DBWG :: Volume #21

#2060: Chaos Spiritual God true body

( ( ( Phoenix dance literature network) that advance party in Yang You behind person Eternal Dragon Emperor Long Qinglan (凤舞文学网)那之前站在杨幽身后的人正是永恒龙帝龙青澜 The character who in all person eyes already died he died really forever elapses anyone not to think that he will have to reappear one day in this world 一个在所有人眼中早就已经死去的人物他是真实的死亡永远的逝去谁都沒想到他会有重新出现在这世界上的一天 But his appearance his manner still such as initially was exactly the same 可他的样子他的神态却仍然如当初一模一样 He stands there Domination all living things did not tremble trembling nobody to dare throat one before him in a moment again is only shock in their eyes must surmount that moment of 100,000 Divine Dragon arrival 他站在那里不说话就已经君临天下众生在他面前颤颤发抖无人再敢吭一声只是他们眼中的震撼完全要超越十万神龙到來的那一刻 Reappearance of Eternal Dragon Emperor must be scarier compared with 100,000 Divine Dragon 永恒龙帝的再现比起十万神龙还要吓人多了 The Life Dragon City people all could not say Long Chen like fool same a few words are so he cannot believe that this was real 生命龙城众人全都如傻子一样一句话都说不出來龙辰也是如此他根本不敢相信这是真的 But that Lin Ming just likes by the seizing by the throat same complexion fierce pain extremely 而那林冥恍如被人掐着脖子一样脸色狰狞痛苦万分 Long Chen does not know one should say anything 龙辰不知道自己该说什么 Facing the Eternal Dragon Emperor person is Chaos Star Lord 面对永恒龙帝的人是混沌星主 Is impossible “不可能” That eye of storehouse under starry sky crack incomparably shocked him to send out earthshaking roaring, although said not possibly, but Chaos Star Lord was afraid the person who he most was afraid life-long is Eternal Dragon Emperor therefore no matter at this time the genuine and fake he turned around to prepare to run away 那藏在星空裂缝之下的眼睛无比震撼他发出了一声惊天动地的吼叫虽然说了不可能但混沌星主还是害怕他终生最害怕的人就是永恒龙帝所以这时候不管真假他都转身准备逃窜 Eye gloomy starry sky crack starts to vanish 眼睛暗淡星空裂缝开始消失 Frightens the face whiten including the Chaos Star Lord running away people 混沌星主都逃窜众人更是吓得脸色苍白 Extended an arm to grasp toward void in the middle in this time that crowded around black clothed man 就在这时候那被簇拥的黑衣男子伸出一只手臂朝着虚空当中一抓 Time Chaos Star Lord exudes one to call out pitifully is struggling, but actually irresistibly the Eternal Dragon Emperor strength that really the eye of his silver Ash Grey shone to keep in a flash the people unexpectedly saw that a giant beast body of silver Ash Grey is being pulled by the starry sky in the middle of 顿时间混沌星主发出一声真实的惨叫他那银灰色的眼睛又亮了起來不停的挣扎着但却无法抵抗永恒龙帝的力量转瞬之间众人竟然看到有一银灰色的巨兽身体正在被星空当中拉扯回來 Day......” “天啊……” The people cannot believe their eye that simply hold but Chaos Star Lord Chaos Star Domain to the super great person who Expert controls trillion lives is the myths in Chaos Star Domain all person hearts is the keeping aloof Spiritual God, but at this moment his unexpectedly was separated to hold from the starry sky crack to pull by Eternal Dragon Emperor spatially 众人简直不敢相信自己的眼睛那被抓住的可是混沌星主混乱星域的至强者主宰亿万生命的超级大人物是混乱星域所有人心中的神话是高高在上的神灵而此时此刻他竟然的被永恒龙帝隔空抓住从星空裂缝当中扯出來 Chaos Star Lord he is an appearance whole body of strange beasts covers in the silver Ash Grey dense fog now has six sturdy arms unable to notice that other eyes and that appearances are very scary as if the yawn to swallow world myriad things this are the legend the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family ancestor chaos Spiritual God appearance, only then can transform into this appearance Cultivate to the deepest level 混沌星主他现在是一头古怪兽类的模样浑身笼罩在银灰色的迷雾当中有六只粗壮的手臂看不到眼睛和其他那模样十分吓人似乎张口就能吞噬天地万物这是传说当中混沌皇族的先祖混沌神灵的模样只有修炼到最深的层次才能蜕变成为这种模样 Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family calls the chaos Spiritual