DBWG :: Volume #21

#2048: The primal chaos lives the agilisaurus

After Xing Yue hear, the expression is prudent, before he also remembers the Long Chen side, with a young girl, now that young girl disappears does not see, has any secret. 星越听完之后,表情慎重,他也记得龙辰身边之前正跟着一位少女,如今那少女消失不见,是否有什么秘密。 If Long Chen has that broken Star Core, should makes him take. 如果龙辰真有那残破星核的话,该不该的让他拿出來呢。 Sees him to hesitate, Long Chen then states categorically saying: „The Xing Yue senior, I truly do not have the thing that they said that moreover the matter about my wife, is my secret, is unsuitable to tell three,” 见他犹豫,龙辰便一口咬定道:“星越前辈,我确实沒有他们所说的东西,另外关于我妻子的事情,是我的秘密,不便告诉三位,” Dream King somewhat loses one's temper with the Xiao Dingyuan cannot help but heart, they affirmed that very much Long Chen very has probably that thing, he gave some advantage Long Chen to know the limitation the coordination to be the same, so as to avoid makes both not to be unhappy, but Long Chen has not given this face. 梦幻王萧鼎元不由得心中有些动怒,他们是很肯定龙辰很可能拥有那东西的,他原本给一些好处龙辰就算识相配合一样,免得闹得两者不开心,但龙辰根本就沒给这个面子。 Xing Yue access road: Two, Long Chen does not need to lie to two, thing that perhaps his you have not wanted, he is two obtains the Star Lord Hegemony War two points, next war as if Dream Immortal Clan excels, Dream Immortal Clan can attain three points greatly in one vigorous effort, ahead of time won Star Lord Hegemony War, nine star Alliances not to read corruptly has destroyed the entire alliance, two can relieved standing by greatly,” 星越便道:“两位,龙辰沒必要对两位撒谎,或许他真的沒有你们想要的东西,他已经为两位得到星主争霸战的两分,下一战似乎正是梦幻仙族擅长的,梦幻仙族大可以一鼓作气拿到三分,提前赢得星主争霸战,九星联盟不会为了贪念毁了整个联盟,二位大可以安心准备战斗,” Xing Yue this is clearly stands Long Chen. 星越这是显然站在龙辰这边的。 As the matter stands, forced not to have means continually. 这样一來,连逼迫都沒有办法了。 Dream King access road: Such being the case, we said goodbye,” 梦幻王便道:“既然如此,我们就告辞了,” Dream Immortal Clan and Life Dragon City are relations of cooperation, Dream Immortal Clan Dream King becomes Star Lord, Life Dragon City will therefore also profit, is only the cooperation, therefore Dream King not because Long Chen captured for two points, but is extremely polite. 梦幻仙族生命龙城是合作的关系,梦幻仙族梦幻王成为星主,生命龙城也会因此而受益,只是合作关系,所以梦幻王也不会因为龙辰夺得了两分而太过客气。 After they walked, Xing Yue asked again: You do not have that thing seriously,” 等他们走了之后,星越再问道:“你当真沒有那东西,” Long Chen shakes the head. 龙辰摇头。 Since this thing is so essential, he no one wants to tell. 既然这东西如此关键的话,他谁都不想告诉。 Xing Yue said: Not also good, but if some words, do not give them, if gives them, old Star Core definitely by new swallowing, being made the new birth Star Core have more terrorist prestige energy, Dream King is formidable, we more cannot provide lodging he . Moreover, you may know the function of Star Core,” 星越道:“沒有也好,但假如有的话,千万别给他们,若是给他们,旧的星核肯定就会被新的吞噬,让新诞生的星核拥有更恐怖的威能,梦幻王越是强大,我们就越是管不住他,另外,你可知道星核的作用,” Long Chen shakes the head saying: Was not still clear,” 龙辰摇头道:“尚不清楚,” Xing Yue said: Star Core is the star core, controls Star Core, was equal to that becomes part of oneself body this Shining Star, so long as Star Core does not extinguish, the star does not extinguish, control will not die, simultaneously he can transfer the entire star the strength, this Shining Star can be he controls absolutely, depends upon this point, when Reincarnation Calamity lowers, any Star Lord resistivity will become incomparably formidable, he can resist Reincarnation Calamity with the strength of star, the possibility that crossed will greatly enhance, if Dream King can become Star Lord, it is estimated that after some time, can break through Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm, that will be