DBWG :: Volume #21

#2072: Fate

Sparkle starry sky. 闪耀星空。 On Heaven Dragon Star, can clear sees the vortex of that Demon Star surrounding. 天龙星上,可以清晰的看到那魔星外围的漩涡。 The time of silence reigns, Heaven Dragon Star to Demon Star that side, 100,000 Dragon Warrior basically does not like arriving at this side, after all Demon Star makes anyone uncomfortable. 万籁寂静的时刻,天龙星面向魔星的那一面,十万龙武者们基本上不喜欢来到这一边,毕竟魔星让谁都不舒服。 A Yang You blackness, proud Li under that black vortex. 杨幽一身漆黑,傲立在那黑色漩涡之下。 The black vortex rotation, a strange strength, affects on Heaven Dragon Star, affects on the body of Yang You, as if Heaven Dragon Star toward the direction attraction of Demon Star. 黑色漩涡转动,一股诡异的力量,作用在天龙星上,作用在杨幽的身上,似乎在将天龙星魔星的方向吸引。 The Yang You women's clothing flap flap makes noise, her both eyes tranquil like water, looks that black vortex is lost in thought. 杨幽衣裙猎猎作响,她双眼宁静如水,看着那黑色漩涡而出神。 Gradually, some past events, entered in the middle of his mind. 逐渐,有一些往事,进入了他的脑海当中。 ......... ……… Young master, Young master, starting today, quiet is your maidservant, I must serve the young master to be very long am very long.” “少爷,少爷,从今天开始,幽儿就是你的侍女,我要侍奉少爷很久很久呀。” In the middle of the impression, that is a not too spacious log cabin, a youth sits by the desk, both eyes are dedicated, is reading the books, simultaneously single-handed knot seal, under the hand signal transformation, the wind and cloud surges. 印象当中,那是一间不太宽敞的的木屋,一位少年坐在书桌旁边,双眼专注,正在研读书籍,同时单手结印,手势变换之下,风云涌动。 His dedicated and earnestness, are unmatched. 他的专注和认真,无人可比。 Side actually grips a girl of pair of whip to disturb, she scurries about, said that is cleaning, in fact makes to be in chaotic situation, on oneself face also is the dust, turned into a small tabby cat. 旁边却有一个扎着一对鞭子的女孩在捣乱,她上窜下跳,说是在打扫,实际上弄得鸡飞狗跳,自己脸上也全是灰尘,变成了一只小花猫。 Oh!” “哎呀!” Has not come to a stop, throws down from the house beam. 一个没站稳,就从房梁上摔倒下来。 Hears to call out in alarm, on the side of the youth hand signal, Qi Strength attacks, that girl's steady receiving ground. 听到惊呼,那少年手势一边,一股气劲冲击出来,将那女孩稳稳的接到地上。 Young master, thank you have saved me!” “少爷,谢谢你救了我!” The girl stares the big eye, the heartbeat must leave, just wants to seize the chance to put into his bosom, actually saw him still Secret Book in dedicated hand, an eye has not seen itself, the young girl cannot help but angry, was she threw down a moment ago intentionally, said again was also Cultivator, how to throw down easily? 女孩瞪大眼睛,心跳得离开,正想趁机投入他的怀抱,却见他仍然专注手中的秘籍,一双眼睛根本就没看到自己,少女不由得气恼,刚才是她自己故意摔倒的,再怎么说也是个者,怎么会轻易摔倒呢? Repugnant fellow, then does diligently, is unamusing!” “讨厌的家伙,那么努力干嘛,一点儿都不好玩!” Girl saying of angrily. 女孩气鼓鼓的说道。 Crossed for a long time, the youth has stood, looked at out of the window, in the eye has been filling confusing, he said: Walks quiet, goes back Eternal Dragon City.” 过了许久,那少年才站立起来,望着窗外,眼中充满了迷惑,他道:“走吧幽儿,回去永恒龙城。” Where?” “哪里?” The girl most did not like that having a strict hierarchy place, all people took lightly her young master, but he said that must go back, this whole life must show that looked to all people, he was the talent, was not the waste. 女孩最不喜欢那个等级森严的地方了,所有人都看轻她的少爷,但他说了,必须要回去,这辈子就是要证明给所有人看,他是天才,不是废物。 Leads the way, does not know experienced many wind and rain. 一路前行,不知道经历了多少的风雨。 Yang You revealed dull smiling face, that time past events made her be enchanted by, but the surrounding cold wind made her sober, she thought of another scene. 杨幽流露出了呆呆的笑容,那时候的往事让她迷醉在其中,只是周围寒风让她清醒了过来,她不禁想到另外一个场景。 