DBWG :: Volume #21

#2076: The date of return

Yang You is Long Chen introduces: This is the Xue Chi senior, with your father peer, is in the middle of Slaughtering Dragon City one of the topest several Expert.” 杨幽龙辰介绍道:“这位是血炽前辈,与你父亲同辈,是杀戮龙城当中最顶尖的几位强者之一。” Originally is the Slaughtering Dragon City person. 原来是杀戮龙城的人。 Long Chen already guessed correctly that the Five Great Dragon City person can definitely look own, he has thought is Eternal Dragon City, because he and Eternal Dragon City relations are biggest, Long Qinglan is also Eternal Dragon City Eternal Dragon Emperor, that Eternal Dragon City first Dragon Emperor also a little relates with him, Long Chen is also the Eternal Dragon City descendant, but he has not thought that comes to seek own unexpectedly is the Slaughtering Dragon City person. 龙辰早就猜到,五大龙城的人肯定是会来找自己的,他一直都以为是永恒龙城,因为他和永恒龙城的关系最大,龙青澜也是永恒龙城永恒龙帝,那永恒龙城的第一龙帝还和他有点关系,龙辰也算是永恒龙城的后裔,但他怎么也没想到,前来寻找自己的竟然是杀戮龙城的人。 Xue Chi said directly: Why you are very definitely strange are not Eternal Dragon City, my truth told you, they did not have the interest to respond you, has not been regarded as a matter you, our Slaughtering Dragon City heard that you possibly slaughter Supreme Divine Dragon of department, therefore has said a hello with Eternal Dragon City, and has related other three Dragon City, finally unanimously decided made you return to Dragon God Domain, joined my Slaughtering Dragon City.” 血炽直接道:“你肯定很奇怪为什么不是永恒龙城,我就实话告诉你吧,他们没兴趣搭理你,没把你当作是一回事,我们杀戮龙城听说你可能是杀戮系的无上神龙,所以就跟永恒龙城打了一声招呼,另外联系了其他三座龙城,最终一致决定让你回归龙神域,加入我杀戮龙城。” Doesn't have the interest to me?” “对我没兴趣?” Long Chen has pondered over at heart, the opposite party is so noble elegantly beautiful, oneself status and fact have caused a stir in the world, they actually still have not been regarded as a matter themselves, this despising, even wants to pretend non-involvement Chu relations with the idea is really laughable, thinks them to oneself an attack, but Long Chen can it be that so is also easy, makes this bored way attack? 龙辰心里琢磨了一下,对方如此高贵冷艳,自己身份和事迹都已经轰动天下,他们却仍然没把自己当作是一回事,这种藐视,甚至想和自己撇清楚关系的想法真是可笑,想必他们是想给自己一个打击吧,但龙辰又岂是这么容易,就让这种无聊的方式打击到? No matter Slaughtering Dragon City or Eternal Dragon City, Long Chen actually not so-called, he rectifies names to go back for Long Qinglan, to explore these once secret went back, where no matter, is unable to conceal his brilliance! 不管是杀戮龙城还是永恒龙城,龙辰其实都没所谓,他是为龙青澜正名而回去的,是为了探索那些曾经的秘密而回去的,不管是在哪里,都无法掩饰他的光华! He already was ready that has killed! 他早就做好了杀回去的准备! Five Great Dragon City under the pressure, will definitely make him return to Five Great Dragon City, the Long Chen such dangerous character, they are will definitely not make him keep Heaven Dragon Star to grow. 五大龙城迫于压力,肯定会让他回归五大龙城,龙辰这么危险的人物,他们是肯定不会让他留在天龙星成长起来的。 They must control! 他们要控制! Long Chen must go back to rebel! 龙辰要回去反叛! Both sides accord to his need. 双方各取所需。 