DBWG :: Volume #21

#2068: Oath

Chapter 2068 takes an oath 第2068章宣誓 Long Qinglan, has left behind too many riddles to him. 龙青澜,给他留下了太多的谜团。 Especially the appearance of this Highest Beginning God, is all that unthinkable, he makes, so strange, but Yang You they as if already had the expectation. 尤其是这次太始之神的出现,更是的匪夷所思,他所做的一切,是如此的古怪,而杨幽他们却仿佛早就有预料。 But travels in the middle of this boundless starry sky, is not the good opportunity of question, therefore Long Chen can only bear. 但在这茫茫的星空当中旅行,并不是问话的好时机,所以龙辰只能忍住。 During this leads the way, he knew actually many partner from 100,000 Divine Dragon, they are very warm to Long Chen and respect, is primarily Long Chen. 在这场前行当中,他倒是认识了许许多多的來自十万神龙当中的伙伴,他们对龙辰都十分热情和尊重,以龙辰为主。 And, that Uncle Bai name is Baisha, with that Hei Chen is twin Younger Brother, they follow Long Qinglan since childhood, after Long Qinglan dies, still did not leave not abandoned, is leading his followers, arrives at Heaven Dragon Star. 其中,那白叔名字为白沙,和那黑尘是孪生兄弟,他们从小跟随龙青澜,龙青澜死后,仍然不离不弃,带着他的追随者们,來到天龙星 Baisha is a very cute very open old man, he does not like mentioning his name, thought that too mother was mad, he in Dragon God Domain also the reputation of ten points sparkle, that was Brilliant Long Huang, was well-known with Darkness Dragon Emperor similarly, Brilliant Long Huang inheritance Divine Dragon, was rare and powerful ultimate Divine Dragon, named: Heaven Emperor Saint Dragon. 白沙是个很可爱很开朗的老者,他不喜欢提自己的名字,觉得太娘气了,他在龙神域还有一个十分闪耀的名头,那就是光耀龙皇,和暗黑龙皇同样闻名,光耀龙皇的传承神龙,乃是罕见而强悍的终极神龙,名为:天帝圣龙 Heaven Emperor Saint Dragon, was the high antiquity controls brightly, swallows the ray, had God Dragon Prestige, the verbal command group dragon, the strength was dreadful, was under Supreme Divine Dragon very fearful Divine Dragon, the antique time emperor honored within Spiritual God, not necessarily had Heaven Emperor Saint Dragon of complete shape to be fierce. 天帝圣龙,乃是远古时代光明主宰,吞噬光线,拥有天帝龙威,号令群龙,战力滔天,乃是无上神龙之下十分可怕的神龙,太古时代帝钧之内的神灵,都未必有完整形态的天帝圣龙厉害。 But his Younger Brother Darkness Dragon Emperor, Inherited Blood Essence from Dark Emperor Dragon that similarly is well-known, is the dark control, has the black hole invincible might, swallows the day to bite, its prestige and Heaven Emperor Saint Dragon are almost the same, similarly is also ultimate Divine Dragon. 而他的兄弟暗黑龙皇,传承精血來自同样闻名的暗黑帝皇龙,乃是黑暗主宰,拥有黑洞神威,吞天噬地,其威名和天帝圣龙相差无几,同样也是终极神龙 These two Long Huang Inherited Blood Essence, are Long Qinglan gives. 这两位龙皇传承精血,都是龙青澜给的。 In the middle of 100,000 Divine Dragon, several ultimate Divine Dragon, but is not very temporarily formidable, has not been two big Long Huang this levels, but undeniably is the peerless talents. 十万神龙当中,还有几头终极神龙,但是暂时还不够强大,沒有达到两大龙皇这种层次,但不可否认都是绝世天才。 As for Yang You...... 至于杨幽…… Long Chen has not asked her, but he can feel, Yang You Inherited Blood Essence definitely is much more fearful compared with two Long Huang, after all she is the Long Qinglan most intimate person, serves maidservant who presents Long Qinglan half a lifetime. 龙辰沒问过她,但他感觉得出來,杨幽传承精血比起两位龙皇肯定要可怕得多,毕竟她是龙青澜最亲近的人,伺奉龙青澜半生的侍女。 The Yang You words are few, majority of time in peaceful hurrying along, be only the small part time will turn head, gentle looks at other Long Chen and Lingxi and Dragon Warrior acquaintances, the merriment. 杨幽话很少,大部分的时间都在安静的的赶路,只有小部分时间才会回头,温柔的看着龙辰灵曦与其他的龙武者相识,笑闹。 During such process, Heaven Dragon Star. 就在这样的过程当中,天龙星到了。 This was a similarly beautiful star, Long Chen first likes here, after arriving at Immortal God Domain, probably only then here, has given him a feeling of family, this belongs to his place. 这是一个同样美丽的星球,龙辰第一眼就喜欢上了这里,來到永生神域后,好像只有这里,才给了他一种家的感觉吧,这是属于他的地方。 