DBWG :: Volume #21

#2067: Another day returns

…… …… Primal Chaos Being Dragon, has 15 Dragon Shou. 太极生灵龙,拥有15龙首。 Shadow that ten five colors blood drops transform, can see on Long Chen that dodges to pass, but actually gave Long Chen to bring deep shock. 那十五色血滴幻化的影子,也就龙辰自己能看到,一闪而逝,但却给龙辰带来了深深的震撼。 This is third Ancestral Dragons that he sees. 这是他看到的第三条祖龙 With Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon bloody fearful, what the Imaginary Universe Dragon mysterious nihility is different, Primal Chaos Being Dragon real, contains all, the mountains trees or the heavenly bodies in the middle of his body, that boundless vitality as if are the sources of all lives, another 14 dragon , then constituted the entire world. 太古血灵龙的血腥可怕,太虚宙龙的神秘虚无不同的是,太极生灵龙更加的真实,包容一切,无论是山川树木还是日月星辰都在其身体当中,那磅礴的生命力仿佛是一切生命的源头,另外14个龙首则构成了整个世界。 In the rank of Ten Great Ancestral Dragons, Primal Chaos Being Dragon is definitely higher than Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon, only compares in the most mystical Imaginary Universe Dragon difference some. After all Primal Chaos Being Dragon has enough 15 strengths, almost includes all that in society has been able to present. 十大祖龙的排名当中,太极生灵龙肯定是比太古血灵龙高的,只比最神秘的太虚宙龙差上一些而已。毕竟太极生灵龙拥有足足15种的力量,几乎囊括了世间所能出现的一切。 Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence appears! 太极生灵龙传承精血出现! If not Yang You, Long Chen under the control of Lin Ming, is impossible to snatch this thing. 如果不是杨幽,龙辰林冥的掌控下,是不可能抢到这东西的。 At this time, Yang You protection by that Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, under she controlled, the dark night arrived, including Hundun Cangwu such existence, has not seen clearly that place to present anything. 这时候,杨幽守护在那太极生灵龙传承精血旁边,在她控制之下,黑夜降临,连混沌苍梧这样的存在,也没看清楚那个地方到底出现了什么。 Young Master, comes.” 少主,过来。” That Darkness Dragon Emperor Hei Chen beckons to Long Chen. 暗黑龙皇黑尘龙辰招手。 In the middle of his look, had still filled excitedly. 他的眼神当中,也仍然充满了激动。 Long Chen no longer said that entered the Yang You control region, approaches that ten five colors blood drops. 龙辰不再多说,进入了杨幽掌控的区域,靠近那十五色的血滴。 Yang You is standing in his side, both eyes looks at that Inherited Blood Essence, fills to shock. 杨幽正站在他的旁边,双眼看着那传承精血,充满震撼。 Receives it. Listened to him saying that probably let you arrived at Reincarnation Calamity Realm the time, inherited the god country this Inherited Blood Essence.” “把它收起来吧。听他说,好像让你到达轮回劫境的时候,才将这传承精血继承到神国当中。” Reincarnation Calamity Realm?” 轮回劫境?” Long Chen relaxed, in fact he is full of pressure, after all now fused two Ancestral Dragons Inherited Blood Essence. 龙辰松了一口气,实际上他充满压力,毕竟现在已经融合了两种祖龙传承精血了。 God country life. 神国生灵。 First admitted Realm Of Universe to say again. 先放进太虚之境再说。 Long Chen crossed Yang You, approaches that ten five colors blood drops. 龙辰越过了杨幽,靠近那十五色血滴。 At this time, by the starry sky really had the disturbance to raid, left starry sky blood red, a whole body scarlet man appeared, was a piece of bloodshed, a rich murderous intention raided. 就在这时候,星空两边竟然有风波袭来,左边星空一片血红,一个浑身血色的男子出现在其中,身后是一片血海,一股浓郁的杀机袭来。 Right starry sky, is fog, in the middle of the fog fills the innumerable resentment souls and skeletons, indistinct middle has a person's shadow. 星空右边,则是一片灰雾,灰雾当中充满无数怨魂、骷髅,隐约当中有一个人影在其中。 Yang You still looks at that ten five colors blood drops, does not look askance, said: Demons Star Lord and Asura Star Lord, if you do not want dead, the good little darling to be treating. Has provoked me, another day visits the demons star and Asura star.” 杨幽仍然看着那十五色的血滴,目不斜视,道:“罗刹星主、修罗星主,若你们不想死,就好乖乖待着。惹恼了我,改日光临罗刹星、修罗星。” Hears this saying, that two ten points not willingly hidden go. 