On that day, he went to Sprit God Domain, challenge present age Spirit Emperor, the same day he did not have the topest fame, Spirit Emperor when he kept aloof that hit fell face down, the world changes countenance, the name of Eternal Dragon Emperor spread over the world, that was he for a lifetime most magnificent time. 那一天,他前往灵神域,挑战当代灵皇,当日的他还没有最顶尖的名气,但是当他将那高高在上的灵皇都打趴下的时候,天地动容,永恒龙帝之名传遍天下,那是他一辈子最辉煌的时刻。 Their fights, have destroyed the good friend in surrounding area 100,000, changes into the nihility all, but when he defeats Spirit Emperor successfully, the return time, actually was still a relaxedness of face, at that moment Yang You was waiting for him, she understands suddenly that in this world did not have any matter to perplex him, he was in world, first Expert. 他们的战斗,毁灭了方圆十万里的高山流水,将一切都化为虚无,但当他胜利打败灵皇,归来时候,却仍然是一脸的轻松,那一刻杨幽正在等待他,她忽然明白,这世界上没有任何的事情能够难住他了,他是天地之间,第一强者 He defeats Spirit Emperor, is bringing itself only, the low key leaves. 他打败灵皇,唯独带着自己,低调离开。 Quiet, I have completed the initial pledge.” Walks in the fierce strong gale, in the middle of the expression of front man has filled proudly. “幽儿,我已经完成了当初的誓言。”走在烈烈风中,前方男人的语气当中充满了自豪。 „... About contempt?” The Yang You response said. “哦…是关于轻视么?”杨幽回应道。 Um...” “嗯…” Because was despised, therefore he has made the actions of innumerable making an exception, his rising is similar to the myth, nobody can stop, because initially he was the abandoned baby insults his person, already does not know that died in that corner. 因为被轻视,所以他做出了无数的破格之举,他的崛起如同神话,无人能够阻拦,当初因为他是弃儿而欺辱他的人,早就不知道死在那个角落了。 Although is in the world first person, but Yang You is clear, he can be unhappy, he walks at a loss on this day, Yang You diligently with him, entire Human Clan is cheering for him, but he actually does not want to see the face that these people awe and flatter again. 尽管已经是天底下第一人了,但杨幽清楚,他还是开心不起来,他茫然走在这天地之间,杨幽努力的跟着他,整个人族都在为他而欢呼,但他却不想再去见那些人敬畏、谄媚的脸了。 He looks at this stretch of world at a loss, said: Quiet, who you are controlling us in the final analysis, what Immortal God Domain is outside? This world is destroying, one day they completely will always wither away, who has destroyed my world? Why I cannot become the true Spiritual God, what is this interception in my front checkpoint?” 他茫然看着这片天地,道:“幽儿,你说到底是谁在主宰我们,永生神域的外面是什么?这个世界正在毁灭,总有一日他们会完全消亡,到底是谁毁灭了我的世界?为什么我不能成为真正的神灵,这拦截在我面前的关卡到底是什么?” Yang You loves dearly him very much, because he as if returned to the childhood, inquired own why others will despise his such, is such no use, is very pitiful. 杨幽很心疼他,因为他仿佛回到了小时候,询问自己为什么别人会轻视他那样,是那样的无助,也很可怜。 Young master, quiet does not know...” “少爷,幽儿不知道…” Yang You has enough to do with him, saying that can only be incapable. 杨幽很吃力的跟着他,只能无力的说道。 Ok, you do not know that in the world nobody knows, but I must these mysterious things, dig out, why I want to know me unable to become Shen! I passed obviously have become aware all! I must seek for the root!” “算了,你不知道,天底下没人知道,但我要把这些神秘的东西,都抠出来,我想知道我为什么不能成神!我明明已经通悟了一切!我要去寻找根源!” Yang You cannot block him. 杨幽拦不住他。 She is only a maidservant, although is the person who he most trusts, but she can never overtake his footsteps, cannot touch his level, can only behind visit him to rise in him. 她只是一个侍女,虽然是他最信任的人,但她永远都追不上他的脚步,触摸不到他的层次,只能在他身后看着他崛起。 Also looks that he withers away rapidly, becomes regrettable. 也看着他迅速消亡,成为遗憾。 For several years the latter night, he is seriously injured, had found itself, he poured in the bosom of Yang You, the look was very warm, he looks at this sky fiercely, let somebody cool off or calm down says with a smile: I know that what they were? They wanted to eat this world!” 