DBWG :: Volume #21

#2047: star nuclear debris

The Star Lord Hegemony War World War II ended the team returns to prepare striving for success in every way following three to fight this front two talent wars to stem from expectation Dream Immortal Clan of all people to leave Long Chen striving to turn the tide to make Dream Immortal Clan obtain two scores marvelously 星主争霸战第二战结束多方队伍返回准备拼搏接下來的三场战斗这一次前面两场的天才战出乎了所有人的预料梦幻仙族出了个龙辰力挽狂澜让梦幻仙族奇迹般的得到了两个分数 So long as these two score very essential Dream Immortal Clan took one point of Dream King again ironclad on is Star Lord has even been able to finish ahead of time Star Lord Hegemony War following three fight Dream Immortal Clan lost also had certainly possibly obtains the position of Star Lord 这两个分数十分关键梦幻仙族只要再拿下一分梦幻王就铁定是星主了甚至可以提前结束星主争霸战就算接下來三场战斗梦幻仙族都输了也有一定的可能得到星主之位 Although said that Dream King becomes the Star Lord probability already quite but greatly nightmare Wang He held up day Great Emperor also to have the opportunity of reversal quite to be small the following fight still Shining Star all person entire nine star Alliances to be even interested 虽然说梦幻王成为星主的几率已经相当大但梦魇王和擎天大帝也还有逆转的机会只是比较小接下來的战斗仍然让璀璨星辰所有人甚至整个九星联盟的人都感兴趣 Shining Star was still quite fiery condition 璀璨星辰仍然是相当火热的状态 Long Chen followed the Dream Immortal Clan big team to return to the middle of the dream profound boundary he following Star Lord Hegemony War that completed itself to make not to relate him not to have first with him to leave immediately, but came back to ponder that the road ahead speaks the truth his present strength not to arrive at the standard of oneself setting he to arrive at Reincarnation Calamity Realm then to return to Dragon God Domain 龙辰跟随梦幻仙族的大队伍先回到了梦玄境当中他已经完成自己所做的接下來的星主争霸战已经和他沒有关系了不过他沒有马上离开而是回來思考一下前路说实话他现在的实力还沒有到达自己原先设定的标准他是想要到达轮回劫境然后再返回龙神域 For Dream Immortal Clan naturally this fights celebrates Long Chen wantonly became object after all he who almost all people thanked is only the allied armies is not true Dream Immortal Clan 梦幻仙族当然为了这一战大肆庆祝龙辰成为了几乎所有人感谢的对象毕竟他只是盟军不是真正梦幻仙族的一员 The grand banquet delicacies of every kind day wealth treasure of entertainment 盛大酒席山珍海味天财地宝等的招待 Experienced in the matter Long Chen heart of Mo Xiao Lang to be somewhat exhausted then looks for dwelling Mo Xiao Lang that a excuse returned to first to give back to oneself future to meet including Star Rune is difficult 经历莫小狼的事情龙辰心中有些疲累便找个借口先返回的住处莫小狼星符都还给了自己将來见面就困难了 After he leaves, Gong Qinggen 他离开之后龚擎跟了上來 Mr. Gong “龚先生” Long Chen in the middle of a garden stops the footsteps to turn head to look at Gong Qing 在一处花园当中龙辰停下脚步回头看着龚擎 On Gong Qing face is brimming with smiling face: Today's matter you also saw our Life Dragon City first Dragon Emperor acts you to return to Dragon God Domain for you any issue present Five Great Dragon City not to fear in the future was also in launched for your matter enthusiastically discusses me and Xing Yue after Shining Star Star Lord Hegemony War finished how returned to time Dragon God Domain when the time comes again to take you first here to treat a half a month you time 龚擎脸上洋溢着笑容道:“今天的事情你也已经看到了我们生命龙城的第一龙帝都为你出面你将來返回龙神域已经沒有任何问題了现在五大龙城怕是也在为了你的事情而展开热烈讨论我和星越会在璀璨星辰星主争霸战结束之后返回一次龙神域到时候再将你带上你就先在这里待上一个半月的时间如何” A half a month 一个半月 The Long Chen nod said: Can thank Mr. Gong 龙辰点头道:“可以谢谢龚先生” On the day of time of half a month arrived at Long Chen somewhat to be absent-minded past more than one year of time to rush to the clouds finally to be the degree that in the middle of former Dragon God Domain most