DBWG :: Volume #21

#2087: Dark timely rain

Stars sacrifice.” “星辰祭。” A Long Chen conveniently ball, is in the middle of 14 sacrifices, the strength of stars. 龙辰随手一弹,就是14祭当中,星辰的力量。 Initially, Sun offered a sacrifice to with thunder sacrifice, the relaxedness repels human form Jiang Ming, opposite party trivial two meter Reincarnation Calamity Realm, although said that was higher than the Long Chen boundary, but he too is at present vulnerable in Long Chen, Long Chen sprang is only the stars sacrifice of fist size. 当初,太阳祭和雷霆祭,轻松就将人形姜明打退,对方才区区两仪轮回劫境,虽然说比龙辰境界还高一点,但他在龙辰眼前实在太脆弱的,龙辰弹出了只是拳头大小的星辰祭。 Shining Star, is flashing the dazzling ray, has blocked the way of night of strong wind from afar. 一颗璀璨星辰,闪动着刺眼光芒,挡住了夜长风的去路。 Broken.” “破。” The night strong wind from afar single-handed blade, offers a sacrifice to the detachment toward that stars, he excited under has early forgotten all, regardless of Long Chen is formidable, he attempts to cut broken the stars sacrifice, but has overestimated own strength, under that stars explosion, he was flushed to fly, get lost on the ground 夜长风单手化刀,朝着那星辰祭劈去,他激动之下早忘记了一切,更不论龙辰多么强大,他妄图将星辰祭斩破,只是高估了自己的力量,在那星辰爆炸之下,他被冲飞了出去,在地上滚 Moved several. 动了好几圈。 Buzz. 嗡。 The people chaos, Ye Yunxu held the night strong wind from afar hastily, Long Chen gets rid to have the discretion very much, has not made him be injured, makes him be taught, dirty. 众人大乱,夜云絮连忙将夜长风扶了起來,龙辰出手很有分寸,沒让他受伤,就让他得到教训,灰头土脸的罢了。 Long Chen does not want to wait for others to call to account itself, he turns head angrily, looks angrily at Ye Liuming, said: Night few City Lord, your Darkness God City does not welcome me to come, that just right, I bring Xuan Ji to exit, when 1-2 months later delivers again her.” 龙辰可不想等别人责问自己,他愤然回头,怒视夜柳瞑,道:“夜少城主,你黑暗神城是不欢迎我來么,那正好,我带璇玑出去,等一两个月后再把她送回來吧。” Saying, him directly was bringing Li Xuanji to leave. 说着,他就直接带着李璇玑走人。 In Long Chen heart clear own ability, oneself appear suddenly here, not necessarily dares to resist with including Ye Liuming, most correct the means to Ye Liuming dragging of Long Chen here, is seeking first solution. 龙辰心中清楚自己的能耐,自己忽然出现在这里,连夜柳瞑也未必敢和自己对抗,对夜柳瞑來说最正确的办法是先将龙辰的拖在这里,然后在寻求解决的办法。 Therefore he said: Sorry, my son disturbs, Younger sister, brings back to the strong wind from afar.” 于是他道:“抱歉,犬子捣乱,小妹,将长风带回去。” The night strong wind from afar is not very willingly, was shouting curses again and again, made Ye Yunxu not carry off willingly. 夜长风十分不甘心,连连叫骂着,却让夜云絮不甘心带走。 Ye Liuming has pondered over, under this big crowd of people, endures patiently first, keeps the mountain, did not fear that does not have the firewood fever, in any event cannot make Long Chen leave here. 夜柳瞑琢磨了一下,在这大庭广众之下,还是得先忍耐下來,留得青山在,不怕沒柴烧,无论如何都不能让龙辰离开这里。 Long Chen, do not go to other places, in my Darkness God City, absolutely welcome you, might as well come along with me, my Ye Liuming also wants to know your this youth talent.” 