Is the opposite party controls successfully, Long Chen rebels successfully, that must look at various person skills. 到底是对方控制成功,还是龙辰反叛成功,那就要看各人本事了。 Only the one who makes in the Long Chen heart puzzled is Lingxi. 唯一让龙辰心中纠结的是灵曦 Lingxi wants to accompany him to go to Dragon God Domain very much, completes the warm-blooded aspiration! 灵曦是很想陪着他前往龙神域,完成热血抱负的! At this time, Lingxi realized the sound, came out from the lake, stands after the Yang You two people, Brilliant Long Huang and Darkness Dragon Emperor they also appeared in her behind. 这时候,灵曦察觉到动静,已经从湖泊当中出来,站在杨幽两人身后,光耀龙皇暗黑龙皇两人也出现在她身后。 Seeing is Xue Chi, their vision change. 看见是血炽,他们目光变化。 Long Chen looked at Lingxi, said: „The Xue Chi senior, I can one year later, goes to Slaughtering Dragon City again.” 龙辰看了一眼灵曦,道:“血炽前辈,我能不能一年之后,再去杀戮龙城。” Xue Chi impolite [say / way]: One year later? Have not thought that Slaughtering Dragon City Third Dragon Emperor must see you, we also give you this time opportunity, one year later, but also wants to make you enter Slaughtering Dragon City, that was a different matter.” 血炽不客气道:“一年后?别想了,杀戮龙城三位龙帝要见你,我们也就给你这次的机会,一年之后,还想不想让你进杀戮龙城,那就是另外一回事了。” Long Chen naturally must join one of the Five Great Dragon City. 龙辰自然要加入五大龙城之一。 Otherwise, he returns to Dragon God Domain, Emperor Honored God City wait / etc. powerful enemies to surround, but Yang You they must protect Heaven Dragon Star, that is quite dangerous. Moreover Long Chen must conquer them, must result in infiltrates the interior. 否则,他就算回到龙神域,帝钧神城等等强敌环绕,而杨幽他们又必须要守护天龙星,那是相当危险的。而且龙辰要征服他们,必须得打入内部。 Just arrived at Immortal God Domain, Long Chen to join Five Great Dragon City. 刚刚来到永生神域,龙辰就是为了加入五大龙城 Now, he also truly arrived at Reincarnation Calamity Realm. 现在,他也真正到达了轮回劫境 Five Great Dragon City passed through one round to discuss that making Long Chen go to Slaughtering Dragon City, monitors Long Chen by this, Xue Chi this arrival, the goal is carries off Long Chen, will not come away empty absolutely. 五大龙城已经经过一轮商量,让龙辰杀戮龙城,以此来监控龙辰,血炽这次到来,目的就是把龙辰带走,绝对不会空手而回。 Hears the opposite party so decisive reply, the Lingxi approximately clear matter passed through, she arrives at side Long Chen, is pulling the Long Chen arm, said: Brother Chen, you go back first, one year later, I succeeded looked for you, not one year? We have Star Rune, daily can speak, I Heaven Dragon Star here, but be safer than you.” 听到对方如此果断的回复,灵曦大致清楚事情的经过了,她走到龙辰身边,挽着龙辰手臂,道:“辰哥哥,你先回去吧,一年之后,我成功了就去找你,不就一年时间吗?我们有星符,天天可以说话,我在天龙星这里,可要比你安全多了。” She is always so sensible, will not put to trouble to Long Chen. 她从来都是如此懂事,不会给龙辰添麻烦。 Truly, for them, one year was too short, casual one time closed up Cultivate on the past. 确实,对他们来说,一年时间实在太短了,随便一次闭关修炼就过去了。 Furthermore, I before has not succeeded, to you will not have anything to help, goes back as you like also uselessly.” Lingxi said with a smile gently. “再者,我在还没有成功之前,也不会对你有什么帮助,随你回去也没用。”灵曦温柔笑道。 