DBWG :: Volume #21

#2078: Third Dragon Emperor

Under the Xue Chi this most top player's leadership, Long Chen passed through the numerous blood fog, the position that Third Dragon Emperor is located in the Slaughtering Dragon City midpoint, this region, status not high Dragon Warrior definitely has no way. 血炽这最顶级高手的带领下,龙辰穿越了的重重血雾,三位龙帝所在的位置位于杀戮龙城的正中央,这一片区域,身份不高的龙武者是肯定没法进来的。 Under, blood fog rolls, indistinct revealed the construction that takes the dragon as the main body, in the eaves, parapet, everywhere is the Divine Dragon sculpture, that sculpture is lifelike, powerful. 下方,血雾滚动,隐约中显露出的建筑以龙为主体,屋檐上、栏杆上,到处都是神龙雕塑,那雕塑栩栩如生,威风凛凛。 The Slaughtering Dragon City sculpture, is bloody and fierce. 杀戮龙城的雕塑,血腥而狰狞。 In the middle of the air, air/Qi of perfect withering heads on, appalling, Long Chen can guess correctly approximately that as if has many peak Expert, is staring at itself in the hidden place, it seems like his status, is truly easy to arouse the interest. Long Chen remembers that Long Qinglan has said that his Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, obtains in this Slaughtering Dragon City. 空气当中,一股极致的肃杀之气扑面而来,让人毛骨悚然,龙辰大致能猜到,似乎有不少的巅峰强者,正在暗处盯着自己,看来他的身份,确实十分容易引起关注。龙辰记得龙青澜说过,他那太古血灵龙传承精血,就是在这杀戮龙城得到的。 Drew near.” “快到了。” Arrives here, Xue Chi received the usual smiling face, became serious, that scarlet long hair flew upwards, was much bloodier, his body was hiding the Long Chen awe strength, if Expert of this rank wants to kill itself, he may really an ability of revolt not have. 来到这里,血炽收起了平时的笑容,变得严肃起来,那血色的的长发飞扬,更是血腥得可怕,他的身上藏着龙辰敬畏的力量,如果这个级别的强者想杀自己的话,那他可就真的一点反抗的能力都没有。 The front is scarlet constructs, is very huge, Long Chen changes into Dragon Shape, feared that is can also roams through, looking from outside, this construction is an opening price scarlet Divine Dragon, the dragon first bird's eye view common people, that appearance unexpectedly and Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon has certain similarity. 前方是一座血色建筑,十分巨大,龙辰就算是化为龙形,怕是也能在其中遨游,从外面看,这建筑就是一头盘着的血色神龙,龙首俯瞰苍生,那模样竟然和太古血灵龙有一定的相似之处。 In palace, nobody left. 宫殿之内,空无一人。 They led the way, crossed very long journey, finally arrived at a scarlet great hall, inside arranged very many, was all kinds of Divine Dragon reliefs and sculpture, most Divine Dragon were the murderous intention appears externally, good to fight bravely ruthlessly, was very fierce. 两人一路前行,越过了很长一段路途,才终于到了一间血色大堂,里面布置十分繁多,都是各种各样的神龙浮雕和雕塑,大多数的神龙都是杀机外露,好勇斗狠,十分狰狞。 In the Long Chen front, has three giant emperor places. 龙辰前方,有着三个巨大的皇座。 The emperor place is broad, above covers entirely Dao Mark, the number is not clear, solely is these three big emperor places, it is estimated that each over 600 Dao Mark, said that the spirit is unusual animals, very ominous offense, after seeing Long Chen, sends out to whoosh, shakes Long Chen draws back several steps. 皇座恢宏,其上布满道纹,数不清楚,单单是这三大皇座,估计每一个都有600条以上的道纹,道灵乃是一种异兽,十分凶戾,看见龙辰后,纷纷发出嘶吼,将龙辰震退数步。 In emperor place, at this moment also nobody. 皇座上,此刻还没人。 