DBWG :: Volume #21

#2046: The demon star comes the human

This sends the appearance of woman blue, attracted the attention of most people, from the beginning the people do not care, but when she so with ease stands in Long Chen at present, suddenly Dream King and Xing Yue they have encircled gradually. 这个蓝发女人的出现,吸引了多数人的注意,一开始众人不怎么在意,但当她如此轻松就站在龙辰眼前的时候,一时间梦幻王星越他们都逐渐的围了上來。. Long Chen looks peacefully this winning smile looks sweet own Younger Brother their blue sends the female, present she makes Long Chen feel so strangely, therefore he cannot bear the protection. 龙辰安静看着这巧笑嫣然看着自己兄弟两人的蓝发女子,现在的她让龙辰感觉到如此的陌生,所以他心里忍不住防备。 Sends the woman to say with a smile blue sweet: What's wrong, for a long time has not met, you fear me.” 蓝发女人嫣然笑道:“怎么,这么长时间沒见面,你们怕我。” If she is only a woman of spirit of clan life, she is impossible to have such strength, therefore she affirmed that has the relations with Tragic Death City Lord. 她如果只是生命之灵一族的女人,她是不可能有如此力量的,所以她肯定和枉死城主有关系。 Long Chen brought Mo Xiao Lang to retrocede several steps, cold sound asked: Initially, you had to deceive my place, who you were.” 龙辰带着莫小狼后退了几步,冷声问道:“当初,你是不是有骗我的地方,你到底是谁。” Sends saying with a smile that the woman does not abstain from blue: I, I am...... You can understand are, I am another Tragic Death City Lord.” 蓝发女人毫不忌讳的笑道:“我呢,我是……你可以理解为,我是另外一个枉死城主。” Really does not stem from Long Chen to expect. 果然不出乎龙辰所料。 Initially had believed her words, but also thinks that she by Tragic Death City Lord persecution the spirit of life, has not actually thought that this person is true Tragic Death City Lord, moreover she already so fierce, then troubled...... 当初听信了她的话,还以为她只是被枉死城主迫害的生命之灵,却沒想到此人是真正的枉死城主,而且她已经如此厉害,这下麻烦了…… The brow of Long Chen deeply wrinkled, even if Chaos Star Lord takes him not to have idea, but this Tragic Death City Lord is different...... 龙辰的眉头深深皱了起來,就算是混沌星主都拿他沒辙,但这枉死城主可不一样啊…… Sees Long Chen to be so vigilant, woman throws smiles, said: Do not be worried that I was not initially that murder such as I of hemp, he is only my evil gloomy half, but I am his innermost feelings purest demon, I and he are two people, he died certainly, does not have any relations with me, therefore I will not ask you to trouble similarly, if not for you, I have not been able to be separated from his control.” 龙辰如此警惕,那女人扑哧一笑,道:“你别担心,我可不是当初那个杀人如麻的我,他只是我邪恶的阴森的一半,而我则是的他内心最纯净的魔,我和他是两个人,他已经死绝了,和我沒有任何的关系,所以我同样也不会找你麻烦,若不是你,我还无法脱离他的掌控呢。” Long Chen is unable to identify these words the genuine and fake, but if opposite party if original that Tragic Death City Lord, meets Long Chen, he should do everything possible to kill Long Chen is right, now looks like probably is well-meant, this makes him relax slightly, the surroundings have Xing Yue and the others to protect itself, therefore he too had not been worried. 龙辰无法辨认这句话的真假,但假若对方如果就是原來那个枉死城主,遇到龙辰的话,他应该会想尽办法将龙辰弄死才对,现在看起來却好像沒有恶意,这让他稍微松了一口气,周围也有星越等人保护自己,所以他还不太担心。 He asked earnestly: You look for us, behavior what.” 他认真问道:“你來找我们,所为何事。” Sends the female to attract to say blue: I thought you, see you to be inadequate, initially you hid in the middle of your god country for a long time.” 蓝发女子魅惑道:“我想你了,來见你不成吗,当初你可是将人家藏在你神国当中好久哦。” In the middle of the crystal ice coffin, she truly the piece wisp, is very charming, Long Chen is very familiar her body, but thinks that the opposite party and part of Tragic Death City Lord he is afraid, obviously she has other goals. 在水晶冰棺当中,她确实不着片缕,很是迷人,龙辰很熟悉她的身体,但一想到对方和枉死城主的一部分他就不寒而栗,显然她是有其他目的的。 Spoke frankly.” “直说吧。” Long Chen said. 龙辰道。 