DBWG :: Volume #21

#2073: One Yuan disaster

In an instant one year passes by. 转眼一年过去。 On Heaven Dragon Star, there are Yang You and two big Long Huang asylums , more than ten Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator assume personal command, only if Chaos Star Lord comes again, otherwise does not need to consider any security problem. 天龙星上,有杨幽和两大龙皇庇护,又有十多位七星轮回劫境者坐镇,除非混沌星主再来,否则根本不用考虑任何的安全问题。 Even if Six Dao Reincarnation Dragon Warrior, in Immortal God Domain any place, can run amuck. But on Heaven Dragon Star, Cultivator of this level with many. 就算是六道轮回龙武者,在永生神域任何一个地方,也能够横行了。而在天龙星上,这个层次的者跟不少。 Four look like Reincarnation Calamity Realm, Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm, is tens of thousands, is the nucleus of Heaven Dragon Star Cultivator, but the Long Chen present strength, differs not far with this level. 四象轮回劫境,五行轮回劫境,更是成千上万,乃是天龙星者的中坚力量,而龙辰如今的实力,和这个层次相差不远。 The Five Elements tribulation, is the five basic materials of constitution entire world, is the Five Elements source strength, [gold/metal] Mushui the fire clay, the formation tribulations of five source materials, under the 5-layer disaster, can cross can the absorption matter source strength, becomes the strength of source Reincarnation the strength of Reincarnation, starts to absorb the surrounding Five Elements source strength, compared with four looks like Reincarnation Calamity Realm to be much more intrepid, even can achieve the change material structure, achieves as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced. 五行劫,乃是构成整个世界的五种基本物质,也就是五行本源力量,金木水火土,五种本源物质的形成磨难,五重劫难之下,能渡过着能吸收物质本源力量,将轮回之力变为本源轮回之力,开始吸收周围的五行本源力量,比起四象轮回劫境要强悍得多,甚至可以做到改变物质结构,做到言出法随。 Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, uses the strength of source Reincarnation, not only the strength is abundant, inexhaustible, but also the source strength, the ruination is fearful, is the time of Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator strength true eruption, therefore Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator four look like Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator to be much more fearful. 五行轮回劫境者,使用本源轮回之力,不但力量雄厚,无穷无尽,而且本源力量,毁灭性可怕,是轮回劫境者力量真正爆发的时期,所以五行轮回劫境者要比四象轮回劫境者可怕得多。 In the quantity level of true power, Long Chen and Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator has very big disparity, but Five Elements source strength, although is tyrannical, is actually inferior to Long Chen Highest Beginning God Force, under the comparison, number and nature complementing of strong points, both quite. 真正力量的数量层面上,龙辰五行轮回劫境者还是有很大差距的,但五行本源力量虽然强横,却不如龙辰太始神力,比较之下,数与质优势互补,两者相当。 On Heaven Dragon Star, Long Chen never lacks the match. 天龙星上,龙辰从来不缺乏对手。 At this moment, he with super Divine Dragon, the heaven is exploding the flame dragon to the war! 此时此刻,他正在和一头超级神龙,苍天爆炎龙对战! That heaven explodes the flame dragon, is Dragon Warrior of Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm earlier period, the strength is outstanding, if ordinary Cultivator is the same level boundary, absolutely is not his match, but he in actually in front of Long Chen, retreats in defeat again and again! 那苍天爆炎龙,乃是五行轮回劫境前期的龙武者,战力超群,普通的者如果是同等境界,绝对不是他的对手,但他在却在龙辰面前,节节败退! The surroundings at least several thousand people are surrounding, Lingxi also in side. 周围至少有数千人正在围观,灵曦也在旁边。 The people are making noise loudly, is very lively. 众人大声喧闹着,十分热闹。 Young Master! Hits to fall face down quickly he, today you can complete ten people to cut!” Opens emblem tomb and other dragonets to shout that leaves specially. 少主!快打趴下他,今天你就能完成十人斩了!”张徽陵等小龙叫嚷特别离开。 This heaven explodes the flame dragon is Long Chen today to the tenth match of war. 这苍天爆炎龙乃是龙辰今日对战的第十个对手。 