DBWG :: Volume #21

#2074: New world

Was born matter Long Chen of that day to forget all the pollution in his brain was clear to start to know gradually this world he has reappeared once journey once more 出生那天的事情龙辰已经尽数忘记了他脑子里的浑浊逐渐清晰起來开始认识这个世界他再次重现了曾经的旅程 Manages from young nobody 从小沒人管理 The father is similar to good-for-nothing mother has never been seeing himself 父亲如同行尸走肉母亲从未正眼看过自己 Since childhood grows up to form his tenacious disposition in the resistance 从小在抗争当中长大形成他坚韧的性格 To be honest looks back to look that in the middle of his life the front 16 years will be very in fact important fully suffered the environment of oppression to accomplish his tenacious energetic will to make the upholstery for his future development 说实话回首看去他人生当中前面16年实际上十分重要正是饱受压迫的环境造就了他坚韧不拔的精神意志为他将來的的发展做出铺垫 Ignorant middle that never cared at age 16 own father body died to give itself Mysterious Dragon Jade 浑浑噩噩当中16岁那年那位从不关心自己的父亲身死送给了自己一枚神秘龙玉 His life had the rapid transformation to soar 他的人生发生了迅速的蜕变一飞冲天 He ran into the woman who the life most loved then she to leave him in that year to follow to kill Great 3 Emperors' Domain 在那一年他遇到了生命当中最爱的女人然后她离开了他一路追随杀到了三大帝域 That year his father reappeared he shoulders in his life completes the father last wish the mission to rush to Immortal God Domain to rise the shocking world his prestige to start to various god battlefields from Sprit God Domain to Monster God Domain in Chaos Star Domain from Martial God Ancient City to sparkle like his father finally same 那一年他的父亲重新出现在他的生命当中他肩负完成父亲遗愿的使命冲上永生神域武神古城到诸神战场从灵神域妖神域最终在混乱星域当中崛起震惊的天下他的威名开始如他父亲一样闪耀 His crush among peer almost all talent Cultivator 他碾压了同辈当中几乎所有的天才 Any talent in him at present is the joke 任何天才在他眼前都是笑话 Afterward he arrived at Heaven Dragon Star 后來他到了天龙星 On that day he defeated ten Dragon Warrior to return to by the lake along with Lingxi 那一天他打败了十位龙武者随着灵曦回到了湖泊旁边 He suddenly had the vigilance to resemble in the middle of the log cabin to have the thing to accelerate the footsteps in him of waiting to see unexpectedly Lingxi was sitting in the entrance worry of log cabin looks at inside 他忽然有警觉好像木屋当中有东西在等待的自己他加速了脚步竟然看到灵曦正坐在木屋的门口忧心的看着里面 Xiao Xi you so are how quick 小曦你怎么这么快” He remembers how he Lingxi flung behind in arrived here suddenly 他记得自己把灵曦甩在身后的怎么忽然间來到这里了呢 He looked that toward the log cabin in actually saw same to let he incomparably shocking thing that is...... He 他朝着木屋之内看去却看见了一样让他无比震惊的东西那是……他自己 That sat cross-legged the whole body sweating pain in the middle of the log cabin extremely but actually still in insistence with hardship 那个自己盘坐在木屋当中浑身冒汗痛苦万分但却仍然在苦苦的坚持 I...... He is I......” “我……他是我……” In the Long Chen brain suddenly has the thing to explode that is the tide same memory 龙辰脑中忽然有东西爆炸开來那是潮水一样的记忆 He remembered all him to resist one Yuan tribulation 他想起了一切他正在抗争一元劫 His Reincarnation Calamity was different other people to go to a strange world to experience the life good and bad in life of hundredth with all people to step the road of god by this, but Long Chen was different he Reincarnation to walk own life unexpectedly once more 他的轮回劫和所有人都不同其他人都是去了一个陌生的世界经历了百世的人生酸甜苦辣以此踏上成神之路但是龙辰不一样他的轮回竟然是将自己的生命再次走了一遭 I am my Reincarnation “我自己就是自己的轮回吗” Long Chen smiled to finish his stride walked and that is sitting cross-legged merging into one organic whole Long Chen to know own Reincarnation started to germinate that in his within the body Reincarnation strength is the strength Reincarnation strength and his Highest Beginning God Force that one Yuan tribulation entrusted with has not had the fusion, but was the direct production the