Long Chen does not give up her, but she must go back to fight taking this opportunity! That is his mission, Lingxi fuses Star Core on Heaven Dragon Star, compared with treating wants safe ten times in own side, moreover one year, she can fuse Star Core, seeks itself, thinks of here, in the Long Chen heart had the resolution. 龙辰十分不舍得她,但她必须要借着这次机会回去战斗!那是他的使命,灵曦天龙星上融合星核,比待在自己身边要安全十倍,而且也就一年时间,她就能融合星核,来寻找自己,想到这里,龙辰心中已经有了决断。 We together diligently.” “我们一起努力。” He has tapped the head of Lingxi gently, they smile, with their sentiments, naturally can experience this small distinction, wants initially Long Chen, for she has fought bravely for ten years, is not inseparable. 他轻轻拍了拍灵曦的脑袋,两人相视一笑,以他们的感情,自然经历得起这小小的分别,想当初龙辰为了她奋战了十年,不也是如胶似漆。 The Long Chen look becomes bloody and firm, he is the decisive person, this fight time he will not flinch, therefore his both eyes look at Xue Chi, said: „ Senior, walks. " 龙辰的眼神变得血腥而坚定起来,他乃果断之人,该战斗的时候他不会退缩,于是他双眼看着血炽,道:“前辈,走吧。" He was impatient, must go back Dragon God Domain. 他已经迫不及待,要回去龙神域了。 Anticipated that many years of that moment, approaches finally, initially he had killed Di Yu in various god battlefields, cannot think absolutely today's will depart in this manner. 期待多年的那一刻,终于来临,当初他在诸神战场杀了帝雨,绝对想不到今日的自己会以这样的方式离去。 Works decisively, I like your such child, Ha Ha!” “做事果断,我喜欢你这样的孩子,哈哈!” Xue Chi has sneered coldly. 血炽冷冷笑了起来。 The Yang You vision is quiet throughout, she said to Long Chen: Goes, completes your wish, if some people bully you, said one with me, I will go to Dragon God Domain to kill people for you.” 杨幽目光始终沉静,她对龙辰道:“去吧,完成你的心愿,若是有人欺负你,与我说一声,我会去龙神域为你杀人。” She was sent into exile, wants in fact not to permit, but this time, her Yang You must make anything, but also few individuals can block her. 她已经被放逐,想要回去实际上是不允许的,但今时今日,她杨幽要做什么,还真没有几个人能拦住她。 These words were also more are say to Xue Chi. 这句话也更多是对血炽说的。 Is a warning, a determination. 是一种警告,一种决心。 Xue Chi smiles embarrasedly. 血炽讪讪笑着。 Heaven Dragon Star 100,000 Divine Dragon, is really insane, is very fearful. 天龙星十万神龙,真的疯起来,还是很可怕的。 Takes care.” “保重。” Long Chen loosened the hand of Lingxi, short one year, has Star Rune this thing, daily can speak, truly does not need to haggle over. 龙辰松开了灵曦的手,短短一年时间而已,有星符这东西,天天可以说话,确实不需要太计较。 Lingxi throughout maintains the smile. 灵曦始终保持微笑。 Xue Chi no longer said that rushed to clouds, Long Chen looked at their one eyes finally, particularly Lingxi, his vision showed all. 血炽不再多说,冲上云霄,龙辰最后看了他们一眼,尤其是灵曦,他的目光已经说明了一切。 He with the Xue Chi vanguard, left Heaven Dragon Star, has developed own bloody battle path! 他跟着血炽前行,离开了天龙星,开展了自己的血腥征途! The sanguinary rule, arrives once again! 腥风血雨,再度降临! Eternal Dragon City does not want to give shelter to itself unexpectedly... 永恒龙城竟然不想收留自己啊… In the middle of the Long Chen innermost feelings raises the dreadful anger, he will stand in front of Eternal Dragon City finally on the 1st, tears their countenance! 