DBWG :: Volume #21

#2069: Past events

During Yang You imagined compared with them is much more unyielding. 杨幽比起他们想象当中要硬气得多了。 Long Chen carefully looks under, to be honest, although this 100,000 Divine Dragon takes itself as the control, but if because, causes between them and Chaos Star Lord produces the war, the loss is serious, in this case, Long Chen feels sorry at heart. 龙辰在下方仔细看着,说实话,虽然这十万神龙都以自己为主宰,但若是因为自己,导致他们和混沌星主之间产生大战,损失惨重,如果这样的话,龙辰心里过意不去。 He was considering, if will certainly erupt the frigid fight, gives Chaos Star Lord them to consider as finished Star Core. When is shouldering certain responsibility, he has to consider for this reason. 他在考虑,如果一定会爆发惨烈战斗的话,就把星核送给混沌星主他们算了。当身上肩负着一定责任的时候,他不得不为此而考虑。 However, Yang You will not make Long Chen this obviously. 不过,杨幽显然不会让龙辰这样做。 Her a few words, almost Chaos Star Lord dying of suffocation. 她一句话,几乎将混沌星主给堵死。 While Chaos Star Lord is in an uncontrollable rage, she said: He will come one day back, he has miracle how, you are clear, if today you do not keep eyes open, another day after all for you, will bring in the disaster of extermination of the clan for your Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family.” 正当混沌星主怒不可遏的时候,她道:“总有一天他还是会回来的,他有多么的奇迹,你心里清楚,今日你若是不长眼,他日毕竟会为你,为你混沌皇族引来灭族之灾。” Although the Yang You words are simple, but both creates huge frightening to Chaos Star Lord and two two Star Lord. 杨幽的话语虽然简单,但对混沌星主和两位两位星主都造成巨大的震慑。 Chaos Star Lord this lives person who most fears, it is estimated that is Long Qinglan. 混沌星主此生最怕的人,估计就是龙青澜 Today comes, in fact is also not willingly, emboldens. 今日前来,实际上也是不甘心,壮着胆子的。 Long Qinglan recently strangely appeared, by ability that his goes against heaven's will, perhaps some naive appearance, so long as appears, oneself did not have the means of livelihood, moreover today really and opposite party dying war, oneself can defeat Yang You not to be uncertain, but demons Star Lord and Asura Star Lord, not necessarily were Brilliant Long Huang and matches of Darkness Dragon Emperor these two old fogies. 龙青澜最近诡异出现,以他那逆天的能耐,说不定某一天真的会出现,只要出现,自己就没有活路了,而且就算今日真的和对方死战,自己能够打败杨幽不一定,但罗刹星主和修罗星主,未必是的光耀龙皇暗黑龙皇这两个老家伙的对手。 Two big Long Huang have threatened, has surrounded their three Star Lord. 两大龙皇已经气势汹汹,将他们三位星主包围了起来。 Below Dragon Warrior, not only fear, instead has not cheered, is Yang You and two big Long Huang inflates. 下方的龙武者,非但没有害怕,反而欢呼了起来,为杨幽和两大龙皇打气。 So the situation, lets the Chaos Star Lord innermost feelings angrily, but he has borne, keeps the mountain not to worry not to have the firewood fever, today comes truly a little defective to prepare rashly, but wants to make him give up Star Core, is not easy. 如此情形,让混沌星主内心愤怒不已,但他还是忍住了,正所谓留得青山在不愁没柴烧,今日贸然前来确实有点欠缺准备,但想让他放弃星核,也没那么容易。 He is staring at Yang You, said: That is not your things, swallows rashly, sooner or later supports, another day my chaos surely will again visit!” 他盯着杨幽,道:“那并不是你们的东西,贸然吞下,迟早撑死,改日我混沌定会再来拜会!” Saying, him was bringing Asura Star Lord and demons Star Lord vanishes. 说着,他带着修罗星主和罗刹星主消失。 Yang You as if early expected that the opposite party does not have the guts, therefore is direct. 杨幽似乎早预料到对方没胆量,所以直接下来。 Brilliant Long Huang laughs, said: Three grandsons, I have not disputed with their grandfathers well ran away in fear, the courage may really be is smaller than the tiny.” 光耀龙皇哈哈大笑,道:“三个孙子,还没和他们爷爷我好好较量就被吓跑了,胆子可真是比芝麻绿豆还小啊。” Below Dragon Warrior hear this saying, has laughed. 下方龙武者们听到这话,纷纷大笑了起来。 They walk, Heaven Dragon Star restored past cheerful and peace once again, Lingxi along with opening the emblem tomb they have played, Long Chen leads the way with Yang You, passes through the mountains and rivers. 