DBWG :: Volume #21

#2088: Five heavy sacrifice

Unknowingly middle, time on past a while. 不知不觉当中,时间就过去一会儿了。 Long Chen has now the strength, can definitely bring Li Xuanji to escape from this Darkness God City, the place that therefore his anything has not worried about, decided to watch changes quietly on the line. 龙辰有如今实力,完全可以带着李璇玑逃出这黑暗神城,所以他并沒有什么担忧的地方,决定静观其变就行了。 He must have a look but actually, the person of this night of family can make any method. 他倒要看看,这夜家的人能闹出什么手段來。 Since he arrived here, will again not make the Li Xuanji worry be feared. 他既然來到这里,就不会再让李璇玑担心受怕。 Is unforgettably engraved on one's mind in the lake, the microwave ripples. 铭心湖上,微波荡漾。 The surroundings full are her delicate fragrance, Long Chen a little are hard to be dedicated, the time was being attracted by her. 周围满是她身上的幽香,龙辰有点难以专注,时刻都在被她吸引着。 Li Xuanji looks at the distant place, lost is listening to the Long Chen speech. 李璇玑则看着远方,出神的听着龙辰说话。 „The fellow who that does not keep eyes open came.” Long Chen by being unforgettably engraved on one's mind the lake stands, looks at the dark direction. “那不长眼的家伙又來了。”龙辰在铭心湖旁边站立起來,看着黑暗的方向。 Anyone.” Li Xuanji awakens, stands side him hastily, at this time, a black person's shadow flushed from the woods, the rickets stand in Long Chen at present, gloomy dark strength time headed on, under he affected, behind the successive that was unforgettably engraved on one's mind “谁。”李璇玑惊醒过來,连忙站在他身边,就在这时候,一个黑色的人影从树林当中冲出來,佝偻站在龙辰眼前,一股阴森的黑暗力量顿时间扑面而來,在他影响之下,连后方那铭心 The lake water of lake, violent tremor. 湖的湖水,都猛烈的颤动起來。 That night of strong wind from afar. 正是那夜长风。 The Li Xuanji brow reduces, sinking sound track: Night strong wind from afar, you come to here to do.” 李璇玑眉头紧缩,沉声道:“夜长风,你來这里干什么。” Naturally has killed him.” “当然是杀了他了。” The night strong wind from afar was roaring, saying of hysteria, he gloomy eyes stared at Long Chen stubbornly, the corners of the mouth are revealing the ice-cold smiling face. 夜长风咆哮着,歇斯底里的说道,他一双阴森的眼睛死死盯着龙辰,嘴角流露出了冰冷的笑容。 Long Chen realizes that his strength expanded much compared with before, almost must push to explode the tendency of his body, that does not belong to his strength, it is estimated that will dissipate quickly, moreover uses is very hard to operate, but affirmed that the lethality is very full. 龙辰察觉到,他的力量比起之前壮大了不少,有一股几乎要挤爆他身体的势头,那并不是属于他自己的力量,估计会很快消散,而且使用起來也十分难以操作,但肯定杀伤力很足。 He took any thing.” The Long Chen side is excessive, inquires. “他是不是服用什么东西了。”龙辰侧过头,询问道。 Yes, Darkness God City dark Gan Lin, should be he goes to the dark temple to steal, that is consecrates the Spiritual God the thing, moreover he also took probably much.” “是的,黑暗神城的黑暗甘霖,应该是他去黑暗神殿偷來的,那是供奉神灵的东西,而且他好像还的服用了不少。” Long Chen smiled: Such hates me.” 