DBWG :: Volume #21

#2061: Too the god of beginning

This is not Long Chen own strength. 这不是龙辰自身的力量。 The lines of sight of all people fell on Long Chen this palm of the hand, they look helplessly this palm of the hand pulled out on the face of Lin Ming, was similar to pulls out on their faces, almost every person innermost feelings were cold, has been full of the fear to Long Chen this person, before only thought that he was a talent, so-called talent, in also has not become in front of peerless Expert, strength that has not controlled, but now is different...... 所有人的视线都落在了龙辰这一巴掌上,他们眼睁睁看着这一巴掌抽在林冥的脸上,就如同抽在他们脸上似的,几乎每个人都内心寒冷,对龙辰这个人充满了恐惧,以前只觉得他是个天才,所谓天才,在还沒成为绝世强者面前,并沒有主宰的力量,但现在却不同了…… Strange birth of Eternal Dragon Emperor, the appearance of 100,000 Divine Dragon, making Long Chen have the firmest backstage, starting today, he inevitably became present age one of the most fearful characters. 永恒龙帝的诡异降世,十万神龙的出现,让龙辰拥有了最为坚固的后台,从今日开始,他已经必然成为当世最可怕的人物之一。 Bang. 轰。 This palm of the hand, when Lin Ming begs for mercy laboriously hits on his face. 这一巴掌,在林冥辛苦求饶的时候打在他的脸上。 Time as if in this moment static. 时间仿佛在这一刻静止。 Long Chen is very fair person, others take to themselves anything, he gives back to others anything, he does not know own right hand has the strong strength, he does not have to manage these, can suffer as for Lin Ming, look at him. 龙辰是非常公平的人,别人带给自己什么,他就还给别人什么,他不知道自己右手有多强的力量,他沒去管理这些,至于林冥能不能挨过去,就看他自己了。 As a result, under the Eternal Dragon Emperor strength, Lin Ming has not suffered. 结果是,在永恒龙帝的力量之下,林冥沒有挨过去。 Human Clan Five Great Dragon City fearful Expert, under the Eternal Dragon Emperor strength, changes to the powder powder in Long Chen at present, dissipates in the middle of the starry sky, what the people impression is most is Lin Ming in the last minute expression, has written all over the regret and pain, has slapped Long Chen two, this is the matter that he handles his entire life most has regretted. 一个人族五大龙城可怕的强者,在永恒龙帝的力量之下,在龙辰眼前化作齑粉,消散在星空当中,众人印象最深的是林冥在最后一刻的表情,写满了后悔和痛苦,打了龙辰两次耳光,这是他一生做过最后悔的事情。 But he does not have the opportunity of regret. 但他沒有后悔的机会。 It is not Long Chen must kill him, finally killed him is Long Qinglan, Long Chen can only make the decision, but is unable to control the strength of right hand. 不是龙辰要杀他,最终杀了他的是龙青澜,龙辰只能做出决定,但无法掌控右手的力量。 After the second palm of the hand hits Lin Ming, the strength that on the right hand adheres to stick cohere vanished. 当第二巴掌击中林冥后,右手上附着的力量消失了。 That flash, surroundings complete silence. 那一瞬间,周围鸦雀无声。 All people in shock looks at this youth, everyone knows that his body is having the strength of control common people. 所有人都在震撼的看着这个少年,谁都知道,他的身上拥有着主宰苍生的力量。 Long Chen......” 龙辰……” Gong Qing they retroceded several steps. 龚擎他们后退了数步。 They no doubt know, if Long Chen formerly went back Dragon God Domain, only rectifies names for the father, Long Qinglan reappears at this moment, he has not needed to return to Dragon God Domain...... 他们固然知道,如果说龙辰从前回去龙神域,只为父正名的话,龙青澜此刻重新出现,他已经不用返回龙神域了…… Then, he does not have the place that any need cares about. 那么,他也沒有任何需要顾及的地方。 In the middle of starry sky, a piece quietly. 星空当中,一片悄然。 Dream King and the others full are the cold sweat, the innermost feelings suffer, want to run away actually not having courage quantity, now wishes one could to kneel down in front of Long Chen. 梦幻王等人身上满是冷汗,内心折磨,想要逃走却沒有这个胆量,现在则恨不得跪倒在龙辰面前。 But he wants to be too many, Long Chen has not cared about him, now what he most cares, this is leading the man of 100,000 Divine Dragon arrival, who he is, whether he is his father, but his father did not die...... 