DBWG :: Volume #21

#2071: Reincarnation monster ancestor

That Star Core in the middle of the Long Chen god country, is very unstable, Long Chen does not have the ability to control this Star Core, said when does not permit, it suddenly will flush the lost country, vanishes to disappear. Therefore lives in Star Core fixedly, when the matter of urgent matter. 星核龙辰神国当中,是十分不稳定的,龙辰也没能耐掌控这星核,说不准在什么时候,它就会忽然冲出神国,消失不见了。所以把星核固定住,当当务之急的事情。 In the middle of coming the Heaven Dragon Star process, although there is Lingxi, Star Core was very unstable, will affect Long Chen Cultivate, must therefore fix, Lingxi can attempt to fuse. 在前来天龙星的过程当中,虽然有灵曦在,星核就已经十分不稳定,甚至会影响龙辰修炼,所以必须要固定下来,灵曦才能尝试融合。 As for the fixed method, two big Long Huang both are Expert of Star Lord rank, naturally has this ability. 至于固定的方法,两大龙皇都是星主级别的强者,自然有这能耐。 However, before fixed, but also needs to determine a matter. 不过,在固定之前,还需要确定一件事情。 Brilliant Long Huang said: If we suppress this Star Core in the middle of this lake, once the Undo imprisonment, likely could not control this Star Core. Once is fixed, Madame Young Master must fuse it with a sense of urgency, avoids a long delay usually means many problems. This process, she should better not to leave Heaven Dragon Star, takes her present cultivating as, I estimated must want two to three years.” 光耀龙皇道:“若是我们把这星核压制在这湖泊当中,一旦解开禁锢,很可能就掌控不了这星核了。所以一旦固定,少主夫人就要抓紧将它融合,避免夜长梦多。这个过程当中,她最好不要离开天龙星,以她现在的修为,我估计得要两到三年的时间吧。” In other words, Xiao Xi two to three years, can't leave here?” “也就是说,小曦两到三年的时间,不能离开这里?” Long Chen inquired. 龙辰询问道。 Brilliant Long Huang nods, over the face red light said with a smile: Does not need to worry, 2-3 years dodge to pass, to our these old fogies, is a twinkling's matters, have Yang You to assume personal command here, will not have any accident.” 光耀龙皇点头,满面红光笑道:“不用操心,两三年时间一闪而逝,对我们这些老家伙来说,就是一眨眼的事情,有杨幽在这里坐镇,不会有任何意外的。” What Long Chen thinks, in the future he must go to Dragon God Domain, if Lingxi must, lead her to pass on having no way here. 龙辰则想的是,将来他是要去龙神域的,如果灵曦必须要在这里的话,就没法带她过去了。 Brother Chen, don't I fuse?” 辰哥哥,我还是不融合吧?” Lingxi naturally wants to accompany Long Chen, goes back Dragon God Domain to go on an expedition together. 灵曦自然想陪着龙辰,一起回去龙神域征战。 The Long Chen ponder moment, said: Has not related, 2-3 years, I, although will go back one day, but does not want to be so quick, this, when you fuse this Star Core, we walk again, when the time comes you have very big ability, is perhaps more formidable than me.” 龙辰沉思片刻,道:“没关系的,也就两三年的时间,我虽然总有一天会回去,但也没想这么快走,这样吧,等你融合完这星核,我们再走,到时候你有很大能耐,说不定比我还强大呢。” Long Chen said pale with a smile. 龙辰淡笑着说道。 This is also good.” “这样也行。” After having decided that Brilliant Long Huang and Darkness Dragon Emperor no longer hesitate, their bodies have the strength of formidable passing god, that strength makes Long Chen several nearly suffocate, is very fearful, Shining Star Star Core is not intimate with them, but still let their powerful strength controls. 决定了之后,光耀龙皇暗黑龙皇不再犹豫,他们身具强大的通神之力,那力量让龙辰几近窒息,十分可怕,璀璨星辰星核十分不亲近他们,但是仍然让他们强悍的力道掌控。 Butterfly, is cleverer.” “蝶儿,乖巧一些。” Lingxi summoned in side in a soft voice. 灵曦在旁边轻声呼唤道。 Hears this saying, that Star Core unexpectedly really peaceful many. 听到这话,那星核竟然真的安静了不少。 It seems like Nine Illusion Prison Butterfly in the middle of Star Core, was in quite big dominant position, this is Star Core has also treated in the Long Chen god country, reason that has not worked loose. 看来九狱幻蝶星核当中,占据了比较大的主导地位,这也是星核一直待在龙辰神国,没有挣脱出来的原因。 