龙辰内心当中掀起滔天愤怒,终有一日,他会站在永恒龙城面前,撕裂他们的嘴脸! Your murderous intention is very heavy, kid.” Xue Chi leads the way in the middle of the starry sky, turns head hey to look at Long Chen with a smile, a scarlet rotation of the eye dangerous ray. “你心里杀机挺重啊,小家伙。”血炽在星空当中前行,回头嘿嘿笑着看着龙辰,一双血色的眼睛转动着危险的光芒。 You not?” “你也不是么?” Long Chen asked one. 龙辰反问了一句。 Xue Chi scratches the head, says with a smile: You are really intelligent, matter that in my present brain thinks, is if I gave to kill you here, will have what kind of consequence?” 血炽挠挠头,笑道:“你真是聪明,我现在脑子里想的事情,就是假如我在这里把你给杀了,会有怎样的后果呢?” Long Chen shows neither approval nor disapproval, he hurries along relieved, as for matter that Xue Chi said that he does not dare to do absolutely. 龙辰不置可否,他安心赶路,至于血炽说的事情,他是绝对不敢做的。 Today's Long Chen, is not initial he, the fact that his status and he makes, could entire Dragon God Domain cause the huge stir, so the character of crest of wave crest, who must kill itself, must shoulder the attack of public opinion, what was more important, Long Qinglan appeared once again has made many people flustered. 今日的龙辰,已经不是当初的他了,他的身份和他做出的事迹,都会整个龙神域造成了巨大的轰动,如此风头浪尖的人物,谁要杀自己,都得背负舆论的攻击,更重要的是,龙青澜的再度出现已经让很多人慌张了。 Now, no one has made clear, he really died. 现在,谁都没搞清楚,他到底是不是真的死了。 You arrived at Slaughtering Dragon City, you know, challenge that you must encounter, is you are unable to imagine, I know that what you think, you nothing but want yourself certificate, proves your father pure?” Xue Chi sneers to say. “等你到杀戮龙城,你就知道,你要遭遇的挑战,将是你无法想象的,我知道你想什么,你无非是想要证明自己,也证明你父亲的清白吗?”血炽冷笑说道。 Long Chen said: How do you think?” 龙辰道:“你觉得如何?” Xue Chi has laughed at one, said: That naturally thought your wishful thinking, no matter you were strong, you can prove your fearfulness actually, but Long Qinglan that was the ingrained matter, was the idea of entire Dragon God Domain, you wanted to change, that may be more difficult than to become Shen! I do not favor in any case your.” 血炽嗤笑了一声,道:“那自然是觉得你痴心妄想了,不管你多强,你倒是可以证明自己的可怕,可龙青澜那是根深蒂固的事情,是整个龙神域的观念,你想要改变,那可要比成神还难!反正我是不看好你的。” The Long Chen silent moment, looked at Xue Chi one again, said: I first to become Shenzai said.” 龙辰沉默片刻,再看了血炽一眼,道:“那我就先成神再说吧。” His faith and courage, unmanned energy enemy. 他的信念和勇气,无人能敌。 These words said dexterously, but that looked disdainfully with self-confidently still made Xue Chi change countenance, he no longer said that ice-cold palm gripped the shoulder of Long Chen, said: Your speed was too slow, I deliver you a regulation.” 这句话说得轻巧,可那股睥睨和自信仍然让血炽动容,他不再多说,那冰冷的手掌握住龙辰的肩膀,道:“你速度太慢了,我送你一程吧。” After gripping Long Chen, he accelerates suddenly, the speed quick terror, the surrounding star light at the speed of non- several fold toward the body swept back, the trim starry sky under this speed, became illusory. 握住龙辰后,他陡然加速,速度快的恐怖,周围的星光以无数倍的速度朝着身后掠去,整片星空在这种速度下,变得虚幻了起来。 Long Chen felt that a huge impact sweeps across. 