DBWG :: Volume #21

#2057: The struggle of star nucleus

To be honest, ten big super stars can stabilize these many years, the Star Lord Hegemony War rule, has the considerable vital function, if not Star Lord Hegemony War, here already was various battlefields. 说实话,十大超级星球能够安定这么多年,星主争霸战的规则,有着相当重要的作用,如果不是星主争霸战,这里早就是各种战场了。 Facing several thousand people of calling to account and condemnations, Dream King opens the arm, said: „, This may not relate with me, the truth told everybody, my Dream Immortal Clan can win in the middle of Star Lord Hegemony War, but why I must go in the star source, I was the fool am inadequate, if you were intelligent, naturally knows destruction custom was not I, did not hold up day Great Emperor, but took the Star Core fragment, attempted to carry on the Star Lord Hegemony War time in us, fused Star Core becomes the Star Lord nightmare king, but he failed, because I and held up the day Great Emperor knowledge to put on him, has prevented him,” 面对数万人的责问和谴责,梦幻王张开手臂,道:“诸位,这可和我沒关系,实话告诉大家,我梦幻仙族本來就能在星主争霸战当中获得胜利的,但我为什么要进去星源,我是傻子不成么,如果你们还算聪明,自然知道破坏规矩的不是我,也不是擎天大帝,而是拿了星核碎片,妄图在我们进行星主争霸战时候,融合星核成为星主的梦魇王,但是他失败了,因为我和擎天大帝识穿了他,阻止了他,” Side, holds up day Great Emperor to say indifferently: Why can obtain the Star Core fragment as for the nightmare king, that is the thing of Star Lord Hegemony War champion, is governed by nine star Alliances, heard that in the Hundun Cangwu hand, I spoke of here, should be needless to say again,” 旁边,擎天大帝冷漠道:“至于梦魇王为什么能得到星核碎片,那是属于星主争霸战冠军的东西,由九星联盟掌管,听说在混沌苍梧手中,我已经说到了这里,应该不用再说下去了吧,” People silent moment, they look at each other in blank diamay, the vision looked to the nightmare Wang He Hundun Cangwu two people, even nine star Alliances, the majority of hegemons did not know the circumstances of the matter to this matter, most of them held the belief to Star Lord Hegemony War, this was a sacred and fair fight, Dream Immortal Clan must win, but the spoils of war actually beforehand arrived in the hand of loser...... 众人沉默了片刻,他们面面相觑,目光纷纷看向了梦魇王和混沌苍梧两个人,甚至九星联盟当中,大部分的盟主对这件事是不知情的,他们当中大多数人都对星主争霸战抱有信仰,这是一场神圣而公平的战斗,梦幻仙族本來就要胜利的,但战利品却事先就到了失败者的手中…… This news, disappointing most people to nine star Alliances. 这个消息,让大多数的人对九星联盟失望了。 Long Chen stands outside, uses temporarily as sees a play. 龙辰站在外面,权当看戏。 Others are intertwining Star Lord Hegemony War, he is still pondering over to obtain the Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence means that ten stars practiced the straight line to arrive quickly...... 别人都在纠结星主争霸战,他还在琢磨得到太极生灵龙传承精血的办法,十星练成直线很快就要到了啊…… At this time, nightmare Wang He Hundun Cangwu was facing the huge pressure. 这时候,梦魇王和混沌苍梧面临着巨大的压力。 If the nightmare king became Star Lord, Hundun Cangwu can also by the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family pressure awe into submission submissive people, but the plan fail, they lost the will of the people now, wants awe into submission submissive others to be possible not to be easy. 如果梦魇王已经成为了星主,混沌苍梧还能以混沌皇族的威压慑服众人,但现在计划失败,他们已经失去了人心,要慑服别人可就不容易了。 When the vision of all angers fall to Hundun Cangwu on, his expression is quiet, said: „, Does not call to account my time now, the matter occurred, under they battle, Star Core as if ran out of the star source, nearby us, first found Star Core said again, otherwise this Star Lord Hegemony War did not have the significance,” 当所有的愤怒的目光都落到混沌苍梧身上的时候,他表情沉静,道:“诸位,现在不是责问我的时候,事情已经发生了,在他们激战之下,星核似乎冲出了星源,就在我们附近,先把星核找到再说吧,不然这一场星主争霸战本來就沒有意义,” The Star Core such important matter, diverted few people's attention successfully, but also some people continue to clamor, the matter that Hundun Cangwu they handle really went too far, particularly Dream Immortal Clan, is hard to accept radically. 