Front nine, compared with on his slightly weak some, but also is the same level boundary, they have the Five Elements source strength might to be giant, under the bombardment, the mountains demolish, the rivers and streams evaporate, all things fast being defeated and dispersed under this strength, particularly that heaven exploded the flame dragon to utilize the limit the flame strength, diameter dozens meters flame exploded under the flame bombardment, Long Chen irresistibly! 前面九个,比他稍微弱上一些,但也是同等境界,他们拥有五行本源力量威力巨大,轰击之下,山川爆破,江河蒸发,所有的东西都在这力量下快速的溃散,尤其是那苍天爆炎龙更是将火焰力量运用到了极限,一颗颗直径数十米的火焰爆炎轰击之下,龙辰无法抵抗! Young Master refuels quickly! Ten people cut!” 少主快加油啊!十人斩!” The people shouted loudly. 众人高呼起来。 Also there is an artificial that heaven to explode the flame dragon to refuel. 也有人为那苍天爆炎龙加油的。 The fight is very fierce, everybody does not dare to approach. 战斗十分剧烈,大家都不敢靠近。 Long Chen has not changed into Dragon Shape, has been resisting that flame Divine Dragon. 龙辰并没有化为龙形,就已经在对抗那火焰神龙了。 While opposite party suddenly Sha comes time, Long Chen is narrowing the eye, conveniently follow-up. 正当对方暴杀而来的时候,龙辰眯着眼睛,随手随动。 Time Storm!” 岁月风暴!” Under sweeps across, that over a hundred explode the flame flame ball to dissipate, the heaven exploded the flame dragon to be flushed to fly, reversed in the middle of the rivers and streams, aroused everywhere the water splash. 席卷之下,那上百颗爆炎火焰球全部消散,苍天爆炎龙被冲飞了出去,翻倒在江河当中,激起漫天的水花。 He has defeated, then changes into human form, said awkwardly: Young Master is fierce, I am not a match.” 他已经战败,便化为人形,尴尬道:“少主勇猛,我不是对手。” Long Chen experienced ten fights today, was somewhat exhausted, he said goodbye to the people, returns to nearby the lake with Lingxi together. 龙辰今天已经经历了十场战斗,有些疲累了,他告别了众人,和灵曦一同回到湖泊附近。 In this year, Lingxi arrived at three Reincarnation Calamity Realm, the advancement is quick, the world is rare. 这一年来,灵曦已经到了三才轮回劫境,进境非常快,天下罕见。 Meanwhile, she already started to fuse that Star Core, until now, almost successful half, crossed for one year to complete again successfully. 同时,她早就已经开始融合那星核,时至今日,几乎成功了一半,再过一年时间就能够完成成功了。 Wait / Etc..” “等等。” Long Chen stopped suddenly in front of the lake. 龙辰忽然停在了湖泊前面。 How?” Lingxi then asked. “怎么了?”灵曦回头问道。 Long Chen has closed the eye, he is looking for the feeling of that gods and ghosts. 龙辰闭上了眼睛,他在找那种神异的感觉。 Should be, one Yuan tribulation must come.” “应该是,一元劫要来了。” He said in a soft voice. 他轻声说道。 „!” “啊!” Lingxi has experienced hundredth Reincarnation, knows fearfulness of one Yuan tribulation, even, three tribulations two meter tribulations is more fearful. 灵曦经历过百世轮回,知道一元劫的可怕,甚至比两仪劫、三才劫都要可怕。 Do not be flustered, does not have the issue, said again, don't I have God Dependents Spirit Liquid?” “别慌张,没问题的,再说了,我不是还有神眷灵液吗?” Long Chen said with a smile. 龙辰笑着说道。 Over the past year, they built many log cabins around this lake, Lingxi have decorated very beautifully here. 一年来,他们在这湖泊周围搭建了不少的木屋,灵曦将这里修饰得十分美丽。 Long Chen enters in the room, sits cross-legged to sit down. 龙辰进入屋中,盘腿坐下。 He has not planned to use God Dependents Spirit Liquid. 他没打算使用神眷灵液 As for reason... He wants to taste powerful of Reincarnation truly, if uses God Dependents Spirit Liquid all the way, that as if admitted defeat to Heavenly Dao, he does not prefer. 至于理由…他想真正尝尝轮回的强悍,如果一路上都使用神眷灵液,那似乎就是向天道认输了,他不情愿。 Trivial Heavenly Dao, how could makes him submit to! 区区天道,岂能让他臣服! At this time, two big Long Huang and Yang You arrived at outside. 这时候,两大龙皇杨幽都来到外面。 Finally can greet one Yuan to plunder?” “终于要迎接一元劫了么?” They stand outside, has not come. 他们站在外面,没有进来。 Madame Young Master, do not worry! By his ability, trivial one Yuan tribulation, is not considered as that anything.” Brilliant Long Huang hey said with a smile. 少主夫人,别担心嘛!