DBWG :: Volume #21

#2056: The heavy treasure succeeds in obtaining

Nightmare king crazy eruption, has created the star source incomparably fierce shake not awfully, the shake that even entire Shining Star starts, the short flash, the star shivered, causes the earth to crack, the earthquake frequency sends, the rivers and streams soar to the heavens, the innumerable grounds were torn, the mountain arrives, the massive constructions are the collapses, the beautiful Shining Star time dust soars to the heavens, suddenly is filled with sufferers. 梦魇王不要命的疯狂爆发,造成了星源无比剧烈的震荡,甚至整颗璀璨星辰都开始的震荡了起來,短短一瞬间,星球颤动,造成大地崩裂,地震频发,江河冲天,无数地面被撕裂,高山到达,大量建筑更是倒塌,美丽的璀璨星辰顿时间灰尘冲天,一时间哀鸿遍野。 Is carrying on the Star Lord Hegemony War people, the time realizes under the Shining Star matter. 正在进行星主争霸战的人们,顿时间察觉到下方璀璨星辰的事情。 What's the matter,” “怎么回事,” How Shining Star can like this, day,” 璀璨星辰怎么会这样,天啊,” From their this directions, by these crystal wind-drift sand, almost can see the Shining Star most disaster, in the middle of Shining Star the individual of each people are luckily formidable, otherwise, these mountains and rivers changes, can cause the massive casualties. 从他们这个方向,透过那些水晶流沙,几乎可以看到璀璨星辰大半的灾难,幸好璀璨星辰当中每个人民的个体都还算强大,否则的话,这些山河变动,都能造成大量的伤亡了。 Saw that Shining Star has so fierce explosion, Star Lord Hegemony War that carried on also stopped, among person who fought, its one has Xiao Dingyuan, the third war was near the end, really Dream Immortal Clan Xiao Dingyuan, almost does not have the match, although Golden War God Clan and Nightmare Clan give the trick repeatedly, but with ease was actually melted by Xiao Dingyuan. 眼看着璀璨星辰发生如此剧烈的爆炸,正在进行的星主争霸战也停止了,正在战斗的人当中,其一就有萧鼎元,第三战已经接近了尾声,果然梦幻仙族萧鼎元一出,几乎沒有对手,尽管黄金战神族梦魇族屡出奇招,但却被萧鼎元轻松化解。 Saw that Dream Immortal Clan must become the Star Lord Hegemony War champion, moreover is rare won first three to end the fight directly, Dream Immortal Clan everybody are very encouraged, actually suddenly had such matter, really makes people depressed. 眼看着梦幻仙族就要成为星主争霸战的冠军,而且是罕见的直接赢得前三场就结束战斗,梦幻仙族人人都十分振奋,却忽然发生了这样的事情,实在让人郁闷。 Xiao Dingyuan and Hundun Cangwu and the others, naturally know that what happened, the matter that Hundun Cangwu most is worried about occurred, really Dream King and held up day Great Emperor actually to expect him to give nightmare king matter the Star Core fragment, only then they fought in the middle of the star source, might create this picture. 在这其中,萧鼎元混沌苍梧等人,自然知道发生了什么事情,混沌苍梧最担心的事情还是发生了,果然梦幻王和擎天大帝竟然料到了他的将星核碎片交给梦魇王这件事情,只有他们在星源当中战斗,才有可能造成这种景象。 How possible, Shining Star exactly what happened,” “怎么可能,璀璨星辰到底发生了什么事情,” Under the cry of discontent was dreadful. 下方已经怨声滔天了。 Hundun Cangwu has to the look be solemn and respectful, announced that Star Lord Hegemony War stops temporarily. 混沌苍梧不得不神色肃穆,宣布星主争霸战暂时停止。 Long Chen also in looking below sound, he can feel below star source in the fierce shake, including Grim Reaper Deep Dragon Lin Ming such Expert, was attracted. 龙辰也在看着下方的动静,他能感觉到下方的星源在剧烈的震荡当中,连死神冥龙林冥这样的强者,也被吸引住了。 „Can Brother Chen, seize the chance to run away, waits Primal Chaos Being Dragon,” 辰哥哥,能不能趁机逃走,去等太极生灵龙,” Weak saying of Lingxi in the middle of god country. 灵曦在神国当中虚弱的说道。 Long Chen shakes the head saying: „It is not good, Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence appears, was quick, even if escapes the control of Lin Ming fortunately, we cannot go to other places, has angered this fellow, it is estimated that must take a beating,” 龙辰摇头道:“不行,太极生灵龙传承精血出现,也快了,就算有幸逃脱林冥的掌控,我们也去不了其他地方,惹怒了这家伙,估计还得挨揍,” Some Lingxi angry [say / way]: This old fogy was also too hateful, dares to slap your unexpectedly, but also despises you, if I were more formidable than him, certainly must pull out,” 灵曦有些气恼道:“这老家伙也太可恨了,竟然敢打你耳光,还藐视你,要是我比他强大了,肯定要抽回來,” Relax, I will vent anger for you,” “放心吧,我会为你出气的,” Long Chen already remembered this matter. 