DBWG :: Volume #21

#2050: Wan Mengxuan boundary

In Long Chen goes to beside Shining Star familiar environment time, in the middle of the dream profound boundary, Xiao Dingyuan and Dream King obtained him to leave the Shining Star news, this made some of their cannot help but meanings move, they have to consider carefully. 正在龙辰前往璀璨星辰之外熟悉环境的时候,梦玄境当中,萧鼎元梦幻王得到了他离开了璀璨星辰的消息,这让两人不由得有些意动,他们不得不仔细考虑。 They stand on the sea of clouds, speeds along along with the clouds. 两人站在云海上,随着云朵飞驰。 Xiao Dingyuan sinking sound track: Brother, Long Chen as if had restored that worn-out Star Core, obviously has succeeded, the Life Dragon City person feared that has guessed also correctly this point, therefore resists with us,” 萧鼎元沉声道:“哥,龙辰似乎曾经恢复过那破旧星核,显然已经成功了,生命龙城的人怕是也猜到了这一点,所以才和我们对抗吧,” Dream King said: Said well, I know that Xing Yue they in thinking anything, they definitely are think that Long Chen fully restores that Star Core, when the time comes their side can also be born Shining Star Star Lord, if their Life Dragon City also presents Star Lord, then in the future in us in this Shining Star will be during the competition of Chaos Star Domain resources, they will get the winning side absolutely, no longer will receive impeding of our Dream Immortal Clan, will be the cooperation, but if in this case, they very probably will turn into their bases Shining Star, but will not need to care about our opinions, is unable to control Shining Star completely, as if became new Star Lord, the advantage will not be big......” 梦幻王道:“说得不错,我知道星越他们在想什么,他们肯定是想龙辰完全恢复那星核,到时候他们那边也能诞生一位璀璨星辰星主,如果他们生命龙城也出现星主,那么将來在和我们在这璀璨星辰甚至是混乱星域资源的竞争当中,他们绝对会占据上风,不再受我们梦幻仙族的掣肘,原本是合作关系,但如果这样的话,他们很可能会把璀璨星辰变成他们的根据地,而不用在乎我们的意见,无法完全掌控璀璨星辰,似乎就算成为了新的星主,好处也不大啊……” To them, Human Clan here like evildoers. 对他们而言,人族在这里就如狼虎。 If Dream King is only Star Lord is good, but if Life Dragon City have Star Lord, then Dream King is not big to their significances. 如果梦幻王是唯一的星主还好,但假若生命龙城自己就有星主,那么梦幻王对他们的意义就不大了。 Xiao Dingyuan gets angry: Human Clan this fellows, are really insatiably greedy,” 萧鼎元微怒道:“人族这帮家伙,真是贪得无厌,” Dream King said: Words said actually like this that is in itself the thing that they obtain, they have the right to process, moreover they also know, if gives us that worn-out Star Core, making me fuse two Star Core, my strength will perhaps be increased to surpassing demons Star Lord and Asura Star Lord degree, close Chaos Star Lord, such strong I, they could not control, I will not deliver in vain,” 梦幻王道:“话倒不是这样说,那本身就是他们得到的东西,他们有权处理,而且他们也知道,如果把那破旧星核给我们,让我融合两个星核的话,我的战力恐怕会提升到超过罗刹星主和修罗星主的程度,接近混沌星主,这么强的我,他们也掌控不了,如果是我的话,我也不会白白送出來,” They shuttle back and forth in the middle of the cloud layer, look below all living things. 两人在云层当中穿梭,看着下方众生。 Xiao Dingyuan said: No matter what, Shining Star was our domains, the past is, the present is, in the future also will be,” 萧鼎元道:“不管怎么说,璀璨星辰是我们的地盘,从前是,现在是,将來也是,” Dream King he he said with a smile: That must look Star Lord Hegemony War third has fought, this third war, from each clan, chooses five, to hold up day Great Emperor and Expert beside nightmare king besides me, carries on the tripartite fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out, altogether 15 people, are standing finally which team the person is, then which team again obtains a point, this fights a war that is we most had confidence, because in the middle of our team you will go to battle, the other two races' besides holding up day Great Emperor and nightmare king nobody can with you for the enemy, you must take the victory of fight, ahead of time finished Star Lord Hegemony War,” 