龙辰,别去其他地方了,就在我黑暗神城吧,绝对欢迎你,不如随我來,我夜柳瞑也想结识一下你这位少年天才。” Long Chen relaxes, said with a smile: Few City Lord, this does not use but actually, I and Xuan Ji several years have not seen, are the missing deepest times, but also look at few City Lord to understand.” 龙辰缓和下來,笑道:“少城主,这倒不用了,我和璇玑几年沒见,正是思念最深时候,还望少城主理解一下。” The Ye Liuming attainment is about to explode with rage. 夜柳瞑心得快气炸了。 His temperament is not always good, today also endures patiently the acme. 他脾气向來不好,今天也算是忍耐到了极致。 Ok.” “行。” Then, his big hand brandishes, is bringing several other few City Lord, then numerous personal servants, leave in advance, can be mad this him, takes itself not to have the means that Long Chen this was the huge ability. 说罢,他大手挥舞,带着其他几位少城主,然后众多的跟班,先行离开,能把他气成这样,却拿自己沒办法,龙辰这算是天大的能耐了。 Comes along with me.” “随我來吧。” Li Xuanji shoves open him gently, for a long time contacts her some not to adapt. 李璇玑轻轻推开他,这么长时间接触她有些不适应。 Long Chen then along with her, walks in this Darkness God City inner city. 龙辰便随着她,在这黑暗神城内城行走。 The arrival of Long Chen, has solved the first disaster for Li Xuanji, but this was only starts, so long as they also coveted the ancient god corpse, will have many tribulations. 龙辰的到來,算是为李璇玑解了第一场大难,但这只是开始,只要他们还觊觎古神尸首,就会有不少的磨难。 They lead the way shoulder to shoulder. 两人并肩前行。 Although does not see for a long time, she is somewhat shy, Long Chen can also ease up quickly the atmosphere. 尽管许久不见,她有些羞怯,龙辰也能很快将气氛缓和起來。 This Darkness God City so is everywhere gloomy monotonous, you definitely were harbored evil thoughts for these years.” “这黑暗神城到处都这么阴森单调,你这几年肯定被憋坏了。” Li Xuanji looked at his one eyes, on the face rare why must reveals the smiling face, she shakes the head, said: I was good, usually does not like speaking with others, only diligently practices, is only the natural talent issue, I diligently, as if am also inferior to you again 1%.” 李璇玑看了他一眼,脸上罕见的流露出何须笑容,她摇摇头,道:“我还好了,平时也不喜欢和别人说话,只努力修行,只是天资问題,我再努力,似乎也不如你1。” The body of Long Chen this moment 3-layer Ancestral Dragons, definitely the world unmanned energy enemy, Lingxi also because of him, has been able to overtake his speed reluctantly, Li Xuanji is very good, but in the normal person range, has no way to compare with this monstruous talent. 龙辰此刻三重祖龙之身,肯定天下无人能敌,灵曦也是因为一直跟着他,才能勉强追上他的速度,李璇玑很是不错,但也在正常人范围之内,和他这妖孽沒法比。 Your I am different, the thing that I must shoulder were too many.” “你我不同,我要肩负的东西太多了。” They like the old friend, walk while chat. 他们两人就如老友,一边走一边聊天。 Has him in the side, in the Li Xuanji heart is peaceful and happy, the smiling face that many years do not see appears, to she has increased a being hard word charming, in her bone is elegantly beautiful, with Lingxi pure at another extreme. 有他在身边,李璇玑心中安宁而甜蜜,多年不见的笑容出现,给她增添了一种难以言之的妩媚,她骨子里是冷艳的,和灵曦的纯净处在另外一个极端。 Long Chen looks that her tall Tiao body binds in the middle of the black long skirt, the long hair flutters, he is somewhat lost. 龙辰看着她高挑的身躯裹在黑色长裙当中,长发飘扬,他有些出神。 