Sends the female to say blue: You have misunderstood the demon, perhaps was Tragic Death City Lord has given your poor impression, but your this Younger Brother Xiao Lang whether had shown to you, the demon was only one crowd was aloof the Heavenly Dao free man, I similarly was also, my this time, receives the order, must take away him, making him return to the middle of our Dajiayuan, returning to a nobody to discriminate against him, even can make him restore, turned into the topest demon the place.” 蓝发女子道:“你误会了魔,或许是枉死城主给了你不好的印象,但你这位兄弟小狼是否已经向你证明,魔只是一群超脱了天道的自由人,我同样也是,我这次來,是接到命令,要带走他,让他回到我们的大家园当中,回到一个沒人歧视他,甚至可以让他恢复,变成最顶尖的魔的地方。” This does not stem from the expectation of Long Chen...... 这也不出乎龙辰的预料…… He asked indifferently: Place that you said that is Demon Star.” 他冷眼问道:“你说的地方,是魔星吧。” Sends the female to say with a smile blue: You may be really intelligent, right, is Demon Star, that is our homelands, as it concerns us is in the world the most wonderful place, where making him go with me, he will enjoy biggest giving favored treatment, even the innumerable years later, he can become the demon leader, because of him and we, is a little different......” 蓝发女子笑道:“你可真聪明呢,沒错,就是魔星,那是我们的家园,对我们而言是世界上最美妙的地方,让他跟我去哪里,他将享受最大的优待,甚至在无数年后,他能成为魔的领袖,因为他和我们,又有一点不一样哦……” About the leader, she only told Long Chen in a soft voice them. 关于领袖,她是轻声只告诉龙辰两人的。 What Long Chen actually cares is another matter, the chaos Spiritual God marrow is so fearful, present Mo Xiao Lang is the weakest condition, Long Chen simply does not have the means to make him restore, does not know how to make him restore. 龙辰却更在乎的是另外一件事情,混沌神灵骨髓如此可怕,现在的莫小狼还是最虚弱的状态,龙辰根本沒有办法让他恢复,也不知道怎么让他恢复。 He asked seriously: You said that you can make him restore.” 他郑重问道:“你说,你们能让他恢复。” Sends the woman to say blue: Do not despise us, if not Eternal Dragon Emperor, Immortal God Domain already was our domains.” 蓝发女人道:“别小看我们,如果不是永恒龙帝,永生神域早就是我们的地盘了。” In the Long Chen heart shocks, this said that in the middle of Demon Star hides is enduring compared with the strength of world all living things, includes city of Five Great Dragon City and four big monster ancestors, Spirit Emperor wait / etc. peerless Expert. 龙辰心中震惊,这岂不是说,魔星当中藏着堪比天下众生的力量,其中还包括五大龙城、四大妖祖之城,灵皇等等绝世强者 He cannot believe that this sends the female blue, if had mistake to be unfair to Mo Xiao Lang, therefore he keeps off in Mo Xiao Lang at present, cold sound track: You have deceived me, I cannot believe words that you spoke, cannot give you him, you walk.” 他不能相信这蓝发女子,若是出了差错自己更加对不起莫小狼了,所以他挡在莫小狼眼前,冷声道:“你骗过我,我不能相信你说的话,更不能把他交给你,你走吧。” Sends the female not to be actually worried blue that she said with a smile lightly: But, you have asked his opinion, truly the one who makes the decision is he.” 蓝发女子却一点儿都不担心,她轻笑道:“可是,你问过他的意见吗,真正做决定的是他自己哦。” Long Chen is startled, he turns head with Mo Xiao Lang looking at each other, saw only the Mo Xiao Lang look to strengthen suddenly, he said: Elder Brother, what she said is real, Demon Star in summoning me, before being very long, started, they need me, already complied with most formidable existence that I accomplish into, on Demon Star has many fearful flame, prepares for me......” 龙辰一怔,他回头和莫小狼对视,只见莫小狼的眼神忽然坚定了起來,他道:“大哥,她说的是真的,魔星在召唤我,很久以前就开始了,他们需要我,也早就答应会把我造就成为的最强大的存在,魔星上有诸多可怕火焰,都是为我准备的……” This is also Mo Xiao Lang arrives at one of the Chaos Star Domain reasons, if has not had today's matter, he will not have the Demon Star thought that he discovered that he was too small and weak, particularly now, simply is the Long Chen burden. 这也是莫小狼來到这混乱星域的原因之一,如果沒有发生今天的事情,他也不会产生去魔星的念头,他发现自己还是太弱小了,尤其是现在,简直是龙辰的累赘。 