DBWG :: Volume #21

#2065: Too beginning supernatural power

Highest Beginning God Force. 太始神力 Obtained the strength of primal chaos Nirvana to be the same on such as initially Long Chen, that came from Highest Beginning God Highest Beginning God Force, melted in the middle of the Long Chen strength, has substituted once the primal chaos strength, Highest Beginning God Force ancient times, was more vigorous, and has made contact with supernatural power word, its broad 就如当初龙辰得到太极涅槃之力一样,那來自太始之神太始神力,融进了龙辰的力量当中,替代了曾经太极的力量,太始神力更加远古,更加浑厚,而且还搭上了神力这个词,其恢宏 The strength, solely in the nature level, should with passing the strength of god is similar. 力量,单单在性质层面上,应该和通神之力差不多。 Passes the strength of god, is the preliminary Spiritual God strength. 通神之力,乃是初步的神灵力量。 Long Chen obtains this Highest Beginning God Force, has the true Spiritual God strength embryonic form similarly, even is primitive of Spiritual God strength, this is one type the strength that makes Long Chen palpitate, the innumerable gravels melt his body, changes into vast Jianghai to gallop on him, originally exists 龙辰得到这太始神力,也同样拥有真正神灵力量的雏形,甚至算是神灵力量的原始,这是一种让龙辰悸动的力量,无数的沙砾融进他的身体,化为浩大的江海在他身上奔腾,原來存在的 The strength of Nirvana was embezzled completely, Highest Beginning God Force became the leading force of Long Chen within the body. 涅槃之力完全被吞沒,太始神力成为了龙辰体内的主导力量。 At that moment, Long Chen feels itself the terror promotion in strength level. 那一刻,龙辰感觉到自己在力量层面上的恐怖提升。 Although said that in quantity aspect, Long Chen also by far has no way to compare with Dream King these true Expert, but at least in nature aspect, has been almost the same, they have strength of the god, other crush strengths, Long Chen has Highest Beginning God Force similarly. 虽然说在量这个方面上,龙辰还远远沒法和梦幻王这些真正的强者比,但至少在质这个方面上,已经相差无几了,他们拥有通神之力,碾压其他力量,龙辰同样拥有太始神力 But to Long Chen, Highest Beginning God Force at this moment already enough boundless. 但对龙辰而言,此刻的太始神力已经足够的磅礴。 Long Chen has this premonition, the boundary that in the future he will face was only one Yuan tribulations, now he is finally same as Cultivator of most 9-layer Nirvana Calamity Realm peak, starts to attack Reincarnation Calamity Realm, Cultivator but who compared to these other same rank, he wanted simply formidable too 龙辰有这种预感,将來他唯一面临的境界就是一元劫了,现在他终于和大多数九重涅槃劫境巅峰的者一样,开始冲击轮回劫境,但是比起那些其他同等级的者來说,他简直要强大太 Many were too many. 多太多了。 From the primitive Spiritual God strength, in Ben Hang who his within the body dances in the air, these strengths are containing the destruction and sulphathiazol of primal chaos under is pregnant to raise, flows rapidly, nourishes the mortal body, is leading body of Ba once again Chang and maturity Long Chen that Ancestral Dragons, in his mortal body level becomes more fearful 來自原始的神灵力量,在他体内飞舞的奔行,那些力量包含着太极的毁灭和太素的孕养,奔流之下,滋养肉身,带动着龙辰祖龙之躯再度的拔长和成熟,他的肉身层面上变得更加可怕 , The Yuan was an excellent likeness also obtained nourishing, became especially mature. ,元神似乎也得到了滋养,变得尤其成熟。 This is a transformation. 这是一场蜕变。 Long Chen at this moment, graces, has the fearful strength. 此刻的龙辰,举手投足之间,都具有可怕力量。 As if all people felt that his change, Long Chen originally is almost topest talent Expert, few individuals can suppress him including five large clans, but present, as if all lives, below 4000 years old, even if Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm 似乎所有人都感觉到了他的变化,原本的龙辰几乎就已经是最顶尖的天才强者,连五大族当中也沒几个人能压制他,而现在來说,似乎所有生灵当中,4000岁以下,就算是五行轮回劫境 Ultimate Divine Dragon, not necessarily is his match. 的终极神龙,都未必是他的对手。 Repairs to rise suddenly. 修为暴涨。 Highest Beginning God Force is enormous and powerful, that primitive strength erupts in Long Chen within the body, changes into the Blood Red strength under the Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon brand mark, this strength erupts, making the people incomparably vibrate. 