Under the controls of two big Long Huang, Star Core was prohibited in the lake bottom of lake, time Star Core almost fused one with the lake water, lake water that wave light ripples, is similar to the stars same is glittering unexpectedly the fluorescence, is very beautiful, Lingxi float on lake water, under the star light shines, is just likes the goddess. 在两大龙皇的控制下,星核被封禁在湖泊的湖底,顿时间星核几乎和湖水融合了一起,那波光荡漾的湖水,竟然如同星辰一样闪烁着荧光,十分美丽,灵曦悬浮在湖水上,在星光映照下,更是犹如女神。 Long Chen visits her in the bund, she is such beauty, Long Chen reveals the smile. 龙辰在湖边看着她,她是如此的美,龙辰不禁流露出微笑。 The man greatest achievement, is such as this, creates into beautifully the most formidable female her. 男人最大的成就,就是如他这样,将她造就成为最美丽最强大的女子吧。 Was good, Young Master, does not disturb your beautiful two people of world!” “行了,少主,不打扰你们美丽的二人世界啊!” Brilliant Long Huang Ha Ha smiles, leaves with that Darkness Dragon Emperor, smiling face that left behind him to never revere all the way. 光耀龙皇哈哈笑着,和那暗黑龙皇一起离开,一路上留下了他为老不尊的笑容。 Long Chen arrives at this piece to fill fluorescent sky over the lake, in the most deep place of lake, Star Core that most glistened. 龙辰来到这一片充满荧光的湖泊上空,在湖泊的最深处,就是最闪亮的星核了。 He feels that the entire Heaven Dragon Star strength, is gathering toward this lake, and fuses Star Core to provide a bigger help to Lingxi Cultivate. 他感觉到,整个天龙星的力量,都在朝着这个湖泊汇聚,给灵曦修炼和融合星核提供更大的帮助。 If she can fuse Star Core, the speed of that strength advance will be faster. The Lingxi itself bloodlines are intrepid, endure compared with Di Yu, there is Ancestral Dragons to moisten, has the Star Core auxiliary words again, again such as this time will be perhaps different, cast off by Long Chen by far. 假如她能融合星核,那实力前进的速度会更快一些。灵曦本身血脉强悍,堪比帝雨,又有祖龙滋润,再有星核辅助的话,说不定就不会再如这次一样,又被龙辰远远甩开了。 Above the lake star light, Long Chen is holding in the bosom the beautiful woman. 湖泊星光之上,龙辰抱着怀中美人。 Star Core, is the same with Lord God Technique, is incomparably precious presenting, but Lingxi not again and Long Chen said that thanks words, they already melted for a body, shares everything. All that has, jointly has, if she must express gratitude, that too does not understand. 星核,和界主神术一样,也是无比珍贵的馈赠,但灵曦不会再和龙辰说感谢的话了,他们早已融为了一体,不分彼此。所拥有的一切,都是共同拥有的,如果她还要道谢,那就太不了解了。 I want to go to Dragon God Domain with you.” Lingxi in he cherishes said in a soft voice. “我想和你一起去龙神域。”灵曦在他怀中轻声说道。 Good.” “好。” In the Long Chen hand caresses her long hair lightly, the nod was saying. 龙辰手中轻抚着她的长发,点头说道。 The star light complementing, two people past the wonderful ray, Long Chen are looking up the sky, a peace, since during arrives at Immortal God Domain is at has rushed about, he has not thought will have such peaceful time, this makes him be attached to. But he is clearer, this is only the short peace, one day, he will be pushed to the keenest struggle, the engaging in fierce battle world. 星光映衬,两人身上流转着美妙的光芒,龙辰抬头看着天空,一片安宁,自从来到永生神域就一直处在奔波当中,他从来没想过会有这么安宁的时间,这让他十分眷恋。但他更加明白,这只是短暂的安宁,总有一天,他还是会被推向风口浪尖,鏖战天下。 He the chin by the head of Lingxi, is feeling in the bosom gentle and charming and warmth of woman, the mind blends, even if did not speak. 他将下巴靠在灵曦的脑袋上,感受着怀中女人的娇柔和温暖,心灵交融,就算是不说话也都可以。 Many fights bravely, in fact only for so peaceful bosom. 多少奋战,实际上都只为了如此安宁的怀抱。 You ascend the sky to I best gracious gift.” Lingxi said suddenly. “你是上天对我最好的恩赐。”灵曦忽然说道。 In the past cunning and unreasonable little girl in the middle of Lingxi Sword , today is the concubine who sympathized gently, in the past rampantly domineeringly was similar to Long Chen of hoodlum, today also turns into the calm calm man, the time has accomplished their growth, but sprouted from the initial feelings, until now was inseparable, is very close, they were still each other most important lives. 当年在灵曦剑当中刁蛮的小女孩,今日已经是温柔体贴的小女人,当年嚣张跋扈如同流氓的龙辰,今日也变成冷静沉稳的男人,时间造就了他们的成长,但从最初的情愫萌生,到如今如胶似漆,耳鬓厮磨,他们仍然是彼此最重要的生命。 