peers have only been able to look up to he to have the huge transformation probably once again 一个半月的时间这一天终于到來了龙辰不禁有些恍惚好像才过去一年多的时间吧自己就已经冲上云霄达到了从前龙神域当中多数同辈只能仰望的程度他再度发生巨大蜕变 Remembers him once when various god battlefields pledged that this lives must return to Dragon God Domain to look like the people in Five Great Dragon City 72 god old cities to prove one showed again father's pure that is Long Chen Su Yan has not thought such quickly arrived at the return 想起他曾经在诸神战场发誓此生一定要返回龙神域五大龙城72神裔古城的人证明自己再证明父亲的清白那是龙辰素妍沒想到这么快就到了回归的时候 He no doubt knows that Dragon God Domain has very big hindrance but not to go back after Star Lord Hegemony War at least him to be killed at least also will have to preserve own person at least them to think one are Supreme Divine Dragon therefore Long Chen did not fear 他固然知道龙神域有很大的阻碍但经过星主争霸战至少他不会一回去就被干掉至少也会有要保住自己的人至少他们会觉得自己是无上神龙所以龙辰一点儿都不怕 Dragon God Domain......” 龙神域……” That is the place that he has a dream wants to go back for also for the father 那是一个他做梦都想回去的地方为了自己也为了父亲 One come this Immortal God Domain to not to complete father's last wish this moment arrived finally...... 自己來这永生神域不就是为了完成父亲的遗愿的么这一刻总算是到來了…… In the heart of Long Chen burnt fire he to find own direction that is Dragon God Domain 龙辰的心中燃烧着大火他找到了自己的方向那就是龙神域 Again and Long Chen discussed after detail, Gong Qingcai leaves in advance, but Long Chen returned to the middle of the dwelling 再和龙辰商量一下细节后龚擎才先行离开而龙辰则回到了住处当中 ........................ …………………… In the middle of the Dream Immortal Clan palace Dream King keeps aloof to sit above the smoke cloud beast the whole body smog surrounds along wrapped in a shroud of obscurity 梦幻仙族殿堂当中梦幻王高高在上坐在随身烟云兽之上浑身烟雾环绕神秘莫测 Side is his younger brother Xiao Dingyuan whole body tall and strong station straightly 旁边是他弟弟萧鼎元浑身魁梧站得笔直 Dream King strokes lightly must the vision look that said steadily to the distant place: This time had been lucky Long Chen attained for two points our Dream Immortal Clan to expand during the following three points to obtain one point for us should easy, but cannot treat it lightly 梦幻王轻捋长须目光看向远方道:“这次多亏了龙辰为我们拿到了两分我们梦幻仙族本來就壮大接下來三分当中得到一分应该轻而易举但也不能掉以轻心啊” For them Star Lord Hegemony War was too important 对他们來说星主争霸战实在太重要了 When knows that star source birth Star Core that moment they are wild with joy once again 当知道星源再度诞生星核的那一刻他们欣喜若狂 Xiao Dingyuan said: Said that said like this feared their two clans are not convinced in the following fight cause to not exposed to the light the method even first steal Star Core in the world, only then nine star Alliances will support one ‚the Star Core fragment to attract Star Core to find Star Core but also possibly luck excellent Star Core to hit...... Now nine star Alliances sealed up the star source we unable to go in do not represent nine star Alliance internal people unable to go in they, if must break the rule we not to have in the middle of means these nine star Alliances the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family influence too to be after all big 萧鼎元道:“说是这样说就怕他们两族不服气在接下來的战斗当中使见不得光的手段甚至先去偷星核天底下只有九星联盟拥一份‘星核碎片’可以吸引星核找到星核但也可能会运气大好星核自己撞上來啊……现在九星联盟封闭了星源我们进不去不代表九星联盟内部的人进不去他们若是要破坏规矩我们也沒办法毕竟这九星联盟当中混沌皇族的势力太大” Listens to these Dream King looking pensive him saying: I think a matter actually 听完这些梦幻王若有所思他道:“我倒是想起來一件事” Please say “请说” Dream King said: Bustling place said side Long Chen to have a female companion to have we very familiar thing, but Long Chen , in the middle of the star source saw Star Core second time also to conceal us twice especially strangely, therefore I guessed that his female companion likely hid by the god Secret Skill gate in the middle of his god country got up we might as well boldly to guess......” 