梦幻王呵呵笑道:“那就要看星主争霸战的第三战了,这第三战,是从每一族当中,挑选出五个除了我、擎天大帝和梦魇王之外的强者,进行三方车轮战,一共15个人,最终站着的人属于哪个队伍,那么哪个队伍就再得到一分,这一战本來就是我们最有把握的一战,因为我们队伍当中你会出战,其他两族除了擎天大帝和梦魇王之外无人能与你为敌,你要拿下战斗的胜利,提前结束星主争霸战,” Xiao Dingyuan said: Relax, I can achieve, but before then, I want to look for that Long Chen to chat again, if incorrect words, so long as we obtain his worn-out Star Core, breaks off with Life Dragon City not necessarily may not, I do not kill him in any case and that's the end,” 萧鼎元道:“放心吧,我能做到,不过在这之前,我想再去找那龙辰谈谈,如果还是不行的话,只要我们得到他的破旧星核,和生命龙城决裂也未必不可,反正我不杀他就是了,” Dream King has pondered the period of time, said: „ Goes, he as if ran up to the middle of the starry sky to go, this happen to was an opportunity. 梦幻王沉思了一阵子,道:“去吧,他似乎跑到星空当中去了,这正好是个机会。 Xiao Dingyuan no longer stays, to prevent the appearance of second Star Lord, he fires into the starry sky, by his ability, must find Long Chen is the quite easy matter. 萧鼎元不再停留,为了防止第二星主的出现,他冲向星空,以他的能耐,要找到龙辰是相当容易的事情。 ............ ………… Long Chen determined after the position that Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence presents approximately, then prepares to leave to depart, returns to the middle of the dream profound boundary, after all outside this is unsafe to him. 龙辰确定太极生灵龙传承精血大致出现的位置后,便准备动身离去,回到梦玄境当中,毕竟对他而言这外面并不安全。 They do not know that the so-called treasure is anything, only knows is the treasure, if so, hoping the genuine great person not to appear competes with me here,” “他们都不知道所谓的宝物是什么,只知道是宝物,如果是这样的话,但愿真正的大人物别出现在这里和我争夺吧,” This seems own mission. 这似乎是自己的使命。 Long Chen knows, no matter how, he must obtain that Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, this matter relates to his life-long. 龙辰知道,不管如何,他一定要得到那太极生灵龙传承精血,这件事关系到他的终生。 After he arrived here, always thought one stared, therefore impatient return, in the middle of the starry sky has the innumerable eyes to visit him probably, but he actually could not discover anything. 他來到这里后,总觉得自己被盯上了,所以迫不及待的返回,星空当中好像有无数的眼睛在看着他,但他却发现不了什么。 Walks some time in the starry sky, finally returned to Shining Star quickly, that type was staring at the feeling also vanished, at this time, the under actually white luminous spot twinkle, the impact came, short arrived at Long Chen instantaneously at present. 在星空当中行走一段时间,终于快回到璀璨星辰了,那种被盯着的感觉也消失了,就在这时候,下方却有一个白色的光点闪烁,冲击而來,短短瞬间就到了龙辰的眼前。 Xiao Dingyuan. 萧鼎元 He intercepted himself unexpectedly. 他竟然拦截住了自己。 Long Chen had not responded with enough time that the opposite party waves to roll up and push along, immediately, the Long Chen surrounding environment turned into the sea of clouds from the starry sky unexpectedly, the endless white clouds float in the side, the entire world has the smoke cloud, the beforehand all vanished, only, only then Xiao Dingyuan also stands in his at present, faint smile visits him. 龙辰还沒來得及反应,对方就挥手卷动,顿时之间,龙辰周围的环境竟然从星空变成了云海,无尽的白色云朵在身边漂浮,整个世界只有烟云,之前的一切都消失了,唯独只有萧鼎元还站在他的眼前,似笑非笑的看着他。 Long Chen calms the mind, asks: Senior surrounds me, behavior what,” 龙辰静下心來,问道:“前辈困住我,所为何事,” He is still exchanging meanwhile with Lingxi, Lingxi told him, he is surrounded by Xiao Dingyuan illusion now, he vanished to outside person, by Expert of Xiao Dingyuan this rank, illusion that he arranged can be imagined, if the opposite party did not relieve on own initiative, perhaps Long Chen will stay here. 同时他还在和灵曦交流,灵曦告诉他,他现在被萧鼎元幻境困住,对外面的人來说他已经消失了,以萧鼎元这种级别的强者,他所布置的幻境可想而知,如果对方不主动解除的话,恐怕龙辰会被留在这里。 