,举行屠魔大会,天下人族参与,屠杀你这绝世妖孽!” Then, he wields that emperor Yuan tower! 说罢,他将那帝元塔一挥! The emperor explodes dry draws back. 帝枯爆退。 An emperor Yuan tower rushes to the clouds, expands instantaneously, several thousand meters, the width several thousand meters, so the colossus, the super revolving, fills the innumerable rays to come toward the Long Chen suppression highly, Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator passes the strength of god in addition, Long Chen is unable to revolt, was attracted by that emperor Yuan tower, suppresses! 帝元塔冲上云霄,瞬间扩大,高度数万米,宽度数千米,如此庞然大物,高速旋转,弥漫无数光芒朝着龙辰镇压而来,七星轮回劫境者加上通神之力,龙辰根本无从反抗,就被那帝元塔吸进去,镇压其中! Naturally, Long Chen has not revolted, he does not want to plow the air. 当然,龙辰也没有反抗,他不想白费力气。 Convinced Five Great Dragon City, simultaneously convened 72 god old cities, held the slaughter demon congress in the slaughter demon valley, to kill me? Makes such magnificent scene?” “说服五大龙城,同时召集72神裔古城,在屠魔谷举行屠魔大会,就为了杀我?闹出这么大场面?” To Long Chen, so long as he does not get rid to kill itself now, oneself have the opportunity. 龙辰而言,只要他现在不出手杀自己,自己就有机会。 Instantaneous, he was imprisoned in an emperor Yuan tower. 瞬间,他被囚禁在帝元塔之内。 The surroundings is a piece of snow white space, is burning the innumerable white flame, that flame is very fearful, like the ghost, Long Chen is unable to approach palely, place that he can move only then diameter one meter all scopes, the surrounding flame cannot see the end, must exit from here, basically is impossible! 周围乃是一片雪白的空间,燃烧着无数白色火焰,那火焰十分可怕,苍白如鬼,龙辰根本无法靠近,他所能活动的地方只有直径一米所有的范围,周围的火焰根本看不到尽头,要从这里出去,基本上不可能! He was clear, oneself could not exit. 他心里已经清楚,自己根本出不去了。 Cannot be helpless, now, must solve as soon as possible, looks for the method of getting out of trouble! 不能无奈,当今之际,是要尽快解决,寻找脱困的方法! At this time, the place above flame rolled up and pushed along, the emperor dry that giant face appears in Long Chen at present, his sharp eyes were staring at Long Chen stubbornly, got angry: Rebel's son, your little darling treats here, when I lead you to the slaughter demon valley, cuts to kill you in front of world Expert, by never recurring trouble! Moreover to do not use Star Rune outward, in the middle of my emperor Yuan tower, Star Rune may unable to use, your little darling waits for death.” 就在这时候,上方火焰卷动,帝枯那巨大的脸出现在龙辰眼前,他一双锐利眼睛死死盯着龙辰,怒道:“叛徒之子,你就乖乖待在这里,等我把你带到屠魔谷,在天下强者面前斩杀你,以绝后患!另外你别向对外使用星符了,在我帝元塔当中,星符可使用不了,你就乖乖等死吧。” Long Chen is actually not afraid, whatever the opposite party said that anything is also blusters. 龙辰却不害怕,任凭对方说什么也是虚张声势罢了。 His standing wainscot, said with a smile: What slaughter demon congress? What 72 god old cities? Even if all of you agree to kill me, Five Great Dragon City did not agree that what means you do have? You think that Five Great Dragon City with you same is a fool? Told you, first, my natural talent was infinite, the future was limitless, was less than three years, I exceeded you, second, I and my father have not made betray the Human Clan matter slightly, Five Great Dragon City also will ultimately accept us, you were actually ignorant of current affairs, still with me for the enemy, in the future do not blame me not being impolite! This is not your Emperor Honored God City world!” 他站直腰板,笑道:“什么屠魔大会?什么72神裔古城?就算你们所有人同意杀我,五大龙城不同意,你有什么办法?你以为五大龙城和你一样都是傻子么?告诉你吧,第一,我天资无限,前途不可限量,不到三年,我就超越你,第二,我和我父亲都未曾做出丝毫背叛人族的事情,五大龙城最终也会重新接受我们,你却不识时务,仍然与我为敌,将来可别怪我不客气!这可不是你帝钧神城的天下!” The emperor dry air/Qi clenches jaws, he sneers saying: Boy, you do not indulge in fantasy, how will Five Great Dragon City accept you? They hate your father compared with us, you wait, leaves Heaven Dragon Star is you biggest mistake, I must have a look but actually, can Five Great Dragon City save you! They looked forward to some people to kill you, good and did you pretend non-involvement Chu relations? Five Great Dragon City not, only then Slaughtering Dragon City, I heard actually Swallow Dragon City Dragon Emperor does want your life very much?” 帝枯气得咬牙切齿,他冷笑道:“小子,你就别异想天开了,五大龙城岂会接受你?他们比我们更加痛恨你父亲,你就等着瞧吧,离开天龙星就是你最大的错误,我倒要看看,五大龙城会不会来救你!他们巴不得有人把你杀了,好和你撇清楚关系吧?