星核这么重要的事情,成功转移了一部分人的视线,但也有人继续叫嚣,混沌苍梧他们做的事情实在太过分了,尤其是梦幻仙族,根本就难以接受。 Dream King said: Seeks for Star Core, is very naturally important, but, our Dream Immortal Clan approached wins, is our Star Core fragments actually in the nightmare king hand, Hundun Cangwu, how this you explained that” 梦幻王道:“寻找星核,自然很重要,但是,我们梦幻仙族已经接近胜利,属于我们的星核碎片却在梦魇王手中,混沌苍梧,这你怎么解释,” Most people long for fairly, therefore they sympathize with Dream King, nightmare Wang still received the multitude of people to refer, during cursing of countless person and called to account, nightmare Wang Lengxiao said: Star Core vanished, you think that you have the Star Core fragment to become Star Lord, has a dream,” 大多数人都渴望公平,所以他们同情梦幻王,梦魇王仍然受到千夫所指,在无数人的咒骂和责问当中,梦魇王冷笑道:“星核已经消失了,你以为你有星核碎片就能成星主,做梦吧,” Hundun Cangwu in the crowding around of Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, because of the strength relations, everybody also can only curse, is unable to begin to him. 混沌苍梧混沌皇族的簇拥当中,因为实力关系,大家也只能咒骂,无法对他动手。 Star Lord Hegemony War had not finished, Dream Immortal Clan was not the victory, the Star Core fragment I takes away, to wait to find Star Core first, Star Lord Hegemony War continues again, the Star Core fragment, then gave the champion,” 星主争霸战还沒有结束,梦幻仙族不算胜利,星核碎片我先拿走,等找到星核,星主争霸战再继续,星核碎片,再给冠军,” Hundun Cangwu these words, have stood firm people finally. 混沌苍梧这句话,终于稳住了众人。 The nightmare king but, can only hand over the Star Core fragment. 梦魇王无奈之下,只能交出星核碎片。 Your this waste, the so golden opportunity, you have wasted to me,” “你这废物,如此大好机会,你给我浪费了,” Hundun Cangwu looked angrily at his one eyes, in his belly full is the anger, today's plan was makes nightmare Wang Chedi destroy, in fact Hundun Cangwu have not thought that Dream King and will hold up day Great Emperor so to be astute, will break the Star Lord Hegemony War rule including oneself, he knows. 混沌苍梧怒视了他一眼,他肚子里满是火气,今天的计划算是让梦魇王彻底破坏了,实际上混沌苍梧自己也沒想到梦幻王和擎天大帝会如此精明,连自己会破坏星主争霸战的规矩,他都知道。 Hundun Cangwu said: Was good, the Star Core fragment to the champion, has a look now, where Star Core went,” 混沌苍梧道:“行了,星核碎片会给冠军,现在诸位看看,星核到底哪里去了,” In fact Hundun Cangwu are very depressed, he in fact also felt before Star Core, Aura that presents, but baseless vanished, this nearby person are too many, if Star Core still, should find very much easily is right. 实际上混沌苍梧自己都很郁闷,他实际上也感觉到了星核之前出现的气息,但是又凭空消失了,这附近人太多,如果星核还在的话,应该很容易就找到才对。 Suddenly, counts the 100,000 people to seek for Star Core in the surroundings, but clearly, Star Core disappears. 一时间,数十万人都在周围寻找星核,但是很明显,星核不见了。 In the middle of Long Chen god country, Star Core peaceful rotation. 龙辰神国当中,星核安静的转动。 He maintains composure, curious seeks in the surroundings. 他不动声色,也好奇的在周围寻找起來。 No,” “沒有,” No, where has Star Core,” “沒有啊,哪里有星核,” Suddenly, the people made noise once again, absolutely does not have Star Core. 一时间,众人再度喧嚣了起來,根本就沒有星核 Star Core as impossible as Dream King their hands, otherwise they already started to fuse, to be honest, without the Star Core fragment, cannot obtain being intimate with Star Core, fuses Star Core very much difficultly forcefully, could not achieve to hide Star Core. 星核也不可能到梦幻王他们手中,否则他们早就开始融合了,说实话,沒有星核碎片,根本就得不到星核的亲近,也很难强行融合星核,更加做不到将星核藏起來了。 At the suggestion of people, Hundun Cangwu uses the Star Core fragment, starts to attract Star Core. 在众人的提议下,混沌苍梧使用星核碎片,开始吸引星核 How, Butterfly Illusion Sword bigger must much than that Star Core fragment, in the middle of the Long Chen god country, Star Core remains unmoved. 奈何,蝴蝶幻剑比那星核碎片大得多了,龙辰神国当中,星核不为所动。 So induced enough half the time of double-hour, does not have the sound. 