This place is very depressing, if the strength is insufficient, arrived here, feared that will be is scared directly. 这个地方十分压抑,如果实力不足,来到这里,怕是会被直接吓坏吧。 Entire Human Clan, here is the most fearful place, because of three most fearful to Expert here, they are Slaughtering Dragon City first, second, third Dragon Emperor! 整个人族,这里都是最可怕的地方,因为有三位最可怕的至强者都在这里,他们是杀戮龙城的第一、第二、第三龙帝 Three big Dragon Emperor, the prestige broadcasts. 三大龙帝,威名远播。 This Dragon Emperor, likely is not Long Chen in the nickname that Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty time others take casually, this is the thing of Human Clan true inheritance, only then the strength and status lofty, is eligible for this title. 这种龙帝,可不像是龙辰神武圣朝时候别人随便取的外号,这是人族真正传承的东西,只有实力和地位最崇高者,才有资格获得这个封号。 Third Dragon Emperor, Xue Chi was bringing Long Chen, sees Third Dragon Emperor.” 三位龙帝,血炽已带着龙辰,来见三位龙帝了。” Xue Chi partly kneels on the ground, look said seriously. 血炽半跪在地上,神色严肃说道。 Long Chen has not knelt down. 龙辰没有跪下。 At this time, in three big emperor places, suddenly had the blood fog to fill the air, three groups of blood fog float in emperor place, in the middle of the blood fog as if had the person's shadow to exist, but actually did not look clearly. 就在这时候,三大皇座上,骤然间有血雾弥漫,三团血雾悬浮在皇座上,血雾当中似乎有人影存在,但是却看不真切。 Long Chen does not see clearly in the middle of this blood fog to have the person. 龙辰看不清楚这血雾当中到底有没有人。 At this time, in the middle of three groups of mysterious blood fog, actually some people spoke, that is a dry old sound, is very grating, fills to shock, this sound as if came from through ancient times, is very remote, but also has the pressure, at least Xue Chi does not dare the way before them! 就在这时候,三团神秘血雾当中,竟然有人说话了,那是一个枯老的声音,十分刺耳,也充满震撼,这声音仿佛来自亘古,十分久远,但又极具威压,至少连血炽都不敢在他们面前方式! They are Human Clan to one of the high existences! 他们是人族至高存在之一! Is one of the entire world most Expert! 是整个世界的最强者之一! Slaughtering Dragon City, three big Dragon Emperor! 杀戮龙城,三大龙帝 That sound said: Xue Chi, you exit first.” 那声音道:“血炽,你先出去。” Yes.” “是。” Xue Chi does not dare to neglect, turns head directly, moved sideways to leave this palace, kept here Long Chen, naturally he has not walked away, after all Long Chen then needed him to arrange. 血炽不敢怠慢,直接回头,一个闪身就离开了这一座宫殿,把龙辰留在这里,当然他还没有走远,毕竟龙辰接下来需要他安排。 Long Chen sees that said at heart: How these three old ghosts said that is also the Human Clan most top character, is the control of Slaughtering Dragon City, that respected.” 龙辰见状,心里道:“这三个老鬼怎么说也是人族最顶级人物,也是杀戮龙城的主宰,那就尊敬一点好了。” He then also partly kneels on the ground, said: Younger generation Long Chen, pays a visit Third Dragon Emperor.” 他便也半跪在地上,道:“晚辈龙辰,拜见三位龙帝。” „...” Three groups of blood fog at present float, who Long Chen could not distinguish is speaking, this time was another sound, said: You are the Long Qinglan son... The body is really slaughtering of my Slaughtering Dragon City is Divine Dragon Aura, so powerful vitality, should be Ancestral Dragons one of the eight big associated dragons, Supreme Divine Dragon...” “哦…”三团血雾在眼前悬浮,龙辰根本辨别不了到底是谁在讲话,这时候是另外一个声音,道:“你就是龙青澜的儿子…身上果然是我杀戮龙城的杀戮系神龙气息,如此强盛的生命力,应该是祖龙的八大伴生龙之一吧,无上神龙…” Long Chen had not replied. 