the true Star Lord strength,” 星越道:“星核乃是星球核心,掌控星核,等于将这璀璨星辰变为自己身体的一部分,只要星核不灭,星球不灭,掌控者就不会死,同时他可以调用整的星球的力量,这璀璨星辰会是他绝对的主宰,依靠这一点,当轮回劫降下的时候,任何星主的抵抗力都会变得无比强大,他可以用星球之力來对抗轮回劫,渡过的可能性大大提高,梦幻王若是能成为星主,估计一段时间后就能突破七星轮回劫境,那才是真正的星主力量,” Is so terrorist,” “这么恐怖,” No wonder they compete for Star Lord time, is goes crazy likely, Star Core was too important, Star Lord Hegemony War too was also important, if not for nine star Alliances established the custom, it is estimated that ten big super star most people will come the Shining Star war, causing the common people to exterminate, people have no means to make a living. 怪不得他们争夺星主的时候,像是发疯似的,星核实在太重要了,星主争霸战也实在太重要了,若不是有九星联盟设定好了规矩,估计十大超级星球大部分人都会來璀璨星辰大战,导致苍生灭绝,民不聊生。 Xing Yue said: Um, therefore cannot give them worn-out Star Core, in addition a little, although I guessed, if Dream King becomes Star Lord, obtains new Star Core, but that worn-out Star Core still exists, and words that restores, then likely old Star Core can control Shining Star, in other words Shining Star will present two Star Lord......” 星越道:“嗯,所以不能把破旧的星核给他们,另外还有一点,虽然我只是猜测,假如梦幻王成为星主,得到新的星核,但那破旧星核还存在,并且恢复的话,那么很可能旧的星核才能掌控璀璨星辰,也就是说璀璨星辰会出现两个星主……” Here, he smiled to look at Long Chen, said: If this worn-out Star Core were good because of our side, we can manage Shining Star with new Star Lord, as my Human Clan in the Chaos Star Domain base, will not receive impeding of new Star Lord, you may understand,” 说到这里,他微笑看着龙辰,道:“假如这破旧星核在我们这一方就好了,我们可以和新的星主一起管理璀璨星辰,作为我人族混乱星域的根据地,不会太收新的星主的掣肘,你可懂,” By the Xing Yue intelligence and ability, should guess correctly that Long Chen has that Butterfly Illusion Sword. 星越的聪明才智,应该猜到龙辰拥有那蝴蝶幻剑 This matter understands at heart, let alone put in the line. 这种事情心里明白,别说穿就行了。 Long Chen nods. 龙辰点点头。 Xing Yue said: I walked first, has the matter to contact with me and thunder old ghost,” 星越道:“那我先走了,有事联系我和雷霆老鬼,” Then, Xing Yue departs. 说罢,星越离去。 Long Chen returned to the dwelling, talked with Lingxi. 龙辰回到了住处,和灵曦交谈了起來。 Has not thought of that Butterfly Illusion Sword, is Shining Star beforehand Star Core,” “沒想到那蝴蝶幻剑,正是璀璨星辰以前的星核,” Lingxi has made Nine Illusion Prison Butterfly the Butterfly Illusion Sword [say / way] spirit, turns into own thing this, obviously cannot to others, therefore Lingxi asked in a soft voice: Dream King they definitely are assured you to have Butterfly Illusion Sword, what to do should,” 灵曦已经让九狱幻蝶成为蝴蝶幻剑的道灵,将这道器变成自己的东西,显然不能给别人,于是灵曦轻声问道:“梦幻王他们心里肯定是笃定你拥有蝴蝶幻剑的,该怎么办呢,” Long Chen said with a smile: Has not related, some days we have left here, moreover does not have Xing Yue they, even if they act unreasonably blatantly, must consider and relations of Life Dragon City,” 龙辰笑道:“沒关系,过些天我们就离开这里了,另外不是还有星越他们么,就算他们公然乱來,也得考虑一下和生命龙城的关系,” You said that if Butterfly Illusion Sword true restoration, whether I can grasp this Shining Star, becomes Star Lord,” “你说如果蝴蝶幻剑真正恢复,我是否能真的掌握这璀璨星辰,成为星主,” Lingxi curious asking. 灵曦好奇的问道。 The Long Chen visual distant place, said: Xing Yue, since said like this, possibly, I actually very much have not necessarily anticipated arrival of this day, if we go back Dragon God Domain, finally can complete my father's last wish, in the future we in this Shining Star, when a side overlord, making you become Star Lord, Ha Ha,” 龙辰目视远方,道:“星越既然这样说了,未必沒有可能,我倒是很期待这一天的到來,若是我们回去龙神域,最终能完成我父亲的遗愿,将來我们就在这璀璨星辰,当一方霸主,让你当上星主,哈哈,” I do not want, I only want with you, other not to be unimportant,” in the middle of Long Chen that vast god country, Lingxi in the range that in Long Chen controls dances in the air, the god country majority of spaces an emptiness, is still not able to exit, does not know really that can be what kind of world partially. “我才不想要呢,我只想跟着你,其他一切都不重要,”在龙辰那浩瀚神国当中,灵曦龙辰所掌控的范围之内飞舞,神国大部分的空间仍然一片空荡,无法出去,真不知道那部分会是怎样的世界。 