数年后一个夜晚,他身受重伤,找到了自己,他倒在了杨幽的怀中,眼神无比热烈,他狰狞的看着这一片天空,冷冷笑道:“我知道他们是什么了?他们想要吃了这个世界!” What? Young master, what did you say?” “什么?少爷,你说什么?” Yang You was saying startled, tears crash-bang class. 杨幽惊慌说着,眼泪哗啦啦的流下来。 Quiet, you do not understand that because you in the bureau, you are the puppets, we are the biology in others abdomen!” “幽儿,你们是不会明白的,因为你们在局中,你们是傀儡,我们都是别人腹中的生物!” Yang You is not really clear, what is the biology in abdomen? What is the puppet? 杨幽真的不明白,什么是腹中的生物?什么是傀儡? Shaking the head that she makes an effort, he rushed to Demon Star and various god battlefield calamity at that time, entire day below people said that he turned into the lunatic, this rumor spreads over the world, reviles his sound everywhere, Human Clan originally hopes that actually in an instant drops to the endless abyss, always cannot stand up from failure. 她使劲的摇头,那时候他已经闯下了魔星和诸神战场的祸,全天下的人都说他已经变成了疯子,这种谣言传遍天下,到处都是唾骂他的声音,原本的人族希望,却在转眼之间跌落到无尽的深渊当中,永世不能翻身。 Therefore links Yang You, was he has problems in the suspicion. 所以连杨幽自己,也在怀疑是不是他出问题了。 All that because he said to himself, that unthinkable, his eye blood red, is similar to a piece of bloodshed, such existence becomes the demon, Yang You determined that he definitely entered the realm of the devil, will therefore say these not to understand his words. 因为他对自己说的一切,都是那么的匪夷所思,他的眼睛血红,如同一片血海,这样的存在被成为魔,杨幽确定他肯定是进入了魔道,所以才会说出这些不理解他的话。 He to the entire stretch of world, angry was roaring, but the world was indifferent. 他对着整一片天地,愤怒的咆哮着,但天地冷漠。 Yang You loves dearly awfully, she approaches him, grasps him, was not cruel enough to make him so go crazy again, she has not thought that was he of peerless talent, will have so pitiful a day. 杨幽心疼得要命,她靠近他,抱住他,不忍心再让他如此发疯下去了,她从来没想到身为绝世天才的他,也会有如此可怜的一天。 Yang You, I must walk. You do not believe me, when I also you are my blood younger sister same look. You can boil from my side, from now on the future I will not fetter you again, you have your life. Goes! Finds the person of falling in love, I give your, enough let in the world nobody to bully you.” 杨幽,我要走了。连你也不信我,我还当你是我亲妹妹一样照顾。你可以从我身边滚开了,从今往后我不会再束缚你,你拥有自己的人生。去吧!找个相爱的人,我给你的这些,足够让天底下没人能欺负你了。” He departs resolutely, next time has the news time, is he became the corpse, fell Eternal Dragon City, at that moment entire Human Clan was happy. 他毅然离去,下一次有消息的时候,就是他成为了尸体,落到了永恒龙城,那一刻整个人族皆大欢喜。 Younger sister?” “妹妹?” At that moment, in the Yang You belly full is indignant, although she knows that one and he has very big disparity, but she does not want younger sister status, she rather is a maidservant, if can forever serve to present him... 那一刻,杨幽肚子里满是气愤,虽然她知道自己和他有很大的差距,但她不想要妹妹这个身份,她宁愿做一个侍女,如果可以永远伺奉他的话… She the time of half a lifetime, spent on the body of this man, admiration and worship from the beginning, take pity on following thorough heart, whenever saw he lonely, was incapable, her innermost feelings also similarly tore. 她将半辈子的时光,都花在了这个男人的身上,从一开始的仰慕和崇拜,都后面透彻心扉的怜惜,每当看到他孤独、无力的时候,她的内心也同样跟着撕裂。 However, even if there are, he was still lonely, nobody understands him in resisting anything, when even he spoke some words, when all people he is fascinated the later joke. 但是,就算有自己,他仍然孤独,没有人理解他到底在抗争什么,甚至当他说一些话的时候,所有人都当他只是入魔之后的笑话。 Yang You was no exception, him says after all unthinkably. 杨幽也不例外,毕竟他说得匪夷所思。 He He...” “呵呵…” Remembers he lonely and proud form, Yang You is out of control to smile to make noise. 想起他孤单而骄傲的身影,杨幽禁不住笑出声来。 