DBWG :: Volume #21

#2075: The blood flamings

Life Dao Seal also creates Dao Seal 生命道印也是创造道印 Must step onto is controls practicing of life Dao Seal the creation the path first needs Long Chen that starts from the control just to fuse Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence to control Divine Ability that 14 strength these 14 strengths have brought at present named 14 sacrifices 要走上创造的这条道路首先需要的就是掌控生命道印的修行是从掌控开始的龙辰目前刚刚融合了太极生灵龙传承精血就已经掌控了14种力量这14种力量带來的神通名为‘14祭’ The thunder sacrifice and Sun offer a sacrifice to wait / etc....... 雷霆祭、太阳祭等等…… 14 the strength that offers a sacrifice to uses in fight is not necessarily able compared with Time Storm and blood spirit thorn difference many 14祭的力量用在战斗当中未必会比岁月风暴和血灵刺差多少 On a Imaginary Universe Dragon Yuan god forehead position of life Dao Seal slaughtering Dao Seal left altogether four Dao Seal Dragon Jade Dao Seal still situated in the status that in Imaginary Universe Dragon Yuan god controlled is unshakeable 太虚宙龙元神上生命道印位于杀戮道印的左侧一共四个道印其中龙玉道印仍然太虚宙龙元神的眉心位置上主宰的地位不可动摇 This is also on Long Chen from beginning to end the most mystical thing 这也是龙辰身上由始至终最为神秘的东西 Until he still knew nothing today 直到今日他仍然一无所知 But Long Chen does not worry the world strength that land of his careful sensation new birth is body in Long Chen another level he can be made any change for example to pull up a mountain together to create by own body solar these are miniature not to compare true macrocosm but it is a seed 龙辰并不着急他仔细的感知这新诞生的世界力量那一块陆地是龙辰另外一个层面上的身体他可以让自己的身体做出任何的改变比如说拉起一座高山创造出一个太阳这些都是微型的比不上真正的大世界但它是一个种子 Long Chen anticipates his growth very much 龙辰很期待他的成长 14 dragon elementary force dragon symbolized the strength of entire world is being all strengths embryonic forms in fact is also the source strength from most low status Spirit Qi to Nirvana Spirit Qi and Five Elements source strength is the elementary force melts but the new world composed that mountain peak to communicate Highest Beginning God Force and Reincarnation of strength Long Chen within the body from the elementary force completely forms a circulation to take the elementary force peak to transfer the new world for medium Long Chen the strength becomes oneself battle efficiency part his strength can also fall in torrents the new world to nourish the growth of new world 14龙首当中其中‘元力龙首’象征着整个世界的力量是所有力量的雏形实际上也算是本源力量了从最低等的灵气一直到涅槃灵气五行本源力量都是元力所化而新世界当中完全由元力组成那座山峰沟通着龙辰体内的太始神力轮回力量形成一个循环以元力高峰为媒介龙辰可以调动新世界的力量成为自己战斗力的一部分他的力量也可以倾泻到新世界滋养着新世界的成长 Along with his strength increases the new world same to grow like the baby 随着他力量的增加新世界才会如幼儿一样成长 Long Chen from this new world felt that the mysterious so unthinkable matter actually exists in this world feared will stem from the expectations of all people 从这个新世界当中龙辰感觉到神奇如此匪夷所思的事情竟然存在于这个世界怕是会出乎所有人的预料吧 Long Chen anticipated suddenly very much dozens years of post- several hundred years of post- over a thousand years later meet is what kind of 龙辰忽然很期待到底几十年后几百年后上千年后自己会是怎样呢 He used day to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study he to turn into body of this 3-layer Ancestral Dragons three Ancestral Dragons Divine Ability from now on the future is in society is absolutely rare 他用了一天的时间将三种祖龙神通融会贯通从今往后他变成了三重祖龙之身这绝对是世间罕见的 About the Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence matter, only then Yang You and two big Long Huang know but they are die the loyal person naturally unable to divulge a secret 关于太极生灵龙传承精血的事情只有杨幽和两大龙皇知道但他们都是死忠之人自然不会泄密 