DBWG :: Volume #21

#2086: Sparring

Suddenly, the people are fearful and apprehensive, cast the body of Li Xuanji the vision. 一时间,众人胆战心惊,都把目光投到了李璇玑的身上。 Most people do not know how Li Xuanji makes Ye Liuming have so the pressure. 大多数人并不知道,李璇玑怎么让夜柳瞑产生如此威压。 In fact, the Ye Liuming prestige is very fearful, first he will be future dark City Lord, the strength and status is very definitely high, moreover its style decisive ruthless spicy, will have the thunder method, 10,000 have not had 8000 by Expert that he will kill. 实际上,夜柳瞑的声威是十分可怕的,首先他肯定是将來的黑暗城主,实力和地位都十分高,另外其行事风格果断狠辣,有雷霆手段,被他弄死的强者沒有10000也有8000了。 The Ye Liuming prestige, has almost surpassed his father dark City Lord, almost overawes north entire Dragon God Domain. 夜柳瞑的威名,几乎超过了他的父亲黑暗城主,几乎威震整个龙神域北部。 In Darkness God City, so long as dark City Lord is not, he controls. 黑暗神城,只要黑暗城主不在,他就是主宰。 As for Li Xuanji, although the status is very high, but never displays, the strength is not strong, moreover year **, in front of Ye Liuming, naturally appeared feels sorry. 至于李璇玑,虽然地位很高,但从來不表现,实力也不强,而且还是年**子,在夜柳瞑面前,自然显得可怜了。 But Li Xuanji is strong, fearless, this Ye Liuming has not daunted her, her binocular point, does not avoid, said: I make anything, probably does not need to report to few City Lord, I handle any matter, is my freedom, you could not have managed me.” 李璇玑性格强硬,无所畏惧,这夜柳瞑还吓不住她,她双眼锋芒,丝毫不避开,道:“我去做什么,好像不用向少城主汇报吧,我做什么事情,都是我的自由,你还管不到我。” The Ye Liuming micro anger, just likes the brave fighter goes forward one step, shakes Li Xuanji draws back three steps, after the pressure success, he explodes shouts to clear the way: „ Really is dissolute, after my father closes up, your courage grew actually much, respects Elder not to understand, my this coming back, has the important matter 夜柳瞑微怒,犹如猛虎上前一步,将李璇玑震退三步,威压成功后,他才爆喝道:“真是放肆,我父亲闭关后,你胆子倒是长了不少,连尊敬长辈都不懂了,我这次回來,有重要的事情 Must say with you, no matter you currently have any important matter, first follows me to walk. ” 要和你说,不管你现在有什么重要事情,先跟随我走一趟。” Saying, their one group of people oppress to come, among their one group of people, even if the night strong wind from afar, Li Xuanji is not his match, Six Dao Reincarnation Expert oppresses is bigger, almost makes Li Xuanji suffocate, but is so the battle formation, but also does not daunt her. 说着,他们一群人压迫而來,他们一群人当中,就算是夜长风,李璇玑也不是其对手,六道轮回强者压迫更加大,几乎让李璇玑窒息,但就算是如此阵势,还真的吓不住她。 She raises the head, does not retrocede, said: „ Few City Lord, my status does not lower compared with you, moreover you are not my Elder, why I must respect you, moreover I arrive at a city external connection friend, could not waste your how much time, if you asked me to have the matter, please delay 她扬起头,丝毫不后退,道:“少城主,我地位不比你低,而且你也不是我长辈,我为什么要尊重你,另外我只是到城外接一个朋友,浪费不了你多少时间,你若是找我有事,就请耽搁 A meeting, has any matter, I naturally accompany. ” 一会,有什么事情,我自然奉陪到底。” She is clear, if this time carried off by this Ye Liuming, it is estimated that the ancient god corpse and had been finished, during manner of opposite party imagines compared with her is bad, they had been hoodwinked both eyes by the treasure, already, no matter dark City Lord has said. 