DBWG :: Volume #21

#2052: God of death deep dragon

Meanwhile, in a darkness, Hao date wolf advocating peace eclipse month wolf main in walks randomly, under them, the giant steel and iron giant drops to the ground on the ground, in the old steel and iron body, ancient Rune is flashing. 与此同时,在一片黑暗当中,昊日狼主和蚀月狼主于其中游走,在他们下面,巨大的钢铁巨人卧倒在地上,苍老的钢铁身躯上,古老的符文闪动着。 I said the old iron, are you like this lying down Courts Death?” “我说老铁,你就这样躺着找死么?” Hao date wolf main that Golden god wolf body fell in the steel and iron body, ridiculed to say with a smile. 昊日狼主那金色的神狼身躯落在了钢铁身躯上,揶揄笑道。 The eclipse month wolf main also fell, she is narrowing the eye, said: This Star Lord Hegemony War also is really bewildered. I looked that Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family will not give up obviously, facing result that must defeat, how can they?” 蚀月狼主也落了下来,她眯着眼睛,道:“这星主争霸战还真是莫名其妙呢。我看,混沌皇族显然不会善罢甘休的,面对必败的结局,他们会如何?” Holds up day Great Emperor to say with the mechanical sound: They...... The Star Core fragment to nightmare king, making him dive, first one step fuses Star Core.” 擎天大帝用机械声音道:“他们……会把星核碎片给梦魇王,让他潜进去,先一步融合星核。” Hao date wolf main was startled, said: This is impossible. Doesn't this break the rules of nine star Alliances blatantly? This is not blatantly with my Monster Clan, Human Clan for enemy?” 昊日狼主大为吃惊,道:“这不可能吧。这不是公然破坏九星联盟的规矩么?这不是公然和我妖族,还有人族为敌么?” Holds up day Great Emperor saying: You are not first time know Chaos Star Lord, his ambition you are unable to imagine, now the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family influence proliferates Chaos Star Domain, listens to his words including demons Star Lord and Asura Star Lord, he must set firm resolve to expel you is also very normal, but your side high levels, when only Chaos Star Domain is the remote place, will not put the thoughts here. If goes on an expedition, you and Human Clan mutually will also impede, whom no one will make profit. Therefore Chaos Star Lord definitely dares this.” 擎天大帝道:“你又不是第一次认识混沌星主,他的野心你无法想象,现在混沌皇族势力遍布混乱星域,连罗刹星主和修罗星主都听他的话,他要下定决心将你们赶走也很正常,而你们那边的高层,只当混乱星域是偏僻之地,不会太花心思在这里的。如果征战,你们和人族也会互相掣肘,谁也不会让谁占到便宜。所以混沌星主完全敢这样做。” Hao date wolf main road: If is really this, you must go to the star source to defend. Makes Dream King go bad luck.” 昊日狼主道:“如果真的是这样,你得去星源上守着了。就让梦幻王倒霉去吧。” Holds up day Great Emperor saying: Does not worry, now the hegemons of nine star Alliances there, waits for the Star Lord Hegemony War third war to start, is the opportunity of nightmare king.” 擎天大帝道:“不着急,现在九星联盟的盟主们都在那里,等星主争霸战第三战开始的时候,才是梦魇王的机会。” That eclipse month wolf Lord giggled to say with a smile: Then, weren't we defeat were busy at work before? Naturally, what is most pitiful is Dream Immortal Clan. They obtain two points with great difficulty.” 那蚀月狼主咯咯笑道:“这么说来,我们之前不是败忙活了吗?当然了,最可怜的还是梦幻仙族吧。他们好不容易才得到两分。” Hao date wolf main road: They obtained two points, Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family compelling, otherwise them greatly has been able to operate anxiously slowly, making the nightmare king obtain the champion according to the normal procedure, but now is not obviously good......” 昊日狼主道:“正是他们得到了两分,才把混沌皇族给逼急了,要不然他们大可以慢慢操纵,让梦魇王按照正常程序得到冠军,但现在显然不行了……” Therefore, Star Lord Hegemony War...... I will snatch the thing of nightmare king in the star source, can guess correctly as for Dream King that must look whether became confused excitedly. During this Star Lord Hegemony War, has imagined with him different......” “所以,星主争霸战嘛……我会在星源把梦魇王的东西抢过来的,至于梦幻王能不能猜到,那就要看是否被兴奋冲昏头脑了。这星主争霸战,已经和他想象当中不同了……” .................. ……………… In the middle of the endless sea of clouds, Lingxi is still trying hard. 无尽云海当中,灵曦还在努力。 