DBWG :: Volume #21

#2049: God country life

Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, was too important. 太极生灵龙传承精血,实在太重要了。 Long Chen is not certainly willing to have other ancestor Dragon Warrior born, Ancestral Dragons Inherited Blood Essence has gone against heaven's will, if falls to the thoughts virulent person hand, that will inevitably create the common people disaster. 龙辰当然不愿意有另外的祖龙武者诞生,祖龙传承精血太逆天了,如果落到心思恶毒的人手中,那势必会造成苍生大难。 He does not hope one turn is not only. 他也不希望自己变成不是唯一的。 The emergence of this news, has disrupted his rhythm thoroughly, his plan was the preparation dived to cultivate peacefully returns to Dragon God Domain some time, now looks like, Shining Star, should have a more important matter. 这个消息的出现,算是彻底打乱了他的节奏,他原本打算是准备安静潜修一段时间就返回龙神域的,现在看來,在璀璨星辰这边,应该还有更重要的事情。 Currently speaking, I have superiority, at least others do not know the matter about Primal Chaos Being Dragon, otherwise had already created a disturbance, I can take away this thing greatly quietly, only hopes that other people have not known......” “目前來说,我还是有优势的,至少别人不知道关于太极生灵龙的事情,否则早就骚乱了,我大可以悄然拿走这东西,只希望沒有其他人知道啊……” By own strength, in talent is almost invincible, but in this world powerful Cultivator were too many, must rob the thing with Dream King their people of this level frankly and uprightly, that nothing but is dream of a fool, is impossible. 以自己的实力,在天才界算是几乎无敌的,但这世界上比自己强悍的者实在太多了,要和梦幻王他们这个层次的人光明正大抢夺东西,那无非是痴人说梦,根本不可能。 Such thing, any Expert will be crazy, including Spirit Emperor and big monster Lord and first Dragon Emperor and so on. 那样的东西,任何强者都会疯狂,包括灵皇、大妖主、第一龙帝之类。 Therefore, during the Long Chen innermost feelings were still at shocked. 所以,龙辰内心仍然处在震撼当中。 At this time, Lingxi said: Brother Chen you look,” 就在这时候,灵曦道:“辰哥哥你看,” Following her instruction, Long Chen discovered that ground these leaves transformed unexpectedly, have formed the new writing, this time writing was: Mortal body slaughters, the Yuan god universe, the god country...... Life,” 顺着她的指示,龙辰发现地上那些树叶竟然重新变换,形成了新的文字,这一次的文字是:“肉身杀戮、元神太虚,神国……生灵,” The Long Chen eye looked straight. 龙辰眼睛都看直了。 Mortal body slaughters, what refers to is Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, inherits by the mortal body......” “肉身杀戮,指的是太古血灵龙传承精血,以肉身继承之……” Lingxi muttered , to continue saying: „The Yuan god universe, naturally inherits the inheritance of Imaginary Universe Dragon by the Yuan god, then the meaning of this god country life, inherits Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence by the god country finally......” 灵曦喃喃自语,继续道:“元神太虚,自然是以元神继承太虚宙龙的传承,那么这最后这神国生灵的意思,是以神国继承太极生灵龙传承精血……” Here, Lingxi also understood. 说到这里,灵曦也明白了。 Although did not determine the person who reminder who is, but wants Long Chen to inherit third Inherited Blood Essence absolutely, this time is to think the country inherits. 虽然不确定提醒的人是谁,但绝对是要龙辰继承第三种传承精血,这一次是用神国继承。 Brother Chen, your god country so is it seems like strange, is so broad and has the reason, I thought that should some people help you design, Primal Chaos Being Dragon, the control creation world, creates the life, but god country birth new microcosm, if inherits that Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence by the god country, you said that will have anything to change......” 辰哥哥,看來你的神国这么古怪,这么广阔并不是沒有缘故的,我觉得应该是有人帮你设计好的,太极生灵龙,主宰创造世界,创造生命,而神国正是诞生的新的小世界,如果以神国继承那太极生灵龙传承精血,你说会发生什么变化呢……” She has filled with the anticipation. 她充满了期待。 But Long Chen almost suffocates. 龙辰几乎窒息。 On the one hand shocks. 一方面是震撼。 On the one hand is moved. 一方面是感动。 