龙辰笑了:“这么憎恨我么。” The night strong wind from afar does not even want to speak with him, he was unable to control the strength that within the body almost must explode, sometimes can only divulge the dark Gan Lin strength to at this moment him, dark Gan Lin truly wants the thing, if takes appropriately can increase the battle efficiency short 夜长风甚至不想和他说话,他已经无法控制体内几乎要爆炸的力量了,时至此刻他只能将黑暗甘霖的力量宣泄出來,黑暗甘霖确实是要东西,如果服用合适的话可以短暂增加一下战斗力 , But the excessive words, strength will be no doubt stronger, but will often have the bad function. ,但过量的话,力量固然会强大许多,但往往会有不良的作用。 Dies.” “去死吧。” The night strong wind from afar was roaring, the whole person changed into a dark wild animal, came toward the Long Chen fierce rush, in his hand gripped same, obviously Dao Mark were many, after using dark Gan Lin, his battle efficiency rises suddenly too, but was only a pity to Long Chen, he was at all not 夜长风咆哮着,整个人化为一头黑暗的野兽,朝着龙辰凶猛冲杀而來,其手中握住一样道器,显然道纹不少,使用黑暗甘霖后他的战斗力暴涨太多了,但只可惜对龙辰來说,他是根本不 Possibly is Long Chen such level. 可能达到龙辰这样的层次的。 Regarding the person of this seeking revenge for the slightest grievance, Long Chen will not be forgiving. 对于这种睚眦必报的人,龙辰不会留情。 The night long storm kills to come, the world vibrates, Long Chen has shoved open Li Xuanji gently, single-handed spin. 夜长风暴杀而來,天地震动,龙辰轻轻推开了李璇玑,单手一旋。 Tornado sacrifice.” 暴风祭。” Immediately, giant tornado revolves in the middle of the air, just appeared on the according to terror strength, hits directly on the body of night strong wind from afar, night strong wind from afar stuffy snort|hum, made Long Chen shaking to fly with the blade, he spurted the blood crazily, fell down. 顿时之间,一股巨型龙卷风在空气当中旋转出來,刚一出现就以恐怖的力道,直接撞在夜长风的身上,夜长风闷哼一声,连人带刀让龙辰给震飞了出去,他狂喷鲜血,倒在地上的时候。 The complexion is very pale, the whole body shivers, the body that dark Gan Lin strength, he is also again beyond control, explodes in his within the body, flees in all directions, lets his dripping with blood. 脸色无比惨白,浑身颤抖,身上那黑暗甘霖的力量,他再也无法控制,在他体内爆开,流窜,让他更加鲜血淋漓。 No matter he takes many dark Gan Lin, a Long Chen move can the second kill him. 不管他服用多少的黑暗甘霖,龙辰一招就能够秒杀他。 He has not died.” Li Xuanji somewhat worries to ask. “他沒死吧。”李璇玑有些担忧问道。 Long Chen said with a smile lightly: Naturally had not died, I have the discretion, will be only within the future ten years, he does not want to ask you to trouble, this will close me to be all right, will be he takes extremely dark Gan Lin, will have only self to blame, I will shove open him.” 龙辰轻笑道:“当然沒死了,我有分寸的,只是将來十年之内,他也别想找你麻烦了,这关我沒事,是他自己服用太过黑暗甘霖,咎由自取,我只是把他推开而已。” However, troublesome definitely visited. 不过,麻烦是肯定上门了。 Long Chen very calm dealing. 龙辰很淡定的应对。 At this time, front innumerable rays exploded shoots to come, short instantaneous, altogether seven middle-aged Cultivator stands in Long Chen at present, was Darkness God City status highest one group of people, Darkness God City few City Lord, took the lead already Six Dao Reincarnation Ye Liuming. 就在这时候,前方无数光芒爆射而來,短暂瞬间,一共七个中年者站在龙辰眼前,正是黑暗神城身份最高的一群人,黑暗神城的少城主们,其中领头的正是已经六道轮回夜柳瞑 They arrive hurriedly, just arrived here, sees Long Chen wind light Yun Dan, but the night strong wind from afar falls down, the mouth spits the foam, the whole body twitches, is very pitiful, is the father and uncle of paternal aunts night strong wind from afar, is Darkness God City one, own person so 他们匆忙來到,刚來到这里,就看到龙辰风轻云淡,而夜长风倒在地上,口吐白沫,浑身抽搐不已,十分悲惨,身为夜长风的父亲和叔叔姑姑们,身为黑暗神城的一员,自己的人被如此 Tyrannical, how they can not be angry. 