DBWG :: Volume #21

#2058: 100,000 Shenlong

Dream King was threatened, Hundun Cangwu was unable to continue watching. 梦幻王被威胁,混沌苍梧看不下去了。 If presents except for Human Clan and Monster Clan, other are the Chaos Star Domain people, that Hundun Cangwu without doubt is most Expert on the scene, what he represents is Chaos Star Domain, the person on one's own side is so bullied, he naturally was unable to continue watching, when Lin Ming grasps with Dream King, Hundun Cangwu began. 如果说在场除了人族妖族,其他都是混乱星域的人,那混沌苍梧无疑是在场的最强者,他代表的是混乱星域,自己人被如此欺负,他自然看不下去了,就在林冥抓拿梦幻王的时候,混沌苍梧就动手了。 A fist condenses, hits toward Lin Ming. 一拳凝聚,朝着林冥打來。 Lin Ming also noted him, naturally knows that this was can with Cultivator side by side, Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family he have hearing only, although the population was not specially many, but in the talent was equal to Advanced Level Divine Dragon inheritance basically, even was super Divine Dragon inheritance. 林冥也注意到了他,自然知道这是唯一能和自己比肩的者,混沌皇族他还是有耳闻的,人数虽然不是特别多,但天赋上基本相当于高等神龙传承者,甚至是超级神龙传承者。 Lin Ming throwing to fly Dream King, engages in self-examination with the Hundun Cangwu confrontation, their fists clashed instantaneously. 林冥梦幻王给扔飞了出去,反身和混沌苍梧交锋,两人的拳头瞬间对撞到了一起。 It seems like the simple double fist clashes, actually erupts the fearful disturbance, surrounding innumerable spaces centered on them hollow, has initiated the incomparably fierce shake, presented almost all people are similar to suffered the impact of star light once again, was shaken to fly. 看似简单的双拳对撞,却爆发出可怕的风波,以他们为中心周围无数的空间凹陷了进去,引发了无比剧烈的震荡,在场几乎所有人如同再度遭受了星光的冲击,被震飞了出去。 Lin Ming and Hundun Cangwu they shake mutually. 林冥混沌苍梧两人互相震开。 The primary confrontation, they are clearer, opposite party battle efficiency estimate and almost. 初次交锋,他们更加明白,对方战斗力估计和自己差不多。 Lin Ming returns to the middle of the Life Dragon City team, said with a smile cold: Strength is good, is only one person who has the ability and I encounters, but also like this, Chaos Star Domain everybody, you lived in the middle of this little world, is the shortsighted people, this is very normal, but you may not think that my Human Clan is good to bully, today my words put here, no matter, do not move my person, otherwise makes you pay the serious price inevitably, no matter I our people do have to take away your Star Core, you have not taken to come out the evidence, on wants to search, when my Lin Ming does not exist,” 林冥回到生命龙城的队伍当中,冷然笑道:“实力还不错,算是唯一一个有能耐和我交锋的人,但也就这样了,混乱星域各位,你们生活在这小天地当中,一个个都是井底之蛙,这很正常,但你们可千万别认为我人族是好欺负的,今天我的话就搁在这里,不管是谁,都别动我的人,否则必然让你们付出惨重的代价,我才不管我们的人有沒有拿走你们的星核,你们连证据都沒拿出來,就想搜身,当我林冥不存在么,” Hundun Cangwu and the others gathered one, the brow deeply was wrinkling, this Lin Ming is very rampant, they realized, if must move Long Chen, certainly must carry on a dying war with Lin Ming, that will definitely lose greatly, the casualty is serious, so big loss that Hundun Cangwu is not certainly able to bear, therefore he hesitates. 混沌苍梧等人汇聚到了一起,眉头深深皱着,这个林冥十分嚣张,他们意识到,如果真要动龙辰,肯定要和林冥进行一场死战,那必然会损失巨大,死伤惨重,混沌苍梧当然无法承受的如此大的损失,所以他在犹豫。 