Who said me to be different, I have the pursue, with thing of protection.” “谁说我不同,我也有追求,和守护的东西。” Li Xuanji stared his one eyes. 李璇玑瞪了他一眼。 Long Chen looked at her chest, initially that Blue the heart of eternal protection still there, never took down, he moves to say with a smile: You must protect is it possible that is I.” 龙辰看了一眼她的胸口,当初那蓝色的永恒守护之心还在那里,从未取下,他调笑道:“你要守护的莫非是我呢。” Li Xuanji sip purses the lips, smiles lightly, had not replied. 李璇玑抿抿嘴,淡淡一笑,沒有回答。 In a while, to a lonesome and quiet garden, the garden center had a lake, the lake is not big, is similar to a basin, the surroundings are the White Jade ground, in the ground was reflecting space moonlight, is very wonderful. 过了一阵子,到了一座幽静的庭院,庭院中心有一片湖泊,湖泊不大,如同水池,周围是白玉地面,地面上反映着天上月光,十分美妙。 Here is I am usually treating the place, is called to be unforgettably engraved on one's mind the lake.” “这里是我平时待着的地方,叫做铭心湖。” „......” “哦……” Long Chen is sizing up here, suddenly sees that side basin, nearby White Jade ground, he is not calm immediately, this place unexpectedly and Tai Su God place is very similar, thought on that day and woman of Li Xuanji appearance near that basin, basin 龙辰打量着这里,忽然看到那一面水池,还有旁边的白玉地面,他顿时不淡定了,这地方竟然和太素之神所处的地方挺相似的,想到那一天自己和李璇玑模样的女人在那水池中、水池边 Entanglement, but true Li Xuanji in the side, on her delicate fragrance raids, under many stimulation, Long Chen somewhat is capricious. 纠缠,而真正的李璇玑又在身边,她身上那种幽香袭來,多种刺激之下,龙辰不禁有些心猿意马。 Li Xuanji sits down in the basin, two slender calves shake gently, seems beckoning to Long Chen, a curve was exquisite, has filled a quiet beauty, an enticement of dark night. 李璇玑在水池边坐下,两条修长的小腿轻轻晃悠,仿佛在向龙辰招手,一身曲线玲珑,充满了一种静谧的美,一种黑夜的诱惑。 She is the dark night disposition woman, is completely different from Lingxi. 她是黑夜性格的女人,和灵曦完全不同。 How not to sit down.” A Li Xuanji Dark Green eye looks. “怎么不坐下。”李璇玑一双墨绿色眼睛看过來。 Long Chen some naturally do not sit down. 龙辰有些不自然坐下。 The Li Xuanji vision doubts, fell below his lower abdomen finally, that piece blew up fiercely...... 李璇玑目光疑惑,最终落到了他小腹以下,那一片狰狞鼓起…… The time, her cheeks are crimson, put out a hand to shove open Long Chen, ridicule saying: Your this bastard, you are thinking anything.” 顿时间,她脸颊绯红,伸出手把龙辰推开,笑骂道:“你这坏蛋,你在想什么呢。” Long Chen is also very awkward, he by no means intentionally, but this scene looks like Tai Su God that but true Li Xuanji at present, him impossible also not to have responded. 龙辰也很尴尬,他并非故意,只是这场景太像太素之神那一幕,而真正的李璇玑又在眼前,他不可能沒有反应。 After being pushed, Long Chen also can only , under was standing, gained ground looked that Li Xuanji looks at itself panting in indignation, the cheeks were similar to the juicy peach are ruddy, her beautiful local products of this appearance, Long Chen has not seen, therefore suddenly the eye could not leave. 被推下來后,龙辰也只能在下方站着了,抬起头一看,李璇玑正气呼呼看着自己,脸颊如同蜜桃般红润,这个样子的她美艳不可方物,龙辰从來沒见过,所以一时间眼睛就离不开了。 He sighs with emotion, really the women are the same, even if Li Xuanji, will have this excited time. 