DBWG :: Volume #21

#2053: Ear and area around it

The arrival of Lin Ming, making Life Dragon City Human Clan the strength considerably increase, lets in the person hearts of nine star Alliances discrete, the nightmare king took away Star Core fragment matter, in the middle of Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family core several to know. 林冥的到來,让生命龙城人族这边实力大大增加,也让九星联盟的人心中谨慎,梦魇王已经拿走星核碎片这事情,混沌皇族当中核心的几位都已经知道了。 Now the key is that side the nightmare king. 现在关键是梦魇王那边。 Regarding Xiao Dingyuan, the rapid arrival of Lin Ming truly has been above his expectation, according to the normal speed, he is impossible to come here within the several days, definitely used similar Spirit Clan that Universe to transfer the big method, but Xiao Dingyuan is not flustered because of his arrival, he had the full self-confidence to himself, this will fight him definitely to bring Dream Immortal Clan to obtain the victory of Star Lord Hegemony War, but that side star source, there is Dream King in staring, the nightmare king obtained the Star Core fragment, thinks that is unable to prevail. 对于萧鼎元來说,林冥的迅速到來确实超乎了他的预料,按照正常速度,他是不可能在短短几天之内就到达这里的,肯定是使用了类似灵族乾坤挪移大阵的方法,但萧鼎元并沒有因为他的到來而慌张,他对自己有十足的自信,这一战他必然会带着梦幻仙族得到星主争霸战的胜利,而星源那边,又有梦幻王在盯着,就算梦魇王得到了星核碎片,想必也无法得逞。 Once win, making Dream King inherit Star Core, on the scene, no matter Lin Ming or Hundun Cangwu, are not the Dream King matches, oneself only needed to persist in being by that time right. 一旦自己胜利,让梦幻王继承星核,在场不管是林冥还是混沌苍梧,都不是梦幻王的对手,自己只需要坚持到那时候才对了。 The Grim Reaper Deep Dragon Lin Ming qualifications are very old, the age estimate is also on the scene biggest, he ten thousand years ago rises in Dragon God Domain, the reputation broadcasts, because its stubborn and cruel individuality, was called the Life Dragon City death messenger, Life Dragon City many slaughtered in the middle of the duty to have his shadow, this was this time is also sent to assume the Chaos Star Domain reason. 死神冥龙林冥资格很老,年纪估计也是在场最大,他万年前就在龙神域崛起,名声远播,因为其桀骜而暴戾的个性,被称为生命龙城的死亡使者,生命龙城诸多杀戮任务当中都有他的影子,这也是他这次被派來坐镇混乱星域的原因。 The arrival of Lin Ming, has broken Star Lord Hegemony War directly. 林冥的到來,直接打断了星主争霸战 His duty is protects other Long Chen and Dragon Warrior securities, deters other people, at this moment after hearing the news, his cold snort|hum, without hesitation, has crashed in the middle of the Star Lord Hegemony War battlefield directly, a pair of paint black pupil had found Xiao Dingyuan in the middle of the crowd, appears in him instantaneously at present. 他的任务就是來保护龙辰和其他龙武者的安全,震慑他人,此刻听到消息后,他冷哼了一声,毫不犹豫,直接冲进了星主争霸战的战场当中,一双漆黑色的眸子在人群当中找到了萧鼎元,瞬间出现在他眼前。 Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm, has strength of the god, and Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage super Divine Dragon Grim Reaper Deep Dragon, has Xiao Dingyuan of Seven Star Reincarnation earlier period simply is not his move of place, even was similarly to Late Stage Dream King and the others, was not the Lin Ming match, can with the Lin Ming frontage resistance, it is estimated that be Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family Hundun Cangwu only. 七星轮回劫境,拥有通神之力,并且还是七星轮回劫境后期的超级神龙死神冥龙,只有七星轮回前期的萧鼎元简直不是他的一招之地,甚至就算是同样到了后期梦幻王等人,也不是林冥的对手,唯一能和林冥正面对抗的,估计就是混沌皇族混沌苍梧了。 But what Lin Ming aims is Xiao Dingyuan. 林冥针对的是萧鼎元 Expert confronts, the time makes people suffocate. 强者对峙,顿时间让众人窒息。 Reason that the third war choice in the starry sky, that is because the Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Expert strength is dreadful, if in Shining Star, feared that must destroy Shining Star looks awful. 之所以会把第三战选择在星空,那是因为七星轮回劫境强者战力滔天,若是在璀璨星辰,怕是要将璀璨星辰毁得不成样子。 