strength of 2 ply 龙辰微笑起來结束了他大步走了过去和那盘坐着的自己融为一体龙辰知道了属于自己的轮回在他体内轮回的力量开始萌芽那是一元劫赋予的力量轮回的力量和他的太始神力并沒有发生融合而是直接形成了第二股的力量 If others the Reincarnation strength will embezzle the strength of Nirvana 如果是别人的话轮回的力量会吞沒涅槃的力量 But Long Chen did not have the Reincarnation strength unable to embezzle Highest Beginning God Force actually and Highest Beginning God Force complements one another double gravity quantitative change to grow even stronger the Reincarnation strength is similar to fills top in the short time intrinsic quantity to surmount Highest Beginning God Force Highest Beginning God Force to attach in the Reincarnation strength has encouraged the growth of Reincarnation strength 龙辰沒有轮回的力量沒能吞沒太始神力却和太始神力相辅相成双重力量变得更加壮大轮回力量如同灌顶短短时间内在数量上已经超越了太始神力太始神力附着在轮回力量上助长了轮回力量的增长 His Reincarnation power balance others is not very possibly formidable, but at least will be the root in the future also definitely becomes the lofty tree 他的轮回力量对比别人來说可能还不够强大但至少是根将來也必然会成为参天大树 Under strength of mix boundless Highest Beginning God Force mysterious one Yuan Reincarnation the Long Chen imposing manner increased surpasses his limit to pass through efforts he to arrive at Reincarnation Calamity Realm suddenly once again finally 磅礴的太始神力神秘的一元轮回之力混合之下龙辰气势攀升陡然间再度超越了他自己的极限经过了一次次的努力他终于到了轮回劫境 His goal was to become the Spiritual God is took now the first step 他的目标是成为神灵现在算是迈出了第一步 Naturally his strength may want to be too more than other one Yuan Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator formidable 当然他的力量可要比其他的一元轮回劫境者要强大太多了 Although does not know one have how formidable, but at least below Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm does not have the match 虽然不知道自己有多么的强大但至少五行轮回劫境以下是沒有对手的 But unfortunately he just the birth time's matter will have forgotten, and did not remember again 但可惜的是他还是将刚出生时候的事情忘记了并且再也沒有想起过 My one Yuan tribulation so was unexpectedly simple anything not to have again walked own life “我的一元劫竟然如此简单什么都沒有发生只是将自己的人生再走了一遍” Long Chen is very stunned 龙辰十分愕然 He also thinks that is fearful 他还以为有多么可怕呢 It seems like spanning of oneself Reincarnation Calamity Realm will be quick 看來自己轮回劫境的跨越会非常快 Reviewed the matter that their life all had once forgotten still to come clearly into view to take to his many ponders once again now 只是再度重温了一次自己的人生一切曾经忘记的事情现在仍然历历在目带给了他许多的思考 Brother Chen 辰哥哥 The Lingxi funds step walked to come in the beautiful pupil to be full of excited these days to be possible her to be worried to go bad 灵曦款步走來美眸中充满激动这一段时间可把她担心坏了 Long Chen said: My this Yuan tribulation also really suffices strangely only crossed Reincarnation of first to finish 龙辰道:“我这一元劫还真是够奇怪的只渡过了一世的轮回就结束了” Lingxi puzzled Long Chen then spoke process to her listens 灵曦不解龙辰便把过程自己讲给她听了 Ancestral Dragons will have how such difference like this “怎么会这样呢祖龙就会有这样的区别么” Lingxi wants to break the small head not to think clearly 灵曦想破小脑袋也想不明白 Has stood in this time Yang You outside 就在这时候杨幽已经站在了外面 Aunt You 幽姨 Long Chen walks hastily 龙辰连忙走出去 But when he noticed that Yang You that ignorant the tender body of veil in his brain is shaking this woman to take to his feeling is very as if strange suddenly as if hides makes him ascertain airtight in the innumerable riddles 可当他看到杨幽那蒙着面纱的娇躯他忽然脑中一震这个女人带给他的感觉似乎很古怪仿佛隐藏在无数的谜团当中让他捉摸不透 Succeeded “成功了么” Yang You said gently 杨幽温柔说道 In the middle of her words is hiding the pleasant surprise of faint trace 她话语当中隐藏着丝丝的惊喜 The Long Chen innermost feelings relax the nod saying: Um 龙辰内心松弛下來点头道:“嗯” Yang You said: That inherits Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence this to as early as possible 