但他想太多了,龙辰根本就沒有在意过他,他现在最在意的是,这个率领着十万神龙到來的男人,他到底是谁,他是否就是自己的父亲,只是自己的父亲不是死了吗…… The black and white old man of Eternal Dragon Emperor, Yang You and two big Star Lord ranks, 100,000 Divine Dragon, in looking at Long Chen, when the people are very peaceful, that 100,000 Divine Dragon, besides Long Qinglan, including Yang You, all people partly kneels in this moment on the ground, together bright sound track: Subordinate see Young Master.” 永恒龙帝杨幽和两大星主级别的黑白老者,还有十万神龙,都在看着龙辰,就在众人无比安静的时候,那十万神龙,除了龙青澜之外,包括杨幽,所有人都在这一刻半跪在地上,共同朗声道:“属下参见少主。” Young Master.” 少主。” Finally the echoes of two characters, shake in the middle of the trim starry sky, exude loudly the sound, almost makes all people deafening, 100,000 Dragon Warrior partly kneels on the ground, this scene is what Dang the magnificent sight. 最后两个字的回响,在整片星空当中震荡,发出轰然响声,几乎让所有人震耳欲聋,十万龙武者半跪在地上,这场面是何当的壮观。 The people had guessed already correctly this, sees at this time, still incomparably shocked. 众人心里早就猜到了这一幕,此时看见,仍然无比震撼。 Under their worshipping on bended knees, Long Chen status instantaneously Ba Chang to the degree that Dream King must look, starting today, Long Chen not only a talent was so simple, he soon becomes super great person who overawes Immortal God Domain. 在他们的跪拜下,龙辰的地位瞬间拔长到梦幻王都要仰望的程度,从今日开始,龙辰就不只是一个天才那么简单了,他即将成为威震永生神域的超级大人物。 Long Chen shocks similarly, his vision crossed innumerable worshipping on bended knees Dragon Warrior, throws has been standing only on Long Qinglan, that man indifferent eyes were still gazing at themselves, nobody knows that he is thinking anything. 龙辰同样震撼,他的目光越过了无数跪拜的龙武者,投到了唯一站着的龙青澜身上,那个男人一双冷漠的眼睛仍然在注视着自己,沒人知道他心里在想什么。 This moment picture, frames in the Long Chen heart. 这一刻的画面,在龙辰心中定格。 Young Master.” 少主。” He has not thought that will present such moment, who no matter this man is, this 100,000 Dragon Warrior, should be the Long Qinglan subordinate, Long Chen remembers itself to hear Heaven Dragon Star that crowd of sent into exile Dragon Warrior, they once gave loyalty to Long Qinglan...... 他从來都沒想过,会出现这样的一刻,不管这个男人是谁,这十万龙武者,应该是龙青澜曾经的部下,龙辰想起自己听说过天龙星那一群被放逐的龙武者,原來他们曾经效忠龙青澜么…… Makes them get up.” “让他们起來吧。” The man spoke finally, was familiar, was the Long Qinglan sound. 那男子终于说话,非常熟悉,正是龙青澜的声音。 Long Chen experience numerous tribulations, waiting is such sound. 龙辰的经历重重的磨难,等待的就是这样的声音。 Please get up, please get up.” “请起,请起。” Long Chen responded that said hastily. 龙辰反应过來,连忙说道。 In his eyes is in the tears, looks at that man, this is really Long Qinglan, if he reveals a smiling face to himself, Long Chen will recognize him, but he has not smiled, this is in the Long Chen heart the only doubts, otherwise he already flushed away toward that side. 他眼中含着热泪,看着那个男人,这真是龙青澜吗,如果他对自己流露出一丝的笑容,龙辰就会认定他了,可他并沒有笑,这是龙辰心中唯一的疑惑,要不然他早就朝着那边冲去了。 At this time, under the summon of Long Chen, 100,000 Dragon Warrior stood up, Yang You raised a hand, was leading the Dragon Warrior backlash of 100,000, but at this time, a tyrannical strength irresistibly, drew Long Chen in Long Qinglan that direction, in the wink of an eye, Long Chen has stood in Long Qinglan place 100 meters away, he saw this man clearly, his appearance not slight change. 这时候,在龙辰的呼唤下,十万龙武者站起身來,其中杨幽举起一只手,带领着十万龙武者后退,而这时候,一股强横无法抵抗的力量,将龙辰拉往龙青澜那个方向,瞬息之间,龙辰就已经站在龙青澜100米之外的地方,他更加清楚的看到这个男人,他的样子沒有丝毫的变化。 They, let count 100,000 ten thousand clan Expert and 100,000 Dragon Warrior have surrounded, all people in visiting them, Long Chen suppressed oneself innermost feelings the excitement, he knows decipher time arrived, was he Long Qinglan, oneself should know immediately. 他们两人,让数十万的万族强者十万龙武者包围了起來,所有人都在看着他们,龙辰抑制住自己内心的激动,他知道解密的时候已经到來,他到底是不是龙青澜,自己应该马上就知道了。 