Under both sides confront, the space shakes unexpectedly, a terrifying disturbance sweeps across toward the surroundings, strength small and weak has to be shaken draws back, in Lin Ming that death same prestige can front, stand including Xiao Dingyuan very laboriously. 双方对峙之下,空间竟然震荡起來,一股恐怖的风波朝着周围席卷出去,实力弱小者不得不被震退,在林冥那死亡一样的威能面前,连萧鼎元都站得非常辛苦。 As if, my Life Dragon City and your trivial Dream Immortal Clan, are the relations of cooperation,” Lin Ming each character, likely is the knife punctures on the eardrum of Xiao Dingyuan. “似乎,我生命龙城和你区区梦幻仙族,还是合作的关系,”林冥的每一个字,都像是刀子刺在萧鼎元的耳膜上。 In the Xiao Dingyuan heart in great surprise, he understood cruel in this fellow bone profoundly, if pester again with him, will possibly be injured, affects today's fight, this is the matter that other team loves. 萧鼎元心中已经大惊,他深刻明白这个家伙骨子里的暴戾,如果自己再和他纠缠下去的话,很可能会受伤,影响今日的战斗,这是别的队伍喜闻乐见的事情。 Xiao Dingyuan said hastily: Right, Dream Immortal Clan can with the Life Dragon City cooperation, be fortunately I and others was honored,” 萧鼎元连忙道:“沒错,梦幻仙族有幸能和生命龙城合作,乃是我等荣幸,” Lin Ming laughs at one, said: On mouth one set, hinderland one set, the villain, I said one, puts the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, otherwise do not want to participate in Star Lord Hegemony War today,” 林冥嗤笑一声,道:“嘴上一套,背地一套,小人罢了,我就说一句,把永恒龙帝之子放出來,否则你今日别想参加星主争霸战了,” Xiao Dingyuan nearly suffocates. 萧鼎元近乎窒息。 The vision of Lin Ming that incomparable powerful, has been full of the fearful impulse to him, that was the death same crisis. 林冥那无比强势的目光,对他而言都充满了可怕的冲击力,那是死亡一样的危机。 The surrounding person also looks at each other in blank diamay, no wonder Life Dragon City and Dream Immortal Clan relations break off probably, originally because of this matter, they are only strange, why Dream Immortal Clan must perform the big merit Long Chen to imprison for them. 周围的人也面面相觑,怪不得生命龙城梦幻仙族关系好像决裂,原來是因为这事情,他们只是奇怪,梦幻仙族为什么要将为他们立下大功劳的龙辰囚禁起來。 During the people discussed that the Xiao Dingyuan complexion was pale, but the Lin Ming complexion was getting more and more fearful, obviously soon acted crazy. 在众人议论当中,萧鼎元脸色铁青,但林冥的脸色已经越來越可怕了,显然快要发飙了。 Ok, when my brother became Star Lord, no matter Lin Ming or Hundun Cangwu are not his match, he when the time comes again has snatched that worn-out Star Core from the Long Chen hand, should be very easy, now might as well has put him,” “算了,等我哥成为了星主,不管是林冥还是混沌苍梧都不是他的对手,他到时候再从龙辰手中抢过那破旧星核,应该很容易,现在就不妨放了他,” About imprisoning Long Chen this matter, Xiao Dingyuan was acknowledged indirectly, he does not need to announce the reason, if Dream King became Star Lord, that reason is more unimportant. 关于囚禁龙辰这件事情,萧鼎元算是间接承认了,他不需要公布理由,如果梦幻王成为了星主,那理由就更加不重要了。 „Becoming, I release people,” “成,我放人,” The Xiao Dingyuan clear and resonant voice said. 萧鼎元朗声说道。 He makes the Dream Immortal Clan team remain same place, the one person alone leaves here, he uses Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm to imprison the Long Chen place in the nearby. 他让梦幻仙族的队伍留在原地,孤身离开这里,他用万梦玄境囚禁龙辰的地方就在附近。 It seems like this fellow, uses Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm, imprisons that Long Chen nearby this,” “看來这家伙,使用万梦玄境,把那龙辰囚禁在这附近,” No wonder does not have the news, completely is Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm...... Even if the same level ability, is not necessarily able broken Xiao Dingyuan Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm,” “怪不得沒有消息,完全是万梦玄境啊……就算是同等能耐,也未必能破萧鼎元万梦玄境吧,” Quick, Xiao Dingyuan on the arriving beforehand place. 很快,萧鼎元就來到之前的地方。 Countless people in visiting him, includes fully is murderous intention Lin Ming, can so make Xiao Dingyuan submit, in fact also in explaining his fearfulness, before him, is Xing Yue they is also only not worthy of mentioning juniors. 身后无数人都在看着他,其中就包括满是杀机的林冥,能如此让萧鼎元屈服,实际上也在说明他的可怕,在他面前,就是星越他们也都只是微不足道的小辈。 