Heaven Dragon Star is similar to a Dark Green gem, although is inferior to Shining Star to glisten, but also fine moving. 天龙星如同一颗墨绿色的宝石,虽然不如璀璨星辰闪亮,但也精美动人。 In Heaven Dragon Star not far away, that just likes a black vortex of jet black big mouth, a little spoils the fun, even indistinctly spreads demon Aura that also lets in everybody heart the fear. 只是在天龙星不远处,那恍如一张漆黑大嘴巴的黑色漩涡,有点大煞风景,甚至其中隐约传出的魔的气息,也让大家心中恐惧。 Yang You is leading the people, returns to Heaven Dragon Star. 杨幽带着众人,返回天龙星 Long Chen knows that is Demon Star, Mo Xiao Lang now there, they approached. 龙辰知道那就是魔星,莫小狼现在就在那里,两人十分靠近了。 Hopes also to have opportunity of meeting.” “但愿还有相见的机会。” In the Long Chen heart thinks. 龙辰心中想。 100,000 Divine Dragon, the shuttle enters that piece of fine spring day the world, after arriving at this star, Long Chen takes a broad view to look, what sees is a beautiful world, the big rivers, the mountain canyon, the trees grow thickly. 十万神龙,穿梭进入那一片鸟语花香的世界,当來到这个星球之后,龙辰放眼望去,所看到的是一片美丽的世界,大江大河,高山深谷,树木丛生。 This was we live very long homeland.” “这是我们生活很久的家园了。” Yang You said in his side. 杨幽在他身边说道。 Finally went home, Dragon Warrior are also very excited, many youth scurry about. 终于回到家了,龙武者们也十分兴奋,许多少年更是上蹿下跳。 First do not walk, Young Master, you come with me.” “先别走,少主,你跟我來。” The Yang You look was solemn and respectful, bringing Long Chen to fly a mountain, stood here, Long Chen looked toward, 100,000 Dragon Warrior neat standing in his under foot, in the eye has been full of the respect, two big Long Huang took the lead. 杨幽神色肃穆,带着龙辰飞上了一座高山,站在这里,龙辰朝着下方看去,十万龙武者整整齐齐的站在他的脚下,眼中充满了崇敬,其中两大龙皇领头。 Aunt You, this is.” 幽姨,这是。” Long Chen is somewhat stunned, just arrived at Heaven Dragon Star, this is must do. 龙辰有些错愕,刚刚來到天龙星,这是要干什么。 Takes an oath.” “宣誓。” Yang You said one. 杨幽说了一声。 After saying, her withdrawing several steps, stand in Long Chen behind, making Long Chen alone face below that 100,000 Divine Dragon. 说完之后,她退后数步,站在龙辰身后,让龙辰独自面对下方那十万神龙 At this time, Brilliant Long Huang and Darkness Dragon Emperor took the lead in partly kneeling on the ground, was following them, all Dragon Warrior neat kneeling on the ground. 这时候,光耀龙皇暗黑龙皇带头半跪在地上,跟随着他们,所有的龙武者都齐刷刷的跪在地上。 The 100,000 person, this scene without doubt is quite magnificent. 十万人,这场面无疑是相当壮观的。 Only then Lingxi stands on one side, does not know not to know what to do. 只有灵曦站在一边,不知道如何是好。 At this time, Brilliant Long Huang and Darkness Dragon Emperor by the overwhelming sound, took an oath to say loudly: Subordinate pays a visit Young Master.” 就在这时候,光耀龙皇暗黑龙皇以浩然之声,大声宣誓道:“属下拜见少主。” Is following them, all people lowered the head in Long Chen at present, neat said the similar words, suddenly links the surrounding hills to let their neat sounds, trembling that shakes trembles. 跟随着他们,所有人在龙辰眼前低下头,齐刷刷的说出了同样的话,一时间连周围的群山都让他们整齐的声音,震得的颤颤发抖。 Long Chen has not responded, two big Long Huang also with one voice said: I and others took an oath, starting today, obeys any instruction and order of Young Master unconditionally, on the mountain of sword, under the sea of fire, does not balk at ten thousand deaths, starting today, Young Master is I and other control of Heaven Dragon Star Dragon Warrior, I and others followed in its about, dies until the body, ends until the life, if there is a slight betrayal, when always can not be reincarnated.” 龙辰还沒反应过來呢,两大龙皇又齐声道:“我等宣誓,从今日开始,无条件听从少主的任何吩咐和命令,上刀山、下火海,万死不辞,从今日起,少主就是我等天龙星龙武者的主宰,我等跟随在其左右,直到身死,直到生命终结,若有丝毫背叛,当永世不得超生。” They said excitedly that in the middle of the sound that unprecedented imposing manner, making the world vibrate. 他们激动说完,声音当中那一往无前的气势,让天地震动。 