DBWG :: Volume #21

#2089: Dark forbidden area

It seems like relaxed strikes, has actually created the terror effect. 看似轻松的一击,却造成了恐怖的效果。 After five few City Lord make Long Chen 14 offer a sacrifice to directly the strength bang that flies, people head blurry on the scene, is simply unbelievable, they no doubt know Jiang Ming that Long Chen defeats, but they think with the Jiang Ming same boundary, moreover by five enemies one, how possibly so easily to be defeated. 当五位少城主直接让龙辰14祭的力量轰飞出去后,在场众人脑袋一片迷糊,简直难以置信,他们固然知道龙辰打败的姜明,可他们自认为和姜明同一个境界的,而且是以五敌一,怎么可能如此轻易就被打败。 Initially has experienced Long Chen battle efficiency Ye Yunxu in various god battlefields, was similar to the life in the dream, whole face delay looks at Long Chen, she was injured heavily, suffocated, but Long Chen has taken to her such big attack. 当初在诸神战场见识过龙辰战斗力的夜云絮,更加如同生活在梦中,满脸呆滞的看着龙辰,她受伤最重,已经奄奄一息,而龙辰又带给了她这么大的打击。 Also five few City Lord, arrived at Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage has been able to resist besides two, other three severe wounds fall down. 五位少城主,除了两位已经到了五行轮回劫境后期的还能抵抗一下,其他三位纷纷重伤倒在地上。 Remaining two are in the middle of their Younger Brother Second Child and fourth child, at this time they flush out the terrifying power that 14 sacrifices have brought, rises straight from the ground, both eyes blood red, kills once again toward Long Chen. 剩下两位是他们兄弟当中的老二和老四,此时他们冲掉了14祭带來的恐怖力量,拔地而起,双眼血红,再度朝着龙辰杀來。 They do not believe that Long Chen can also formidable to so the degree. 他们就不相信,龙辰还能强大到如此程度。 Said the time, practices for over ten thousand years, they at this moment frequently can the moving mountains to fill the seas, the direct access to the highest authorities enter, already very formidable, nearly the Spiritual God, began, the surroundings surrounding area thousand li(500 km) was blocked, dark has after death formed the giant shadow in them, was similar to the ghosts and demons, stretched out dozens devil claws, toward Long Chen tearing. 说时候,修行上万年,此刻的他们动辄都能移山填海,通天入地,已经十分强大,近乎神灵了,动手之间,周围方圆千里都被封锁,黑暗的在他们身后形成了巨大的黑影,如同鬼魅,伸出数十只鬼爪,朝着龙辰撕裂而來。 Dark forbidden area.” “黑暗禁区。” That two Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage Cultivator both sides coordinate, a person attacks Long Chen, the intention diverts Long Chen, but another person attacks Li Xuanji, its method is despicable. 那两位五行轮回劫境后期者双方配合,一人进攻龙辰,意图牵制龙辰,而另外一人攻击李璇玑,其手段可谓卑劣。 But is very effective. 但却很有效。 Long Chen saw that trim sky collapsed, condenses in the middle of their behind shadows, in an instant , the innumerable devil claws extend, everywhere one visit space tearing and distortion, everywhere are the sounds of yin sad wail. 龙辰看到整片天空都塌了下來,凝聚在他们身后的黑影当中,转眼之下,无数鬼爪伸來,所到之处空间撕裂、扭曲,到处都是yin恻恻的哭嚎之声。 Eternal Flash.” 