DBWG :: Volume #21

#2051: Chaos Cangwu

In the middle of dream profound boundary sea of clouds, Xiao Dingyuan returns. 梦玄境云海当中,萧鼎元返回。 How?” Dream King already here waited. “如何?”梦幻王早就在这里等待了。 Xiao Dingyuan shakes the head, said: Had an accident.” 萧鼎元摇摇头,道:“出了点意外。” Specifically said.” Dream King is very curious, by the Xiao Dingyuan ability, intercepts Long Chen, robs to damage Star Core, how to have the accident to occur? “具体说说吧。”梦幻王很是好奇,以萧鼎元的能耐,去截杀龙辰,抢夺破损星核,怎么会有意外发生呢? Xiao Dingyuan then calm the process of matter, said with Dream King. 萧鼎元便沉着将事情的经过,和梦幻王说了一遍。 In the middle of god country appears so fiercely, can be that Eternal Dragon Emperor has left behind any fearful secret in the middle of his god country. If so, the female has worn-out Star Core, so long as treats in the middle of his god country, except for intimidating him, we are very difficult to obtain Star Core. But if intimidates him, can Eternal Dragon Emperor that died, bring troublesome to us? I heard that in Dragon God Domain various god battlefields, Eternal Dragon Emperor as if has appeared by the strange condition.” “神国当中出现如此厉害,会不会是那永恒龙帝在他神国当中留下了什么可怕的秘密。如果是这样的话,那女子持有破旧星核,只要待在他的神国当中,除了威逼他,我们很难得到星核。但如果威逼他的话,那死去的永恒龙帝,会不会给我们带来麻烦?我听说在龙神域诸神战场,永恒龙帝似乎以古怪的状态出现过。” They felt that is troublesome, is thorny, most critically must carry on third Star Lord Hegemony War immediately. 两人都感觉到非常麻烦,非常棘手,更关键的是马上要进行第三场星主争霸战了。 Therefore Dream King said: You, since were stranded him in the middle of Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm, did not have other people to see. This just right. Waits for after the Star Lord Hegemony War third war, if I obtain new Star Core normally, looks for him again. The urgent matter prepares Star Lord Hegemony War, this Long Chen is full of too the complex variable, temporarily imprisons him, do not go to provoke him. Our Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm, Life Dragon City nobody can break in any case.” 于是梦幻王说道:“你既然把他困在了万梦玄境当中,又没有其他人看见。这正好。等星主争霸战第三战过后,我若是正常得到新的星核,再去找他。当务之急还是准备好星主争霸战吧,这龙辰充满太多变数,暂时就囚禁他,别去招惹他。反正我们的万梦玄境,生命龙城无人能破。” Then, they chatted another matter. 接下来,他们聊另外一件事情。 Dream King said: By your ability, third war in fact we ninety percent sure. The third point is very to us relaxed. Nightmare Wang He holds up day Great Emperor also definitely to know this point. They must lose obviously, I feared that they are not convinced. Since nine star Alliance organizations have been established, has come out generations of Star Lord according to the rule, but the influence expansion of this Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family is especially cut-throat, Human Clan wants Monster Clan to join. I feared that we so easily obtain the victory of Star Lord Hegemony War, other two sides can not be convinced, the destruction custom disturbs. Now is good, the people of nine star Alliances are protecting the star source, but the Star Lord Hegemony War third war is held, the majority of hegemons obtain in the middle of the starry sky, but I and nightmare Wang He hold up day Great Emperor not to need to participate in the fight......” 梦幻王道:“以你的能耐,第三战实际上我们十拿九稳。第三分对我们来说很轻松。梦魇王和擎天大帝也肯定知道这一点。他们明显要输了,我怕他们不服气。九星联盟这组织诞生以来,按照规则决出了一代代的星主,但这一次混沌皇族的势力扩张尤其凶狠,人族妖族又加入到这其中来。我怕我们如此容易就得到星主争霸战的胜利,其他两方会不服气,破坏规矩捣乱。现在还好,九星联盟的人守护着星源,但星主争霸战第三战进行的时候,大部分的盟主得到星空当中,而我、梦魇王和擎天大帝不需要参加战斗……” Xiao Dingyuan hears here, said: Brother, such being the case, the third war starts, the excuse that your available Cultivate closes up does not participate, goes to the star source secretly, preventing them to approach the star source ahead of time, planned that in losing the Star Lord Hegemony War situation robs Star Core. We must prepare two.” 萧鼎元听到这里,道:“哥,既然如此,第三战开始的时候,你可用修炼闭关的借口不去参加,偷偷前往星源,防止他们提前靠近星源,打算在输掉星主争霸战的情况下抢夺星核。