龙辰早就把这件事情记住了。 At this time, the people clamored, the important matter occurred. 就在这时候,众人喧哗了起來,大事发生。 The entire scene becomes incomparably noisy, Long Chen looks hastily toward under that sees only in a Shining Star point, erupts the incomparably violent star light unexpectedly. 整个现场变得无比吵闹,龙辰连忙朝着下方看去,只见璀璨星辰其中一点上,竟然爆发出无比猛烈的星光。 There seems the star source entrance,” “那里似乎是星源的入口,” Initially, Long Chen from that entrance, sneaked in the bottom, saw the Blue star source. 当初,龙辰就是从那个入口,钻进地底,看到蓝色星源的。 But at this time, in that entrance star light surged. 而这时候,那入口上星光涌动。 As if, position that the people are, probably to that entrance. 似乎,众人所在的位置,好像正对着那个入口。 Star light that flashes, in people. 那闪动的星光,就在众人脚下。 At this time, suddenly some people shouted said: Shunt, shunt,” 就在这时候,忽然有人呼喊道:“闪开,闪开,” Suddenly the people have not known that soon what happened. 一时间众人还不知道即将发生什么事情。 While everybody looks at each other in blank diamay, suddenly, transmits a sincere explosion, the low violent star light, sends out from the star source together, comes toward the direction impact that the people are, in that ray really extremely dream, instantaneous submerged the lines of sight of all people . Moreover the speed will also draw near perfect, short instantaneous, a powerful impact will count the 100,000 people to cover , the vast strength submerges all people, is similar to the filling the heavens rough sea waves of sea, flushed to fly all people. 正当大家面面相觑的时候,忽然之间,传來一声厚重的爆炸,低下一道猛烈的星光,从星源当中发出,朝着众人所在的方向冲击而來,那光芒实在太过梦里,瞬间已经淹沒了所有人的视线,而且速度也快到了极致,短短瞬间,一股强烈的冲击将数十万人都笼罩在其中,浩大的力量将所有人淹沒,如同大海的弥天巨浪,将所有人都冲飞了出去。 Bang. 轰隆。 The Long Chen field of vision also makes that star light submerge, the intense ray makes him have to close the eye, that fearful impulse shook to fly him, Long Chen has to protect itself. 龙辰的视野也让那星光淹沒,强烈的光芒让他不得不闭上眼睛,那可怕的冲击力将他震飞了出去,龙辰不得不保护自己。 Probably entire was chaotic,” “好像全乱了,” The deviation that all people were dashed the original position, submerged in the middle of the star light, before surrounding these Life Dragon City people, no matter Lin Ming or Xing Yue they do not know where went. 所有人都被冲撞得的偏离了原來的位置,淹沒在星光当中,之前周围那些生命龙城的人,不管是林冥还是星越他们都已经不知道去哪里了。 Now runs away,” “现在逃走,” Long Chen takes advantage to think toward him randomly the Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence possible place goes, he is protecting also himself, if not meet Xiao Dingyuan carefully, the opposite party can definitely while receive oneself randomly, this time may nobody know that is who begins. 龙辰还是趁乱朝着他认为太极生灵龙传承精血可能出现的地方而去,他同时也在保护自己,若是不小心遇到萧鼎元的话,对方完全可以趁乱把自己收了,这一次可沒人知道是谁动手。 All goals of today, are for Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, but Lin Ming everywhere diverts, making Long Chen have a headache. 今天的一切目的,还是为了太极生灵龙传承精血,只是林冥处处牵制,让龙辰十分头疼。 Brother Chen,” 辰哥哥,” Suddenly, Lingxi somewhat excited shouts itself. 忽然之间,灵曦有些激动的呼喊自己。 How,” “怎么了,” Long Chen felt that a dark hauling, he stopped proliferating of departure, looks up the surroundings, the field of vision institute and place is the star light, a person could not see, but can hear people's pitiful yell under star light impact, after all the Long Chen mortal body is powerful, the will influence be small. 龙辰感觉到一股冥冥当中的牵引,他停下了离开的遍布,抬头看着周围,视野所及之处全是星光,一个人都看不到,但能听到众人在星光冲击之下的惨叫,毕竟龙辰肉身强悍,影响才会非常小。 You look below,” “你看下面,” Lingxi worries to say. 灵曦着急说道。 