The Lin Ming strength, has surpassed City Lord of almost all 72 god old cities, including too City Lord, the Holy Ghost of goddess heart by far is not his match, was one of the Human Clan top Expert. 林冥的实力,超过了几乎所有72神裔古城的城主,包括太一城主,神女心的圣灵等都远远不是他的对手,算是人族顶尖强者之一了。 During the people gaze, Xiao Dingyuan is preparing Undo Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm. 在众人注视当中,萧鼎元正准备解开万梦玄境 At this time, his present space suddenly shook, the Xiao Dingyuan time is very surprised, he retrocedes a distance, sees only him to imprison the Long Chen place, suddenly erupts together the snow white glare, that glare split a ten meters gap, inside smoke cloud surrounds, is the inexhaustible world, but at this time, two person's shadows filled the fog in the middle of the world to clash from that. 就在这时候,他眼前的空间忽然震荡了起來,萧鼎元顿时间十分吃惊,他后退一段距离,只见他囚禁龙辰的地方,忽然间爆发出一道雪白的强光,那强光裂开了一道十米长的缺口,里面烟云环绕,是个无穷无尽的世界,而就在这时候,两条人影从那充满云雾的世界当中冲了出來。 When sees clearly the look time of these two, the Xiao Dingyuan complexion in great surprise, exclaims: How possible, you can break Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm,” 当看清楚这两人的相貌时候,萧鼎元脸色大惊,惊叹道:“怎么可能,你们能破万梦玄境,” The people shock similarly, the especially thoses familiar Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm person, that is Xiao Dingyuan and other Dream Immortal Clan peerless Divine Ability, there are many people to plant on this, has not had enough strength, must eradicate this Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm nothing but is dream of a fool, by the Long Chen strength, to put it bluntly that also has missed the 100,000 eight thousand li(500 km). 众人同样震撼,尤其是那些熟悉万梦玄境的人,那可是萧鼎元梦幻仙族的绝世神通,有许许多多的人栽在这上面,沒有拥有足够的力量,要破除这万梦玄境无非是痴人说梦,以龙辰的实力,说白了那还差了十万八千里啊。 Almost all people are staring at this man and a woman, obviously Xiao Dingyuan has not approached, they can also clash at this time. 几乎所有人都在盯着这一男一女,显然就算萧鼎元沒有靠近,他们在这时候也能冲出來。 Was they broke Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm, this was the fact. 是他们自己破了万梦玄境,这是不争的事实。 Long Chen supports Lingxi gently in bosom, to catch up broke Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm before ten star continuous dates, Lingxi was exhausted simply, these ten days she basically does not have the rest of half minute, the work load is quite big, is quite exhausted, but for Long Chen that serious matter, she does not hesitate to do utmost, very intensive consumption even made her state of mind blur...... 龙辰灵曦轻轻拥在怀中,为了赶在十星连珠之日之前破了万梦玄境,灵曦简直累坏了,这十天來她基本上沒有半分的休息,工作量相当大,也相当疲惫,但为了龙辰那一件重大的事情,她也不惜竭尽全力,高强度的消耗甚至让她神志模糊了…… Probably, the time has not arrived......” “好像,时间还沒到呢……” Felt this point, the Lingxi tight heartstrings relaxed finally. 感觉到这一点,灵曦紧绷的心弦终于松弛了下來。 Without a doubt, she succeeded. 毫无疑问,她成功了。 These many people gather together, should be Star Lord Hegemony War will soon start, then the Life Dragon City person definitely here, has them in words, she and Long Chen should be safe, Dream King they they will not always begin to Long Chen before the Life Dragon City person. 这么多人聚在一起,应该是星主争霸战即将开始了吧,那么生命龙城的人肯定在这里,有他们在的话,她和龙辰应该是安全的,梦幻王他们总不会在生命龙城的人面前对龙辰他们动手。 Goes back to rest,” “回去休息吧,” Long Chen embraced into her the bosom quietly, making her go to the god country rests, Lingxi looked at Xiao Dingyuan one finally, the look that the opposite party correct use shocked extremely visits her, she does not understand how Xiao Dingyuan so approached, all people almost noted themselves, but she was too tired, she also believes that Long Chen can solve these matters. 龙辰悄悄将她揽入了怀中,让她进去到神国当中休息,灵曦最终看了萧鼎元一眼,对方正用极度震撼的眼神看着她,她不明白萧鼎元怎么如此靠近,所有人几乎都注意到了自己,但她真的太累了,她也相信龙辰能解决这些事情的。 Gave me to be good,” “交给我就行了,” Long Chen comforts her to say. 龙辰安抚着她说道。 In fact Long Chen has seen clearly the peripheral matter. 实际上龙辰已经洞察了周边的事情。 