DBWG :: Volume #21

#2059: Yang You

( ( ( Phoenix dance literature network) Long Chen will never forget this moment scene (凤舞文学网)龙辰永远都不会忘记这一刻的场面 The starry sky has huge cannot see in the middle of the end starry sky in any case not most deficient is the space, but was filled with Long Chen each Divine Dragon in present 100,000 Divine Dragon is the filling the heavens giant beast completely gets together the scene of together creating to let a person brain blank simply 星空有多么的巨大反正看不到尽头星空当中最不缺乏的就是空间而就在现在足足十万神龙挤满了龙辰的身后每一头神龙都是弥天巨兽全部聚合在一起造成的场面简直让人脑子一片空白 Long Chen Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit can summon 2 million slaughtering dragonets 龙辰泣血龙魂可以召唤出2000000的杀戮小龙 But slaughters the dragonet, be only the arm size has even be only the finger size estimated that 10 million slaughtering dragonets are far from here 100,000 true Divine Dragon coming to shock 但杀戮小龙只有手臂大小有得甚至只有手指大小估计10000000的杀戮小龙都远远沒有这里十万头真正的神龙來得震撼吧 Not is only Long Chen is tyrannical such as Chaos Star Lord that giant silver Ash Grey eye suddenly is also at facing 100,000 Divine Dragon that this presents suddenly beside complete delay condition Shining Star counts 100,000 ten thousand clan Expert is dumbfounded 不但是龙辰面对这忽然出现的十万神龙就是强横如混沌星主那一双巨大的银灰色眼睛一时间也处在完全呆滞的状态璀璨星辰之外数十万的万族强者一个个更是目瞪口呆 Complete silence facing so many Divine Dragon Long Chen 面对如此多的神龙龙辰这边鸦雀无声 In the Long Chen same whole body standing rigidly brain a blank definitely is unable to ponder that even is similar to has a dream he even to think this is the imaginary technique of Dream Immortal Clan or is in the Nightmare Clan nightmare but his moral nature knows certainly is not that is the feeling that because that shocks at this moment is so real 龙辰同样浑身僵立脑中一片空白完全无法思考甚至如同做梦他甚至以为这是梦幻仙族的幻术或者是梦魇族的噩梦但他心底里知道一定不是那是因为此刻那震撼的感觉如此真实 , but his line of sight passed over gently and swiftly innumerable low status Long Clan Red Dragon, Azure Dragon, Golden Dragon and blue dragon also to have similarly numerous Intermediate Level Long Clan six wing Red Dragon, Five Talons Golden Dragon and day dark blue dragon wait / etc. Advanced Level Long Clan similarly many Long Chen had also experienced Heaven Profound Blue Fire Dragon, to build up Imaginary Monster Dragon, Golden Thunder Prison Dragon, Blizzard Spirit Dragon and ice armor corner/horn demon dragon, Nine Wings Sky Dragon from that leader big god Dragon Body and so on even also over a hundred super Divine Dragon majority is Long Chen cannot call the name such as 3000 Astral Soul Dragon, Thunder Shrine Dragon and day Que Leilong, Eight Buddha Dragon wait / etc. had these many Divine Dragon enough several thousand types 90% are Long Chen has not experienced 他的视线从那一头头偌大的神龙身上掠过无数的低等龙族红龙青龙金龙、蓝龙还有同样众多的中等龙族六翼红龙五爪金龙、天海蓝龙等等高等龙族也同样不少龙辰曾经见识过的天玄碧火龙、炼虚妖龙黄金雷狱龙风雪灵龙、冰甲角魔龙、九翼天龙等等甚至还有上百头超级神龙大多数都是龙辰喊不出名字的但诸如三千星魂龙神宫雷霆龙、天阙雷龙、八部浮屠龙等等都存在这么多的神龙足足有数千种种类其中90都是龙辰未曾见识过的 That flash Long Chen has one type returns to the Divine Dragon time feeling these Divine Dragon were too many are too powerful 那一瞬间龙辰有一种回到神龙时代的的感觉这些神龙太多太强盛了 100,000 Divine Dragon shocks to raid them float in the starry sky not to roar when completely, but that 100,000 vision combined to be together fearful such as Dream King this type almost not to dare to move enough 十万神龙震撼袭來他们全部悬浮在星空当中并沒有咆哮但当那十万的目光组合到一起就足够可怕了如梦幻王这种几乎都不敢动弹 They are Expert are clearer this are the reality do not have a dream this are real Divine Dragon 他们身为强者更加明白这是现实不是做梦这是真实的神龙 From the beginning