她心里清楚,这一次若是被这夜柳瞑带走,估计古神尸首和自己都完蛋了,对方的态度比起她想象当中还要恶劣,他们被宝物蒙蔽了双眼,已经不管黑暗城主说过的话了。 Fortunately...... She said to Long Chen this matter. 还好……她把这件事情跟龙辰说了。 At this moment, Long Chen turned into her pillar, turned into her dependence, she looks like the person who is drowned, met has saved her person. 此时此刻,龙辰已经变成了她的主心骨,变成了她的依靠,她就像是溺水的人,遇上了救她的人。 This no use feeling, for a long time did not have much. 这种无助的感觉,已经很久沒有了。 Friend.” “朋友。” Ye Liuming they surprised, Li Xuanji absolutely did not have the friend in Immortal God Domain, only Long Chen in Slaughtering Dragon City, how she will still have the friend here. 夜柳瞑他们惊讶了一下,李璇玑永生神域根本就沒有朋友,唯一的龙辰还在杀戮龙城,她怎么会有朋友在这里。 Ye Yunxu mystifying saying: Any friend, wants to shirk responsibility, matter that my Elder Brother must say today, to you may any important, hurry, do not waste the time, otherwise is not good to everybody, my father will be also disappointed to you.” 夜云絮阴阳怪气的说道:“什么朋友,想要推脱责任呢,我大哥今天要说的事情,对你可什么重要,赶紧走吧,别浪费时间了,要不然对大家都不好,我爹也会对你失望的。” Yes, Sister Xuan Ji, you follows us.” “是啊,璇玑妹妹,你就跟我们走吧。” The night strong wind from afar hey said with a smile. 夜长风嘿嘿笑道。 Li Xuanji is mad clenches jaws, is indignant wants to cry. 李璇玑气得咬牙切齿,又气愤得想要落泪。 The opposite party did not give her the opportunity, at this time Ye Liuming to avoid evening performance dream are many, to night long air flue: Strong wind from afar, takes her, goes to the dark temple.” 对方根本不给她机会了,这时候夜柳瞑为了避免夜场梦多,对夜长风道:“长风,带上她,去黑暗神殿。” Good.” The night strong wind from afar on comes hastily, in his bone may be clear, this father estimated that must let him and Li Xuanji has gotten married, therefore copes with Li Xuanji to have the advantage to him slightly strongly, although he natural talent is ordinary, but the Cultivate several thousand years, the strength also compared with Li “好啊。”夜长风连忙上前來,他骨子里可清楚,这一次父亲估计是要让他和李璇玑成亲了,所以稍微强硬对付一下李璇玑对他有好处,他虽然天资一般,但修炼数千年,实力还要比李 Xuan Ji is strong. 璇玑强。 Ye Liuming cold snort|hum, their one crowd of few City Lord prepare to walk, but the night strong wind from afar carries off Li Xuanji. 夜柳瞑冷哼一声,他们一群少城主准备行走,而夜长风则來带走李璇玑 At this time, Ye Liuming stopped footsteps, looked to the sky, the anger shouts to clear the way: Anyone.” 就在这时候,夜柳瞑停下脚步,看向天空,怒喝道:“谁。” The people are startled. 众人一怔。 Li Xuanji is just about to revolt against the night strong wind from afar, goes to shout Long Chen that perhaps is the dark in induction, she has disregarded the both hands of night of strong wind from afar, looks up, sees only a solemn youth to drop from the clouds, falls to her side, a foot nearby night strong wind from afar kicking 李璇玑正要反抗夜长风,去把龙辰喊过來,或许是冥冥之中的感应吧,她无视了夜长风的双手,抬头看去,只见一个冷峻少年从天而降,落到她的身边,一脚把附近的夜长风给踢飞了出 Going. 去。 Ye Liuming has drawn support from a night of strong wind from afar, the binocular circle stares, soon violent anger. 