龙辰没有回答。 The Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon matter, he conceals well, naturally will not make very much them know. 太古血灵龙的事情,他掩饰得很好,当然不会让他们知道。 Arrives at Immortal God Domain truly, he knows that the concept of Ancestral Dragons has terror how. 真正来到永生神域,他才知道祖龙的概念到底有多么的恐怖。 At this time, another sound said: Long Chen, you may know, Inherited Blood Essence that you inherit, what Supreme Divine Dragon does come from?” 这时候,另外一个声音道:“龙辰,你可知道,你所继承的传承精血,到底来自什么无上神龙么?” Long Chen dreads this Third Dragon Emperor, they are too strange, ascertained airtight, in front of this terrifying character his innermost feelings in shivering that could not bear, but urged him not to retrocede proud, he was nipping the tooth, said: I am not clear. This is my father leaves my.” 龙辰十分忌惮这三位龙帝,他们太诡异,太捉摸不透了,在这种恐怖人物面前他内心都忍不住的颤抖,只是骄傲驱使着他不后退,他咬着牙齿,道:“我并不清楚。这是我父亲留给我的。” He He, your father leaves your, but that is my Slaughtering Dragon City thing, your father is shameless bandits and thieves!” “呵呵,你父亲留给你的,但那可是我杀戮龙城的东西,你父亲是个无耻的盗贼!” Suddenly, one group of blood fog fluctuated, obviously is angry very much, under the vitality said a few words, the surrounding air neighed immediately, Long Chen was very uncomfortable, the ear almost must be torn, the strength in within the body was also suppressed, could not move. 忽然间,一团血雾波动了一下,显然很生气,生气之下说出一句话,周围空气顿时嘶叫了起来,龙辰十分难受,耳朵都几乎要被撕裂了,体内的力量也被压制住,根本动弹不得。 As for them said that Long Qinglan is bandits and thieves, this point does not need to refute. 至于他们说龙青澜是盗贼,这一点没必要反驳。 He shows neither approval nor disapproval. 他不置可否。 Also Dragon Emperor said: Was good, was the past matters. Long Chen, I asked that your matter, are you willing to contribute your Inherited Blood Essence voluntarily? As the repayment, we will deliver you ultimate Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, your Inherited Blood Essence, was my Slaughtering Dragon City thing.” 又有一位龙帝道:“行了,都是过去的事情了。龙辰,我问你一件事情,你愿意自愿贡献出你的传承精血么?作为回报,我们会送你一份终极神龙传承精血,你那传承精血,本来是属于我杀戮龙城的东西。” If Dragon Warrior were killed, Inherited Blood Essence will dissipate, cuts off the inheritance, but Long Chen can be separated to inherit, making Inherited Blood Essence be separated from itself. 龙武者如果被杀,传承精血会随之消散,断绝传承,但龙辰可以脱离继承,让传承精血脱离自己。 Naturally, this was impossible. 当然了,这不可能。 He deliberately considers the moment, said: Sorry, this definitely is incorrect, this is my father gives me the most precious gift, in any event I will not take. Furthermore although said that this possibly is the Slaughtering Dragon City thing, but I join Slaughtering Dragon City starting today, becomes a here member, is the thing returning to rightful owner.” 他寻思片刻,道:“抱歉,这肯定是不行的,这是我父亲送给我最珍贵的礼物,无论如何我也不会拿出来。再者虽然说这原来可能会是杀戮龙城的东西,但从今天开始我加入杀戮龙城,成为这里的一份子,也算是物归原主。” Hears this saying, that Third Dragon Emperor does not know how should refute. 