杨幽道:“那就继承太极生灵龙传承精血吧这要趁早” Long Chen also very anticipated to this matter 龙辰自己也对这件事情十分期待 The mortal body slaughters, the Yuan god universe god country life 肉身杀戮、元神太虚神国生灵 This is the third step 这是第三步 Sunlight you came out Yang You to say along with me then joined hands behind the back to depart “曦儿你随我出來”杨幽说了一声便背手离去 Um the Lingxi nod looked at Long Chen one to call again said: Careful conduct then leaves has them in the words to fear that along with Yang You will affect Long Chen “嗯”灵曦点头再看了龙辰一眼唤道:“小心行事”然后再随杨幽离开有她们在的话怕是会影响龙辰 Ancestral Dragons Inherited Blood Essence......” 祖龙传承精血啊……” The third drop of ten five colors Inherited Blood Essence Zhengan static float in the middle of Realm Of Universe 第三滴十五色的传承精血正安静的悬浮在太虚之境当中 Long Chen naturally does not know how to think country to continue this Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence but him to know so long as perhaps shift this Inherited Blood Essence to the most mystical god country should occur should occur 龙辰自然不知道怎么用神国來承接这太极生灵龙传承精血但他知道或许只要自己将这传承精血转移到最神秘的神国当中该发生的应该会发生吧 Critical moment 关键时刻 Long Chen sits cross-legged to sit down 龙辰盘腿坐下 In the middle of Realm Of Universe ten five colors blood drops evolve one to have 15 the huge Divine Dragon plates of dragon heads in the middle of Realm Of Universe 太虚之境当中十五色血滴衍化出一头拥有15个龙首的巨大神龙盘在太虚之境当中 Lives, elementary forces, heavenly bodies, mountains trees, wind and rain thunder and lightning wait / etc. 生命、元力、日月星辰、山川树木、风雨雷电等等 Looked fuzzily Primal Chaos Being Dragon turned into the thing trees that the empty shade life and elementary force of heavenly bodies vast world wait / etc. transformed became has really to grow thickly hundred beast Ben Hang 模糊一看太极生灵龙已经变成了浩大世界的虚影其中生命与元力日月星辰等等都转化成为了真实存在的东西树木丛生百兽奔行 Long Chen shifts this Inherited Blood Essence to own god country cautiously 龙辰小心翼翼将这传承精血转移到自己的神国当中 When that ten five colors blood drops have flown the god country Long Chen felt that as if entire god national capital was seething with excitement they already to welcome the arrival of Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence 当那十五色的血滴飞到了神国当中的时候龙辰感觉到似乎整个神国都在沸腾他们早就在迎接太极生灵龙传承精血的到來了 All secrets on Dragon Jade Dao Seal 所有的秘密都在龙玉道印 Because this mysterious god national capital is Dragon Jade creates 因为这个神秘神国都是龙玉造成的 Enters the Long Chen god country latter ten five colors blood drops float it to start to shiver in the midpoint as if has Divine Dragon roared that ten five colors blood drops to evolve sun-blocking Divine Dragon to evolve an endless huge world to start with the Long Chen original god country superposition 进入龙辰神国后十五色血滴悬浮在正中央它开始颤动仿佛有神龙在其中咆哮那十五色的血滴衍化出一头遮天蔽日的神龙衍化出一个无尽巨大的世界开始和龙辰原來的神国重合 Original god country starts to collapse unexpectedly 原來的神国竟然开始崩溃 Region that especially thoses Long Chen is unable to control is vanishing rapidly is similar to the glass is equally stave...... 尤其是那些龙辰无法掌控的区域正在迅速的消失如同玻璃一样破碎…… Long Chen then understands the region that original these are unable to control is actually the false at least majority is false Long Chen also really thinks own god state-owned how huge 龙辰这才明白原來那些无法掌控的区域竟然都是假的至少大部分是假的龙辰还真以为自己的神国有多么的巨大呢 After that ten five colors blood drops thorough integrated own god country the Long Chen discovery god country turns into an endless world to be also possible 但是当那十五色的血滴彻底的融入了自己的神国后龙辰发现神国变成一个无尽世界也是可能的 Ten five colors blood drop did not have the world of nihility actually born his god country to turn into a new real world this is together the land shape unexpectedly is Divine Dragon has 14 peak elementary force, flame, Sun and moon, even is the peak that