夜柳瞑借助了夜长风,双目圆瞪,即将暴怒。 He discovered that although this youth young is very small, but strange special characteristics, making the person dread to him very that this is one type the feeling that is difficult to ponder over, resembles the opposite party inborn is superior is the same. 他发现,这少年虽然年轻很小,但身上却有一种诡异的特质,让人对他十分忌惮,这是一种很难琢磨的感觉,就好像对方天生就是上位者一样。 Li Xuanji gains ground, Long Chen has stood in his her at present. 李璇玑抬起头的时候,龙辰已经站在他她的眼前了。 He noticed before Ye Liuming they have come, thinks that Li Xuanji will possibly be intercepted, directly crossed the city gate, arrived at his side, he does not certainly know that who the night strong wind from afar is, but the opposite party as if must begin to Li Xuanji, he casually has kicked. 他之前已经看到夜柳瞑他们进來了,想到李璇玑可能会被拦截,就直接越过了城门,來到了他的身边,他当然不知道夜长风是谁,不过对方似乎要对李璇玑动手,他就随便踢飞了出去。 To him, all people are unimportant, more importantly present woman. 对他而言,所有人都不重要,重要的是眼前的女人。 Many time sees her outline on Star Rune, so the short distance, for a long time did not have. 很多次都是在星符上看到她的轮廓,如此近距离,许久沒有了。 The shiny black long hair and like the mutton fat smooth flesh, pair of lonesome and quiet both eyes, the chilly bilabial, her appearance still did not have the big change, was still in the Long Chen heart the familiar that person. 黑亮长发、如羊脂般柔滑的肌肤,一双幽静双眼,清冷双唇,她的样貌仍然沒有多大的改变,仍然是龙辰心中熟悉的那个人。 You changed thin.” “你变瘦了。” In Long Chen heart inexplicable loving dearly, so approaches, he supports into the opposite party the bosom, both hands are patting the opposite party tender body, was really inferior to be formerly plentiful. 龙辰心中莫名的心疼,如此靠近,他将对方拥入怀中,双手轻拍着对方娇躯,果然不如从前丰腴了。 Li Xuanji is similar to has a dream. 李璇玑如同做梦。 In her heart had grievance feeling, the tears cannot stop to flow unexpectedly, both eyes micro red, looks at Long Chen. 她心中有种委屈感觉,眼泪竟然止不住就流了下來,双眼微红,怔怔的看着龙辰 Sees this, Long Chen decides however knows that she is unhappy in this Darkness God City, this lets he inexplicable mania and angry. 看到她这样子,龙辰定然知道,她在这黑暗神城并不开心,这让他心里莫名的狂躁和愤怒。 Darkness God City. 黑暗神城 This time, he learned to endure patiently and hide, behind still in pairs the burning eyes is looking at itself in him. 今时今日,他就学会了忍耐和隐藏,在他身后仍然有一双双火辣辣的眼睛在看着自己呢。 It seems like Li Xuanji wants, has encountered their hindrance. 看來李璇玑想要出去,遇到了他们的阻碍。 It seems like Ye Liuming just came back, impatiently must obtain Gu Shen the corpse. 看來夜柳瞑刚回來,就已经迫不及待要得到古神尸首了。 Fortunately when with enough time, otherwise definitely is the life-long regret, Long Chen also rebukes oneself simultaneously, in the heart the anger combustion, he always thought one owe this woman to be too many, fills to regret that he loves dearly her gratefully, at this moment saw that she was bullied, he so was touched 还好自己來得及时,否则肯定是终生遗憾,龙辰还自责同时,心中怒火燃烧,他总觉得自己欠这女人太多,充满遗憾,他算是刻骨铭心的心疼她,此刻见到她被欺负,他就如此被触动了 Invites the wrath of the emperor, is angry is almost beyond control. 逆鳞,愤怒得几乎无法控制。 But he controlled. 