DBWG :: Volume #21

#2055: Three the war of king

Star Core, Star Core where,” 星核,星核在哪里呢,” Nightmare king that tiny body, is loafing in the middle of this big star source, his speed quick Long Chen they do not have the several fold freely, the star source of this embryo was still very big, limitless, if no Star Core fragment, do not want to count on that here found Star Core. 梦魇王那渺小的身体,在这偌大的星源当中游荡着,尽管他的速度快过龙辰他们无数倍,这胚胎似的星源仍然很大,无边无际,如果沒有星核碎片的话,根本别想指望在这里找到星核 After entering a distance, the nightmare king has prepared. 走进一段距离之后,梦魇王已经准备好了。 He cannot bear want to smile: Dream King, holds up day Great Emperor these two fellows, definitely is still staring at Star Lord Hegemony War, is really pitiful, particularly Dream King, should be you have obtained Star Core, becomes Star Lord, now this good deed has actually given to me,” 他忍不住想笑:“梦幻王、擎天大帝这两位家伙,肯定还在盯着星主争霸战呢,真是可怜啊,尤其是梦幻王,本该是你得到星核,成为星主的,现在这好事却送给了我,” Hires oneself Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, is really this whole life most correct decision. 投靠混沌皇族,真是他这辈子最正确的决定。 Is the time puts out the Star Core fragment, summoned Star Core,” “是时候拿出星核碎片,把星核召唤出來了,” The fragment that the so-called Star Core fragment, as the name suggests, after is once Star Core was stave, forms, the fragment that the nightmare king controlled in fact also belongs to Shining Star, but should have Star Core of very long history, nine star Alliances had the Star Core fragments of several super stars, this fragment has usually not affected, but worked as some star birth Star Core, will become especially important, so-called Star Lord Hegemony War, competed was this type of Star Core fragment. 所谓的星核碎片,顾名思义,就是曾经的星核破碎后形成的碎片,梦魇王所掌控的碎片实际上也属于璀璨星辰,只不过应该是有很久历史的星核了,九星联盟拥有好几个超级星球的星核碎片,这碎片平时沒作用,但当某个星球诞生星核的时候,就会变得尤其重要,所谓的星主争霸战,争夺的就是这种星核碎片。 Nightmare Wang Youzou in the middle of this endless starry sky, in his hand presented a shatter round wheel, is very worn-out, from the beginning has not shown how the gods and ghosts function, but on quick that circle round fragment starts to fill Blue like the ray of stars same twinkle, the fluorescence is moving, when that ray erupts, place that the nightmare king is, as if has become this star source core. 梦魇王游走在这无尽星空当中,他的手中出现了一块破碎的圆轮,十分破旧,一开始并沒有展现出多么神异的功能,但很快那圆轮碎片上开始弥漫蓝色如星辰一样闪烁的光芒,荧光动人,当那光芒爆发出來的时候,梦魇王所在的地方,仿佛成了这星源的核心。 It seems like I waited for here that Star Core will deliver,” “看來我在这里等待,星核就会送上门來了,” In nightmare Wang Xin chuckles to oneself. 梦魇王心中窃喜。 Outside fight, it is estimated that is conducted like a raging fire,” “外面的战斗,估计进行得如火如荼吧,” He has not thought that Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family really has this courage, breaks the rules of nine star Alliances on own initiative, offends Human Clan and Monster Clan. 他也沒想到,混沌皇族竟然有这种胆子,主动破坏九星联盟的规矩,得罪人族妖族 Waited for about the quarter probably, the nightmare king reveals the incomparably pleasantly surprised look, the successful close at hand, he must be excited. 大概等了一刻钟左右,梦魇王流露出无比惊喜的神色,成功近在眼前,他不可能不激动。 He has gotten hold of the Star Core fragment in hand, looks around hastily, at this time the surrounding starry sky was probably gloomy, when he has turned head, sees behind direction impressively, in that remote place, the radiant stars moves to come toward oneself unexpectedly, that is miniature Shining Star, the appearance and radiant star is exactly the same, but it is Star Core. 他握紧了手中的星核碎片,连忙张望,这时候周围的星空好像暗淡了许多,当他回过头的时候,赫然看到身后的的方向,在那遥远的地方,竟然有一颗璀璨的星辰朝着自己移动而來,那是微型璀璨星辰,模样和璀璨星一模一样,但它更是星核 Star Core, Star Core came,” 星核,星核來了,” Nightmare Wang Neixin is encouraged, on face full is the smiling face, his hand is grasping the Star Core fragment, flushes away toward Shining Star, both sides in the rapid nearness opposite party, saw that must integrate in the pouch Star Core, nightmare Wang almost suffocates. 