DBWG :: Volume #21

#2063: Years storm

Long Chen was blurry. 龙辰已经迷糊了。 All that he makes now, for during this fearful Highest Beginning God attack goes on living, starts from Tai Su God, he early knows the fearfulness of Highest Beginning God, even this is only the checkpoint of Ancestral Dragons setting, in the world except for his Long Chen, no one has encountered, especially obviously its terror. 他如今所做的一切,都在为了这可怕的太始之神攻击当中活下去,从太素之神开始,他就早知道太始之神的可怕,甚至这是唯一为祖龙设定的关卡,天地之间除了他龙辰自己,谁都未曾遭遇过,尤其可见其恐怖。 Although uses the similar strength and same Divine Ability, but the opposite party is crush, all that he displays, Long Chen in dropping down times, has truly seen the light suddenly and studied, but these trade by the fatal crisis. 虽然使用同样的力量和同样的神通,但是对方就是碾压自己,他所施展的一切,龙辰在一次次倒下时候,确实顿悟和学习了许多,但这些都是以致命的危机换來的。 Now is the life and death final time. 现在更是生死存亡的最终时刻。 I cannot die let Long Chen flees insist that he has forgotten all, only remembers sincere responsibility in own heart, that is his all. 一句‘我不能死’让龙辰亡命般的重新坚持,他已经忘记了一切,只记得自己心中的深切责任,那是他的一切。 Therefore, he goes all out, he never has such going all out, he burnt the acme Refining Divine Flame, only to block opposite party Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit. 所以,他拼命,他从來都沒有如此的拼命,他将炼神之火燃烧到了极致,只为了挡住对方的泣血龙魂 Altogether 4 million slaughtering dragonets, slaughter in the people field of vision crazily, short instantaneously on over 1 million slaughters small Dragon Body dead, changes into everywhere blood light to dissipate, that tiny Divine Dragon actually sends out the giant beast same to roar, among bystander, because cannot bear such sound, had most Cultivator to start to flee. 一共4000000的杀戮小龙,在众人视野当中疯狂厮杀,短短瞬间就1000000以上的杀戮小龙身死,化为漫天血光消散,那细小的神龙却发出巨兽一样咆哮,围观者当中,因为受不了这样的声音,已经有大多数的者开始逃离了。 Too was really fearful. 实在太可怕了。 Long Chen is supporting, before the match of overwhelming superiority, he only remaining goes all out a road, he hates and frightened this Highest Beginning God, this is he has seen the most fearful match absolutely his entire life, no person can make Long Chen so desperate in the same level strength level, this lets Long Chen deeply realizes own insufficiency, and has the huge transformation. 龙辰强撑着,在绝对优势的对手面前,他只剩下拼命一条路,他痛恨和恐惧这太始之神,这绝对是他一生见过最可怕的对手,从來沒有人能在同等力量层面上让龙辰如此的绝望,这让龙辰的深刻意识到自己的不足,并且产生巨大的蜕变。 Was only a pity that he must go on living, very difficultly is very difficult. 只可惜,他要活下去,真的很难很难。 Highest Beginning God feels that must kill him to be very easy. 太始之神感觉上,要杀死他十分容易。 Long Chen clenched the teeth, sky over he looks angrily, during fight of this Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, because Long Chen final clenches teeth to go all out, he first time has blocked the attack of Highest Beginning God finally. 龙辰咬紧了牙关,他怒视上空,这场泣血龙魂的战斗当中,因为龙辰最终的咬牙拼命,他终于第一次挡住了太始之神的攻击。 When all slaughters at present the dragonet vanishes into thin air, Long Chen almost could not support, his oil lamp is completely dry, nearly death, but Highest Beginning God still stood in the sky, indifferent is carefully examining him. 当眼前所有杀戮小龙烟消云散的时候,龙辰几乎撑不住了,他油尽灯枯,近乎死亡,而太始之神仍然站在上空,冷漠的审视着他。 You eventually is a waste, does not have what ability.” “你终究是个废物,沒有什么能耐。” Highest Beginning God that incisive sound, reverberates in the Long Chen ear. 太始之神那尖锐的声音,在龙辰耳边回荡。 He felt that the murderous intention approached more and more, this time Highest Beginning God, so long as makes up again one time, can let the Long Chen thorough annihilation. 他感觉到杀机越來越靠近了,这时候的太始之神,只要再补上一次,就能让龙辰彻底湮灭。 I cannot die.” “我不能死。” Long Chen has exhausted the strength, he has broken by biting the tongue, had the sobriety of moment by oneself, comes facing Highest Beginning God. 