他不禁感慨,果然女人都是一样的,就算是李璇玑,也会有这种心动的时候。 He said awkwardly: That...... Makes a mistake purely, we chatted other.” 他尴尬道:“那个……纯粹是失误,我们聊点别的吧。” Chatted anything.” “聊什么呢。” Li Xuanji deeply inspired, this gradually restored, but she does not dare to look at Long Chen, otherwise the line of sight definitely will unable to bear see that bad place, this attacks somewhat in a big way to her. 李璇玑深吸了一口气,这才逐渐恢复了过來,但她不敢看龙辰,否则视线肯定会忍不住看到那不良的地方,这对她冲击有些大。 Long Chen is no longer polite, returns to side her once more, said: We chat, deals with Ye Liuming these fellows.” 龙辰不再客气,再次回到她身边,道:“我们就來聊聊,怎么对付夜柳瞑这几个家伙吧。” When he said these words, was almost simultaneously, the Younger Brother sisters seven people of night family, gathered at one, the ancient god corpse such serious matter, was the Ye Yunxu discovery, she knew herself unable to swallow, told other people, their seven people were also the unities 当他说出这句话的时候,几乎是同时,夜家的兄弟姐妹七人,都聚集在了一起,古神尸首这么重大的事情,是夜云絮发现的,她知道自己吞不下,就告诉了其他人,他们七人还算是团结 , Plans matters together, as for other people, they have not revealed. ,共同谋事,至于其他人,他们还沒有泄露出去。 Seven people sit together, Ye Liuming is located in the midpoint, he is oldest, cultivate to deeply, is recognition next dark City Lord. 七个人坐在一起,其中夜柳瞑位于正中央,他年纪最大,修为最深厚,更是公认的下一个黑暗城主 And a maturity said: Elder Brother, I asked that is Third Dragon Emperor puts him to come out personally.” 其中一位壮年道:“大哥,我已经问到了,是三位龙帝亲自放他出來的。” Personally, is not runs away.” The Ye Liuming complexion is ugly, he analyzes saying: „If personally, that explained that three big Dragon Emperor very much regard as important his.” “亲自,不是逃出來的。”夜柳瞑脸色难看,他分析道:“如果是亲自的话,那就说明三大龙帝还是很看重他的。” Ye Yunxu said: That is uncertain, perhaps has anything to trade in inside.” 夜云絮道:“那也不一定,说不定是有什么交易在里面呢。” The people have pondered. 众人沉思了起來。 Ye Liuming said: „ No matter what, the Li Xuanji thing we must fine succeed in obtaining, and cannot more to know, moreover must begin as soon as possible, moreover I have an idea, we no doubt cannot move this Long Chen, cannot kill him, but we can this 夜柳瞑道:“不管怎么说,李璇玑的东西我们必须要得到手,并且不能让更多人知道,而且要尽早动手,另外我还有个点子,我们固然自己不能动这龙辰,不能杀了他,但我们可以把这 The news told the Emperor Honored God City person, I think that they will be interested, if Emperor Honored God City person Long Chen intercepting, that should not relate with us. ” 消息告诉帝钧神城的人,我想他们会非常感兴趣的,假如帝钧神城的人把龙辰给截杀了,那应该和我们沒关系吧。” The people think that immediately said with a smile: Elder Brother, this murders with a borrowed knife scheme, is truly wonderful, but before that Emperor Honored God City person arrives, we must take the thing first.” 