梦魇王内心振奋无比,脸上满是笑容,他手握着星核碎片,朝着璀璨星辰冲去,双方都在迅速的靠近对方,眼看着自己就要将星核纳入囊中,梦魇王几乎窒息。 Suddenly, he stopped, looks at that Star Core, he felt that Star Core has the incorrect place probably, this Star Core makes him have a familiar feeling unexpectedly. 忽然,他停了下來,怔怔的看着那星核,他感觉到星核好像有不对的地方,这星核竟然让他有种熟悉的感觉。 Dream King,” 梦幻王,” The nightmare king backs up dozens meters, an eye stubbornly is staring at that Star Core. 梦魇王倒退数十米,一双眼睛死死的盯着那星核 Really, Star Core exudes one to laugh, fluctuates at present into him the Dream King appearance. 果然,星核发出一声大笑,在他眼前变幻成为梦幻王的模样。 Really does not have me to expect, Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family and you were anxious, wanted to break the rule, Star Lord Hegemony War was still continuing, you actually blatantly here used the Star Core fragment, do you believe me to announce now that making all people come to have a look at your this ugly appearance,” “果然不出我所料,混沌皇族和你都急了,想要破坏规则了,星主争霸战还在继续呢,你却公然在这里使用星核碎片,你信不信我现在就能公布出去,让所有人进來看看你这丑陋的面目,” The nightmare king clenches jaws, he has not thought that Dream King so is unexpectedly intelligent, Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family makes so matter out of the ordinary, he can also guess correctly, moreover coax oneself. 梦魇王咬牙切齿,他怎么也沒想到,梦幻王竟然如此聪明,混沌皇族做出如此出格的事情,他也能猜到,而且还借此忽悠自己。 He hid the Star Core fragment cautiously. 他小心翼翼将星核碎片藏了起來。 Dream King eye one cold, said: Gives me the Star Core fragment, that is my thing, the nightmare king, my old match, you admits defeat, you had given oneself away now, in the middle of nine star Alliances, although Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family is big, but must remember, this world has the strength of public opinion, I won Star Lord Hegemony War, I am Star Lord, but you are only the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family running dog, you are unable the obedience, the Shining Star people, being willing will not make your this coward command,” 梦幻王眼睛一冷,道:“把星核碎片给我,那是属于我的东西,梦魇王,我的老对手,你就认输吧,你现在已经露出了马脚,九星联盟当中,虽然混沌皇族为大,但也要记住,这个世界是有舆论的力量的,我赢得星主争霸战,我就是星主,而你只是混沌皇族的走狗,你根本无法服众,璀璨星辰的人民,也不会甘愿让你这个懦夫统领,” You spoke any bullshit, who obtains Star Core who is Star Lord, you have the ability words, snatches,” “你说什么屁话,谁得到星核谁就是星主,你有能耐的话,就來抢吧,” The nightmare king does not fear him, although the opposite party also arrived here, but he has the superiority of Star Core fragment, once true Star Core approaches toward oneself, oneself must win without doubt, can Dream King in the middle of this star source butchering while convenient. 梦魇王并不怕他,虽然对方也來到了这里,但他拥有星核碎片的优势,一旦真正的星核朝着自己靠近,自己必胜无疑,顺便还可以将梦幻王在这星源当中给宰了。 In addition I how,” “加上我如何,” At this time, an indifferent mechanical sound, resounded in nightmare Wang Erbian, absolutely terrified of nightmare king, he did not need to look toward behind knows that Golden War God Clan holding up day Great Emperor came, nightmare Wang heart awful, if had Dream King, oneself perhaps can also escape...... 就在这时候,一声冷漠的机械声音,在梦魇王耳边响起,梦魇王的毛骨悚然,他不用往后面看都知道,黄金战神族的擎天大帝都來了,梦魇王不禁心道糟糕,如果只有梦幻王,自己说不定还能逃脱…… In him behind, height two meters, the holding up day Great Emperor both eyes of whole body worn-out steel and iron are indifferent, with Dream King together nightmare Wang Jia in the middle, they are Shining Star original three most Expert. 在他身后,身高两米,浑身破旧钢铁的擎天大帝双眼冷漠,和梦幻王一起将梦魇王夹在中间,他们是璀璨星辰原來的三个最强者 You,” “你们两个,” Nightmare king complexion cloudy clear uncertain, plans to be disrupted, in fact in his heart was slightly flustered. 梦魇王脸色阴晴不定,计划被打乱,实际上他心中已经稍微慌张了。 