Long Chen toward descending to earth to look that the time eye stares Eldest Child, is having miniature Shining Star to shoot to come toward his direction illness under his body, because the star light was extremely violent, nobody sees this Shining Star unexpectedly, right, this is Shining Star Star Core. 龙辰朝着下凡看去,顿时间眼睛瞪得老大,在他身下正有一颗微型的璀璨星辰朝着他的方向疾射而來,因为星光太过猛烈了,竟然还沒人看到这璀璨星辰,沒错,这就是璀璨星辰星核 Star Core originally in the star source, moreover is partly visible, is quite mystical, but appear here starry sky now, should be brought to come to here by that impulse, reason that he toward Long Chen, very possible was Lingxi Butterfly Illusion Sword fragment attracted it. 星核原本是在星源当中,而且若隐若现,相当神秘的,但是现在却出现在这星空当中,应该是被那冲击力带到这里來的,他之所以朝着龙辰这边來,很可能是灵曦身上的蝴蝶幻剑碎片吸引了它。 Lingxi said: Brother Chen, I looked that today Dream King and nightmare Wang He holds up day Great Emperor not to arrive, they likely broke the Star Lord Hegemony War rule, competes for Star Core in the star source, causes the drastic change, dashes this Star Core to us comes at present, how should do,” 灵曦道:“辰哥哥,我看今天梦幻王、梦魇王和擎天大帝都沒有到场,他们很可能破坏了星主争霸战的规矩,在星源当中争夺星核,导致剧变,将这星核冲撞到我们眼前來,该怎么做呢,” Long Chen muttered: Fuses Star Core, can become Star Lord, it comes toward us obviously, Xiao Xi, I try to load into the middle of Star Core it, then you attempt to fuse again slowly,” 龙辰喃喃自语道:“融合星核,就能够成为星主,它显然是朝着我们來的,小曦,我试试把它装进星核当中,然后你再慢慢尝试融合,” I,” “我,” The Lingxi whole face impressively, has not responded. 灵曦满脸赫然,还沒反应过來呢。 At this time, Long Chen did not draw back instead enters, went toward that Star Core bravely, now also nobody discovers this Star Core, was the good opportunity, in a flash, Long Chen arrived by Star Core, this miniature Shining Star was very magnificent, such as dream was imaginary, making people feel very comfortably, did not have that fearful feeling, seemed very docile...... 就在这时候,龙辰不退反进,勇敢朝着那星核而去,现在还沒人发现这星核,正是好时机,转瞬之间,龙辰已经到了星核旁边,这微型的璀璨星辰无比瑰丽,如梦似幻,让人感觉十分舒服,沒有那种可怕的感觉,似乎十分温顺…… Star Core is not big, diameter also about two meters. 星核并不大,直径也就两米左右。 Long Chen is courageous, he could not attend to anything, every so often the opportunity only then one time, he opened the god country, rushed goes, surrounded Star Core, included to enter in the middle of the god country, the Star Core ray then vanished. 龙辰胆子很大,他顾不上什么了,很多时候机会只有一次,他打开神国,冲上前去,将星核包围起來,囊括进入神国当中,星核的光芒这才消失。 But at this time, under attacked the star light that came to start to dissipate, the surrounding person leaned this way and that but also gradually sobered, returned to own position. 而这时候,下方冲击而來的星光开始消散,周围的人东倒西歪,但也逐渐清醒了过來,回到自己的位置。 Long Chen stands in consternation in the middle of the starry sky, at this time he was paying attention to the god country, in the middle of god country, Star Core float there, was releasing the radiant ray peacefully, was similar to a gem of glistening. 龙辰愕然立在星空当中,这时候他正在关注神国,神国当中,星核正悬浮在那里,安静的释放着璀璨的光芒,如同一颗闪亮的宝石。 But at this time, Lingxi that Butterfly Illusion Sword light fluctuation, the shift, started to fuse with that Star Core voluntarily, finally was swallowed by that Star Core, this was the matter that Lingxi is unable to operate , can only look dull. 而这时候,灵曦身上那蝴蝶幻剑轻飘飘的浮动起來,自行转移,和那星核开始融合,最终被那星核吞了进去,这是灵曦无法操纵的事情,也只能呆呆看着。 After Butterfly Illusion Sword swallows, Star Core still peaceful revolving, did not have any sound, sees this, Long Chen and Lingxi finally have felt at ease. 蝴蝶幻剑吞进去后,星核仍然安静的旋转,沒什么动静,看到这样子,龙辰灵曦才终于安心了下來。 Although does not know how should make, makes it treat first,” “虽然不知道该怎么弄,就让它先待着吧,” Long Chen said one. 龙辰说了一声。 