DBWG :: Volume #21

#2054: Six samsara

( ( He naturally knows, in the middle of Five Great Dragon City, because of his father's relations, he at the matter that in the middle of various god battlefields makes, looked that he not pleasing to the eyes person are many, but has not thought that Life Dragon City comes Expert casually, has been full of the evil intention to oneself.( Phoenix dance literature network) 他自然知道,五大龙城当中,因为他父亲的关系,还有他在诸神战场当中做出的事情,看他不顺眼的人很多,只是沒想到生命龙城随便來一个强者,对自己都充满了恶意。(凤舞文学网) This palm of the hand hits on own face that moment, Long Chen deeply realized that he returns to the difficulty of Dragon God Domain, went to there, definitely also will face are more. 这一巴掌打在自己脸上的那一刻,龙辰深深认识到自己返回龙神域的艰难,去了那里,肯定还会面对更多。 At this moment, Long Chen naturally also understands that the hatred and shame of this palm of the hand, at least take ten years, even several hundred years, oneself can give back to Lin Ming. 这一刻,龙辰自然也明白,这一巴掌的仇恨和羞辱,至少需要十年,甚至数百年的时间,自己才能够还给林冥 After all, the opposite party surmounts the Holy Ghost, controls the common people, Expert above trillion life, solemn Grim Reaper Deep Dragon, but Long Chen is only the super talent, remote distance. 毕竟,对方乃超越圣灵,主宰苍生,在亿万生灵之上的强者,堂堂死神冥龙,而龙辰只是超级天才,还有遥远的距离。 This resounding, makes Xing Yue their innermost feelings vibrate, they have not thought of Lin Ming so intensely, suddenly Gong Qing and his subconscious keeping off in front of Long Chen, Gong Qingdao: Sir Lin Ming, he makes the great merit for our Life Dragon City, and repents sincerely, is willing to return to our Dragon God Domain, and is very possible is Supreme Divine Dragon inheritance, but also invited Sir Lin Ming......” 这一声脆响,也让星越他们内心震动,他们也沒想到林冥会如此的激烈,一时间龚擎和他下意识的挡在了龙辰面前,其中龚擎道:“林冥大人,他为我们生命龙城立下大功,并且诚心悔改,愿意回到我们龙神域,并且还很可能是无上神龙的传承者,还请林冥大人……” Shunt.” “闪开。” Lin Ming raises hand, wields slightly, Gong Qing and Xing Yue were shaken, side Xing Qing and Bing Xinyue and the others kept silent, looks at Long Chen that regrets. 林冥举手,稍微挥动,龚擎和星越就被震开,旁边星晴冰心月等人噤若寒蝉,惋惜的看着龙辰 The Long Chen mortal body powerful has even surpassed Gong Qing they, this palm of the hand estimated that can they hit the severe wound Xing Qing, but to Long Chen is only the shame, his organism has the tyrannical reproductive property, Reverse Time Divine Ability, the dream returns to under the origin, on the face that Blood Red trace dissipates instantaneously. 龙辰肉身之强悍甚至超过了龚擎他们,这一巴掌估计能把星晴他们打重伤,但对龙辰來说只是耻辱,他的肌体拥有强横再生能力,还有时间逆流神通,梦回起源之下,脸上那血红色的痕迹瞬间消散。 Since many years, he already learned to bear patiently this word. 多年以來,他早就学会了隐忍这个词。 Today this palm of the hand he will not forget, but he not clamors in this place and this Lin Ming, that is not the mature performance, he in some future time, will only give back to him all these. 今天这巴掌他不会忘记,但是他不会在这地方和这林冥叫嚣,那是不成熟的表现,他只会在将來某个时刻,将这一切还给他。 At this time, Lin Ming has passed through Xing Yue and Gong Qing, stands in Long Chen at present, he still occupied a commanding position to size up Long Chen, after quite a while, opened the mouth saying: Hears you to be bold, is intense, I slap your face, how you do not have the balls revolt.” 