the skeleton stack becomes 十五色血滴已经沒有了原本虚无的世界却重新诞生他的神国变成了一个新的真实的世界这是一块陆地形状竟然是一头神龙其中有着14座的高峰元力、火焰、太阳、月亮、甚至是尸骨堆积而成的高峰 The thunder and wind and rain start to cover these world to make him real simply do not have any difference world that with the world of outside, moreover he brand-new is born 雷霆、风雨开始覆盖这些世界让他变得真实与外面的世界根本沒有任何的区别而且他还是全新诞生的世界 This world and ordinary god state-owned huge difference 这个世界和普通的神国有了巨大的区别 Ordinary god country is not the real world will not have the heavenly bodies, not to have the metabolism 普通的神国根本就不是真实世界不会有日月星辰、不会有新陈代谢 But Long Chen within the body world has 龙辰体内这个世界却有 So-called god country life should be this 所谓神国生灵应该就是这样吧 That 14 peaks constituted this new world 那14座高峰构成了这个新的世界 Compared Immortal God Domain he too to be truly small the range of that land Heaven Dragon Star 2% it float Long Chen in starry skies unable to see that place but he outside starry sky knows also along with growing this growth is similar to along with the increase within the body world of his strength from the young dragon turns into the grown dragon same always one day he to be able unable to estimate this world the great strength 相比较永生神域他确实太小了那陆地的范围还不到天龙星的2它悬浮在一片星空当中龙辰看不到星空之外的地方但他知道随着他实力的增加体内这个世界也会随着增长这种增长如同从幼龙变成成年龙一样总有一日他会无法估量这个世界的强大 Long Chen can also transfer this world the strength 龙辰也能调动这个世界的力量 He is this world true control he must have the wind to be able here to have the wind to have the rain to have the rain he to change all this world is similar to his body is the same 他是这个世界真正的主宰在这里他要有风就能有风要有雨就能有雨他可以改变一切这个世界就如同他的身体一样 Is the Spiritual God cannot achieve this step 就是神灵也做不到这一步 His time god country has surmounted the definition of god country's 他此时的神国已经超越了神国的定义 Under the Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence fusion here turned into the new world 太极生灵龙传承精血融合之下这里变成了新的世界 The growth of Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon is the growth of Long Chen mortal body 太古血灵龙的成长是龙辰肉身的成长 The growth of Imaginary Universe Dragon is the growth of Long Chen Yuan god 太虚宙龙的成长是龙辰元神的成长 But the growth of Primal Chaos Being Dragon is in the middle of his god country this brand-new Dragon Shape land the land of growth this Dragon Shape is also part of Long Chen body 太极生灵龙的成长是他神国当中这个全新的龙形陆地的成长这一块龙形的陆地也是龙辰身体的一部分 „” “嗷嗷” Psychic Snow Dog has waited it to forget by Long Chen here...... 通灵雪犬一直待在这里它被龙辰忘记了…… At this time it stared in a big way the eye to look at this world change excited being upon the jump 此时它瞪大了眼睛看着这个世界变化兴奋的跑來跑去 The god country land clashes a piece of brilliance to fire into a Long Chen Yuan god to form fourth Dao Seal on the forehead of Yuan god 神国陆地冲起一片光华冲向龙辰的元神在元神的额头上形成第四枚道印 That is piece of green life Dao Seal is symbolizing the life and creation 那是一片绿色的生命道印象征着生命与创造 Simultaneously Long Chen can mobilize that entire Dragon Shape Continent strength, although not so long as greatly grows certainly to endure to compare other Long Chen strengths 同时龙辰能够调动那整个龙形大陆的力量虽然不大但只要成长下去一定会堪比龙辰其他的力量 In the middle of that 14 peaks is containing 14 strengths 那14座高峰当中蕴藏着14种力量 Under the Long Chen summon his on the body sticks out suddenly the thunder, solar, flame and cold ice all sorts of strength 14 strength superb each strengths to contain Divine Ability to make him pass unexpectedly in very short world simply completely becomes aware 龙辰召唤之下他的身体上竟然暴起雷霆、太阳、火焰、寒冰种种力量14种力量简直出神入化每一种力量都蕴藏着一种神通让他在很短的世界之内完全通悟 He as if discovered one turned into versatile Cultivator to control the forces of nature omnipotently 他似乎发现自己变成了一个全能的者呼风唤雨无所不能
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