听到这话,那三位龙帝不知道该怎么反驳了。 Long Chen is very intelligent, ingeniously made them cut off the thoughts in this aspect all of a sudden. 龙辰很聪明,一下子就巧妙的让他们断绝了这方面的心思。 To hand over Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon Inherited Blood Essence voluntarily, that is impossible. 要自己自愿交出太古血灵龙传承精血,那根本不可能。 Ok, starting today, you treat in this Slaughtering Dragon City.” Dragon Emperor said. “行,从今日开始,你就待在这杀戮龙城吧。”一位龙帝说道。 Thanks Third Dragon Emperor!” “谢谢三位龙帝!” Long Chen thanked according to the circumstances. 龙辰见机感谢。 That Dragon Emperor said: Comes my Slaughtering Dragon City, must observe my Slaughtering Dragon City custom. Long Chen, you may know that this Swallow Dragon City also wants to give shelter to you, but we one step get rid first, must make you fall to their hands , the day definitely such has not felt better.” 龙帝说道:“来我杀戮龙城,就要遵守我杀戮龙城的规矩。龙辰,你可知道,这一次吞噬龙城也想要收留你,只是我们先一步出手,要让你落到他们手上,日子肯定没这么好过了。” Swallow Dragon City?” 吞噬龙城?” This seems in the middle of Five Great Dragon City quite mysterious one. 这似乎是五大龙城当中比较神秘的一员。 About Swallow Dragon City, Long Chen knows are not many. 关于吞噬龙城,龙辰知道的并不多。 Why will they hate themselves compared with the Slaughtering Dragon City person? Don't one know them probably? 他们为什么会比杀戮龙城的人更憎恨自己?自己好像不认识他们吧? Five Great Dragon City, besides Eternal Dragon City, Slaughtering Dragon City, Life Dragon City and Swallow Dragon City, Destiny Dragon City. 五大龙城,除了永恒龙城杀戮龙城生命龙城吞噬龙城,还有一座命运龙城 Destiny Dragon City, ponders the star to be the same with the Chaos Star Domain life, is more mystical, at least basically is at vanishes one in Human Clan field of vision. 命运龙城,和混乱星域的命运神星一样,更加神秘,至少基本上处在消失在人族视野当中的一种。 You as if want to know why Swallow Dragon City can aim at you?” “你似乎想知道为什么吞噬龙城要针对你?” Dragon Emperor asked. 一位龙帝问道。 Long Chen nods. 龙辰点点头。 The opposite party he he has smiled two, then said: You later will know.” 对方呵呵笑了两声,然后道:“你以后就会知道了。” The opposite party does not want to say that Long Chen has certainly no way to closely examine. 对方不想说,龙辰当然也没法追问。 Long Chen access road: Three please feel relieved that does in Rome as Rome does, since I arrived here, definitely will obey here custom, makes Slaughtering Dragon City ordinary one.” 龙辰便道:“三位请放心吧,正所谓入乡随俗,我既然来到了这里,肯定会守这里的规矩,做杀戮龙城普通的一员。” Above emperor place, three groups of blood fog quiet some time, should be this Third Dragon Emperor was discussing in secret. 皇座之上,三团血雾沉寂了一段时间,应该是这三位龙帝正在暗中商量。 They are very mystical, does not know that is thinking anything. 他们十分神秘,不知道在想什么。 In a while, Dragon Emperor said: Was good, you exit, Xue Chi will arrange for you.” 过了一阵子,其中一位龙帝道:“行了,你出去吧,血炽会为你安排的。” Today, they also only want to see Long Chen one time, what having a look on him to inherit is any Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, but they actually cannot realize, even if the information that eight big associated dragons spread is also few, is unable to identify. 今天,他们也只想见龙辰一次,看看他身上继承的是什么神龙传承精血,但他们却察觉不出来,就算是八大伴生龙流传下来的信息也很少,无从辨认。 