DBWG :: Volume #21

#2066: Ten five colors blood drop

Therefore, he nodded, said: Does not have the issue, I......” 所以,他点了点头,道:“沒问題,我……” The matter that today experiences were too many, he does not know that should say anything. 今天经历的事情太多了,他不知道该说什么。 Yang You vision gentle like water, said: I am your father's maidservant, serves his half a lifetime, if you want, calls my Aunt You.” 杨幽目光温柔如水,道:“我是你父亲的侍女,伺候他半生,你如果愿意,唤我一声幽姨也可以。” „......” “啊……” Long Chen already understands that the Yang You affirmation and Long Qinglan have the relations, has not thought that has accompanied his long-term maidservant unexpectedly, moreover she also commands is following Long Qinglan so numerous Dragon Warrior, the status in his eyes, should be very high. 龙辰早就明白,杨幽肯定和龙青澜是有关系的,沒想到竟然是陪伴了他长时间的侍女,而且她还统领着追随龙青澜的如此众多的龙武者,在他心目当中的地位,应该很高吧。 After Long Chen arrives at Immortal God Domain, sees this 100,000 Divine Dragon, had found the feeling of ownership truly. 龙辰來到永生神域后,看到这十万神龙,真正找到了归属的感觉。 Aunt You.” 幽姨。” Although they called themselves are Young Master, but cannot be arrogant because of this Young Master status decidedly . Moreover the Yang You strength was too strong, Long Chen was proceeds from the respect of moral nature she. 虽然他们称呼自己为少主,但自己断然不能因为这少主的身份而倨傲,而且杨幽实力太强,龙辰是发自心底的尊重她。 Nearby two old men, a hair snow white, continuously cheerful looks at itself, another black becoming dark pupil, then the complexion is indifferent, but is only inborn indifferent, a pair of jet black pupil looks at Long Chen, still has the indetectable excitement. 旁边两位老者,其中一位头发雪白,一直乐呵呵的看着自己,另外一位黑发黑瞳,则脸色冷漠,但只是天生冷漠,一双漆黑眸子看着龙辰,仍然有着不可察觉的激动。 Other person also majority so. 其他人也大多数如此吧。 Such being the case, I must profit, you shouted me Uncle Bai.” That hair snow white old man saying of a laugh, is very gentle, although his existence is swallowing the surrounding ray, is very fearful, but still made Long Chen feel kindly. “既然如此,我也要占个便宜,你就喊我一声白叔吧。”那头发雪白的老者笑呵呵的说道,十分慈祥,虽然他的存在吞噬着周围的光线,十分可怕,但仍然让龙辰感觉到亲切。 I am Hei Chen, has a nickname in Dragon God Domain, called Darkness Dragon Emperor.” “我是黑尘,在龙神域还有个外号,叫暗黑龙皇。” Another sip purses the lips, some unnatural self introduction, he seems not good at having to do with the person. 另外一位抿抿嘴,有些不自然的自我介绍,他似乎不太擅长与人打交道。 These two old men are also very interesting, the appearance is completely same, the attribute and disposition are opposite. 这两位老者也十分有意思,长相完全相同,属性和性格却相反。 Long Chen said hastily: Has seen Uncle Bai...... Uncle Hei.” 龙辰连忙说道:“见过白叔……黑叔。” Except for their three, other people do not have the courage to make Long Chen this Young Master shout one uncle aunt, in fact these three were once the Long Qinglan genuine trusted friend, the Long Qinglan friend were not many, but the follower were many. 除了他们三位,其他人也沒胆子让龙辰少主喊自己叔叔阿姨,实际上这三位也是曾经龙青澜真正的心腹,龙青澜朋友并不多,但追随者却很多。 Ha Ha, unexpectedly really my Uncle Bai, is really refreshed.” “哈哈,竟然真叫我白叔,真是爽快啊。” That white hair old man cannot bear laugh secretly, over the face red light. 那白发老者忍不住窃笑起來,满面红光。 