DBWG :: Volume #21

#2062: I cannot lose

Slaughter Dragon Seal, that is Long Chen in the Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon myriad Divine Ability magic arts, the first move of society, is the Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon most basic Divine Ability magic arts, is too not formidable, but the issue is that belongs to Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon Divine Ability, why Highest Beginning God can use. 杀戮龙印,那是龙辰太古血灵龙万千神通道法当中,学会的第一招,也是太古血灵龙最基本的神通道法,不算太强大,但问題是那是属于太古血灵龙神通,为什么太始之神能够使用。 When saw that on Highest Beginning God covers Blood Red Dragon Scale, when saw that he displays Slaughter Dragon Seal to kill, the brain of Long Chen whole person is ignorant condition, this was too big to his shock. 当看到太始之神身上覆盖血红色龙鳞,当看到他施展杀戮龙印杀來,龙辰整个人的脑子都是懵着的状态,这对他的震撼实在太大了。 In this world, only then he will display Slaughter Dragon Seal, only then he is Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon inheritance . Moreover, true Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon, since the ancient times also only then a head, Inherited Blood Essence only will have one drop. 这世界上,只有他才会施展杀戮龙印,只有他才是太古血灵龙的传承者啊,而且,真正的太古血灵龙,自古以來也只有一头,传承精血也只会有一滴。 Brother Chen.” 辰哥哥。” Slaughtering of Highest Beginning God, has not been forgiving completely. 太始之神的杀戮,是完全沒有留情的。 Long Chen this delay condition, nothing but is Courts Death. 龙辰这呆滞状态,无非是找死 Counts 100,000 ten thousand clan Expert in that looks like, Highest Beginning God action suddenly, making them puzzled, Long Chen is not his son, the fathers and sons meet, why he must begin to his son. 在那数十万的万族强者看來,太始之神的忽然举动,让他们更加的不解,龙辰不是他的儿子吗,父子相见,他为什么要对自己的儿子动手。 Suddenly, the people much discussion, complexion is panic-stricken. 一时间,众人纷纷议论,脸色惊骇。 After the reminder of Lingxi, Long Chen responded finally that Highest Beginning God originally ever changing, perhaps was the same like Tai Su God, is good at confusing is uncertain, Long Chen responded hastily that his innermost feelings had the intense resistance idea. 经过灵曦的提醒,龙辰终于反应过來,太始之神本來就千变万化,或许如太素之神一样,擅长迷惑也不一定,龙辰连忙反应过來,他的内心产生强烈的对抗想法。 No matter how, I must defeat him, goes on living.” “不管如何,我都要打败他,活下去。” This is his faith. 这是他的信念。 His struggle, to go on living, only then goes on living, can complete own wish and father's wish. 他的奋斗,是为了活下去,只有活下去,才能完成自己的心愿和父亲的心愿。 He thanked Highest Beginning God similarly, making him have one so to approach father's opportunity, although this was false, but in Long Chen heart still special feelings. 他同样感谢太始之神,让他拥有一个如此靠近父亲的机会,尽管这是假的,但龙辰心中仍然有一种特殊的感觉。 Kills.” “杀。” Long Chen whooshes in a low voice, his same Dragon Scale covers, changes into blood Dragon Warrior, by same Slaughter Dragon Seal, resists with Highest Beginning God, on Highest Beginning God all and are similar, Long Chen feels on, is similar to oneself and fights, but he discovered quickly that the opposite party surpasses itself to the Heavenly Dao comprehension, to the utilization of Ancestral Dragons Divine Ability, is not can hope to attain. 龙辰低声嘶吼,他身上同样龙鳞覆盖,化为血龙武者,以同样的杀戮龙印,和太始之神进行对抗,太始之神身上一切都和自己相似,龙辰感觉上,就如同自己和自己战斗,但他很快发现,对方对天道领悟远超自己,对祖龙神通的运用,也并非自己所能企及的。 Similarly is Slaughter Dragon Seal, same level strength, but the opposite party displays, still also wanted to be skillful and formidable, this is comprehends from the first resistance, at least in murderous intention, the opposite party surmounts itself, an confrontation, Long Chen backs up to go, an arm is at the condition of tingling with numbness. 同样是杀戮龙印,同等的力量,但对方施展开來,仍然比自己还要纯熟和强大,这是从第一次对抗当中领悟到的,至少在杀机方面,对方超越自己,一次交锋,龙辰就倒退而去,一只手臂都处在发麻的状态。 Is so strong.” “这么强。” Utilization of that Slaughter Dragon Seal, all sorts of strange and unusual, took to Long Chen deeply to shock, he has not digested with enough time, once again killed to come in this moment Highest Beginning God, these time let the Long Chen delay, because the opposite party put out a hand, unexpectedly was Imaginary Universe Dragon Divine Ability, Eternal Flash. 