听到这话,那两位十分不甘心的隐去。 Made Yang You a few words retreating in fear unexpectedly. 竟然让杨幽一句话给吓退了。 Long Chen does not dare to waste the time again, otherwise Chaos Star Lord comes back, it is estimated that is a war, at this time he has stood in front of that ten five colors blood drops, extends a hand, enters in the middle of that ten five colors blood drop guidances by own Highest Beginning God Force own Realm Of Universe, ten five colors blood drops had not opposed. 龙辰没敢再浪费时间,要不然混沌星主回来,估计是一场大战,此时他已经站在那十五色的血滴面前,伸出一只手,以自己的太始神力将那十五色的血滴引导进入自己的太虚之境当中,十五色血滴并没有反对。 Buzz! 嗡! When that ten five colors blood drops enter Realm Of Universe, Long Chen as if heard roaring of innumerable ancient times Divine Dragon. In the middle of Realm Of Universe, expands the body of Divine Dragon to coil, 15 dragon four disperse, in pairs in the eye the profound and psychedelic look lets the Long Chen incomparable respect. 当那十五色血滴进入太虚之境的时候,龙辰仿佛听到了无数远古神龙的咆哮。太虚之境当中,壮大神龙之躯盘曲,15个龙首四下散开,双双眼睛中深邃而迷幻的眼神让龙辰无比崇敬。 This is his belief. 这是他的信仰。 Succeeded. 成功了。 After he has taken these ten five colors blood drops, ten stars just finished continuous, the ray clears, the starry sky returned to normal. 当他取走了这十五色血滴后,十星连珠刚好结束,光芒散尽,星空又恢复了正常。 Long Chen has turned head, in the Yang You eye has filled gently, is staring at him. 龙辰回过头,身后的杨幽眼睛里充满了温柔,正在凝望着他。 Young Master, the matter has completed, should go back Heaven Dragon Star along with me.” 少主,事情已经完成,该随我回去天龙星了。” Now Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence on Long Chen, although others do not know that he obtained anything, but at least is the heavy treasure, is also very greedy including that two Star Lord, within the Long Chen short time except for going to that Heaven Dragon Star, making Yang You they protect, no other destination. 现在太极生灵龙传承精血都在龙辰身上,虽然别人不知道他得到了什么,但至少是重宝,连那两位星主也都十分眼馋,龙辰短时间之内除了去那天龙星,让杨幽他们保护,别无去处。 Moreover, there is the Long Chen home to return. 而且,那里本来就是龙辰的归宿。 Good.” “好。” Long Chen nods. 龙辰点点头。 Heard this affirmative reply, 100,000 Dragon Warrior has cheered, they very long time did not have the pillar, Long Chen was the son of person they followed, the manner makes them admire. 听到他这肯定的回答,十万龙武者都欢呼了起来,他们已经很长的时间没有主心骨了,龙辰是他们所追随的人的儿子,行为举止又让他们十分佩服。 Hearing Long Chen must go to Heaven Dragon Star, Dream King and the others the complexion anxiety, Long Chen does not want to hand over Star Core ironclad. They want to snatch very much, but is also helpless, is almost depressed must spit blood. 听到龙辰要去天龙星,梦幻王等人脸色愁苦,龙辰铁定是不想交出星核的。他们很想抢回去,但又无能为力,郁闷得几乎要吐血。 Although must go to Heaven Dragon Star, but something must be solved. 虽然要去天龙星,但一些事情还是要解决一下。 Therefore the Long Chen vision falls to counting 100,000 ten thousand clan Expert, his sinking sound track: Dream King, Star Lord Hegemony War, the front two wars are I for the score that you obtain. If no me, your Dream Immortal Clan is hopeless to obtain Star Core. According to the customs of your nine star Alliances, this Star Core was not one's turn me again, but you first broke the rule, that this Star Core I was impolite accepted, how to say I also almost again paid the life for this Star Core, not?” 于是龙辰目光落到数十万的万族强者这边来,他沉声道:“梦幻王,星主争霸战,前面两战是我为你得到的分数。如果没有我,你梦幻仙族根本无望得到星核。本来按照你九星联盟的规矩,这星核再怎么也轮不到我,但你们已经首先破坏了规矩,那这星核我就不客气收下了,再怎么说我也差点为这星核付出性命,不是么?” Dream King several want to spit blood. 梦幻王几欲吐血。 Side, Hundun Cangwu said: Long Chen, fuses Star Core, means that into Shining Star control, control needs to satisfy many conditions, so long as has the tribal group, must, if nine star Alliance own people, this if fuses Star Core, is equal to encroaching upon our lands! Our nine star Alliance all people will not comply!” 