Distance ten star continuous dates, were only three days of probably.” “距离十星连珠之日,好像只有三天的时间了。” But Long Chen very stays. 龙辰十分无奈呆在这其中。 Primal Chaos Being Dragon......” 太极生灵龙……” The do the life and creation dragon, meet are what kind of? 生命与创造之龙,到底会是怎样的? Opportunity that can its birth, oneself see continually? 会不会它的出世,自己连见到的机会都没有? I am not mature, hear the Primal Chaos Being Dragon news, worried. Rushes to here unexpectedly hurriedly. Had not considered that Xiao Dingyuan they will intercept to imprison me boldly......” “我还是太不成熟,听到太极生灵龙的消息,就太着急了。竟然匆忙赶到这里来。没考虑萧鼎元他们会大胆拦截囚禁我……” Now also can only pray that Lingxi can before three days later arrive, this Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm breaking. 现在也只能祈祷灵曦能在三天后到来之前,将这‘万梦玄境’给破开了。 Lingxi is bustling about, for these days she immersed in very condition diligently, she most understood that the Long Chen person, deeply knew important of three days of latter ten star continuous dates to Long Chen, therefore she does not dare to have idleness of moment. 灵曦正在忙碌,这几天她都沉浸在十分努力的状态当中,她是最了解龙辰的人,深深知道三天后十星连珠之日对龙辰的重要,所以她不敢有片刻的懈怠。 Very intensive busy, making her somewhat weary. 高强度的忙碌,让她有些疲倦了。 But she had still not stopped, she is bringing Long Chen is seeking for this illusion source. 但她仍然没有停止,她带着龙辰的在寻找这个幻境的源头。 First found the source, then starts from the source, this illusion foundation destruction, can thorough eradication. I have swept 70% places, Brother Chen, waits again......” “先找到源头,再从源头开始,将这幻境一道道的根基破坏,才能彻底的破除。我已经扫荡70的地方了,辰哥哥,再等等……” Lingxi both eyes have covered psychedelic color, the long skirt is floating, on slender exquisite both hands is pulling the white silk thread shape thing, sends out the light ray. 灵曦双眼蒙上了迷幻的色彩,长裙飘飘,纤细精巧的双手上牵着白色丝线形状的东西,发出淡淡光芒。 Can see from her expression and spoken language that her innermost feelings are flurried. 从她表情和言语可以看出,她内心是慌乱的。 Do not worry, stabilizes. First rests.” “别着急,稳定下来。先休息一下吧。” Long Chen said in a soft voice. 龙辰轻声说道。 Might as well. Also not tired, added the speed to be a bit faster good again.” Lingxi smiles warm, she does not have too many spoken languages, once again investment. “无妨。也没有多累,再加快点速度就好了。”灵曦温暖一笑,她没有太多的言语,再度投入。 Found!” “找到了!” When are not many, her both eyes bloom the beautiful ray, on the face full is the charming smiling face. 不多时,她双眼绽放出美丽的光芒,脸上满是迷人笑容。 Long Chen also relaxed. 龙辰也松了一口气。 Make her so tired, oneself also very feel sorry at heart. 让她这么劳累,自己心里也十分过意不去。 Then, I must dismantle step by step, possibly requires certain time, I catch up as far as possible within three days complete. Brother Chen you are also ready. We will not be defeated.” “接下来,我要一步步的拆解,可能需要一定的时间,我尽量赶在三天之内完成。辰哥哥你也做好准备。我们不会失败的。” Long Chen nods. 龙辰点点头。 Tries hard for oneself, that is her faith, therefore this time she was impossible to stop. 为自己而努力,那是她的信念,所以这时候的她不可能停下。 Husband and wife concentric its advantage cuts through metal.” “夫妻同心其利断金。” Long Chen smiles was saying. 龙辰微笑着说道。 Um!” “嗯!” These words have taken to the Lingxi tremendous strength. 这句话带给了灵曦巨大的力量。 She invests into the deepest condition, silently diligently, but Long Chen has closed the eye, the time passes in a hurry, in his heart was also getting more and more anxious. 她投入到最深状态当中,默默努力,而龙辰闭上了眼睛,时间匆匆流逝,他心中也越来越紧张了。 ........................ …………………… In an instant, three days of passed by. 转眼之间,三天的时间已经过去。 Ten star continuous dates, arrived with the Star Lord Hegemony War third war. 十星连珠之日,和星主争霸战的第三战同时到来。 The Shining Star person, pays more attention to Star Lord Hegemony War. 