100,000 Dragon Warrior is also following them, read aloud that a few words redundant clear and resonant voice, on the face of everyone has filled excitedly, because this was they stays in the Heaven Dragon Star significance, they to wait for today's arrival. 十万龙武者也跟随着他们两人,把那一段话重复朗声诵出來,每个人的脸上都充满了激动,因为这是他们呆在天龙星的意义,他们就是为了等待今天的到來。 Even, many old men with tears. 甚至,许多老者都眼含热泪。 From the beginning, Long Chen has not prepared, therefore is somewhat astonished. 一开始,龙辰还沒有准备,所以有些惊愕。 But after listening they said that he profoundly understands one regarding their significances, this perhaps is own huge authority, but also is the duty that one type must fulfill, he must become their Young Master, leading them to move toward magnificently, because he is the Long Qinglan son. 但听他们说完后,他深刻明白自己对于他们的意义,这或许是自己的巨大的权力,但也是一种必须要履行的义务,他要成为他们的少主,带领着他们走向辉煌,因为他是龙青澜的儿子。 He needs to shoulder all these. 他需要背负这一切。 Long Chen will certainly not reject this giving loyalty. 龙辰当然不会拒绝这种效忠。 Does not need Yang You to remind, he knows how to do. 不用杨幽提醒,他知道怎么做了。 He said hastily: Invited first.” 他连忙道:“诸位先请起來吧。” Two big Long Huang are leading 100,000 Dragon Warrior excitedly, the look looks at Long Chen, stands. 两大龙皇带领着十万龙武者,眼神激动的看着龙辰,站立起來。 Long Chen bites the lip, said firmly: I accept everybody's giving loyalty, in the future, I certainly will do my best from now on, achieve well, you are also my partner, I will recall all that once lost for everybody, will recall all that loses for my father, this is my commitment, is the long-cherished wish that my following half a lifetime must complete, thanked everybody to be able with me to travel together, I pledged here, even if pays own life, I will not disappoint or treat unjustly everybody, will not disappoint everybody to me.” 龙辰咬了咬嘴唇,坚定说道:“我接受大家的效忠,从今往后,我一定会尽我所能,做到最好,你们也是我的伙伴,我会为大家挽回曾经失去的一切,也会为我的父亲挽回失去的一切,这是我的承诺,也是我接下來半生要完成的夙愿,感谢大家能够和我一路同行,我在这里发誓,哪怕是付出自己的性命,我也不会辜负或者亏待大家,更不会让大家对我失望。” All that he said that naturally is all Dragon Warrior the words that wanted to hear to speak. 他所说的一切,自然是所有龙武者想要听到说的话。 After all, they take Long Chen as Young Master, is dangerous payout, after all Long Chen is now young. 毕竟,他们以龙辰少主,也是一种危险的付出,毕竟龙辰现在年纪还小。 Hears Long Chen that words, the people have cheered. 听到龙辰那话,众人欢呼了起來。 Yang You stands in his, in the eye brilliance flashes, she in a soft voice said in the Long Chen ear: Today's matter, I will feed in Dragon God Domain, when the time comes that side person, for your today's status and status, has to carefully examine you at a higher level, starting today, you are also my control, Young Master......” 杨幽站在他的身后,眼中光华闪动,她在龙辰耳边轻声说道:“今天的事情,我会传回龙神域的,到时候那边的人,会为你今日的身份和地位,不得不以一个更高的层次來审视你,从今日开始,你也是我的主宰,少主……” Long Chen blurry turning head, said: Aunt You...... this......” 龙辰迷糊的回过头,道:“幽姨……这样……” Yang You warm Judo: You can.” 杨幽温柔道:“你可以的。” The Long Chen silent moment, the nod said: I achieve as far as possible well.” 龙辰沉默片刻,点头道:“那我尽可能做到最好。” Long Chen is not that very harsh person, therefore after taking an oath, everybody relaxes very much, these children especially like Lingxi, at this time is gathering round her to transfer. 龙辰并不是那种很苛刻的人,所以宣誓完毕后,大家都很放松,那些小孩们特别喜欢灵曦,此时正围着她转呢。 And is called the youth in emblem tomb, young, but is counts a small talent on Heaven Dragon Star, its Inherited Blood Essence is the super Divine Dragon black flame tyrannosaurus, is very cruel flame Divine Dragon, but could not have seen this point on this child temporarily, he also most likes asking the children of Long Chen all sorts of strange and unusual issues. 其中一个叫做张徽陵的少年,年纪不大,但在天龙星上算是数一数一的小天才,其传承精血为超级神龙黑焱暴龙,乃是一种十分残暴的火焰神龙,但在这孩子身上暂时还看不到这一点,他也是最喜欢问龙辰一切千奇百怪问題的小孩。 