Shocks, because of the appearance of Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, Long Chen thought that this has certainly the relations with Long Qinglan, has the relations with that Mysterious Dragon Jade, until him understands at this moment finally one entered a bureau likely, from the appearance of Long Qinglan, to the matter that later all sorts have, Mysterious Dragon Jade and Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon Inherited Blood Essence and Imaginary Universe Dragon Inherited Blood Essence enters his life in turn, from the beginning he thinks that all are the arrangement of Long Qinglan, but looking back now, has the relations with that Mysterious Dragon Jade probably...... 震撼,是因为太极生灵龙传承精血的出现,龙辰觉得这一定和龙青澜有关系,和那神秘龙玉也有关系,直到此刻他终于明白自己像是走进了一个局当中,从龙青澜的出现,到之后种种发生的事情,神秘龙玉太古血灵龙传承精血太虚宙龙传承精血依次走进他的生命当中,一开始他以为一切都是龙青澜的布置,但现在看來,好像和那神秘龙玉也有关系…… Affected, naturally is places in the middle of this bureau, all that obtains, this perhaps is a mission, but also changed the Long Chen life, making him have the new life, therefore he moves these to change existence of oneself destiny, the innermost feelings also pledged that must complete the task. 感动,当然是自己身处在这个局当中,得到的一切,这或许是一种使命,但也改变了龙辰的人生,让他拥有新的生命,所以他感动这些改变自己命运的存在,内心也发誓一定要完成任务。 The mortal body slaughters, the Yuan god universe, the god country life. 肉身杀戮、元神太虚,神国生灵。 Ten Great Ancestral Dragons, surfaces gradually, gathers the body of Long Chen. 十大祖龙,逐渐浮出水面,汇聚到龙辰的身上。 These words, will appear in the future possibly are more, Long Chen is indefinite, he only knows that half a month later had a giant matter, he must succeed attains Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, he felt that he was placed the great expectations, he cannot be defeated absolutely, otherwise he will possibly leave this bureau. 这一段话,往后还可能出现更多,龙辰也不确定,他只知道半个月后发生如此巨大的一件事情,他一定要成功的拿到太极生灵龙传承精血,他感觉到自己被寄予厚望,他绝对不能失败,否则他很可能会离开这个局。 Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, only possibly is his. 太极生灵龙传承精血,只可能是他的。 Half a month later the Star Lord Hegemony War third war, ten star continuous dates...... 半个月后星主争霸战第三战,十星连珠之日…… It seems like must try hard a time,” the Lingxi forced smile said that she also thinks will return to Dragon God Domain safely, really the body of Long Chen like the spell, must have the disturbance to keep appearing, but these time especially serious, and only permits successfully, cannot be defeated. “看來又得努力一次了呢,”灵曦苦笑道,她还以为会安然回到龙神域呢,果然龙辰的身上就如魔咒,必须会有风波不停出现,而这一次尤其严重,并且只许成功,不许失败。 And...... This time competitor may be inferior that Imaginary Universe Dragon that time, this time, feared will alarm the entire Chaos Star Domain person. 而且……这一次的竞争对手可不如太虚宙龙那一次,这一次,怕是会惊动整个混乱星域的人。 Long Chen is not flustered, he is calm: Then I calmly cultivates, while inquired other people whether knew about ten star continuous date and Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence matter,” 龙辰并不慌张,他沉着道:“接下來我一边静修,一边打听其他人是否知道关于十星连珠之日和太极生灵龙传承精血的事情,” Probably any matter piled in the same place. 好像什么事情都堆在一起了。 Butterfly Illusion Sword and Highest Beginning God, have this Primal Chaos Being Dragon. 蝴蝶幻剑太始之神、还有这太极生灵龙 What Long Chen most wants to know, the god country life, that is what kind of scene. 龙辰最想要知道的是,神国生灵,那到底是怎样的场景。 From that in the future, in couple days ago time, Dream Immortal Clan was very peaceful, Long Chen after inquired in every way that probably nobody knew the matter about ten star continuous dates. 从那往后,前几天的时间内,梦幻仙族还很安静,龙辰经过多方打听,好像沒人知道关于十星连珠之日的事情。 Long Chen relaxed finally, he thought that likely is only then know that was when the time comes easy to do, oneself take Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, walks directly first is. 龙辰总算松了一口气,他觉得很可能会是只有自己知道,到时候就好办了,自己取走太极生灵龙传承精血,直接先走就是。 But while he relaxed, a news passed to Dream Immortal Clan here from nine star Alliances. 