这时候,林冥穿过了星越和龚擎,站在龙辰眼前,他仍然居高临下打量着龙辰,半天之后,才开口说道:“听说你胆大包天,性格激烈,我抽你耳光,你怎么就沒胆反抗呢。” Long Chen gains ground, his both eyes are much tranquiler, but he has not chosen to reply him, the opposite party does not have the favorable impression to oneself, is holding too many evil intentions, said many again also useless. 龙辰抬起头,他双眼平静得可怕,但他并沒有选择回答他,对方对自己沒有好感,抱着太多的恶意,说再多也沒用。 Sees Long Chen to be the same like the bystander, in the Lin Ming heart sneers, he said: I have seen your father, hates him, was he makes me lose too many things, I always think that the back ancestor abandoned the crime that the sect was most is unable to forgive most shameless, he can did not have dying of honor, since you were his son, should withstand these crimes, do not think that will make matter Five Great Dragon City to forgive you, your this life could not repay your father's crime.” 龙辰如沒事人一样,林冥心中冷笑,他道:“我见过你父亲,也痛恨他,是他让我失去了太多的东西,我向來认为背祖弃宗乃是最无耻最无法原谅的罪过,他可以的沒有脸面的死去,你既然是他的儿子,就应该來承受这些罪过,别认为做出一点事五大龙城就会原谅你,你这一生都偿还不了你父亲的罪过。” Lin Ming is representing the Five Great Dragon City most stubborn strength. 林冥代表着五大龙城最顽固的力量。 Long Chen was understood, the tour of Dragon God Domain was not he imagines likely that simply, Lin Ming this person, they so was not good to conquer like Bing Xinyue, he will not say the give an exaggerated account of things pledge here, he did not have the tour of slight giving up Dragon God Domain, instead he brave, because this was his confession to the Long Qinglan, was his mission. 龙辰算是明白了,龙神域之行不像是他想象得那么简单,林冥这种人,也不像冰心月他们这么好征服,他不会在这里说出天花乱坠的誓言,他也沒有丝毫的放弃龙神域之行,反而他会更加的勇敢,因为这是他对龙青澜的交代,也是他的使命。 He retroceded several steps, on face has revealed the smile, said to Lin Ming: Whose forgiving I have not earnestly sought, I am I, I also believe my father, how was casual you to say.” 他后退了几步,脸上流露出微笑,对林冥道:“我沒渴求谁的原谅,我是我自己,我也相信我父亲,随便你怎么说。” Lin Ming then discovered that in this youth bone cold proud, he cannot bear laugh, said: You are gruff, waited for here Star Lord Hegemony War to finish, I led you to return to Dragon God Domain personally, you should prepare for you and your father's all crimes, the making reparations life.” 林冥这才发现,这个少年骨子里十分冷傲,他忍不住嗤笑,道:“你就倔吧,等这边星主争霸战结束,我亲自带你回龙神域,你应该准备好为你和你父亲的所有罪过,赎罪一生。” He thinks that this can frighten Long Chen. 他以为这样可以吓倒龙辰 Long Chen gives a calm smile, has not regarded all these is a matter, he is not pessimistic, in the middle of Dragon God Domain definitely also has to support his person, so long as he does not die, nobody can let submit, trivial palm of the hand, but also is unable to daunt him by far, but Long Chen understands, because of Supreme Divine Dragon the matter, even if this Lin Ming does not have the opportunity to kill itself. 龙辰淡然一笑,沒把这一切当成是一回事,他也并不悲观,龙神域当中肯定还有支持他的人,只要他不死,沒人可以让去屈服,区区一巴掌,还远远无法吓住他,而龙辰明白,正因为无上神龙的这件事情,就算是这林冥也沒机会杀死自己。 Gives my little darling to treat, leaves my 100 meters, I enjoy your ear and area around it.” “给我乖乖待着,离开我100米,我就赏你一个耳光。” Lin Ming looked angrily at his one eyes, joins hands behind the back Star Lord Hegemony War that looks at open to that. 林冥怒视了他一眼,背着手看向那正在开启的星主争霸战 Xing Yue their complexion is serious, regarding in the surroundings, saw that Lin Ming no longer begins to Long Chen finally, they just now relaxed, is together after some time, they approve to Long Chen. 