Long Chen shows a faint smile, had not said. 龙辰微微一笑,没有多说。 He understands that this whole life handled two matters to suffice. 他心里明白,这辈子做两件事情就够了。 One, protects the woman in good bosom. 一件,是保护好怀中的女人。 One, repays the father. 一件,是报答生父。 Until the night, Lingxi said suddenly: Very long has not related Xuan Ji Elder Sister, don't you think her?” 直到深夜,灵曦忽然道:“很久没有联系璇玑姐姐了,你不想她吗?” Long Chen is startled, truly passed the good long time. 龙辰一怔,确实过去好长的时间了。 Perhaps she knows in the middle of Chaos Star Domain, these had about their news. 她或许知道混乱星域当中,那些有关于自己的消息了吧。 That calm and silent woman. 那个冷静而沉默的女人。 Contacts with her.” “联系她吧。” Lingxi said with a smile. 灵曦微笑道。 Before too for a long time, has been fighting, therefore did not have this opportunity, but Heaven Dragon Star was very peaceful. 之前太长时间,一直都在战斗,所以没这个机会,但天龙星无比安宁。 Long Chen has then put out with Star Rune of Li Xuanji relation, under the start, the star light condenses into the appearance of opposite party, obviously melts on Star Rune. 龙辰便拿出了和李璇玑联系的星符,启动之下,星光凝聚成为对方的容颜,显化在星符上。 So quickly connects, can only explain that perhaps she has been grasping that Star Rune... 如此快就连通,只能说明她或许一直握着那星符吧… In the middle of the Star Rune dark-haired woman, both eyes shivers slightly, looks at herself... 星符当中的黑发女人,双眼微微颤抖,看着自己… For a long time has not seen him, sees this face, in the Long Chen brain reappears unexpectedly is Tai Su God, reappeared initially the scene of that entanglement, that was not Li Xuanji I... 好久没看到他了,一看到这张脸,龙辰脑中浮现的竟然是太素之神,浮现当初那纠缠的场面,那并不是李璇玑本人… Long Chen does not go to think that scene hastily. 龙辰连忙不去想那场面。 You how?” “你怎么了?” Li Xuanji has calmed down, asked peacefully. Long Chen looks like somewhat strange, even some... Blushes? 李璇玑稳定了情绪,安静问道。龙辰看起来有些古怪,甚至有些…脸红? She thought that is the misconception. 她觉得是错觉。 Oh, nothing.” “噢,没什么。” At this time, Li Xuanji both eyes were staring at him, said: Probably for sometime has not related, I heard your matter. As if has been very busy, therefore has not blamed you not to look for me.” 这时候,李璇玑双眼凝视着他,道:“好像有段时间没联系了,我听说了你的事情。似乎一直都很忙碌,所以没怪你没找我。” You have not looked for me.” Long Chen said with a smile. “你不也没找我呢。”龙辰笑道。 Li Xuanji shakes the head, shows neither approval nor disapproval, she does not certainly dare to disturb Long Chen, cannot have the courage. 李璇玑摇摇头,不置可否,她当然只是不敢打扰龙辰,鼓不起勇气而已。 Has put aside this topic, she has as if been used to Long Chen the action of going against heaven's will, access road: Then, you now on Heaven Dragon Star? There should be very safe, I have also felt relieved...” 撇开了这个话题,她似乎习惯了龙辰的逆天之举了,便道:“这么说来,你现在是在天龙星上咯?那里应该很安全,我也就放心了…” Um...” “嗯…” The Long Chen silent nod, visits her, in the heart has the innumerable disputes, is unable to talk clearly. Li Xuanji is an accident, Long Chen does not know how should deal with such relations. 龙辰沉默点头,看着她,心中有无数的纠葛,无法说清楚。李璇玑是个意外,龙辰也不知道该怎样去处理这样的关系。 Li Xuanji is actually very free and easy, she jumps over this topic, asked: „, Also will return to Dragon God Domain in the future?” 李璇玑倒是很洒脱,她跳过这个话题,问道:“那么,将来还回龙神域吗?” Certainly will go back. The matter of primary importance has not completed.” “一定会回去的。最重要的事情还没做好。” Long Chen said. 龙辰说道。 „... I said one with you, you in all that Chaos Star Domain makes, entire Human Clan caused a stir. Now entire Dragon God Domain is discussing you, because as if you have killed Lin Ming, therefore hates and insults your person is quite many. They do not approve you, looks like does not approve your father to be the same, therefore you must come back, must be ready...” “哦…我就和你说一声,你在混乱星域闹出的一切,整个人族都轰动了。现在整个龙神域都在议论你,似乎因为你杀了林冥,所以仇恨、辱骂你的人还是比较多。他们不认可你,就像是不认可你的父亲一样,所以你真要回来,一定要做好准备…” She seems like in the middle of the light expression, is actually hiding the care. 