我们要做好两手的准备。” The Dream King nod said: Ok, you strive to obtain the third point one time, making us win Star Lord Hegemony War justifiablily. But I am responsible for observing closely the nightmare king they, cannot make them break the rule, fishes in troubled waters!” 梦幻王点头道:“行,你争取一次性就得到第三分,让我们名正言顺赢得星主争霸战。而我负责盯住梦魇王他们,不能让他们破坏规则,浑水摸鱼!” This Star Lord, he wants, when decided! 这个星主,他是要当定了! The time like this passes, the Life Dragon City person discovered quickly Long Chen vanished, therefore Xing Yue and Gong Qing and wood-famine three people accompany to come, pays a visit Dream King. 时间就这样流逝,生命龙城的人很快就发现龙辰消失了,于是星越、龚擎和木荒三个人结伴前来,拜见梦幻王 Three people are threatening. 三人来势汹汹。 The Dream King please three people take a seat gracefully, said with a smile kindly: Three arrivals, behavior what?” 梦幻王优雅请三人入座,和蔼笑道:“三位到来,所为何事?” Gong Qing temperament is irritable, comes straight to the point, said: Dream King, excuse me, my clan Dragon Warrior Long Chen, now where?” 龚擎脾气火爆,单刀直入,道:“梦幻王,请问,我族龙武者龙辰,现在在何处?” Dream King said astonished: „Does Long Chen disappear?” 梦幻王惊愕道:“龙辰不见了吗?” The opposite party is feigning ignorance, Gong Qing sneers saying: We spoke frankly, he should be stranded by you. Dream King, if not think that our Life Dragon City and Dream Immortal Clan relations breakage, should better give back to us him, otherwise, our Five Great Dragon City is impolite, you must know that Supreme Divine Dragon to us has how importantly. Does not dare to move him Chaos Star Lord!” 对方在装蒜,龚擎冷笑道:“我们就直说吧,他应该被你困起来了。梦幻王,如果不想我们生命龙城梦幻仙族关系破裂的话,最好把他还给我们,否则的话,我们五大龙城可不客气,你要知道无上神龙对我们来说有多么的重要。连混沌星主都不敢动他!” Dream King already prepared, he stands, the look enforces, sinking sound track: To be honest, I do not know where really he did go to? I am not the person of acting unreasonably, how can not know important of your Supreme Divine Dragon. He in my Shining Star missing words, is we neglects duty, I will mobilize the Dream Immortal Clan strength to seek for him, but also invited not to pin this hat in our top of the head! After all we are the relations of cooperation!” 梦幻王早就准备好了,他站立起来,神色严肃起来,沉声道:“说实话,我真不知道他去了哪里?我又并非乱来之人,岂会不知道你们无上神龙的重要。他在我璀璨星辰失踪的话,算是我们失职,我会发动梦幻仙族的力量寻找他,但还请诸位别把这帽子扣在我们头顶上!毕竟我们是合作的关系!” Gong Qing they have this self-confidence, Dream Immortal Clan that does not dare to kill Long Chen absolutely, they have not been having courage, therefore determined that they have imprisoned Long Chen. 龚擎他们还有这个自信,梦幻仙族那是绝对不敢杀死龙辰的,他们还没有这个胆子,所以才确定他们囚禁了龙辰 Sees Dream King to refuse stubbornly to acknowledge that three people look at each other one mutually, has stood. 梦幻王死不承认,三人互相对视一眼,站立了起来。 Xing Yue said: Dream King, disappearance of Long Chen, we are very anxious, has informed our Life Dragon City, Life Dragon City has sent out super Divine Dragon Grim Reaper Deep Dragon to catch up, to be honest three you are not the Grim Reaper Deep Dragon match, therefore......” 星越道:“梦幻王,龙辰的消失,我们很紧张,已经通知了我们生命龙城,生命龙城已经派出超级神龙死神冥龙赶来,说实话三个你都不是死神冥龙的对手,所以……” Here, he did not say. 说到这里,他就不说下去了。 In the Dream King heart is startled, but had not been daunted, he said with a smile: Right? Has him to assist to seek, a that actually good deed. However had a matter I and three says, according to the customs of nine star Alliances, except for the people of nine star Alliances, other people cannot become Star Lord of nine star Alliances absolutely, our Shining Star will not have second Star Lord. Therefore...... After finding Long Chen, but also looked at three to be able that worn-out Star Core to return me, otherwise I should report report nine star Alliances......” 梦幻王心中吃惊,但也没被吓住,他笑道:“是吗?有他协助寻找,那倒是一件好事。不过有件事我还是得和三位说一下,按照九星联盟的规矩,除了九星联盟的人,其他人是绝对不能成为九星联盟的星主的,我们璀璨星辰也不会有第二位星主。