太始神力浩浩荡荡,那股原始的力量在龙辰体内爆发,在太古血灵龙的烙印下化为血红色的力量,这一股力量爆发出來,让众人无比震动。 Day, this strength, although does not pass the strength of god, but in the nature, almost and passes the strength of god to be similar.” “天啊,这力量虽然不是通神之力,但在性质上,几乎和通神之力差不多。” So-called passes the strength of god, must undergo the ancient times Seven Star Gu Shen tribulation, can be granted. 所谓通神之力,是要经历过远古七星古神的磨难,才能够被赐予的。 Each arrives at Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, is the big energies, but Long Chen so is young, has the strength of such nature, even if the person of Hundun Cangwu this rank, in the heart has also raised the difficult situation. 每一个到达七星轮回劫境者,都是大能,而龙辰还如此年轻,就拥有如此性质的力量,就算是混沌苍梧这种级别的人,心中也掀起了惊涛骇浪。 This news, disseminates among the people, has challenged the small heart of people once again. 这个消息,在众人之间传播,再度挑战了众人的小心脏。 Although fortunately this Highest Beginning God Force the nature is high, but Long Chen strength quantity, but also insufficient true Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator extremely one, this makes them relax slightly. 还好这股太始神力虽然性质高,但龙辰力量的数量,还不足真正七星轮回劫境者万分之一,这才让他们稍微松了一口气。 Really worthily is the Eternal Dragon Emperor son, the peerless talent, compared with present him, Hundun Kunwu estimated that misses is very far, even estimates above Immortal God Domain, among five large clans, below 4000 years old, nobody was his match.” “真不愧是永恒龙帝的儿子,绝世天才啊,和现在的他相比,混沌昆吾估计都差很远,甚至估计永生神域之上,五大族当中,4000岁以下,都沒人是他对手了。” Hundun Cangwu sighed to say. 混沌苍梧叹气说道。 Such words, said in many Expert mouths. 这样的话语,在许多强者口中说出。 Long Chen today the brilliance ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), being doomed is the core in people eyes. 龙辰今日光耀万丈,注定是众人眼中的核心。 He closes one's eyes to feel this boundless strength, this strength came from Highest Beginning God, making Long Chen transform completely, the far ultra peer, the strength amplification has surpassed the imagination of Long Chen, but in Long Chen heart actually still to Highest Beginning God doubtfully and puzzled, even is sad. 他闭着眼睛感受着这磅礴的力量,这力量來自太始之神,让龙辰完全蜕变,远超同辈,力量的增幅超过了龙辰的想象,但龙辰心中却仍然对太始之神充满疑惑和不解,甚至是感伤。 Xiao Xi, you said that he is Highest Beginning God, is my father.” The Long Chen sinking sound asked. 小曦,你说他是太始之神,还是我的父亲呢。”龙辰沉声问道。 Lingxi is witnessing all these. 灵曦见证着这一切。 She sympathizes: „ Brother Chen, this is unimportant, more importantly his unprincipled person, he will not be helping you from beginning to end, although the way is very cruel, but he truly through this cruel way, can make you obtain Time Storm and blood spirit thorn strength, he finally 她体贴道:“辰哥哥,这不重要,重要的是他不会坏人,他从始至终都在帮助你,尽管方式很残暴,但他确实是通过这种残暴的方式,才能让你得到岁月风暴和血灵刺这种力量,他最终 Gave up attacking, making you pierce him...... It is estimated that is also because the wish is completed, wants final Highest Beginning God Force also to give to you...... ” 放弃攻击,让你刺穿了他……估计也是因为心愿完成,要最后的太始神力也送给你吧……” Listened to a Lingxi such saying, Long Chen finally to determine that the beforehand all, were Highest Beginning God are helping themselves, perhaps he has not thought must kill Long Chen. 灵曦这么一说,龙辰终于确定,之前的一切,都是太始之神在帮助自己,或许他从來都沒想过要杀死龙辰 This makes Long Chen very uncomfortable. 这让龙辰很难受。 Who no matter he is, he for your own good . Moreover the smiling face of his finally departure time, is happily and satisfies, this was enough, Brother Chen, if you long for knowing that really he is, you continue to get down formidable, will happen one day, I believe that you will be bright “不管他是谁,他是为你好的,而且他最后离去时候的笑容,是欣慰、是满足,这就足够了,辰哥哥,如果你真的那么渴望知道他是谁,你就继续强大下去,终有一天,我相信你就会明 White all. ” 白一切的。” The Lingxi inspiration said. 灵曦鼓舞说道。 „......” “哦……” Long Chen had the feeling of suddenly seeing the light, Lingxi says right, no matter Highest Beginning God, or were on Long Qinglan has any secret, so long as tried hard to go forward, did not disappoint him, did not disappoint him to own Divine Ability and strength, oneself can understand one finally on the 1st 龙辰有种豁然开朗的感觉,灵曦说得沒错,不管太始之神、或者是龙青澜身上有什么秘密,只要自己努力前进,不让他失望,不辜负他给自己的神通和力量,终有一日,自己就能明白一 . 切。 Faith, powerful. 信念,强盛。 Today did not finish, is the new start. 今天不是结束,更是新的开始。 Starting today, Long Chen had crush all qualifications, he no longer is an unimportant person, but is the genuine great person. 从今日开始,龙辰已经具备了碾压一切的资格,他不再是小人物,而是真正的大人物。 Shining Star, Chaos Star Domain, arrives at Immortal God Domain again, his Long Chen, is doomed to vibrate the world, the sweeping all sea. 璀璨星辰,混乱星域,再到永生神域,他龙辰,注定震动天下,扫荡四海。 In the middle of the starry sky, in people focal point, Long Chen opened the eye, is taking a fast look around the surrounding all. 在星空当中,在众人焦点当中,龙辰睁大了眼睛,扫视着周围的一切。 Highest Beginning God Force and time storm and blood spirit thorn, this is all that today obtain...... 太始神力、时间风暴、血灵刺,这是今日自己得到的一切…… From that mysterious man. 來自那个神秘的男人。 What Long Chen can determine, oneself have misunderstood him. 龙辰可以确定的是,自己误解了他。 But these are unimportant. 但这些都不重要了。 Shocks, in the middle of the awe look from ten thousand clan Cultivator that he knew own status is having the tremendous changes, until now, he is not the small role that everyone can bully. 从万族者们那震撼、敬畏的眼神当中,他知道了自己的地位正发生着的翻天覆地的变化,时至今日,他已经不是那个谁都可以欺负的小角色了。 Including Dream King, Xiao Dingyuan and Hundun Cangwu this existence, looks at the Long Chen vision, is bringing thick dreading. 梦幻王萧鼎元混沌苍梧这一种存在,看着龙辰的目光,都带着浓浓的忌惮。 Counts 100,000 ten thousand clan Cultivator, the matter that they most have doubts is, where Eternal Dragon Emperor went, beforehand they determined that Eternal Dragon Emperor is also living, but now is indefinite, after all he dissipated in the attack of Long Chen. 十万的万族者,他们最疑惑的事情就是,永恒龙帝哪里去了,之前的他们是确定永恒龙帝还活着,但现在又不确定了,毕竟他已经在龙辰的攻击当中消散。 The Eternal Dragon Emperor death, is these great people jointly definite matters. 永恒龙帝的死,可是那些大人物们联合确定的事情。 Therefore, they start to suspect Eternal Dragon Emperor authenticity that presented a moment ago, Dream King and the others, because is safe and sound, the courage was also big gradually. 所以,他们开始怀疑刚才出现的永恒龙帝的真实性,梦幻王等人因为安然无恙,胆子也逐渐大了起來。 At this time, Hundun Cangwu asked: Long Chen, before that was Eternal Dragon Emperor.” 这时候,混沌苍梧问道:“龙辰,之前那一位,可是永恒龙帝。” Long Chen then remembers a matter, is not the Hundun Cangwu issue, but was ten star continuous dates, the birth of Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, in the time seemed to be similar. 龙辰这才想起一件事,不是混沌苍梧的问題,而是十星连珠之日,太极生灵龙传承精血的诞生,时间上似乎已经差不多了。 He turns head to look that actually sees that to come from Heaven Dragon Star 100,000 Dragon Warrior, is looking at itself, in the eye has filled gently...... 他回头看去,却看到那來自天龙星十万龙武者,正在看着自己,眼中充满了柔和…… They, as if most approve their one group of people. 他们,似乎是最认可自己的一群人。 Young Master, comes.” As if some people spoke with oneself like this. 少主,过來吧。”似乎有人这样跟自己说话。 Really, they once were followed the Long Qinglan subordinate, this point Lin Ming to know, because was sent into exile, they cannot leave Heaven Dragon Star easily, these time sent out, completely for Long Chen. 果然,他们曾经是追随龙青澜的部下,这一点林冥应该知道,但是因为被放逐,他们是不能轻易离开天龙星的,这一次出动,完全是为了龙辰而來。 They called themselves are Young Master, was primarily itself, listened to oneself verbal command, they were the Long Qinglan subordinates, solely leaned on this point, Long Chen can completely the trust they. 他们称呼自己为少主,就是以自己为主,听自己号令,他们是龙青澜的部下,单单凭靠这一点,龙辰就可以完全的信任他们。 His innermost feelings are also meanwhile excited. 同时他内心也是激动的。 