刹那永恒。” Along with close combat of Long Chen on Dao of Time, Time Stop was also together getting more and more perfect, sometimes until now ri arrived at the top level, move of Eternal Flash assigns unexpectedly the Cultivator attacks of two Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage, under is most tyrannical also Ye Liuming also, Long Chen must a bit faster solve these two. 随着龙辰时间之道上的近战,时间静止一道也越來越完善了,时至今ri已经到达顶尖层次,一招刹那永恒竟然将两位五行轮回劫境后期者攻击都给定住,下方最强横也夜柳瞑还在,龙辰必须要快点解决这两位。 He has extracted Behead Divine Sword decisively. 他果断抽出了斩神剑 Cut to kill day of war casualty blood sword, Behead Divine Sword had 300 Dao Mark. 斩杀了天殇血剑,斩神剑已经有300条道纹 Behead Divine Sword one, is slaughters Sword Art, Long Chen draws Li Xuanji, the long sword is waving, slaughters heartily, his speed has drawn near the terrifying level, in a short time unexpectedly killed 800 swords. 斩神剑一出,就是杀戮剑诀,龙辰拉着李璇玑,长剑舞动,尽情杀戮,他的速度已经快到了恐怖的层次,在很短的时间内竟然杀出了800剑。 Slaughters Sword Art, a wave compared with wave of powerful. 杀戮剑诀,一波比起一波强悍。 After 800 swords, by Eternal Flash anchorage dark forbidden area attack Beng San, was disintegrated finally, Long Chen rushes ahead, slaughters Sword Art to release once again, but two Expert hurry to deal. 800剑之后,被刹那永恒定住黑暗禁区攻击终于崩散,土崩瓦解,龙辰冲杀上來,杀戮剑诀再度释放,而两位强者慌忙应对。 Houseboy, Courts Death.” “竖子,找死。” Under, Ye Liuming could not bear get rid finally. 下方,夜柳瞑终于忍不住出手了。 From the beginning, he depends himself is Six Dao Reincarnation Expert, thinks that is not one's turn itself. 一开始,他仗着自己是六道轮回强者,以为轮不到自己。 But so, does not get rid good. 但如此,不出手不行。 The great strength of Long Chen, must surmount his imagination to be too many. 龙辰的强大,要超越他的想象太多了。 „The eye of Hell.” 地狱之眼。” At this time, Long Chen displayed the eye of Hell, not only compelled to draw back Ye Liuming, while opposite party two big Expert were frightened, once again displays to slaughter Sword Art, the short time wind used 200 swords, the opposite party simply does not have the strength to hit back in his hands, two Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage Cultivator cut and bruised fell, within the body meridians skeleton was already punctured by Long Chen Sword Qi, if not for Long Chen does not want to kill people, they now were the deceased people. 就在这时候,龙辰施展地狱之眼,不但逼退了夜柳瞑,更是趁着对方两大强者被震慑的时候,再度施展杀戮剑诀,短时间飙出200剑,对方在他手中根本沒有还手之力,两位五行轮回劫境后期者遍体鳞伤落下,体内经脉骨骼早已被龙辰剑气刺断,若不是龙辰不想杀人,他们如今就是死人了。 Six Cultivator, pour by below basin completely. 六个者,全部倒在下面水池旁边。 Ye Liuming looks at the surroundings, has been startled, feelings of some suffocations, even if one, does not have the means to make them defeat such quickly. 夜柳瞑看着周围,怔了一下,有种窒息的感觉,就算是自己,也沒办法让他们败得这么快吧。 This Long Chen, already powerful in this way. 这个龙辰,已经强悍如斯了。 Long Chen has gripped Behead Divine Sword, in fact the eye of his Hell used, was not specially relaxed, but has at least blown Ye Liuming. 龙辰握住了斩神剑,实际上他连地狱之眼都用出來了,也不是特别轻松,但至少镇住了夜柳瞑 Ye Liuming is Six Dao Reincarnation Expert, is the person who Long Chen dreads only, Six Dao Reincarnation, displays the Six Dao strength, body Six Dao, controls all living things thought that a Yuan god is formidable, the Six Dao Reincarnation strength passes the strength of god close, and strength rushes, although is inferior to Long Chen that Highest Beginning God Force, however in the quantitative aspect truly Long Chen non- several fold. 