以他的能耐,区区一元劫,不算是什么。”光耀龙皇嘿嘿笑道。 Lingxi nods, she sits down outside the log cabin, said: I wait for him here.” 灵曦点点头,她在木屋之外坐下,道:“我在这里等他。” Um, has any matter, we will come.” Yang You is not anxious, after saying, their three in advance left, leaves behind Lingxi. “嗯,有什么事情,我们会过来的。”杨幽并不紧张,说完之后,他们三位就先行离开了,留下灵曦自己。 Looks that in the room that as if fell into the man of deep sleep, remembered experience of oneself one Yuan tribulation, in the Lingxi eye still somewhat worried that Long Chen hundredth Reincarnation, what will meet? 看着屋中那似乎已经陷入了沉睡的男子,想起自己一元劫的经历,灵曦眼中仍然有些担忧,龙辰的百世轮回,会遇上什么呢? Or he is Ancestral Dragons, his hundredth is Reincarnation same as other people? 或者说,他是祖龙,他的百世轮回和其他人一样吗? Long Chen thought that a surrounding darkness, his vanguard staggering, the memory in brain in fast being defeated and dispersed, as if all was sealed unexpectedly. 龙辰觉得周围一片黑暗,他踉踉跄跄的前行,脑中的记忆竟然在快速的溃散,似乎一切都被封存了起来。 The darkness invades fiercely, quick completely submerges him, Long Chen discovered own both hands both feet is unable to move, in brain also chaos, even was everyone has forgotten including oneself, when did not know, he discovered that he should in the middle of a lake, the surroundings full were the viscous liquid, oneself moved to be difficult. 黑暗侵染得厉害,很快就将他完全淹没,龙辰发现自己双手双脚都无法动弹,脑中也一片混沌,甚至连自己是谁都忘记了,不知道在什么时候,他发现自己应该是在一片湖泊当中,周围满是粘稠的液体,自己动弹一下都非常困难。 Who I am... How can here...” “我是谁…怎么会在这里…” The surroundings are fuzzy, any detection is not clear. 周围模模糊糊,什么也察觉不清楚。 Until some moment, he has opened the eye suddenly, saw this world, he discovered that he turns into the baby who was just born, but he has forgotten all, even language. 直到某一刻,他忽然睁开了眼睛,看到了这个世界,他发现自己变成是刚出生的婴儿,但他忘记了一切,甚至语言。 He starts curiously looks at this world. 他开始好奇的看着这个世界。 On the bed this woman, is very fuzzy, who is? 床上这个女人,很模糊,到底是谁呢? The side several people, are very boisterous, did not know in saying anything, only, only then in the middle of the corner a man looks at himself peacefully, that eye let some Long Chen fears, he as if can understand thoroughly all. 旁边还有几个人,都很聒噪,不知道在说什么,唯独只有角落当中一个男人安静的看着自己,那一双眼睛让龙辰有些害怕,他仿佛能够洞彻一切。 Then, oneself and on the bed that woman lie down in the same place, her whole face is happy, is touching own head. 然后,自己和床上那个女人躺在一起,她满脸幸福,抚摸着自己的脑袋。 Until night time, that man in room corner stands, will be holding departure, the woman wants to oppose that was actually fallen asleep by a man gently point. 直到深夜的时候,房间角落的那个男人才站起来,将自己抱着离开,那女人想要反对,却被男人轻轻一点就睡着了。 Has not known how long, Long Chen had been held another place by that man, what making him feel strange, before on the bed that woman appeared, before is only her manner, was not quite same. 不知道过了多久,龙辰被那个男人抱着到了另外一个地方,让他奇怪的是,之前床上那个女人又出现了,只是她举止和之前不大相同了。 I must at this body, the rebirth.” “我要以此身躯,重生。” Long Chen felt strange clearly listens to that man to say anything. 龙辰奇怪得听清楚了那个男人在说什么。 The women have not spoken, visits him silently. 女人没有说话,默默的看着他。 That man places the ground Long Chen, he raises head to look at the heaven, said: Only then trades a body, I can escape their controls, but I must inherit all my, therefore I can only use this means that with my son's body... Let my Nirvana rebirth!” 那个男人将龙辰放在地上,他仰头看着苍天,道:“只有换一个身体,我才能逃脱他们的掌控,但我又要把我的一切继承下去,所以我只能用这一个办法,用我儿子的身体…让我涅槃重生!” Long Chen one startled, he does not know that who he is, does not know that oneself is, but does he want to kill itself? Long Chen has this feeling, therefore he is afraid very much. 龙辰一惊,他不知道他是谁,也不知道自己是谁,但他是要杀了自己吗?龙辰有这种感觉,所以他很害怕。 That woman had still not said anything, she at the same time crying silently. 那个女人仍然没说什么,她在一边默默的落泪。 The men have hugged oneself once again, his whole face was rogue, but after seeing Long Chen that alarmed and afraid look, he has tarried suddenly, looked at very long time. 