但他还是控制住了。 In this Darkness God City, is destructive, own strength could not have achieved direct crush all people. 在这黑暗神城,杀机四伏,自己的力量还做不到直接碾压所有人。 I waited for you...... Li Xuanji somewhat to sob for a long time, by said in his chest in a soft voice. “我等了你好久了……”李璇玑有些哽咽,靠在他胸口轻声说道。 Um......” “嗯……” Long Chen does not know in the middle of her these words, is hiding many suffering from injustice with lonely, making her be unfair to her in this strange place really very much, but this is her pursue, although said cannot complain about others, but in the Long Chen heart is the vitality, even if Li Xuanji chooses this 龙辰不知道她这句话当中,藏着多少的委屈和孤独,让她一个人在这陌生的地方真的很对不起她,只是这是她自己的追求,虽然说怨不得别人,但龙辰心中就是生气,就算李璇玑选择这 Whom he does not allow to bully her. 里,他也不允许谁來欺负她。 I process.” “我來处理。” That side Ye Liuming acted crazy. 夜柳瞑那边已经发飙了。 The Long Chen movement changes, he embraced the Li Xuanji willow waist, her by oneself, then unscrupulous and opposite party looked at each other. 龙辰动作一变,他揽住了李璇玑柳腰,将她靠在自己身上,然后肆无忌惮的和对方对视。 What's wrong, did not know me.” “怎么,不认识我了么。” His vision fell on that Ye Yunxu. 他的目光落到了那夜云絮身上。 Who you are.” “你是谁。” Ye Liuming lowered has roared, under his power and influence, the people retroceded fearful and apprehensive, everyone knows, once made this Ye Liuming vitality get angry, that was very fearful matter. 夜柳瞑低吼了一声,在他威势之下,众人胆战心惊后退,谁都知道,一旦让这夜柳瞑生气发怒,那是非常可怕的事情。 Ye Yunxu then saw clearly Long Chen. 夜云絮这才看清楚了龙辰 Elder Brother, the Second Brother, he is Long Chen, the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor.” 大哥,二哥,他就是龙辰,永恒龙帝之子。” She looks by incredible vision. 她以不可置信的目光看过來。 Long Chen was not imprisoned in Slaughtering Dragon City, how he arrived here. 龙辰不是被囚禁在杀戮龙城,他是怎么來到这里的。 In the heart 100,000 does not believe. 心中十万个不相信。 Has separated for more than two years, initially in various god battlefields, Long Chen was only the Ye Yunxu later generation, she was looking down upon Long Chen from the bottom of the heart, where knows meets today, Long Chen had such guts. 隔了两年多了,当初在诸神战场,龙辰只是夜云絮的后辈,她打心底就瞧不起龙辰,哪里知道今天相见,龙辰已经有如此胆量了。 Long Chen.” 龙辰。” Ye Liuming has been startled, he also concluded that Long Chen had been imprisoned by Slaughtering Dragon City, but he truly arrived at himself at present, Ye Liuming believes that his eye, he has stabilized quickly, seeks Sidao: „ On the child of this Eternal Dragon Emperor, involves too, including five big 夜柳瞑怔了一下,他也断定龙辰杀戮龙城囚禁了,但他确确实实到了自己眼前,夜柳瞑还是相信自己的眼睛,他很快稳定了下來,寻思道:“这永恒龙帝之子身上,牵扯太多,连五大 Dragon City this giant is badly battered, Five Great Dragon City has not killed him, if I kill him, definitely will annoy the catastrophe, he and Li Xuanji relate, this is not fond of playing jokes...... ” 龙城这种巨头都焦头烂额,五大龙城都沒有杀他,我若是杀他,肯定会惹下大祸,他和李璇玑关系好,这可不好弄了……” Therefore, he immediately has not launched an attack. 所以,他才沒有马上发难。 