杀戮龙印的运用,千奇百怪,带给了龙辰深深震撼,他还沒來得及消化,就在这关头太始之神再度袭杀而來,这一次让龙辰更加呆滞,因为对方伸手一点,竟然是太虚宙龙神通,刹那永恒 At that moment, Long Chen feels the whole body to coagulate, he first time experiences the feeling of Time Stop, the imprisoned strength of time seizes every opportunity, Long Chen exhausts the strength, crazy impact, although has broken through the fetter of Eternal Flash within the short time, but Highest Beginning God flushed at this time indifferently, when Long Chen has no way to revolt completely, gets rid decisively, Slaughter Dragon Seal raids once again, seal above the Long Chen chest. 那一刻,龙辰感觉浑身凝固,他还是第一次经历时间静止的感觉,时间的禁锢力量无孔不入,龙辰耗尽力量,疯狂的冲击,虽然在短时间之内冲破了刹那永恒的束缚,但这时候太始之神已经冷漠冲上來,在龙辰完全沒法反抗的时候,果断出手,杀戮龙印再度袭來,印在龙辰胸膛之上。 At that moment, death crisis attacked. 那一刻,死亡危机來袭。 The terrifying shake shakes to fly Long Chen, he spouts a blood, the chest goes in hollowly, in the internal organs almost crush in this attack, the Long Chen so stable mortal body, nearly the severe wound in this attack, how obviously the utilization of opposite party to strength was still ingenious. 恐怖的震荡将龙辰震飞出去,他喷出一口鲜血,胸口凹陷进去,内腑在这攻击当中几乎粉碎,龙辰如此稳固的肉身,在这攻击当中仍然近乎重伤,可见对方对力量的运用到底如何巧妙了。 Similar strength, same Divine Ability, his actually instantaneous uniform Long Chen. 同样的力量,同样的神通,他却瞬间制服龙辰 When sees the Long Chen severe wound time, people are unable to believe their eye simply. 当看到龙辰重伤时候,众人简直无法相信自己的眼睛。 What's the matter, how Eternal Dragon Emperor will get rid to own son.” “怎么回事,永恒龙帝怎么会对自己儿子出手。” Tests the Long Chen strength, but under does not need such heavy hand.” “是考验龙辰的实力吗,但也沒有必要下这么重的手吧。” They may see clearly that Long Chen suffers one time to hit hard. 他们可清楚看到,龙辰遭受一次重击。 Good Eternal Dragon Emperor does not have the use to punish the Chaos Star Lord time that strength, must otherwise Long Chen be possible to die. 还好永恒龙帝沒有使用惩罚混沌星主时候的那种力量,要不然的话龙辰可要沒命了。 But this is only starts. 但这只是开始。 Including the Imaginary Universe Dragon Divine Ability metropolis, Long Chen has been convinced thoroughly, these time was injured stimulates the fight ** with the faith, he discovered that own blood started to burn, the infinite fighting spirit urged him to stand, faced Highest Beginning God once again, he put out a hand to wipe his chest, that injured place rapidly was restoring, in the Reverse Time dream returned to under the strength that originned, restored to sent Wushang(No injuries) the time instantaneously. 太虚宙龙神通都会,龙辰算是彻底服气了,这一次受伤更是激发出战斗的**和信念,他发现自己的血液开始燃烧,无穷的斗志驱使着他站立起來,再度面对太始之神,他伸手抹过自己的胸口,那受伤的地方正在快速恢复,在时间逆流梦回起源的力量之下,瞬间恢复到毫发无伤的时候。 Has dropped down, must stand, but this is only starts, then I start to be heavier.” “倒下了,就要站起來,但这只是开始,接下來我下手更重。” Highest Beginning God unemotionally, kills once again. 太始之神面无表情,再度杀來。 This time, before his high-speed clashes, when attacks half, rotates the body suddenly, that small body rises suddenly in the flash unexpectedly, the blood fog fills the air, Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon appears, kills toward the Long Chen terror. 这一次,他的高速前冲,在冲击到一半的时候,猛然转动身体,那小小的身体竟然在一瞬间暴涨,血雾弥漫,一头太古血灵龙出现,朝着龙辰恐怖杀來。 This Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon, any aspect, and Long Chen is simply exactly the same. 太古血灵龙,无论是任何一个方面,都和龙辰简直一模一样。 Experienced front has shocked twice, this Long Chen has been used to it, first time at other angle of view facing oneself, he had one type with the feeling that oneself resisted, was more formidable, more fearful, Long Chen have experienced many matches, but he has to acknowledge that in his eyes, the most fearful match was still one. 经历了前面两次震撼,这一次龙辰已经习惯了,第一次以另外的视角面对自己,他有了一种在和自己对抗的感觉,一个更加强大,更加可怕的自己,龙辰见识过许许多多的对手,但他不得不承认,在他心目当中,最可怕的对手仍然是自己。 