He inquired: Dream King, you determined really that Star Core will be taken away by this kid,” 他询问道:“梦幻王,你真的确定,星核会被这个小家伙拿去,” If indefinite, Long Chen absolutely does not have Star Core, then this fight does not have the significance. 如果不确定的话,龙辰根本就沒有星核的话,那么这战斗根本就沒意义。 Dream King hesitant, in fact he is also guessed that because so own guess causes nine star Alliances to lose seriously, but also offended Human Clan, probably the price is a little big...... 梦幻王犹豫了一下,实际上他也是猜测罢了,如此因为自己的猜测导致九星联盟损失惨重,还得罪了人族,好像代价有点大…… Long Chen seizes this opportunity, said loudly: „, Dream King said all, is his speculation, he absolutely does not have the basis, the words that furthermore, he spoke are simply unthinkable, I was imprisoned by them before, after coming out, have treated here, had the turmoil a moment ago, I can take away Star Core, Star Core has such words that is easy to take, it is estimated that early made their three take,” 龙辰抓住这个机会,大声道:“诸位,梦幻王所说一切,都是他的臆测,他根本就沒有根据,再者,他说的话简直匪夷所思,我之前被他们囚禁,出來之后就一直待在这里,刚才发生动乱,我就能拿走星核,星核有这么容易取走的话,估计早让他们三位取走了吧,” Hears these, the people still somewhat hesitated, Lin Ming was too strong, making them have to consider the consequence. 听到这些,众人仍然有些犹豫,林冥实在太强势了,让他们不得不考虑后果。 While interrogating Long Chen, there are most people to seek for Star Core in the surroundings. 在审问龙辰的同时,还是有大多数人在周围寻找星核 The situation was getting more and more chaotic, Long Chen does not certainly want to hand over Star Core, but the words this way, let alone Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, how oneself should get out of trouble does not know. 情况越來越混乱了,龙辰当然不想把星核交出去,但这样下去的话,别说太极生灵龙传承精血,自己该怎么脱困都不知道呢。 Star Core is the mysterious thing, is not easy to obtain,” 星核本來就是神秘之物,沒那么容易得到,” Yes, where went, can be hidden by whom, is,” “是啊,到底去了哪里,会不会是被谁藏起來了,到底是谁呢,” Suddenly, the people look at each other in blank diamay. 一时间,众人面面相觑。 Lin Ming cold snort|hum, keeps off in Long Chen at present. 林冥冷哼一声,挡在龙辰眼前。 The Long Chen ear has resounded his voice. 龙辰耳边响起了他的声音。 Boy, do not tell me, Star Core not on you,” “小子,别告诉我,星核不在你身上,” Really, this Lin Ming is not a fool, he guessed correctly unexpectedly. 果然,这林冥不是笨蛋,他竟然猜到了。 Long Chen had not replied. 龙辰沒回答。 He sneers saying: Calculates that you do well, are defending well, waits for Five Great Dragon City, on gives Dragon Emperor again, but can also count your merit, is makes reparations for your father, but you also leave happily are too early, trivial Star Core, was unable to recall anything, you inborn are the inexpensive life, this whole life prepare to repay a debt for your father,” 他冷笑道:“算你干得不错,好好守着,等回去五大龙城,再上交给各位龙帝,还能计你一个功劳,算是为你父亲赎罪,但你也别开心太早,区区一个星核,还不能挽回什么,你天生就是贱命,这辈子就准备为你父亲还债吧,” Delivering. 上交。 Although Long Chen at heart is not willingly, but he discovered truly that he does not have the ability, can the backstage let the treasure that he preserves himself to obtain, this is a quite pitiful matter, today can obtain Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, perhaps is unable to preserve...... 