At this time, the Yang You looking around surroundings, said: He had told, must give you thing that ten star continuous dates were born, immediately must start, waited a bit the moment, I captured for you.” 这时候,杨幽张望周围,道:“他曾经吩咐过,要把十星连珠之日诞生的东西送给你,马上就要开始了,稍等片刻,我为你夺取。” Listens to these words, Long Chen is much more pleasantly surprised. 听完这句话,龙辰惊喜得不得了。 Or is moved. 或者说是感动吧。 He in Yang You mouth, is beforehand Highest Beginning God, but he not only sends these many for oneself, even still before departure told that Yang You is Long Chen obtains Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, from the beginning Long Chen thinks that he is only Tai Chi God, but now looks like obviously not 杨幽口中的他,就是之前的太始之神,但他不但为自己送來这么多,甚至还在离去之前吩咐杨幽龙辰取得太极生灵龙传承精血,一开始龙辰以为他只是太极之神,但现在看來显然不 So, who as for him is, in the Yang You heart feared that has certain answer, but now is not the inquiry time, Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence is extremely important, waits for Yang You to obtain after oneself said again. 只是如此,至于他到底是谁,杨幽心中怕是有一定的答案,但现在不是询问的时候,太极生灵龙传承精血太过重要,还是等杨幽为自己得到后再说吧。 Long Chen is today's matter worries to be innumerable, has not actually thought that brings the murderous intention for oneself Highest Beginning God, has brought all for oneself unexpectedly, including that most precious object beyond comparison, Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence...... 龙辰为今天的事情担忧无数次,却沒想到,为自己带來杀机的太始之神,竟然为自己带來了一切,包括那无以伦比的至宝,太极生灵龙传承精血…… Chaos Star Lord his had frightened off, the short time will not come, another two Star Lord hide actually in the surroundings, but does not need to be worried that they do not dare to affront us.” 混沌星主被他的吓走了,短时间不会來,倒是另外两位星主潜藏在周围,不过不用担心,他们不敢冒犯我们。” That two Star Lord, are demons Star Lord and Asura Star Lord, their strengths should be similar to Long Chen that Uncle Bai Uncle Hei, is inferior to Yang You absolutely. 那两位星主,就是罗刹星主和修罗星主,他们的实力应该和龙辰白叔黑叔差不多,绝对不如杨幽 Long Chen also completely felt relieved. 龙辰也就完全放心了。 Thanks Aunt You.” “谢谢幽姨。” He feels grateful this to deceive the mysterious woman of veil, serves maidservant who presents Long Qinglan half a lifetime, her body, has what kind of secret. 他十分感激这个蒙着面纱的神秘女人,伺奉龙青澜半生的侍女,她的身上,到底又有怎样的秘密呢。 The Yang You vision is temperate, although is covered with the veil, but Long Chen knows that she is smiling. 杨幽目光温和,虽然蒙着面纱,但龙辰知道她在微笑。 That feeling, lets the Long Chen innermost feelings bitter experience unprecedented impact, this woman gives the feeling that he brings is Lingxi they are not same, Lingxi that is own spouse, is the lover, but Yang You is completely not the same feeling. 那种感觉,让龙辰内心遭遇前所未有的冲击,这个女人给他所带來的感觉是和灵曦她们不相同的,灵曦那是自己的配偶,是爱人,但杨幽是完全不相同的感觉。 Surrounding 100,000 Divine Dragon, was also talking in whispers, basically was envying respect discussion Long Chen. 周围十万神龙,也在窃窃私语,基本上都是在羡慕而尊敬的讨论龙辰 Long Chen is similar to the life is the same in the dream, today adds on Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence and Lingxi Shining Star Star Core again, his harvest was really too many. 龙辰如同生活在梦中一样,今天再加上太极生灵龙传承精血灵曦璀璨星辰星核,他的收获实在是太多了。 A peace. 一片安静。 100,000 Divine Dragon has not left, these ten thousand clan Cultivator have not left. 