如此感应了足足半个时辰的时间,都沒有动静。 Hundun Cangwu has doubts, said: „, Star Core disappears probably, I do not deceive everybody, possibly is because leaves the relations of star source, has not induced including the Star Core fragment to its existence, perhaps only then a possibility, it was hidden by some position of presenting, but does not have the Star Core fragment words, to make Star Core law-abiding, possibly does not have......” 混沌苍梧十分疑惑,道:“诸位,星核好像真的不见了,我并非骗大家,可能是因为离开星源的关系吧,连星核碎片都沒有感应到它的存在,或许只有一种可能,它被在座的某位藏了起來,但是沒有星核碎片的话,要想让星核安安分分,根本沒可能……” Hears this saying, in Long Chen heart one tight, it seems like oneself are not easy to run away. 听到这话,龙辰心中一紧,看來自己沒那么容易逃过去了。 Fortunately, some Lin Ming as if uses. 还好,林冥似乎有些用处。 Really, Dream King inspected for one week in the crowd, finally had found Long Chen, now Hundun Cangwu under the pressure of public opinion, has to give the Star Lord Hegemony War victor Star Core, so long as found Star Core, Xiao Dingyuan defeats one to two matches again, he has won, therefore at this time, his Dream King will be impolite. 果然,梦幻王在人群当中巡视了一周,最终找到了龙辰,现在混沌苍梧在舆论的压力下,不得不把星核交给星主争霸战的胜利者,只要找到星核,萧鼎元再打败一到两个对手,他就赢了,所以这时候,他梦幻王才不会客气。 He is bringing the Dream Immortal Clan team, passed through the numerous crowds, in the middle of the people vision arrived at the Life Dragon City team at present, so big sound, attracted the attention of most people. 他带着梦幻仙族的队伍,穿越了重重的人群,在众人目光当中來到了生命龙城队伍的眼前,如此大的动静,吸引了多数人的注意。 Dream King looks directly to Long Chen, said: Kid, I knows that you have Star Core that previous illusion Star Lord loses, now Star Core of new birth, received certainly the attraction of worn-out Star Core, to your hand, is right,” 梦幻王直接看向龙辰,道:“小家伙,我知道你拥有上一任梦幻星主丢失的星核,现在新诞生的星核,一定受到了破旧星核的吸引,到了你的手中,对不对,” This matter, only then Dream King knows. 这件事情,也只有梦幻王知道罢了。 Such remarks, the time attracted the attention of all people, suddenly the people have burst with joy, to all people, this simply is a heavy pound news. 此话一出,顿时间吸引了所有人的注意,一时间众人沸腾了起來,对所有人來说,这简直就是个重磅消息。 Hears this saying, the hegemons of nine star Alliances also in abundance come, all Expert are gazing at the child of this Eternal Dragon Emperor. 听到这话,九星联盟的盟主们也纷纷过來,所有强者都在注视着这永恒龙帝之子。 Hundun Cangwu pushes to the front, said loudly: Long Chen, this is not your thing, you are Dragon Warrior, is the Human Clan person, Human Clan is impossible becomes my Chaos Star Domain Star Lord, to avoid initiating the war, you should better give us Star Core,” 混沌苍梧一马当先,大声道:“龙辰,这是不属于你的东西,你是龙武者,是人族的人,人族是不可能成为我混乱星域星主的,为了避免引发大战,你最好将星核交给我们,” Facing the numerous pressures, side also has by oneself very repugnant Lin Ming, Long Chen is known how one should do, he pretends an astonished appearance, looks at Dream King, said: Dream King, your Dream Immortal Clan and our Human Clan, are not the relations of union, you for anything, unexpectedly slander me, cracks a joke, thing that you cannot obtain, how I possibly obtain . Moreover, when I have any worn-out Star Core,” 面对重重压力,旁边还有个让自己十分讨厌的林冥,龙辰知道自己该怎么做,他装作一副惊愕的样子,看着梦幻王,道:“梦幻王,你们梦幻仙族和我们人族,不是联合的关系么,你到底为了什么,竟然污蔑我,开什么玩笑,你们都得不到的东西,我怎么可能得到,另外,我什么时候拥有什么破旧星核,” Dream King sneers saying: Do not quibble, opens the god country, making us have a look not to know,” 梦幻王冷笑道:“别狡辩了,打开神国,让我们看看不就知道了,” Long Chen gets angry: Why I must open god country, I have my secret, Star Core this thing I possibly have not obtained, you pester like this, should in the protracted time, you not obtain Star Core to be inadequate, I think you am on an illusion Star Lord posterity, Star Core that he leaves behind, should on you,” 龙辰微怒道:“为什么我要打开神国,我也有我自己的秘密,星核这东西我根本沒可能得到,你这样纠缠,该不会是在拖延时间吧,难道你得到了星核不成,我看你是上一任梦幻星主的后人,他留下的星核,应该在你身上吧,” To be honest, Long Chen is rambling on. 