Xiao Dingyuan is false smile, said: Gives me worn-out Star Core, this is our Dream Immortal Clan thing, you remain also useless, as it concerns us has big using, we can put out enough chip and you exchange, you can raise now,” 萧鼎元皮笑肉不笑,道:“把破旧星核给我吧,这是我们梦幻仙族的东西,你留在身上也沒用,对我们而言却有大用,我们能拿出足够的筹码和你交换,你现在就可以提了,” Reason that he surrounds Long Chen alone, is knows that side Life Dragon City will definitely not make Long Chen hand over Butterfly Illusion Sword, but faces Long Chen, could cheat with some treasures, after all Long Chen possibly does not know the worn-out Star Core significance. 他之所以单独困住龙辰,就是知道生命龙城那边肯定不会让龙辰蝴蝶幻剑交出去的,但面对龙辰自己,或许可以用一些宝物來哄骗一下,毕竟龙辰可能不知道破旧星核的意义。 But how Long Chen can not know. 龙辰岂会不知道。 He is not easy to compromise. 他也沒那么容易妥协。 Therefore he said: Senior, I had already said that I simply do not have your type of thing, please do not create a scene,” 于是他道:“前辈,我早就说过,我根本沒有你那种东西,请别无理取闹好么,” Xiao Dingyuan said with a smile: My this is anything creates a scene, told you while convenient one, do not attempt to relate Xing Yue they, in my this Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm middle, let alone Star Rune was useless, your this whole life do not want to walk from here,” 萧鼎元笑道:“我这算什么无理取闹,顺便告诉你一句,别妄图联系星越他们,在我这‘万梦玄境’当中,别说星符沒用,你这辈子也别想从这里走出去,” The opposite party had recognized he has Butterfly Illusion Sword, Long Chen naturally knows this matter very difficult office. 对方是认定了自己有蝴蝶幻剑,龙辰自然知道这件事情很难办。 This, I can only open your god country, oneself examined,” “这样的话,我只能打开你的神国,自己查看了,” Xiao Dingyuan has arrived at him at present, to be honest, he has this ability. 萧鼎元走到了他的眼前,说实话,他有这个能耐。 The Long Chen brain rotation, has a plan for the present, as if can only depend upon the particularity of god country's, he told that Lingxi stands in the boundary of own god country's. 龙辰脑子转动,为今之计,似乎只能依靠神国的特殊性了,他吩咐灵曦站在自己神国的边界上。 Xiao Dingyuan is impolite with him, rips open his god country by the big ability directly, when sees that length and breadth boundless world time, he has been shocked immediately, only then Spirit Clan and Human Clan have the god country, Xiao Dingyuan has also heard the god country, but has not actually experienced so giant god country...... 萧鼎元沒跟他客气,直接以大能耐撕开他的神国,当看到那一片广袤无垠的世界时候,他顿时惊呆了,只有灵族人族拥有神国,萧鼎元也只是听说过神国,但却沒见识过如此巨大的神国…… Supreme Divine Dragon, the god national capital is such big,” 无上神龙,神国都是这么大的吗,” Xiao Dingyuan muttered, flushed, has not cared about the feeling of Long Chen completely. 萧鼎元喃喃自语,冲了进去,完全沒有顾及龙辰的感受。 Long Chen visits him silently. 龙辰默默的看着他。 He discovered Lingxi on boundary quickly, on the face has broken into smiles to come suddenly, said: Originally you here, no wonder looked everywhere entire Shining Star not to find,” 他很快就发现了边界上的灵曦,脸上骤然展现出笑容來,道:“原來你在这里,怪不得找遍了整个璀璨星辰都沒有找到,” The Lingxi vision is calm, said: „It is not your thing, you cannot take away,” 灵曦目光冷静,道:“不属于你的东西,你是拿不走的,” Xiao Dingyuan said with a smile: Do not crack a joke, by your abilities, but also does not have the thing is really I cannot take away,” 萧鼎元笑道:“别开玩笑了,以你们的能耐,还真沒有东西是我拿不走的,” Saying, him was approaching toward Lingxi step by step, but Lingxi drew close to Long Chen at this time can in the boundary of control region. 说着,他一步步朝着灵曦靠近,而灵曦这时候已经贴近到龙辰所能的掌控区域的边界上了。 Xiao Dingyuan begins suddenly, rushed. 萧鼎元骤然动手,冲了上去。 „The technique of Star Shifter,” 斗转星移之术,” Lingxi already prepared, before her the technique of Star Shifter to Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator was only effective, after the good long some time practice, has stiffened now, if outside, she did not have the means to cope with Xiao Dingyuan, but now she only needs Xiao Dingyuan shift that a wee bit distances on the line. 灵曦早就准备好了,之前她的斗转星移之术只对五行轮回劫境者有效,经过好长一段时间的练习,现在已经变强了许多,如果是在外面,她还沒有办法对付萧鼎元,而现在的话她只需要将萧鼎元转移那么一丁点的距离就行了。 