Perhaps...... Yang You they, should know. 或许……杨幽他们,应该已经知道了。 The Long Qinglan complexion is indifferent, without demur, starts to revolve regarding Long Chen. 龙青澜脸色冷漠,二话不说,开始围绕着龙辰旋转。 The people are static, if the cicada, does not dare to move. 众人静若寒蝉,不敢动弹。 Who you are.” Long Chen made his strange action daunt. “你是谁。”龙辰让他古怪的举动吓住了。 Finally, Long Qinglan stopped in him at present ten meters place, he takes to a Long Chen very strange feeling, the Long Chen innermost feelings in overwhelming, he was still waiting for that the opposite party told itself, oneself were Long Qinglan, such Long Chen life seemed to be relaxed, but the opposite party did not speak. 最后,龙青澜已经停在了他眼前十米的地方,他带给龙辰一种十分怪异的感觉,龙辰的内心正在翻江倒海,他还在等待对方告诉自己,自己就是龙青澜,这样龙辰一生似乎都轻松了,但对方就是不说话。 Until the Long Chen start to talk. 直到龙辰开口。 His complexion is indifferent, suddenly revealed the strange smiling face, said to Long Chen with that familiar sound: Who I am, I am who...... I am, person who takes your life.” 他脸色冷漠,忽然间流露出了诡异的笑容,用那熟悉的声音对龙辰道:“我是谁呢,我是谁……我是,來取走你性命的人。” Long Chen is vigilant immediately, or despairs, since this person said this, although he has taught Chaos Star Lord for himself, has killed Lin Ming, but he absolutely was not his father, because Long Qinglan will not speak such words to oneself. 龙辰顿时警觉,或者说是绝望吧,此人既然说出这样的话,虽然他为自己教训了混沌星主,杀了林冥,但他绝对不是自己的父亲,因为龙青澜不会对自己说这样的话。 Furthermore, the person who these surround, as if cannot hear the words that Long Qinglan spoke. 再者,那些围观的人,似乎听不到龙青澜说的话。 Takes my life.” “取走我的性命。” Long Chen deep breath one time, the vision is quiet, he felt that incomparable disappointment, is not because the opposite party must kill itself, but is the opposite party is not Long Qinglan, Long Qinglan died. 龙辰深呼吸一次,目光沉寂下來,他感觉到无比的失望,并非是因为对方要杀自己,而是对方不是龙青澜,龙青澜还是死了。 But if this, why they must call itself are Young Master. 但如果是这样的话,他们为什么要称呼自己是少主 Long Chen is puzzling. 龙辰百思不得其解。 Who you are.” “你到底是谁。” Some Long Chen angers said. 龙辰有些愤怒说道。 I...... I, you should guess correctly that actually, when he steps into Chaos Star Domain that moment, I was born because of you, I go to this place, because of your, you said completely that who I am.” “我啊……我呀,其实你应该猜到的,当他踏入混乱星域的那一刻,我就因为你而诞生了,我來到这个地方,完全是因为你的,你说,我是谁呢。” The opposite party continues to smile strangely. 对方继续诡异笑着。 Long Chen brain one ignorant, a little cannot transfer, he careful and diligently ponders over these words, was still airtight, but at this time, that Long Qinglan liter to the sky, occupied a commanding position to look at Long Chen, said: I am...... Highest Beginning God.” 龙辰脑子一懵,有点转不过去,他仔细而努力的去琢磨这句话,却仍然想不透,而这时候,那龙青澜升向上空,居高临下看着龙辰,说道:“我是……太始之神。” When hears the final four characters, Long Chen was shocked simply. 当听到最后四个字的时候,龙辰简直惊呆了。 He pledged that he present person, has not imagined in Highest Beginning God this direction, this extremely fantasy story, differed simply is too far. 他发誓,他从來都沒把眼前的这个人,往太始之神这个方向想象,这简直太过天方夜谭,相差太远了。 But the opposite party will not deceive itself, he is Highest Beginning God. 但对方不会欺骗自己,他就是太始之神 Highest Beginning God, is together the disaster, before this and him, said that is takes oneself life speech, is the conjunction. 太始之神,是一道劫难,这和他之前所说,是來取走自己性命这个说话,是契合的。 Highest Beginning God......” 太始之神……” In the Long Chen heart still quite confused feelings, he cannot think that can be this kind of result unexpectedly, thinks is he is also living, has not actually thought that can be most mystical Highest Beginning God. 龙辰心中仍然有一种相当错乱的感觉,他怎么也想不到竟然会是这样一个结果,原本以为是他还活着,却沒想到会是最神秘的太始之神 Long Chen clenches jaws, gets angry: Mean, why you must appear by my father's appearance, you can become other appearances.” 