龙辰心里虽然不甘心,但他真正发现,他沒能耐,也能后台让他保住自己得到的宝物,这是一件相当悲惨的事情,今天就算自己能得到太极生灵龙传承精血,恐怕也无法保住吧…… Really helpless...... 真是无奈啊…… Long Chen is somewhat sigh with emotion, although oneself have this world most formidable father, but more often is by oneself, them some people like Hundun Kunwu does not support. 龙辰有些感慨,自己虽然拥有这世界最强大的父亲,但更多时候都是在靠自己,不像混沌昆吾他们那样有人撑腰。 That side nine star Alliances, had still not found Star Core, the people fell into the anxious condition. 九星联盟那边,仍然沒找到星核,众人陷入了焦急的状态。 The Lin Ming sinking sound said to the Human Clan people: „, The preparation enters my god country, I lead you to return to Five Great Dragon City, when our people became Shining Star Star Lord, we stage a comeback again,” 林冥沉声对人族众人道:“诸位,准备进我神国吧,我带你们返回五大龙城,等我们的人成为了璀璨星辰星主,我们再卷土重來,” Hears Lin Ming this saying, everybody is very pleasantly surprised, finally knows that Long Chen really obtained Shining Star. 听到林冥这话,大家十分惊喜,终于知道龙辰果然得到了璀璨星辰 Lin Ming wants to run away, it is estimated that nobody can overtake him, although Hundun Cangwu is very strong, but must block him not to be impossible. 林冥想要逃走,估计沒人能追上他吧,混沌苍梧虽然很强,但要拦住他根本不可能。 Must walk,” “要走,” But Long Chen, is somewhat angry, Primal Chaos Being Dragon has not appeared, oneself must carry off unexpectedly, how oneself also complete the arrangement of that bureau. 龙辰更加无奈了,也有些愤怒,太极生灵龙还沒出现呢,自己竟然要被带走了,自己还怎么完成那个局的布置。 Today he felt that very helpless, in these world to Expert in front , the matter that he can control are too really few. 今日他感觉到十分的无奈,在这些天地至强者面前,他所能左右的事情实在太少了。 Lin Ming was ready, Long Chen was unable to revolt. 林冥做好了准备,龙辰根本也无法反抗。 When he is almost disappointed, suddenly, the starry sky changes suddenly, a huge opening was torn, after this scene and initially the elite fought , is very similar. 就在他几乎失望的时候,忽然之间,星空骤然变化,一道巨大的口子被撕裂开來,这场景和当初精英战之后十分相似。 Bang. 轰隆。 In the middle of the starry sky crack, a giant silver Ash Grey eye appears, immediately all people stared, this may probably be more fearful than Lin Ming, all people felt that their life just likes momentarily possibly is not itself, but when Lin Ming stopped the movement hastily, the body shivers, whole body cold sweat. 星空裂缝当中,一双巨大的银灰色眼睛出现,顿时所有人都被盯上,这可比林冥要可怕多了,所有人都感觉自己的性命恍如随时都可能不属于自己,而首当其中的林冥更是连忙停止了动作,身体颤抖,浑身冷汗。 This old man gains ground angrily, sees starry sky crack that giant eye, clenches jaws saying: Chaos Star Lord,” 这老者愤怒抬头,看见星空裂缝那一双巨大眼睛,咬牙切齿道:“混沌星主,” Right, was Chaos Star Lord appears. 沒错,就是混沌星主出现了。 The Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family person, must cheer simply. 混沌皇族的人,简直要欢呼了起來。 Dream King also excitedly, now he and Human Clan have terminated the relations, but he is also more competent than the nightmare king, furthermore he almost won Star Lord Hegemony War, currently in the Chaos Star Lord heart definitely has the choices. 梦幻王也兴奋至极,现在他和人族解除了关系,而他又比梦魇王能干,再者他几乎赢得了星主争霸战,现在混沌星主心中肯定有取舍了。 The appearance of Chaos Star Lord, has disrupted the preparation of Lin Ming completely, makes Long Chen realize that the development of matter more and more was probably uncontrolled. 