梦幻王道:“红尘曾经说过龙辰身边有一个女伴拥有我们十分熟悉的东西而龙辰在星源当中的时候曾经两次见过星核第二次还隐瞒了我们尤其诡异所以我猜测他那女伴很可能在他神国当中只是以神秘法门隐藏了起來我们不妨大胆的猜测……” The Xiao Dingyuan look vibration said with amazement: Elder brother's your consciousness is Star Core that on illusion Star Lord loses 萧鼎元神色震动惊讶道:“哥你的意识是上一任梦幻星主失落的星核么” Dream King nods saying: On our Dream Immortal Clan Star Lord defeated Star Core also similarly to be destroyed strangely is then missing our older generations to look for a long time had not found very much then gradually this breakage Star Core forgets if, but can it still has definitely some people to obtain its Long Chen can obtain Star Core is intimate with you to say...... That shatter Star Core in his hand 梦幻王点点头道:“我们梦幻仙族上一任星主离奇战败星核也同样被毁灭然后失踪我们先辈找了很久都沒找到便逐渐将这破损的星核遗忘但假如它还存在肯定会有人得到它龙辰能得到星核的亲近你说会不会……那破碎的星核在他手上” Here Xiao Dingyuan vision to be cloudy the sinking sound track: I thought...... Very possible......” 说到这里萧鼎元目光阴沉下來沉声道:“我觉得……很可能……” Dream King stands the look somewhat excitedly saying: If I can obtain this Star Core fragment our Dream Immortal Clan to encounter the accident really I also to be able one step to obtain new Star Core by this Star Core fragment first become new Star Lord when the time comes I control Shining Star several people able with me to resist 梦幻王站立起來眼神有些激动道:“如果我真能够得到这星核的碎片就算我们梦幻仙族遭遇了意外我也能靠这星核碎片先一步得到新的星核成为新的星主到时候我掌控璀璨星辰又有几人能与我对抗” Here him and Xiao Dingyuan looks at each other one to walk toward Long Chen 说到这里他和萧鼎元对视了一眼就朝着龙辰这边走來 When are not many they arrived at entrance Long Chen to finally to attack Highest Beginning God, but Tai Su God so terrifying Long Chen does not know diligently really this last disaster how he will have God Dependents Spirit Liquid not to use now 不多时他们已经到了门口龙辰则在为最后冲击太始之神而努力太素之神已经如此恐怖了龙辰真不知道这最后一道劫难会怎样他就算有神眷灵液现在也用不上 Dream King visits Long Chen to go out hastily greets three people to stand in the institute 梦幻王來拜访龙辰连忙出门迎接三人在院中站立 Two seniors come to have what told that” Long Chen has been pondering over at heart “两位前辈前來有何吩咐”龙辰心里已经在琢磨了 If thanked itself not to need to make these two great people go into action to look that in personally their expression warm Long Chen feeling will not have any good deed 如果只是感谢自己的话沒必要让这两位大人物亲自出马看他们表情热烈龙辰感觉上不会有什么好事 Really Dream King said: You won for two points for our Dream Immortal Clan are our benefactors we were very grateful you since today arrived here that me directly to come straight to the point may I ask the Long Chen little friend whether obtained the same thing to assume the ensiform is [say / way] of breakage 果然梦幻王道:“你为我们梦幻仙族赢得两分算是我们的恩人了我们都很感激你今天既然來到这里那我就直接开门见山敢问龙辰小友是否曾经得到过一样东西呈剑形乃是一件破损的道器” In the Long Chen heart vibrates really the opposite party to come for Butterfly Illusion Sword 龙辰心中震动果然对方是为了蝴蝶幻剑而來 But after Butterfly Illusion Sword restores, may become 700 Dao Mark [say / way] Long Chen is not willing to be he gives the Lingxi thing to these two that 蝴蝶幻剑恢复后可成为700条道纹的道器龙辰可不愿意给这两位那是他送给灵曦的东西 He then decisively shakes the head saying: Senior I have not obtained this type of thing 他便果断摇头道:“前辈我沒得到过这种东西啊” His reply in the Dream King two expectations 他的回答在梦幻王两位预料当中 Xiao Dingyuan has not heard his words to continue to explain likely: Such thing is on us illusion Star Lord Star Core because just that Star Core shatter illusion Star Lord was killed getting down illusion star that this Star Lord