Knew that Long Chen succeeded they are relaxed finally such words is Long Chen returns to Dragon God Domain they that not to be worried 得知龙辰成功了他们总算是松了一口气这样的话就算是龙辰返回龙神域他们也不会那么担心了 Long Chen in the following time continues Cultivate to study the new Inherited Blood Essence familiar Reincarnation strength, but Lingxi still diligently during this process obtained the help of that Star Core in fusion Lingxi of Star Core and moistens the speed that the strength increases not to be inferior to Long Chen and her Reincarnation Calamity always with ease crossed 在接下來的时光当中龙辰继续修炼研究新的传承精血熟悉轮回的力量而灵曦则仍然在努力的融合星核在这个过程当中灵曦得到那星核的帮助和滋润实力增加的速度不亚于龙辰并且她的轮回劫从來都是轻松渡过 Peaceful under all prosperous 安宁之下一切欣欣向荣 .............................. ………………………… 100,000 Divine Dragon on Heaven Dragon Star has taken to Long Chen feeling one year of family within he already thorough integrated here became their part 天龙星上的十万神龙带给了龙辰一种家的感觉一年时间之内他已经彻底的融入了这里成为他们的一部分 They open, free and carefree, moreover respects itself to love oneself Expert to protect oneself weak one to worship itself 他们开朗、自由、无忧无虑而且尊敬自己爱戴自己强者守护自己弱者崇拜自己 Long Chen felt one are the hope as if all people of this respected family is living for oneself 龙辰感觉自己就是这个大家族的希望似乎所有人都在为自己而活着 He has also made into one piece during the process of rapid advancement with 100,000 Divine Dragon 在快速进步的过程当中他也和十万神龙打成了一片 On that day what Long Chen sat on big trees by him was the black flame tyrannosaurus opens the emblem tomb 那一天龙辰坐在一棵高大的树木上他旁边的是黑焱暴龙张徽陵 Long Chen looks at the distant place saying: Tomb do you started to live from the birth in this Heaven Dragon Star want to go out for a walk 龙辰看着远方道:“陵子你从出生开始就住在这天龙星吧想不想出去走走” Takes for granted to think emblem tomb excited stands on the bough “想当然想啦”张徽陵兴奋的在树干上站立起來 In his eye is full of the ray of child that hope wing he to blow up the chest saying: My father said Eternal Dragon Emperor is in the world the greatest person is also under the entire day super Expert of unmanned energy enemy is his idol is also my idol one day I must become his such Expert leads our Heaven Dragon Star Cultivator to return to our hometown, no matter they whether approves our us to subjugate their this is my dream 他的眼中充满孩童那种希翼的光芒他鼓起胸膛道:“我爹爹说了永恒龙帝是世界上最伟大的人也是全天下无人能敌的超级强者是他的偶像也是我的偶像总有一天我也要成为他那样的强者带领着我们天龙星者们回到我们的家乡不管他们是否认可我们我们都要镇服他们这是我的梦想” „......” Long Chen understood probably 100,000 Divine Dragon was sent into exile to here whom, but they are not resigned to not to go home, therefore they need one to lead their people they to be here long the waiting or were waiting for that they suddenly Long Chen also feel some pressures “哦……”龙辰大概明白了十万神龙被放逐到这里但他们心里并不甘心谁不想回家呢所以他们需要一个带领他们的人他们在这里漫长等待或者就是在等待自己吧一时间龙辰也感觉到一些压力 Relax Young Master I will be quick on to be formidable become with your same talent when the time comes lead our Dragon Warrior to return to Dragon God Domain nobody to dare to stop us honorably, because we are formidable enough “放心吧少主我会很快就强大起來成为和你一样的天才到时候带领我们的龙武者光荣回归龙神域沒人敢阻拦我们因为我们足够强大” Opens the emblem tomb hey to say with a smile 张徽陵嘿嘿笑道 Your desire will definitely be realized “你的愿望肯定是会实现的” Long Chen stands from that bough 龙辰从那树干上站立起來 The faith was in his heart fiercest strength one year of dreariness of belongs to his fight to approach immediately 信念是他心中最猛的力量一年的沉寂属于他的战斗马上就要來临了 The impact, wild, is unforgiving Dragon God Domain 冲击、狂暴、不依不饶龙神域 Long Chen not only has itself to return must bring on Heaven Dragon Star the 100,000 Dragon Warrior return hometown 龙辰不但有自己回归还要带着天龙星十万龙武者回归故乡 ........................ …………………… Above Long Chen inherited beside some day of Heaven Dragon Star after Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence to present a piece of bloodshed that bloodshed incomparably to fill the air to come the blood wave trundle innumerable skeletons suddenly broadly rolled up and pushed along vague neighing to reappear from that bloodshed 就在龙辰继承了太极生灵龙传承精血后的某一天天龙星之外忽然出现了一片血海那血海无比广阔弥漫而來其上血浪滚动无数尸骨在其中卷动起來若有若无的嘶叫从那血海当中浮现出來 This bloodshed incomparably greatly comes in waves as if to entire Heaven Dragon Star give to swallow 这血海无比巨大滚滚而來似乎要将整个天龙星都给吞进去 When approaches Heaven Dragon Star the huge bloodshed to start to condense from infinite greatly turns infinitesimal finally to turn into beautiful and bewitching man male Zichang that a blood eye blood has sent a ghosts and demons pair of scarlet eye long and narrow scarlet long hair to grip one bunch to wear above a scarlet Jin clothes to embroider the Divine Dragon design very but completely is being bloody Divine Dragon 但是在靠近天龙星的时候庞大的血海开始凝聚从无限巨大变成无限小的最终变成了一个血眼血发的妖冶男人这男子长得十分鬼魅一双血色眼睛狭长血色长发扎成一束穿着一身血色锦衣其上绣着神龙图案但尽皆乃血腥神龙 His that eye looks out front Heaven Dragon Star to mutter: „The child of Eternal Dragon Emperor was here......” 他那一双眼睛遥望前方天龙星喃喃道:“永恒龙帝之子是这里了……” Was saying he changes to together scarlet ray light falling to Heaven Dragon Star above 说着他化作一道血色的光线轻飘飘的落到天龙星之上 He takes a walk to look around on Heaven Dragon Star at a moderate pace periphery is saying with a smile: This is Heaven Dragon Star these Divine Dragon sent into exile place environment also good no wonder they for a long time have not left 他不紧不慢在天龙星上散步张望着周围啧啧笑道:“这就是天龙星那些神龙被放逐的地方环境还挺好的嘛怪不得他们那么长时间沒有离开” He is similar to behind the stride vanguard body the double hand back in blood fog sky often has Divine Dragon to fly, but basically could not discover this man 他将双手背在身后大步前行身体就如同一阵血雾天空上不时有神龙飞过但基本上都发现不了这个男人 Generally speaking so long as some people approached Heaven Dragon Star to be sent the beautiful and bewitching man to walk such a long time him by Yang You discovery for example Chaos Star Lord this blood to cultivate unexpectedly here obviously for the terror 一般來说只要有人靠近天龙星就会被杨幽发现比如说混沌星主这血发妖冶男子竟然在这里走了这么长时间可见其修为恐怖 He not minced matter passes front the quarter to present around the lake that star light have been found in probably is similar to the fairyland very only beautiful 他丝毫不掩饰大概过了一刻钟前面出现了一片星光遍布的湖泊周围如同仙境十分唯美 Really was too beautiful in this really had Star Core is that Shining Star Star Core makes a little girl link the fusion unexpectedly is really too wastes “真是太美了这里面竟然有星核么哦是那璀璨星辰星核竟然让一个小女孩连融合真是太浪费了啊” The blood sends the man to discuss his line of sight passed through the lake water to see you sat cross-legged on Lingxi on Star Core 血发男子啧啧议论着他的视线穿越了湖水看到了你盘坐在星核上的灵曦 This girl may really be beautiful results in does not make sense “这个女孩可真是美得不像话” The blood sends the male heart to say 血发男子心道 Xue Chi do you do 血炽你來干什么” Suddenly behind the voice of woman makes a sound 忽然间身后有一个女人的声音响起來 That is called the blood of Xue Chi to send the man to turn around the look deep place to hide one to turn head to look that amazed really deceives Yang You his Shu of veil to launch the smiling face saying: Yang You was really you also arrives to gossip Reincarnation Late Stage long time no see 那个叫做血炽的血发男子转过身來眼神深处藏着一丝惊诧回头一看果然是蒙着面纱的杨幽他舒展开笑颜道:“杨幽真是好久不见了啊你也到八卦轮回后期了” Yang You does not like this man she beckoning with the hand saying: Do not try to get close to have any goal to speak frankly seperately a warning next time will come my Heaven Dragon Star again covertly otherwise me not to be impolite to you 杨幽并不喜欢这男子她摆摆手道:“别套近乎有什么目的直说吧另外给你一个警告下次來我天龙星别再偷偷摸摸否则我可不客气” Xue Chi obviously is Expert of her same rank 血炽显然是和她同一个级别的强者 In other words Chaos Star Lord that level...... 