In fact, even if Dream King, had not guessed correctly that will hold up day Great Emperor to come, at this time his rotation of the eye, said: Holds up the day, he has the Star Core fragment, we collaborate to kill him first, then fairly fights, how,” 实际上,就算是梦幻王,也沒猜到擎天大帝会來,这时候他眼睛转动,道:“擎天,他有星核碎片,我们先联手干掉他,然后再公平战斗,如何,” Three people encounter, most fears is the two unites. 三人遭遇,最怕的就是其中两人联合。 Nightmare Wang worries immediately, but he has the Star Core fragment, definitely some people will not ask him to unite. 梦魇王顿时着急,但他拥有星核碎片,肯定不会有人找他联合。 Naturally, on,” “当然可以,上吧,” Holds up day Great Emperor more direct. 擎天大帝更加直接。 Their three, are Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage Cultivator, close Chaos Star Lord boundary, is only worse than Lin Ming on, but super Expert of this boundary, where will repair to not miss again badly to goes. 他们三位,都是七星轮回劫境后期者,接近混沌星主的境界,也只比林冥差上一点,但这种境界的超级强者,修为再差也不会差到哪里去。 On everyone Cultivate Heavenly Dao, almost already great accomplishment, close Spiritual God. 每个人都自己修炼天道上,都几乎已经大成,接近神灵。 Dream King the imaginary technique reaches the pinnacle, holds up the [say / way] of day Great Emperor Cultivate metal, is the king of metal, but the nightmare king is the king of nightmare, the three encounter, brought is in history the vastest scene, they wanted in the middle of the star source fortunately, must otherwise, this Shining Star probably be destroyed most. 梦幻王的的幻术登峰造极,擎天大帝修炼金属之道,乃金属之王,而梦魇王乃是么噩梦之王,三者交锋,带來了是有史以來最浩大的场面,还好他们是要星源当中,要不然的话,这璀璨星辰都要被毁灭大半。 When the war starts, the star source ray flashes, several want to crack, in its interior endless space, the place of stars accumulation, under three's violent battle, suddenly space tearing, the big piece space collapses, the innumerable stars turned into the powder powder by the fierce impact completely, but the nightmare king three people of forms, do not see clearly. 当大战开始的时候,星源光芒闪动,几欲崩裂,在它内部的无尽空间当中,星辰聚集的地方,在三者的猛烈交战之下,一时间空间撕裂,大片空间坍塌,无数的星辰被剧烈的冲击完全化成齑粉,而梦魇王三人的身影,根本看不清楚。 Dream King in the middle of big fog, the smoke cloud beast winding roared on him, nightmare Wang Yinmei in the darkness, changed into the evil spirit to howl, but held up day Great Emperor is together the Golden ray, the speed terror, even transformed into everywhere frequently the bit, passed through, direct tearing the dark evil spirit of nightmare king. 梦幻王在一大片的云雾当中,烟云兽缠绕在他身上咆哮,梦魇王隐沒在黑暗当中,化为厉鬼呼啸,而擎天大帝则是一道金色的光线,速度恐怖,甚至经常变换成为漫天的刀片,贯穿而下,直接撕裂的梦魇王的黑暗厉鬼。 You damn, besieges me unexpectedly,” “你们两个该死,竟然围攻我,” Nightmare Wang Fachu tears roaring, even if Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage, has the strength of fearful passing god, but also has the disparity, this is also the reason that the nightmare king is not favored from the beginning, passes the strength of god is the strength to Spiritual God, has the Spiritual God strength less than half nature, was aloof the Reincarnation strength completely, is very fearful, is the Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator force guarantee and symbol, Reincarnation Calamity Realm, is upward, the disparity of same level boundary is bigger, particularly above Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm, basically is nearly Spiritual God Cultivator. 梦魇王发出撕裂般的怒吼,就算是七星轮回劫境后期,拥有可怕的通神之力,但是也是有差距的,这也是梦魇王一开始就不被看好的原因,通神之力乃是通向神灵的力量,拥有神灵力量的小半性质,完全超脱了轮回的力量,十分可怕,也是七星轮回劫境者的强力保证和象征,轮回劫境,越是往上,同等境界的差距就越大,尤其是七星轮回劫境以上,基本上都算是近乎神灵的者。 In fact, Six Dao Reincarnation Cultivator were fearful enough. 实际上,六道轮回的的者都足够可怕了。 Rumbling. 轰轰轰。 Looking from outside, that is similar to the star source of embryo, shivered unexpectedly, may rupturing anytime, the star source, at this time a piece in confusion, the massive explosions submerged the trim starry sky, Dream King and nightmare king they transform into the filling the heavens giant shadow to encounter frequently, black and formed two pieces to occupy the fog of starry sky in vain, changed into the giant beast, mutual resistance. 