Kills.” “杀。” He retrocedes a journey, similarly transforms the body of Ancestral Dragons, two almost exactly the same Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon from the sky meet, this scene incomparably shocks, must know that the people think Long Chen is Supreme Divine Dragon, but Long Qinglan is just the same as him unexpectedly, moreover they are fighting, this what's the matter. 他后退一段路途,同样变换成祖龙之躯,两头几乎一模一样的太古血灵龙在空中相遇,这场面无比震撼,要知道众人都认为龙辰乃是无上神龙,但龙青澜竟然和他一模一样,而且两人正在战斗,这到底是怎么回事。 Suddenly, everyone was ignorant. 一时间,谁都懵了。 Long Chen has abandoned all officially, only to slaughter. 龙辰正式抛开了一切,只为厮杀。 Two Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon suddenly Sha in same place. 两头太古血灵龙暴杀在一起。 Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword.” 天屠血剑。” Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword.” 天屠血剑。” Divine Dragon fishtails, knife point formation, the tails of two Divine Dragon, Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword in confrontation that in the middle of the starry sky keeps, this scene is very naturally vast, each confrontation has the impact of terror. 神龙摆尾,刀锋形成,两头神龙之尾,天屠血剑在的星空当中不停的交锋,这场面自然无比浩大,每一次交锋都产生恐怖的冲击。 Long Chen is very strenuous, although the strength is the same, but the utilization of opposite party to this Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword is simply superb, he thinks one already Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword Cultivate to limit before, but this moment Highest Beginning God actually displays to stem from the change of Long Chen expectation Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword, so inconceivable, to developing the thought of Long Chen played very important role, but so today dies here, that anything used not to have. 龙辰十分吃力,虽然力量相同,但对方对这天屠血剑的运用简直出神入化,他以前以为自己已经将天屠血剑修炼到了极限,但此刻太始之神却将天屠血剑施展出许多出乎龙辰预料的变化,如此的不可思议,对开拓龙辰的思维起到了十分重要的作用,但如此今天死在这里,那就什么用都沒有了。 You were too weak.” “你太弱了。” Highest Beginning God that Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword passed through the Long Chen numerous offensive, even transforms the innumerable illusory images, all slaughters Rune to gather in a point antique, this point has broken through Long Chen Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword, punctures on his Dragon Body, immediately, Dragon Scale demolishes, the flesh and blood flying in all directions, Long Chen was hit once again. 太始之神天屠血剑穿越了龙辰的重重攻势,甚至幻化出无数幻影,所有的太古杀戮符文汇聚在一个点上,这个点攻破了龙辰天屠血剑,刺在他的龙身上,顿时之间,龙鳞爆破,血肉横飞,龙辰再度被击中。 This injury is very similarly serious, Long Chen felt that own vitality in fast passing, Highest Beginning God became more and more fearful. 这一次伤势同样很重,龙辰感觉到自己的生命力正在快速的流逝,太始之神已经变得越來越可怕了。 Any Divine Ability, in his hands ever changing, making Long Chen broaden the outlook, realizes own insufficiency. 无论是任何一种神通,在他手中都千变万化,让龙辰大开眼界,认识到自己的不足。 Slaughter Dragon Seal and Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword, the illusion bubble, Eternal Flash and dream return to origin...... 杀戮龙印天屠血剑,梦幻泡影、刹那永恒和梦回起源…… Even slaughters the aspect in the mortal body, the opposite party wants by far, this fight is the crush, Long Chen is unable to resist Highest Beginning God, retreats in defeat again and again, in the opposite party powerful attack, the body is tattered and torn, even even/including Menghui originned is hard to repair. 甚至在肉身厮杀方面,对方都要远胜自己,这一场战斗根本就是碾压,龙辰无法对抗太始之神,节节败退,在对方强势攻击当中,身上千疮百孔,甚至连梦回起源都难以修复了。 In a flash, he suffocated. 转瞬之间,他已经奄奄一息。 I lost.” “我已经输了么。” Desperate attack. 绝望來袭。 He did not concede, loses died, he did not die willingly, no matter the how serious injury, he was strong immediately, although the dripping with blood, the pain extremely, he must look at that Highest Beginning God with the ominous offense eye. 他不服输,输了就是死亡,他不甘心死亡,所以不管是多么沉重的伤势,他都在第一时间重新坚挺起來,尽管鲜血淋漓,痛苦万分,他仍然要用凶戾的眼睛看着那太始之神 Already made as for outside, everyone understands that Highest Beginning God this absolutely is under the killer, if tests the Long Chen strength, he does not use to this degree savage. 