也就是说混沌星主那种层次…… Perhaps even if the topest that person is Five Great Dragon City cannot discover several in Human Clan 就算是在人族也是最顶尖的那种人恐怕就是五大龙城都找不出几个來 Xue Chi by in the pale finger direction lake log cabin Long Chen will be sitting cross-legged in Xue Chi said: „, but I present the order of Slaughtering Dragon City Third Dragon Emperor to come Heaven Dragon Star to lead him to return to Dragon God Domain personally to join to Third Dragon Emperor that my Slaughtering Dragon City is not I came feared that your Yang You is too strong other people not to handle, therefore I came to run one 血炽将苍白的手指指向湖泊旁边的木屋上龙辰正盘坐在里面血炽道:“我奉杀戮龙城三位龙帝的命令亲自來天龙星带他回归龙神域加入到我杀戮龙城当中本來不是我來的但三位龙帝怕你杨幽太强其他人搞不定所以我就过來跑一趟了” Yang You in fact early has the expectation 杨幽实际上早有预料 But heard this saying she still to knit the brows: Such quick......” 但听到这话她仍然皱眉道:“这么快……” Mainly was Lingxi now fused 50% Star Core to be too busy to leave the words that Long Chen wanted to leave at this time to mean that radically they must separate temporarily 主要是灵曦现在已经融合了一半的星核根本走不开龙辰要这时候离开的话意味着他们就要暂时分开了 How you have opinion “怎么你有意见” Saying of some Xue Chi provocation 血炽有些挑衅的说道 Yang You shakes the head saying: Why is not Eternal Dragon City how, but is your Slaughtering Dragon City he is Eternal Dragon City person Eternal Dragon City that first Dragon Emperor not to speak 杨幽摇摇头道:“为什么不是永恒龙城而是你们杀戮龙城他可是永恒龙城的人永恒龙城那第一龙帝怎么沒说话” That is Long Qinglan foster-father 那可是龙青澜义父 Xue Chi shrugs saying: Eternal Dragon City these fellows as if do not want to see him or have not considered a matter not to have interest therefore our Slaughtering Dragon City three big Dragon Emperor to discuss decided carries off that side his as if Eternal Dragon City not to have any opinion by us 血炽耸耸肩道:“永恒龙城那些家伙似乎不想见他或者是沒当是一回事沒兴趣所以我们杀戮龙城三大龙帝商量了一下决定由我们带走他似乎永恒龙城那边也沒什么意见” Yang You brow micro wrinkle 杨幽眉头微皱 Eternal Dragon City is Long Chen relates biggest Dragon City there first Dragon Emperor also to have certain relational but them unexpectedly to disregard existence of Long Chen with Long Chen to make Slaughtering Dragon City particularly come to carry off this disgusting procedure really to make people Long Chen be hard to withstand 永恒龙城是和龙辰关系最大的龙城尤其是那里的第一龙帝还和龙辰有一定的关系但他们竟然无视龙辰的存在让杀戮龙城來将龙辰带走这种恶心的做法真是让人难以承受 The Yang You expression said indifferently: Walks makes him decide this matter 杨幽表情冷漠道:“走吧让他自己决定这件事” After all Lingxi has not completed left at this time somewhat is truly towering 毕竟灵曦还沒完成这个时候离开确实有些突兀了 Yang You then brings Xue Chi to appear side Long Chen 杨幽便带着血炽出现在龙辰身边 Long Chen opens the eye to stand up, when first saw Xue Chi bloody Aura heading on force makes him almost be hard to come to a stop this is not inferior to Yang You fearful Expert unexpectedly 龙辰睁开眼睛站起身來当第一眼看到血炽的时候一股强力的血腥气息扑面而來让他几乎难以站稳这竟然是一个不亚于杨幽的可怕强者 Long Chen responded quickly came he as if to guess correctly any [say / way]: Aunt You this is...... Dragon God Domain comes the person 龙辰很快就反应了过來他似乎猜到了什么道:“幽姨这位是……龙神域來人吗” That Xue Chi excited sizing up Long Chen 血炽正在兴奋的打量龙辰
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