In the prestige of technique of Star Shifter can, Xiao Dingyuan as if feel that periphery instantaneous confused, a strength will twist, he suppresses this mysterious strength by the strength of overbearing passing god, mysterious Lord God Technique, but was still actually shifted that a wee bit distances. 斗转星移之术的威能当中,萧鼎元仿佛感觉到周围瞬间错乱,一股力量将自己扭曲,他以霸道的通神之力镇压住这种神奇的力量,神奇的界主神术,但却仍然被转移了那么一丁点的距离。 Such a wee bit sufficed. 就这么一丁点就够了。 Under the control of Lingxi, Xiao Dingyuan hit in the boundary of Long Chen god country's. 灵曦的控制下,萧鼎元撞在了龙辰神国的边界上。 Immediately, sends out the pain to call including Cultivator of this rank, was shaken being lost in thought country instantaneously, and whole body at the condition lacking in vigilance, compared with initially Sheng Lun they, the situation also was only on good a little, his face twisted, incomparable shock looks at Long Chen, got angry: In your, has anything,” 顿时之间,连他这种级别的者都发出痛叫,被瞬间震出了神国,并且浑身处在麻痹的状态,比起当初圣伦他们,情况也只算是好上那么一点,他的脸扭曲了起來,无比的震撼的看着龙辰,怒道:“你那里面,到底存在着什么,” Long Chen imposing fearless, contemptuously said: Thinks to want your life thing, told you, was not your thing, you could not rob, you can try again, but can probably walk next time your assigns me not to know that” 龙辰凛然无惧,轻蔑道:“装着要你性命的东西,告诉你,不是你的东西,你抢不走,你可以再试试,但下次会不会要走你的命我就不知道了,” Naturally is unable to walk his life, Long Chen frightens him. 当然无法要走他的命,龙辰只是吓唬一下他。 He said: Put me, I can treat as this matter not to occur, your Star Lord Hegemony War must start immediately, the third war seemed like you are the main force, now the injured words, feared that will have the huge influence to your following fight,” 他道:“把我放了吧,我可以当作这件事情沒发生过,你们的星主争霸战马上就要开始了,第三战貌似你就是主力,现在受伤的话,怕是会对你接下來的战斗造成巨大的影响吧,” This is the place that Xiao Dingyuan most dreads. 这才是萧鼎元最忌惮的地方。 Long Chen is mystical and mysterious, in god country actually exists to repel own strength, associates to him is the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, the body definitely has that trace, Xiao Dingyuan thinks that now moves him, will possibly affect essential Star Lord Hegemony War, then sprouted has drawn back intent. 龙辰神秘而神奇,神国中竟然存在排斥自己的力量,联想到他是永恒龙帝之子,身上肯定有那一位的痕迹,萧鼎元想到现在动他,很可能会影响关键的星主争霸战,便萌生了退意。 Kid, should not be happy, when I had finished Star Lord Hegemony War, when my brother became Star Lord, we will also come to tidy up you well, as for you, in this Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm just wait, this is my unique skill, if I do not put you to exit, in 1000 you will unable to exit, outside person, naturally is unable to discover you, your here little darling will be staying, when I will come back to take worn-out Star Core,” “小家伙,你也别高兴,等我结束了星主争霸战,等我哥成为了星主,我们还会來好好收拾你,至于你呢,就在这万梦玄境等着吧,这可是我的拿手绝技,如果我不放你出去,1000年你都出不去,外面的人,自然也无法发现你,你就在这里乖乖呆着,等我回來取走破旧星核,” Then, Xiao Dingyuan vanishes in this space. 说完,萧鼎元消失在这空间当中。 The surroundings are the endless sea of clouds, inexhaustible, cannot come to the end. 周围是无尽云海,无穷无尽,根本走不到尽头。 Must leave here, is how difficult. 要离开这里,何其艰难。 Xiao Xi, what to do, Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence must appear several days later, if I were stranded here, no one could save me, how I snatched Inherited Blood Essence,” 小曦,怎么办,再过几天太极生灵龙传承精血就要出现了,我若是被困在这里,谁也救不了我,我怎么去抢传承精血,” Long Chen is badly battered. 龙辰焦头烂额。 Lingxi flew from the god country, she brings Long Chen to shuttle back and forth in the middle of this boundless sea of clouds, said: This Ten Thousand Dream Mysterious Realm is the one utilization of imaginary technique, unified the imaginary technique and Formation, I come to see in the middle of Lord God Technique, there is a method of explaining,” 灵曦从神国当中飞了出來,她带着龙辰在这茫茫云海当中穿梭,道:“这‘万梦玄境’是幻术的一种运用,将幻术和阵法结合了起來,我來看看界主神术当中,有沒有破解的方法,”
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