暴虐,他们怎能不生气。 Strong wind from afar.” “长风。” Ye Liuming arrives in front of the night strong wind from afar instantaneously, moistens his body by antique Immortal Spirit, at the same time, other people could not endure patiently, suppressed toward Long Chen. 夜柳瞑瞬间到达夜长风面前,以太古仙灵來滋润他的身体,与此同时,其他人已经忍耐不住,朝着龙辰压制过來了。 Each of them's complexion, is gloomy. 他们每个人的脸色,都是阴森的。 Before, they decided to begin freely, now is a good opportunity. 之前,他们决定尽管动手,现在就是一个好时机。 Therefore, is careful again is truly angry, they will definitely seize this opportunity. 所以,再加上心中确实愤怒,他们肯定会抓住这个机会。 Therefore, besides Ye Liuming, six few City Lord, except for Ye Yunxu basically is Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm, they clash toward Long Chen, their may be older than Long Chen on long live. 所以,除了夜柳瞑之外,六个少城主,除了夜云絮基本上都是五行轮回劫境,他们一齐朝着龙辰冲來,他们的年纪可比龙辰大上万岁。 Long Chen is unhurriedly, said: „ Can not begin greatly first, the night strong wind from afar half night assault comes, but also took that anything dark Gan Lin, attempts to kill me, I self-defense, shoves open him gently, all these consequences are he bring upon oneself, few City Lord this are wants 龙辰不慌不忙,道:“诸位大可以先别动手,夜长风半夜袭來,还服用了那什么黑暗甘霖,妄图杀死我,我不过是自卫,轻轻推开他罢了,这一切后果都是他自找的,诸位少城主这是要 Seizes the chance to eradicate my Long Chen. ” 趁机铲除我龙辰么。” Ye Yunxu they have to acknowledge that Long Chen is very intelligent, has seen all of a sudden through their intention. 夜云絮他们不得不承认,龙辰真的很聪明,一下子就识破了他们的意图。 Fart, clearly was you in my Darkness God City, the severe wound my Darkness God City person, has not placed in us the eye completely, said today that any we must teach your, you rampantly were too domineering, should teach, we taught you for all Human Clan.” “放屁,分明是你在我黑暗神城,重伤了我黑暗神城的人,完全沒把我们放在眼中,今天说什么我们也得教训你一顿,你太嚣张跋扈了,是应该管教管教,我们是替所有的人族管教你。” Ye Yunxu quibbled to say. 夜云絮狡辩说道。 Long Chen laughs, said: „ Said very interestingly to listen, but my Long Chen may know that you are any intentions, otherwise I will not come here, the truth told you, thing that you wanted already in my hand, if you had the ability to be courageous, has killed me 龙辰大笑,道:“说得挺动听的,只是我龙辰可知道你们到底是什么意图,不然我也不会來到这里,实话告诉你们吧,你们想要的东西已经在我手上,你们若是有能耐有胆量,就杀了我 Takes thing that you want, but if you have not killed me, in the future my enough destruction Darkness God City, I will be impolite. ” 取走你们要的东西吧,但假如你们沒有杀死我的话,将來我足够覆灭黑暗神城,我可是不会客气的。” At this time is different in those days. 今时不同往日。 He has this capital and ability, but is a few words, frightens all Darkness God City few City Lord to be fearful and apprehensive, if two years ago, Martial God Ancient City Su Zhen , can compel Dragon God Domain Long Chen. 他有此资本和能耐,不过是一句话,就吓得所有黑暗神城的少城主胆战心惊,要是在两年前,一个武神古城苏臻,都能将龙辰逼出龙神域了。 Long Chen at this moment, is one generation of youth fierce and ambitiouses. 