至于外面早就闹开了,谁都明白,太始之神这绝对是下杀手,如果只是考验龙辰的力量,他也不用凶残到这种程度。 Why this is.” “这是为什么。” Why Long Qinglan must begin to own son.” “为什么龙青澜要对自己的儿子动手。” Dream King, Hundun Cangwu and the others looked at each other in blank diamay. 梦幻王混沌苍梧等人面面相觑。 In their eyes, Long Chen severe wound dying, is quite pitiful. 在他们眼中,龙辰重伤垂死,相当可怜。 His toughness is truly fearful, wound to this degree, but can also crawl again and Highest Beginning God combat, at risk of life the counter-attack, making the person admire. 只是他的韧性确实可怕,伤到这种程度,还能再爬起來和太始之神作战,拼死反击,让人佩服。 On the Long Chen face, the blood keeps flowing. 龙辰脸上,鲜血不停流淌下去。 That blood already blurry his both eyes. 那血液已经迷糊了他的双眼。 Throws. 扑哧。 Highest Beginning God Dragon Claw jabbed into his body, Long Chen pain, gained ground actually saw look that Highest Beginning God that despised, he sneered saying: Kid, you were too weak, your small and weak, has accomplished your today's death, Heavenly Dao heartless, therefore you damn, could not complain about me.” 太始之神龙爪刺进了他的身体,龙辰更加的痛苦,抬起头却看到了太始之神那藐视的眼神,他冷笑道:“小家伙,你还太弱了,你的弱小,造就了你今天的死亡,天道的无情的,所以你该死,怨不得我。” Under a agitation, suppresses, Long Chen roared crazily, he bit the tooth to endure the severe pain, has shaken off the control of Highest Beginning God, the body of that big Divine Dragon could not control, the blood sprinkled horizontally. 一番搅动,压制之下,龙辰疯狂咆哮,他咬着牙齿忍着剧痛,挣脱了太始之神的控制,那偌大的神龙之躯控制不住,鲜血横洒。 Your time of death.” “你的死期到了。” Highest Beginning God cold saying. 太始之神冷然的说道。 Before his sends Wushang(No injuries) the body of Divine Dragon once again clashes, body that innumerable Dragon Scale starts the flash, blurry Long Chen felt truly once again death crisis, the opposite party this is must use Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, Long Chen at present the strongest attack. 他那毫发无伤神龙之躯再度前冲,身上那无数的龙鳞开始闪光,迷糊当中的龙辰真正再度感觉到死亡的危机,对方这是要用泣血龙魂,龙辰目前最强的攻击。 Really, under the Highest Beginning God control, enough 2 million strong slaughtering dragonets, kills to come, innumerable fierce roaring, innumerable sharp Dragon Tooth and Dragon Claw, Long Chen will not doubt itself to be embezzled by these crazy slaughtering dragonets completely. 果然,在太始之神控制之下,足足2000000强壮的杀戮小龙,袭杀而來,无数狰狞的咆哮,无数锋利的龙牙龙爪,龙辰毫不怀疑自己会被这些疯狂的杀戮小龙完全吞沒。 One will turn into the fragment, enters in their abdomens. 自己会化成碎片,进入它们腹中。 You are not very formidable, therefore life ends in this.” “你不够强大,所以生命终结于此。” This scene is very scary. 这场面无比吓人。 Not......” “不……” The Long Chen faith, is unable to be defeated, although he whole body is murky, but he still from endless painful and exhausted middle has strengthened own spirit. 龙辰的信念,是无法打败的,他虽然浑身昏沉,但他仍然从无尽的痛苦和疲惫当中坚定了自己的精神。 I cannot lose.” “我不能输。” In the heart has the infinite responsibility, making him die repugnantly, the hate death, Highest Beginning God was heartless, he already did not hold any hope, he clenched the teeth, even though paid again many, he must go on living. 心中有无限的责任,让他讨厌死亡,怨恨死亡,太始之神无情,他早就不抱有任何的希望,他咬紧了牙关,纵使付出再多,他也要活下去,。 Living, living.” “活着,活着。” This ** makes Long Chen stimulate the strength once again, his Refining Divine Flame flaming combustion, he defeats so is also proud, along with his intense fighting will, along with the faith of his perfection, in all people at present, Dragon Scale flashes, same 2 million Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit long-range raids. 这**让龙辰再度激发出力量,他的身上炼神之火熊熊燃烧,他就算战败也如此骄傲,随着他强烈的战斗意志,随着他不败的信念,在所有人眼前,龙鳞闪动,同样2000000的泣血龙魂奔袭而出。 Million Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, clash loudly, a side keeps aloof, a side counter-attacks at risk of life, Long Chen no doubt suffocates, but when he puts together completely to stand once again, his Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, is not necessarily able to be smaller and weaker than the opposite party. 百万泣血龙魂,轰然对撞,一方高高在上,一方拼死反击,龙辰固然奄奄一息,但当他拼尽一切再度站立起來,他的泣血龙魂,未必会比对方弱小。
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