星越他们脸色沉重,围绕在周围,看到林冥终于不再对龙辰动手,他们方才松了一口气,经过一段时间相处,他们对龙辰还是非常认可的。 The appearance of this Lin Ming to Long Chen, is a quite troublesome matter, to Long Chen now most important is not Star Lord Hegemony War, but was ten star continuous dates, immediately ten super stars must link in a straight line, even linked with Demon Star in a straight line, Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence must appear, oneself were actually limited in the Lin Ming surrounding 100 meters, how this obtained that to especially important Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence. 林冥的出现对龙辰來说,是一件相当麻烦的事情,对龙辰來说现在最重要的可不是星主争霸战,而是十星连珠之日,马上十颗超级星球就要连在一条直线上,甚至和魔星都连在一条直线上,太极生灵龙传承精血就要出现了,自己却被限制在林冥周围100米之内,那么自己该怎样得到那对自己尤其重要的太极生灵龙传承精血 This makes him not only badly battered. 这让他不仅焦头烂额。 Sees the time to pass, ten star continuous dates must arrive immediately, he still did not have any means. 眼看着时间流逝,十星连珠之日马上就要到來,他却仍然沒有任何的办法。 At heart, him already cursed this Lin Ming has spread surely. 在心里,他早就将这林冥咒骂了千万遍了。 At this time, tripartite fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out started, according to ballot, what most started to go on stage was Dream Immortal Clan and Golden War God Clan Cultivator, both sides sent out one person to go to battle respectively, only then appearance, who can see own match is, this fought the order that in fact entered the stage to be important, has defeated the opposite party, can fighting the next match. 就在这时候,三方车轮战开始,按照抽签,最开始上场的是梦幻仙族黄金战神族者,双方各自派出一人出战,只有到了场中,才能看见自己的对手是谁,这一战实际上出场的顺序非常重要,打败了对方,就可以对战下一个对手。 15 people that goes to battle with, in fact only then Xiao Dingyuan comprehended passed the strength of god, crossed Seven Star Reincarnation. 出战的15人,实际上只有萧鼎元自己领悟了通神之力,渡过了七星轮回 Therefore, Dream Immortal Clan victory possibly is quite big. 所以,梦幻仙族胜利的可能相当大。 Even if Six Dao Reincarnation Late Stage, they to the war, the strength were still very terrifying, all people draw back, leaves behind the incomparably giant battlefield, making them fight, two Six Dao Reincarnation Cultivator, moreover Late Stage, they casually attack, so long as affects, definitely will cause the massive casualties. 就算是六道轮回后期,他们对战,战力仍然十分恐怖,所有人都退开,留下无比巨大的战场,让他们战斗,两位六道轮回者,而且还是后期,他们随便的攻击,只要波及,必然会造成大量的伤亡。 Six Dao Reincarnation, specializes in all living things will, is divided the day, person, Ashura, hungry ghost, bastard and Hell Six Dao, its culmination is Immortal God Domain, the person refers to the myriad things all living things intelligent life, Ashura is in society all disgusting symbols, in the name of Ashura Ashura God Clan is the rare savage race, brutal, the bastard refers to the non- intelligent life, wild beast Variation, the hungry ghost refers to the demon, Hell refers to society all dark sides, Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivate arrives at the acme, will fall into to Six Dao disciplines, stepped over Six Dao, can achievement Six Dao Reincarnation, have the strength of Six Dao Reincarnation, controls all living things will. 六道轮回,专修众生意志,分为天、人、阿修罗、饿鬼、畜生和地狱六道,其中天为永生神域,人指万物众生智慧生灵,阿修罗则是世间所有丑恶的象征,以阿修罗为名的阿修罗神族就是罕见的凶残种族,惨无人道,畜生则指非智慧生灵,荒兽异种,饿鬼则指魔,地狱则指世间所有的阴暗面,五行轮回劫境修炼到极致,就会陷入到六道磨练当中,迈过六道,方能成就六道轮回,拥有六道轮回之力,主宰众生意志。 