Here probably is a newborn world, is really wonderful, was only a pity the place that you can control was too small, always felt that lacks anything,” “这里好像是一个新生的世界,真是美妙,只可惜你能掌控的地方太小了,总感觉缺少点什么,” Lingxi that snow white form dances in the air in the middle of flowering shrubs, only beautiful, she takes off a fresh flower, before placing the fine jade nose, is smelling gently, said in a soft voice. 灵曦那雪白的身影在花丛当中飞舞,唯美至极,她摘下一朵鲜花,放在琼鼻之前,轻轻嗅着,轻声说道。 Long Chen had not paid attention to own god country for a long time. 龙辰已经好久沒有关注自己的神国了。 From forming to the present, this place on the incomparable mysticalness, is Long Chen of master also knows nothing unexpectedly, initially Dragon God Domain major Martial God Ancient City four Expert went to be shaken to fly, obviously this god country has the secret that Long Chen is unable to ponder over, even Long Chen this god country has broadly does not know. 从形成到现在,这个地方就无比的神秘,身为主人的龙辰竟然也一窍不通,当初龙神域各大武神古城的四位强者进去都被震飞出去,可见这神国是有龙辰无法琢磨的秘密的,甚至龙辰连这神国到底有多么的广阔都不知道。 It is whether small, but Long Chen cannot see the end, or is inexhaustible, becomes a new world. 是否很小,只是龙辰看不到尽头,或者说无穷无尽,成为一个新的世界。 At this time, outside the region that Long Chen can control, blew tornado unexpectedly, in the middle of time that forest, has the innumerable green leaves by the volume in the sky, was dancing in the air above the sky, the leaf gathered into a green long line, crashes in region that Long Chen has been able to control. 就在这时候,龙辰所能掌控的区域之外,竟然刮起了一阵旋风,顿时间那森林当中,有着无数的绿色树叶被卷上了天空,在天空之上飞舞着,树叶汇聚成为一条绿色的长龙,冲进了龙辰所能掌控的区域之内。 What's the matter,” “怎么回事呢,” Lingxi has turned head, in her limpid look, then long line dispersing comprised of the green leaf, turns into the massive leaves once again, these leaves spread toward Lingxi prairie. 灵曦回过头,在她那清澈眼神当中,那由绿色树叶组成的长龙散开,再度变成大量的树叶,这些树叶朝着灵曦身边的草原铺來。 The leaf falls light, only beautiful. 树叶轻飘飘落下,唯美至极。 But Long Chen actually knows that the invisible strengths, surmount his sensation the strength, is operating these leaves, sure enough, under the operation of that strength, the leaf was placed more than 20 writing in the under foot of Lingxi finally, these writing continually a few words. 龙辰却知道,有一股无形的力量,超越他感知的力量,正在操纵着这些树叶,果不其然,在那股力量的操纵下,树叶最终在灵曦的脚下摆成了20多个文字,这些文字连成了一段话。 The Lingxi whole face is curious, the beautiful pupil flashes, discussed: „After the half a month, ten star continuous dates, ten stars connected, near Shining Star......” 灵曦满脸好奇,美眸闪动,念道:“半月之后,十星连珠之日,十星连线上,璀璨星辰边……” Read here, she whole face has shocked. 念到这里,她已经满脸震撼了。 The information of these words tells Long Chen, the half a month later ten super star connections in a straight line, in the connections of ten big stars, will belong to this side Shining Star born anything...... 这段话的信息是告诉龙辰,半个月之后的十个超级星球连接在一条直线上的时候,在十大星球的连线上,属于璀璨星辰这一边会诞生什么…… The Long Chen same whole face shocks, even is unbelievable, the following several characters take to his vibration to go far beyond Butterfly Illusion Sword are surprised of Star Core. 龙辰同样满脸震撼,甚至难以置信,接下來的几个字带给他的震动远远超过蝴蝶幻剑星核的惊讶。 Finally, Lingxi finally some characters reading. 最后,灵曦把最后一些字给念完了。 „...... The life and creation dragon of...... Primal Chaos Being Dragon is born......” “……生命与创造之龙……太极生灵龙降世……” Primal Chaos Being Dragon. 太极生灵龙 Ancestral Dragons that Life Dragon City consecrates, is Primal Chaos Being Dragon. 