Although Long Qinglan had still not lived, but at least Highest Beginning God has sent these many Expert for oneself, Long Chen does not know that takes the lead, endures has any relations compared with Chaos Star Lord Yang You and Highest Beginning God, the matter that she knows, should meet to be many. 尽管龙青澜仍然沒有活过來,但至少太始之神为自己送來了这么多的强者,龙辰不知道那领头的,堪比混沌星主杨幽太始之神有什么关系,她所知道的事情,应该会比自己多吧。 During they summoned sincerely, Long Chen went toward them, that belongs to his Dragon Warrior world, because of this, he has not responded the words that Hundun Cangwu spoke. 在他们真诚的召唤当中,龙辰朝着他们而去,那是属于他的龙武者天地,因为这,他沒有搭理混沌苍梧说的话。 Hundun Cangwu is very angry, but hears the Heaven Dragon Star person so to follow Long Chen, he has been convinced, he may understand that on Heaven Dragon Star that three how formidable, most mystical woman Yang You is the Chaos Star Lord imaginary enemy. 混沌苍梧十分恼怒,但听到天龙星的人如此追随龙辰,他服气了,他可明白天龙星上那三位到底多么的强大,其中最神秘的女人杨幽更是混沌星主的假想敌。 By the Hundun Cangwu ability, most is similar to Lin Ming, so long as remembers the Lin Ming pitiful condition, Hundun Cangwu kept silent. 混沌苍梧的能耐,最多和林冥差不多,只要一想起林冥的惨状,混沌苍梧就噤若寒蝉了。 Dream King arrives at his side, is incapable direction that looks at Long Chen to leave, said: Hundun Cangwu, Chaos Star Lord said that Star Core on Long Chen, this ** did not leave ten, if the Heaven Dragon Star person led him to leave, this Star Core made him occupy.” 梦幻王來到他的身边,无力看着龙辰离开的方向,道:“混沌苍梧,混沌星主星核就在龙辰身上,这**不离十了,如果天龙星的人带着他离开,岂不是这星核就让他占据了。” Hundun Cangwu brow tight wrinkle, said: I am relating Star Lord, what a pity cannot relate, if otherwise he knows that beforehand Long Qinglan vanished, can come back to meet as an equal with Yang You, now demons Star Lord and Asura Star Lord are catching up.” 混沌苍梧眉头紧皱,道:“我正在联系星主,可惜联系不上,要不然他若是知道之前的龙青澜消失了,就可以回來和杨幽分庭抗礼,现在罗刹星主和修罗星主正在赶來。” Hopes that these two Star Lord can help.” “希望这两位星主能够帮忙吧。” But the Dream King innermost feelings, he have longed for Star Lord Hegemony War the so long time, has not actually thought the halfway kills going against heaven's will Long Chen, has controlled all. 梦幻王内心无奈至极,为了星主争霸战他渴望了如此长的时间,却沒想到半路杀出一个逆天的龙辰,左右了一切。 But at this time, Long Chen has made 100,000 Dragon Warrior encircle in the middle. 而这时候,龙辰已经让十万龙武者围在中间。 Among them, there is the old person, a middle age, youth and child, almost all people are using the curious look to look at their Young Master, possibly because of Long Chen before and a Long Qinglan war, they have been full of the respect to Long Chen, has not disdained. 他们当中,有老人、中年、青年和孩童,几乎所有人都在用好奇的眼神看着他们的少主,可能是因为龙辰之前和龙青澜的一战吧,他们对龙辰充满了崇敬,沒有丝毫不屑。 Such vision makes Long Chen feel warm. 这样的目光让龙辰感觉到温暖。 In the middle of 100,000 Divine Dragon, super Divine Dragon over a hundred heads, majority are Expert, Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm, is equal to Xiao Dingyuan and Hundun Cangwu level has many , many super Divine Dragon talent characters, but most core central three, black and white 十万神龙当中,超级神龙上百头,大多数都是强者,其中七星轮回劫境,相当于萧鼎元混沌苍梧层次的都有不少,其中也有不少超级神龙天才人物,但最核心的还是中央的三位,黑白 Two old men and among mysterious wearing a mask woman Yang You. 两位老者和中间神秘的蒙面女人杨幽 Long Chen at this moment just and that Yang You face-to-face. 龙辰此刻正和那杨幽面对面。 Yang You both eyes lonesome and quiet like water, ugly is very clear she to think anything, at this time she said: Young Master, my named Yang You, we will lead you to go back Heaven Dragon Star, Ok.” 杨幽双眼幽静如水,很难看清楚她在想什么,此时她道:“少主,我名为杨幽,我们将带你回去天龙星,可以吗。” Heaven Dragon Star...... 天龙星…… Long Chen naturally understands that now Dragon God Domain cannot go back immediately, at least he has killed Lin Ming, this matter could not explain that these are the Long Qinglan former subordinates, therefore following, oneself must certainly go to that Heaven Dragon Star. 龙辰自然明白,现在龙神域不能马上回去,至少他杀死了林冥,这件事情解释不清楚,这些都是龙青澜的旧部,所以接下來,自己肯定是要去那天龙星的。
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