In an instant, was these many years passes. 转眼之间,又是这么多年过去了。 He died, is living, his all turned into a riddle. 他死了,又活着,他的一切都变成了一个谜。 Yang You flies in the middle of the sky, in an instant passed over gently and swiftly half Heaven Dragon Star, here under her protection, a peace. 杨幽在天空当中飞行,转眼间已经掠过了半个天龙星,这里在她的守护下,一片安宁。 Her line of sight fell one piece to send out in the star light lake suddenly, that lake beautiful, such as dream was only imaginary, the lake center, the ray strongest place, a man and a woman hugged safely in the same place, was very close, in each other world only then oneself. 她的视线忽然落到了一片散发着星光的湖泊上,那湖泊唯美至极,如梦似幻,湖泊中央,光线最强的地方,一男一女安然抱在一起,耳鬓厮磨,彼此的世界里只有自己。 Saw this, Yang You cannot bear smile, kept the tears with a smile. 看到这一幕,杨幽忍不住笑了,笑着留下来了眼泪。 She is sets firm resolve to resemble likely, suddenly looks to that Demon Star, the vortex rolling moves, is very scary, looks like some people are speaking with her. 她像是下定决心似的,忽然看向那魔星,漩涡滚滚而动,十分骇人,就像是有人在和她说话。 Common people are all drunk, only has him, is only awaking person, was actually regarded is the different races. Laughable common people, laughable I...” “世人皆醉,唯有他,才是唯一醒着的人,却被当成是异类。可笑的苍生,可笑的我…” In the heart regrets not. 心中追悔莫及。 Suddenly initially completely trusted him, advised him, lets place that he had to lean to state, perhaps will not cause today's aspect. 忽然当初自己完全信任他,劝告他,让他有倾述的地方,也许就不会导致今日的局面了。 ......... ……… Long Chen does not know Yang You above the remote sky. 龙辰不知道杨幽在遥远的天空之上。 Xiao Xi, starts.” 小曦,开始吧。” The Long Chen smile visits her. 龙辰微笑看着她。 Um!” “嗯!” Lingxi has gripped the double fist, her body immerses gradually into the middle of that lake, Star Core like Shining Star, the diameter about two meters, was fettered by two big Long Huang in this lake is low, starting from tonight, Lingxi Cultivate, while communicates Star Core, until starting to fuse Star Core, making her till Star Lord. 灵曦握住了双拳,她的身体逐渐沉浸入那湖泊当中,星核璀璨星辰,直径两米左右,被两大龙皇束缚在这湖泊低下,从今天晚上开始,灵曦就会一边修炼,一边沟通星核,直到开始融合星核,让她成为星主为止。 Becoming Star Lord, although is impossible to make her have the Star Lord strength immediately, the speed of but going forward certainly on quick innumerable. 成为星主,虽然不可能让她马上拥有星主的实力,但前进的速度一定会快上无数。 If to Shining Star, she can control Shining Star, the battle efficiency rises dramatically, even can defeat many Expert, at least Dream King and so on does not have the means with her. 如果到了璀璨星辰,她更是能够掌控璀璨星辰,战斗力飙升,甚至可以打败许多强者,至少梦幻王之类拿她没办法。 Lingxi sits cross-legged on Star Core, starts Cultivate, on Star Core grows star light, becomes soft like the string, twines on her body, genial and nature. 灵曦盘坐在星核上,开始修炼,星核上衍生出一道道的星光,变得柔软如绳子,缠绕在她的身上,和煦和自然。 Estimate does not use for three years, two years sufficed.” “估计不用三年,两年就够了。” Long Chen estimated at heart. 龙辰心里预计。 But he needs to complete a very essential matter similarly. 而他同样需要完成一件十分关键的事情。 That is, senses Reincarnation, attacks one Yuan tribulation! 那就是,感悟轮回,冲击一元劫! He feels that one Yuan tribulation seemed to be quick. 他感觉到,一元劫似乎快了。 Crossed Reincarnation Calamity, can open the road of god, became stronger! Also can inherit Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence. 渡过轮回劫,就能开启成神之路,变得更强!也能继承太极生灵龙传承精血 He can try hard with Lingxi together, until is more formidable, returns to Dragon God Domain. 他会和灵曦共同努力,直到更加强大,才返回龙神域 Heaven Dragon Star is so peaceful, he senses Reincarnation, steps into the Reincarnation Calamity Realm best opportunity relieved! 天龙星如此安宁,正是他感悟轮回,安心踏入轮回劫境最好的时机!
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