龙辰耗尽了力量,他咬破了舌头,才让自己有了片刻的清醒,來面对太始之神 Highest Beginning God cold sound track that keeps aloof: You are too small and weak, Ancestral Dragons Divine Ability is not mature, you do not have any splendid place, I could not forgive you, perhaps you can have progressive in the future, but you will not have in the future, before you died, I can make you have a look at stronger Divine Ability actually.” 那高高在上的太始之神冷声道:“你太弱小,祖龙神通也不成熟,你沒有任何出色的地方,我饶不了你,或许你将來可以有进步,但你却沒有将來了,在你死亡之前,我倒是可以让你看看更强的神通。” Utilization of any same Ancestral Dragons Divine Ability, opposite party far ultra Long Chen. 任何一样祖龙神通的运用,对方都远超龙辰 Long Chen struggles to stand, looks at that Highest Beginning God indifferent facial features, that is father, he has to the heart confused, such as the opposite party said that really so useless...... 龙辰挣扎着站起來,看着那太始之神冷漠面容,那是属于自己父亲的,他不得不心中错乱,就如对方所说,难道自己真的如此不中用么…… He is not willingly, is not very willingly. 他不甘心,很不甘心。 But Highest Beginning God is indifferent, he to the Long Chen opportunity, at this time, the body of his Divine Dragon suddenly has not become gloomy, in an instant changes into one group of illusory fog, does not look clearly, the surroundings fog is mobile, or quick or slow, a nihility eye looks at Long Chen, making Long Chen have a static misconception. 太始之神是冷漠的,他沒有给龙辰机会,就在这时候,他那神龙之躯骤然间变得暗淡,转眼之间化为一团虚幻的云雾,看不真切,周围云雾流动,或快或慢,一双虚无眼睛看着龙辰,让龙辰有一种静止的错觉。 Damn, is Imaginary Universe Dragon.” “该死,是太虚宙龙。” Swaying head that Long Chen makes an effort, he is not really clear, oneself besides going all out also to do. 龙辰使劲的摇晃脑袋,他真的不明白,自己除了拼命还能干嘛呢。 Present Highest Beginning God, is surpasses any limit to go all out obviously, is impossible to be defeated, he is doomed the enemy who is one is impossible to defeat, Long Chen except for clenching teeth, but can also make anything, even if faces Lin Ming, does not have this same level strength Divine Ability Highest Beginning God to be fearful. 只是,眼前的太始之神,显然就算是超越任何极限拼命,都不可能打败,他注定是一个不可能打败的敌人,龙辰除了咬牙,还能做什么,就算面对林冥,也沒有这同等力量神通太始之神可怕。 Or Highest Beginning God of such degree, can defeat Grim Reaper Deep Dragon. 或者说,这样程度的太始之神,就能打败死神冥龙吧。 Long Chen resists such Expert with anything, he is doomed dead. 龙辰拿什么去对抗这样的强者,他注定就是要死的吗。 This makes him suffer and despairs, but he is not willingly, he does not want dead. 这不禁让他痛苦和绝望,但是他还是不甘心,他不想死。 He scarlet eyes are staring at Highest Beginning God of above that Imaginary Universe Dragon appearance, at this time, he was rolling up and pushing along the strength of time, killed to come, Long Chen clear saw each detail, slow playbacking of these details in his brain, he understands profoundly this belonged to his Divine Ability, but he has not unearthed. 他一双血色的眼睛盯着上方那太虚宙龙模样的太始之神,就在这时候,他卷动着时间的力量,袭杀而來,龙辰清楚的看到每一个细节,那些细节在他脑子里缓慢的回放,他深刻明白这是本來属于他的神通,只是他还沒有挖掘出來罢了。 The Highest Beginning God sound, is similar to the sleep talking, keeps resounding in the Long Chen ear. 太始之神的声音,如同梦呓,在龙辰耳边不停响起。 Time, there is his anger, time confused [say / way], not only forever the illusion bubble is so simple, such as this...... Time Storm.” “时间,也有他的愤怒,时间错乱之道,永远不只是梦幻泡影这么简单,就如这……岁月风暴。” Time Storm. 岁月风暴 When this word in the Long Chen ear reverberates, he discovered that periphery is very strange, all vanish, the big world only then oneself, he discovered that the surrounding time is shivering, at once has the riot. 当这个词在龙辰耳边回荡的时候,他发现周围很诡异,一切消失,偌大的天地只有自己,他发现周围的时间正在颤抖,旋即发生暴乱。 The time was one flows the past rivers, it was through the ages peaceful, but the rivers also had the rebellion time, under the control of external force, the rivers will also form the storm, under the confused storm, the storm swept across, all in the person who in this rivers went forward, must be seriously injured, even died. 时间就是一条流淌过去的河流,古往今來它都是安静的,但是河流也有暴动的时候,在外力的控制下,河流也会形成风暴,错乱风暴,风暴席卷之下,所有在这条河流上前进的人,都得身受重伤,甚至死亡。 This is the anger of time, is Time Storm. 