众人一想,顿时笑道:“大哥,这借刀杀人之计谋,确实非常妙,但在那帝钧神城的人到來之前,我们先得把东西拿到手。” Ye Liuming said: „ Said well, we must begin as soon as possible, first controls that Long Chen, then gets rid to compete, after succeeding, manages his Long Chen to be what kind, drives out him on the line, he wants to continue to pester, and other Emperor Honored God City people tidy up him, if he runs away hastily 夜柳瞑道:“说得不错,我们要尽早动手,先控制那龙辰,然后出手争夺,成功之后,管他龙辰怎样,将他赶出去就行,他想要继续纠缠,就等帝钧神城的人來收拾他吧,如果他连忙逃 Returns to Slaughtering Dragon City, perhaps also will let the person interception of Emperor Honored God City, I remember that Emperor Honored God City as if Expert, assumes personal command north us, is Seven Star Reincarnation Expert. ” 杀戮龙城,说不定也会让帝钧神城的人截杀,我记得帝钧神城似乎有一位强者,坐镇在我们北部,还是七星轮回强者。” Right, is the emperor is dry, probably the Di Yu grand-uncle, heard that very loves Di Yu......” “沒错,就是帝枯,好像还是帝雨的叔祖,听说十分疼爱帝雨啊……” That was good, prepares to contact with the emperor to be dry.” Ye Liuming said categorically. “那就行了,准备联系帝枯。”夜柳瞑斩钉截铁说道。 After the decision finished, the people are just about to diverge, for the later motion arrangement, Ye Liuming just stood, observes the situation for one week, asked that Ye Yunxu said: Younger sister, strong wind from afar how.” 决定完毕后,众人正要散去,为之后的行动布置,夜柳瞑刚站起來,环视一周,问夜云絮道:“小妹,长风怎样了。” Ye Yunxu said hastily: Training quite a while, has been all right, is the mood somewhat is dreary, feared that was attacked.” 夜云絮连忙道:“修养了半天,已经沒事了,就是心情有些阴郁,怕是被打击到了。” Ye Liuming sighed: Strong wind from afar child, the disposition is strange, these many years also and many women on good, will be some times will have been sick that will pursue others with single-hearted devotion, this time aroused the real sentiment to that Li Xuanji probably, this may not be really easy to do.” 夜柳瞑叹气道:“长风这孩子,性格就是古怪,这么多年也和不少女人好上了,就是过些时候就会厌烦,专心追求别人,这次对那李璇玑好像又动了真感情,这可真是不好办。” Ye Yunxu also said: Yes, is all right, we will make that Li Xuanji marry the strong wind from afar to be good, some times he will have been weary.” 夜云絮也道:“是啊,不过沒事,我们就让那李璇玑嫁给长风好了,过些时候他就会厌倦了。” At this time, suddenly had an old man to come, said: Few City Lord, I noticed that the strong wind from afar little young master probably toward being unforgettably engraved on one's mind the direction of lake.” 就在这时候,忽然有个老者过來,道:“少城主,我看到长风小少爷好像朝着铭心湖的方向去了。” Ye Liuming stares, asks: This boy goes to that side to do, revenges, he does not know that his strength is inferior to the opposite party.” 夜柳瞑一瞪眼睛,问道:“这小子去那边干嘛,报仇吗,他不知道自己的实力不如对方吗。” Seven people who was just about to disperse have encircled. 原本正要散开的七个人又围了上來。 The old man said: I look at strong wind from afar young master that condition, has probably absorbed dark Gan Lin, moreover are many, has not blocked him including me, therefore hurriedly reports to few City Lord.” 那老者道:“我看长风少爷那状态,好像是吸收了‘黑暗甘霖’,而且还不少,连我都沒有拦住他,所以才急匆匆向少城主汇报。” Anything, you early did not say.” “什么,你不早说。” A Ye Liuming palm of the hand pulls out on that old man face, their Younger Brother sisters complexion seven person complexion big changes, leave here hastily, displays the speed respectively, toward being unforgettably engraved on one's mind the direction of lake flushes away. 夜柳瞑一巴掌抽在那老者脸上,他们兄弟姐妹脸色七个人脸色大变,连忙离开这里,各自发挥出速度,朝着铭心湖的方向冲去。
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