男人再度把自己抱了起来,他原本满脸凶恶,但看到龙辰那惊惧的眼神后,他忽然呆住了,看了很长的时间。 Hasn't started quickly?” “还不快开始吗?” The women asked. 女人问道。 The man delay said: He... He is a new life... Is my son?” 男人呆滞道:“他…他是一个新的生命…是我儿子?” Is our sons.” The women said. “是我们的儿子。”女人说道。 „...” “哦…” The men shake the head, he looks at Long Chen stubbornly, are innumerable is clenching teeth and loosens, finally he puts down Long Chen, pouring silently on the ground, is looking out this sky. 男人摇摇头,他死死的看着龙辰,无数着咬牙又松开,最终他将龙辰放下,默默的倒在地上,遥望着这一片天空。 „Do you do! Hurry up, goes on living! Saves the common people!” “你干什么!快点啊,活下去!拯救苍生啊!” The woman cries suddenly, making an effort is whipping that man, but the man was still aloof. 那女人忽然大哭,使劲的拍打着那个男人,可男人仍然无动于衷。 Crossed long time, he was sideways, spacious palm gently touches the head of Long Chen, his binocular twinkle, the tears surge, sob: I made a mistake. I could not achieve...” 过了良久,他才侧过身,宽大的手掌轻轻的抚摸龙辰的脑袋,他双眼闪烁,泪光涌动,哽咽道:“我错了。我已经做不到了…” Why!” “为什么!” Woman very painful saying. 女人很痛苦的说道。 The men clench teeth saying: I do not know that I think is only the restoration has, when I see him, I... I cannot achieve, he is my son, is my son, the tiger toxin does not eat, I cannot do this...” 男人咬牙道:“我不知道,我原本以为只是再造就出一个自己,只是当我看到他,我…我做不到,他是我儿子,是我儿子,虎毒不食子,我更加不能这样做啊…” „Do you want dead? For this was just born, but also does not have the state of mind son, you are willing to give up your resistance, gives up own all, gives up your fate, gives up your hatred, all these, are you so laboriously obtain, the world is just about to destroy, the common people border on to exterminate, how you suddenly have such idea...” “那你想死吗?为了这刚出生,还没有神志的儿子,你愿意放弃自己的抗争,放弃自己的一切,放弃你的宿命,放弃你的仇恨,这一切,都是你如此辛苦才得到的,世界正要毁灭,苍生濒临灭绝,你怎么忽然有这样的想法…” Shaking the head that the women completely do not understand. 女人完全不理解的摇头。 The men have smiled suddenly, he smiles bitterly saying: I do not know that I do not know... You have a look at him, he is a new life, the life, cannot be deceived, if you, you can achieve?” 男人忽然微笑了起来,他苦笑道:“我也不知道,我不知道…你看看他,他是一个新的生命啊,生命,是不容亵渎的,如果是你,你能做到吗?” The woman whole face delay, she looked to Long Chen, in the Long Chen brain chaos, he only remembers that this seemed on the bed that woman, her very intimate oneself, therefore Long Chen diligently was also waving the arm to her, has smiled. 女人满脸呆滞,她看向了龙辰,龙辰脑中一片混沌,他只记得这似乎是床上那个女人,她很亲近自己,于是龙辰也努力对着她挥动手臂,笑了起来。 The woman also whole face delay, she incredible shaking the head, said: „It is not this, is not this, our goals from the beginning are not this right, his life should not exist...” 那女人也满脸呆滞,她不可置信的摇头,道:“不是这样的,不是这样的,我们一开始的目的不是这样的对吗,他的生命本来是不应该存在的…” But he was born.” “但他已经诞生了。” Man firm saying. 男人坚定的说道。 But this world what to do?” The women cannot bear the sob. “但这个世界怎么办?”女人忍不住哭泣。 The men have smiled suddenly, he caresses the long hair of woman lightly, said: I all my, will leave my son, I cannot the Nirvana rebirth, make him replace me newborn! I do not know whether he is willing to inherit my mission, but I did not have the means that I can only depend upon him, but I must walk.” 男人忽然笑了,他轻抚女人的长发,道:“我会把我的一切,都留给我的儿子,我不能涅槃重生,就让他代替我新生吧!我不知道他是否愿意继承我的使命,但我没办法了,我只能依靠他,但我必须要走了。” The women cry to leave, she grabs the hand of that man, said: You cannot such carelessly decide that this basic with is different, you who you expect can look at his one eyes, is willing to give up itself creating him? You did not say from the beginning like this.” 女人哭得离开,她抓住那男人的手,道:“你不能这么草率就决定,这根本和你预想的不一样啊,你怎么能看了他一眼,就愿意放弃自己造就他?你一开始不是这样说的。” I do not think from the beginning like this, can only say, this is the life...” “我一开始也不是这样想的,只能说,这都是命吧…”
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