DBWG :: Volume #21

#2077: Slaughtering Dragon City

Again returns to Dragon God Domain. 再一次回到龙神域 The land of Immortal God Domain this length and breadth, truly be more giant than Chaos Star Domain were too many, Chaos Star Domain only then several hundred stars, the complete area adds, is well below Immortal God Domain! 永生神域这一片广袤的陆地,确实要比混乱星域巨大太多了,混乱星域只有数百个星球,全部的疆域加起来,都远远不如永生神域 Here is the true macrocosm! 这里才是真正的大世界! Vast! 一望无际! The under foot is piece of antique Continent , the endless landscape, wild beast to run quickly, the snakeworm walks randomly, the space birds spread the wings to howl, the ground beast of prey roared, innumerable mountain trees direct impact clouds, Nirvana Spirit Qi Ben Yong, in Five Elements source strength hidden world. 脚下乃是一片太古大陆,无尽江山,荒兽奔驰,蛇虫游走,天上禽鸟展翅呼啸,地上猛兽咆哮,无数高山树木直冲云霄,涅槃灵气奔涌,五行本源力量暗藏天地之间。 After returning to Immortal God Domain, Xue Chi slowed down the speed. 回到永生神域后,血炽减缓了速度。 Let in the middle of this Slaughtering Dragon City almost under Dragon Emperor the topest character greet Long Chen, obviously it to regarding as important of Long Chen. 让这杀戮龙城当中几乎龙帝之下最顶尖的人物来迎接龙辰,可见其对龙辰的看重。 Looks at this endless world, Xue Chi he he has smiled, asked: Taste that comes back, what kind of?” 看着这片无尽世界,血炽呵呵笑了起来,问道:“回来的滋味,怎样?” Long Chen is understanding Immortal God Domain wild Aura, he is narrowing the eye, said: I felt that here has killed intent to my thickness!” 龙辰领略着永生神域的蛮荒气息,他眯着眼睛,道:“我感觉到了这里对我的浓浓杀意!” Hears this saying, Xue Chi laughs, said: Your this kid is really interesting, but you do not need to be worried that your fathers do not know also has dead, how dare do we kill you? You said that if your father has not died, you were born, right? Your age also on a little.” 听到这话,血炽哈哈大笑起来,道:“你这小家伙真是有趣,不过你不用担心,你那父亲都不知道还有没有死,我们又怎敢杀你?你说要是你父亲没死的话,你又是怎么出生的,对吧?你的年纪也就这么一点啊。” In Long Chen heart clear, Eternal Dragon City that time, Long Qinglan was very possible not dead. 龙辰心中清楚,永恒龙城那一次,龙青澜很可能不是真的死去。 About Long Qinglan all, Long Chen has been full of the doubts at heart similarly. 关于龙青澜的一切,龙辰心里同样充满了疑惑。 In the middle of process that continues, Xue Chi said at will: Dies definitely not, but challenges definitely much, but Dragon God Domain many people to your return anticipated, you made in a big way in Chaos Star Domain, the news that passed on was extremely mysterious, many people did not believe. To challenge the child of your this Eternal Dragon Emperor! And... My that apprentice probably is also...” 继续前行的过程当中,血炽随意说道:“死肯定是不会的,但挑战肯定不少,龙神域可是有不少人对你的回归十分期待啊,你在混乱星域闹得太大了,传回去的消息太过玄乎,很多人都不相信呢。都想挑战一下你这永恒龙帝之子!其中呢…我那徒弟好像也是其中一位…” Challenges this matter to be inevitable. 挑战这种事情无可避免。 Long Chen is at heart clear, Dragon God Domain looked the person who one are not feeling well are many are, particularly made many matters of stir recently, these Dragon God Domain topest talents, definitely want with the comparison. 龙辰心里清楚,龙神域看自己不爽的人多得是,尤其是自己最近做出许多轰动的事情,那些龙神域最顶尖的天才们,肯定想和自己比较吧。 Your apprentice? Who is also?” “你的徒弟?