Long Chen said at this time: „ Right, I am Long Chen, gave regards to Darkness God City few City Lord gate, I come today, does not have other goals, your Little Saint Lord and I relate, I naturally am look her, such being the case, we first walk, does not delay 龙辰这时候道:“沒错,我就是龙辰,向诸位黑暗神城的少城主门问好了,我今日來呢,沒有其他的目的,你们小圣主和我关系好,我自然是來找她的,既然如此,我们就先走,不耽搁 Time. ” 诸位的时间了。” The appearance that his anything does not care, closely is holding Li Xuanji, clearly regards own woman same to regard her, in the Li Xuanji heart is secretly angry he, but knows him also for oneself well, has not revolted, moreover like this was being hugged by him, is not 他一副什么都不放在心上的样子,紧紧抱着李璇玑,分明是将她当成自己的女人一样看待,李璇玑心中暗暗恼他,但知道他也是为自己好,也就沒有反抗了,而且这样被他抱着,也不是 The first time...... 第一次了…… That broad both hands, the powerful arm, making Li Xuanji be similar to has a dream. 那宽阔的双手,有力的臂膀,让李璇玑如同做梦。 Why does not know, every time wants him in the side, no matter is weak, she always relieved feelings. 不知道为什么,每一次只要他在身边,不管是强是弱,她总有一种安心的感觉。 Rambled on with them, Long Chen has the Li Xuanji high-sounding talk to leave directly, although he in heart anger, but not silly opens to here and opposite party does, this time came the main goal to protect Li Xuanji. 和他们瞎扯一番,龙辰直接带着李璇玑高调离开,他虽然心中愤怒,但也不会傻到在这里和对方开干,这次前來最主要的目的还是为了保护李璇玑 Ye Liuming wants to intercept, actually does not know that should say anything. 夜柳瞑想要拦截,却不知道该说什么。 One is Little Saint Lord, is very high in the Darkness God City status, one is the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, their lover's rendezvous, oneself actually prevent from afar, probably cannot be justified. 一位是小圣主,在黑暗神城地位很高,一位是永恒龙帝之子,他们千里迢迢幽会,自己却阻止,好像说不过去。 But must ask them to leave like this. 但要这样让他们走了。 It is not at heart willingly. 心里也不甘心。 At this time, night strong wind from afar both eyes blood red, he has worked loose supporting by the arm of personal maidservant, angrily roars, rushed to Long Chen and Li Xuanji at present, an eye almost must drop to bleed, his whole face dreary was staring at them, the hysteria said: „ Li Xuanji, you...... 就在这时候,夜长风双眼血红,他挣脱了身边人的搀扶,一路愤怒咆哮,冲到了龙辰李璇玑眼前,一双眼睛几乎要滴出血來,他满脸阴郁的盯着两人,歇斯底里道:“李璇玑,你…… You did not say for one year ago , will not consider to be in love with the matter, you did not say that will let me and others you in 1000, this person what's the matter, why he can hug you. ” 你不是说一年前内,不会考虑爱恋之事吗,你不是说让我等你1000年吗,这人是怎么回事,他为什么能抱着你。” Long Chen looked that this fellow is not pleasing to the eyes, he said with a smile: How I return to be related to your trifling thing, be not blocking my road, otherwise did not kick your foot to be so simple.” 龙辰看这家伙不顺眼了,他笑道:“我是怎么回事关你屁事,别拦着我的路,不然就不是踢你一脚这么简单了。” „.” “啊。” The night strong wind from afar has torn the chest clothing, flees to kill toward Long Chen. 夜长风撕裂了胸口衣衫,亡命朝着龙辰杀來。 Long Chen early guessed correctly that this is the Ye Liuming son, but the opposite party delivered, in oneself belly also all at once, happen to had a air vent came. 龙辰早猜到这是夜柳瞑的儿子,不过对方送上门來了,自己肚子里还一股气呢,正好有个出气的來了。
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