I must am responsible for my life and choice, Elder Brother, please believe me, when I appear in your present that moment again, I ensure I original I, the sentiments of our Younger Brother, I to your gratitude and respect, will not have the slight change.” Mo Xiao Lang weak saying. “我得为自己的人生和抉择负责,大哥,请你相信我,当我再次出现在你眼前的那一刻,我保证我还是原來的我,我们的兄弟之情,我对你的感激和尊敬,不会有丝毫的变化。”莫小狼虚弱的说道。 Sent female giggled to smile blue, said: I said right, he and I are the same kind of people, therefore he understands that my idea, but you are not clear, not the clear person, cannot by to his good name, come about his life, during the demon is not you imagines such.” 蓝发女子咯咯笑了起來,道:“我说得对吧,他和我是同一类人,所以他明白我的想法,而你却不明白,不明白的人,就不能以对他好的名义,來左右他的人生,魔可不是你想象当中的那样。” Long Chen intertwined at heart very much, it seems like today the Mo Xiao Lang right and wrong walks may not. 龙辰心里纠结得很,看來今天莫小狼是非走不可了。 He clenches teeth, does not know that this decision, will accomplish what kind of result in the future, but a little he must acknowledge that is present, did not have any clue to make Mo Xiao Lang restore, if lets itself his, perhaps for a lifetime do not have the means that making him work as disabled person for a lifetime...... 他咬咬牙,不知道这一次的决定,将來又会造就怎样的结局,只是有一点他必须要承认,那就是如今的自己,还沒有任何的头绪能让莫小狼恢复,如果让他跟着自己,说不定自己一辈子都沒有办法,让他当一辈子的废人…… Brother Long Chen, Brother Xiao Lang will do very well.” Su Yan said in a soft voice. 龙辰哥哥,小狼哥哥会做得很好的。”素妍轻声说道。 Mo Xiao Lang also visits him by the vision of anticipation, he said: Demon Star, should be I best ownership, at least there can give me freely......” 莫小狼也以期待的目光看着他,他道:“魔星,应该是我最好的归属,至少那里能给我自由……” In Demon Star there, one said finally he will turn into peerless Expert, then in the middle of Immortal God Domain, nobody can control his life again. 魔星那里,终有一曰他会变成绝世强者,那么永生神域当中,再也沒人能够左右他的人生。 He is his innermost feelings biggest hope. 他是他内心最大的渴望。 Long Chen will certainly not believe him, now Mo Xiao Lang has definitely been able to control own strength, will not be separated from the control again, must blame only to blame initially Tragic Death City Lord to make Long Chen feel fearfully. 龙辰当然不会不相信他,如今莫小狼已经完全可以掌控自身的力量,不会再脱离掌控,要怪只怪当初枉死城主龙辰感觉到可怕吧。 Sends the woman to ridicule to say blue in a soft voice: Long Chen, to be honest, here, I have not given you today the decision-making the authority, no matter you promise or not me to take away him, says these many, to let you feel better.” 蓝发女人轻声揶揄道:“龙辰,说实话,今天來这里,我可沒有给你决策的权力,不管你答应与否我都会带走他,说这么多,也只是为了让你心里好受一些。” Here, she put out a hand toward Mo Xiao Lang, said: Xiao Lang, come, goes your home to go, there are many partners and Elder is waiting for you.” 说到这里,她朝着莫小狼伸出手,道:“小狼,來吧,回你的家去,有许多的伙伴和长辈都在等待着你呢。” Mo Xiao Lang is nipping the tooth, he can come to a stop reluctantly, is drawing Su Yan, an eye looks at Long Chen, is hard to give, but said finally: Elder Brother, takes care, how regardless of future, I to stand side you from beginning to end, my life, will only die in battle for you.” 莫小狼咬着牙齿,他勉强能站稳,拉着素妍,一双眼睛看着龙辰,难以割舍,但最终还是道:“大哥,保重,无论前途如何,我从始至终都站在你身边,我的命,只会为你战死。” Let alone these, persevere the conscience, do not let which day I for the decision regret that now says.” “别说这些,坚守本心,别让哪一天我会为今曰的决定后悔吧。” Long Chen has submitted, this is Mo Xiao Lang own decision, although is Elder Brother, but he has not limited his authority, moreover he does not know that this limit is a good deed. 龙辰还是屈服了,这是莫小狼自己的决定,虽然是大哥,但他沒有限制他的权力,而且他更不知道这种限制是不是一件好事。 Takes care.” “保重。” Mo Xiao Lang cannot bear be moved to tears. 莫小狼还是忍不住热泪盈眶。 Many separations, respective struggle, but at least so far, their Younger Brother friendship have not changed, instead is richer. 