他们一走,天龙星再度恢复了往日的欢快和安宁,灵曦随张徽陵他们去玩耍了,龙辰则跟着杨幽一路前行,穿越山河。 Looks at the front this slender woman, in the Long Chen innermost feelings always warm feelings, possibly is because she accompanies the Long Qinglan person. 看着前方这个窈窕女人,龙辰内心中总有一种温暖感觉,可能是因为她是陪伴龙青澜的人吧。 Yang You did not speak all the way, until being far away from all Dragon Warrior, stood in the summit, the Dark Green long skirt dispersed with the wind, the long hair fluttered, just liked flowers of being in full bloom, proud Li in the middle of this Crazy Wind. 杨幽一路上都不说话,直到远离所有龙武者,站在山巅,墨绿色长裙随风散开,长发飘扬,犹如一朵盛开的花朵,傲立在这狂风当中。 Her look is similar to deep pool lonesome and quiet lake water, is profound and mysterious, tranquil and nature, does not have mighty waves, because of so, seems hiding the innumerable attractive secrets. 她眼神如同一潭幽静的湖水,深邃而神秘,平静而自然,没有一丝的波澜,但正是因为如此,其中仿佛藏着无数诱人的秘密。 Long Chen truly wants from her body, to know that has the matter about Long Qinglan, even if Highest Beginning God once strangely appeared, Long Chen will complete the Long Qinglan last wish, that is his confession to the person of father's generation, is the way that he repays, he needs the help of Yang You. 龙辰确实想从她的身上,知道更多有关于龙青澜的事情,就算太始之神曾经古怪出现,龙辰还是会去完成龙青澜的遗愿,那是他对父辈的交代,也是他报答的方式,他需要杨幽的帮助。 He stands by Yang You, in top of the head is the black vortex that Demon Star accomplishes, in the middle of the vortex has the wail, to whoosh the sound to send out indistinctly, appalling. 他站在杨幽旁边,头顶上就是那魔星造就的黑色漩涡,漩涡当中隐约有哭泣声、嘶吼声发出,让人毛骨悚然。 But this is not the key. 但这都不是关键。 You want to ask my anything, asked.” “你想问我什么,问吧。” Yang You said kindly. 杨幽亲切说道。 At any time, she is possibly very indifferent facing others, but to Long Chen is always gentle lovable. 不论是在任何时候,她面对别人可能很冷漠,但是对龙辰向来都是温柔可亲的。 Long Chen naturally cannot be polite, he reorganizes, then starts saying: Matter that I want to know my father, about his childhood, youth, some essential matters...” 龙辰自然不会客气,他整理一下,便开始道:“我想知道我父亲的事情,关于他的童年,青年,一些关键的事情…” „...” “哦…” Yang You recalled, in eye just likes is hiding the innumerable emotions. 杨幽回忆了一下,眼中恍如藏着无数的情思。 Passed the moment, she said: He... Is the orphan, double perishes from the little parents, from the beginning was abandoned, nobody regarded as important, actually starts to show to go against heaven's will the talent in first Cultivate, finally was received by Eternal Dragon City first Dragon Emperor for the adopted son, since then rapidly rises, nobody can keep off all the way, in several thousand years in grows to the whole world peerless Expert of unmanned energy enemy, the first under heaven person, has accomplished the innumerable myths, is the hope that Human Clan countless people raise the head to hope. That time, is his time, among the world nobody can have he 1/10 points.” 过了片刻,她才道:“他…是孤儿,从小父母双亡,一开始遭受遗弃,原本没人看重,却在第一次修炼开始就展现出逆天天赋,最终被永恒龙城的第一龙帝收为义子,从此快速崛起,一路上无人能挡,在数千年的时间内成长到举世当中无人能敌的绝世强者,天下第一人,造就了无数的神话,也是人族无数人翘首以盼的希望。那个时代,是他自己的时代,天下间无人能有他1的锋芒。” Here, Yang You satisfied smiles, as if has remembered the British Cultivator grand appearance of this man, in the world, the unmanned energy enemy, that was what kind prestige Cultivator, what kind aggression! 说到这里,杨幽满足一笑,仿佛是想起了这个男人的英雄姿,天地之间,无人能敌,那是何等的威,何等的霸气! Long Chen also as if saw him of that time. 龙辰也仿佛看到了那个时代的他。 In his eyes has been full of the worship, although Yang You said simply, he can actually imagine leaves that scene. 他眼中充满了崇拜,尽管杨幽说得简单,他却能想象出那种情景。 