Six Dao Reincarnation Expert, the thought is boundless, a Yuan god consolidates, frequently the world changes color, has Six Dao world accompanying along, may operate the strength of Six Dao Reincarnation, the prestige can be infinite, even may tear the world, waves to reverse the rivers and streams, controls the common people by the thought. 六道轮回强者,意念磅礴,元神稳固,动辄天地变色,随身有六道世界相伴,可操纵六道轮回之力,威能无穷,甚至可撕裂天地,挥手间倒转江河,以意念控制苍生。 Again upward, Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm, rewards Seven Star Gu Shen to test, achievement Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Expert, was more difficult. 再往上,七星轮回劫境,奖励七星古神考验,成就七星轮回劫境强者,就更加困难了。 Including Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, to present Long Chen, can only look up. 五行轮回劫境者,对现在的龙辰而言,都只能仰望。 Five Elements, Six Dao, Seven Star, Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces...... 五行六道七星、八卦、九宫…… To this ranks, rose a level every time, that is the archery target transformation, takes a step toward the true Spiritual God, once crossed Nine Palaces, basically was away from the true Spiritual God to have the one pace. 到了这行列,每上升一个层次,那就是质的蜕变,就是朝着真正的神灵迈步,一旦渡过九宫,基本上距离真正的神灵就只有一步之遥了。 Lin Ming in Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage, is time rare Expert. 林冥七星轮回劫境后期,已经算是时间罕见强者 Chaos Star Lord had the strength of Eight Diagrams Reincarnation, is more intrepid, by his ability, Chaos Star Domain these small stars, can hit to explode directly. 混沌星主已经有八卦轮回之力,更加强悍,以他的能耐,混乱星域那些小型星球,都能直接打爆。 Dream Immortal Clan and Golden War God Clan two Six Dao Reincarnation Cultivator to the war, Long Chen were attracted all of a sudden, the Cultivator Heavenly Dao strength of this level is skillful, incomparable, waves is the pure Divine Ability magic arts, Long Chen looks very mysteriously. 梦幻仙族黄金战神族两位六道轮回者对战,龙辰一下子就被吸引了,这个层次的天道力量纯熟,无可比拟,挥手之间就是精纯的神通道法,龙辰看得十分玄乎。 He can defeat four to look like Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator now, purely is because his strength is strong, the mortal body is tyrannical, but does not do but actually others in the Heavenly Dao comprehension, that is the Long Chen athletic event in which one is weak. 他现在能打败四象轮回劫境者,纯粹是因为他力量强大,肉身强横,而不是在天道领悟上干倒别人,那是龙辰的弱项。 That two Expert, hover in starry sky, the [say / way] of Cultivate imaginary technique, begins the time, fills psychedelic, covers the trim starry sky in his illusion, the people arrive at the lava that the flame erupted from time to time, from time to time arrived in the angry wave dreadful sea, the time to the clouds, the Dream Immortal Clan associated smoke cloud beast has also displayed the fearful effectiveness, the smoke cloud beast turned with that Cultivator exactly the same existence, simply was similar to Avatar. 那两位强者,在星空当中翱翔,其中修炼幻术之道,动手时刻,充满迷幻,将整片星空都笼罩在他的幻境当中,众人时而到了火焰喷发的熔岩,时而到了怒浪滔天的大海,时刻到了云端,梦幻仙族伴生的烟云兽也发挥出了可怕的效用,烟云兽变成与那者一模一样的存在,简直如同分身 Golden War God Clan verve warm, the [say / way] of Cultivate metal, the machinery rotation, transforms into myriad steel and iron fragments, under both sides battle, the starry sky is chaotic, the trim space is hollow, nearly wants the disintegration to come. 黄金战神族则刚猛热烈,修炼金属之道,机械转动,变换成为万千钢铁碎片,双方激战之下,星空混乱,整片空间都凹陷进去,近乎要崩碎开來。 