又是谁呢?” Long Chen also asked by very optional appearance. 龙辰也以很随意的样子问道。 Xue Chi vanguard, while said: Is a very kid diligently, I like him very much, in addition his own talent is good, applied for ultimate Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence to give him with three big Dragon Emperor. Inherited Blood Essence from Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon.” 血炽一边前行,一边道:“是个很努力的小家伙,我很喜欢他,加上他自身天赋还不错,就跟三大龙帝申请了终极神龙传承精血给他。来自万古血狱龙传承精血哦。” The young disciple, can obtain ultimate Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, its status and natural talent definitely are most tops, initial Di Yu had the natural talent that has so gone against heaven's will, granted was ultimate Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence. 年轻弟子,能够获得终极神龙传承精血的,其地位和天资肯定是最顶级的,当初的帝雨有了如此逆天的天资,赏赐的就是终极神龙传承精血 As for that Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon, Long Chen has not heard actually. 至于那万古血狱龙,龙辰倒是没听说过。 Xue Chi said: In the Divine Dragon time, Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon reputation, but is world-famous, this is slaughters the Divine Dragon peak to exist, the hearsay body may change into 1 million li (0.5km) bloodshed, conquers the whole world, so long as were stained by the bloodshed, always can not escape, the little darling was killed by Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon, in the middle of its 1 million bloodshed, is hiding the innumerable corpses, became one of the Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon strengths, so ultimate Divine Dragon, even if in the Divine Dragon time, is a side overlord.” 血炽道:“在神龙时代,万古血狱龙的名头可是天下闻名,此乃杀戮神龙的巅峰存在,传闻身体可化为1000000里的血海,席卷天下,只要被血海沾上,就永世不得逃脱,乖乖被万古血狱龙杀死,它那1000000血海当中,藏着无数的死尸,成为了万古血狱龙的力量之一,如此终极神龙,就算是在神龙时代,也是一方霸主啊。” Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon, Dark Emperor Dragon and Fu Xigu Dragon, Heaven Emperor Saint Dragon, these also want fearful ultimate Divine Dragon compared with super Divine Dragon, in same level. 万古血狱龙暗黑帝皇龙、伏曦古龙、天帝圣龙,这一些都是比超级神龙还要可怕的终极神龙,在同一个层次。 In the Long Chen heart sneers. 龙辰心中冷笑。 Xue Chi actually as if in boast , to continue saying: My this apprentice, talent is ordinary. Is the comparison diligently, compared with looking like me, his road of growth, kills all the way, homicide is not the average person, was once with his talent youth side by side, the 100,000 person who until now his completed cuts, Killing Aura is dreadful, the strength has also exceeded all contemporaries, arrived at Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm, the battle efficiency level, is Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage Dragon Warrior is not his match, he as if to your status and your talent is interested, you said that if he looks for on you, how you can?” 血炽却仿佛在吹嘘似的,继续说道:“我这徒弟呢,天赋还算一般吧。就是比较努力,比较像我,他的成长之路呢,是一路上杀过来的,他杀的不是普通人,都是曾经和他比肩的天才少年,时至今日他已经完成的十万人斩,杀气滔天,实力也超越了所有的同龄人,到达了五行轮回劫境,战斗力层面,就是五行轮回劫境后期龙武者也不是他的对手,他似乎对你的身份和你的天才之名十分感兴趣,你说要是他找上你,你会怎样?” Long Chen in careful listens to him to describe. 