position has not inherited to turn into Shining Star our clan once all over the sky under to seek for shatter Star Core but not to find this Star Lord Hegemony War relations too us to be worried greatly opposite party two Fang Gaoyin incurs, therefore looks for you, so long as has that Star Core fragment we to attract Star Core to fuse into Star Lord as it concerns us this ahead of time is quite important 萧鼎元像是沒听到他的话继续解释道:“那样东西是我们上一任梦幻星主星核正因为那星核破碎梦幻星主被杀死这星主的位置才沒有传承的下來梦幻星变成了璀璨星辰我们一族曾经满天下寻找破碎星核但都沒有找到这一次星主争霸战关系太大我们担心对方两方搞阴招所以才來找你只要拥有那星核的碎片我们可以吸引星核提前融合成为星主对我们而言这是相当重要的” Long Chen had truly guessed correctly Butterfly Illusion Sword really and Star Core has the relations 龙辰确实猜到了蝴蝶幻剑果然和星核有关系 Obtained Butterfly Illusion Sword time Long Chen hear of them saying that this Butterfly Illusion Sword was once a Star Lord weapon has not thought that skillfully unexpectedly was Dream Immortal Clan Star Lord 得到蝴蝶幻剑的时候龙辰听他们说这蝴蝶幻剑是曾经一位星主的兵器沒想到那么巧竟然是梦幻仙族星主 But how now Nine Illusion Prison Butterfly became the Butterfly Illusion Sword [say / way] spirit can casually to others, therefore he shakes the head saying: Is unfair to that thing that two I really did not have you to say therefore unable to help 但现在九狱幻蝶都成为了蝴蝶幻剑的道灵怎么能随便给别人所以他还是摇头道:“对不起两位我实在沒有你们说的那东西所以帮不上忙” The Long Chen so decisive rejection let two Expert is not that happy Xiao Dingyuan said: You saw twice Star Core definitely is some type of thing has you of relations to think looked has a special thing, when Star Core appears he has the sound 龙辰如此果断的拒绝让两位强者不是那么开心了萧鼎元道:“你两次见到星核肯定是和某样东西有关系的你想想看是不是有一种特别的东西在星核出现的时候他有动静呢” This matter needs to bite to death not to acknowledge mistakes flaw not good Long Chen then to shake the head saying: I see Star Core am transport True Qi not to know that has relations completely with any thing 这种事情需要咬死不认账出了破绽可不好龙辰便还是摇头道:“我看见星核完全是运气真不知道和什么东西有关系” Xiao Dingyuan asked again: Why then you told me your first time to go to my Dream Alliance to purchase some materials to Dream City are 萧鼎元再问:“那么你告诉我你第一次到梦幻城去我梦盟购买一些材料到底是为什么吗” They guessed correctly approximately Long Chen is to restore that Star Core 他们大致猜到龙辰是想要恢复那星核 This point flaw was caught by the opposite party 这一点破绽被对方抓到了 Long Chen retrocedes two steps to ponder slightly Butterfly Illusion Sword cannot give them therefore him saying: This is my private affair two whether not to inquire about 龙辰后退两步稍微思考一下蝴蝶幻剑还是不能给他们所以他道:“这是我的私事两位可否别过问” After these words said that the smell of gunpowder was obviously rich 这句话说出后火药味明显浓郁了许多 Dream King and Xiao Dingyuan have not thought that under Long Chen will resist so stubbornly in their hearts to worry this is huge opportunity therefore they looks at each other in blank diamay the innermost feelings somewhat angry Long Chen is Dream Immortal Clan to make the great merit they is very but difficult to provide lodging oneself faced with the absolute enticement 梦幻王萧鼎元沒想到龙辰会如此顽抗他们心中着急这可是天大的机会所以他们面面相觑之下内心已经有些恼怒了就算龙辰梦幻仙族的立下大功但在來绝对的诱惑面前他们很难管住自己 Came in this time Xing Yue 就在这时候星越前來 Xing Yue definitely is Long Chen here person Dream King they then planned that makes Xing Yue urge Long Chen Xing Yue to understand after all the affair knows this matter was too important to Dream Immortal Clan 星越肯定是龙辰这边的人梦幻王两人便打算让星越劝劝龙辰毕竟星越明白事理知道这事对梦幻仙族太重要了 Therefore they then completely and Xing Yue said one time the related matter 于是他们便将相关事情全部和星越说了一次 Long Chen is also pondering over opposite party threatening whether can run away 龙辰也在琢磨对方來势汹汹自己是否能逃过去
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