they think that Divine Dragon from Five Great Dragon City therefore felt frightened these Divine Dragon definitely hides fearful Expert to be but quick they to think these Divine Dragon arrivals the direction absolutely is not the Five Great Dragon City direction, but is the Heaven Dragon Star direction 一开始他们以为是來自五大龙城神龙所以感觉到恐惧这些神龙当中肯定潜藏着可怕的强者但很快他们想起來这些神龙到來的方向绝对不是五大龙城的方向而是天龙星的方向 Cultivator in entire Chaos Star Domain most floors about Heaven Dragon Star knew but little in such as Dream King this Expert knows certainly that Heaven Dragon Star fearful Heaven Dragon Star and life pondered two places that the star was they cannot provoke absolutely once to have the demon clan to occupy Heaven Dragon Star to be exterminated, but Heaven Dragon Star has not displayed the complete strength 整个混乱星域大多数底层的者对天龙星了解很少但在诸如梦幻王这种强者当然知道天龙星的可怕天龙星和命运神星是他们绝对不能招惹的两个地方曾经有夜叉族想要占据天龙星惨遭灭绝而天龙星并沒有展现出全部的力量 Chaos Star Lord these also and Heaven Dragon Star person has negotiated, but the Chaos Star Lord Heaven Dragon Star person does not want to respond naturally Chaos Star Lord not to dare to provoke 混沌星主这些也曾经和天龙星的人交涉过但连混沌星主天龙星的人也不想搭理当然混沌星主也不敢招惹 Probably is Heaven Dragon Star Dragon Warrior......” “好像是天龙星龙武者……” They are not always do not leave Heaven Dragon Star how to leave suddenly “他们不是从來都不离开天龙星的吗怎么忽然离开了” „Since has not known continuously they never have half to leave Heaven Dragon Star actually to come here personally now......” “不知道啊一直以來他们从來沒有半个人离开过天龙星现在却來到了这里……” They are help these Life Dragon City people “他们是來帮助这几个生命龙城的人” „It is not right I to hear that Heaven Dragon Star will be Five Great Dragon City exile Dragon Warrior they should not help these people......” “不对啊我听说天龙星五大龙城流放的龙武者他们应该不会帮助这几个人吧……” In fact they understanding Heaven Dragon Star Dragon Warrior were still few 实际上他们对天龙星龙武者的了解仍然很少 This mysterious team guarding had many years in Heaven Dragon Star 这一支神秘的队伍驻守在天龙星已经有多年的时间了 In person heart is shocking backlash low voice discussion time that 100,000 Divine Dragon to transform into the human form in the presence of everyone silently unexpectedly at the same time 正当众人心中震撼默默后退小声议论的时候那十万神龙竟然在同一时间变换成为人形 Ten thousand in the middle of clan Expert Dream King, held up day Great Emperor and Hundun Cangwu this kind is in sight Chaos Star Lord Heaven Dragon Star Dragon Warrior arrival of suddenly to disrupt this to the Star Core matter look at processing of Chaos Star Lord completely 万族强者当中梦幻王、擎天大帝混沌苍梧这一类都在望着混沌星主天龙星龙武者的忽然到來将星核的事情完全打乱了这得看混沌星主的处理 This side Life Dragon City has not responded besides other Long Chen people 生命龙城这一边除了龙辰其他人根本还沒反应过來 At this time before 100,000 Divine Dragon turned into the human form, shock that completely they brought weakened some, but 100,000 Dragon Warrior got together in still is very together fearful these also to hide fearful Expert particularly 这时候十万神龙全部变成人形之前他们带來的震撼才减弱了一些但十万龙武者聚合在一起仍然很可怕尤其是这其中还藏着可怕的强者 Until Chaos Star Lord that the eyes of silver Ash Grey just now stabilized at this time have gotten down his vision become incomparably quiet sinking sound track: Yang You you make anything 直到这时候混沌星主那一双银灰色的眼睛方才稳定了下來他的目光变得无比沉静沉声道:“杨幽你來做什么” Yang You 杨幽 No one knows that Yang You is who 谁都不知道杨幽是谁 Except that Chaos Star Lord estimate also only then Lin Ming knew 除了混沌星主估计也只有林冥知道了 Hears this name Lin Ming to look deathly pale he to stand very much, but that fearful strength invisible middle is suppressing he is making him kneel down in Long Chen at present his struggling furiously