龙辰在细心的听着他描述。 The 100,000 person cuts! 十万人斩! It seems like truly is a fearful match, every to slaughter as the growth is not simple, Long Chen walks is also the [say / way] of slaughtering. 看来确实是一个可怕的对手,凡是以杀戮作为成长的都不简单,龙辰走的也是杀戮之道。 But regarding today's him, this person is not anything. 但对于今日的他来说,这人已经不算什么了。 Therefore he said with a smile: I will certainly admit defeat, is so formidable, I also compare notes with him, isn't Courts Death?” 于是他笑道:“我当然会认输了,这么强大,我还和他切磋,不是找死么?” After Xue Chi hear, has laughed, said: Perhaps this, you will suffer a disastrous decline in the Dragon God Domain popularity.” 血炽听完后,也哈哈大笑了起来,道:“这样的话,恐怕你在龙神域的人气会一落千丈啊。” Long Chen smiled, shows neither approval nor disapproval. 龙辰笑了笑,不置可否。 He had already been ready, what no matter is, he will only process in a way, is makes him desperate. 他早就做好了准备,不管来的是什么人,他只会以一个方式处理,就是让他绝望。 Day of time passes by, Long Chen crossed the Dragon God Domain Dapianshan river. 一天时间过去,龙辰已经越过了龙神域的大片山河。 Drew near.” “快到了。” Nearby surrounding area innumerable places, completely turned into the scarlet including the land, the cloud layer air of space, has filled the smell of blood, the pleasant institute and is the scarlet, here Slaughtering Dragon City surrounding. 附近方圆无数的地方,连土地都完全变成了血色,无论是天上的云层还是身边的空气,都充满了血腥味,入眼所及全是血色,这里还是杀戮龙城的外围。 Five Great Dragon City, that is the Human Clan restricted area, only if Reincarnation Calamity Realm above Dragon Warrior, other people have not obtained Xuan Zhao, that cannot come. 五大龙城,那是人族的禁地,除非是轮回劫境以上的龙武者,其他人没有得到宣召,那是根本不能进来的。 Proceeds again, was Slaughtering Dragon City. 再往前,就是杀戮龙城了。 Immortal God Domain, float above Long Ji Continent, but Five Great Dragon City, float above Immortal God Domain Dragon God Domain. 永生神域,悬浮在龙祭大陆之上,而五大龙城,悬浮在永生神域龙神域之上。 Slaughtering Dragon City, the surroundings are the scarlet cloud layer, Long Chen shuttle back and forth in the middle of this endless scarlet sea of clouds, the surroundings are die the same silence, the front scarlet-red place was Slaughtering Dragon City. 杀戮龙城,周围就是血色的云层,龙辰在这无尽的血色云海当中穿梭,周围是死一样的寂静,前方一片赤红的地方就是杀戮龙城了。 Proceeds again, the scarlet cloud layer turned into the scarlet sea unexpectedly, the blood wave is dreadful, often has the skeleton of giant beast to tumble from the blood wave, Long Chen vanguard, while the estimated range, at least knows how things stand in the range in 100,000, unexpectedly is the bloodshed and skeleton, when he felt creepy feeling, Slaughtering Dragon City appears in his field of vision finally. 再往前,血色的云层竟然变成了血色的海洋,血浪滔天,不时有巨兽的尸骨从血浪当中翻滚出来,龙辰一边前行,一边计算距离,至少有数十万里的范围之内,竟然全是血海和尸骨,当他感觉到头皮发麻的时候,杀戮龙城终于出现在他的视野当中。 That is one covers the giant city in the middle of blood fog, half Martial God Ancient City areas so are big, is Martial God Ancient City dozens times of sizes, in the middle of Slaughtering Dragon City, hears the sound of intermittent Divine Dragon roaring, the accumulation most here is the dragon of bloody slaughtering, the temperament is cruel. 