说实话,龙辰就是在瞎扯。 But he understands, so long as he does not open the god country, this matter everybody is unascertainable. 但他明白,只要他不打开神国,这事大家就不能确定。 His goal is, making person neglect Lin Ming. 他的目的是,让人忽略林冥 This old fogy is conceited, at this time was actually neglected, he was angry immediately, a Grim Reaper Deep Dragon anger, Aura of that eruption, except for Dream King this level, other people are in abundance absolutely terrified, hurries to retrocede, including Xiao Dingyuan this level, does not dare to stand in Lin Ming front. 这老家伙自视甚高,这时候却被忽视,果然,他立马就生气了,死神冥龙一怒,那爆发的气息,除了梦幻王这个层次,其他人纷纷毛骨悚然,一个个慌忙后退,连萧鼎元这种层次,都不敢站在林冥的前面。 Only can confront with Lin Ming, feared that had Hundun Cangwu. 唯独能和林冥对峙的,怕就只有混沌苍梧自己了。 A Lin Ming eye dies to stare at the people, sneers saying: This bullies my Human Clan, bullies my Five Great Dragon City person, is when my Lin Ming does not exist,” 林冥一双眼睛死盯着众人,冷笑道:“诸位这样就來欺负我人族,欺负我五大龙城的人,是当我林冥不存在么,” Dream King knows that his fearfulness, does not want to pester with him, he is just about to open the mouth, Long Chen said first: Dream Immortal Clan is our ally, actually first abandons the treaty of alliance, the method is mean, lets a person of not shame, if they look at our Dragon Warrior in the eye, will not imprison me, completely will not disregard the Lin Ming senior,” 梦幻王知道他的可怕,不想和他纠缠,他正要开口,龙辰却先说道:“梦幻仙族是我们盟友,却首先背弃盟约,手段卑鄙,让人不耻,他们若是将我们龙武者看在眼中,就不会囚禁我,也不会完全无视林冥前辈了,” Lin Ming most repugnant is supercilious, in his eyes no matter Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family or Dream Immortal Clan, are the Chaos Star Domain small clans, has no way to compare with Human Clan, this small clan also dares to despise itself, under Long Chen instigated slightly, in the heart lost one's temper. 林冥最讨厌的就是目中无人,在他眼中不管是混沌皇族还是梦幻仙族,都是混乱星域的小族,和人族沒法比,这种小族也敢藐视自己,在龙辰稍微挑拨之下,心中更是动怒。 His cold sound track: Trivial Chaos Star Domain small clan, dares not to place in the eye my Human Clan, is extremely really laughable, let alone your anything Star Core in our hands, is not in our hands, do not want to take,” 他冷声道:“区区混乱星域小族,也敢不将我人族放在眼中,实在太过可笑,别说你们那什么星核不在我们手中,就是在我们手中,也别想拿回去了,” Long Chen knows that in this Lin Ming bone is conceited, rampant overbearing, in addition his own terrifying strength, happen to brings to work as the shield. 龙辰就知道,这林冥骨子里是自视甚高,嚣张霸道的,再加上他自身恐怖的实力,正好拿來当挡箭牌。 Dream King the illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, has not thought immediately under Lin Ming is so rampant, loses one's temper, just wants to begin, Lin Ming actually lets somebody cool off or calm down smiles, that smiling face made Dream King feel the fatal murderous intention, this moment whole body was stiff, in an instant, that Lin Ming is standing in him at present, the skinny palm has pressed firmly between the fingers the neck of Dream King, immediately, thousands of jin (0.5 kg) strength raided, Dream King had the feeling of planting almost must die immediately. 梦幻王顿时气结,沒想到林冥如此嚣张,动怒之下,正想动手,林冥却冷冷一笑,那笑容让梦幻王感受到了致命的杀机,他此刻浑身僵硬,转眼之间,那林冥正站在他眼前,枯瘦的手掌捏住了梦幻王的脖子,顿时之间,千万斤的力道袭來,梦幻王顿时有种几乎要死亡的感觉。 His whole body trembles, has not thought of boundary to be the same, this Lin Ming actually wants formidable these many. 他浑身颤栗,沒想到境界相同,这林冥却要比自己强大这么多。 Seizes Dream King, Lin Ming has gathered he at present, sneered saying: Any Star Lord, you are the object of my Human Clan cooperation, do you believe me to kill you now,” 掐住了梦幻王,林冥凑到他眼前,冷笑道:“什么星主,你就是我人族合作的对象,你信不信我现在就弄死你,” Sees this scene, the people simply scared shitless. 看到这场面,众人简直屁滚尿流。
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