旁边,混沌苍梧道:“龙辰,融合星核,意味着成为璀璨星辰的掌控者,掌控者需要满足多种条件,只要拥有族群,也必须要是九星联盟自己的人,这如果融合星核,等于侵犯我们的土地!我们九星联盟所有人都不会答应的!” Along with his words, massive Cultivator have also made noise. 随着他的话,大量的者也都喧闹了起来。 When they make noise, Long Chen with a smile said: Who said that I have invaded, our Heaven Dragon Star not also in this Chaos Star Domain? Everybody is a person on one's own side, you have the qualifications to fight, I have. Moreover who said that I did not have my tribal group, I behind these not? Star Core in my hand, you do not want to take, only if makes your three Star Lord come Heaven Dragon Star to snatch!” 等他们喧闹完,龙辰才笑着说道:“谁说我侵占了,我们天龙星不也在这混乱星域么?大家都是自己人,你们有资格争抢,我也有。另外谁说我没有自己的族群了,我身后这些不是么?诸位,星核在我手上,你们就别想拿回去了,除非让你们三位星主天龙星抢吧!” He said definitely the words all of a sudden. 他一下子把话说死了。 As the matter stands, Dream King and that nine star Alliance 30 hegemons, can only irritate. 这样一来,梦幻王和那九星联盟30位盟主,只能气死。 Talks clearly the Star Core matter, remaining these Life Dragon City friends. 星核的事情说清楚,剩下那些生命龙城的朋友们。 Although have killed Lin Ming, but Gong Qing they to themselves are very good. 虽然自己杀死了林冥,但龚擎他们对自己还是非常好的。 Mr. Gong.” “龚先生。” Long Chen falls him at present. 龙辰落到了他眼前。 Gong Qing and the others the face whiten, restored at this moment finally, he is bringing Xing Yue Xing Qing and the others, asked: Long Chen, you could not determine that Dragon God Domain, is your father...... After all your hometown, is Dragon God Domain.” 龚擎等人脸色苍白,此刻总算恢复了一些,他带着星越星晴等人,问道:“龙辰,你确定不回去龙神域,为你父亲……毕竟你们的故乡,都是龙神域。” In fact they cannot master, how is Long Qinglan a matter? Did he die really? Is his beforehand appearance a matter? If he is also living, Long Chen does not need to bear the responsibility, returns to Dragon God Domain, went to rectify names for own father! 实际上他们搞不懂,龙青澜到底是怎样回事?他真的死了吗?那他之前的出现又是怎么一回事?如果他还活着,龙辰就不用背负责任,回到龙神域,去为自己父亲正名了! The Long Chen silent moment, said firmly: You could rest assured that one day, I will go back. My matter, my responsibility has not been completed.” 龙辰沉默片刻,坚定说道:“你们放心,总有一天,我还是会回去的。我的事情,我的责任还没有完成。” Hears Long Chen these words, they seem to be clear, Long Qinglan as if died, although Long Chen obtains the asylum of Heaven Dragon Star, but he was determined that has not changed, he will go back Dragon God Domain, goes back that to belong to his battlefield, retrieves all for his father, that was still the Long Qinglan last wish! 听到龙辰这句话,他们似乎明白,龙青澜似乎还是死了,龙辰虽然得到天龙星的庇护,但他决心并没有改变,他还是会回去龙神域,回去那个属于他的战场,为他父亲找回一切,那仍然是龙青澜的遗愿! That, that is good, we in Dragon God Domain , etc. you!” “那,那就好,我们在龙神域等你!” These days, the people are together the feeling to be good. 这段时间来,众人相处感觉还不错。 Long Chen looks at this group of people, silent, but warm-hearted Xing Yue, softhearted Xing Qing, once looked down upon own Bing Xinyue, oneself as if just arrived at Chaos Star Domain, actually had these many matters, went to Demon Star including Xiao Lang. 龙辰看着这一群人,沉默但热心的星越,温情的星晴,曾经看不起自己的冰心月,自己仿佛刚刚来到混乱星域,却发生了这么多的事情,连小狼都去魔星了。 From the beginning, does not think that will have such matter. 一开始,根本就不会想到会发生这样的事情。 As for the Lin Ming matter...... We are unable to conceal, can only report.” Gong Qing is sorry to say. “至于林冥的事情……我们无法隐瞒,只能上报了。”龚擎抱歉道。 Long Chen said with a smile: Might as well, you told them that I dislike others to slap my, no one is good.” 龙辰笑道:“无妨,你就跟他们说,我讨厌别人打我耳光,谁都不行。” He no doubt is also not peerless Expert, but this aggressive has deterred the people. 他固然还不是绝世强者,但这股霸气还是震慑了众人。 