God true body 混沌皇族称之为混沌神灵真身 The Chaos Star Lord chaos Spiritual God true body was pulled by Eternal Dragon Emperor directly came out incomparably distressedly 混沌星主的混沌神灵真身直接被永恒龙帝拉扯了出來无比狼狈 How Long Qinglan you will not have died you not dead why ask me to trouble are not I kill you initially you to give my lesson to be insufficient 龙青澜你怎么会还沒死你就算沒死凭什么找我麻烦又不是我杀死了你当初你给我的教训还不够么” Chaos Star Lord was also the character of Eternal Dragon Emperor that time he with own eyes witnesses Long Qinglan same to rise like the comet 混沌星主也是永恒龙帝那个时代的人物他亲眼见证了龙青澜如彗星一样崛起 This time Chaos Star Lord as anxious his was afraid as acme without doubt thoroughly had not feared that destroys the prestige Cultivator image that oneself established with great difficulty to be unruly to sway back and forth in front of Eternal Dragon Emperor 这时候的混沌星主无疑紧张到极致他的是彻底的害怕了也不怕毁灭自己好不容易建立的威形象在永恒龙帝面前撒泼打滚 Why do not move my me not to offend your you to teach my you to have the ability to cope with these to curse your Human Clan these years Five Great Dragon City people not to stop slandering you to ridicule that your this closes my anything matter “你别动我我又沒得罪你你凭什么教训我你有能耐去对付那些咒骂你的人族啊这么多年來五大龙城的人都沒停止过污蔑你嘲笑你这关我什么事” Whatever Chaos Star Lord begged for mercy Long Qinglan or the complexion indifferent has drawn from that starry sky crack him 任凭混沌星主求饶龙青澜还是脸色冷漠将他从那星空裂缝当中拉了出來 His complexion stiff this time holds up another toward to pat on Chaos Star Lord has resounded immediately resoundingly as if Long Qinglan to pat his buttocks his giant body to hit at present void to return to the middle of the starry sky crack Chaos Star Lord to send out a pitiful yell 他脸色僵硬此时举起另外一手朝着眼前虚空拍了一下顿时之间混沌星主身上响起了响亮的啪的一声似乎龙青澜拍中的他的屁股将他那巨大的身体撞回到星空裂缝当中混沌星主发出一声惨叫 Present he is unable to install to compel simply to the acme again distressedly 如今的他再也无法装逼简直狼狈到了极致 He was similar to the mischievous child is hit buttocks shame unable to withstand how, but good and evil Long Qinglan did not have yo returns to the middle of the starry sky crack after him truly his running away short time does not know hastily where the scene conclusion people who went to shock a moment ago actually completely are in the middle of the delay 他如同顽皮的小孩被打了屁股这种耻辱根本无法承受但好歹龙青澜并沒哟真正对他怎样回到星空裂缝当中后他连忙逃窜短时间就不知道哪里去了刚才震撼的场面结束众人却完全处在呆滞当中 What Chaos Star Lord in their eyes to high Supreme is symbolic Long Chen of fearful word also feels to him helplessly, but his image was thoroughly collapses the people one type very much to smile impulsion that now, but was actually afraid 在他们心目当中混沌星主是至高无上的是可怕一词的象征龙辰也对他感觉到无能为力可是现在他的形象算是彻底的倒塌了众人都有一种很想笑但是却又害怕的冲动 Originally Chaos Star Lord can also be so distressed 原來混沌星主也可以这么狼狈 According to this logic in the middle of that legend Eternal Dragon Emperor was too fearful he is first Expert of entire world...... 这样说來那个传说当中的永恒龙帝实在太可怕了他本來就是整个世界的第一强者啊…… When Chaos Star Lord walked periphery later became silently 混沌星主走了之后周围变得悄然无声 Long Chen thought one definitely made in the middle of an absurd dream his eye socket the tears to fill the air, but he cannot believe that he always thought this was not real Long Qinglan had possibly said died all that he will not have deceived oneself him to say certainly again and at present this black clothed callous man such contradiction of 龙辰觉得自己肯定是做了一场荒唐的梦他的眼眶当中已经泪水弥漫但是他不敢相信他始终觉得这不可能是真的龙青澜说过自己已经死绝了他不会再欺骗自己他所说的一切都和眼前这个黑衣冷酷的男人如此的矛盾 Therefore he bursts into tears cannot believe 所以他就算流泪也不敢相信 Brother Chen sees him quickly 辰哥哥快去见他吧” Lingxi can realize that impulsion that in his heart is Long Chen the goal of fights bravely his