龙辰感觉到一股巨大的冲击席卷而来。 If not his ** enough powerful, under this impact, his body wanted torn to pieces, the Xue Chi speed was broke through the fetter of entire Immortal God Domain, shifted the innumerable distances in a flash, Long Chen initially in Long Ji Continent that worn-out world, could not achieve this speed. 如果不是他的**足够强悍的话,在这股冲击之下,他的身体都要支离破碎了,血炽的速度可谓是已经突破了整个永生神域的束缚,转瞬之间就转移了无数距离,龙辰当初在龙祭大陆那种破旧世界,都做不到这种速度。 At the Xue Chi speed, 2-3 days can arrive at Slaughtering Dragon City.” “以血炽的速度,两三天就能到杀戮龙城了。” In the Long Chen heart estimated. 龙辰心中预计。 At this time, Xue Chi suddenly stopped. 就在这时候,血炽忽然停了下来。 In him behind, the starry sky splits, the giant beast body of Chaos Star Lord that silver Ash Grey comes out in the middle of that starry sky crack. 在他身后,星空裂开,混沌星主那银灰色的巨兽身体在那星空裂缝当中出来。 Xue Chi, what do you come my chaos emperor star to make?” 血炽,你来我混沌皇星做什么?” Chaos Star Lord cold sound track. 混沌星主冷声道。 Xue Chi turns head, disdains to look to Chaos Star Lord, said: Old ghost, I passed by, what to be anxious? Can your courage getting smaller?” 血炽回头,不屑看向混沌星主,道:“老鬼,我就只是路过而已,紧张什么?你的胆子可越来越小了?” Chaos Star Lord cold -ly snorted and said: Your bloodthirsty and inhuman, the resentful soul are under innumerable, the person who your such bloodthirsty becomes second nature passed by, who knows that what you do want to make?” 混沌星主冷哼道:“你嗜杀、毫无人性,手下怨魂无数,你这样嗜血成性的人路过,谁知道你要做什么?” Suddenly, he sees Xue Chi behind Long Chen. 忽然间,他看到血炽身后的龙辰 Oh, is leads him to go back Dragon God Domain?” “噢,是带他回去龙神域么?” Chaos Star Lord said. 混沌星主道。 Minds own business.” “少管闲事。” Xue Chi whispered, bringing Long Chen to vanish in the middle of the starry sky in a flash. 血炽嘀咕了一声,带着龙辰转瞬之间消失在星空当中。 „The child of this Eternal Dragon Emperor walked, the body went not to have Star Core Aura, thought also on that Heaven Dragon Star...” “这永恒龙帝之子走了,身上去没有了星核气息,想必还在那天龙星上啊…” In the Chaos Star Lord eye the ray twinkle, is hidden to enter in the middle of the starry sky crack finally. 混沌星主眼中光芒闪烁,最终隐没进入星空裂缝当中。 Under Xue Chi terror speed, surroundings starry sky transformation, probably two days later, Long Chen re-entered Dragon God Domain! 血炽恐怖的速度下,周围星空变换,大概两天之后,龙辰已经重回龙神域 The similar more than two years of time, he returns once again! 差不多两年多的时间,他再度归来! But all were different, initial he was only one just exposed the status, has killed the Di Yu small role, but this time, he was earthshaking, at least younger generation, rare rival, whom if discussed is among the whole world the first talent, should be Long Chen without doubt! 但一切已经不一样了,当初的他只是一个刚刚暴露身份,杀了帝雨的小角色,而今时今日,他已经叱咤风云,至少年轻一代,罕有敌手,若论谁是举世之间第一天才,应该是龙辰无疑! Looks at this stretch of boundless land, in the Long Chen heart the bold air-drying clouds that he killed finally! 看着这一片苍茫大地,龙辰心中豪气干云,他终于杀回来了! Five Great Dragon City!” 五大龙城!” He is almost unable to repress in the heart to impulse. 他几乎无法按捺心中冲动。
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