那是一座笼罩在血雾当中的巨大城池,足足有半个武神古城疆域那么大,乃是武神古城的数十倍大小,杀戮龙城当中,传来阵阵神龙咆哮之声,聚集在这里的多半乃是血腥杀戮之龙,脾气暴戾。 The blood fog tumbles, often has the scarlet Divine Dragon body to reveal that beside Slaughtering Dragon City, at least several thousand Divine Dragon are guarding, the god Dragon Body body is giant, but regarding Slaughtering Dragon City, was too small. 血雾翻滚,不时有血色神龙的身躯显露出来,杀戮龙城之外,至少就有数千头神龙正在守卫,神龙身躯巨大,但对于杀戮龙城来说,还是太小了。 Bang! 轰隆! Xue Chi brought Long Chen to break through blood waves. 血炽带着龙辰冲破了一道道的血浪。 Outside Slaughtering Dragon City, that several thousand guard Divine Dragon see that neighed hastily, besieged to come, several thousand Divine Dragon killed, the scene was vast, Long Chen also deeply realized the Five Great Dragon City dignity and fearfulness. 杀戮龙城外,那数千的守卫神龙见状,连忙嘶叫,围攻而来,数千头神龙杀来,场面浩大,龙辰也深刻意识到五大龙城的威严和可怕。 Is I.” “是我。” Xue Chi has drunk one lightly. 血炽轻喝了一声。 That several thousand Divine Dragon turn into abundance throws over the scarlet to fight armor Dragon Warrior, they partly kneel in the middle of the fog, bright sound track: Subordinate pays a visit blood general Dragon Jun, Sir Xue Chi!” 那数千神龙纷纷化成披着血色战甲的龙武者,他们在云雾当中半跪,朗声道:“属下拜见血龙军大帅,血炽大人!” Blood Dragon Jun, is the highest regiment that Slaughtering Dragon City carries out the task outward, but Xue Chi is commands high. 血龙军,乃是杀戮龙城对外执行任务的最高军团,而血炽乃是其中最高统领。 Gets up.” “起来。” The Xue Chi sound is callous , to continue. That several thousand Divine Dragon see that stands up hastily, the shunt leaves a path, making Xue Chi pass, when Xue Chi across them, their eyes fall to the body of Long Chen, time cruel murderous intention impacts! 血炽声音冷酷,继续前行。那数千神龙见状,连忙站起身来,闪开出一条道路,让血炽通过,当血炽穿过他们的时候,他们所有人的眼睛都落到龙辰的身上,顿时间一股股残暴的杀机冲击而来! „The child of Eternal Dragon Emperor!” 永恒龙帝之子!” All people in looking in the middle of this legend character. 所有人都在看着这个传说当中的人物。 Two years ago, kills Di Yu in various god battlefields, hires oneself Spirit Clan to run away distressedly. 两年前,在诸神战场杀死帝雨,狼狈投靠灵族逃窜。 One year ago, prominence in Chaos Star Domain, defeats Chaos Star Domain first talent Hundun Kunwu! 一年前,在混乱星域声名鹊起,击败混乱星域第一天才混沌昆吾 Now, he was summoned by Slaughtering Dragon City three big Dragon Emperor, comes to join Slaughtering Dragon City! 如今,他被杀戮龙城三大龙帝召见,前来加入杀戮龙城 This was Slaughtering Dragon City recently the most irritable news. 这是杀戮龙城最近最火爆的消息。 Long Chen has not arrived, became the Slaughtering Dragon City man of the hour! 龙辰还没到来,就已经成为了杀戮龙城的风云人物! He felt the surrounding Expert intense murderous intention! 他感觉到了周围强者们的强烈杀机! These people, at least have three Reincarnation above strength. 这些人,至少也有三才轮回以上的战力。 Just crossed Cultivator of one Yuan tribulation, only matched in Slaughtering Dragon City works as the private in lowest level. 刚刚过一元劫的者,只配在杀戮龙城当最底层的小卒。 Long Chen heard their discussion. 龙辰听到了他们的议论。 