此刻的龙辰,已经是一代少年枭雄。 Begins.” “动手。” When Ye Yunxu was daunted by Long Chen, six people do not dare to begin, Ye Liuming that moreover at the same time treated and cured has issued the duty, how although he fears Long Chen to be formidable in the future to Darkness God City, but in his heart had the new computation, he does not want to make Long Chen live 夜云絮龙辰吓住,六个人不敢动手的时候,另外一边正在救治的夜柳瞑下达了任务,他心里虽然惧怕龙辰往后强大会对黑暗神城如何,但他心中已经有了新的计算,他不想让龙辰 Got down. 下去了。 Naturally, what he wants draws support from the Emperor Honored God City blade. 当然,他要的是借助帝钧神城的刀。 Hears the order of Ye Liuming, Ye Yunxu and other Cultivator no longer hesitate, kills to come instantaneously, among them even also two are Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage. 听到夜柳瞑的命令,夜云絮等六个者不再犹豫,瞬间袭杀而來,他们当中甚至还有两个是五行轮回劫境后期的。 Even if Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage super Divine Dragon, Long Chen was also defeated much. 就算是五行轮回劫境后期的超级神龙,龙辰也打败不少了。 Long Chen.” 龙辰。” The so huge battle formation, lets some Li Xuanji worries. 如此巨大阵势,让李璇玑有些担心。 All right, you well look.” “沒事儿,你就好好看着。” Long Chen in this moment, can still turn head to smile with her, he has held the hand of Li Xuanji, hugging will enter in the bosom gently, they left instantaneously have been unforgettably engraved on one's mind the lake, appeared in airborne. 龙辰在这关头,仍然能回头和她一笑,他牵住了李璇玑的手,轻轻一拉,就将之抱入怀中,两人瞬间离开了铭心湖,出现在空中。 But at this time, six big Expert suddenly Sha came. 而这时候,六大强者暴杀而來。 Long Chen has first observed closely Ye Yunxu, initially commanding of various god battlefield Darkness God City squad, regarding initial Long Chen, her strength can only look, but today...... 龙辰首先就盯住了夜云絮,当初诸神战场黑暗神城小队的统领,对于当初的龙辰來说,她的实力只能仰望,而今天嘛…… Long Chen putting out a hand crazy volume, he at this moment, is releases the real strength truly. 龙辰伸手狂卷,此刻的他,才算是真正释放出自己真实的力量來。 Flame sacrifice.” “火焰祭。” , The Primal Chaos Being Dragon strength sweeps across conveniently, the time myriad flame balls spew out from Long Chen, is similar to the ocean waves flushes away toward Ye Yunxu equally, that flame time illuminates entire Darkness God City, space getting down as if flame rain. 随手一番,太极生灵龙的力量席卷,顿时间万千火焰球从龙辰身上喷涌而出,如同海浪一样朝着夜云絮冲去,那火光顿时间将整个黑暗神城照亮,天上仿佛的下起了火焰雨。 Ye Yunxu in great surprise. 夜云絮大惊。 Dark night curtain.” “黑夜帷幕。” She uses the first Heavenly Dao method hurriedly, keeps off in oneself at present, but at this time that myriad flame had attacked instantaneously, terrifying strength shake. 她匆忙施展先天道法,挡在自己眼前,而这时候那万千火焰已经瞬间冲击上來,恐怖的力量震荡而來。 How possible.” “怎么可能。” That is a crush Ye Yunxu strength. 那是一股碾压夜云絮的力量。 Long Chen with this move, can kill Jiang Ming, let alone is Ye Yunxu. 龙辰用这一招,都能干掉姜明,更何况是夜云絮 Although hears Long Chen many hearsay, Ye Yunxu does not believe that Long Chen within two years, will rise such quickly, does not believe that he can the crush practice over ten thousand years. 尽管听到龙辰诸多传闻,夜云絮还是不相信,龙辰会在两年之内,崛起得这么快,不相信他能碾压修行了上万年的自己。 