Is only, when he stands when all living things peak, actually because of a matter, the status starts to have the momentous change.” “只是,当他站在众生巅峰的时候,却因为一件事情,地位开始发生巨大变化。” Yang You looks to Long Chen, vision sparkling saying. 杨幽看向龙辰,目光烁烁的说道。 This should be Long Qinglan is referred to as the transition of rebel. 这应该就是龙青澜被认定为叛徒的转折。 Long Chen has not broken her, but listens respectfully peacefully. 龙辰没有打断她,而是安静聆听。 Yang You looks at Demon Star on top of the head, said: After he is matchless, he starts to explore this world, seeks answer that he wants, his foremost goal places you at present on this Demon Star, he has crashed in the middle of Demon Star by the big ability. When he comes out once more, he had the change, at that time started him becomes very mysterious, he told me to say very much excitedly that the Cultivate way of demon was free, was Heavenly Dao runs counter, perhaps this can let his Undo this world the secret. Therefore he used the big ability to release from Demon Star demon, leading them to return to Dragon God Domain, wanted in certain way, making part of demons transform into the true Spiritual God, but he failed...” 杨幽看着头顶上的魔星,道:“当他举世无敌之后,他开始探索这个世界,寻求他想要的答案,他的目标首先放在你眼前这颗魔星上,他以大能耐冲进了魔星当中。当他再次出来的时候,他发生了变化,那时候开始他就变得十分神秘了,他很兴奋的告诉我说,魔的修炼方式是自由的,是和天道背道而驰的,或许这可以让他解开这个世界的秘密。于是他用大能耐将魔从魔星当中释放了出来,带领着他们回到龙神域,想要通过某种方式,让其中一部分的魔蜕变成为真正的神灵,但是他失败了…” Wait / Etc..” “等等。” Long Chen has broken her, asked: „To make the demon transform into the Spiritual God about him the matter, person who knows are many?” 龙辰打断了她,问道:“关于他想让魔蜕变成为神灵的事情,知道的人多吗?” This matter Long Chen has not heard, is this demon on Long Qinglan Demon Star the real objective that puts? Long Chen only remembers that a matter, that in the Martial God Ancient City legend, ten eight Martial God is fascinated first, finally takes off Martial Demon Seed, becomes the Spiritual God, this and does the idea of Long Qinglan have the relations? 这件事情龙辰没有听说过,这才是龙青澜魔星上的魔放出来的真正目的吗?龙辰只记得一件事情,那就是在武神古城的传说当中,十八武神是先入魔,最后才脱去武魔种,成为神灵的,难道这和龙青澜的想法有关系? Yang You replied: The person who knows are not many, has several Dragon Emperor. What is essential, he failed. The demon lost the control, has caused the huge destruction to then Dragon God Domain, causing Dragon God Domain to lose seriously, the casualty are many. This matter all by him, this also caused most people henceforth no longer to believe his reason, although he prohibited all demons finally, making them go back Demon Star, he was still formidable, but did not have that belief world prestige in the middle of Human Clan again, started him to be dejected from that but he has not submitted, he left Immortal God Domain, where did not know, even the entire world could not find him, I could not find him...” 杨幽回答道:“知道的人并不多,只有几个龙帝吧。关键的是,他失败了。魔失去了掌控,对当时的龙神域造成了巨大的破坏,导致龙神域损失惨重,死伤不少。这件事全都由他一人而起,这也是导致了绝大多数人从此不再相信他的原因,尽管他最终将所有的魔重新封禁,让他们回去了魔星,他仍然强大,但在人族当中再也没有那种信服天下的威望,从那开始他心灰意冷,但他没有屈服,他离开了永生神域,不知道去了哪里,甚至整个世界都找不到他,我也找不到他…” From then on, she lost the contact with Long Qinglan truly. 从那以后,她真正和龙青澜失去了联系。 Long Chen can imagine that time situation, he had very big idea, because the failure causes the Dragon God Domain casualty to be serious, countless people suspect him, that time he, definitely at heart had very tremendous pressure, but was very possible he to know some unusual secrets, do not know immediately publicized. 龙辰能想象到那时候的情况,他原本是有很大的想法的,但因为失败导致龙神域死伤惨重,无数人怀疑他,那时候的他,肯定心里有很大的压力,但很可能他知道了一些不同寻常的秘密,不知道马上公开。 Therefore, he chose himself to seek. 所以,他选择了自己去寻找。 Said to Long Chen on such as initially him that he seeks for the riddle that Divine Dragon exterminates! 