生命龙城供奉的祖龙,就是太极生灵龙 Primal Chaos Being Dragon, is the life and creation dragon , the prestige can be infinite, the control life is born, the control myriad things are born, hand down the birth of this entire Long Ji Continent, has the huge relations with this Ancestral Dragons, if Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon were the dragon of death, the control slaughtered the death, then Primal Chaos Being Dragon was just opposite, what Primal Chaos Being Dragon control was the life, created the life. 太极生灵龙,乃是生命与创造之龙,威能无限,主宰生命诞生,主宰万物诞生,相传这整个龙祭大陆的诞生,都与这一头祖龙有巨大的关系,如果说太古血灵龙乃是死亡之龙,主宰杀戮死亡的话,那么太极生灵龙刚好相反,太极生灵龙主宰的是生命,创造生命。 Time, death and life. 时间、死亡、生命。 Long Chen obtained two big Ancestral Dragons Inherited Blood Essence, Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon Inherited Blood Essence takes the mortal body as the foundation, Imaginary Universe Dragon Inherited Blood Essence takes a Long Chen Yuan god as the foundation, this is Long Qinglan personally designs for him, besides him, Dragon Warrior of this world, no one can have over two types Inherited Blood Essence, three types are impossible. 龙辰已经得到两大祖龙传承精血了,其中太古血灵龙传承精血以肉身为根基,太虚宙龙传承精血龙辰的元神为根基,这都是龙青澜为他亲自设计的,除了他之外,这个世界的龙武者,谁都沒能拥有两种以上的传承精血,三种更是不可能。 Long Chen calms down diligently, said with Lingxi: These leaves clearly really reminded me, moreover only reminded me, very possible this was my father's method, was born as for Primal Chaos Being Dragon, possibly was not living Primal Chaos Being Dragon appeared, more possible was birth of his Inherited Blood Essence, this was Ancestral Dragons Inherited Blood Essence......” 龙辰努力冷静下來,与灵曦道:“这些树叶分明实在提醒我,而且只提醒我,很可能这是我父亲的手段,至于太极生灵龙降世,不可能是活着的太极生灵龙出现,更可能是他传承精血的出世,这可是祖龙传承精血啊……” Lingxi thinks similarly inconceivable, she said: Like this according to the words that spoke, you were impossible to inherit many Ancestral Dragons Inherited Blood Essence, that said that in this world birth new ancestor Dragon Warrior, half a month later, if everybody knows that this news, that competition will be quite definitely frigid......” 灵曦同样觉得不可思议,她道:“照这样说的话,你不可能继承更多的祖龙传承精血,那岂不是说,这个世界上会诞生新的祖龙武者,半个月之后,如果大家都知道这消息的话,那竞争肯定会相当惨烈吧……” Long Chen nods, said: Very possible is this, if Primal Chaos Being Dragon Inherited Blood Essence appears, the noise that makes is too big, all people know, will then likely cause the disturbance of entire Immortal God Domain, only then Human Clan can inherit Ancestral Dragons Inherited Blood Essence, other influences will definitely prevent the birth of ancestor Dragon Warrior, will therefore initiate to affect the entire world the turbulence and war, inevitable...... Ancestral Dragons Inherited Blood Essence, the precious degree of this thing, in the world any thing cannot compare,” 龙辰点点头,道:“很可能是这样的,如果太极生灵龙传承精血出现,闹出的动静太大,所有人都知道的话,那么很可能会导致整个永生神域的骚乱,只有人族才能继承祖龙传承精血,其他势力肯定会阻止祖龙武者的诞生,所以会引发出波及整个世界的动荡和大战,不可避免……祖龙传承精血,这东西的珍贵程度,天底下沒有任何的东西可以比拟,” Also because of this Inherited Blood Essence, Long Chen has arrived at the present from a small place, he compares all people to go against heaven's will. 也正是因为这传承精血,龙辰才从一个小小的地方走到了现在,他比所有人都要逆天。 But I thought that does not suit, who was reminding you, if reminded you, must make you obtain this thing, the supposition was your father Bu Hao bureau, he should not make others attain,” “可我觉得不对劲呢,谁在提醒你,若是提醒你的话,岂不是要让你得到这东西么,假设是你爹爹布好的局,他应该不会让别人拿到的,” Lingxi guessed. 灵曦猜测道。 Long Chen is pondering at heart, has a headache, he said: „If my father is reminding me, definitely hopes that I attain...... Half a month later, ten star continuous dates, beside Shining Star, that place, was not just their Star Lord Hegemony War the place of third war, moreover in the time, probably was also the same day......” 龙辰心里思考着,不禁头疼,他道:“如果真的是我父亲在提醒我,肯定希望我拿到……半个月之后,十星连珠之日,璀璨星辰之外,那个地方,不正是他们星主争霸战的第三战的地方吗,而且时间上,好像也是同一天……”
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