多少次的分离,各自奋斗,但至少目前为止,他们的兄弟情义沒有发生变化,反而更加浓郁。 Su Yan is definitely follows him, although she is not the demon, but does not matter. 素妍是肯定跟着他走的,虽然她不是魔,但都无所谓。 Person who surrounds is listening to all these, in heart panic-stricken, Demon Star has been very in their eyes mystical, as if had the innumerable time, not only mysterious but also fearful, here almost all people first time see the Demon Star person, the Chaos Star Domain ten big super stars most approach Demon Star, Demon Star ponders the star and Heaven Dragon Star to be scary compared with the life, therefore nobody prevents. 围观的人听着这一切,心中惊骇,魔星在他们眼中一直都十分神秘,似乎存在了无数的时光,不但神秘而且可怕,这里几乎所有人还是第一次看到魔星的人,混乱星域十大超级星球最靠近魔星,魔星比起命运神星、天龙星还要吓人,所以沒人阻止。 Moreover, this matter had not related with them. 而且,这件事本來也和他们沒有关系。 Long Chen also sobbed, no matter society has many tribulations, can have one person, they so to be utterly devoted, fights side-by-side, this perhaps is also a happiness. 龙辰也哽咽了,不管人世间有多少磨难,能有一人、两人如此肝胆相照,并肩作战到底,这或许也是一件幸福吧。 From Monster God Domain to the present, he has been in suspense Mo Xiao Lang, is Elder Brother he silently follows, feared that he has the accident, but said that now finally has to drop, making him go to the wanderer horizon, making him have own life. 妖神域到现在,他一直放心不下莫小狼,身为大哥他一路默默跟随,怕他出现意外,但今曰终于还是不得不放手,让他去闯荡天涯,让他拥有自己的生命。 All these are the good deeds. 这一切都是好事。 Long Chen has smiled, he has patted the shoulder of opposite party, said: Diligently, I extremely believe you well, he said meets by chance once again, we must compare notes well, you cannot leave uncultivated, making me fling to be too far.” 龙辰笑了,他拍了拍对方的肩膀,道:“好好努力,我万分相信你,他曰再度相逢,我们要好好切磋一下,你可不能荒废了,让我甩出太远。” Cannot.” “不会的。” The change of Long Chen expression, represented him to let loose truly, this made in the Mo Xiao Lang heart as if meet Gan Lin, was very neat. 龙辰表情的变化,代表着他真正放开了,这让莫小狼心中仿佛遇到了甘霖,十分清爽。 Injury, vanishes to disappear probably. 身上的伤势,也好像消失不见了。 Younger Brother, takes care.” 兄弟,保重。” Long Chen looks that sends the female to lead them blue, gradually escapes into the starry sky, his look is vacant, mutters said. 龙辰看着蓝发女子带着他们,逐渐遁入星空,他眼神茫然,喃喃说道。 Was right, thank you helps me feed Behead Divine Sword, although you are demon of swallowing Younger Brother, but is my thing, I can take.” “对了,谢谢你帮我喂养斩神剑,虽说你是吞噬之魔的兄弟,但属于我的东西,我一定会取走的哦。” Sends the female to be above the upper air blue, gentle voice song, this sound also only then Long Chen hears. 蓝发女子在高空之上,柔声细语,这声音也就只有龙辰听到。 Has a dream, is not your.” The Long Chen response said. “做梦,已经不是你的了。”龙辰回应道。 Replied his, sends the female giggled laughter blue, in a flash, she disappeared in the middle of the starry sky, Mo Xiao Lang was away from itself to be also getting more and more remote. 回答他的,是蓝发女子咯咯的笑声,转瞬之间,她就消失在星空当中,莫小狼距离自己也越來越遥远了。 Suddenly, in the sky has glittered a glimmer, the same thing flies toward Long Chen, Long Chen puts out a hand to catch, that is Star Rune, is Long Chen with Star Rune of Mo Xiao Lang relation, but Mo Xiao Lang has actually given back to itself. 忽然之间,天空上闪烁过一道微光,一样东西朝着龙辰飞來,龙辰伸手接住的,那是一面星符,是龙辰莫小狼联系的星符,但莫小狼却还给了自己。 Tells me, do not worry him again, returns to Dragon God Domain with single-hearted devotion , to continue my fight, he said that has the fate, definitely will meet.” “是告诉我,不要再牵挂他,专心回归龙神域,继续我自己的战斗,他曰有缘分,必然会相遇么。” Star Rune came back, then again also relation not on he. 星符回來了,那么再也联系不上他了。 Long Chen deeply breathes, then on development own fight. 龙辰深深呼吸一下,那么就开展自己的战斗吧。 Good son, when kills four directions greatly. 好男儿,当大杀四方。
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