DBWG :: Volume #21

#2064: Blood spirit thorn

That blood spirit thorn incomparable does not have purely varicolored it is having without limits sharply, not only lets the person mortal body shivers even/including Yuanshen the one type pierce fearfully feel Long Chen although at this moment is body of however he Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon discovered one in front of this blood spirit thorn simply frail is similar to the bean curd 那一根血灵刺无比的纯粹沒有一丝的杂色它拥有着无止境的锋利不只是让人肉身颤抖连元神都有一种被洞穿的可怕感觉龙辰此刻虽然是太古血灵龙之躯但是他发现自己在这血灵刺面前简直脆弱的如同豆腐 Sharp, fierce and fearful, trembles 锋利、狰狞、可怕、颤栗 Including these Expert such as Dream King and so on saw that this blood spirit thorn also very balls trembles does not dare move slightest blood spirit thorn to contain the incomparably fearful murderous intention also only then the Dragon of Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon this death ancestor can manifest so fearful Aura 连那些强者们诸如梦幻王之类看到这血灵刺也是十分胆颤不敢动弹分毫这血灵刺蕴含着无比可怕的杀机也只有太古血灵龙这种死亡之龙的祖宗才能体现出如此可怕的气息 He must kill Long Chen really......” “难道他真的要杀死龙辰么……” Before these bystanders are Long Chen that after all not to believe how are his biological son they meet rarely, everybody think from the beginning is only compares notes to be possible, when Time Storm displayed almost to go to the Long Chen life is the blood spirit thorn so fearful attack people have had to believe that Eternal Dragon Emperor this was must put to death Long Chen 那些围观者一开始是怎么都不会相信的毕竟龙辰可是他的亲生儿子他们难得相遇之前大家都以为只是切磋罢了可当岁月风暴都施展出來几乎要去了龙辰性命紧接着又是血灵刺如此可怕的攻击众人已经不得不相信永恒龙帝这是要诛杀龙辰 They do not know that what happened 他们根本不知道发生什么事情 They know perhaps as for that 100,000 Divine Dragon some, but was issued obviously already the order that cannot inquire about 至于那十万神龙他们或许知道一些但显然早就被下达了不许过问的命令吧 Knows only complete is Long Chen his clear this Highest Beginning God must certainly kill own , will not have is forgiving he to understand that slightly own life will soon end under this blood spirit thorn 唯一知道全部的就是龙辰他清楚这太始之神肯定是要杀自己的而且不会有丝毫的留情他明白自己的的生命即将终结在这血灵刺之下 The so fearful murderous intention enough makes person lose all resistances the strengths 如此可怕的杀机足够让人丧失一切抵抗的力量 Even loses the will of resistance 甚至丧失抵抗的意志 This was surmounts a Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit attack move of fatal blood spirit thorn not to turn head not to pierce all completely to vow not to rest 这是完全超越了泣血龙魂的攻击一招致命血灵刺刺出不会回头不洞穿一切誓不罢休 Long Chen entire world vanished only remaining was that is symbolizing the sharp thorn of death 龙辰身边整个世界都消失了唯一剩下的就是那象征着死亡的尖刺 Biting A resounding blood spirit thorn moved 一声脆响血灵刺已经动了 Long Chen knows that this almost means the conclusion of own life 龙辰知道这几乎意味着自己生命的结束 In the middle of the god country Lingxi has gotten hold of both hands she not to make a tearful scene to disturb Long Chen her to think from the beginning, once Long Chen vanishes she to follow his footsteps to give up all 神国当中灵曦已经握紧了双手她不会哭哭闹闹打扰龙辰从一开始她就想好了一旦龙辰消失她就会跟随他的脚步放弃一切 Long Chen knows similarly she will die along with her body 龙辰同样知道她会随着自己身死 He not willingly does not would rather as a man unable to himself a woman stability this to be the biggest incompetent innermost feelings acme keeps Long Chen from forgiving oneself him guilty to feel that the scant of breath felt suffocates 他不甘心不情愿作为一个男人无法给自己女人一份的安定这是最大的无能内心极致的愧疚让龙辰根本无法原谅自己他感觉到呼吸困难感觉到窒息 I was the bodies of dual Ancestral Dragons am the hope of my father am the dependence or Xiao Lang and cat their elder brother Xiao Xi I arrive at this I to admit defeat like this “我乃双重祖龙之身是我父亲的希望是小曦的依靠还是小狼、小猫他们的兄长我都走到这一步了我难道就要这样认输吗” Has no alternative but energy “不能不能” Burnt person the responsibility of protection that he does not want to defeat does not want dead his innermost feelings responsible to caring to this entire world to drive him to make final crazy in his within the body angry blood 在他体内愤怒的血液燃烧他不想败更不想死他内心是有责任的对在乎的人的守护对这个整个世界的责任驱使着他做出了最后的疯狂 Forgets all last war “忘记一切最后一战” At that moment he had forgotten the life and death in his eyes the remaining that fearful blood spirit thorn that are soon will only take oneself life thing Long Chen not to be convinced he to resist is dies he also to resist 那一刻他忘记了生死他的眼中只剩下那可怕的血灵刺那是即将取走自己生命的东西龙辰不服气他要抗争就算是死他也要抗争 The people cannot submit are the trend perish 人不能屈服屈服就是走向灭亡 Even if were dies must die a glorious death is similar to likes a moth to the flame to enjoy that instantaneous glory and light and did not go spiritlessly withstands the ordinary death 就算是死也要死得壮烈如同飞蛾扑火去享受那瞬间的荣耀和光明而不是去懦弱的承受平凡的死亡 At this moment Long Chen holds the proud heart that is willing to submit not to hug and follows to hug to father's commitment is protecting him to long for with Younger Brother to the lover great power approaches he is true Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon his bloodlines he ** erupted that to be the bloodlines of Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon in the intense fighting spirit of this acme is similar to rivers and streams same Ben Yong is in the middle of the Long Chen bloodlines thing to surface gradually 这一刻龙辰抱着不愿屈服的骄傲之心抱着对父亲的承诺和追随抱着对爱人和兄弟们守护他渴望着强大力量的來临他是真正的太古血灵龙他的血脉他的**在这极致的强烈斗志当中爆发那属于太古血灵龙的血脉如同江河一样奔涌属于龙辰血脉当中的东西逐渐浮出了水面 Highest Beginning God Long Chen has been full of the murderous intention compared with him destructive 太始之神充满杀机龙辰比他更加充满了杀机 In his eye blood spirit thorn as if became very slowly has Highest Beginning God demonstration Long Chen as if once again to open a window to make him see at present out of the window the stimulation of world innermost feelings bloodlines and regains consciousness with the demonstration of Highest Beginning God makes him again successful at present the blood spirit thorn vein clear reappearing in his at present 他的眼中血灵刺似乎变得十分缓慢有太始之神的示范龙辰眼前仿佛再度打开了一扇窗让他看到了窗外的世界内心血脉的激发和苏醒和眼前太始之神的示范让他再一次水到渠成血灵刺的脉络清晰的浮现在他的眼前 Originally is this is this “原來是这样原來是这样” Long Chen several want to roar his within the body warm-blooded Ben Yong that moment Long Chen that in the blood spirit thorn lowers shoots up to the sky he not awfully toward the blood spirit thorn flushes away when everybody thinks his Courts Death he revolves before the time body that flushed suddenly becomes the spiral-shaped super revolving sends out the terror the howling sound innumerable scarlet ray to go to the incomparably incisive blood spirit thorn to substitute his body of Divine Dragon toward all around puncture to appear suddenly in the middle of this starry sky 龙辰几欲咆哮他体内热血奔涌就在血灵刺降下的那一刻龙辰冲天而起他不要命的朝着血灵刺冲去就在大家以为他的找死的时候他在前冲的时刻身体猛然旋转变为螺旋状高速旋转发出恐怖的呼啸声无数的血色光芒朝着四周穿刺而去无比尖锐的血灵刺替代了他的神龙之躯骤然出现在这星空当中 Two blood spirit thorns clash sharply 两道血灵刺锋利对撞 This......” “这……” The people complexion shocked them to understand once again probably Long Chen under the guidance of Highest Beginning God has as if awakened in this showdown different super powerful Divine Ability 众人脸色再度震动他们好像明白了在这场对决当中在太始之神的引导之下龙辰似乎觉醒了两样超级强悍的神通 Originally do not kill this Long Chen, but must stimulate this too to be also brutal his potential in this manner thoroughly “原來并不是要杀这龙辰而是要以这样的方式将他的潜能彻底激发出來么这也太残酷了” Dream