夜柳瞑六道轮回强者,也是龙辰唯一忌惮的人,六道轮回,施展六道力量,身化六道,主宰众生意念,元神强大,六道轮回力量接近通神之力,且力量澎湃,虽然不如龙辰太始神力,但是在数量方面确实龙辰的无数倍。 If the Long Chen strength is the lake, that opposite party was the sea. 龙辰的力量如果说是湖泊的话,那对方就是大海了。 So condition, Ye Liuming , if not want to be what kind of the beginning, how now must...... 如此状况,夜柳瞑如果一开始不想怎样,现在也必须要怎样了…… That ground whins, may be his Younger Brother sisters...... 那地上哀嚎的,可都是他的兄弟姐妹啊…… So easily, made Long Chen solve. 如此轻易,就让龙辰解决了。 Ye Liuming is most formidabe, moreover this Darkness God City definitely also has many other Expert, Long Chen does not dare to neglect, before can only be the former play, essential also in Ye Liuming here. 夜柳瞑才是最难对付的,而且这黑暗神城肯定还有其他诸多强者,龙辰不敢怠慢,之前只能算是前戏罢了,最关键还在的夜柳瞑这里。 Enters my god country.” “进我神国吧。” He and Ye Liuming is looking at each other, said to Li Xuanji in a soft voice. 他与夜柳瞑对视着,轻声对李璇玑道。 Ehm.” Li Xuanji satisfies smiles, although not desirably, but was also very charming. “嗯啊。”李璇玑满足一笑,虽非刻意,但也十分妩媚了。 Long Chen opens the god country, making Li Xuanji go, after seeing that as if brand-new world same god country, she stayed first, in her eyes Long Chen is always a mysterious person, she not so is surprised, on Continent that falls to this piece as if momentarily expand, walks to watch everywhere. 龙辰打开神国,让李璇玑进去,当看到那仿佛全新世界一样的神国之后,她先是呆了一下,在她眼中龙辰向來都是个神奇的人,她才不那么惊讶,落到这片似乎随时都在扩张的大陆上,到处行走观看。 As for outside fight, her not cao heart. 至于外面的战斗,她不cao心。 Long Chen.” 龙辰。” At this time, it is estimated that Darkness God City was having many Expert to catch up, Ye Liuming has decided for a penny and for a pound, he rushed to the clouds angrily, the surroundings were six black se eddy currents, in the middle of each vortex was relating six world, that was Six Dao, the Six Dao world gathering, was equal to Ye Liuming strengthened six times of strengths. 这时候,估计黑暗神城正有不少的强者赶來,夜柳瞑已经决定一不做二不休了,他愤怒冲上云霄,周围乃是六个黑se漩涡,每个漩涡当中联系着六个世界,那就是六道,六道世界汇聚,相当于夜柳瞑增强了六倍的力量。 The pressure raids. 威压袭來。 Long Chen had estimated that such he also inappropriate with the Cultivator fight of Six Dao Reincarnation, frontage resistance, wants to defeat the opposite party not to be easy, and risk is huge. 龙辰估计了一下,如此的他还不合适和六道轮回者战斗,正面对抗,想要打败对方不容易,而且风险巨大。 At this time, Ye Liuming sneered to visit him, said: Since came, do not want to leave here, you leave are too rampant, overestimate yourself, in our Human Clan, you are same as your father, forever is the rebels.” 这时候,夜柳瞑冷笑看着他,道:“既然來了,就别想离开这里,你别太嚣张,高估自己,在我们人族,你和你的父亲一样,永远都是叛徒。” Long Chen said with a smile: That is also what kind, now ri you can my what.” 