十万神龙沒有离开,那些万族者们也沒有离开。 Here is their domains, after they naturally must wait for Dragon Warrior to walk, walked again. 这里是他们的地盘,他们当然要等龙武者走了之后再走了。 But at this time, Yang You was bringing Long Chen, in looking out nine stars outside Shining Star. 而这时候,杨幽带着龙辰,则在遥望璀璨星辰之外的九颗星辰。 Soon will start.” “即将开始。” In a while, Yang You said in his side in a soft voice. 过了一阵子,杨幽在他身边轻声说道。 Long Chen anticipated, some people protect, not feeling that needs to begin, but also is really wonderful...... 龙辰期待了起來,这种有人保护,不需要自己动手的感觉,还真是美妙啊…… He takes a broad view to look, in fact in his eyes ten stars have practiced a straight line, is only on the slight also a little disparity, this disparity is about to improve immediately. 他放眼望去,实际上在他眼中十颗星辰已经练成一条直线了,只是细微上还有一点差距,这点差距马上就快完善了。 They in anything, ten star continuous dates.” “他们在等什么,十星连珠之日。” Hundun Cangwu they, had finally found their goal, however in front of three formidable Dragon Warrior, they do not dare to move. 混沌苍梧他们,终于找到了他们的目的,但是在三位强大龙武者面前,他们还是不敢动弹。 Meanwhile, ten stars all connections, have many Cultivator accumulation, except for Long Chen and Yang You they, other people does not know that so-called treasure, will appear in Shining Star side. 与此同时,十颗星辰所有的连线上,都有不少的者聚集在其中,除了龙辰杨幽他们,其他人都不知道那所谓的宝物,会出现在璀璨星辰的旁边。 Started.” “开始了。” The black and white two old men rise to starry sky, lies in wait from all sides by Yang You. 黑白两位老者升向星空,环伺在杨幽旁边。 You wait a bit here.” Yang You said to Long Chen, the three leap, goes toward the front, in domain that they control, nobody dares nearness easily, most people only to dare to look helplessly. “你在这里稍等。”杨幽龙辰说了一声,三者飞跃起來,朝着前方而去,在他们控制的领域之内,沒人敢轻易的靠近,大多数的人只敢眼睁睁看着。 To this final time, the Long Chen innermost feelings were excited, he looked out the past toward starry sky most deep place, saw only the most deep place also black points, when ten star continuous times, on that sunspot erupted together the implication unexpectedly more than ten types of color light beams, have been cutting through nearness 到了这最后时刻,龙辰内心激动,他朝着星空的最深处遥望过去,只见最深处还有一块黑色的点,当十星连珠的时刻,那黑点上竟然爆发出一道蕴含的着十多种颜色的光束,穿进了靠近 In the middle of the recent stars of that sunspot. 那黑点的最近星辰当中。 That is Heaven Dragon Star.” “那就是天龙星。” 100,000 Dragon Warrior Expert regarding side Long Chen, Seven Star Reincarnation Expert said to Long Chen. 十万龙武者强者们围绕在龙辰身边,其中一位七星轮回强者龙辰说道。 Heaven Dragon Star, most approaches the Demon Star place. 天龙星,是最靠近魔星的地方。 Long Chen has smiled, if Xiao Lang went to Demon Star, oneself also very much approach him, sunspot that light beam just started to present, should be Demon Star, this time should be 11 stars is continuous. 龙辰笑了,如果小狼去了魔星的话,自己也很靠近他,那个光束刚开始出现的黑点,应该就是魔星吧,这一次应该是11星连珠。 The light beam jabbed into the mysterious life to ponder the star, has not ripped open its mysterious veil, left the life to ponder the star, entered the chaos emperor star, then came out from chaos emperor star, enters a next super star. 紧接着,光束刺进了神秘的命运神星,还沒撕开其神秘面纱,就离开了命运神星,进入了混沌皇星,然后再从混沌皇星出來,进入下一超级星球。 