所以……找到龙辰后,还望三位能把那破旧星核归还我,否则我应该会禀报九星联盟……” The words spoke of here, both sides' relations were break thoroughly. 话说到这里,双方的关系算是彻底的断裂了。 Naturally, the following three fights, have not related with Life Dragon City anything. Dream King this is fight in which both sides perish, that Star Core he will not carry off to Long Chen in any case, he does not think that the untold hardships become Star Lord, actually and others control Shining Star together. 当然,接下来三场战斗,和生命龙城没什么关系。梦幻王这是鱼死网破,反正那星核他是不会给龙辰带走的,他不想自己千辛万苦成为星主,却和别人共同掌控璀璨星辰 Since the ancient times, the person of dismantling the bridge after crossing, will not have any good end.” Xing Yue they said that then cold left here. “自古以来,过河拆桥之人,都不会有什么好下场的。”星越他们说了一句,便冷然离开了这里。 When they leave, Dream King also clenches teeth, returns to the seat. 等他们离开,梦幻王也咬咬牙,回到座位上。 Grim Reaper Deep Dragon? Is this which? Amn't three I his match? You also underestimated me......” 死神冥龙?这是哪位?三个我都不是其对手?你们也太小看我了吧……” Becoming important matter, is inevitably bold. 成大事者,必然要胆大包天。 Therefore, he did not regret. 所以,他并不后悔。 Rushes to here from Dragon God Domain, I feared that was won the third war, became Star Lord, obtained Long Chen Star Core. So long as completes these steps, I feared that can catch up with Chaos Star Lord, when the time comes Human Clan comes anyone, how me. Human Clan...... tumbles out my Chaos Star Domain......” “从龙神域赶到这里来,我怕是已经赢得了第三战,成为了星主,同时也得到龙辰星核了。只要完成这几步,我怕是能赶上混沌星主,到时候人族来谁,都奈何不了我。人族……还是滚出我混乱星域吧……” Thinks of here, Dream King chuckle. 想到这里,梦幻王轻笑了起来。 ........................ …………………… Deep place of one black fog, the black palace, the height dances in the air less than half meter Nightmare Clan, their appearance is no doubt lovable, but a nightmare clan, is truly fearful, making one be panic at the news. 一片黑色云雾的深处,有一座黑色宫殿,身长不足半米的梦魇族在这其中飞舞,他们长相固然可爱,但确实噩梦一族,十分可怕,令人闻风丧胆。 In the deep place of that black palace, the surrounding area in several li (0.5km) nobody dares to approach. 在那黑色宫殿的深处,方圆数里之内无人敢靠近。 Because, this is the domain of nightmare king. 因为,这是梦魇王的地盘。 Nightmare king from throne, float in airborne, in him at present is several silver Ash Grey Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, is the characters of hegemon rank, in Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family is also the controlling the forces of nature big role. 梦魇王从王座上下来,悬浮在空中,在他眼前是几位银灰色混沌皇族,都是盟主级别的人物,在混沌皇族也是呼风唤雨的大角色。 Has seen several.” The nightmare king is very respectful to them. “见过几位。”梦魇王对他们十分恭敬。 In the middle of this crowd of Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, leader is a Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family leader, named Hundun Cangwu, heard that has certain relations with Chaos Star Lord. The strength is among the people are also strongest, is the representatives of this nine star Alliance 30 hegemons. 这一群混沌皇族当中,领头者是一个混沌皇族的领头者,名为混沌苍梧,听说和混沌星主有一定的关系。其实力也是众人当中最强的,更是这次九星联盟30位盟主的代表。 Hundun Cangwu comes straight to the point, said: By the Nightmare Clan ability, the assurance of third war victory seems to be low. But that side Golden War God Clan, besides holding up the day Great Emperor strength well, other people are also ordinary, irresistibly Dream Immortal Clan Xiao Dingyuan. It seems like your third war must lose.” 混沌苍梧开门见山,道:“以梦魇族的能耐,似乎第三战胜利的把握非常低啊。而黄金战神族那边,除了擎天大帝战力不错之外,其他人也就一般,无法抵抗梦幻仙族萧鼎元。看来你们第三战也要输。” Nightmare Wang Youxie said angrily: This does not have the means that the third war is they most excelled, the first war was they most does not excel with the World War II, now their first war World War II because instead Long Chen won, that this Star Lord Hegemony War, victory only possibly was they, even Star Lord Hegemony War will directly finish several days later.” 梦魇王有些愤然道:“这也没办法,本来第三战就是他们最擅长的,第一战和第二战是他们最不擅长的,现在他们第一战第二战反而因为龙辰获得了胜利,那这星主争霸战,胜利的只可能是他们,甚至过几天星主争霸战就直接结束了。” Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family several look at each other in blank diamay. 混沌皇族几位面面相觑。 And Hundun Cangwu said: To be honest, they win, is disadvantageous to our nine star Alliances, the history had shown that our nine star Alliances must unite, drives out the people of five large clans, we have the freedom.” 其中混沌苍梧道:“说实话,他们两个赢,对我们九星联盟都不利,历史证明,我们九星联盟必须要团结起来,将五大族的人赶出去,我们才拥有自由。” Nightmare king that jet black eyes move, somewhat pleasantly surprised said: Cangwu Sir, your meaning is......” 梦魇王那漆黑的眼睛一动,有些惊喜道:“苍梧大人,你的意思是……” Hundun Cangwu shows a faint smile, the evil aura is imposing, he said: This time, gives you a little gift. Make you Star Lord. Holds up day Great Emperor too not to be obedient, your quite suitable Star Lord.” 混沌苍梧微微一笑,邪气凛然,他道:“这次来,是送你一点儿礼物。让你成为星主。擎天大帝太不听话了,你比较适合星主。” Nightmare Wang truly compares to be obedient. 梦魇王确实比较听话。 Hears these words, nightmare Wang Dawei shocks, he said: You...... Can you to me the Star Core fragment, making me rob Star Core first? But...... This broke the Star Lord Hegemony War rule, broke the rules of nine star Alliances! Like this? This is the thing that the ancestor formulates!” 听到这句话,梦魇王大为震惊,他道:“你……你是要给我星核碎片,让我先去抢夺星核么?可……这样是破坏了星主争霸战的规矩,破坏了九星联盟的规矩啊!这样好吗?这可是祖宗制定的东西!” Hundun Cangwu said: Anything has the exception. Now five large clans are getting stronger and stronger in our Chaos Star Domain, if not make some adjustments, sooner or later entire Chaos Star Domain will become the battlefield that they will strive for hegemony, will destroy once again, we will be the people of nine star Alliances, must unite, will pursue them. Therefore is the custom of ancestor, we must revise slightly.” 混沌苍梧道:“任何事情都有例外。现在五大族在我们混乱星域越来越壮大,如果不做出一些调整的话,迟早整个混乱星域会成为他们争霸的战场,会再度毁灭,我们身为九星联盟的人,必须要团结起来,驱逐他们。所以就算是先祖的规矩,我们也得稍微修改一下。” Yes, yes!” “明白,明白!” No matter nightmare Wang Ke they said how interestingly to listen, he only knows that he soon will become Star Lord, Star Lord this position, will be he did not have any relations, Nightmare Clan itself will be inferior to Dream Immortal Clan and Golden War God Clan, but will so have this opportunity, the condition will be to obey the instruction of Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, so long as there is a strength to have the prestige, what will be obedient is? 梦魇王可不管他们说得多么动听,他只知道,自己即将成为星主,星主这个位置,本来是和他没有任何关系的,梦魇族本身不如梦幻仙族黄金战神族,但是如此拥有这个机会,条件是听从混沌皇族的吩咐,只要有实力有威望,听话又算什么? In his heart secretly rejoices. 他心中暗喜。 Hundun Cangwu said: You are listening, the Star Lord Hegemony War third war starts, we will withdraw the protection of star source, when the time comes you dive, depends upon the Star Core fragment to fuse Star Core, becomes Star Lord, as for other people, makes them hit on Star Lord Hegemony War.” 混沌苍梧道:“你听着,星主争霸战第三战开始,我们就会撤出星源的守护,到时候你就潜进去,依靠星核碎片融合星核,成为星主,至于其他人,就让他们在星主争霸战上打下去吧。” The Star Core fragment, must bestow in the middle of the Star Lord Hegemony War victor, that belongs to Relic of nine star Alliances, is used to attract any Star Core thing, but Hundun Cangwu depends the authority, now has actually given the nightmare king...... 星核碎片,本来是要赐给星主争霸战当中的胜利者,那是属于九星联盟的圣物,是用来吸引任何星核的东西,但混沌苍梧仗着职权,现在却交给了梦魇王…… When nightmare Wang Xing tall Cailie received the Star Core fragment, Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family several people look at each other smile. 当梦魇王兴高采烈接过星核碎片,混沌皇族几人对视一笑。 „To have a look , after Dream King they know the result, can be any expression.” “真想看看,梦幻王他们知道结果后,会是什么表情。” Yes, present nine star Alliances are different, wants to obtain the Star Lord position, but must appoint by us!” “是啊,现在的九星联盟可不一样了,想得到星主的位置,还得靠我们任命!”
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