龙辰笑道:“那又怎样,今ri你又能奈我何。” His that careless manner, making in the Ye Liuming heart the anger more exuberant, the Six Dao strength gathering, as if entire dark world his was being pulled, approaches toward his side, once the strength erupts, that can be quite terrifying. 他那吊儿郎当的态度,让夜柳瞑心中怒火更加旺盛,六道力量汇聚,似乎整个黑暗世界都被他的拉扯着,朝着他身边靠近,一旦力量爆发,那会是相当恐怖。 He clenches jaws saying: It seems like you had not realized that now the ri fate can be what kind , is really the young bull does not fear the tiger.” 他咬牙切齿道:“看來你还沒意识到今ri的下场会是怎样,真是初生牛犊不怕虎。” Long Chen said: Do not install, wanting any thing to speak frankly, in the final analysis you want to rob her thing, if you have this ability, hurries to begin, do not waste my time.” 龙辰道:“你就别装了,想要什么东西就直说吧,归根结底还是你们想要抢走她的东西,你若是有这个能耐,赶紧动手,别浪费我时间。” Simply haughtily. 简直狂傲至极。 Under, six Expert have depended reluctantly in one, hears the Long Chen so dissolute words, their angrily. 下方,六位强者已经勉强靠在了一起,听到龙辰如此放肆的话,他们更加的愤然。 Elder Brother, begins.” 大哥,动手吧。” Did not need them saying that Ye Liuming could not bear. 不用他们说,夜柳瞑也忍不住了。 Is without a fight.” “束手就擒吧。” When he begins, Six Dao Reincarnation strength dispersing, Long Chen as if escaped into the middle of a brand-new world. 在他动手之际,六道轮回力量散开,龙辰仿佛遁入了一个全新的世界当中。 Buzz. 嗡。 The surroundings innumerable fearful impacts raid. 周围无数可怕的冲击袭來。 Long Chen is unhurriedly, says with a smile: Ye Liuming, you think seriously I so am good to cope, you can see me.” 龙辰却不慌不忙,笑道:“夜柳瞑,你当真以为我就这么好对付呢,你看得见我么。” Long Chen was saying at the same time, his body gradual desalination, escaped the control of Ye Liuming finally. 龙辰一边说着,他的身体逐渐的淡化,最终逃脱了夜柳瞑的掌控。 At that moment, Ye Liuming stared in a big way eye, Long Chen vanished. 那一刻,夜柳瞑瞪大了眼睛,龙辰消失了。 In the progress in Dao of Time and boundary, lets he displays Time Travel Dragon the time, flexible, breaks in the time perpetual flow, including a Yuan god of Six Dao Reincarnation boundary Cultivator, could not discover him. 时间之道和境界上的进步,让他施展时间游龙的时候,更加的灵活,冲入时间长河,连六道轮回境界者的元神,都发现不了他。 Ye Liuming this yu storm, is scared now. 夜柳瞑本yu强攻,如今却傻眼了。 How regardless of he seeks, could not discover existence of Long Chen. 不论他怎么寻找,都发现不了龙辰的存在。 Where.” “哪里去了。” Below six people of also delay lived. 下方六人也呆滞住了。 At this time, Darkness God City had many Expert to catch up. 就在这时候,黑暗神城已经有诸多的强者赶來。 Do not approach.” “都别靠近。” Ye Liuming prevents the ancient god corpse matter to reveal, shouted to clear the way hastily loudly. 夜柳瞑防止古神尸首的事情泄露出來,连忙大声喝道。 These talented people stop the footsteps in the distant place. 那些人才在远处停下脚步。 Really damn, ran away.” “真该死,难道逃走了。” Ye Liuming displays the blockade, the strength of Six Dao Reincarnation proliferates in the surrounding over ten thousand meters each place, but still had gained nothing. 夜柳瞑施展封锁,六道轮回之力遍布周围上万米之内每一处地方,但仍然一无所得。 Do not plow the air.” Suddenly, Long Chen that ridicule sound conveys. “别白费力气了。”忽然间,龙辰那嘲笑声音传來。 Ye Liuming becomes angry out of shame immediately, he is the Darkness God City hierarch, was played unexpectedly so tricks on. 夜柳瞑顿时恼羞成怒,他乃黑暗神城的掌权者,竟然被如此戏弄。 