但正当他松了一口气的时候,一个消息从九星联盟当中传到了梦幻仙族这里。 Life Dragon City Xing Qing told Long Chen. 还是生命龙城星晴告诉龙辰的。 She said: Heard that day of Star Lord Hegemony War third war, exactly was the Chaos Star Domain ten star continuous dates, heard that this situation takes 5 million years to appear one time, was quite rare, even that Demon Star also in this same straight line, for serveral days, actually had the hearsay about ten star continuous dates continually,” 她道:“听说星主争霸战第三战的那一天,恰好是混乱星域十星连珠之日,听说这种情况需要5000000年才会出现一次,相当罕见,甚至连那魔星也在这同一条直线上,这些天,倒是有关于一些十星连珠之日的传闻,” Long Chen is very anxious, but saw that the Xing Qing look is tranquil, therefore he had not been worried specially. 龙辰十分紧张,但看到星晴神色还算平静,所以他还不是特别担心。 Is any hearsay,” Long Chen the appearance that pretends not to care about specially asks. “到底是什么传闻呢,”龙辰装作不是特别在意的样子问道。 Xing Qing sip purses the lips, said: Hearsay ten star continuous dates, in the connections of ten stars, might be any place, the birth same treasure, I do not know that was any treasure, this might be the false rumor, might be is real, I looked that in the middle of nine star Alliances had many people to believe that for serveral days in the connections of ten big super stars, any place, some people were trying one's luck......” 星晴抿抿嘴,道:“传闻十星连珠之日,在十星的连线上,有可能是任何一处地方,会诞生一样宝物,我也不知道是什么宝物,这有可能是讹传,也有可能是真实的,我看九星联盟当中就有不少人相信了,这些天十大超级星球的连线上,任何一处地方,都有一些人在碰运气……” The Long Chen secret passage is awful. 龙辰暗道糟糕。 He said: Its one, this hearsay also nobody knows that is Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, its two, should also nobody know in the Shining Star, therefore when the time comes disperses to here competitor estimated that will be quite few . Moreover the person who estimate has the ability truly can think is the false rumor, therefore has not gotten rid......” 他心里道:“其一,这个传闻还沒人知道是太极生灵龙传承精血,其二呢,应该也沒人知道是在璀璨星辰的边上,所以到时候分散到这边的竞争对手估计会比较少,而且真正有能耐的人估计会认为是讹传,所以沒有出手……” Although the difficulty increased, but cannot overthrow him. 虽然难度增加了,但并不能打倒他。 He calms down, inquired: You know that who is passes on such news,” 他冷静下來,询问道:“那你知道,到底是谁传出來这样的消息吗,” The Xing Qing complexion was used to it desolately, she shook the head saying: I do not know that emerges out of thin air, should not affect to Star Lord Hegemony War, returns to Dragon God Domain not to affect to you, the words said Long Chen, you decided really must go back,” 星晴脸色冷淡习惯了,她摇头道:“我不知道,凭空出现的,应该对星主争霸战沒有影响,对你返回龙神域也沒有影响,话说龙辰,你真的决定要回去吗,” In the middle of the Life Dragon City younger generation, was Xing Qing and his relations are best. 生命龙城年轻一代当中,算是星晴和他的关系最好了。 Long Chen said: Certainly must go back, has any issue,” 龙辰道:“肯定是要回去的,有什么问題么,” The Xing Qing hesitant moment, said: I thought that you wait more formidable, dozens years, 100 years have gone back again, your no doubt talent, but Dragon God Domain most people are similar to the beforehand heart moon/month are the same, is too deep to you and your father prejudice, they are impossible to understand you, under first impressions are most lasting, will take to your endless trouble, if only the injury of fighting is not anything, you possibly do not care, but the spoken language will offend somebody more often, I feared that you cannot endure patiently, when you have not been able to control others in the strength completely, at this time went back, the resistance of encountering was you are hard to imagine,” 星晴犹豫片刻,道:“我个人觉得,你还是等再强大一些,过几十年,100年再回去,你固然天才,但龙神域大多数人如同之前的心月一样,对你和你的父亲偏见太深,他们不可能了解你,先入为主之下,会带给你无尽的麻烦,如果只是打斗的伤害不算什么,你可能不在意吧,但更多时候言语会更加伤人,我怕你忍耐不住,当你在实力上还无法完全主宰别人的时候,这时候回去,遇到的阻力是你难以想象的,” She stands in a very sane angle, is the Long Chen analysis. 她是站在一个很理智的角度,为龙辰分析。 