Cultivator said Heavenly Dao, was seriously wonderful.” 天道,当真神妙。” Before Long Chen, because of name of the achievement talent, but underestimated others. 龙辰之前还因为自己成就天才之名,而小看了别人。 Four look like a Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator mortal body Yuan god to fuse, intimate limitless, four likely God auxiliary combats, but Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Expert has been able to mobilize the source strength, achieves as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, the concise myriad things, were needless to say Six Dao Reincarnation Calamity Realm Expert. 四象轮回劫境者肉身元神融合,亲密无极,四象天帝辅助作战,但五行轮回劫境强者已经能调动本源力量,做到言出法随,凝练万物,更加不用说六道轮回劫境强者了。 He has not arrived at Reincarnation Calamity Realm, can defeat Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, does not represent Cultivator who he can underestimate this level, no matter any person, is making great strides forward toward the Spiritual God. 他还沒到轮回劫境,能打败轮回劫境者,不代表他能小看这个层次的者,不管是任何一个人,都在朝着神灵而迈进。 Long Chen was imprisoned by Lin Ming, although the opposite party is observing, but can also pay attention to Long Chen, he often looks to behind starry sky, saw that the time must arrive, he worries, but does not have the means...... 龙辰林冥禁锢,对方虽然在观战,但也能注意龙辰,他不时望向身后的星空,眼看着时间就要到了,他十分着急,但也毫无办法啊…… At present fights, Dream Immortal Clan occupies takes the initiative, has defeated Golden War God Clan unexpectedly, afterward Nightmare Clan goes on stage, carries on an intense combat once again, the Nightmare Clan first war has not gone on stage, is picked up a bargain, does not have absolute fair, the ballot is also the luck. 眼前战斗,梦幻仙族占得先机,竟然打败了黄金战神族,随后梦魇族上场,再度进行一场激烈的作战,梦魇族第一战沒上场,算是捡了一个便宜,沒有绝对的公平,抽签也是运气。 Nightmare Clan and Dream Immortal Clan, is skilled in the nightmare, is skilled in the imaginary technique, has the wonder of equally good results from different methods, before that Dream Immortal Clan has defeated Golden War God Clan, then in one vigorous effort has defeated Nightmare Clan, eliminates the opposite party two people successfully, Dream Immortal Clan begins wins total victories, Xiao Dingyuan has not entered the stage, today fights the score, Dream Immortal Clan feared that settled on. 梦魇族梦幻仙族,一个精通噩梦,一个精通幻术,有异曲同工之妙,之前那梦幻仙族打败了黄金战神族,接下來又一鼓作气打败了梦魇族,成功淘汰对方两个人,梦幻仙族开头就大获全胜,萧鼎元还沒有出场,今天一战分数,梦幻仙族怕是拿定了。 Xiao Dingyuan also very has confidence. 萧鼎元也十分有把握。 Therefore his complexion is very good. 所以他脸色很好。 Here he can definitely size up the overall situation. 这边他完全能把握全局。 Therefore looked at that side Dream King...... 所以就看梦幻王那边了…… But below star source, the nightmare king has been ready, after confusing guards, he quietly entered in the middle of the star source...... 而在下方的星源,梦魇王已经做好了准备,迷惑守卫后,他悄悄进入了星源当中…… ........................ …………………… Must exit, today third will be late the renewal, it is estimated that before is 10 : 00 pm. 要出去一趟,今天第三更会晚点更新,估计是晚上10点之前。 Moreover recommends «Various Day of Myriad Worlds» of sun-dried shelled shrimp big god again, Divine Grade is unreliable, today just opened, must calm down to do, everybody joins the bookshelf first. 另外再推荐一下虾米大神的《诸天万界》,神级玄幻,今天刚开,必定神作,大家都加入书架先。
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