龙辰咬牙切齿,怒道:“卑鄙,你为什么要以我父亲的样子出现,你可以变为其他的模样。” Highest Beginning God still the strange smiling face faced Long Chen, he said: No, no, I am this appearance, from the birth at that moment starting from, I am this appearance.” 太始之神仍然诡异笑容面对龙辰,他道:“不,不,我本來就是这个样子的,从诞生那一刻开始,我就是这个样子。” Long Chen was vacant. 龙辰茫然了。 What if the opposite party said is real, these have what kind of secret. 如果对方说的是真的话,这其中到底有怎样的秘密。 Tai Chi God, Tai Su God and Highest Beginning God, this is any thing, why Highest Beginning God can be the Long Qinglan appearance, this may not be different from Tai Su God, Tai Su God is transforms the Li Xuanji appearance to entice Long Chen. 太极之神太素之神太始之神,这到底是什么东西,为什么太始之神会是龙青澜的样子,这可和太素之神不一样,太素之神是幻化成李璇玑的样子诱惑龙辰 The most serious issue is, this Highest Beginning God can retreat in fear casually Chaos Star Lord, kills Lin Ming, such Expert and to the war, oneself must die without doubt, absolutely does not have the least bit opportunity. 最严重的问題是,这太始之神随便都能吓退混沌星主,杀死林冥,这样的强者和自己对战,自己岂不是必死无疑,根本就沒有半点机会。 Long Chen innermost feelings incomparable confusion. 龙辰内心无比的错乱。 But outside person, could not hear them to say anything, when only they were the fathers and sons are talking about old days...... 而外面的人,根本听不到他们在说什么,只当他们是父子在叙旧…… Starts, child, before Reincarnation, a final tribulation, won me, you have the qualifications to go on living.” “开始吧,孩子,轮回之前,最后的一劫,胜了我,你就有资格活下去。” Highest Beginning God changed the appearance, the expression on his face completely vanishes, returned to that indifferent appearance once again. 太始之神变了样子,他脸上的表情完全消失,再度回到了那种冷漠的样子。 The Long Chen deep breath one breath, oneself this is must die without doubt. 龙辰深呼吸一口气,自己这是必死无疑么。 Highest Beginning God said suddenly: Relax, I and your strength is almost the same, but I will be without a doubt more formidable than you, you defeat my opportunity, has 2%, but also is an opportunity.” 太始之神忽然道:“放心吧,我和你的力量相差无几,但毫无疑问我会比你强大很多,你打败我的机会,只有2,但也是个机会。” The meaning of opposite party, should be this war, he such as will not defeat Chaos Star Lord to be so formidable at that time. 对方的意思,应该是这一战,他不会如打败混沌星主那时候那么强大。 Long Chen is relaxed slightly, however 2% opportunities, this is equal to not having radically. 龙辰算是稍微松了一口气,但是2的机会啊,这根本等于沒有。 The vision of all people fell the body of Long Chen. 所有人的目光都落到了龙辰的身上。 All is the riddle, if I died today, never will have to know these truth time, I cannot die, I have not rectified names for my father, is unhappy to Xiao Xi, I cannot die......” “全是谜团,如果我今日死去,就永远都不会有知道这些谜底的时候,我不能死,我也还沒有为我父亲正名,沒有给小曦幸福,我不能死……” The strength of this mind, making the Long Chen innermost feelings erupt, this is to the survival intense hope, he has adjusted the innermost feelings, knows that at this moment, should make anything. 这一股心灵的力量,让龙辰内心爆发,这是对生存强烈的渴望,他调整了一下内心,知道此刻的自己,到底该做什么了。 Kills.” “杀。” Long Chen has gotten hold of the fist, eyeful ominous light. 龙辰握紧了拳头,满眼凶光。 Is very good.” The Highest Beginning God indifferent nod, he also same gets hold of both hands like Long Chen, at this time, Long Chen suddenly discovered that his body presented scarlet Dragon Scale, that is Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon Dragon Scale, Long Chen knows absolutely that he will not misread. “很好。”太始之神冷漠点头,他也如龙辰一样握紧双手,就在这时候,龙辰竟然发现他的身上出现了血色的龙鳞,那是太古血灵龙龙鳞,龙辰绝对知道,自己不会看错。 Slaughter Dragon Seal.” 杀戮龙印。” Highest Beginning God stretches out Dragon Claw, kills. 太始之神伸出龙爪,袭杀而來。 Is recommending one time, various day of Myriad Worlds sun-dried shelled shrimp product, profound imaginary good book. 在推荐一次,‘诸天万界’虾米出品,玄幻好书。
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