Bye.” “再会。” The final two characters, Long Chen does not have again regrettably, feels at ease along with 100,000 Divine Dragon, departs enormously and powerful. Counts 100,000 ten thousand clan Cultivator to visit him to leave, in the heart shocks, the expression varies, has the anger, to have the hatred, to envy and have the worship, what are more is to being incapable of Long Chen. 说完最后两个字,龙辰再无遗憾,安心随着十万神龙,浩浩荡荡离去。数十万的万族者看着他离开,心中震撼,表情不一,有愤怒、有仇恨、有羡慕、有崇拜,但更多的是对龙辰的无力。 Starting today, he almost can control Heaven Dragon Star, such youth, is endures to compare a Chaos Star Lord side overlord. His reputation passes on Dragon God Domain, feared that will vibrate the world once again, these once took lightly his person, it is estimated that the chin can fall to the place comes up! 从今日开始,他几乎可以左右天龙星,这样的少年,已经是堪比混沌星主的一方霸主了。他的名声传回去龙神域,怕是会再度震动天下吧,那些曾经看轻他的人,估计下巴都会掉到地上去! Long time, the people diverge. 良久,众人才散去。 Everyone knows that this youth is doomed is the most dazzling stars, his rising, nobody has been able to prevent. 谁都知道,这个少年注定是最耀眼的星辰,他的崛起,已经无人可以阻止了。 As the Life Dragon City person feeds in Five Great Dragon City the news, Five Great Dragon City has really had the huge turbulence. 随着生命龙城的人将消息传回到五大龙城,五大龙城果然产生了巨大动荡。 Unexpectedly with that group of sent into exile rebels together? Good, is very good, Ha Ha......” “竟然的跟那群被放逐的叛徒一起?好,很好,哈哈……” .............................. ………………………… Returns to the way of Heaven Dragon Star, Long Chen makes Lingxi come out from the god country, starting today, Lingxi did not need only to treat in the middle of the god country sought asylum, she can also accompany Long Chen to be free, the god country was only a refuge shelter. 返回天龙星途中,龙辰灵曦从神国中出来,从今天开始,灵曦再也不用只待在神国当中避难了,她也可以陪着龙辰自由自在,神国只是避难所。 Long Chen is bringing Lingxi, has presented Yang You and the others. 龙辰带着灵曦,引见了杨幽等人。 Aunt You, this is my wife, named Lingxi.” 幽姨,这是我妻子,名为灵曦。” Lingxi has seen Aunt You.” 灵曦见过幽姨。” Yang You is covered with the veil, cannot see her smiling face, but in the eye reveals to be gratified and gentle, although is very shallow, but still made the person warm. 杨幽蒙着面纱,看不出她的笑容,但眼中流露出欣慰和温柔,虽然很浅,但仍然让人温暖。 Very good......” “很好……” Yang You nods. 杨幽点点头。 Then, Long Chen is bringing Lingxi, gave regards with other Expert again, 100,000 Divine Dragon was very warm to Long Chen, respect. 接下来,龙辰带着灵曦,再跟其他的强者们问好,十万神龙龙辰十分热情,也十分的尊重。 After several days the time, Long Chen basically and everybody wound ripe. 过了几天时间,龙辰基本上和大家都熟络了。 The people go toward Heaven Dragon Star together. 众人一起朝着天龙星而去。 Looks at the front boundless starry sky, Long Chen said: There, should be able to be a stable place, if I want, can living of is well there, give you to be stable and warm for a lifetime.” 看着前方茫茫星空,龙辰道:“那里,应该会是一个安定的地方吧,如果我愿意的话,可以一辈子平安无事的住在那里,给你安定和温暖。” Lingxi is actually smiling shaking the head, said: Brother Chen, does not have the completely stable place, therefore I wanted to be good with you. Where regardless of arrives. Moreover, I know that you will go to Dragon God Domain, you have the wish not to complete.” 灵曦却微笑着摇头,道:“辰哥哥,没有完全安定的地方,所以我只要跟着你就行了。无论去到哪里。而且,我知道你还是会去龙神域的,你还有心愿没有完成呢。” Dragon God Domain! 龙神域 Long Chen truly must go back, he must prove all. 龙辰确实要回去,他要证明一切。 Lingxi forever most understands his person. 灵曦永远都是最了解他的人。 At this time, Yang You arrived at their sides. 这时候,杨幽来到他们的身边。 She said: Sunlight said right, does not have absolutely the stable place. Only has own invincibility, can protect all. Today our Heaven Dragon Star all people only to protect you exist, perhaps another day, we need your protection......” 她道:“曦儿说得对,没有绝对安定的地方。唯有自身无敌,才能守护一切。今日我们天龙星所有人只为了守护你而存在,他日,或许我们需要你的守护吧……” Long Chen had too many issues to ask her...... 龙辰有太多太多的问题要问她了……
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