从外面看,那如同胚胎的星源,竟然颤动了起來,随时都有可能爆裂,星源内部,此时已经一片狼藉,大量的爆炸淹沒了整片星空,梦幻王、梦魇王两人时刻幻化成为弥天的巨大影子在交锋,黑和白形成了两片占据星空的云雾,化为巨兽,互相对抗。 Dream King, our two clans are the old matches, is here indigenous people, how you can cope with me with this Golden War God Clan, he is a bystander, so long as we have solved him with joint forces, we discussed the Star Core matter again,” 梦幻王,我们两族是老对手,是这里的原住民,你怎么能和这黄金战神族來对付我,他是外人,只要我们合力解决了他,我们再商量星核的事情,” Encounters two person besieges, this may scare the nightmare king, this is not good, if only then Dream King he can also support, but held up the day Great Emperor attack to be extremely swift and fierce. 遭遇双人围攻,这可把梦魇王吓坏了,这样根本不行,如果只有梦幻王他还能撑下來,但擎天大帝攻击太过凌厉了。 Just spoke these words, the innumerable knife points have swept from him, nightmare Wang called out pitifully immediately, that reached as high as in the middle of over ten thousand meters fog, really had the blood hurricane. 刚刚说完这句话,无数的刀锋从他身上扫过,梦魇王顿时惨叫,那高达上万米的云雾当中,竟然有鲜血狂飙而出。 „,” “啊,” The entire star source is the nightmare king's angry pitiful yell. 整个星源都是梦魇王的愤怒惨叫。 Dream King has not responded him, curls up the white fog, fuses with the smoke cloud beast together, forms the billowing white clouds, seems like exquisite, in fact is hiding Cultivator of innumerable attack. 梦幻王根本就沒搭理他,卷起白色云雾,和烟云兽融合到一起,形成滚滚白云,看似优美,实际上其中藏着无数攻击的器。 Big dream day,” “大梦天经,” The Dream King cloud layer volume opens, innumerable snow white Rune form the sword, kills to come, surrounds nightmare Wang all round, but in other one side, the innumerable Golden bits gathers into to hold up day Great Emperor, holds up day Great Emperor unemotionally, the chest change, the time stretches out the swarthy muzzle, saves the strength, the starry sky, the innumerable Blood Red strengths toward holding up day Great Emperor behind gather, forms the energy in the muzzle of his chest the bloodshed, short instantaneous, the eruption, the time together violent ray pierced Dream King loudly, even pierced the star source, attacks outside. 梦幻王云层卷开,无数雪白符文形成刀剑,袭杀而來,将梦魇王团团包围,而在另外一边,无数金色刀片汇聚成为擎天大帝,擎天大帝面无表情,胸口变动,顿时间伸出黝黑的炮口,积蓄力量,星空当中,无数血红色的力量朝着擎天大帝身后汇聚,在他胸口的炮口当中形成能量的血海,短短瞬间,轰然爆发,顿时间一道猛烈的光线刺穿了梦幻王,甚至洞穿了星源,冲击到外面來。 „, Your damn things, I cannot obtain Star Core, do not want to obtain, I must destroy Star Core, destroys all,” “啊,啊,你们两个该死的东西,我得不到星核,你们也别想得到,我要毁灭星核,毁灭一切,” The nightmare king encounters the double-barreled attacks, moreover is two formidable Cultivator, this makes him completely crazy, that over ten thousand meters, even several thousand meters big black fog rolls up and pushes along, forms the black tornado, overwhelming rotation in the middle of the entire star source, the time star source has incomparably fierce shivering. 梦魇王遭遇双重攻击,而且还是两个比自己强大的者,这让他完全疯狂,那上万米,甚至数万米高大的黑色云雾卷动,形成黑色的龙卷风,在整个星源当中浩然转动,顿时间星源发生无比剧烈的颤抖。 This fellow was insane,” “这家伙疯了,” Dream King stopped the attack, holds up day Great Emperor also to draw back. 梦幻王停止了进攻,擎天大帝也跟着退开。 Nightmare king action, was compelled completely insanely. 梦魇王这举动,完全是被逼疯了。 Awful, this way, he feared that wanted the general source to give to destroy, that will give Shining Star to bring the heavy losses,” “糟糕,再这样下去,他怕是要将星源都给毁灭了,那将给璀璨星辰带來重创,” Prevents him quickly,” “快阻止他,” If outside starry sky fight, their two talented people no matter the nightmare king goes crazy, but this is the frail star source, suddenly they hastily prevent. 如果是在外面的星空战斗,他们两人才不管梦魇王发疯,但这可是脆弱的星源啊,一时间两人连忙阻止。 But the attack of nightmare king was unable to prevent, he does not hesitate oneself severe wound, does not want to make the two prevail, therefore his black tornado, carved to explode at this time. 但梦魇王的攻击已经无法阻止了,他不惜自己重伤,也不想让其他两人得逞,于是他黑色的龙卷风,在这时刻爆炸开來。
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