Long Chen feels relieved, although outside was definitely destructive, but also always compares faces Third Dragon Emperor to be better here. 龙辰如释重负,虽然外面肯定已经杀机四伏,但也总比在这里面对三位龙帝要好。 Such being the case, the younger generation said goodbye first.” “既然如此,晚辈先告辞。” You are Slaughtering Dragon City one, always can not betray, otherwise the fate is definitely pitiful. Moreover since you are the Slaughtering Dragon City person, should say the disciple.” “你是杀戮龙城一员,就永世不得背叛,否则下场肯定悲惨。另外你既然已经是杀戮龙城的人,就应该自称弟子。” Yes!” “是!” Long Chen cautiously, withdrew from this huge scarlet palace, until after he leaves, the three groups of blood fog on emperor place gradually vanish, here turns into empty one piece. 龙辰小心翼翼,退出了这巨大的血色宫殿,直到他离开后,那皇座上的三团血雾才逐渐消失,这里变成空荡荡的一片。 It seems like must control me.” “看来是要掌控我。” Leaves here, Long Chen understood their intention, oneself too were for them dangerous, particularly to ignore grow, therefore Five Great Dragon City must some people act to control itself, brainwashes to oneself, this is the Eternal Dragon City person, Eternal Dragon City does not want to do, was done by Slaughtering Dragon City. 离开这里,龙辰明白了他们的意图,自己对他们来说实在太危险了,尤其是放任自己成长,所以五大龙城必须有人出面来掌控自己,给自己洗脑,这本来是永恒龙城的人,永恒龙城不想做,就由杀戮龙城来做了。 Why this Swallow Dragon City looked actually aren't one pleasing to the eyes? 倒是这吞噬龙城为什么看自己不顺眼? Initially, Long Qinglan butchered many were their people? 难道当初,龙青澜宰得最多的就是他们的人? Holds the suspicion, Long Chen is going out of here, Xue Chi outside is waiting for itself, is also standing in his side young people, similarly has the scarlet long hair and eye, but the body contains is almost surpassing Xue Chi Blood Qi, his eye stares at Long Chen stubbornly, the corners of the mouth is revealing brutal sneering. 抱着怀疑,龙辰走出这里,血炽正在外面等待自己,不过在他身边还站着一位年轻人,同样拥有血色的长发和眼睛,但身上蕴藏着几乎超过血炽血气,他那一双眼睛死死盯着龙辰,嘴角流露出残酷的冷笑。 Five Great Dragon City, the talent everywhere, among Five Great Dragon City will frequently have the young people to encounter mutually, below 4000 years old, will be arranged because of the battle efficiency in Human Clan Hidden Dragon List on, Hidden Dragon List is the Human Clan Dragon Warrior most glorious list, every year this list rank will change large scale, even first ten will change fiercely! 五大龙城,天才遍地,五大龙城之间经常会有年轻人互相的交锋,4000岁以下,会因为战斗力而被排在人族潜龙榜’上,潜龙榜乃是人族龙武者最荣耀的榜单,每年这个榜单排名都会大幅度的变化,甚至前十都会剧烈的变化! On Hidden Dragon List, enumerates 100 Five Great Dragon City peak talents! 潜龙榜上,列举100位五大龙城的巅峰天才! Life Dragon City Xing Qing, currently ranks 39 on Hidden Dragon List. 生命龙城星晴,目前在潜龙榜上排名39位。 After year after year fight and resistance, the talent rapidly rises in a short time, hears him to complete the 100,000 person to cut, kills to spread around the world, is super talent that kills from the bloodshed, contemporary Five Great Dragon City talent unmanned energy enemy, situated in Hidden Dragon List first! 经过年年的战斗和抗争,有一位天才在短时间内迅速崛起,听闻他完成十万人斩,杀遍天下,乃从血海当中杀出的超级天才,当代五大龙城天才无人能敌,位居潜龙榜第一! He is Long Chen at present this, Jiang Ming. 他就是龙辰眼前这位,姜明
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