Before such as Life Dragon City first Dragon Emperor, said to Long Chen, if his having courage quantity, can go back greatly, this obviously in telling Long Chen, after he goes back Dragon God Domain, can definitely encounter the huge resistance, that resistance is unprecedented, more possible to spurn, despises, is the insult. 就如之前生命龙城的第一龙帝,也对龙辰说,如果他有这个胆量,大可以回去,这显然是在告诉龙辰,他回去龙神域后,肯定会遭遇巨大的抵抗,那种抵抗是前所未有的,更可能是唾弃,是鄙夷,是欺辱。 This issue, Long Chen early has thought. 这个问題,龙辰早想过了。 He looks at the distant place, said with a smile: I have been used to this life, do not despise me, they cannot kill my, so long as cannot kill me, I make them be convinced, no matter,” 他看着远方,笑道:“我习惯了这种生活,你也别小看我,他们弄不死我的,只要弄不死我,我就让他们服气,不管是谁,” „It looks like heart moon/month they are same, you truly made her be convinced, now she does not dare to approach you,” “就像是心月他们一样么,你确实让她服气了,现在她都不敢靠近你,” Xing Qing smiles lightly. 星晴淡淡一笑。 She knows that she definitely cannot persuade Long Chen. 她就知道,自己肯定是劝服不了龙辰的。 You good for it, after hoping you to go back, can cross relieved, I can also go back with you, have the place that needs to help not to be impolite, after all you are Supreme Divine Dragon, our Dragon God Domain Five Great Dragon City, may not have Supreme Divine Dragon,” “你好之为之,希望你回去后能过得安心吧,我也会和你一起回去,有需要帮忙的地方千万别客气,毕竟你可是无上神龙,我们龙神域五大龙城,可沒有一头无上神龙呢,” After saying, Xing Qing walked. 说完之后,星晴就走了。 The Dragon God Domain matter, Long Chen had set firm resolve, this Primal Chaos Being Dragon matter ended goes back, kills his wiped out to the last man. 龙神域的事情,龙辰已经下定了决心,这次太极生灵龙的事情结束就回去,杀他个片甲不留。 As for the present, he has to be the Primal Chaos Being Dragon matter tries hard. 至于现在,他还是不得不为太极生灵龙的事情而努力。 Actually some that many people, know that ten stars connect to present the treasure the matter......” “竟然有那么多人,知道十星连线上会出现宝物的事情……” This lets his brow deep wrinkle. 这让他眉头深皱。 First goes to that place to have a look,” “先去那地方看看,” After the decision, he then left the dream profound boundary, ran out of Shining Star, arrives at that endless starry sky, really the present ten super stars almost connected to a straight line, in ten days about, thorough connection. 决定之后,他便离开了梦玄境,冲出了璀璨星辰,來到那无尽的星空当中,果然眼前的十颗超级星球都几乎连接到一条直线上了,再过十天左右,就会彻底的连接。 Before Long Chen furiously clashes, finally arrived in ten star connections, he had found nearby the Shining Star nearby and ten star connections, here is a very ordinary place, but after about ten days, Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence will appear here...... 龙辰奋力前冲,终于來到了十星连线上,他找到了璀璨星辰边上、十星连线附近,这里是一片很普通的地方,但是十天左右后,太极生灵龙传承精血会在这里出现…… The surroundings have many people. 周围有不少人。 And a guy of strange race arrives at Long Chen at present, said: You are Human Clan, I am the black day clan, you also heard news that ten star continuous date treasures can present, therefore is defending here, tries one's luck,” 其中一个奇怪种族的大汉走到龙辰眼前,道:“你是人族,我是黑天族的,你也听说了十星连珠之日宝物会出现的消息,所以在这里守着,碰运气吗,” Long Chen said with a smile: You not,” 龙辰笑道:“你不也是吗,” That black day clan guys said: Ha Ha, you have not arrived Reincarnation Calamity Realm, snatches, really not awfully, really Human beings die in pursuit of wealth, and birds die in pursuit of food,” 那黑天族大汉道:“哈哈,你连轮回劫境都沒到,也來抢,真是不要命了啊,果然人为财死,鸟为食亡啊,” Long Chen said: I watch the fun, was right, you said ten days later, will present the treasure, is any treasure,” 龙辰道:“我就來看个热闹,对了,你说十天后,真的会出现宝物,到底是什么宝物呢,” That black day clan guys said: Where I know, but listened to others saying that likely is 900 Dao Mark [say / way], I thought that this was not rambles on, that type of [say / way] did not use to Expert,” 那黑天族大汉道:“我哪里知道,不过听别人说,很可能会是900条道纹的道器呢,我觉得这不是瞎扯吗,那种道器不是至强者们用的吗,”
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