璀璨星辰的人,更加关注星主争霸战 But other Cultivator, in waiting for ten star continuous arrivals, the hearsay are in fashion, almost Chaos Star Domain all people knew will have the hearsay that the treasure is born, the person but who really believes is not specially many . Moreover the person of people disperses in the connections of ten stars, outside Shining Star here, the population are not many. 而其他者,则在等待十星连珠的到来,传闻风行,几乎混乱星域所有人都知道了会有宝物诞生的这个传闻,但真正相信的人并不是特别多,而且众人的人分散在十星的连线上,璀璨星辰外这里,人数并不多。 True Expert, majority regarded ten star continuous dates is a joke. 真正的强者,大多数都把十星连珠之日当成是一个笑话罢了。 At this moment, ten stars have not practiced a line truly, the surroundings have Cultivator from all places to wait for much intensely, this person proliferates the entire starry sky, but approaching Shining Star, most people come for Star Lord Hegemony War. 此时此刻,十星还没有真正练成一条线,周围有不少来自所有地方的者在紧张的等待着,这种人遍布整个星空,而在靠近璀璨星辰这边,大多数的人则是为星主争霸战而来的。 And, nine star Alliance as well as the person of Shining Star majority of influence, arrived here. Now the standby period arrives, starts to carry on the third war tripartite fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out. 其中,九星联盟以及璀璨星辰大部分势力的人,已经来到了这里。现在等待时间到达,就开始进行第三战三方车轮战。 Entering the war, besides Dream King and other people, three large clans sends out five respectively to Expert. 参战者,是除了梦幻王等三人外,三大族各自派出五位至强者 And, Xiao Dingyuan recognizes strongly. 其中,萧鼎元公认最强。 Before they arrive, nine star Alliances already battlefield prepare. 在他们到来之前,九星联盟已经把战场布置好了。 Participates in the Star Lord Hegemony War person, majority have not cared that ten star continuous dates, when so, some people look outside these scattered Cultivator, ridiculed: Really cracks a joke, this clearly is the false rumor, actually also really some people have believed that will have the treasure born baseless? 900 Dao Mark [say / way]? When this is the cabbage? Moreover presented such [say / way], is not necessarily able to control including Star Lord, these people also bring death.” 参加星主争霸战的人,也大多数没把那十星连珠之日放在心上,就如此时,就有人看着外边那些零散的者,嘲笑道:“真是开玩笑,这分明是讹传,竟然还真的有人相信了,会有宝物凭空诞生么?还是900条道纹的道器?当这道器是大白菜么?而且就算出现了这样的道器,连星主都未必能掌控,这些人也不过是送死。” Does not have the means that the artificial wealth dies, birds die in pursuit of food, most people, is having the dream of that reaching the sky in a single bound. Shining Star is good, here population are not many, I hear by other stars, so long as is in the connections of ten stars, already ten days ago by ten thousand clan Cultivator standing, 99% people, are trying one's luck, watches the fun.” “没办法,人为财死,鸟为食亡,大多数人,还是做着那种一步登天的梦。璀璨星辰还好,这边人数不多,我听说在其他星球旁边,只要是十星的连线上,早就十天前就被万族者给站满了,其中99的人,都不过是在碰运气,看热闹罢了。” I look, very possible is Courts Death.” “我看啊,很可能是找死罢了。” Discussed that ten star continuous dates, they start to discuss Star Lord Hegemony War. 讨论完十星连珠之日,他们开始讨论星主争霸战 Dream Immortal Clan obtained two points, hears this third war, because has existence of Xiao Dingyuan, therefore is a war that they most excel, so long as during they in this fight win smoothly, then Dream King is Shining Star Star Lord, illusion Star Lord!” 梦幻仙族已经得到了两分,听说这第三战因为有萧鼎元的存在,所以是他们最擅长的一战,只要他们在这一战当中顺利获胜,那么梦幻王就是璀璨星辰星主,梦幻星主!” Also there is a humanity: I look, other two clans are not the fools, this fights so essential, directly decides the victory and defeat, they will possibly collaborate to cope with Dream Immortal Clan. Therefore this fights will be quite definitely splendid.” 又有人道:“我看,其他两族也不是傻子,这一战如此关键,直接决定胜负,他们很可能会联手来对付梦幻仙族。所以这一战肯定会相当精彩。” If they said that tripartite Expert arrived quickly, for today's this war, they almost set out the strongest lineup, is one by one intrepid, the ominous offense. 如他们所说,三方强者很快都已经到来,为了今天这一战,他们几乎出动了最强的阵容,一个比一个强悍、凶戾。 But what makes the people curious is, probably Dream King, holds up day Great Emperor and nightmare kings has not arrived. 