But the fact is, Long Chen that flame offered a sacrifice to broke her dark curtain with ease, soared to the heavens the flame winding on her body, that vast strength was still injured the serious, fierce flame scorched her flesh instantaneously, making her lose the complete battle efficiency, pounded the ground from the upper air, yan 但事实是,龙辰那火焰祭轻松震碎了她的黑暗帷幕,冲天火光缠绕在她的身上,那股浩瀚力量仍然受伤惨重,凶猛火焰瞬间烧焦了她的肌肤,让她丧失全部战斗力,从高空砸到地上,奄 A yan breath. 奄一息。 This injury, must be more serious than getting up at night strong wind from afar. 这伤势,比起夜长风要重多了。 Long Chen knows that definitely is this woman most feels embarrassed Li Xuanji, therefore has looked after to her especially. 龙辰就知道肯定是这女人最为难李璇玑,所以对她格外照顾了一下。 Younger sister.” “小妹。” The numerous position Expert complexion big change, looks at the Long Chen look, has been full of the anger and hatred, before also worried, but at this time, they had completely let loose, only to do but actually Long Chen. 众位强者脸色大变,看龙辰的眼神,更是充满了愤怒和仇恨,之前还有所顾虑,而这时候,他们已经完全放开,只为了干倒龙辰 Younger Brother, on.” 兄弟们,上。” Five Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Expert, starts to encircle kills Long Chen. 五个五行轮回劫境强者,开始围杀龙辰 They stand in all living things peak person, power and influence are huge, is the control of entire Darkness God City area. 他们是站在众生巅峰的人,一个个权势巨大,乃是整个黑暗神城疆域的主宰。 Under, Ye Liuming holds severely wounded Ye Yunxu in the bosom, gaining ground time, in the eye full is the murderous intention. 下方,夜柳瞑将重伤的夜云絮抱在怀中,抬起头的时候,眼中已经满是杀机。 Battle. 开战。 Long Chen is actually unhurriedly, in his heart already had to decide the idea, while the people kill the time, he displays fully, does not have the least bit to be forgiving again. 龙辰倒是不慌不忙,他心中早就有定计,正当众人杀來时候,他全力施展,再沒有半点留情。 Wild. 狂暴。 Solar sacrifice.” “太阳祭。” Moon sacrifice.” “月亮祭。” Thunder sacrifice.” “雷霆祭。” Stars sacrifice.” “星辰祭。” Sea sacrifice.” “沧海祭。” The transfer of new world strength is quite quick, Long Chen cuts in the middle of five strength peaks, is very rapid, during was displays 14 to offer a sacrifice to the flash five, a diameter dozens meters Sun and silver moon, wild thunder electricity ball and cui Can's vast star 新世界力量的调用是相当快的,龙辰在五种力量高峰当中切换,无比迅速,算是在一瞬间就施展出了14祭当中的五种,直径数十米的太阳和银色月亮,狂暴的雷霆电球和璀灿的浩瀚星 Chen, that angry sea, five strengths also appear, each strength in view of one person. 辰,还有那愤怒沧海,五种力量同时出现,每一种力量针对一人。 This is attack of maximum output. 这是最高输出的攻击。 5-layer sacrifice, counter chaotic world. 五重祭,逆乱天地。 Initially the Jiang Ming battle efficiency, had surmounted general Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage, he could not block Sun to offer a sacrifice to with the thunder sacrifice, let alone was they. 当初姜明的战斗力,超越了一般的五行轮回劫境后期,他都挡不住太阳祭和雷霆祭,更何况是他们。 The sole move, Long Chen shakes five few City Lord draws back, is injured to fall down. 单单一招,龙辰将五位少城主震退,一个个受伤倒在地上。 The peerless natural talent, reveals with nothing left. 绝世天资,显露无遗。 renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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