King and the others gathered together is suddenly enlighted to say 梦幻王等人聚在一起恍然大悟说道 Long Chen cannot certainly hear their discussions 龙辰当然听不到他们的讨论 But that mysterious female Yang You vision 100,000 Divine Dragon looks in quietly this eye has brilliance to flash indistinctly, but quick was hidden 而在十万神龙这边那神秘的女子杨幽目光沉静看着这一幕眼中隐约有光华闪动但很快就隐沒了 Long Chen at this moment is high-spirited 此刻的龙辰意气风发 Finally became 终于成了 He does not have to think one can use really the blood spirit thorn 他沒想到自己真的能把血灵刺都用出來 First was Time Storm is blood spirit thorn difference fearful skill naturally makes his strength greatly promote to resist this Highest Beginning God also to have confidence probably 先是岁月风暴然后是血灵刺这两样可怕技能自然让他的实力大大提升啊对抗这太始之神好像也有把握了 To live to survive for these care about my person I to with you fight to the death “为了活着为了生存为了那些在乎我的人我要和你决一死战” He sends out heroical roaring facing that blood spirit thorn innermost feelings 他面对那血灵刺内心发出壮烈的咆哮 Two time sharpest blood spirit thorn its most incisive place in the countless person fearful and apprehensive vision of resists suddenly 在无数人心惊胆战的目光当中两根时间最锋利的血灵刺其最尖锐的地方骤然间对抗 All people think that this can be a fearful contest always has a side to break first 所有人都认为这会是一场可怕的较量总有一方先破碎 But they have not thought that at this moment will come that quickly 可他们沒想到这一刻会來得那么快 Even Long Chen have not thought 甚至龙辰自己都沒有想到 Opposite the blood spirit thorn before that moment suddenly does not rotate he stops suddenly to Long Chen at present restores appearance that profound eye of Divine Dragon to fill is staring at itself that the happy expression has no complain and regret 就在那一刻之前对面的血灵刺忽然不转动了他骤然间停止前冲就在龙辰眼前恢复神龙的模样那一双深邃的眼睛充满笑意无怨无悔的盯着自己 At that moment Long Chen saw this look this is he most familiar father he once innumerable remembered his impression deeply is his look 那一刻龙辰看到了这眼神这是他最熟悉的父亲他曾经无数次的想起他其中印象最深的就是他的眼神 This absolutely is his look 这绝对是他的眼神 But this is Highest Beginning God 但这是太始之神 He to kill oneself causes any schemes and tricks 他为了杀自己又弄出什么阴谋诡计么 Long Chen did not stay to slaughter the blood spirit thorn puncture never to turn head instant to go to clash everywhere one visit death from some dragon puncture of opposite party in that furiously the strength to sweep across from the Dragon Tail place kills Highest Beginning God together tattered and torn 龙辰的毫不停留厮杀上去血灵刺奋力穿刺永不回头就在那个刹那从对方的龙首部分穿刺进去一直从龙尾处冲出來所到之处死亡的力量席卷一起将太始之神杀得千疮百孔 Whiz That sharp incomparable sharp thorn changes into Long Chen 那锋利无比的尖刺化为龙辰 Long Chen naturally understands one won the blood spirit thorn to be very fearful he should probably to cut off this Highest Beginning God vitality 龙辰自然明白自己好像胜利了血灵刺很可怕他应该断绝了这太始之神的生机 This is his assurance to own strength 这是他对自己力量的把握 But why his innermost feelings are incomparably chaotic he must give up the attack of blood spirit thorn why not resisting at this moment at the final moment by own puncture how, but he was unable easily to defeat Chaos Star Lord to be prevailed by himself 但此时此刻他的内心是无比纷乱的为什么他要在最后时刻放弃血灵刺的攻击为什么丝毫不抵抗就让自己穿刺而过他不是能轻松打败混沌星主吗又怎么会让自己得逞 In the Long Chen heart has been full of the endless question 龙辰心中充满了无尽的疑问 He turns head the body of Highest Beginning God Divine Dragon to be defeated and dispersed to change into the powder powder with amazement to congeal the Long Qinglan appearance to stand in Long Chen finally at present he to the Long Chen smile 他骇然回头太始之神神龙之躯溃散化为齑粉最终凝结成龙青澜的样子站在龙辰眼前他正在对着龙辰微笑 You......” “你……” Long Chen also changes into the human form to stand the killing intent disappearance complexion before his