混沌星主的出现,完全打乱了林冥的准备,也让龙辰意识到,事情的发展好像越來越不受控制了。 The eye of that Chaos Star Lord silver Ash Grey is staring at Lin Ming, the enormous and powerful sound sends out. 混沌星主灰色的眼睛盯着林冥,浩浩荡荡的声音发出。 Dragon Warrior, hands over Star Core, then leaves my Chaos Star Domain,” 龙武者,把星核交出來,然后离开我混乱星域,” Under this sound, the Lin Ming difficult resistance, was still actually shaken draws back. 在这声音下,林冥艰难抵抗,却仍然被震退。 Damn,” “该死,” His eye blood red, roared to Chaos Star Lord: Chaos Star Lord, you dare to move me,” 他眼睛血红,冲着混沌星主咆哮道:“混沌星主,你敢动我,” The Chaos Star Lord sound is indifferent, said: Why does not dare to move you, except for that Supreme Divine Dragon, if has angered me, anyone of you must die, your Human Clan Five Great Dragon City is no doubt formidable, but do not provoke me, Star Core is my Chaos Star Domain thing, stays behind, has not been angry while me now,” 混沌星主声音冷漠,道:“为何不敢动你,除了那无上神龙,若是惹怒了我,你们谁都得死,你人族五大龙城固然强大,但也别惹恼了我,星核是我混乱星域的东西,留下吧,趁着我现在还沒有生气,” Lin Ming is not willingly, does not have the means. 林冥再不甘心,也沒办法。 Long Chen did not have the means that appeared including Chaos Star Lord, Star Core must certainly return, even has compensated including Butterfly Illusion Sword. 龙辰也沒办法了,连混沌星主都出现了,星核肯定要归还,甚至连蝴蝶幻剑都赔了出去。 He is not very willingly, but how does not have the backstage, the talent is also again useless. 他也十分不甘心,但奈何沒有后台,再天才也沒用。 Brother Chen, has not related, we do not lack this in any case,” 辰哥哥,沒关系的,反正我们又不缺少这个,” The Lingxi comfort said. 灵曦安慰道。 Long Chen wants to give her again a gift, making her fast formidable, follows own footsteps, the speed of after all going forward was too fast, by far flings her very much easily behind. 龙辰只是想再送给她一个礼物,让她快速强大起來,跟上自己的脚步,毕竟自己前进的速度太快了,很容易就把她远远甩在身后。 Star Core is also very important treasure, at least can transform into at least 700 Dao Mark [say / way]. 星核也是十分重要的宝物,至少能蜕变成为至少700条道纹的道器。 Moreover Butterfly Illusion Sword is in itself own, now also melted. 而且蝴蝶幻剑本身就是自己的,现在还融了进去。 So heavy treasure, like this did not have......” “如此重宝,就这样沒了……” Long Chen is similar to cuts off a meat, is very uncomfortable, today he has faced two big crucial crossroads \; first, Star Core \; second, Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, seems like hopeless now, is not because he is weak, his rate of progression has sufficed terroristly, because his lonely person, not having peerless Expert to be the backing. 龙辰就如同被割去一块肉,无比难受,今天他面临了两大重要机会,一是星核,二是太极生灵龙传承精血,现在看來都沒戏,不是因为他不够强,他的前进速度已经够恐怖了,只是因为他孤独一人,沒有绝世强者做后盾罢了。 Facing Chaos Star Lord this fearful rank, almost catches up with the existence of Sprit God Domain Spirit Emperor, he does not have the means that after all this is person of father's generation's character, moreover is in the middle of 10000.00000001 trillion lives to one of the Expert. 面对混沌星主这种可怕级别,差不多赶上灵神域灵皇的这种存在,他也沒办法,毕竟这是父辈的人物,而且是10000000000010000生灵当中的至强者之一。 Boy, gives back to them,” “小子,还给他们吧,” The Lin Ming both eyes hyperemia, has no alternative to say. 