also only to be able by own flesh and blood to be cracked 听到这个名字林冥脸色惨白他很想站起來但那一股可怕的力量无形当中正在压制着他让他跪倒在龙辰的眼前他奋力的挣扎也只能让自己的血肉之躯崩裂开來罢了 Yang You 杨幽 Long Chen heard this strange name his line of sight to seek for Expert where in the middle of 100,000 Dragon Warrior, no matter stood is very dazzling all Cultivator also centered on them Long Chen in the middle of that 100,000 Dragon Warrior will be very easy to find such community 龙辰听到了这个陌生的名字他的视线在十万龙武者当中寻找强者不管站在哪里都是十分耀眼所有的者也会以他们为中心在那十万龙武者当中龙辰很容易找到了这么一个群体 More is formidable super Divine Dragon more approaches this place 越是强大的超级神龙就越是靠近这个地方 Naturally super Divine Dragon in the middle of Heaven Dragon Star Dragon Warrior is not any here enough over a hundred super Divine Dragon Expert and talents has everything expected to find to be equal to Xing Qing this type has many 当然在天龙星龙武者当中超级神龙并不算什么这里就足足有上百头超级神龙强者和天才都应有尽有相当于星晴这种都有不少 Heaven Dragon Star Dragon Warrior has almost to endure compared with the most Dragon City strength 天龙星龙武者几乎拥有堪比大半个龙城的力量 And three estimate most Expert are especially fearful their three is core these three of all people should be more formidable than Lin Ming should be the character of Star Lord this rank much 其中三位估计最强者尤其可怕他们三位是所有人的核心这三位应该都是比林冥强大不少应该是星主这个级别的人物 The Long Chen curious vision fell on them 龙辰好奇的目光落到了他们身上 And what about two are an old man black their appearance unexpectedly completely same is in vain different is on white blanch pupil another black becoming dark pupil white hair fills the white pure ray to cut dark incomparably dazzlingly is similar to the core all rays of world was swallowed by it toward him on gathers 其中左右两位是老者一黑一白两人的长相竟然完全相同不同的是其中一位白发白瞳另外一位黑发黑瞳白发者身上弥漫着白色纯净的光芒划破黑暗无比耀眼如同世界的核心所有的光线都在被其吞噬朝着他身上汇聚 Black hair is similar to the black vortex gently revolves to look that Chetta's appearance innumerable darkness gather to make it turn into black hole toward him on not really 黑发者则如同黑色漩涡轻轻旋转让人看不真切他的样子无数的黑暗朝着他身上汇聚让其变成一个黑洞 Although is away from very remote distance but Long Chen to feel keenly they are gossip Reincarnation Cultivator these two to be compared with Lin Ming this Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage closer Spiritual God Star Lord Expert of Star Lord rank generally 虽然隔着很遥远的距离但龙辰还是能敏锐感觉他们比起林冥这种七星轮回劫境后期的更加接近神灵星主一般是八卦轮回者这两位应该是星主级别的强者 Entire Chaos Star Domain also on three to four Star Lord removes the life to ponder the star words Chaos Star Lord to be strongest, but Heaven Dragon Star here had Expert of three Star Lord ranks 整个混乱星域也就三到四位星主排除命运神星的话混沌星主最强但是天龙星这里就有三位星主级别的强者 Is more fearful compared with that white hair black hair appearance same old man middle one that is a woman puts on a Dark Green long skirt skirt pendulum to tow to sway on her face to be covered with the veil making people in the middle of the starry sky feel that a piece is unable to see clearly her appearance confusedly but can look at this from that snow white and slender finger certainly is a beautiful woman especially attractive woman 比起那白发黑发长相相同的老者中间一位则更加可怕那是一个女人穿着一身墨绿色的长裙裙摆拖地在星空当中飘摇她脸上蒙着面纱让人感觉一片错乱无法看清楚她的样子但从那雪白而修长的手指可以看出來这一定是一个美丽的女人尤其有魅力的女人 She is this 100,000 Dragon Warrior core 她是这十万龙武者的核心 Is dominated by her including that black and white two old men 连那黑白两位老者都以她为主 Long Chen guessed Yang You that Chaos Star Lord said should be this woman comes to see this Yang You strength should with Chaos Star Lord to be similar to her dreading by Chaos Star Lord 龙辰猜测混沌星主所说的杨幽应该就是这个女人以混沌星主对她的忌惮來看这个杨幽的实力应该和混沌星主差不多 