Get lost.” “滚出來。” He makes a fist, under the Six Dao strength, the spatial warping, the trim space vibrates under the fist potential pressure. 他打出一拳,六道力量之下,空间扭曲,整片空间都在拳势威压之下震动。 I have said that you how me, as for that thing, you should better not have any idea, annoyed the wool I, how even if you can obtain can, I will also make entire day the servants know when the time comes you can preserve.” “我说过,你奈何不了我,至于那东西,你最好还是别打什么主意了,惹毛了我,就算你能得到又能如何,我也会让全天下人知道,到时候你能保得住。” The sound that Long Chen laughs, making Ye Liuming probably be wild with rage simply. 龙辰哈哈大笑的声音,让夜柳瞑简直要气疯了。 Few City Lord, what happened.” “少城主,发生了什么事情。” Suddenly has remote and old sound transmits. 忽然有遥远而苍老的声音传來。 Ye Liuming reveals wild with joy se, said: Two grand-uncles, under quick cloth dark Deva, do not let this boy run away.” 夜柳瞑流露出狂喜之se,道:“两位叔祖,快布下‘黑暗天界’,别让这小子逃走了。” Ok.” “行。” That remote sound, approached more and more. 那遥远的声音,越來越靠近了。 Probably had Expert.” Long Chen has realized. “好像有更强者到了。”龙辰已经察觉到了。 Xuan Ji, I lead you to leave this Darkness God City, you as if had no way to continue again dull here.” Long Chen said. 璇玑,我带你离开这黑暗神城吧,你似乎沒法再继续呆在这里了。”龙辰道。 Reason that he has not walked, is waiting for the decision of Li Xuanji. 他之所以还沒走,是在等待李璇玑的决定。 Li Xuanji is very awkward, said: My teacher wants me to stay here, was waiting for the birth of same thing, that thing is very important to me, so long as City Lord goes out, truly nobody dares to move me, this Ye Liuming also dares to close up the time to move me while his father......” 李璇玑十分为难,道:“我师尊要我留在这里,等待着一样东西的诞生,那东西对我十分重要,只要城主出关,确实沒人敢动我,这夜柳瞑也就敢趁着他爹闭关时候动我……” Long Chen seeks Sidao: Such being the case, I take away you, goes Slaughtering Dragon City with me, when this dark City Lord went out, makes him go to Slaughtering Dragon City to take you again to come back, you look like this.” 龙辰寻思道:“既然如此,那我就带走你,跟我去杀戮龙城吧,等这黑暗城主出关了,再让他去杀戮龙城接你回來,你看这样可以吗。” Li Xuanji is not a fool, she is naturally clear, this Darkness God City was very difficult to continue to stay. 李璇玑不是笨蛋,她自然清楚,这黑暗神城很难继续呆下去了。 She nods, said: Good.” 她点头,道:“好。” This means that she will follow Long Chen some time. 这意味着,她会跟随龙辰一段时间了。 After having decided that Long Chen is disinclined to respond Ye Liuming, leaves to leave directly. 决定了之后,龙辰才懒得搭理夜柳瞑,直接动身离开。 At this time, the south and north came Expert respectively. 就在这时候,南方和北方各來了一位强者 Also wants to be stronger than Ye Liuming, should be the Six Dao Reincarnation Late Stage character.” This level, approached the level of Holy Ghost, is that Long Chen completely unmatchable master. “比夜柳瞑还要强一些,应该是六道轮回后期的人物。”这个层次,已经接近圣灵的层次了,是那种龙辰完全无法对抗的高手。 Walks.” “走。” He begins hastily. 他连忙动手。 At this time, that two big Expert flushed, everyone both hands held on a trim to be dark unexpectedly, shouted to clear the way coldly: „To walk, does not have is so easy.” 就在这时候,那两大强者冲了上來,每人双手竟然拉住了一整片黑暗,冷喝道:“想走,沒那么容易。”
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