就如当初他对龙辰所说,他去寻找神龙灭绝的谜团! It seems like, wants to know that my father has made anything, must give back to him to be pure, I must really understand that the demon is anything, initial he for anything!” “看来,想要知道我父亲到底做过什么,要还给他清白,我必须要真正了解魔到底是什么,当初的他到底又是为了什么!” This is a key. 这是一个关键。 Afterward?” “后来呢?” Long Chen continues to ask. 龙辰继续问道。 Yang You regretted very that said: Afterward... Some day, the person almost forgot in the presence of everyone his time, he appears once again. This time he appears in various god battlefields, that time he as if injured, the state of mind is also very demented, even said words that many many people cannot understand, he decided that must destroy various god battlefields, in the middle of Five Great Dragon City, five first Dragon Emperor, jointly prevents him including his foster-father, many Five Great Dragon City Cultivator...” 杨幽十分惋惜,道:“后来…某一天,当众人差不多忘记他的时候,他再度出现。这一次他出现在诸神战场,那时候的他似乎受伤,神志也十分癫狂,甚至说了许多很多人都听不懂的话,他决定要毁灭掉诸神战场,五大龙城当中,五位第一龙帝,包括他的义父联合阻止他,还有诸多五大龙城者…” That fights me not to participate, does not know the specific situation, but heard that he went crazy to kill many Human Clan Expert, causing the Human Clan strength to drop, in strove for hegemony with Monster Clan is at the inferiority, even/including Zhushen battlefield ancestor grave was almost destroyed, afterward he disappeared once again, because of this matter, Human Clan started to be thoroughly disappointed to him, still believed him, followed his, only then our group of people, but five first Dragon Emperor was furious at that time, also sent into exile us to here comes. As for him... From now, the reputation hears on such as you now such, under the exaggeration of Five Great Dragon City, many truth was covered, remaining, only then he falls from the emperor place, leaves a stink for ten thousand years...” “那一战我没有参与,也不知道具体的情况,但听说他发疯杀死了不少人族强者,导致人族实力下降,在和妖族争霸当中处在劣势,连诸神战场这种祖先坟墓都差点被毁灭,事后他再度消失,但因为这件事情,人族开始对他彻底失望,仍然相信他,追随他的只有我们这一群人,但当时五位第一龙帝十分震怒,也将我们放逐到这里来。至于他…从此以后,名声就如你现在所听到那样了,在五大龙城的渲染之下,许多真相被掩盖,剩下的只有他从皇座上落下,遗臭万年吧…” Demon Star, various god battlefields! 魔星,诸神战场! This is the Long Qinglan twice final change. 这是龙青澜两次最后的改变。 Is hopeful from Demon Star, to various god battlefield his demented, all these was explaining that he likely knew some rare changes and secrets, even makes him probably destroy various god battlefields reckless! 魔星充满希望,到诸神战场他的癫狂,这一切都在说明他很可能知道了一些罕见的变化和秘密,甚至让他不顾一切要毁灭诸神战场! He definitely knew anything, can like this! By his individuality, will not go crazy decidedly suddenly, but father... Why didn't you tell me directly?” “他一定是知道了什么,才会这样的!以他的个性,断然不会忽然发狂,但是父亲…为什么你不直接告诉我呢?” The Long Chen innermost feelings are excited! 龙辰内心激动! He understands why must make clear Long Qinglan exactly to have such change, where he went, only then arrives at Demon Star, goes to various god battlefields once again, oneself may know... 他明白,要搞清楚龙青澜到底是为什么发生这样的变化,他到底去了哪里,只有去到魔星,再度去到诸神战场,自己才有可能知道… But Demon Star at present, but by Long Chen front strength, he is impossible to go in Demon Star. 魔星就在眼前,但以龙辰面前的力量,他是不可能进去魔星的。 Struggling time in his heart, Yang You look gloomy [say / way]: „After leaving various god battlefields, he was missing. Also in one day, he appears once again, the body fell from the upper air, falls on Eternal Dragon City, that time he, is the corpse. Therefore everybody will conclude that he died, but does he die? Until I do not know today that but all these are the secrets.” 正在他心中挣扎时刻,杨幽眼神暗淡道:“离开诸神战场后,他又失踪了。又在某一天,他再度出现,身体从高空落下,落在了永恒龙城,那时候的他,已经是尸体了。所以大家才会断定他已经死亡,但他到底是怎么死得呢?直到今日我也不知道,而这一切一直都是秘密。”
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