她看似平淡的语气当中,却藏着关心。 Really, similar of that side situation and Long Chen imagination. 果然,那边的情况和龙辰想象的差不多。 You could rest assured that I will not act unreasonably.” “你放心,我不会乱来的。” He to let Li Xuanji was not worried that like this said. 他为了让李璇玑不担心,这样说道。 That is good... Lingxi side you.” Li Xuanji asked suddenly. “那就好…灵曦在你身边吧。”李璇玑忽然问道。 Ehm.” “嗯啊。” Her sip purses the lips, the corners of the mouth reveal a smile, said: Protects her well.” 她抿抿嘴,嘴角流露出一丝微笑,道:“好好保护她。” After saying, as if did not have any topic to continue. 说完之后,似乎没什么话题继续了。 I and others you came back.” She said. “那我等你回来。”她道。 Quick.” Long Chen said that in this Heaven Dragon Star, what are many being and she relates the opportunity, Li Xuanji quickly diligently Cultivate. “很快的。”龙辰说了一声,在这天龙星,多的是和她联系的机会,李璇玑很快又努力修炼去了。 The star light spreads wildly. 星光遍野。 Long Chen just received Star Rune, suddenly another Star Rune has glistened, unexpectedly is the cat. 龙辰刚刚收起星符,忽然间另外一个星符闪亮了起来,竟然是小猫。 Eldest Child! Long time no see! Sister Lingxi? For a long time has to the young master gives birth to a dragonet to play!” 老大!好久不见了啊!灵曦嫂子呢?这么长时间有没有给小爷生出头小龙玩一下啊!” Just connected Star Rune, the cat on saying of boasting. 刚连通星符,小猫就咋咋呼呼的说道。 What appears on Star Rune is a fat cat. 出现在星符上的是一头肥猫。 Which you ran went, how didn't this manager time have the news?” “你跑哪去了,怎么这场长时间没消息?” Long Chen had related his several times, but has not put through. 龙辰曾经联系过他几次,不过都没有接通。 Ha Ha, I am do not want to respond intentionally your! The young masters are busy you, that has free time to respond your this idler!” “哈哈,我是故意不想搭理你的!小爷忙着你,那有空搭理你这种闲人!” Cat self-satisfied saying. 小猫得意的说道。 Long Chen is disinclined to ramble on with him, asks: You now where?” 龙辰懒得和他瞎扯,问道:“你现在在哪里?” The cat said mystically: Today suddenly thinks that young master makes you have a look at me on showing mercy, after all you definitely thought me, moreover I in the city of one of them 's Monster God Domain four big monster ancestors Reincarnation monster ancestor city. The young masters were busy recently, made the major breakthrough to my status, when I continue to explore, waited for a bigger discovery to say with you again in detail. Then, bye!” 小猫神神秘秘道:“今天忽然想起来,小爷就大发慈悲让你看看我,毕竟你肯定想我了,另外我在妖神域四大妖祖之城其中之一的轮回妖祖城。小爷最近忙着呢,对我的身份已经有重大的突破了,等我继续探索下去,等有更大的发现再和你详细说吧。就这样,再见!” Then, he connection of Star Rune switching off. 说完,他就把星符的连接给关掉了。 Cat the appearance of suddenly, swept away with the awkward atmosphere of Li Xuanji relation time before actually. 小猫的忽然出现,倒是把之前和李璇玑联系时候的尴尬气氛一扫而空。 Long Chen cursed one at heart this fellow. 龙辰心里咒骂了一顿这家伙。 They continue to sparkle above the star light. 两人继续闪耀在星光之上。 Brother Chen, do you like Xuan Ji Elder Sister?” Lingxi looks at the starry sky. 辰哥哥,你喜欢璇玑姐姐吗?”灵曦看着星空。 Long Chen thought one cannot evade, therefore simply said very much: Naturally liked very much.” 龙辰觉得自己不能逃避,所以很干脆说道:“当然很喜欢了。” „... That our three people because of together were good, I also like her, although she can definitely divide your love, I will have also some not to be uncomfortable, but has not related. Otherwise your this is not means.” Her face sincere saying. “哦哦…那就我们三个人在一起好了,我也喜欢她,虽然她肯定会分走你的爱,我心里也会有一些不舒服,但没关系的。不然你们这样也不是办法嘛。”她一脸真诚的说道。 This... 这个… Long Chen shakes the head with a smile, said: She will not want, her disposition... She should rather the present relations. Is this... Is neither friendly nor aloof, but I will not leave in her life, she will not disappear. Occasionally appears... Is this...” 龙辰笑着摇摇头,道:“她不会愿意的,她性格…她应该更宁愿现在的关系吧。就是这样…若即若离,但我不会离开她的生命中,她也不会消失。只是偶尔出现…就是这样…”
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