More than ten types of color light beams, unceasing in approaches toward Long Chen, the speed incomparably quickly, surmounts all. 十多种颜色的光束,不断的在朝着龙辰这边靠近,速度无比快捷,超越一切。 Yang You they have been ready. 杨幽他们已经做好了准备。 In the connections of ten stars, several million Cultivator are greeting this moment, but they discovered that when the light beam through their star times, as if anything has not stayed behind, although this scene gorgeous incomparable, but as if heavy treasure irrelevant. 在十星的连线上,数百万的者都在迎接着这一刻,只是他们发现,当光束通过他们的星球时候,似乎什么都沒有留下,这个场面虽然绚丽无比,但似乎和重宝无关啊。 Many people understand that so-called heavy treasure, very possible is the rumor, today witnesses, really so...... 很多人明白,所谓重宝,很可能是谣言,今日见证,果然如此…… Therefore, most people are dejected. 于是,大多数人心灰意冷。 But at this time, more than ten types of color light beams approached Shining Star. 而这时候,十多种颜色的光束已经靠近璀璨星辰了。 In a flash, that light beam broke through Shining Star nearby star, arrived at the people officially at present, suddenly that more than ten color ray crossed the people, the puncture entered in the middle of Shining Star, but Shining Star was the end point of this light beam. 转瞬之间,那光束突破了璀璨星辰旁边的星球,正式到达了众人眼前,一时间那十多种颜色的光线越过了众人,穿刺进入了璀璨星辰当中,而璀璨星辰则是这光束的终点。 Carved at this time, this light beam ten star thorough connections, people float by this light beam, on the face was complemented brightly with many colors. 在这时刻,这光束将十星彻底的连接起來,众人正悬浮在这光束旁边,脸上被映衬得五光十色。 Hearsay this inscribes heavy treasure born for a while, should not in the nearby.” “传闻这一时刻有重宝诞生,应该不在附近。” This light beam was too long, almost all people are trying one's luck, except for Yang You they. 这一条光束实在太长了,几乎所有人都是在碰运气,除了杨幽他们。 They also stand in side of light beam, the vision profoundly looks at light beam one, that as if some different. 他们三人也站在光束的旁边,目光深邃的看着光束其中一段,那一段似乎有些许不同。 In the time that the people have doubts, Long Chen really feels that Yang You their side has the thing birth. 就在众人疑惑的时刻,龙辰果然感觉到,杨幽他们身边有东西诞生。 He is the most familiar Ancestral Dragons Inherited Blood Essence person, therefore he understands that in is really Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence that place is born, it and Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon and Imaginary Universe Dragon takes to her feeling to be different, Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon is bloody slaughtering, making Long Chen fear 他是最熟悉祖龙传承精血的人,所以他明白,在那个地方诞生的果然就是太极生灵龙传承精血,它和太古血灵龙太虚宙龙带给自己的感觉不同,太古血灵龙是血腥的杀戮,让龙辰 Fears, but Imaginary Universe Dragon is eternal and illusion of time, but this Primal Chaos Being Dragon is ever changing, Inherited Blood Essence is the reserved thing, even if reserved, still brought the huge impact. 惧,而太虚宙龙则是时间的永恒和梦幻,而这太极生灵龙则千变万化,传承精血本來就是内敛的东西,但即使内敛,仍然带來巨大的冲击。 Scene that Long Chen sees, with other people are not same. 龙辰所看到的场面,和其他人是不相同的。 Other people can only see the light beam, can only feel the light beam to have the thing born, but Long Chen can actually see thing, that is one drop has 15 types of color blood drops, looks like very gorgeous, very only beautiful, has been full of the strength of life. 