close at hand to have such change Lingxi same is unable to believe that but she likes for Long Chen 灵曦能体会到他心中的冲动那是龙辰奋战的目标他就近在眼前发生这样的变化灵曦同样的无法相信但她为龙辰而欢喜 Today is a sad result, because Eternal Dragon Emperor was not quite as if same as the arrival of 100,000 Divine Dragon 今天本來是个难过的结局因为永恒龙帝十万神龙的到來似乎不大一样了 Long Chen is actually hard the move slightest 龙辰却难以动弹分毫 When the solution Chaos Star Lord later that 100,000 Divine Dragon followed the vision eye of Long Qinglan to fall to the body of Long Chen unexpectedly 当的解决了混沌星主之后那十万神龙竟然都顺着龙青澜的目光眼睛落到龙辰的身上來 How Long Chen is very anxious now is identical that person really own father 龙辰无比紧张现在又是怎么一回事那个人真是自己的父亲 Why does not have that familiar feeling 为何沒有那种熟悉的感觉 Did not have that woman Yang You to give own feeling to be kind 还沒有那个女人杨幽给自己的感觉要亲切 That counts 100,000 ten thousand clan Expert Dream King, Hundun Cangwu wait / etc. also to have a parched mouth they as if to think that at this moment resembles Long Chen is the Long Qinglan son...... 那数十万的万族强者梦幻王混沌苍梧等等此刻也口干舌燥他们似乎想起來好像龙辰龙青澜的儿子啊…… The vision of all people focus on Long Chen 所有人的目光都聚焦在龙辰身上 At this time Lin Ming exuded one to call out pitifully he under an enormous force behind circled from Long Chen to Long Chen at present to kneel down suddenly before the Long Chen under foot looked up the Long Chen people remembered Lin Ming several times brushed Long Chen at this time in the heart scared 这时候林冥忽然发出一声惨叫他在一股巨大力量之下从龙辰身后绕到龙辰的眼前跪倒在龙辰脚下抬起头看着龙辰众人想起林冥之前数次抽打龙辰此时不禁心中胆寒 It seems like this Grim Reaper Deep Dragon Lin Ming must have bad luck 看來这死神冥龙林冥要倒霉了 He wants me to make anything “他要我做什么” Long Chen was somewhat wooden 龙辰有些木然了 Long Qinglan that indifferent eye is gazing at Long Chen to feel had slight sentimental this to make his confusing be possible he to feel that at this time on own right hand gathered one fearful strength strength not to be itself, but he can actually operate...... 龙青澜那一双冷漠的眼睛正在注视着自己龙辰感觉到其中有丝毫的感情这让他更加的迷惑可就在这时候他感觉到自己的右手上汇聚了一种可怕的力量这股力量并不属于自己但他却能够操纵…… But he Lin Ming kneels looks that Long Chen he who at this moment at present his whole body is shivering to look deathly pale is unable to move the words that begs for mercy continually unable to say can only by the vision implore 而他眼前林冥跪着他浑身颤抖脸色惨白的看着龙辰此刻的他无法动弹连求饶的话都说不出只能以目光祈求了 The face of opposite party so approaches itself 对方的脸如此靠近自己 I thought before I have not protected my backstage to cause today's tragedy to make this Lin Ming brush two palm of the hand however him to come him to teach Chaos Star Lord also to deliver to me also to make me have at present enough Lin Ming brush his strength this am he am sheltering me......” “我之前觉得我沒有保护自己的后台才会导致今日的悲剧才会让这林冥抽打了两巴掌但是他來了他教训了混沌星主还把林冥送到了我眼前还让我拥有足够抽打他的力量这是他在庇护我么……” Although the opposite party looked own eye is indifferent, but Long Chen actually felt at this moment a gang of strong father liked him in counter-attack opportunity Long Chen naturally bearing a grudge Lin Ming to disregard his dignity to oneself to trample oneself Long Chen already before the people to pledge again and again must give back to the opposite party he to think today's all one takes ten years hundred years to achieve has not thought on this day will come unexpectedly such quickly 尽管对方看自己的眼睛是冷漠的但龙辰此刻却感觉到了一股浓烈的父爱他在给自己一个反击的机会龙辰当然记仇林冥三番两次无视他的尊严在众人面前践踏自己龙辰早就发誓要把今日一切还给对方他以为自己需要十年百年才能做到沒想到这一天竟然会來得这么快 At that moment Long Chen clenching teeth tooth he in raises his right hand that in front of all people are duty-bound not to turn back with that Long Qinglan to bestow his boundless strength brushing maliciously