This is quite strange woman Long Chen actually felt that from her a familiar feeling seems to be dark will certainly meet this to make his innermost feelings appeared moved and longs for will want to speak but with this mysterious woman he quickly to shake the head he to know one and this Yang You definitely has not seen these feelings also definitely has been the misconception 这是一个相当奇怪的女人龙辰从她身上竟然感觉到一种熟悉的感觉仿佛冥冥当中一定会相遇这让他内心出现感动和渴望想要和这个神秘的女人说话但他很快就摇头他知道自己和这杨幽肯定沒见过那些感觉也肯定是错觉 Moreover Yang You can have such strength her age definitely very greatly at least is also the character of Holy Ghost that rank 而且杨幽能有如此实力她的年纪肯定很大至少也是圣灵那个级别的人物 All people look to Dragon Warrior core Yang You that direction 所有人都看向龙武者核心杨幽那个方向 Long Chen is no exception him to anticipate as if will immediately have some strange matter occurrences 龙辰也不例外他在期待着似乎马上就会有一些奇怪的事情发生吧 Spoke Long Chen to discover that in this time that Yang You her sound was very warm the soft sound song to be full of the tender feeling of mature woman cannot help but to immerse felt that the incomparable peace put behind all worries 就在这时候那杨幽说话了龙辰发现她的声音十分温柔软声细语充满了成熟女人的温情让人不由得就沉浸在其中感觉到无比的安宁忘却一切的烦恼 Yang You said in a soft voice: I ask your but him to punish you by no means 杨幽轻声道:“我并非來找你但他要惩罚你” These two words make the person unable to feel the brains 这两句话让人摸不着头脑 Chaos Star Lord has been startled evil ways similarly: Yang You I among retrieving Shining Star Star Core have not encroached upon your Heaven Dragon Star not to violate us the agreement you not to hinder me 混沌星主同样怔了一下道:“杨幽我在找回璀璨星辰星核沒侵犯你们天龙星更沒有违反我们之间的约定你也别阻碍我” Yang You has not responded to him 杨幽并沒有回应他 This is in doing “这是在干什么” How Long Chen was strange Lin Ming as if is still controlled by whom is not seeming like Yang You or is Dragon Warrior of that two Star Lord ranks 龙辰很是奇怪怎么林冥似乎仍然被谁掌控着看起來不像是杨幽或者是那两位星主级别的龙武者 Retroceded people then to see that in this time Yang You behind as if also the gloomy shadow people stared the big eye to look in her 就在这时候杨幽后退了一步众人这才看到在她身后似乎还有一个阴暗的黑影众人瞪大眼睛看了过去 That person's shadow...... 那个人影…… When saw this person's shadow the Long Chen innermost feelings have one type deeply palpitated that more familiar feeling to float the heart to let his mind shocked him to stare at that direction stubbornly along with Yang You withdraw that person's shadow more obvious 当看到这个人影的时候龙辰内心有一种更深的悸动那种更加熟悉的感觉浮上心头让他心灵震撼他死死的盯着那个方向随着杨幽的退后那个人影更加的明显了 In a flash that man clear appearance in all people at present 转瞬之间那个男人清晰的出现在所有人的眼前 After seeing his appearance in all high levels occurred exploded that to kneel down, in Long Chen present Lin Ming looks up a that direction eye almost must fall his whole body to tremble from the eye socket finally found suppressed own person 当看到他的样子后所有高层之间发生了爆炸那跪倒在龙辰眼前的林冥抬起头看着那个方向一双眼睛几乎要从眼眶里掉出來他浑身都在哆嗦终于找到了压制自己的人了 After seeing his appearance is similar to the bolt from the blue Lin Ming whole face delay 但是当看见他的样子后如同晴天霹雳林冥满脸呆滞 Forever...... Eternal Dragon Emperor......” “永……永恒龙帝……” Lin Ming cannot believe own eye 林冥不敢相信自己的眼睛 What various god battlefields that time appears is only the Eternal Dragon Emperor empty shade, but this time a man of this black clothed so really appears in his front nobody can believe Long Chen is not certainly able to believe own at present 诸神战场那一次出现的只是永恒龙帝的虚影而今时今日这个一身黑衣的男子如此真实的出现在自己的面前沒人敢相信龙辰当然也无法相信自己的眼前 Shock that he suffers must surpass all people 他所遭受的震撼要超过所有人吧
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