五大龙城可不只有杀戮龙城一个,我倒是听说吞噬龙城龙帝很想要你的命呢?” After saying, the emperor gradually disappears dry, it is estimated that is hurrying along the slaughter demon valley of central region. After he walked, these white flame threw unexpectedly. 说完之后,帝枯逐渐消失,估计是在赶路回去中央区域的屠魔谷。而在他走了之后,那些白色的火焰竟然扑了上来。 Sea sacrifice!” “沧海祭!” Long Chen displays that sea sacrifice, mighty current sweeps across in his side, forms the vortex, the surrounding flame rolling up and pushing along, is unable to injure him. 龙辰施展那沧海祭,洪流在他身边席卷,形成漩涡,将周围的火焰给卷动出去,无法伤害到他。 Li Xuanji is somewhat anxious, asks: If Five Great Dragon City does not save you, makes Emperor Honored God City kill you, murders with a borrowed knife, will you be what kind of?” 李璇玑有些紧张,问道:“若是五大龙城真不救你,放手让帝钧神城杀你,借刀杀人,你会怎样?” Long Chen smiled, said: „ Do not be worried, this matter is impossible to occur. Slaughtering Dragon City will definitely come. „ 龙辰笑了笑,道:“别担心了,这种事情不可能发生。杀戮龙城肯定会来的。“ Why?” “为什么?” Long Chen said: Its one, they fear my father very much, he in that time that Chaos Star Domain presents, the major Dragon City high levels definitely scared. Second, on Heaven Dragon Star, my Aunt You and the others, if I have an accident, they will inevitably also make Human Clan earth-shakingly. But its three, although I am unascertainable, but I estimated that some Slaughtering Dragon City people are tracking me.” 龙辰道:“其一,他们很怕我父亲,他在混乱星域出现的那一次,各大龙城的高层肯定吓坏了。其二,天龙星上,还有我幽姨等人,如果我出事,他们也势必会将人族闹得天翻地覆。而其三,虽然我不能确定,但我估计杀戮龙城有人在跟踪我。” Li Xuanji asked: Why don't they get rid to save you now?” 李璇玑问道:“那他们为什么现在不出手救你?” Long Chen said: That is because they also in hesitant, can remove me with the aid of this opportunity, what evil consequence later won't bring? They are afraid my, is afraid my potential, rebirth that is afraid my father.” 龙辰道:“那是因为他们也在犹豫,到底可不可以借助这次机会除掉我,以后不会带来什么恶果?他们是害怕我的,害怕我的潜力,更害怕我父亲的重生。” Until now, by guts, by plans, but also few individuals can compare favorably with really he. 时至今日,论胆量,论心机,还真没几个人能比得上他。 Waits and sees.” “走着瞧吧。” The Long Chen innermost feelings do not fear. 龙辰内心丝毫不惧。 That anything slaughter demon congress, is presents an opportunity in front of world person, he knows, from now on, he will want the high-sounding talk, so long as the high-sounding talk will get up, he will be authoritative, will have the right to speak, will make more people know clearly present, will make them be afraid! 那什么屠魔大会,也是自己亮相在天下人面前的一个机会,他知道,从现在开始,他要高调,只要高调起来,他才会有权威,才会有话语权,才会让更多人清楚的认识如今的自己,才会让他们害怕! So, Long Chen can complete own goal, he must for his father, recall all! 正是如此,龙辰才能完成自己的目的,他要为自己的父亲,挽回一切! In an emperor Yuan tower, anything cannot see. 帝元塔之内,什么都看不到。 In a while, the emperor dry face of appears in the winning side, he laughs saying: Boy, you can wait for death, our Emperor Honored God City City Lord started to invite world Expert to the slaughter demon valley gathering, starts to negotiate with five big Long Chen, divulges, convinces them to give up you, Swallow Dragon City complied, other Dragon City have not replied, but had not opposed immediately that this did not explain officially their moral nature wants to remove your!” 过了一阵子,帝枯的脸又出现在上风,他大笑道:“小子,你可以等死了,我们帝钧神城城主已经开始邀请天下强者到屠魔谷汇聚,同时也开始与五大龙辰交涉,说破,说服他们放弃你,其中吞噬龙城已经答应了,其他龙城都还没有回复,但没有马上反对,这不正式说明他们心底还是想要除掉你的吗!” Long Chen closes the eye, sits down in the middle of this sea of fire. 龙辰闭上眼睛,在这火海当中坐下。 Thunder!” “雷霆!” The emperor shouted angrily dry. 帝枯怒喝一声。 The surrounding white flame, transforms into the thunder unexpectedly completely, toward the Long Chen bombardment. 周围白色的火焰,竟然全部转化成为雷霆,朝着龙辰轰击而来。 Stars sacrifice.” “星辰祭。” Around Long Chen, presents the innumerable stars, surrounds him, these wild thunder are unable to injure him, but he in an emperor Yuan tower, relieved Cultivate gets up unexpectedly. 龙辰周围,出现无数星辰,将他包围起来,那些狂暴的雷霆无法伤害他,而他竟然在帝元塔之内,安心修炼起来。 The emperor dry how him. 帝枯也奈何不了他。 His cold snort|hum, this leaves. 他冷哼一声,这才离开。 Meanwhile, 72 god old cities received the invitation of emperor honored City Lord, goes to the slaughter demon valley! 与此同时,72神裔古城已经收到了帝钧城主的邀请,前往屠魔谷!
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