但让众人好奇的是,好像梦幻王、擎天大帝和梦魇王都没有到来。 Although they do not need to enter the war today, but does not arrive directly, can't this be justified? 他们虽然今天不用参战,但是直接不到场,这也说不过去吧? Therefore, the people inquired. 于是,众人纷纷询问了起来。 The result of obtaining is actually, close up for the war of following most Expert three to Expert. 得到的结果却是,三位至强者都为了接下来的最强者之战而闭关。 This is also passable. 这也说得过去。 But saw that Dream King and holds up day Great Emperor not to be, that Hundun Cangwu brow wrinkled, secret passage: These two are really is closing up, is......” 但看到梦幻王和擎天大帝都不在,那混沌苍梧眉头皱了起来,暗道:“这两位真是是在闭关,还是……” But Star Lord Hegemony War must start, now everybody is also too busy to leave. 星主争霸战已经要开始了,现在大家也走不开了。 The people had also forgotten quickly three big have not arrived to Expert this matter, starts Cultivator who pays attention to enter the war, basically these 15 people have not stemmed from the expectation of people. 众人也很快忘记了三大至强者没有到场这件事情,开始关注参战的者们,基本上这15人没有出乎众人的预料。 In the middle of the Dream Immortal Clan team, Xiao Dingyuan now is commanding. 梦幻仙族的队伍当中,萧鼎元现在是统领者。 But what is curious, the Life Dragon City person, as if with them in the same place, they in another position, has not been separated by with Dream Immortal Clan, this makes the person have to suspect that Life Dragon City whether and Dream Immortal Clan has produced the contradiction. 但让人好奇的是,生命龙城的人,似乎没和他们在一起,他们在另外一个位置,和梦幻仙族相隔开来,这让人不得不怀疑生命龙城是否和梦幻仙族产生了矛盾。 Is heavy in the Hundun Cangwu look, will announce the third war starts, the black ray shoots together toward the people, the people shock, has to knit the brows including Hundun Cangwu, secret passage: This person of strive to excel, the strength fears not under me!” 就在混沌苍梧神色沉重,正要宣布第三战开始的时候,一道黑色的光线朝着众人射来,众人不禁震撼,连混沌苍梧也不得不皱眉,暗道:“此人好强,实力怕是不下于我!” Hundun Cangwu, was almost most Expert on the scene. 混沌苍梧,几乎是在场的最强者了。 That black ray, arrived at Life Dragon City together finally. 那一道黑色的光线,最终到达了生命龙城这边。 Life Dragon City and the others partly kneel, said with one voice: Pays a visit Sir Lin Ming!” 生命龙城等人纷纷半跪,齐声道:“拜见林冥大人!” That is a hair pitch-black old man, looking at the age should also want on the old several ranks compared with Xing Yue, this person of Aura is vast, is quite fearful, although is old, but an eye is pitch-black, obviously is an antique giant beast. 那是一个头发乌黑的老者,看年纪应该是比星越还要老上几个辈分的,此人气息浩大,极为可怕,虽然年老,但是一双眼睛乌黑吓人,显然是一头太古巨兽。 The Life Dragon City person is very certainly familiar with this Sir Lin Ming, this is Life Dragon City sends to support their, named Lin Ming, is Dragon Warrior of older generation, is well-known in Five Great Dragon City, his temperament is cruel, is one generation of evil stars, is the killer who Life Dragon City became famous, Inherited Blood Essence is super Divine Dragon Grim Reaper Deep Dragon. 生命龙城的人当然对这林冥大人很熟悉,这正是生命龙城派来支援他们的,名为林冥,是老一辈的龙武者,在五大龙城十分闻名,他脾气暴戾,乃一代煞星,也是生命龙城出了名的杀手,传承精血为超级神龙死神冥龙 After arriving here, Lin Ming disregards people, said: That hadn't Long Chen, found?” 来到这里后,林冥无视众人,道:“那龙辰呢,还没有找到么?” Xing Yue , etc. stood up, said: Returns to Sir Lin Ming, the subordinate estimated that 80% possibilities, by Dream Immortal Clan hiding.” 星越等站起身来,道:“回林冥大人,属下估计,有80的可能,是被梦幻仙族给藏了起来。” „......” “哦……” A Lin Ming fearful eye, looked to the Dream Immortal Clan Xiao Dingyuan direction. 林冥一双可怕的眼睛,看向了梦幻仙族萧鼎元的方向。 His vision, almost makes people suffocate. 他的目光,几乎让众人窒息。 His arrival, has broken Star Lord Hegemony War with ease. 他的到来,也轻松打断了星主争霸战 Sees this old man, the Xiao Dingyuan brow deep wrinkle, the secret passage: This old ghost came quickly, was not wonderful......” 看到这个老者,萧鼎元眉头深皱,暗道:“这老鬼来得太快了,不妙啊……”
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