One took away Star Core this matter, naturally no one can tell, he regained the normal state as far as possible, opens one's eyes wide to look out in all directions, at this time the star light dissipated completely, under Shining Star after a momentous change loses seriously, but returned to fortunately finally normal. 自己拿走了星核这件事情,当然谁都不能告诉,他尽量恢复了正常状态,张目四望,这时候星光已经完全消散,下方璀璨星辰经过一场巨大变化后损失惨重,但还好最终恢复了平静。 People lying this way and that float in the middle of this starry sky, some people are not quite lucky, is injured under the impact of star light, but most people are all right. 众人横七竖八的悬浮在这星空当中,有些人不太幸运,在星光的冲击下受伤,但大多数人还是沒事的。 Is looking at each other in blank diamay, the people started to return to their position. 在面面相觑当中,众人开始回到了自己的位置。 Long Chen,” 龙辰,” Gong Qing has first discovered him, brings to return to the middle of the Life Dragon City team him. 龚擎首先发现了他,将他带回到生命龙城的队伍当中。 Lin Ming looked at his one eyes, despises saying: You want while to run away randomly, does not dare to go back Dragon God Domain,” 林冥看了他一眼,鄙夷道:“你想趁乱逃走么,不敢回去龙神域了,” Why Long Chen does not know, despising of this old man makes in his heart be inwardly angry especially, how the opposite party Cultivate several thousand years, surpasses itself, he also can only relinquish temporarily. 龙辰不知道为何,这老者的蔑视让他心中尤其愠怒,奈何对方修炼数万年,远超自己,他也只能暂时作罢。 He said: Cracks a joke, I said that certainly will go back,” 他道:“开什么玩笑,我说回去,就一定会回去,” He He,” “呵呵,” Lin Ming sneers two, no longer talks too much, then looks at other people, in fact most people do not know that what happened. 林冥冷笑两声,不再多言,然后看着其他人,实际上大多数人都不知道发生了什么事情。 At this time, under had three person's shadows to attack, Dream King, held up the nightmare king who day Great Emperor and suffocated. 就在这时候,下方有三个人影冲击上來,正是梦幻王、擎天大帝和奄奄一息的梦魇王。 The nightmare Wang Dengda eyes look at surroundings, exclaimed: Star Core, Star Core, I noticed that Star Core was impacted here, which went,” 梦魇王瞪大眼睛看着周围,吼道:“星核呢,星核呢,我看到星核被冲击到这里了,哪去了,” Dream King and holds up day Great Emperor to feel the vision that the people have doubts, then has closed the mouth. 梦幻王和擎天大帝感受到众人疑惑的目光,便闭上了嘴巴。 Now is carrying on Star Lord Hegemony War...... 现在可是在进行星主争霸战…… This exactly what happened. 这到底发生什么事情了呢。 In fact, the person sees these three king in the presence of everyone time, they understood. 实际上,当众人看到这三大王者的时候,他们就明白了。 Suddenly, besides a few manipulators, all people almost cannot believe. 一时间,除了少数几个操纵者之外,所有人都几乎不敢相信。 Dream King, the nightmare king, holds up day Great Emperor, here still in carrying on Star Lord Hegemony War, you enters in the star source unexpectedly secretly, robs Star Core, breaks the Star Lord Hegemony War rule, this may be the capital crime,” 梦幻王,梦魇王,擎天大帝,这边还在进行星主争霸战,你们竟然偷偷进入星源里面,抢夺星核,破坏星主争霸战的规矩,这可都是死罪啊,” Star Lord Hegemony War, our nine star Alliances have formulated the innumerable years, always stipulates the victory and loss according to the Star Lord Hegemony War result, decided that the ownership of Star Lord, reduces the chaos caused by war occurrence of my Chaos Star Domain by this, but your unexpectedly flagrant contempt nine star Alliances and Star Lord Hegemony War, rob Star Core in secret, makes the so huge noise, this is the capital crime,” 星主争霸战,我们九星联盟已经制定无数年,从來都是按照星主争霸战的成绩來规定输赢,决定星主的归属,以此减少我混乱星域的战乱发生,但是你们竟然公然藐视九星联盟和星主争霸战,暗中抢夺星核,闹出如此巨大的动静,这是死罪,” Suddenly, understood the matter process, counts the 100,000 people angry, they obey the rule, carries on Star Lord Hegemony War well-mannered, lets their such one do, Star Lord Hegemony War absolutely does not have any significance. 一时间,明白了事情经过,数十万人都非常愤怒,他们都遵守规则,规规矩矩进行星主争霸战,让他们这样一搞,星主争霸战根本就沒有任何的意义。
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