on the face of Lin Ming 那一刻龙辰咬牙牙齿他在所有人面前义无反顾的举起自己的右手用那龙青澜赐给自己的磅礴力量狠狠的抽打在林冥的脸上 This is also your first ear and area around it you ridiculed that my comes me to give back to you “这是还你的第一个耳光你嘲笑我的出身我还给你” …… This was earthshaking Lin Ming pulls out flies to exit to roll the innumerable circles in the middle of this starry sky to hit loudly on Shining Star Shining Star had one time to shiver immediately mountains and rivers once again disintegration 这一声可谓是惊天动地林冥被抽飞了出去在这星空当中滚动了无数圈轰然撞在了璀璨星辰上顿时之间璀璨星辰发生一次颤抖其中山河再度崩碎 The pitiful yell of Lin Ming is simply lingering on faintly 林冥的惨叫简直不绝于耳 Long Chen has not thought that this palm of the hand really had such strength he to go to Lin Ming half to assign him with ease unexpectedly to be clear this is Long Qinglan draws support from the hand of Long Chen in fan his ear and area around it 龙辰沒想到这一巴掌竟然有如此的力量他轻轻松松竟然要去了林冥半条命他心里清楚这是龙青澜在扇他耳光只是借助龙辰的手罢了 This palm of the hand makes the mouth complexion disastrous defeat that all people close incomparable 这一巴掌让所有人闭上的嘴巴脸色惨败无比 Especially Dream King they then hit the principle and Long Chen of Long Chen that Butterfly Illusion Sword with the Life Dragon City cooperation do, when saw that the Lin Ming fate such miserable Dream King whole body one soft almost crashes 尤其是梦幻王他们原本和生命龙城合作然后又打龙辰蝴蝶幻剑的主义和龙辰做对当看到林冥下场这么惨梦幻王浑身一软差点坠落 What to do what to do “怎么办怎么办” The Dream King whole face is grieved 梦幻王满脸惨然 Xiao Dingyuan grasped him saying: Elder brother we do not fear how we Long Chen had not felt relieved is all right...... He will not haggle over with us is all right......” 萧鼎元抱住了他道:“哥哥我们别怕我们也沒把龙辰怎样放心沒事沒事……他不会和我们计较的沒事……” More is speaks of following Xiao Dingyuan more not to grasp 越是说到后面萧鼎元就越是沒把握 Pulled out Lin Ming of whole face blood again to be curled by a Long Chen ear and area around it at this time came back him to kneel down once more in Long Chen at present 就在这时候被龙辰一耳光抽得满脸鲜血的林冥重新被卷了回來他再次跪倒在龙辰眼前 This time he knows that fearful this moment whole body twitches is similar to the worshipping on bended knees wail said in Long Chen that the lunatic keeps at present: Long Chen you forgave me to forgive my me to save your me to slap your two to be at heart well-meant you to circle me I to ask you to you to forgive me to return to Five Great Dragon City I to speak for you 这一次他知道那种可怕此刻浑身抽搐如同疯子不停的在龙辰眼前跪拜哭嚎道:“龙辰你饶了我饶了我我救过你的我只是打了你两个耳光心里对你并沒有恶意啊你绕了我吧我求求你饶了我回到五大龙城我会为你说话的” The Long Chen vision has not spoken quietly 龙辰目光沉静沒有说话 Xing Yue and Gong Qing they see that on to come to ask favor immediately: How Long Chen said that after he is also Elder is only for a while affronts your him is also Human Clan establishes many merit penalties has sufficed him, not to dare to forgive him 星越和龚擎他们见状马上上前來求情道:“龙辰怎么说他也是长辈只是一时冒犯了你他也为人族立下不少的功劳惩罚已经够了他以后再也不敢了能不能饶了他” Before Lin Ming appearance, had the huge contrast to see that in such scene people hearts is colder Dream King to escape particularly does not dare 林冥的样子和之前有了巨大的反差看到这样的场面众人心中更加寒冷尤其是梦幻王连逃跑都不敢了 Long Chen looked that said to Lin Ming: He and I have not related any other with me not to relate me to dislike others for merit that Human Clan performed to slap my face I by no means savage to be also persistently unreasonable he to pull out my me to pull out his him to suffer me twice to forgive her twice by to calculate that in the past he hit damn 龙辰看向林冥道:“他为人族立下的功劳和我沒关系其他任何也和我沒关系我讨厌别人抽我耳光我也并非凶残至极蛮不讲理他抽我两次我就抽他两次他能挨得过去我就饶了她挨不过去算他命中该死” Said that a palm of the hand pulls out once again on the Lin Ming face 说罢再度一巴掌抽在林冥脸上
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