At this time he clamored side Lingxi: Lingxi Elder Sister, you are the person who Young Master likes, making us should call you anything to be good, Madame Young Master, Ha Ha, is not very of pleasant to hear.” 此时他就在灵曦身边喧哗道:“灵曦姐姐,你是少主喜欢的人,让我们该叫你什么好呢,少主夫人,哈哈,不是很好听啊。” Goes your, we called Lingxi Elder Sister to be good.” Nearby small Young Lady is holding the hand of Lingxi, panting in indignation saying. “去你的,我们就叫灵曦姐姐好了。”旁边一个小姑娘拉着灵曦的手,气呼呼的说道。 A picture of harmony happiness. 一片其乐融融的景象。 At this time, Yang You said: „, Came back, everybody does not need anything to restrict, dispersed, had anything to tell, will summon everybody again.” 这时候,杨幽道:“诸位,已经回來了,大家不需要有什么拘束,都散了吧,有什么吩咐,会再召唤大家的。” Yang You usually in fact little appears. 杨幽平时实际上很少出现。 Hears this saying, the people just like liberations, suddenly several thousand Dragon Warrior directly change into Divine Dragon, rushes to the clouds, Heaven Dragon Star is so big, is their homelands, each Divine Dragon has own family, therefore most people went home directly, Heaven Dragon Star here, they liked turning into the Divine Dragon appearance. 听到这话,众人犹如解放,一时间有数万的龙武者直接化为神龙,冲上云霄,天龙星这么大,全是他们的家园,每一头神龙都有自己的家,所以大多数人直接回家去了,在天龙星这里,他们更喜欢变成神龙的样子。 You whether has the issue to ask me.” Yang You behind said in Long Chen. “你是否有问題要问我。”杨幽龙辰身后说道。 Long Chen really has many issues to ask. 龙辰确实有很多的问題要问。 Now everybody has dispersed, is the good opportunity. 现在大家都散了,正是好时机。 At this time, Yang You actually complexion one cold, said: Wait a bit, has the person who does not keep eyes open to come.” 就在这时候,杨幽却脸色一寒,道:“稍等,有不长眼的人來了。” She just spoke these words, rushes to the sky, rushed to beside Heaven Dragon Star, two big Long Huang, on Heaven Dragon Star all Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator are following her, but outside sky, by fading in three person's shadows, one of them blood light is dreadful, seems bringing a piece of bloodshed, another covers in the middle of the Ash Grey fog, middle one is a silver Ash Grey giant beast. 她刚说完这句话,就冲上天空,冲到了天龙星之外,其中两大龙皇,还有天龙星上所有七星轮回劫境者都跟随着她,而在天空之外,逐渐显化出三道人影,其中之一血光滔天,仿佛带着一片血海,另外一位笼罩在灰色云雾当中,中间一位则是一头银灰色的巨兽。 Separately is demons clan demons Star Lord, Ashura God Clan Asura Star Lord and Chaos Star Lord. 分别是罗刹族罗刹星主,阿修罗神族修罗星主混沌星主 Dragon Warrior just came back, their three pursued. 龙武者们刚刚回來,他们三个的就追上來了。 Chaos Star Lord both eyes let somebody cool off or calm down are staring at Yang You, said: Yang You, gives back to us Shining Star Star Core, that is our things.” 混沌星主双眼冷冷盯着杨幽,道:“杨幽,把璀璨星辰星核还给我们,那是我们的东西。” Demons Star Lord said with a smile: Long Qinglan died, without him, your strengths are most is also only and we quite.” 罗刹星主啧啧笑道:“龙青澜还是死了,沒有他,你们的实力最多也只是和我们相当而已。” Long Chen is also paying attention to here, Lingxi stands by him, other children are staring at the place above, but they were not worried. 龙辰也正在关注这里,灵曦站在他旁边,其他的小孩都在盯着上方,不过他们一点儿都不担心。 Facing these three big Expert, the Yang You complexion is invariable, said: I had already said that this is the thing that our Young Master snatches, is not you, if you were still unforgiving, we may not be impolite.” 面对这三大强者,杨幽脸色不变,道:“我早就说过了,这是我们少主抢到的东西,不属于你们,你们若是仍然不依不饶的话,我们可就不客气了。” Regarding Heaven Dragon Star, Chaos Star Lord they very dread. 对于天龙星,混沌星主他们还是十分忌惮的。 His hesitant moment, said: If you do not want to initiate nine star Alliance and Heaven Dragon Star wars, gives back to me.” 他犹豫片刻,还是道:“如果你不想引发九星联盟和天龙星的战争,就还给我。” Has not thought that Yang You said: Thinks the war, although comes.” 沒想到杨幽却道:“想战争,尽管來。” renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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