这就是时间的愤怒,也就是岁月风暴 Long Chen has studied time the confusion of slightly, Time Stop, Reverse Time, but has not actually involved the time the anger, all people are at the time, but what Highest Beginning God operation is around Long Chen the storm of time. 龙辰研究过时间的略微错乱,时间静止,时间逆流,但却从來沒有涉及到时间的愤怒,所有人都处在时间当中,而太始之神操纵的是龙辰周围时间的风暴。 This feeling is very marvelous, the Long Chen flash comprehended, as if him also has been able to control this Time Storm this fearful strength, in his brain had very clear idea, his eyes can see the side to flow the rivers of past, it from initial shivering, to turned into the fearful storm suddenly. 这个感觉很奇妙,龙辰一瞬间领悟了许多,仿佛他也能控制这种岁月风暴这种可怕的力量,他脑中有了十分清晰的想法,他一双眼睛可以看到身边流淌过去的这条河流,它从最初的颤抖,到忽然间变成可怕的风暴。 Buzz. 嗡。 At that moment, time storm sweeps across. 那一刻,时间风暴席卷。 This type of storm cannot trace, could not see, but actually almost destroyed Long Chen on the shatter body in the flash, innumerable Dragon Scale explode, the dragon bone is torn to pieces, under the time storm, by the Long Chen so stable mortal body, obviously less than the flash must vanishes in puff of smoke. 这种风暴摸不到,看不到,但是却在那么一瞬间将龙辰原本就破碎的身体几乎毁灭,无数龙鳞爆裂,龙骨寸断,时间风暴之下,以龙辰如此稳固的肉身,显然不到一瞬间就要灰飞烟灭。 The death crisis, so approached instantaneously. 死亡危机,瞬间如此靠近。 Long Chen smelled death Scent, during his consciousness is dissipating fast, is unable to describe the fearfulness of this Time Storm in the spoken language, that is the anger of time, was the death of life. 龙辰已经嗅到了死亡的味道,他的意识正在快速的消散当中,无法用言语描述这岁月风暴的可怕,那是时间的愤怒,是生灵的死亡。 But all these are unimportant, Long Chen felt one looked like turned into a fish, he was getting stronger and stronger, he and time fused one completely, he played, in his brain kept was reappearing Highest Beginning God the method of operation time, when he discovered own this fish seemed to be big enough, he could not bear the agitation rivers and streams. 但这一切都不重要,龙辰感觉自己就像是变成了一条鱼,他越來越壮大,他和时间完全融合到了一起,他在其中嬉戏,他的脑中不停的重现着太始之神的操纵时间的方法,当他发现自己这条鱼似乎足够大的时候,他忍不住搅动江河。 Bang. 轰隆。 Under his agitation, the time perpetual flow curled up the storm unexpectedly, the mighty waves rolled, enormous and powerful, made a long-range raid, Long Chen understands profoundly that this was the Time Storm strength. 在他的搅动下,时间长河竟然卷起了风暴,波涛滚动,浩浩荡荡,奔袭出去,龙辰深刻明白,这就是岁月风暴的力量。 He only looked at one, actually grasped. 他只看了一眼,竟然掌握了。 This Time Storm has as if taken to him newborn, Long Chen sobered instantaneously, just curled up in Highest Beginning God Time Storm, almost oneself kill, he operates the time storm of opposite party, lets vanishing into thin air, the fatal crisis, goes away instantaneously. 岁月风暴仿佛带给了他新生,龙辰瞬间清醒了过來,在太始之神岁月风暴刚刚卷起,差点把自己杀死的时候,他操纵对方的时间风暴,让之烟消云散,致命危机,瞬间消失。 So long as understood the truth of time storm, making it vanish is not the difficult matter. 只要明白了时间风暴的道理,让它消失并不是难事。 This flash, Long Chen almost and death brushed past. 只是这一瞬间,龙辰几乎和死亡擦肩而过。 He has not thought that he in the instance of this infinite close death, comprehended Time Storm this move unexpectedly, this move of striking power, will be obviously more fearful than Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit. 他怎么也沒想到,自己竟然在这无限接近死亡的瞬间,领悟出了岁月风暴这一招,这一招的攻击力,显然会比泣血龙魂还要可怕。 Highest Beginning God almost killed itself. 太始之神差点就弄死自己了。 „The strength of time......” “时间的力量……” More ten thousand clan Expert were confused, this is any situation. 更多的万族强者迷茫了,这到底是什么情况。 Long Qinglan in their eyes, a time secondary kills Long Chen, is relentless, Long Chen was died a moment ago similarly. 他们眼中的龙青澜,一次次要弄死龙辰,毫不留情,刚才龙辰更是死得差不多了。 In their brains, has been full of the endless question. 他们脑中,充满了无尽的疑问。 But Highest Beginning God was still indifferent, he once again becomes Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon, fierce both eyes look at Long Chen, cold sound track: Also good, comprehends Time Storm unexpectedly, in turn has blocked my attack, but this small ability, cannot avoid the destiny that you died, so long as because you do not die, I will die.” 