What is lucky is Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence has not appeared, Star Lord Hegemony War has not started, the issue is this Xiao Dingyuan is puts probably own, is not possible according to common sense matter, looks at his complexion, should be forced. 万幸的是太极生灵龙传承精血还沒有出现,星主争霸战也还沒开始,问題是这萧鼎元好像是來放自己的,按照常理这事是不可能出现的,看他的脸色,应该是被逼迫的。 That girl, she can break my Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm...... this not to be impossible unexpectedly, she is far from this strength,” “那个女孩,她竟然能破我的万梦玄境……这不可能,她远远沒有这个力量啊,” Xiao Dingyuan shocks said. 萧鼎元震撼说道。 „The matter that you cannot think are many,” Long Chen has sneered, he took a fast look around fast, had found the Life Dragon City direction, really they cared looks at itself, oneself these days disappearance, should make them worry. “你想不到的事情多得是呢,”龙辰冷笑了一声,他快速扫视了一下,找到了生命龙城的方向,果然他们都在关心的看着自己,自己这几天的消失,应该让他们操心了。 Xiao Dingyuan calm, he turns head saying: „The child of Eternal Dragon Emperor I have put, my Dream Immortal Clan and your Life Dragon City not any hatred, perhaps some misunderstanding, but also invited to be able , after Star Lord Hegemony War, we discussed again well that now nine star Alliance 30 hegemons, were waiting for we made war,” 萧鼎元冷静了下來,他回头道:“永恒龙帝之子我已经放了,我梦幻仙族和你们生命龙城沒有任何仇恨,或许有些误会,但还请诸位能等到星主争霸战后,我们再好好商量,现在九星联盟30位盟主,都在等待我们开战呢,” This saying said to the Lin Ming hear. 这话是说给林冥听的。 Lin Ming is strong, is impossible to defeat nine star Alliance all people, therefore he cannot disturb the start of Star Lord Hegemony War. 林冥再强,也不可能打败九星联盟所有人,所以他不能打扰星主争霸战的开始。 That Lin Ming has not haggled over with him obviously too, his duty retrieves Long Chen, as for Five Great Dragon City in the expansion of Chaos Star Domain, he did not care. 林冥显然也沒和他计较太多,他的任务只是找回龙辰罢了,至于五大龙城混乱星域的扩张,他并不关心。 Long Chen relaxed, he looks will soon present the Primal Chaos Being Dragon direction, that side has many people to encircle there, moreover when the time comes appears, the present person will possibly see, how must compete for Inherited Blood Essence, he really did not have the clue. 龙辰松了一口气,他看着即将出现太极生灵龙的方向,那边有不少人围在那里,而且到时候出现,很可能眼前的人都会看见,要怎么争夺传承精血,他还真是沒头绪。 All can only meet one's fate with resignation. 一切只能听天由命了。 He returned to Life Dragon City, somewhat is sorry saying: Excuse me, I was negligent, but that thing has not made them take away,” 他回到了生命龙城这边,有些抱歉道:“不好意思,我大意了,不过那东西沒有让他们拿走,” Hears this saying, Xing Yue they relaxed, Gong Qingdao: Come, recommended Elder for you, was he makes Xiao Dingyuan put you, this was our Life Dragon City very famous Expert, the battle efficiency unmanned energy enemy on the scene, super Divine Dragon Grim Reaper Deep Dragon, Lin Ming senior,” 听到这话,星越他们松了一口气,其中龚擎道:“來,为你引荐一位长辈,就是他让萧鼎元将你放出來的,这是我们生命龙城十分出名的强者,战斗力在场无人能敌,超级神龙死神冥龙,,林冥前辈,” Following the direction that Gong holds up, Long Chen really felt that fearful Expert is coming toward oneself, he has turned head, that black hair is skinny, is similar to the god of death old man has stood in his at present. 顺着龚擎的指引,龙辰果然感觉到一个可怕的强者正朝着自己而來,他回过头,那一名黑发枯瘦,如同死神的老者已经站在他的眼前。 Pays a visit the Lin Ming senior,” “拜见林冥前辈,” Long Chen treats Elder, has been very polite, is very educated. 龙辰对待长辈,一直都很有礼貌,很有教养。 Many years experience, he was very reserved. 多年经历,他已经十分内敛了。 That Lin Ming is carefully examining him, the look is indifferent, letting the person is unable to ponder over his mood, when Long Chen spoke to him respectfully, he without demur, held up an arm palm of the hand to pull out on the face of Long Chen, the sound was very resounding, Long Chen cheeks immediately blood red piece. 林冥正审视着他,眼神冷漠,让人无法琢磨他的情绪,就在龙辰对他恭敬说话的时候,他二话不说,举起手臂一巴掌抽在了龙辰的脸上,啪的一声,响声无比响亮,龙辰脸颊顿时血红一片。 Probably, from infancy to maturity, not by such leaf. 好像,从小到大,都沒有被这样扇过吧。 Long Chen has gotten hold of the fist immediately. 龙辰顿时握紧了拳头。
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