林冥双眼充血,无可奈何说道。 Hands over, is not my Chaos Star Domain person, but also wants to attain Star Core, hurries to hand over,” “交出來,不是我混乱星域的人,还想拿到星核,赶紧交出來,” Right, that is our things, really does not know profoundly, but also dares in our domains rampant,” “对,那是我们的东西,真是不知道天高地厚,还敢在我们的地盘上嚣张,” Hands over Star Core, then hurries to tumble out Chaos Star Domain,” “交出星核,然后赶紧滚出混乱星域,” Countless people looked, the loud ridicule said. 无数人看了过來,大声嘲笑道。 Before Lin Ming, rampant, now in front of Chaos Star Lord, is similar to don't hit a person when he's down. 林冥之前还嚣张,现在在混沌星主面前,如同落水狗。 Hands over,” “交出來,” Lin Ming sees the Long Chen movement to be slow, under the vitality, has slapped his face at heart once again. 林冥龙辰动作慢,心里生气之下,再度抽了他一巴掌。 The cheeks are red, Long Chen was hit ignorant, seemed very long so had not been angry, Lin Ming times touched his bottom line, his dignity, Long Chen first time can also endure patiently, but this time, his eye revealed to slaughter the ray, stubbornly was staring at Lin Ming. 脸颊通红,龙辰被打懵了,似乎很久都沒有如此生气了,林冥一次次的触及他的底线,他的尊严,龙辰第一次还能忍耐,但是这一次,他眼睛流露出杀戮光芒,死死的盯着林冥 Sees Lin Ming to begin, Long Chen was hit, the people taunted laugh. 看到林冥动手,龙辰被打,众人嘲讽大笑。 A bit faster hands over, the child of that anything Eternal Dragon Emperor,” “快点交出來吧,那什么永恒龙帝之子,” It seems like the status of child of Eternal Dragon Emperor is not high, this pulled out two,” “看來永恒龙帝之子的地位也不高啊,这都被抽了两次了,” Numerous ridicules, making Long Chen almost unable to control itself. 众多嘲笑,让龙辰几乎控制不住自己。 Sees him also to dare to revolt, the Lin Ming climate must the lung to explode, his violent anger said: Your his mother also dares to stare me, do you believe me digging your eye,” 见他还敢反抗,林冥顿时气得肺都要爆炸了,他暴怒道:“你他娘的还敢瞪我,你信不信我把你眼睛给挖出來,” Here, he began unexpectedly. 说到这里,他竟然真的动手。 Gong Qing they want to intercept cannot block. 龚擎他们想要拦截都拦不住。 Other people see their internal strife, is laughing seeing a play. 其他人看到他们内讧,更是哄笑着看戏。 Long Chen within the body warm-blooded combustion, this bird was mad him is really is sufficed, but therefore initiated truly bigger helplessness, his trivial youth, in front of numerous Expert, how can also. 龙辰体内热血燃烧,这种鸟气他真是受够了,但因此引发的确实更大的无奈,他区区一个少年,在众多强者面前,又能如何。 Lin Ming that hateful countenance, oneself are actually not able to revolt. 林冥那可恶的嘴脸,自己却无法反抗。 His finger, grasps toward own eye. 他的手指,朝着自己眼睛抓來。 All people are watching the fun. 所有人都在看热闹。 At this time, had the matter that has made everybody vibrate, Lin Ming kneels down suddenly in the under foot of Long Chen, the whole body shivers, this scene was simply unthinkable, Long Chen do not know. 就在这时候,发生了一件让大家震动的事情,林冥忽然跪倒在龙辰的脚下,浑身颤抖,这场面简直匪夷所思,连龙辰自己都不知道。 Then, innumerable Dragon Roar, behind resound in him. 接下來,无数的龙吟,在他身后响起。 Long Chen saw, at present all person delay looks at own. 龙辰看到,眼前所有人都呆滞的看着自己的身后。 He has turned around in consternation, that has 100,000 Divine Dragon, blots out the sky, toward oneself...... 他愕然转过身,那是足足有十万神龙,铺天盖地,正朝着自己而來……
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