太始之神仍然冷漠无比,他再度变为太古血灵龙,狰狞双眼看着龙辰,冷声道:“还不错,竟然领悟岁月风暴,反过來挡住了我的攻击,但这点小能耐,并不能免除你死亡的命运,因为只要你不死,我就会死。” During Long Chen struggles from Time Storm comes out, looks own this in confusion, forced smile. 龙辰岁月风暴挣扎当中出來,看着自己这一身狼藉,不禁苦笑。 The opposite party actually still sent Wushang(No injuries)...... 对方却仍然毫发无伤…… He wished one could to live to rip Highest Beginning God, although hatred, but the opposite party must kill itself, moreover he was really too fearful, comprehended Time Storm, as if also can only be lived by oneself last a while...... 他恨不得生撕了太始之神,虽然沒有仇恨,但是对方要杀死自己,而且他真是太可怕了,领悟了岁月风暴,似乎也就只能让自己多活上一会儿吧…… Survival, really so difficult. 生存,真的如此困难吗。 Walked after the death moment, Long Chen has been full of the misconception at present. 从死亡关头走出來后,龙辰眼前充满了错觉。 But Highest Beginning God has not been forgiving, he is such ominous offense, despises Long Chen, keeps aloof, gets rid savage, strength that this time he displays, is more fearful, that came from Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon, but also slaughtering Divine Ability above Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit. 太始之神从來都沒有留情,他还是这么凶戾,藐视龙辰,高高在上,出手凶残,这一次他所展现出的力量,更加可怕,那是來自太古血灵龙,还在泣血龙魂之上的杀戮神通 The opposite party just displayed, Long Chen realizes fearfully, felt that is incapable. 对方刚刚施展,龙辰就意识到可怕,也感觉到无力。 Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon is the dragon of slaughtering, was the dragon of death, his Divine Ability and Imaginary Universe Dragon were different, he only to slaughter, but Imaginary Universe Dragon were more is to the operation and change of time, at least in earlier period, Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon slaughtered Divine Ability more fearful. 太古血灵龙乃是杀戮之龙,更是死亡之龙,他的神通太虚宙龙不同,他只为了厮杀,而太虚宙龙更多是对时间的操纵和改变,至少在前期,太古血灵龙的杀戮神通更加可怕。 Highest Beginning God rolls up and pushes along the body of Divine Dragon, overlooks Long Chen, his firm body volume in the same place, dragon to Long Chen, the whole body is assuming downward spiral-shaped, is similar to an iron drill. 太始之神卷动神龙之躯,俯视龙辰,他那刚硬的身体卷在一起,龙首向下对着龙辰,浑身呈螺旋状,如同一根铁钻。 At this moment, on the body of Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon, displays incomparably fearful murdering strength, a layer upon layer scarlet ray has covered the body of Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon, in this moment, spiral-shaped Dragon Body actually told revolving, in the flash, has formed incomparably fearful death storm. 此刻,太古血灵龙之躯上,展现出无比可怕的杀伐力量,一层层血色的光芒覆盖了太古血灵龙的身体,就在这一刻,螺旋状的龙身竟然告诉旋转,就在一刹那,就形成了无比可怕的死亡风暴。 Blood spirit thorn.” “血灵刺。” This is by Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon name name Divine Ability. 这是以太古血灵龙名字命名的神通 The body of Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon, under high-speed rotation, all vanishes, what appears in Long Chen at present is an all over the body Blood Red sharp thorn, this is Long Chen has experienced the most fearful sharp thorn, this sharp thorn has is tearing all, pierces all incisive strengths, nobody dares to look straight ahead this sharp thorn, solely has a liking for one, a whole body was penetrated, the soul penetrated feeling. 太古血灵龙之躯,在高速转动之下,一切消失,出现在龙辰眼前的是一根通体血红色的尖刺,这是龙辰见识过最可怕的尖刺,这尖刺拥有着撕裂一切,洞穿一切的尖锐力量,沒有人敢直视这尖刺,单单是看上一眼,就有一种浑身被穿透、灵魂被穿透的感觉。 Blood spirit thorn. 血灵刺。 Once the Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon label, pierced world, in world does not have any thing, can block that time Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon blood spirit thorn, other Ancestral Dragons statures were not good. 曾经太古血灵龙的标签,洞穿天地,世界上不存在任何的东西,能挡住那个时代太古血灵龙的血灵刺,连其他祖龙的身躯都不行。
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