Is he, Long Qinglan son.” “就是他,龙青澜的儿子。” Heard that is very fierce in Chaos Star Domain, but arrives at our Slaughtering Dragon City, do not want to be so imposing.” “听说在混乱星域很猛,但来到我们杀戮龙城,就别想那么威风了。” His father, is my Human Clan biggest rebel, almost destroys the common people, I think his countenance, with his act, is similar to his father.” “他的父亲,乃是我人族最大的叛徒,差点毁灭苍生,我看他的嘴脸,和他的行径,也和他父亲差不多吧。” Everybody do not worry too, three big Dragon Emperor said that is makes him join Slaughtering Dragon City, in fact imprisons him, letting him to exit, cannot cause trouble, teaches docile him in Slaughtering Dragon City is. Fierce dragon, under our teaching, but also do't can turn into the dragonet?” “大家别操心太多了,三大龙帝说是让他加入杀戮龙城,实际上就是囚禁他,让他不能出去,不能闹事,在杀戮龙城将他管教得服服帖帖就是。再猛的龙,在我们的管教下,还不得变成小龙?” They have sneered. 他们冷笑了起来。 Hurries to go on patrol, smiles anything to smile!” “赶紧巡逻,笑什么笑!” Xue Chi has ridiculed one in front. 血炽在前面笑骂了一句。 But as if, he is very satisfied their discussions, this is to the Long Chen demonstration of authority. 但似乎,他很满足他们的讨论,这是给龙辰的下马威。 You are honored very much, Third Dragon Emperor many years have not made an appearance, but they must see you today, can simultaneously see three big Dragon Emperor, entire Slaughtering Dragon City few individuals can have such being honored. You do not need to be too anxious, this Third Dragon Emperor is your grandfather generation of character, they will not take you to be what kind.” “你很荣幸,三位龙帝很多年都没有露面了,但他们今天要见你,能同时见到三大龙帝,整个杀戮龙城都没有几个人能拥有这样的荣幸。你不必太紧张,这三位龙帝都是你爷爷辈的人物,他们不会拿你怎样。” Xue Chi in the front said. 血炽在前方说道。 Comes to see Third Dragon Emperor? 一来就要见三位龙帝 Long Chen does not have anything but actually, the character of this Immortal God Domain most peak, oneself sooner or later must see. 龙辰倒没什么,这个永生神域最顶峰的人物,自己迟早是要见的吧。 He along with Xue Chi enters Slaughtering Dragon City, at that moment, entire Slaughtering Dragon City clamored, the endless murderous intention clashes from below palaces, in the middle of this Slaughtering Dragon City really has so many Expert. 他随着的血炽进入杀戮龙城,那一刻,整个杀戮龙城都喧哗了起来,无尽的杀机从下方一座座的宫殿冲上来,这杀戮龙城当中竟然有如此多的强者 Looks down, dense and numerous Divine Dragon gather, is really fearful enough. 低头看去,密密麻麻的神龙聚集在一起,实在够可怕的。 The front also has many constructions to cover in the middle of the fog. 前方还有更多的建筑笼罩在云雾当中。 After Long Chen passed over gently and swiftly, an under corner, one group of young people, probably several hundred people gather. Youth who and a blood sends is most fearful. 就在龙辰掠过后,下方其中一个角落,一群年轻人,大概有数百人聚集在一起。其中一个血发的青年最为可怕。 Nearby humanity: Jiang Ming, your teacher led the child of that Eternal Dragon Emperor to see Third Dragon Emperor.” 旁边的人道:“姜明,你师尊带着那永恒龙帝之子去见三位龙帝了。” „...” “哦…” That named Jiang Ming youth nods. 那名为姜明的青年点点头。 He pursues directly in the Long Chen direction. 他直接朝着龙辰的方向追去。 „Do you do?” “你去干嘛?” Nearby several people asked. 旁边数人问道。 Kills him!” “杀他!” Jiang Ming leaves behind two characters, vanishes in the middle of the blood fog. 姜明留下两个字,就消失在血雾当中。 The people have cheered, had good play to look! 众人欢呼了起来,有好戏看了!
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