其他人只能看到光束,只能感觉到光束当中有东西诞生,但龙辰却能够看到其中的东西,那是一滴拥有15种颜色的血滴,看起來十分绚丽,十分唯美,其中充满了生命的力量。 The life and creation dragon, Primal Chaos Being Dragon. 生命与创造之龙,太极生灵龙 That 15 types of color blood drops, likely present in Long Chen at present, various colors fight colorfully, symbolizes the temporals, Long Chen was actually thinking that blood drop seems looking at itself...... 那15种颜色的血滴,像是呈现在龙辰眼前,各种颜色争相斗艳,象征着世间万物,龙辰竟然觉得那血滴似乎正在看着自己…… Long Chen at present, in thing color blood drop infinite increasing, transforms sun-blocking Ancestral Dragons...... 龙辰眼前,事物中颜色的血滴无限的变大,幻化成一头遮天蔽日的祖龙…… Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon, the shape is ordinary, is similar to Red Dragon, but is the ancestor of slaughtering, Imaginary Universe Dragon, completely psychedelic, a nihility, does not have the shape. 太古血灵龙,形状普通,如同红龙,但乃杀戮之祖,太虚宙龙,完全迷幻,一片虚无,沒有形状。 But Long Chen appears at present, perhaps was the once life and creation dragon. 龙辰眼前出现的,或许就是曾经的生命与创造之龙吧。 This Divine Dragon, has the incomparably strong body, the most obvious characteristics are, really has 15 main items. 这一头神龙,有着无比壮大的身躯,最明显的特征是,竟然有15个龙头。 Dragon Body coils around, 15 main items lift high, occupy a commanding position, are carefully examining Long Chen. 龙身盘绕,15个龙头高高抬起,居高临下,审视着龙辰 The midpoint, is a biggest dragon head, is vital, the color keeps transforming, above obviously melts the birds beasts and in society ten thousand clans, any life, in this dragon obviously, turns into this Dragon Shou color, this Dragon Shou, for life. 正中央,乃是一最大的龙首,充满勃勃生机,颜色不停变换,其上显化出飞禽走兽、世间万族,任何生灵,都在这龙首当中显化,变成这龙首的颜色,这一龙首,是为‘生命’。 Other 14 Dragon Shou, the size is the same. 其他14龙首,大小相同。 First is the illusory force structure, does not have the fixed shape, for elementary force dragon. 其一为虚幻力量构成,沒有固定形状,是为‘元力龙首’。 The one is similar to the hot sun, flaming combustion, in the eye has three clan suns to hover, for solar dragon. 其一如同烈日,熊熊燃烧,眼中有三族金乌翱翔,是为‘太阳龙首’。 The one is similar to moon, lonesome and quiet cloudy and cold, in the eye has moon/month of rabbit to run, for proud Yuelong. 其一如同月亮,幽静阴冷,眼中有月兔奔跑,是为‘傲月龙首’。 The one is similar to inundates Tianxing Chen, radiant, in the eye has the gravel to change into the insect, ever changing, for stars dragon. 其一如同漫天星辰,璀璨至极,眼中有沙砾化为虫,千变万化,是为‘星辰龙首’。 The one is constituted by the skeleton, everywhere Corpse Qi, for skeleton dragon. 其一由尸骨构成,漫天尸气,是为‘尸骨龙首’。 Moreover, Crazy Wind dragon and flame dragon and big Sea dragon and rock dragon and metal dragon and thunder dragon and fog dragon and big land dragon and tree Mulong. 另外,还有‘狂风龙首’、‘火焰龙首’、‘大海龙首’、‘岩石龙首’、‘金属龙首’、‘雷霆龙首’、‘云雾龙首’、‘大地龙首’、‘树木龙首’。 The 14 types, the basis of constitution creation world. 其14样,构成创造世界的根本。 Life Dragon Shou, with 14 creates Dragon Shou, the synthesis is Primal Chaos Being Dragon. 生命龙首,与14创造龙首,合成为太极生灵龙 Primal Chaos Being Dragon ripe 15 rules, the wind hot water and soil, the heavenly bodies, the mountains trees and thunder fog, have the life and corpse wait / etc., passed ripe all, Israel can create. 太极生灵龙通熟15道规则,风火水土、日月星辰、山川树木、雷霆云雾、还有生命与死尸等等,通熟一切,所以方能创造。
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