front his heart incomparably looks how at this moment completely heavily Highest Beginning God opposite party smiling face lets the Long Chen innermost feelings collapse see how Highest Beginning God likely is not own father however now saw and in the middle of mind he is exactly the same 龙辰也化为人形站在他的面前此刻他心中的杀意完全消失脸色无比沉重看着太始之神对方这个笑容让龙辰内心崩溃之前怎么看太始之神都不像是自己的父亲但是现在怎么看都和自己心目当中的他一模一样 Who you are “你到底是谁” Long Chen somewhat sad and shrill overrunning of 龙辰有些凄厉的冲了过去 Child who you can know “你会知道的孩子” Highest Beginning God looks the smiling face his forehead to have this time that a red point that is the Long Chen blood spirit thorn also has scarlet Aura outward to flow 太始之神面露笑容他的眉心有一个红点那是龙辰用血灵刺刺出來的此时其中还有血色气息往外流呢 Was impossible you are only Highest Beginning God do not deceive me......” “不可能你只是太始之神别骗我了……” Long Chen at present in he anchors the footsteps but to let his shock is carves on the present male face to hang gratified smiling face his body gradual dissipation to change into a gem same gravel at this moment dense and numerous float in the middle of the starry sky 龙辰就在他眼前停住了脚步但让他的震撼的是就在这时刻眼前的男人脸上挂着欣慰的笑容他的身体逐渐的消散化为一种宝石一样的沙砾密密麻麻悬浮在星空当中 Long Chen will never forget that his final smiling face so serene so gratified probably is saw the same very satisfied work birth then relieved pass away...... 龙辰永远都不会忘记他最后的笑容如此的安详如此的欣慰就好像是看到一样非常满意的作品诞生然后自己安心逝去…… Highest Beginning God must kill by any means possible own should unable like this 太始之神是千方百计要杀死自己的不应该会这样啊 Long Chen vacant panic-stricken even wants to cry but have no tears 龙辰茫然惊骇甚至欲哭无泪 You is who why is the same with him why will display my Divine Ability......” “你到底是谁为什么和他一样为什么会施展我的神通……” His appearance made Long Chen have doubts he to get hold of the double fist to all these on the contrary to look that all around counted 100,000 ten thousand clan Expert and 100,000 Divine Dragon in looking at his Dream King them also and Long Chen is equally panic-stricken 他的出现反倒让龙辰对这一切更加的疑惑了他握紧了双拳看着四周数十万的万族强者十万神龙都在看着他梦幻王他们这边也和龙辰一样惊骇 Which Eternal Dragon Emperor went 永恒龙帝哪去了” Should not make Long Chen kill is impossible “该不会让龙辰杀了吧不可能啊” Suddenly that side much discussion 一时间那边纷纷议论了起來 Long Chen was transferring several not to see the Highest Beginning God form same place again 龙辰在原地转了几圈再也沒有看到太始之神的身影 His vision falls in the gravel that Highest Beginning God transforms at present finally 他的目光最终落到了眼前那太始之神幻化的沙砾上 He puts out a hand these gem same gravels to start to contact his body then to integrate his body, when the first gravel fuses a rushing strength sweeps across to come this toward Long Chen is one fearful strength 他伸出手那些宝石一样的沙砾开始接触他的身体然后融入他的身体当第一个沙砾融合进去的时候一股澎湃力量朝着龙辰席卷而來这是一种可怕的力量 The strength has the difference of nature high ground 力量拥有性质高地之区别 The strength of Nirvana was inferior that the strength of strength of Reincarnation Reincarnation also has to subdivide the strength of Six Dao Reincarnation is also passes strength of that god compared with strength of strength of powerful innumerable Seven Star Reincarnation one Yuan Reincarnation is close Spiritual God strength is stronger compared with the strength of Six Dao Reincarnation 涅槃之力不如轮回之力轮回之力也有细分六道轮回之力比起一元轮回之力强盛无数七星轮回之力也就是通神之力那是接近神灵的力量比起六道轮回之力更强 Long Chen the strength of primal chaos Nirvana probably and four look like the nature of strength of Reincarnation to be similar 龙辰的太极涅槃之力大概和四象轮回之力的性质差不多 But he obtained the strength of higher level at this moment 但此时此刻他得到了更高层次的力量 That is...... Highest Beginning God Force 那是……太始神力
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